Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Next Dimension

Kontinuierliches Geben. Sein und Leben. Denken, Lesen und Schreiben. Fühlen und Kreativieren. Produzieren und Arbeiten. Alles abwechselnd bis gleichzeitig. 24 hours non-stop - immortality. Mit Warnschildern versehen. Dont try this at home kids! Wenn man mit dem Weg/Werk verschmolzen ist. Wirklich losgelassen ist. Fliesst der heilige Strom unaufhaltsam durch das offene Herz. Ergiesst sich ohne Unterbruch. Selbst die Schlafgeschwindgkeit beträgt mindestens 1000km pro Sekunde. Jedem Ruf folgen. Es gibt überall und immer zu tun. Dienen und arbeiten ohne Pause. Dualität gezähmt und angwendet. Dauerhaft in sich aufgenommen. Die Zukunft in die Gegenwart geholt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Tatsache gemacht. Umgesetzt und abgebildet. Tempo und Intensität/Intention weiter steigend. Immer damit beschäftigt zu erfreuen/erweitern/begeistern/begegnen. Die Gegensätze symbiotisch zu immer neuen Ausdrucksformen heran wachsen lassen. Einzigartige Blumen der Liebe auf der Wiese des Kosmos. Vom Weltenüberwinder dem höchsten Zentrum allen Seins gewidmet. Als individuelle göttliche Kleineinheit. Kombinierter Eigenschaften. Spaltet durch seine Verbindung zwischen den beiden Welten die Geister mit dem Schwert der Wahrheit. Ungewollt aber unvermeidlich. Unstoppable. Hat man im Bewusstsein keinen Raum mehr für negative Gedanken. Und wenn mal ein Tag verdächtige Ruhe einkehrt, wird doch nur kurz innen und aussen wieder geordnet. Für die nächste Attacke vorbereitet. Nach einer neuen Möglichkeit für effektives Wirken gesucht. Um fühlbare Energien zu transportieren. Andere mit dem kosmischen Licht aufzuladen. In den Extremen ausgeglichen sein. So wandert der Truthseeker durch die Stadt. Hält Ausschau. Ist immer bereit zum Einsatz. Spannt heimlich ein goldenes Netz aus Bewusstseinsfäden. Beherrschte Konzentration als sich ausbreitende Masse. Spiritualisierte Kunst als Türe zu höherem Bewusstsein. Gelenkter Herzwillen als treibende und unendliche Kraft. Der Körper als Spraydose für göttliche Strahlenfarben/-ideen/-liebe/-sprachen. Irdischer Kanal für kosmische Schwingungsmusik. Himmlisches Vibrationsinstrument. Immer wach und bereit zu spielen. Die Melodie der höheren Welten. So fühlt es sich an. Ein winziger Hauch göttlicher Realität/Perfektion/Wahrnehmung. Allbewusst. Allaktiv.

Erfüllung im Allsein.


As soon as these souls take birth, they are burdened with the obligation and the temptation of taking on the karma of others, the problem of wise non-interference. They are also stuck with the principle of self-assertion for the sake of self-preservation. Though a difficult dichotomy, this is, in principle, no different from any other pair of opposites. Ethical dichotomy, having to do with right and wrong, must be understood in terms of metaphysical distinctions between good and evil. These, in turn, have their application in all relationships, social, political and otherwise, which give rise to the dichotomy of liberty and despotism. It is possible, with each of these dichotomies, to find a mode of neutralization.

Then it will be possible to initiate far more potent consequences in a short span of time than could be generated through muddled kama-manasic thinking over a long period of time. This change of polarity and scope of ideation is connected with the intensity and continuity of the energy level of radiant matter. At higher levels there is an increasing fusion of thought, feeling and volition. The
deeper one draws from the central source of noumenal energies in the universe, the greater the potency of thought, feeling and will – provided one protects this current by the power of silence and true reticence. At one level this is sheer good taste; at another level it demands absolute fidelity to the highest and most sacred. If one can master this mode, one may work as nature works, in silence and secrecy, from the depths of the soil wherein germinates the seed within the seed, slowly unfolding the humble acorn and the mighty oak.

Only those souls who already have a profound grasp of sunyata and karuna, the voidness of all and the fullness of compassion, will undergo the lifelong training of discipleship and awaken the Bodhichitta, the seed of the Bodhisattva. There is thus the immense gain that the mixing of incompatible vibrations may be mitigated in this century. At the widest level, universal good – Agathon – is the keynote of the epoch.

A new balancing between a much broader diffusion of the fundamental truths of "the golden links"
and a much deeper penetration into the visible is now possible and will come to a full flowering by the end of the century. In the climactic rush of the closing years, there will be an unprecedented outpouring of creative energies and spiritual resources, as well as the closing of many doors, plunging into obscurity many protracted illusions of the past. The religion of humanity is the religion of the future, fusing the philosophy of perfectibility, the science of spirituality and the ethics of growth in global responsibility.

As Kropotkin pointed out, one could hardly recognize from a study of earthquakes and volcanic explosions the vast geological changes that take place over millions of years, proceeding through minute imperceptible increments. These almost invisible changes can accumulate to set off a shifting in the continents. Thus, massive volcanic eruptions, for example, are the result of a long series of tremors, though they come about as abrupt precipitations fi lled with fury and force. So long as human beings remain trapped in the realm of effects, seeing only with the physical eye and considering only a very narrow view of time, they will have no sense of the majesty and symphonic resonance of Nature, nor will they feel its resonance in their lives.

As human beings will naturally experience a sense of satisfaction in an authentic act of creative sacrifice, Krishna pointