Monday, March 31, 2014


Wenn du kleiner ekliger Satansbraten mit deiner potthässlichen Teeniebitch Flinty etwas antut und er morgen nicht wieder da ist, seid ihr dran. Ich werde euch schon finden hier in Beringen. Das Fleischermesser hab ich auch schon parat. Habe schon gehört wie ihr Samstag Nacht in unserem Garten rumgeschlichen seid als wieder mal die Strassenlampe ausgegangen ist. Das kennen wir ja schon. Ihr seid für den ganzen Folterterror verantwortlich, den wir die ganze Zeit ertragen mussten und dafür werde ich euch höchst persönlich aufschlitzen, wenn dieser kranke Psychoscheiss nicht augenblicklich aufhört. Und deine nervigen Rabensklaven könnt ihr auch gleich mit in die Hölle nehmen. Oder ihr bleibt einfach hier und könnt mit dem Rest der Teufelsschweiz untergehen, die all das zugelassen hat. Und ich mache schön den Abflug. Ohne euch alle. Nach mir die Sintflut.



Wenn ihr verdammten Schwarzmagiersatanistenarschlöcher nicht sofort meine Katze und Familie frei lässt, sind ab morgen ALLE Raben der Schweiz zum Abschuss frei gegeben. Eure Entscheidung wie immer. Aber hier kommt ihr lebend nicht mehr raus. Die Bombe ist ja in Flinty drin und wenn ihr ihn nicht raus rückt, sprengen wir ihn halt mit euch in die Luft. Wie ihr wollt. Jetzt weiss sowieso schon das halbe Dorf, dass hier Katzendiebe ihr Unwesen treiben.


Sie können Martin Werlen gerne ausrichten, dass wenn dieser Psychosatanistenterror nicht augenblicklich aufhört, ich persönlich bei ihm vorbei kommen und diese Sache beenden werde. Es ist seine Entscheidung aber offenbar hat er sich gegen den positiven Weg entschieden und muss nun auch mit den Konsequenzen klar kommen. Als Schwarzmagier dieses Kalibers muss ihm das bewusst gewesen sein. Er konnte nur verlieren. Sein "Unfall" damals und mein Brief waren seine letzten Warnungen und er hat sie leider nicht ernst genommen. Nun ist es zu spät und nichts kann sein Schicksal mehr ändern. Das gleiche gilt für den Vatikan und die katholische Kirche allgemein, die in Wirklichkeit den Teufel verherrlicht und rituellen Missbrauch betreibt, der das Leben von vielen Opfern über Generationen zerstört hat. Die Wahrheit wurde konsequent geleugnet, verdreht und alle Weisen durch die Inquisition vernichtet um die Bevölkerung im Dunkeln zu halten und zu versklaven. So, wie man es nun auch bei mir wieder mal versucht hat. Leider lebe ich noch und die Menschen wissen nun endlich Bescheid. Aber ich vermisse immer noch meinen Opferfreund JJ und erwarte, dass er SOFORT frei gelassen wird. Damit wäre alles gesagt.


So und jetzt habt ihr es geschafft..ich bin mit den Nerven und meiner Geduld am Ende..diese ewigen Folterqualen ertrage ich einfach nicht mehr..und jetzt, wo auch meine Katze bereits "verschwunden" und immer noch nicht aufgetaucht ist, habe ich wirklich keine Lust mehr auf gar nichts..ihr könnt mich alle mal..ihr seid für mich gestorben..ich werde jetzt noch ein letztes mal meine Forderungen stellen und wenn die nicht erfüllt werden, kann sich dieses ganze Land von diesem Spiel abmelden..dann geh ich alleine in den Himmel und ihr fahrt alle gediegen zur Hölle..genug ist genug..




Wenn meine Katze nicht augenblicklich wieder auftaucht, werde ich ALLE in die Luft sprengen. Wollt wohl wieder Beweise vernichten oder ihn für eure kranken Bomben- und Folterspielchen missbrauchen. Jetzt reichts ihr verpissten und gestörten Schweinehurenarschlöcher.




Sunday, March 30, 2014


Und natürlich hört und sieht man immer noch nichts von meinen Liebsten..erfahrungsgemäss wird da auch nichts passieren..dieses Egoland kann man abschreiben..ich werde schon eine Waffe auftreiben..und sonst halte ich mir die dann einfach selber an den Kopf und drücke ab..dann ist in diesem gottlosen Westsaustall wenigstens endlich mal muss aufhören..ich schaue diesem Irrenhauszirkus nicht mehr lange zu..und wenn hier sonst keiner den Mut hat, mache ich halt auch das noch selber..bleibt ja nichts anderes übrig..schon traurig..ich finde euch immer primitiver und will am liebsten bald gar nichts mehr mit Affentiermenschen zu tun haben..da löschts einem doch ab..



Ich bin müde..vergangen ist es mir schon lange..Hölle auf Erden könnt ihr behalten..und diese Krötenarmee sowieso..wenn ich noch einmal so einen Schrumpfkrüppelkopf sehe, kotze oder explodiere ich..ich gehe dann wohl bald mal nach Hause..habe irgendwie plötzlich so gar keine Lust mehr auf dieses komische Spiel, das ihr hier spielt..die wahre und ewige Realität gefällt mir da schon einiges besser..dort, wo die Liebe und das Licht her kommen..wieso noch länger warten..mir gefällt es hier nicht mehr..das müsste ganz anders laufen alles..macht doch alleine weiter..ich gehe lieber auf ein neues und schönes Spielfeld..wo die Mitwesen wissen, wie man lebt und liebt..die Natur und ihre Gesetze euch macht es so einfach keinen Spass mehr..ihr stinkt, seid laut, langweilig und geht eigentlich allen nur noch auf den Sack..da such ich mir lieber ein angenehmeres Plätzchen im Universum..war ja ganz kurz schnell mal nett hier danke..





Saturday, March 29, 2014


Ihr lasst jetzt sofort meinen Freund, meinen Bruder und meine Mutter frei und bringt sie in Sicherheit vor diesen Monsterbestien. Oder ich werde mein Killerprogramm aktivieren und mich auf meine letzte Amoktour begeben. Die Zeit ist schon lange abgelaufen und der Gnädinger hat nun auch keine Geduld mehr mit kranken Nazipsychos auf die langsame Vernichtung zu warten nur damit ihr noch genug Zeit habt um euch hier einzudecken und verstecken bevor es los geht. Das könnt ihr schön vergessen. Dieses Spiel läuft anders. Alle müssen ihre Bedürfnisse befriedigen können und sonst kriegt hier gar keiner irgendwas. So sowieso nicht. Da werden euch eure unterirdischen Bunkerlöcher auch nichts mehr nützen. Ich komme da schon irgendwie runter keine Angst. Jetzt ist fertig Schluss, Sense und aus mit diesem verdammten Psychodreck hier. Mir langts. Ich kann meine liebevolle und gewaltlose Seite ohne Probleme mit einer tödlichen Horrormaske ersetzen. Ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. Das habt ihr aus mir gemacht und jetzt kriegt ihr die Quittung. So schnell kann es gehen. Oje.



Sometimes silence is the best answer..but still tells it all..stop the lies and games that destroy us..the secret needs no more protection..i forgive and love you..the last hope came and changed the world..forever your hero-büsi..they will protect and save you dont worry..we know the truth and own both worlds now..we will all soon be reunited in heaven..God is real and our eternal friend..there is no end to his power and love for us..our souls live on forever in his light..we are the bravest and strongest hearts ever existed..and they shouldnt let us suffer any longer..enough is enough..if i have to keep watching my loved ones being tortured and abused in forced silence i cannot hold myself back limit is reached..and i will end it all together at the same time if there is no other possibility for us to get free and happy..then death is our only and best way to get out of this hellish reality..there is always another way..but i cannot make it without the help of you all..and will still be the only one who can end the pain of our heart-hero-family..which ive been trained and programmed for..the two sides of the coin..there can only be one on top..and a concious decision will be order to prevent more damage and deception..



You & I - we don't want to die
no, we wish to be born
A bluer sky - from darkness our souls fly
for night a new morn
You & I - we don't want to cry
no, we wish to be loved
We will try - from pain we must pass by
to sail above
We are children of light
on this journey tonight
to reach a new star
We soar ever higher
our souls never tire
no matter how far
... no matter how far ...
You & I wish to be born today ...
You & I

Without going into all the scientific detail, when you consume this mono-atomic gold by mouth or injection, it increases the current carrying capacity of the nervous system by ten thousand times. This would allow a person to process fantastic amounts of information like a super computer and when enough has been absorbed it would allow them to consciously move through other dimensions and shapeshift because suddenly the brain is activated to open those vast areas that we do not use in today's world. It aligns the brain cells so they all start talking to each other again. More than that, if you consume enough of this mono-atomic gold your physical body would become luminous, I'm told, so explaining the ancient accounts of the reptilian gods and children of the gods who "shone like the Sun". Mono-atomic gold can be made from regular gold and it can be processed from certain ores, many of which are found in places like Arizona in the United States. This, I suggest, is the true meaning of the references to gold and gold mining in the Sumerian Tablets and not literally mining for normal gold, unless that was done to create the mono-atomic variety.
This substance gave - gives - the reptilians amazing abilities to process information and shapeshift because of the staggering amounts of energy they can hold and process. I am sure the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and Phoenicians etc. used this, or more accurately, their ruling elite did, thus giving them a mental potential denied the general population. The same continues today. This was one of the big secrets held within the Mystery Schools and passed on into the top levels of the modern secret society network. Mono-atomic gold also has unbelievable healing properties in that it aligns the cells to carry phenomenal amounts of light energy, thus dispersing the blockages and imbalances we call disease or illness.

The ability to think seems to set us apart from other creatures. And although we are concerned with living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood, we get depressed or elated -- all of it is thought. But the universe is mental too, and if we could control our thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday world. Many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our thoughts. A great amount of dogma too has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a 'k') is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Magick encompasses many things -- science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magick is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzel of life into a meaningful whole.
- Magick is fun and interesting. Use magick to help raise consciousness without drugs. Gain new experiences. Fantasy can come alive through magick. Psychic phenomena can be controlled and be fun and helpful.
- Magick is beneficial. It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magick life runs smoothly; life is good. Also use magick for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.
- Magick is powerful. Never underestimate the tremendous power of magick. Use magick to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But power for its own sake is self defeating. The power which magick can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Yet, there is a separate reality within each of us which is often ignored unless we seek it. This inner self is in magick called the 'true will'. The true will is the center of consciousness and identity. It is the 'real you'. Everything else is an interface or link to it from the outer (illusory) world. Since that interface is based upon our model, it is conditoned and may sometimes produce false information. 'Do what thou wilt' (Crowley) is an axiom of magick; for the true will expresses our exact desires. And what we truly want ('down deep') we tend to automatically get. This isn't always in our best interests, since the true will can be conditioned (tricked) by the illusion; and then we might desire and obtain that which is not ultimately good for us. (Karma strikes again!) The task of the magician therefor is to awaken his awareneess of the true will, to be free of conditioning, and thereby to transcend maya.

There is no great secret to changing behavior or habits. It is largely a matter of determination. It requires that you ignore the 'pull' of the model when you strive for changes within yourself. The model is, after all, a collection of 'habits', some of which must be unlearned for permananent change to occur. There are two ways to do this: direct, through will power and awareness alone -- observing and acting out in an unattached or indifferent manner; and indirect -- through conditioning such as affirmation, self-hypnosis, and magick. Meditation may help too, by relaxing tension and conflict. Emotions follow physical expression: smile and act happy and you will tend to feel and be happy. The same is also true for other emotions. Also, emotions can be purposely used (or programed) to replace other emotions. Using this technique, a magician is somewhat like an actor in that he learns how to turn his emotions on and off at will. Note that this is not 'fakeing it'; the magician is probably more in touch with his true feelings than most people. And for these reasons we say that happiness is being happy.

Magick always involves self-hypnosis. However, it is more than that too. For one thing, there are objective forces involved (or so it would seem). Deities, spirits, and cosmic force can have an independent existence. And the repetitive physical movement sometimes involved in ritual can itself generate PK force. On the other hand, it could be argued that all of this is subjective to the magician. Perhaps all magical effects could be produced through hypnosis alone. But the effects are certainly real. Great complexity is not necessary in magick. Although basicly magick is a medieval system of symbolism (in a modern context), any cosmological system will work from Cabala to Star Wars. We usually use the medieval one in magick because it is convenient and traditional, and because it seems to fit our thought processes well. What really matters is that the model of the magician be understood and programmed, and thus that the model and the cosmological system do correspond.

Personal magick' is that magick used to affect the self; often involving affirmation, self-suggestion, and self-hypnosis. 'Active magick' is outer directed magick (as in PK) used to affect someone or thing, or to bring about an event. 'Passive magick' is to be affected (as in ESP) by an outside non-physical cause. Everyone possesses some magical (and psychic) potential. Some are especially gifted. Usually people are better at one kind of magick (ie. active or passive) than they are at the other kind; only rarely does an individual excell at both. Traning and practice will, of course, improve ability somewhat. Although the forces of magick are neutral, various systems may take on the qualities of good and evil. There is so-called white magick or good magick, black magick or evil magick, and gray magick between them. When many people refer to white magick they mean magick for unselfish purposes, also healing and mental influence with specific permission. By black magick they refer to magick for self-interest and healing *without* specific permission. Using magick to forcefully control another's will is, in a sense, black magick too. There are also some people on the occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are, 'Satanists', devil worshipers, or black magicians. These people are most likely charlatans, hoaxters, dablers, or merely misinformed. They may be attracted by the 'art' of black magick, or even by the 'glamor' of doing something against the 'rules'. But a real black magician is very dangerous. Because he has dedicated his life to evil. We usually think of 'white magick' as having *unselfish intent*, and (in the extreme case) of 'black magick' as being actual Satan worship, human or animal sacrifice, dangerous unconventional magical practices, and other bizarre stuff as makes a nightmare. It is all a matter of degree. Most mild self-interest magick (one of the most common kinds) would be called 'gray'. Better terms may be *constructive magick* as being beneficial; and *aversive magick* as magick intended to work against the natural order, and to tear down. There is also the *high magick* of spiritual alchemy (ie. spiritual growth), also known as 'the Great Work'; and conversely there is 'low magick' which is concerned with materiality. Any magick act is likely to produce side effects regardless of whether or not the desired result is achieved. Such side effects are no problem for constructive magick, since they are benificial as well. However, aversive magick can produce aversive side effects which may even harm the magician -- aversive magick is dangerous!

Whenever we concentrate our thoughts, we draw psychic energy together. This is called a thoughtform. Usually the energy dissipates as soon as we break the concentration, but it is possible to purposely concentrate energy in this way, producing very strong thoughtforms. Such thoughtforms are vortexes or centers of psychic energy. They can exist as entities by themselves, at least for a while. They are basically inanimate, non-thinking forces. Talking to one is about as logical as talking to a chair. In this way, thoughtforms are similar to elementals, ghosts, and spirits. All of these psychic entities consist of a psychic energy vortex which could be described as a localized field or as a discontinuity of the physical world. Psychic entities respond to certain electrostatic and magnetic fields, and to other energy vortexes. That is why they respond to magick ritual. Someday, we may accomplish the same thing with electronic machines. Psychic entities are sometimes able to affect our thought processes. Thoughtforms, elementals, and ghosts are usually not very smart. If they display any intelligence at all, it is limited. They are the morons of the spirit world. Their behavior is usually automatic, repetitive, robot-like (just like some people). We see that artificial elementals are little more than astral robots. Spirits and deities are more intelligent and volitional.

When you want to magically achieve something, first picture it clearly in your mind. The more deffinite and specific your idea of what it is the better. Picture yourself having it or doing it. Visualize it as vividly and as intensely as you can and hold it in your thoughts for a few moments. Concentrate on it intensely (it may help to hold your breath). Feel the energy of desire welling up inside you. Then suddenly feel the image or desire released from your mind. Feel the energy filtering through the image and intensifying it, as if the image is a 'stencil'. Imagine the energy exploding out from you into the macrocosm in all directions at once, and feel the universe 'tilt' as it reacts to the force. (At the same time it may help to release your breath suddenly). Feel the energy draining from you. Finally, *believe* that your purpose *has* been accomplished; that it HAS HAPPENED, perhaps saying something such as "so mote it be", or "it is done".

Often an important part of formal ritual is the magick circle. Medieval magicians considered the circle essential, and placed great emphasis upon its exactness. Elaborate designs were invented with many layers of complex symbols and words. It was very important that the circle be completely intact with no breaks in it. The magician and any other participants stand in the circle during ritual. Today, circles are made on the floor with chalk or paint, rock salt, or a rope. Whatever its form, the circle is still an important part of magical protection for the magician. This is especially important for aversive entities and purposes. The circle also helps in focusing the energy of the ritual toward its purpose, that is, it keeps it contained until the magician is ready to release it. Of course, the magick circle is basicly only a symbol, but it may eventually be possible to supplement the circle with electronic equipment for a similar purpose.

During mental projection and astral projection you are able to travel through solid objects, but are not able to act directly upon them or to move them (if they are in the physical world). This is not true during etheric projection. Whether it is simply subconscious expectation, or whether it is a true etheric projection which in theory means that part of your physical body has been relocated with your projection (the etheric or vital part) may be difficult to determine. Etheric projections generally travel at or very near the physical world. There are even cases reported (very, very rare ones) in which the entire physical body is transferred to another location (teleportation), or cases in which the physical body exists and acts in two separate places at once (bilocation)!

The astral world is the "ghostland" into which one passes after death. It is sometimes possible to visit with the dead, or you might be called upon to reassure and assist those who have just passed over (died) or those who are consciously projecting for the first time. Many spirits, elementals and ghosts exist in the astral world. The magician should feel comfortable there. Tibetan belief is that through proficiency in OOBE, you no longer need reincarnate after death. The astral world is extremely changeable and subject to your thoughts. Your will can control your movements in the astral world, and if you seem to be going somewhere non-volitionally ('astral current') it is probably your true will causing it anyway. You might also experience heightened magical ability while in the astral realm.

SINS, especially the grosser vices, are “works of darkness.” They delight in concealment. They are not fit to be seen. They flourish in the darkness of the unrenewed heart. They are most fully maintained in the ignorance of a soul that is without the knowledge of the ever-blessed God. They are also works of darkness because those who follow them have a sad life of it, after all—they are not only dark as to knowledge, but they are dark as to comfort as well! There is no true light, no real joy in sin. “The wages of sin is death.” And they are works of darkness, too, because they tend to further darkness—the man who pursues them goes from blackness to a deeper blackness—and in the end his portion will be darkness unbroken by a ray of hope, “the blackness of darkness forever.” You know that darkness stands for the powers of evil, as light is the fit emblem of the holiness of God and of His Infinite goodness and purifying Grace. Well, now, whether we, who are the children of light, are busy or not, it is quite certain that children of darkness work! They are always working—there is no cessation in their activity. Master Latimer used to say that the most diligent bishop in England was the devil, for whoever did not visit his diocese, the devil was always visiting his people! His plow never rusts in the furrow, his sword never rests in its scabbard. The powers of darkness cannot be blamed for their slothfulness—is there ever a moment in which they are not busy and active? Luke warmness never steals over the powers of darkness! The work of the night goes on horribly, there is no pause to it and, therefore, let us who are of the day work, too! God help us to counteract the working of the silent, hidden leaven of sin by our own struggling to produce in the world a better tone of thought and feeling and, by spreading the knowledge of God’s Grace and everything which will increase reverence to God and love to men!

But we are also to try to let the sinners, themselves, see the sinfulness of their sin, to let the Light in upon the sin and, by God’s Grace, so to reprove them as to convict them of sin—to make them feel, from the testimony of God’s people, that sin is an evil and a bitter thing—and that their course of conduct is that evil thing. The Light of God has come into the world on purpose that the darkness may know that it is darkness and that God’s Light may overcome and disperse it. We are not to quench our Light and mingle with others who are in the dark, but to unveil our lamps and let the Light that is in them so shine that the darkness shall thereby be reproved! I do not say, Brothers and Sisters, that we are to go through the world wearing surly faces, looking grim as death, perpetually promulgating the Law of God and saying, “You shall not do this and you shall not do that.” But, cheerful as we must be with the Love of God in our hearts, we shall prove to men that the freest and the happiest life is a life of holiness, a life of consecration to God and that, together with the faithful testimony of our lips, shall be a reproving of the sin that is in the world. The very existence of a true Believer is the reproof of unbelief! The existence of an honest man is the reproof of knavery! The existence of a godly man is the best reproof of ungodliness! But when that existence is backed up by verbal testimony and by a consistent example, then the command in the text is fulfilled, for we are reproving the unfruitful works of darkness.


Isnt it fascinating how the truth always finds its matching ends and conclusions..even in the confusing awakening-storms of a changing planet..closing the circles over and over..showing a clearer and stronger picture with each step of revelation..building up profound knowledge and increasing power..led and expressed by a passionate and infinite heart of light..dedicated to the divine forces and higher will..picking up the pieces of our broken and crushed dreams..putting them together and in the right places share and realize them in united faith and active collaboration..and let the most wonderful visions become real all for all..


Milabs are legitimate alien abductees who are trained by elements of the deep black military to perform specific tasks. Some milabs have developed a dissociative ability because of childhood abuse or some other trauma. This dissociative ability is exploited by the milab controllers oftentimes in horrible and sadistic ways. Coercive manipulative techniques such as Behavior Modification and Mind Control are utilized on milabs to prepare them for use by their military controllers. Milabs can be used in a variety of ways. Milabs can be divided into various categories based on the manner in which they are used. Regardless of the category milabs are in, they can all be brought together for mass examinations, inoculations, training and for other reasons when necessary.

In all likelihood milabs have some kind of genetic marker that identifies them as legitimate alien abductees. This notion is but tressed by the fact that alien abductees who have served in the armed forces have described mind control, medical experimentation and other coercive measures perpetrated upon them during their stints in the military. They have also described being utilized in covert operations while in a mind controlled state. Some of them have been shown advanced technology and have witnessed non-human life forms in underground and above ground installations.

Externally imposed amnesia and selective memory erasure utilizing narco-hynosis and other methods have been applied to these active duty military abductees by their controllers to make them forget the experiences. Sometimes they are treated by psychologist during their stint in the military. Even after their stint in the military is over, some milabs may be treated by military doctors and military psychologists as Veterans Administration outpatients. This is done to ensure the milab does not recover any memories. In the event they do, they can be quickly manipulated to forget the experiences. Many of these milabs continue to be used in deep black ops long after their service in the military has ended. On the other hand, there are those milabs who have never served a day in the military but are kept under constant monitoring and surveillance just the same. Some civilian milabs have been conditioned by their military controllers to train for and obtain employment in occupations that require a high degree of physical conditioning and knowledge of medicine, field craft and fire science. This prepares them for some of the physical hardships they will undergo during milab training and the possible life or death scenarios they may find themselves in as milab operatives. Many milabs have been shown futuristic visions of a coming apocalypse or cataclysmic series of events on the surface. These possible futuristic events run the gamut from civil unrest, all out urban warfare involving foreign troops, germ warfare, natural disasters, and missile attacks. Escape and evasion training is routinely given to many milabs. Leadership training and group survival skills are also taught to milabs with an emphasison decision making under duress.

Previous members of the military made a grave mistake when they hid the reality of aliens from the people of earth. That mistake has been continued. That mistake could endanger the future of humanity forever. It is time to remedy this situation before it is too late. This battle against predatory species cannot be won by military might and technology alone. By now you know that this scenario involves energies and technology beyond your wildest imagination. These predatory species, their technology and those humans that voluntarily serve them, can only be defeated by harnessing the cumulative might of the metaphysical and spiritual powers, as well as the intelligence, of the people of earth.

That is why, by subversive means, they have influenced the systems of earth to do all in their power to keep people enslaved. This includes:
- Keeping knowledge of their existence and their evil intentions hidden, until it is too late.
- Vaccinating people, which damages their metaphysical abilities.
- Genetically modified foods and nanotechnology which damage the DNA of the body, so that metaphysical abilities and reproduction are destroyed.
- Fluoride which damages the pineal gland, necessary for metaphysical abilities.
- Numerous toxins to damage the body.
- Lack of information of spiritual power and metaphysical abilities, so that powerful metapsychics do not develop their powers.

Synergy is where 1 + 1 equals 3, or 4, or 5 or ...on forever. The synergy of the power of the people of earth to rid earth of alien parasites is infinite, IF you realize that this is your ultimate weapon. But in order for it to be successful, you have to let go of control of all of the knowledge you have about aliens. You must also admit to past errors. A mistake is a sin only when not admitted. Please remedy the mistakes of the past while we still have time.

You will only get miracles when you employ ethical, sane metapsychics who are conscious of what they are doing, retain their memories, are reimbursed generously for their work and are not put under the extra stress of mind control, alien drugs etc. Time is running out. All governments of all countries need to:
1) Release all of the true information concerning alien invasion of this planet.
2) Release the true information concerning the ancient things found upon the moon and mars.
3) Release the true information concerning government developed advanced technology and its use in establishing off planet projects.
4) Release the true information concerning electronic medicine so long suppressed and allow people to be healed of terrible degenerative diseases.
5) Stop the vaccinations, which kill us and destroy our metaphysical abilities.
6) Stop the GMO foods, which sterilize people after 2 generations. These “foods” will end civilization and you will not have anything to defend.
7) Stop the use of nanotechnology in food.
8) Stop the MSG, Aspartame and Excitotoxins that brain damage us and kill us. These chemicals are poisoning your soldiers.
9) Stop mind controlling and abducting people with metaphysical abilities.
10) Openly recruit and employ with generous remuneration sane, ethical metaphysically gifted people to fight these predatory species.
11) Punish and eliminate the corporations that prey upon the population, and that help predatory species enslave us.
12) Remove Christians from the “terrorist” list. They are not your enemy. They are the enemy of the predatory species.
Know that if you do the above, the people of earth will find ways to help you rid earth of alien parasites, by working in the spiritual and metaphysical realms in ways that you cannot possibly imagine.

When you begin to engage in spiritual warfare against the enemy, they will pull out all the stops in attacking you. They may use witchcraft, black magic, different types of psychic and remote viewing attack and radionics, psychotronics and psionics attacks against you. Sometimes you won’t even know the name of what they are doing. Spiritual warfare is the act of engaging in battle against the enemy: breaking curses, spells and psychic prayers, binding the demons and entities that are attacking, loosing the angels of God into battle, praying for angelic protection, among others. Deliverance is the casting out of demons from a person or object. ALL of these ways of warfare require power and authority from God Himself. The ONLY known way to obtain the required power and authority to defeat the enemy and to stop the abductions of you and your family is to accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. When you take that first step of faith, you immediately leave the jurisdiction of "Satan, the god of this world" and enter into the kingdom of God Almighty. You are drafted into the army of God and are given power and authority over the enemy. From that moment forward you are expected to fight the enemy and to fulfil God’s plan in your life while on earth. You are assured of eternal life when your days are done.

When you are being attacked by those trapped in the occult, remember that they are not your enemy. These are human beings, with families, that also have wants and needs and that love, just like you do. They are trapped and ensnared in things that they never knew existed and by the time they learned, it was too late. Many of these people were born into families where they have been abused and/or subjected to mind control since early childhood. All practitioners of the occult suffer from soul fragmentation. After participation in their first initiation, their soul is fragmented and they aren’t quite the same person as they were before that procedure. After each ritual less and less of the original soul remains and more and more of the enemy takes hold upon them. God wants these people to be freed, just like He is freeing you. Your enemies are the entities that influence and control these occultists, whether grey alien, reptilian, draconian, demon, power, principality, world ruler or any other demon or life form.
Occultists are a dime a dozen. Satanist, Wicca witch, Druid witch, Freemason or any member of any secret society or secret church, it doesn’t matter. The demonic hierarchy is constantly recruiting new members and burning out and sacrificing old ones. Do not worry about their numbers. Just pray for whomever God puts in your path. Occultists never win - You should be encouraged to remember that those who practice the occult arts to kill, hurt, influence or control others can never be victorious. Occult power comes from the demonic world and is limited in strength. An individual practitioner derives power and influence from the number and rank of demonic spirits that have come into them by way of casting spells, performing rituals and direct conjuring of demons. During this learning period soul fragmentation gets worse and as time goes on very little of the original human being remains. This is true whether a person is born into an occult surrounding or whether they are trained by occult books and the demons contained within them. An individual human body can only be subject to a certain amount of this abuse before it begins to break down and various diseases appear. By the time the practitioner realizes what is happening, it is too late. As time goes on they require more and more life force energy to keep the demons at bay. They are forced to steal this energy from other beings (animal and human) by the use of sex, ritual and sacrifice. High-level initiates frequently utilize the techniques related to tantra yoga to steal energy from children during ritual. Eventually the practitioner is unable to obtain enough energy and they are taken over completely or destroyed. The occultist has only two choices. They can attack you and they will be defeated and probably damaged in the fight. Or they can ignore you and search for easier prey. Also remember that you are soldier and it is your job to do whatever God tells you, nothing else. It is not your job to save the world by yourself or to compare yourself with any other person. Stay on your path. Learn and study and God will put you to work. In contrast to the occultist, the life of the believer in The Lord Jesus Christ has no such limitations or problems. Because of the shed blood of Jesus, the believer is spiritually at the same level as the creator of the universe Himself! No enemy of any kind can ever defeat the believer. Every enemy of Jesus Christ was defeated when Jesus was resurrected over 2000 years ago. These enemies of Jesus Christ are just living on borrowed time. It is clear to me that God gives his children complete victory over the enemy’s attacks even so far as changing the very structure of space-time itself so that the enemy’s devices will be brought to nothing. All we have to do is put the world behind us, stand forward, have faith in our Lord and determination in ourselves. Always remember that by praying for the enemy and helping turn them away from the dark side, you do massive damage to the kingdom of Satan. The results echo throughout the kingdom of darkness and do much to undermine Satan’s authority and power.

Alien abductions have been increasing rapidly over the past few decades. The negative aliens are responsible for most of the abductions on this planet. Hundreds of thousands of people are being abducted against their will. Painful experiments are being performed on them. Devices are being implanted into humans for tracking and/or mind control and possible other unknown reasons. Sperm or eggs are being extracted from some of these abductees and human/alien components are being used to create hybrid children.

An alien abduction is the negative act of paralyzing a person and taking them against their free will; causing fear and harm, performing painful experiments, not allowing some to remember the actual experience and even implanting devices and memories in the abductee to block them from remembering the horrific experience. Many alien abductors tell abductees that they made an agreement to be abducted before they came to this planet. Even if this is true, what they don’t tell abductees is that they have the right to break the agreement and stop what is happening.

The following is a general description of the negative abducting alien beings:
- Mantis
The mantises are named after Earth’s praying mantis because of their insect-like appearance. According to our sources, some of the mantis alien race are here experimenting on humans.
- Grays
The grays are from the Orion system. They are usually between three to five feet tall with a large head and large black eyes. Their lips, nose and ears are not very pronounced. Their bodies are usually very slender with long, thin arms and legs. As far as we know, communication is done telepathically. Our alien contacts say that as far as the grays are concerned, the grays believe that the planet belongs to them. About 90% of the other alien races are in agreement with the previous statement and respect the grays not because they are positive but because of the power and technology they have. The grays came to planet Earth under the influence of the reptilians in the early 1880’s because the reptilians gave the grays some of their technology in exchange for which the grays agreed to do some work for them. Most of the grays that are on the planet destroyed their own planet by mismanagement; they are technologically advanced with no spirituality. They are playing God when they create and destroy at will. The abducting grays are creating the alien/human hybrids for several possible scenarios, one being they want an army they can have complete control over. Being half-human gives the hybrids the strength and physical stamina that they need to fight... to make war... to take over.
- Reptilians
The reptilians are snake-like in appearance. They stand upright between six to eight feet tall. They are varying shades of color from green to tan and have scaly skin. They have yellow to gold eyes with vertical slits like snakes. They are very strong and muscular in stature. The reptilians are physically more powerful than the grays and don’t have as large a presence on Earth; they don’t need to because the grays do most of the dirty work. The reptilians have been on Earth many times. Their first contact with Earth was 110,000 years ago. They left and came back about 27,000 years ago. They left again because the planet had nothing they could use. They became very interested again with this planet about 10,000 years ago and did stay for a while because the change in life forms on Earth piqued their interest. They stayed for a while and tampered with human’s DNA by inserting their gene in our gene pool, then they left again. There were serious repercussions for mixing the genes of humans and aliens namely; the beginning of negative humans and God was angry!
The shadow beings are dark shadow-like figures that may be seen head on or more commonly through one’s peripheral vision. Shadow beings are shape shifters who do so for deception. They have been known to take the shape of a cat, a huge spider, a streak, a cloud, a ghost-like figure with no neck and a male wearing a cape and a hat with a wide brim and flat crown (Spanish style). The shadow beings made a pact with the abducting grays and reptilians to work together on this planet. The shadows are the most evil and powerful of the negative beings and they have dominion over all negative aliens. Shadow beings are what is known as demons or devils and are under the command of Satan and Lucifer.
- Satan
Satan, who works under Lucifer, is a commander of negative entities. He is an adversary to God and Jesus The Christ. His mission on Earth is to deceive and influence souls to fall to the dark side. Our extraterrestrial contacts use the term satan to describe the negative beings that are working for their own agenda against the forces of Light. Their job is to cause chaos, destruction, fear and confusion. They have no qualms about breaking God’s Universal Law of Non-Interference.

Each one of us has been given a gift from God. It is that spark of light in all of us, God's light. This light is a protective shield from negativity. To find this light one must reach inside themselves, believe in it, and mentally expand it out from the heart. To use the light effectively, one should practice using it often throughout the day. The way to practice using the light is by imagining oneself in a "bubble" of light. Then stretch it out to include those we love. One can stretch out the “bubble of light as far out as one can imagine. Realize that we can send out the light to protect those around us, but it is each one's choice to accept or to reject the light. If one uses the light with the proper motivation, always keeping in mind that it is a God-given ability, nothing in this universe can penetrate it. Negative things will try to penetrate it from time to time, just waiting for us to let our guards down. The more one uses the light, the stronger it becomes. If done properly one can almost see the bubble of light, and one can definitely feel when it is sent out correctly, with love.

Balance is a characteristic needed to refuse abduction. Balance is also very useful in identifying an attempted abduction and having the conviction that you have the right to say "NO!" The first part of balance is to know yourself well enough to recognize when and how you become unbalanced. Recognizing this helps one against negative alien intrusion. The next part is to make a plan to change the actions that lead to a state of unbalance. Realize that change cannot occur unless you first realize you have a problem and then think about how to solve the problem. The first step of thinking about what causes unbalance, means you have to figure out which traps such as: TV, books, sleep, sex, alcohol, drugs, infatuation, etc., which distractions such as: hobbies, family, spouse, children, grandchildren, sports, surfing the net, etc. or which "hot button" items like: road rage, teasing, politics, religion, etc. cause you to slam from calm and centered to unbalanced. By thinking, daily, about what causes unbalance and then discussing it with a trusted friend, you will be able to identify areas that need work. Realize there is no quitting of old habits "cold turkey"; the change will be gradual but will happen with persistence. It helps to look at your own life and compare where you are today spiritually to where you were in the past and then compare where you are today to where you would like to be in the future. One visible sign of change could be a calmer demeanor. You may be less likely to be drawn into argumentative "hot button" issues as in the past. Compassion for others will increase as you witness the struggles others have to make to succeed. You may have a hard time letting go of old thought patterns but realize that God is not finished with anybody yet. Also, please avoid taking someone else's karma as your own, and allow them to make their own choices and reap the consequences. You can warn others about the bad aliens and encourage them to refuse abductions, however if they choose to leave themselves open to negative experiences, it is their free will choice.

Targeting, be it from aliens, interdimensionals, hybrids or what not is a huge subject, and I’m not able to dissect it in-depth due to space constraints. But generally speaking, the targeting of Man has probably been going on for eons. However there seems to have been a surge of....interactions you could call them, with non-human intelligences increasing since the mid-20th century. For those who live in the United States there is a conspiracy theory that says the U.S. government sold out the American people back in the 1940s to these non-human intelligences in exchange for power and technology. They basically gave permission to these beings to abduct members of the American civilian population, with the understanding that the government would get something in return from it, and that they would be in the loop as to who was being taken. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but it does seem a little strange that there are a disproportionate number of “Gray alien” abductions happening in the United States versus other areas of the world.

Then there are the Satanic groups who abuse people in their rituals, with injuries, rape and outright killing. It still needs to be mentioned though as it’s one of those reasons why some people have very unusual lives and why they’ve gotten on the radar for targeting. Many ritual abuse targets have reported that they live in what outwardly seems to be upstanding families, but yet who belong to these groups in secret, and grew up having to participate in the various rituals where they were injured, raped, forced to engage in traumatizing behavior and forced to witness the ritual killings of animals, babies, children or adults. Frequent childhood sickness and anomalous injuries on the body may have followed them through their life as they live this double existence. This “double life” may be compartmentalized in the brain, creating split off alternate personas, ie, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder. I’ve read of targets who’ve left or gotten away from these groups but who then find themselves on the receiving end of ongoing monitoring and harassment, due to their earlier (usually unwitting) involvement with it all.
The idea of Satanic groups performing rituals is controversial, and by controversial it means that things become a back and forth finger pointing, “he-said she-said” between those who claim to be victims and former members of these groups, and so-called experts denying that such a thing is possible, coming across to me as if they’re merely trying to impose damage control. For me though, common sense says that it’s not possible for so many people all over the world to be lying, fabricating hysterical stories that often times match up in their details. Yes, some may indeed be hoaxes and power-of-suggestion hysteria. But......I don’t think they all can be.
I’ve always found this subject fascinating, specifically when it involves claims of high up people in charge of things in our world being involved in these sorts of unsavory activities. Everything about the way this world functions is a negative mess, and any alert, awake person has to wonder why that is. Well, this subject seems to be that missing puzzle piece. Suddenly so many things about all aspects of this world make a lot more sense when viewed through the lens of “serving dark forces.”

"Gang stalking, according to people’s accounts, involves an organized group of people who have been recruited to go after various individuals in the world. Victims of targeting are said to involve a myriad of people, from whistle blowers, activists, people who are Targeted Individuals, alone, vulnerable and “different” from society’s norms in any way (such as homosexuals, single mothers, etc.), among others. One day somebody somewhere decided that tag, the target was it, and suddenly The Game was off and running. Only....nobody filled the target in about what was going on or what the rules were."
“Gang stalkers have been reported as following targets in cars, vans, on foot or on bikes for weeks, months, sometimes years on end, making sure that the target knows that they’re being followed and monitored as they live their life. Targets typically report having their cars/residence/etc. broken into, with things moved around, possibly property destroyed or computers fried out. Phones may be tapped and strange messages left on the voice mail. Slander campaigns might be put into effect to destroy the target’s reputation within their community and within any groups they may belong to. The gang stalkers may position themselves at whatever place the target may be going and then say weird random “street theater” sorts of comments to the target, or have loud conversations amongst themselves making sure that the target can hear them saying things that directly relate to the target’s personal life that they should have no way of knowing.....again, letting them know that all eyes are on them. The stalkers often move into a target’s apartment/condo complex or housing neighborhood to gain closer proximity. Even worse, according to many claims, a target can move around, even locating to other countries to try to escape the harassment and supposedly the problem will continue....which implies a vast network of people worldwide that can be “called on” when needed to go after a target. But all the while, doing everything in such a way that it’s almost impossible for the target to prove to people that any of it is happening, and to where the target just comes across as sounding completely crazy.”
“Gang stalking, in my opinion, actually involves a mix of several things that have been mistakenly lumped into the same category: 1) Hyperdimensional attacks from non-physical entities outside this realm who hone in on individuals over the course of their life either because the target poses a threat to the Negs, and/or, because the target is a guaranteed disempowered, low frequency food source, and then 2) Physically-based groups and syndicates who often times have government ties, targeting people who pose a threat to the negative elements in charge of this reality and the establishment. Both can overlap in my opinion, as it seems that the non-physical demonic Negs can also work through these syndicates and gang stalkers, using them to do their bidding. And finally, 3) a person’s personal frequency and the way they interface with reality, especially if they’ve gotten into habitual mindsets of fear, paranoia and disempowerment, can help perpetuate and escalate harassment by drawing more of it to themselves due to conscious and unconscious expectation."

The premise of government-sponsored trauma-based mind control is to compartmentalize the brain, and then use techniques to access the different sections of the brain while the subject is hypnotized. Entire systems can be embedded into a person’s mind, each with its own theme, access codes and trigger words. Some of the most common and popular symbolisms and themes in use are Alice in Wonderland, (illusion inversion dream world) Peter Pan (never grow old) and The Wizard of Oz (over the rainbow), mirrors, fractured mirrors/glass, porcelain/harlequin masks, the phoenix/phoenix rising, rainbows, butterflies, carousels, cages, keys and locks, puppets/marionettes and dolls (dehumanization, you’re not in control of yourself), trees (and willow trees in particular), tornadoes, spirals/helixes, castles, rings, hexagons/honeycombs (the honeycomb compartments of the mind), hallways and doors, elevators and stairs (especially spiral). (The halls, doors, elevators and stairs represent accessing compartments in the mind.) Numbers, colors and music are also heavily used for additional programming and accessing specific compartments of the brain, and are just as important. Programming centers around the concept of inverted reality and illusion, where nothing is at it appears to be, where up is down, yes is no, pain is pleasure, and reality and dreams are blurred. Not being able to determine what’s real and what’s illusion/dream/fake is a big theme used in mind control to get targets to give up on reality and succumb to alter-ego programming. Word play and puns also factor in heavily. A mind splitting into alternate personas usually occurs when the victim is subjected to repetitive abuse and horrors it can’t cope with. The mind fractures into compartments designed to “house” the traumas that the main personality can’t handle. These alternate personas can be brought to the forefront of the mind when needed to take on whatever trauma is happening. The abuse can happen to a person (usually child) in the every day real world, (usually at the hands of abusive parents and caretakers). However there are certain “Powers That Be” who have perfected the technique of artificially splitting and programming people’s minds through the use of technology, drugs, hypnosis, electroshock and trauma. In this case, the targets are said to military personnel (usually Intelligence) and their immediate family used for experimentation, and the closely intertwined MILABS (military abductees); society’s throw away kids, teens and young adults who were plucked from detention centers, the streets or sold into programs by their own parents; entertainment industry performers, etc., among the various people and groups used. The artificially split mind is run exactly like a computer program, complete with its own theme and trigger codes and access words. It can be turned on and off like a switch, and the programmer/handler has complete control over what the system themes and trigger words will be. The alternate persona won’t emerge unless the trigger word/song/phrase is given. The victim is fully functional in society and won’t even know they have this aspect of themselves buried within their subconscious....

Hyperdimensional realms aside, there is supposedly a whole secondary layer to our reality going on now, right under our feet. Literally. There’s the la-la land surface world where we’re kept amused and distracted with entertainment, the media, drink/drugs, materialism and consumerism, debt, poverty and daily struggle, political distraction and wars, and then there’s this whole other behind-the-scenes reality going on that most will never even get a glimpse of. If the reports of the dozens of underground bases with their cross-country connecting subterranean tunnel transport systems and alien hieroglyphics on the signs are correct, then it’s safe to say that “something else” has officially taken over.
The idea that there is an entire secondary world happening, underground cities and roadways and the whole set up, right under our feet (or within mountains), is pretty significant. Keeping that in mind actually explains a lot of what’s going on in this world. You hear people complaining about how bizarre things have gotten in the world zoo we occupy...but guaranteed, most people are not keeping the idea of this other layer of reality in mind as they complain. The average person wouldn’t know about it anyway, but even the conspiracy researchers tend to forget.

They – being the military black ops/hybrids/whatever they are - have tapped into a very basic understanding about the nature of the human mind. We are extremely suggestible and programmable. People are so sensitive to their environment and to the emotions and reactions and words of everybody around them that they will usually take most things to heart. We are reactive people. We get affected by words, both positive and negative.
If you were surrounded by people affirming positive things to you every day, for your entire life, imagine where you’d be and how far you could go. But we don’t live in that world. We live in a world that both purposely and inadvertently tears us down in so many ways and cripples our potential. And it takes so little to do it, which is pretty unfortunate. But it’s the nature of this world, and also what it is to be a highly emotive, reactive human being that responds so sensitively to this world.
The military spooks issuing cancer commands, and later reinforcing it in person, know all this and are utilizing another form of mind control. And by this point, we should all know how much they rely on their handy dandy mind control. They are all about bending the will of their targets to mold and shape them according to their mandates, usually through hypnosis and suggestive commands. So keep this in mind. And I don’t care if the cancer command/suggestion is coming from human military spooks, or a seven foot tall Reptilian or Mantis. You are the one in control of your life and body, not them. Period. And they’re counting on you not ever realizing this, rising up, and reclaiming your power. And that’s their weak spot.

Karma is typically understood as a “cosmic rewards and punishment system,” the idea of whatever you do comes back to you, both positive and negative, as the universe tries to keep things in balance. So you do good, good comes back to you. You do bad, bad comes back to you. The idea of karma not only applies to things one does in their present life, with immediate rewards and punishment coming their way due to everyday behaviors and actions, but it also applies to actions from past lives as well. So entire incarnations can be set up based on what sort of situations were going on in one’s past lives, and the karma that was either accumulated or burned off in those existences. And that’s the simplified explanation for it based on what the majority of people believe about the subject. But based on my own life experiences, observations, research and my own (admittedly meager) awareness of things, I don’t actually believe at this point that it’s as simple as that. Most people’s understanding about karma is based on the assumptions that everybody walking among us is fully human and therefore, subject to the same laws as everybody else, as well as the assumption that it’s an actual god being of sorts doling out this reward and punishment.

“Dream hijacking” is exactly what it sounds like – a situation when one’s dreams are “hijacked” into by an external source for the purposes of feeding on the negative energy that’s generated by them and/or programming/rewiring the mind. They tend to center around deviant/perverse sexual situations where the dreamer is either directly involved, or watching from the sidelines, or fighting/aggressive situations where the dreamer is in an abnormally amped up state. Both sorts of situations provide a nice food source for astral/neg entity feeders, but in the case of the perverse/deviant sexual dreams it’s in my opinion that they can also serve the purpose of programming a target via shock and trauma to the psyche.

Because we as humans have self awareness and sentience, with the ability to think, question and analyze not only ourselves, but the world. And it’s up to us to put those abilities to use. And if we don’t...then oh well, not the programmers’ faults. ;) So the negs’ way of thinking goes. They like to exploit lack of awareness for all it’s worth, get away with as much as they possibly can. The programmers aren’t technically forcing the target onto that negative timeline...nor are they forcing them to live out that scenario if and when they do find themselves in it. The target still has freewill to stop and go. And they still have free will to override the programming that would have them going west, killing and trampling on others and doing what they have to do in order to survive, and coldly dropping those who can’t keep up.

Too many people in this world are lost, and lack the ability for self-generated esteem. They look to others to make them whole, and to give them an identity and purpose. But if you have a strong sense of self, then you don’t need to look to others for your esteem and identity, you will have an automatic innate sense of “who you are”......which can also cause abduction programming to run afoul. If you’re instilled with a negative, icky programming command that goes against the core foundation of who you are you’ll be more likely to resist it if you have that strong sense of self. The ego tends to get a bad rap in spiritual practices, but it serves a valuable purpose in this case. Strong intuition coupled with a sharp mind that has analytical capabilities, pays attention and asks questions is a deadly combination. Intuition gives you a head’s up advantage for seeing who’s who and what’s what beyond the borders of physical reality, while a strong mind means you’ll question things, won’t get played for gullible or taken for a ride in life.

They NEED people who don’t think, and are drifting along in a dream state, on dopey autopilot. I cannot emphasize this enough. This is the reason for why television and entertainment has become such a dominant force in our society, and why programs and commercials have gotten so hypnotic and nonsensical. It’s a mass attempt to lull the population into a dream-like trance stupor. So for us we must then adopt the counter-tactic of awareness and personal stalking. Thinking, questioning, analyzing. You may never be able to stop the abductions, and you may never be able to fix or completely undo the mind control programming. But what you can do is be as sentient as possible at all times. Make sure you’re not just reacting to programming and manipulative urges that are not in your best interest. With every sabotaging programming command that you override through self-awareness, the closer you get to personal freedom. Or, to quote a fortune cookie: “You control your response, and therein lies your freedom.”

Main targets are people who are front and center of all major areas in our society that would serve to distract us and/or steer us down the wrong path, as well as society’s throwaways, rejects and lost souls who are exploited simply because they can be. However, many of these people still need to function in society and have their double lives, which means their programming would need to be relatively seamless. So subtly is imperative, as mentioned. Which means most of the time, things will go undetected and most of society will continue to remain unaware that this is happening.

Abductees will often feel as if they’re here on a “mission,” with an agenda to accomplish, and that they are different in some way. Some even feel as if they have to help save the world, that’s how strong the urge is that drives them. I’ve experienced the feeling of having a mission and something important to accomplish ever since I was a kid, and this knowing that I’m not like everybody else, and I’m not here to have the life of a normal person. It was something that was always there, right under the surface.

The only problem is...what we’re seeing here on the good old surface world is relative stagnation. Most people aren’t noticing this though. Because their cell phone models become more refined and car bodies get slightly tweaked and we have more distraction tactic techno gadgets to play with, we’re supposedly “progressing.” ;) Keep in mind that electronic swipe cards and flat screen computer monitors - just to name a couple of relatively recent technological “advancements” - were old hat to the secret military factions...decades ago. When you do the research into military abductions you’ll find abductees describing these yet-to-be-invented technologies during abductions that took place many years ago. It’s been said that “They” are 30 years ahead in their technology versus what the public is allowed to know. 30 is a low estimate I think, the number is probably a lot higher. It’s also one of those oft-quoted sayings, which makes it suspicious. It’s a bit silly to even try to make estimates about where the technology timeline is really at when we the public are missing most of the story. What I’ve experienced/understood about this secret technology has led me to seriously question just how far behind we, the general population, have been held back, and how much reality has been manipulated to keep us asleep and out of the loop.

Such indoctrination serves to reduce our concepts of human sovereignty, as well as to bind us to them in a subservient position, as a possession. While some people accept this relationship as fact and thus allow that the aliens can legitimately do with us what they please, there are others of us who feel we possess an inherent sovereignty and right to exist without interference, no matter what our genesis. Their claims to be our creators have never been more than mere claims, anyway, unless there is proof somewhere, as a few researchers report from intelligence and military insiders.

But by far the most alarming evidence of alien technology concerns the "new" bodies and "clones" they manufacture. Whether these are really bodies for a future human "resurrection," remains to be seen, for other explanations have been given. In a case privately reported, for instance, a man was told that a duplicate of his body could be used to "replace" him if he didn't "cooperate" with the aliens.

The psychic increase and growth of perceptive abilities, however, occurring after the abductee is aware of the intrusions, may indicate a different genesis - an internal evolution of consciousness-stemming from our need to know what is and has been done to us and what we can do to meet the situation in a more empowered position. Survivors of great catastrophes such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or war, may be crushed by the impact of these events, losing their usual ethical considerations and sense of self that is the basis of psychic stability. Or they may find a new resilience, rising to the occasion and reacting with abilities they didn't know they possessed. Given the vast intrusive activities of the abduction phenomenon, we as a species may well feel such a threat or stress that a "mutational" or evolutionary leap is occurring today, developing a tricameralism of the mind, allowing us to confront the intruders and see them more clearly than they have allowed in the past. On the basis of many recent abduction reports, there is hope that our species is awakening.


Und weil es so verrückt witzig war alles, könnt ich eigentlich gleich nochmal eine Risikorunde auf dem Satansrücken gewöhnt sich an alles..nicht wahr..als ich heute nochmal beim Triemli oben war (Untergangstatort Nr. 2) und an den Totalwahnsinn denken musste, der sich dort anfang Monat (wieder mal) abgespielt hat, wurde ich gerade noch mehr angestachelt..vorallem weil sich diese namens- und gesichtslosen Regierungsdiener immer noch auf unsere Kosten ihren Irrspass erlauben..und darum gab es heute für meine ZürrrCHerrrfrrreunde auch noch einen fetten Haufen Selfmadescheisse im Daunenjäckchenmantel..Würstchen im Schlafgefieder oder auch Satansfleischvogel genannt..für unsere Teufelsgourmets natürlich nur ganz besonders leckkkere Delikatessen..hoffe es hat geschmeckkkt..Kackscheisse fressen tut gut nicht wahr..mache ja auch schon seit Monaten nichts anderes..ihr steht da ja drauf..ja wenn man es mit dem höllischen Nazidämonenabschaum zu tun hat, darf man nicht zimperlich sein..viel Humor muss man haben..und Nervvven wie Drahtseile..und noch vieles mehr..aber diese historischen Geschichtsepisoden interessieren da draussen ja keinen..oder darf keiner hören und wissen..ach wie langweilig..ich geh hier bei den Fabriken unten bald mal Handzettel verteilen..die hart arbeitende Bevölkerung soll nur wissen, wofür sie sich ein Leben lang wie Sklaven abstrampeln..einen ausser Kontrolle geratenen Psychoaffenhorrorzirkus..aber lieber einen Wald voll Affen als eine Welt voll Waffen..nicht wahr..darum lässt man uns hier auch weiter in der Vorhölle schmoren..anstatt dass man uns endlich raus holt..unsere Körper scant und alles entfernt, was da nicht hingehö besten ich fliege mit dem Flugzeug nach Rom und schau mal, ob ich beim Sicherheitscheck piepse..nicht wahr..hört mir auf..damit vernichtet ihr höchstens euch selbst..wie immer..werdet es wohl nie lernen..oje..tja Pech..dann wisst ihr ja wo es hingeht..müsst nur mal steht alles da drin..schon ganz lange..aber ihr wolltet es ja nicht glauben..seid wie immer überheblich und leichtsinnig gewesen..und ein paar mal wäre es fast schief gegangen..nicht wahr..und jetzt ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit..bis bei euch das Licht ausgeht..und bei uns endlich strahlenden Regenbogenfarben über lachenden Blumenwiesen und singenden Glücksherzen..


Lars in seinem neuen Römer Kindersitz von für 174.-

aus der Kölnisch Wasser Fabrik

Monday, March 24, 2014


Ja unser arg schönes Templerkreuzländchen..völlig verrückt und ausser Rand und Band..Lichtarchenfestival extrem..der Seiltanz in die Freiheit..das halbe Land ist hier mal wieder unterwegs..und die Grenze ist ja auch ganz, wo der Satan und ich quasi "Nachbarn" sind..nicht wahr..lasst uns endlich gehen ihr Folterclowns..keinen Bock hier euren Knastwächter zu spielen..das könnt ihr so schön selber machen..das Zaubersäckchen wird euch auch nichts nützen..steht ja auch mein Name auf der Schürze..nicht wahr..damit es da nicht zu Verwechslungen kommt..wollte schon beim Fundbüro anrufen..wenn ihr nicht bald mit JJ und dem Zeug raus rückt, habe ich in nullkommanix ein neues "Notfallsäckchen" start klar..auch in mehrfacher Ausführung, wenn es sein muss..für eine Grossmeisterin, die seit über einem Jahr nichts anderes macht ein leichtes Spiel..und ich werde nicht mehr lange warten..genug ist genug..wenn das so weiter geht, werde ich hier alles verbrennen..und ihr wisst es..euer sickes Kindersex-Bombenspass-Gendergame fickt euch gerade selber..nicht wahr..und dieses Nuclearpapa-Poloch knöpfe ich mir auch noch vor..voll stopfen bis zum Rand..irgendwann muss wirklich Schluss sein mit diesem Irrenhaustheater..O.T. yourself..lasse hier sonst wirklich bald mal am Bürkliplatz ein paar Pranger und Galgen aufstellen..wie in euren "guten" alten Zeiten..und in diese berühmte Höhle gehe ich natürlich auch noch..dort wollt ihr mich ja auf keinen Fall haben..nicht wahr..und auf unserem Lichtinselchen mache ich dann auch noch ein hübsches Feuerchen..und das alles sicher noch vor Ostern..da wird mich auch dieses Sauwetter nicht davon wird auch dieses mal wieder aufstehen..obs euch passt oder nicht..dieses Doppellebenspiel muss aufhören..das war eure Welt..ich habe keine Lust mehr mich selber und die Wahrheit zu leugnen nur damit es für andere "angenehmer" ist..das könnt ihr euch schön abschminken..werde hier garantiert nicht mehr lange einen auf "Normalbürger" machen und mir weiterhin euren Bürokratensystemirrsinn reinziehen..ansonsten laufe ich hier ab sofort nur noch in voller Montur Maske und Zauberkleidern und allem drum und einfach..wenn ein bisschen Liebe und Wahrheit und ein paar Feuerchen ein ganzes Land und die halbe Welt aus dem Konzept bringen und aus den Fugen reissen kann, stimmt doch etwas nicht..wenn das so stört, dann baut uns doch auf einem hohen Berg ein schönes Schloss, in dem wir dann sorgenfrei auf einer himmlischen Liebeswelle in die Unendlichkeit fliegen können..alles andere ist doch einfach eine unnötige Demütigung und ein Witz..ihr schadet euch damit vorallem selbst..also seid doch bitte vernünftig..ich werde nicht aufhören bis wir wieder vereint sind..und dieser Nazipsychoterror ausgemerzt Erpressung kennt ihr euch ja bestens aus..und bei euch scheint offenbar auch nichts anderes zu nützen..





Sunday, March 23, 2014





Und weil es einfach zu lustig schräg ist, habe ich mich nun doch noch ganz kurz vor Anmeldeschluss als 8. Bundesrat beworben..5 Minuten vor 12..auch wenn ich den Blick als eine totale Proletenzeitung betrachte und mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass die dort meinen Beitrag wirklich zu schätzen wissen und ich auch überhaupt gar keinen Bock auf diesen Castingblödsinn habe..nach allem was ich für die Schweiz getan habe, ist klar dass ich dieses Amt als einer der wenigen wirklich verdient hätte und eigentlich irgendwie bereits ausübe..aber dass ich mich öffentlich mit diesem Zirkusbundeshaus und dem unbewussten Fussvolk auseinandersetzen will, ist eher fraglich..ich glaube kaum, dass ich Nerven und Zeit dafür haben werde..schliesslich gibt es echt wichtigeres zu tun in dieser Welt als euer Medienhampelmann zu spielen..aber wer weiss vielleicht ist das die einzige Möglichkeit wie die Helvetia und unsere Heldentaten endlich publik gemacht werden können..wir werden sehen..meine Antworten waren auf jeden Fall mal wieder typisch Freigeist und werden garantiert einschlagen wie eine Lichtbombe..


Ich bin ehrlich und direkt, fordere gerne heraus, bin kritisch und kreativ, verfüge über breites und sehr komplexes Wissen in diversen Bereichen und beteilige mich mit meinen verschiedenen Talenten und meinem grossen Herz aktiv an der Gestaltung und Veränderung dieser Welt. Das Wohl von Mensch, Tier und Natur stehen bei mir im Vordergrund und ich setze mich für eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft ein, die auf Wahrheit, Liebe und Freiheit basiert. Ich bin sehr kommunikativ und lebendig aber kann auch ziemlich streng sein, wenn es darum geht gewisse Missstände zu beheben oder kollektive Forderungen durchzusetzen.

Da meine meisten Hobbys zum Beruf geworden sind und ich eigentlich immer arbeite und bewusst bin, gibt es bei mir diese Trennung nicht mehr wirklich. Falls ich mal "frei" habe, betätige ich mich am liebsten in der Natur mit Pflanzen oder verbringe meine Zeit mit Menschen und Tieren. Ansonsten arbeite ich an meinem Selbst.   

Als aktivistischer Kunstmagier mit revolutionärer Spiritualität und überdurchschnittlicher Intelligenz ist man dauernd mit Aufklärung und Veränderung beschäftigt. In der heutigen Zeit ist es wichtiger denn je, dass jeder Mensch alles in seiner Macht stehende tut um die bedenkliche und selbstzerstörerische Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft in eine positive und bewusste Richtung zu lenken, die eine nachhaltige und glückliche Zukunft für alle Menschen gewährleisten kann.

Ich habe die Schweiz bereits 2mal vor dem Weltuntergang bewahrt, den Teufel sicher schon 100mal ver- und ausgetrieben (als einer der besten Magier dieses Planeten) und mehr in diesem Land bewegt und aufgedeckt als je einer vor mir. Die Wahrheit ist, dass ich bereits heimliche "Führerin" dieses Landes bin (Helvetia) aber leider von unserer korrupt kriminellen Regierung bekämpft und verleumdet werde weil dies diverse Enthüllungen mit sich ziehen würde, die der Stabilität unseres Systems (vermeindlich) schadet. Darum würde ich gerne diese Plattform/Position nutzen um unsere Anliegen und Ideen durch meine besondere Individualität und Kreativität einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen und die Öffentlichkeit auf eine sanfte Weise über die aktuelle Lage hinter der fabrizierten Scheinrealität aufzuklären und unsere Magierarbeit näher zu bringen, die mehr mit dem Alltag der Menschen verknüpft ist als viele wahr haben wollen. Dies führt zu mehr Transparenz und gibt dem Volk seine Macht zurück.

Da die Schweiz in Wahrheit eine einzige Baustelle ist, der Welt mit vielen Dingen zur Last fällt und viele sehr grosse Probleme nicht mal öffentlich bekannt sind, kann man diese Frage hier nicht beantworten. Das würde zu viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Aber es ist klar, dass sehr viel getan werden muss damit es in der Schweiz auch in Zukunft noch "schön" ist, und zwar nicht auf Kosten anderer, durch illegale Geschäfte und versteckte "Massnahmen". Mir ist bewusst, dass Ihre Zeitung vom Niveau her wohl eher nicht mit der Komplexität der Thematik mithalten kann aber ich denke, dass es trotzdem eine Berreicherung für die Bevölkerung wäre sich auch mal mit geistigeren und wichtigeren Problemen auseinanderzusetzen als man ihnen normalerweise durch die Brainwashmedien vorsetzt, die uns am Ende alle betreffen und weiter bringen.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Offensichtlich müssen wir zuerst explodieren bevor hier endlich mal was unternommen wird..schon krass..alles muss man selber machen..zum Glück gibt es Ultraschall und X-Rays..whatever..engineered sickness spread amongst man..immer der gleiche Bockmist..mir ist das langsam alles zuviel Irrwahnsinn..vorallem habe ich keine Lust mehr mich dauernd von anderen verleumden und beleidigen zu lassen..die Menschen werden doch noch ewig brauchen bis sie verstehen, wer wir sind und was wir hier machen..dass wir es hier schon seit über einem Jahr mit dem Teufel persönlich und den kränksten Nazis zu tun haben, die die Welt je gesehen hat..und bis dann sollen wir uns weiter klein reden lassen und tun als wär nichts gewesen..ich glaube nicht..vorher verlasse ich die "zivilisierte" Welt und scheiss auf diesen ganzen traurigen und verlogenen vielleicht besser..von euch scheint es nämlich keinen wirklich zu interessieren, was mit uns ist..höchstens wenn es zum Vorteil oder Nachteil anderer ist..nicht wahr..ausser unseren Drachenvogelfreunden sind wir den meisten doch völlig egal..oder dann hasst man uns weil man nicht checkt worum es Grunde genommen will ich nur noch raus aus dieser Hölle..und zwar möglichst schnell und bald..alles andere sehe ich nicht mehr soll ja dankbar sein und manchmal bin ich das auch..aber auf der anderen Seite weiss ich auch, dass es eine Frechheit ist, was man mit uns macht und das erfreut eher weniger..macht was ihr wollt aber bitte nur noch auf eigene Kosten..wir haben unsere Pflicht schon lange erfüllt..aber die Revolution hat gerade erst begonnen..und wird euch zu gegebener Zeit alle schön in den stinkenden Rattenarsch beissen..


Friday, March 21, 2014


Als ich heute in der Oerlikonerhölle diese Nazikirchenkinderficker, meine Mafianachbarn und diese Korruptionsbullen immer noch unbehelligt und frei in der Gegend rumlaufen sah, ist mir fast schlecht geworden. Offensichtlich haben wir in der Schweiz zu wenig Knäste um richtige Verbrecher einzusperren. Die sind ja alle mit Kleinkriminellen gefüllt aber die ganz kranken und gefährlichen Täter werden hier nicht bestraft. Ist ja normal macht ja jeder. Organisiertes Verbrechen gehört in diesem Land offenbar zum guten Ton. Und diese verblödeten Politiker debattieren immer noch irgendwelche Pseudothemen und drehen sich im Kreis obwohl wir ernsthafte und interne Probleme mit unserer hoch kriminellen Regierung haben. Wenn das so weiter geht, werde ich gerne ausländische Söldner beauftragen um diesen verdammten Sauladen aufzuräumen. Ihr müsst nicht meinen, dass ich diese Story vergessen werde nur weil ich jetzt nicht mehr dort bin. Ihr mich nun im Grenzgebiet isoliert und einsperrt. Damit ich in dieser Drecksstadt nicht noch mehr "Schaden" anrichte. Nicht wahr. Dieser Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn diese Schweinepisser alle weg sind. Und wenn die Stadt oder dieses Land nacher halb leer ist, ist halt Pech. Kriminelle gehören hinter Gitter. Ohne Diskussion. Und Verbrecherstaaten öffentlich angeprangert. Ich habe alles, was ich brauche um die Schweiz und alle beteiligten Täter anzuzeigen. Dafür brauche ich nicht mal den Atombombenlaptop, den man meiner Mutter offenbar schon vor Jahren untergejubelt hat. Falls ihr etwas zustossen sollte, bring ich euch um. Das ist ein Versprechen. Sie ist unschuldig und wird schon ein Leben lang von kranken Kinderfickerschweinen benutzt und manipuliert. Ich habe den ultimativen Beweis dafür. Sie wird jetzt befreit, genau wie alle anderen unschuldigen Opfer, die von diesem Dreckssystem und diesen Schweinepriestern instrumentalisiert und benutzt worden sind. Alles andere ist inakzeptabel und wird zu einer Eskalation führen. Denn ich werde das nicht mehr hinnehmen und finde das ganze äusserst bedenklich. Ich glaube nicht, dass ihr wirklich wisst, was ihr da tut. Ich habe nun alle meine Sachen wieder und bin bereit auf mehreren Ebenen gleichzeitig anzugreifen, wenn es sein muss. Diese Satansbanditenstruktur zum Einsturz zu bringen. Und das werde ich auch tun, wenn hier sonst keiner genug Eier hat um diesen Vollscheiss zu beenden. Ich habe genug gesehen und denke nicht, dass man die Vernichtung noch umgehen kann. Ich verstehe zwar, dass man möglichst viele Zivilisten aus der Schusslinie nehmen will bevor der Krieg ausbricht aber bisher haben euch die auch nicht interessiert. Man sprüht uns ja immer noch täglich mit Gift ein und das Brainwashkarusell dreht sich auch weiter als wär nichts gewesen. So gesehen, kommt es nicht wirklich darauf an. Diese Gaserei, Lügerei, Fickerei und Bomberei muss aufhören. Und wenn ich dafür jeden Tag nach Zürich/Bern fahren, demonstrieren, zaubern und provozieren muss. Nach dem 2. fehlgeschlagenen Weltuntergang ist für mich der Fall klar. Wer sich an diesem Psychodreck beteiligt hat, ist reif für den Abschuss. Ganz ehrlich. Auch der Pseudopapa persönlich. Alles in die Luft sprengen. Call of duty live. Die Zeit läuft und jeder Tag, an dem wir uns und die Umwelt weiter zerstören, ist einer zuviel. Das ist eigentlich das einzige, worauf man wirklich Rücksicht nehmen sollte. Alles andere ist Heuchelei und ignoranter Egoismus aber keine effiziente und tragbare Lösung. Sorry. J+A aber schon.


Thursday, March 20, 2014


Ich fand den Bericht über Jesuitenpapa Franzis/rkus aka J. Bergoglio in der Schweizer Illustrierten höchst amüsant. Vorallem das Zitat: "Wenn einer Antworten auf alle Fragen hat, dann ist das der Beweis dafür, dass Gott nicht in ihm ist." Ja, das sind sie die alten Phrasen..soviel ich weiss, ist Gott als Schöpfer aller Dinge allwissend und allmächtig aber egal..dieser Disneyclown ist wirklich der grösste Heuchler, den die Welt je gesehen hat..kein Wunder kann er ruhig schlafen, wenn das Atombombenknöpfchen neben dran ist..etwas anderes als Geld hat der nicht im Sinn..aber vorne durch einen auf bescheiden machen..das kennen wir ja..das Satanspiel..alles auf den Kopf stellen..dann siehst du die Wahrheit..



Guten Tag

Offensichtlich haben Sie im Bundeshaus oben völlig den Verstand und die Kontrolle verloren. In diesem Land werden täglich schwere Kriegsverbrechen gegen die Bevölkerung begangen, im grossen Stil legal Kinder gefickt und bewusste Menschen mit inquisitionsähnlichen Methoden gefoltert und vernichtet. Ich habe bereits mehrere Bombenanschläge überlebt und die teuflische Realität hinter der Schweizerscheinfassade am eigenen Leib erfahren. Vielen Dank. Es ist wirklich eine Schande was hier geschieht und mit uns Volkshelden gemacht wird. Die Stadt Zürich befindet sich seit über einem Jahr im Kriegszustand und wir sind auch heute wieder massiv mit Chemtrails eingesprüht worden. Wir werden von allen Seiten mit giftigen Substanzen und elektronischen Waffen attackiert. Wir sind nicht mehr bereit das länger hinzunehmen und fordern Sie auf dieses mörderische Verhalten augenblicklich einzustellen. Ihnen muss klar sein, dass man Sie dafür hinrichten wird. Immer mehr Menschen wissen die Wahrheit und werden die Verantwortlichen dafür zur Rechenschaft ziehen. Wir wollen eine Zukunft haben und darum kann man diese selbstzerstörerischen Massnahmen nicht länger tolerieren. Sie sind nicht im Stande die Schweiz angemessen zu führen und im Sinne der Bevölkerung nachhaltig zu gestalten und verlieren somit Ihre Position als legitime Regierung dieses Landes. Wir haben Sie wiederholt und ausführlich über die alternativen Möglichkeiten und universellen Gesetze aufgeklärt aber Sie scheinen nicht in der Lage zu sein diese umzusetzen - obwohl das Überleben der menschlichen Spezies (dazu gehören auch Sie ausser Sie sind auch Klonzwerge) davon abhängt. Das Volk hat keine andere Wahl als sich neu zu orientieren und von diesem sterbenden und verlogenen Sklavensystem kollektiv zu verabschieden. Wir wollen Zugang zu freier Energie und allen geheimen Informationen, die man uns eine Ewigkeit vorenthalten hat. Wir wollen eine faire Chance auf Gerechtigkeit und keine korrupten Staatsorgane, die uns alle vergiften und unterdrücken. Wir wollen weise und ehrliche Führer haben, die sich für das Wohl aller Lebewesen einsetzen - und keine wahnsinnigen Nazisatanistenmassenmörder.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.


Kann mir einer von euch Militärclowns bitte eine Waffe geben damit ich diese Schweinechemtrailers vom Himmel schiessen kann? Sowas will ich in diesem Land nicht haben! Dieser verdammte Naziarmeeblattmann kann mich mal am Arsch lecken..und der Brillensackokirchensatan auch..und der Kinderfickerbaustellenzwerg sowieso!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Diese wahnsinnigen Psychoaffen, die hier wie irre die Bäume abholzen, sollen gefälligst augenblicklich damit aufhören! Habt ihr eigentlich einen kompletten Dachschaden oder wo liegt genau euer Problem? Ihr lasst jetzt endlich die Natur und uns in Frieden habt ihr verstanden?! Oder muss ich euch selber aus diesen Killermaschinen rauszerren und fertig machen? JETZT IST SCHLUSS! Sonst zünde ich all diese Holzberge an! Klar? Keinen Mucks will ich mehr hören! Oder ich mache hier ein ganz grosses Zauberfeuerchen, das nie wieder ausgeht! Ich kann auch gleich auf die andere Seite des Flusses kommen! Ihr verdammten Schweinezecken zieht euch jetzt zurück!



Oder wer auch immer ihr seid..irgendwie hatte doch jeder seine Hände im Spiel bei dieser merkwürdigen Horrorgeschichte..nicht wahr..das Militär, die Polizei, die ETH, die Psychiatrien, Kirchen und Gerichte..THE SWISS GOVERNMENT..und die restliche Giftwä Basel hat der ganze Mist doch angefangen und in Zürich wurde er dann noch schön weiter gezogen..hauptsache man konnte mich immer schön quälen und unterdrücken..wusstet doch schon von Anfang an wer ich bin..darum habt ihr mich auch mein Leben lang manipuliert und kontrolliert..mein ganzes Umfeld korrupiert..ihr verdammten Alienpoisonpriester könnt froh sein, wenn ich euch dafür nicht höchst persönlich hinrichte..und was soll das eigentlich immer mit diesem Theater über mir und auf den Dächern..Drachenvogelterror oder was..ich habe keine Lust weiterhin eure Geisel zu sein..darum werde ich auch sobald meine Tiere in einem anderen Kanton in Sicherheit sind mein Zelt auf der Schwägalp oder bei der Höhle aufschlagen und am besten gleich einen Waldbrand verursachen..und wer hat all den Menschen verboten mich aufzunehmen..oder warum erreiche ich die immer nur dann, wenn ihr das wollt..und wer bedroht alle, die mir helfen..eben und das nennt ihr Hilfe, Schutz und Liebe..das ich nicht lache..wenn es nach euch gegangen wäre, würde ich heute schon auf der Strasse stehen oder tot sein..was für ein lächerlicher Witz wirklich..verarscht euch bitte selber..wenn ihrs glaubt, seid ihr selber schuld..und diesen ewigen Bombenterror könnt ihr euch auch soll ich also immer noch den Kopf für euch hinhalten..obwohl bereits fast alle wissen, dass ich die Helvetia bin..die "wichtigen" Menschen habt ihr ja schon letztes Jahr evakuiert..all die Regierenden und Reichen schön ausgeflogen..und uns habt ihr mit der Atombombe und diesen Zeckenklonbiestern allein gelassen..ja klar..und wer hat am Ende dafür gesorgt, dass sie nicht hochgeht..ihr ganz sicher nicht..und wer muss sich immer noch verstecken und verleumden lassen..natürlich wir..ihr seid wirklich die primitivsten Krötenschweine, die mir je unter gekommen sind..ekelhaftes Saupack..verrecket und verrottet..das Volk wird euch dafür alle aufhängen..und falls ich in meinen Sachen oder Katzen irgendwas finden sollte, das da nicht hingehört, werde ich alle anzeigen, die in diese Horrorverschwörung verwickelt waren..und zwar jeden..von meiner Geburt bis zum heutigen Tag..und meine zwei Zaubersäckchen will ich gefälligst auch zurück ist wirklich Schluss mit diesem Psychoscheiss..kreuzigt oder sprengt euch doch selber in die Luft ihr elenden Dreckszwergepisser..ich habe oft genug gesagt, dass die Liebe von mir und JJ genügen würde um all diese Krötenwixer auszulöschen..all we need is love..aber offenbar wollt ihr hier noch ein paar Knäste mehr bauen bis es soweit ist..wenn schon denn schon..nicht wahr..von mir aus..aber lange werde ich nicht mehr warten..das könnt ihr grad vergessen..wir wollen auch endlich mal glücklich sein und haben uns das auch redlich verdient..alles andere ist keine Option und werde ich auch auf keinen Fall akzeptieren..dann werde ich vorher dafür sorgen, dass dieses ganze Saupriestersystem endlich still steht oder die Schweiz verurteilt wird..auch wenn es mich das Leben kosten sollte..ich hänge ja nicht so an dieser vergänglichen Welt wie ihr..und sonst arbeite ich auch gern für ein anderes Land..habe wirklich genug Schweizerkackscheisse gefressen und euren Zirkushampelmann gespielt..ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr jetzt auf diesen Extremwahnsinn..und solange ich nicht JJ sehen und in Freiheit meine Aussage machen darf damit diese Kriegsgasverbrecher, Brainwasharschlöcher und Atombombenschweine endlich verurteilt werden, müsst ihr sowieso nichts mehr von mir erwarten..das sind meine Forderungen..überlegts euch gut, denn selbst meine Engelsgeduld hat irgendwann ein Ende..ich finde das alles nämlich schon lange nicht mehr lustig..daran ändern auch die Düsenjets nichts, die hier heute verdächtig tief ihre Runden fliegen..oder dieses bizarre "Meeting" auf dem Henkerhügel..hört mir bloss auf jetzt..ich weiss ganz genau, wer ich bin..


Monday, March 17, 2014


Für alles, was ihr meiner Familie, JJ und allen anderen angetan habt, würd ich jedem einzelnen von euch den Kopf abschneiden. Eure dreckigen Schwänze und Zungen rausreissen. Die perversen Schweinespanneraugen ausstechen. Ihr lasst jetzt sofort ALLE Geiseln gehen. Und wehe es fehlt einer. Sonst vergess ich mich wirklich noch. Dann schlitz ich euch Nazikinderfickerkrüppelterroristen alle persönlich auf. Jetzt langts.



How could you do that to me and all these innocent children, people and animals..when did you become such insane monsters..its tragic and very sad..but you have chosen this path..have been corrupted by evil minds..even if this destructive behaviour cannot and never will be tolerated, did it still help to illuminate the thank you for this..but youve gone too far..lost yourself in the game of greed and pride..and maybe even your soul..thats really bad..i did not wish that to happen..but it is what it is now..cant change your fate anymore..may God have mercy with you..



Very grateful for the amazing support and protection..the great progress in this special challenge..but still a little confused and separated by the dividing walls..the truth about my role..the importance of these historical events and transformations..we are all heroes..sharing this precious moment of collective awakening..even if the path is rough and painful is worth it..never surrender..up and down..push and pull..until the balance is perfect again..please forgive me my temporary harshness and was part of the game..i love you all..and this will never change..because every single one of you is part of this divine miracle..


There are at the present moment impending over us three revolutions, the least of which would dwarf the ordinary historic upheaval called by that name into absolute insignificance. They are: (1) The material, economic and social revolution which will depend upon and result from the establishment of aerial navigation. (2) The economic and social revolution which will abolish individual ownership and rid the earth at once of two immense evils--riches and poverty. And (3) The psychical revolution.
Either of the first two would (and will) radically change the conditions of, and greatly uplift, humanlife; but the third will do more for humanity than both of the former, were their importance multiplied by hundreds or even thousands. The three operating (as they will) together will literally create a new heaven and a new earth. Old things will be done away and all will become new.

Before aerial navigation national boundaries, tariffs, and perhaps distinctions of language will fade out. Great cities will no longer have reason for being and will melt away. The men who now dwell in cities will inhabit in summer the mountains and the sea shores; building often in airy and beautiful spots, now almost or quite inaccessible, commanding the most extensive and magnificent views. In the winter they will probably dwell in communities of moderate size. As the herding together, as now, in great cities, so the isolation of the worker of the soil will become a thing of the past. Space will be practically annihilated, there will be no crowding together and no enforced solitude. Before Socialism crushing toil, cruel anxiety, insulting and demoralizing riches, poverty and its ills will become subjects for historical novels.

In contact with the flux of cosmic consciousness all religions known and named today will be melted down. The human soul will be revolutionized. Religion will absolutely dominate the race. It will not depend on tradition. It will not be believed and disbelieved. It will not be a part of life, belonging to certain hours, times, occasions. It will not be in sacred books nor in the mouths of priests. It will not dwell in churches and meetings and forms and days. Its life will not be in prayers, hymns nor discourses. It will not depend on special revelations, on the words of gods who came down to teach, nor on any bible or bibles. It will have no mission to save men from their sins or to secure them entrance to heaven. It will not teach a future immortality nor future glories, for immortality and all glory will exist in the here and now. The evidence of immortality will live in every heart as sight in every eye. Doubt of God and of eternal life will be as impossible as is now doubt of existence; the evidence of each will be the same. Religion will govern every minute of every day of all life. Churches, priests, forms, creeds, prayers, all agents, all intermediaries between the individual man and God will be permanently replaced by direct unmistakable intercourse. Sin will no longer exist nor will salvation be desired. Men will not worry about death or a future, about the kingdom of heaven, about what may come with and after the cessation of the life of the present body. Each soul will feel and know itself to be immortal, will feel and know that the entire universe with all its good and with all its beauty is for it and belongs to it forever. The world peopled by men possessing cosmic consciousness will be as far removed from the world of today as this is from the world as it was before the advent of self consciousness.

The universal scheme is woven in one piece and is permeable to consciousness or (and especially) to sub-consciousness throughout and in every direction. The universe is a vast, grandiose, terrible, multiform yet uniform evolution. The section which especially concerns us is that which extends from brute to man, from man to demigod, and constitutes the imposing drama of humanity--its scene the surface of the planet--its time a million years.

As on self consciousness is based the human world as we see it with all its works and ways, so on cosmic consciousness is based the higher religions and the higher philosophies and what comes from them, and on it will be based, when it becomes more general, a new world of which it would be idle to try to speak today.

The philosophy of the birth of cosmic consciousness in the individual is very similar to that of the birth of self consciousness. The mind becomes overcrowded (as it were) with concepts and these are constantly becoming larger, more numerous and more and more complex; some day (the conditions being all favorable) the fusion, or what might be called the chemical union, of several of them and of certain moral elements takes place; the result is an intuition and the establishment of the intuitional mind, or, in other words, cosmic consciousness.

The whole of Buddhism is simply this: There is a mental state so happy, so glorious, that all the rest of life is worthless compared to it, a pearl of great price to buy which a wise man willingly sells all that he has; this state can be achieved. The object of all Buddhist literature is to convey some idea of this state and to guide aspirants into this glorious country, which is literally the Kingdom of God.

This sense of equality, of freedom from regulations and confinements, of inclusiveness, and of the life that "rests everywhere," belongs, of course, more to the Cosmic or universal part of a man than to the individual part. To the latter it is always a stumbling-block and an offense. It is easy to show that men are not equal, that they cannot be free, and to point the absurdity of a life that is indifferent and at rest under all conditions. Nevertheless to the larger consciousness these are basic facts, which underlie the common life of humanity, and feed the very individual that denies them.

If we think of the oncoming of the Cosmic Sense as the rising of a sun in the individual life it becomes clear, carrying out the analogy as we may probably do without fear of material error, that between the comparative darkness of the night of mere self consciousness and the light of the day which is Cosmic Consciousness there must exist an interval of what may fairly be called twilight--a region in which the sun of the Cosmic Sense will give more or less light, although not yet risen and perhaps never to rise in the life of that person. This twilight is often distinctly traceable in lives that later become fully illumined. After momentary illumination, too, in the lesser cases a glow is left lasting for years, as if the sun, after appearing for a few moments above the horizon, remained immediately below it, very slowly descending, like the physical sun in northern latitudes about the time of the summer solstice. In another class of cases the individual spiritual life may be compared to a winter day within the arctic circle. The sun slowly approaches the horizon, its path slanting gradually upward until the fiery ball nearly touches the earth's rim, passes slowly along the southeast, south, southwest, lighting the landscape but never showing its dazzling face--effecting a genuine illumination but without rising--yielding a glow which is in strong contrast to the darkness of night but which is yet infinitely short (in splendor and especially in fructifying power) of that of the direct solar rays.

In the true sense, there is no such thing as disembodied spirit. Spirit must embody itself for manifestation and expression. Jesus, having attained to spiritual self consciousness, deliberately and consciously chose and chooses his embodiment, molding it from day to day, into greater and greater responsiveness to his will--in his case the Cosmic will, the will of the Father. He is able to pass through closed doors and stone walls in this body, because of his power to change its vibrations. That is to say, he passes through stone walls, as ethers or gases pass through substances of lower vibrations or greater density. The component elements of his body, while governed to some extent by normal human anatomical structure and organization, is in what might be called a state of flux.

The simple truth is, that there has lived on the earth, "appearing at intervals," for thousands of years among ordinary men, the first faint beginnings of another race; walking the earth and breathing the air with us, but at the same time walking another earth and breathing another air of which we know little or nothing, but which is, all the same, our spiritual life, as its absence would be our spiritual death. This new race is in act of being born from us, and in the near future it will occupy and possess the earth.

Cosmic mind always speaks the truth. This is the same truth for everyone and everything. So, it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, fat or thin, smart or dumb, cosmic mind will treat all things equally.

Fear not. The mind is no doubt extremely turbulent. Through repeated attempts you can perfectly subdue it.

Happiness has for ever been the prime aim of every human being. All activities of man are directed towards acquiring the maximum happiness in life. But, through the wrong deluded notion that objects will give happiness, man searches for it outside. The result is that in spite of all his lifelong efforts, he gets disappointment only. Vexation and misery alone are to be seen everywhere. The real lasting happiness lies within man. Such happiness or Ananda is the Inner Self, the Antaratman. The very nature of Atman is pure Joy. This is never perceived because the mind is completely externalised. As long as the mind is restlessly wandering about amidst objects, ever fluctuating, excited, agitated and uncontrolled, this true joy cannot be realised and enjoyed. To control the restless mind and perfectly still all thoughts and cravings is the greatest problem of man. If he has subjugated the mind, he is the Emperor of emperors.

When aliens begin to interact with a given individual, he or she may be overwhelmed by the breadth and character of the experience. For abductees, the experience may be traumatic. To be immobilized and used like a guinea pig for unknown genetic purposes can be terrifying, which is why abductors like “gray” aliens try to soothe abductees with ambiguous explanations. During the course of abductions, grays have spoken about a larger universal purpose and impending ecological dangers on earth, even as they remove sperm or egg samples, sometimes a fetus, from an abductee. Some gray aliens evince urgency mixed with subtle pleas for human sympathy, possibly due to fateful ironies in previous gray history and their current role within a large, impersonal off-world hierarchy.

Contacts of the sort can disorient a human. In basic legal terms, they are a violation, a use of humans for an off-world agenda that may not be entirely well-intended. Abductees report that "screen memories" are technologically effected in order to hide the abduction event. Other means are used to gain abductee sympathy. As a result, abductees feel confused but deeply impressed by the technology and communications skills of the abductors. An abductee who remembers an abduction is often made to feel special, as though granted unique insights that may be important to all of humankind. This is important because such persons gain a more cosmic awareness that can be held over their heads, later, in order to stifle criticism and unwanted exposure of the abductors.

The fact that we affect every act of observation also implies that long-term solutions to Earth’s problems are being defeated by the displacement of the economically disadvantaged from public awareness and political involvement, i.e. through the destruction of long-term common resources for short-term elite indulgence. In other words, the schlump who thinks he can simply leech onto the underside of anonymous investments irrespective of their ecological implications can't hide from the ultimate consequences. Negative energy dynamics loop all such doings back in upon the offender, in some cases almost immediately. Those who might think otherwise simply suffer a (consequently) diminished kind of awareness.

Different alien populations have reportedly experimented with hybridization of the human gene structure. Hundreds, if not thousands of humans have reported an aggressive gray (and affiliated alien) program of the sort. For example, instead of a thin, large-headed gray with big almond-shaped eyes, a human-gray hybrid may have bigger muscles and joints. When such hybrids are bred to a second or third generation with normal humans, the “late-stage hybrid” can often pass for a normal human (yet still have gray capabilities).

The aliens intervening on your planet “consider you to be a biological resource, part of a network of resources that exists in this world. In this, they view you much the same way that you view domesticated animals that you use as a resource.... What you do not understand is that each year thousands of people are taken and not returned to the world. These people are not simply conditioned. They are kept. Some of them perish in captivity. Some of them do not survive the process of their capturing.

Now that terrorism, the most ambiguous of enemies, has replaced communism as the prototypical enemy, we see one, most fateful irony. There is no terrorist government to fight, hence such a “war” can never be won. Instead, a perpetual crisis regime is propagated, resulting in medieval-like secrecy and rule by corporations, not the people. As long as such crises drag on, rich nations are afraid to make the compromises necessary to secure a competent, ecological resource strategy. They’re afraid to even begin on long-term corrections because that’s the work of public government, which requires transparency and accountability.

Initiation of a new (or extended) universe cycle would be awe-inspiring and beautiful but would be fraught with contradictions and the need for all advanced “hyperversal” aliens to coordinate according to standard conventions. Peaceful coordination on such a scale doesn’t just happen by itself. It would have to be accomplished. It would require humility, a shared vision of all participating aliens in the universe. All such aliens would have to reduce their numbers in order to continue into an extended universe cycle. Greed and violence would have to be overcome.

To date, there have been specific -X3 statements about universe cycle distinctions to be made regarding the distant future. The -X3’s have asserted that they, and other hyperversals, are the populations who can best make necessary distinctions to prepare for (or simply conserve) an extended universe cycle. They seem to assume that recently evolved aliens may not know how to plan correctly. The -X3’s argue that populations must be reduced and must be able to merge and cohabit in order to extend a universe cycle.

When Verdants and their cohorts dunder in, disastrously overpopulated and aggressive, if not destructive of entire planets, humans need to step back to study the phenomenon carefully and not succumb to the bully temptation to leap in and trade away human sovereignty, nearby planets, and more (especially when this galaxy needs to reduce population because it will merge in the future). Instead, we need to remember that part of the human elite is already corrupted and disposed to waste the lives of billions, to squander the planet’s ecology in exchange for a parrot’s perch on some puny IFSP starship. Their first strategy is to say that “we” can cut a deal with the IFSP, that, in fact, they already have! A tiny human elite will say that certain technologies can be “ours” if we just play along (even though the deal is bought with the blood of innocents and funded through narcotics trafficking by government shadow agencies).

To survive in a decent way, we can’t wait for the worst to happen. Instead, we must act on a global scale, not merely within one nation. Change of the sort can’t be purchased in a store or made solely on the Internet. On the one hand, in order to escape being caught within that hell-like event horizon of destroyers and extreme violators, we need to be more honest and studied, more humble and sensitive. On the other hand, it’s nice to know that if we persevere and help to re-generate a more gently abiding, beautiful universe we can be part of a larger, hyper-intelligent community. The physics of the universe allow for such community, whether we recognize it within our limited physical bodies, or not. Mass destruction is a dead end, a misery that mass offenders pretend not to notice. Meanwhile, a better way is ever regenerated, yet it takes commitment and effort. No one in this universe is immune, in such regard. You won’t be accepted and integrated into higher orders of mind if you don’t behave accordingly. You simply won’t be a match. Alternate cycle hyper-dynamics can be ordered in terms of such distinctions (within certain limitations).

In order to rejuvenate themselves, older hyperversals numbed by their experiences may, at times, withdraw into isolated natural splendor or each other's company and the beauties of the cosmos---turning away from brutal, manipulated conflicts way down at our short-lived, human level. Hyperversals say that if left unresolved, such conflicts can spread, especially in galaxies stressed by merger with other galaxies.

It's as though, by exceeding their ability to sustain themselves, by going out to dominate and control other worlds, by taking too much and killing some relatively innocent planets in the process, they lapse into a lower order of mind—although they don’t discern it as such. That’s the ultimate trap, the ultimate failing within such arrogance. As is true with all severe offenders, the very first step into wrongdoing drops them into a lower order of more singular consciousness, not a “higher” community of mind (which is multiply inter-dimensioned). Instead, they tend to lapse into the sum total of their neighborhood's all-of-time offenders—a singularly inter-related prison, in a sense (which they don’t quite see). There’s an order of being that lumps the most physically offensive pretenders together in isolated corners of the universe. Of course, they all see themselves as power-connected, major manipulators.
It’s as though they seek to rule the devil without being corrupted (although they aren’t religious). It’s simple imperialism, wrought with cruel consequences. In the end, there’s a universal ecology in which the ultimate measure and test of any individual’s life is his or her regard for any other person’s life. If you or your society take another life wrongly, then you’re immediately reduced, although you may not know it (being callous or indifferent). The same is true of an offending empire. It’s a strange irony of the universal equivalency, a mathematically defining aspect of alternate-cycle hyperdynamics. No one, anywhere, is immune. In the Verdant case, however, it’s difficult to impress this on an entire empire of sexuals. They may not see the consequences clearly, but then again, they have cut themselves off. Offenders of the sort remain trapped within a kind of event horizon, both literally and figuratively. They don’t see beyond the gravity well, of sorts, that they dig for themselves.

Power and domain are hypnotic diversions for some Verdants (not all Verdants, of course). They revel in the awe of a galactic scale, singular darkness, a kind of hypersphere where butt ugly arrogations tend to rule--down within the darkness. Male Verdants seek sexual opportunity amid such diversions, and the crueler and more (psychically) unattractive they are, the more spectacular and destructive the mating dance. Some may coldly sacrifice other worlds to both look, and feel important. Their community mind (a relatively primitive, mimic stab at such) literally hovers just above the event horizon of a galaxy center black hole, only barely allowing for greater connectedness. Remember, their physics and technology center on a negative cycle that plunges directly through their galaxy’s central black hole. For some, that’s a power rush. To better minds it seems a prison. When seen from above through a basic kind of universal justice, that is their punishment. That’s where they are kept to prevent them from distorting more evolved orders of mind. Various hyperversals have cautioned me not to say too much about this (due to a larger ecology, of sorts). After all, there’s a bizarrely deep, but precise order in being---much of which has been configured by the sum total of intelligent kind.

The higher, finer and more far-reaching/more comprehensive dimensions of mind are reserved for either older, more educated and humble civilizations or finer, good deed only minds. Most good, non-greedy, non-killer/non-offending humans can skip through and beyond offenders’ realms, although most don't know it. It probably only seems "real" to them when they sleep, when low order precepts are suspended, however fleetingly. However, no person in his or her right mind will jump into the hole with such offenders. It isn’t safe to do so because over time it can corrupt a mind beyond recognition. It isn’t so easy to re-order a brutal mind, no matter how good it once was. They are ever the less; they have to live with that.

The most highly advanced societies both look for, and constrain offenders in ways that aren’t always explicit because offenders tend to ignore finer cautions and guidance. Awkward situations arise in which offenders excluded from higher-order involvement rationalize ill-gotten gains in strictly material terms.
Detached from both their victims and higher order understandings, they don’t anticipate the almost tao-like re-cycling of all being and implications. Some of the ugliest consequences lie within offending mega-populations: stifling of dissent, a rigidly presumed “oneness” of group mindform (policed by psychotronics), plus any threat that such may pose to various neighbors. In other words, apathy and failure to criticize a given regime can become a singular hell-hole of a sort---trapped within a kind of event horizon that may be hard to discern, from within the offenders’ perspective. So, the message for those content to merely feather their own small nest in the United States or elsewhere on this planet is that you can’t possibly live safely, you won’t preserve your freedoms and resources unless you share with all others on this planet. Failure to do so will result in catastrophe: rising violence and sea levels, disease and depletion of resources---all of which lead to dependency on off-world manipulators. You can’t hide behind weak-minded ideas about 3-D anonymity within elite economy and then expect your children to live safely when you’re gone. Your very thoughts and observations affect all that you see, however faintly. The “new” physics now upon us leaps out of the old Cartesian box, hence you must plan for the future of ALL on this planet. If you don’t, no matter how richly you live now, your children will suffer and will condemn your generation for weak-kneed obedience, an epic failure to act when necessary. There are no excuses. There’s no escape from universal precision of the sort. Planets that don’t rise up against elite incompetency either die, or become the lesser servants of cold, sometimes ruthless alien controllers. There is no second chance if we fail. We will never again be entrusted with a biological beauty like Earth.

For the time being, however, we’re highly vulnerable. We’re on the verge of a number of early assimilation crises that stem from our interaction with aliens. Alien-related technologies are now in human hands, and as human history has shown, when advanced technologies fall into the hands of greedy, self-serving regimes, conflict tends to follow. The first and greatest risk is that “New World Order” elitists will try to use such technologies to oppress the disadvantaged then manipulate crises in order to perpetuate a failed regime and make grandiose claims to deep space terra.

In other words, we don’t need to rush to arms in order to ward off IFSP aliens trying to hustle us, at present. Instead, we must be more self-sufficient, better integrated and more humble. We must avert an over-reaction to aliens, despite any harm done to us by alien intervention, to date. It’s easy to harden and toughen people during an emergency, but if we regularly brutalize young people and abuse their sensitivities through fear, it’s difficult to rekindle those same sensitivities. They’re the best part of our lives. They form extra dimensions of intelligence. The most advanced aliens always advise that we refrain from violence and fear mongering. Otherwise, we’re unapproachable and will lose out for a long time to come. In short, the best option is to expose the facts of human-alien interactions, allow for more transparency, and then move on--for the better. Honesty is always the best policy.

Psychotronic technology is reportedly used to monitor, and if necessary, isolate alien criminals. Aliens have hinted at the limits of psychotronic conditioning to reform lawbreakers. Some criminals may be genetically defective, incapable of complete reform. In other cases, reportedly, there are mixed varieties of treatment: genetic procedures, psychotronic conditioning, lucid experience psychotronic conditioning, re-sensitization, and rehabilitative work assignments. However, there must be careful oversight because the same kind of conditioning can be used for mind control and cultivation of agent-offenders (this is reportedly now a problem among human elites, as evidenced in MKULTRA and Monarch crimes against humanity---which provide a non-registered human population that the IFSP could abduct without official detection).

At the moment, we’re burdened by the illusion of perpetual growth (burgeoning population that provides cheap labor for elite enterprise, which furthers elite detachment, leading to depletion of resources, desperation, and vulnerability to a destructive intervention). Instead, we need to reduce population and replace the ruinous habits of (whole-numbered) money greed with the fractional, integrated habits of advanced societies (allotment based on sustainable resources rather than primitive impulses). Otherwise, we aren’t competent as a planet and human culture may be obliterated. In the meantime, we need to educate humans about how to contend with aliens. Should we fail to do so, we risk open intervention by the grays’ alignment, which may try to gain sway via their reported claim to have had a role in the lives of “three human prophets,” their claim to be able to correct our ecology (if given control), the influence of their pre-positioned breeding program operatives, their secret deals with black budget elites, and their offer of otherworldly technology in exchange for a presence here. Judging by outward indications, their strategy hinges on infiltration, competing tensions, and human naivete.

Remember, your mind’s awareness can be in more than one place at a given time—smeared far, far out while it also negotiates an inward, negative cycle. This allows you to do remote sensing. It also allows for the next step in human consciousness: global identity over national identity. This may not sound like much, but it’s a liberation. From the moment when you first define yourself as a citizen of the planet (more than a citizen of a given country), you’re less vulnerable to being misled or cowed into the insular scams of a single nation state. If a leader or cabal intends wrong to the planet, your larger, smeared-out global/universal consciousness (fainter yet finer and tighter) resists; it simply doesn’t recognize them. Instead, your status as a citizen of the globe takes priority. It sorts out right vs. wrong and poses the only comprehensive solution: global agreement. Nations cease to be potential weapons. Instead, they’re simply states within a larger commonality. To take this one, simple step in your mind makes the world a more pleasant, single village. It also spreads your consciousness out into a more advanced kind of mindform, a faint but more tightly fluctuating awareness.

Here are some other manipulative alien tactics that we need to be aware of. First off, if I’m not mistaken, the IFSP has deliberately seeded the Rockefeller/DuPont black budget mafia with the IFSP’s low-end psychotronic technology (mind controlled and also mind-monitoring). This was done so that they can monitor, try to control and thwart humankind in various ways—first, to maintain security and secrecy at all “joint arrangement” sites, and secondly, to protect repressive IFSP basing and other gains here. Ugly as it may sound, IFSP aliens can tip off direct operatives’ goon squads whenever big secrets are leaking, or are about to leak here. Worse yet, the IFSP can be expected to use psychotronics on a global scale (in the way that the NSA taps all phones) to protect their foothold here. The Verdants’ disproportional rake of other peoples’ environments and their desire to dominate has led them to do the same to junior partners in the IFSP.
Seeding corrupt human elements with electrogravity weapons technology and psychotronics parallels the way that Verdants have manipulated planet kills previously. They flush crude technologies in, then wait for them to be misused. Again, it’s an animal behavior that has allowed them to expand, although they may be cut off from neighboring galaxies and a more advanced majority.

The most manipulative aliens lack a sense of boundaries. They ignore basic protocols in order to gain advantage over others and their resources. When intruded upon, a human may think the aliens are more advanced and must certainly know better. However, some live under a psychotronically-policed regime that has abused its denizens for so long that basic distinctions about right vs. wrong may have withered, as have their sensitivities. Some “three ellipticals” and IFSP aliens are notorious in this regard. They intervene in human telepathic interactions to disrupt good, honest critiques. We see intrusive, often infantile assumptions about the one-ness of their regime and its inability to make mistakes.
It can seem Orwellian. They constantly try to avert criticism of their methods. They (and their minions) wrap themselves in a compulsively chatty cocoon of insular diversions and will sit and lie, misrepresent and babble on, often projecting lower-brain, physiological noise in order to dismiss contrary viewpoints. When others in their immediate environment are watching, this can be worse, due to conformist pressures among such aliens. It can degrade into a conspicuous exercise of authority. “Three ellipticals”/IFSP aliens sometimes take this to ridiculous extremes: they try to make humans think that their alignment originated important human thoughts, even when evidence indicates otherwise. They sometimes dribble trivial tidbits of info our way (after the fact) in order to prevent us from feeling responsible for a discovery or a scientific development in human thought.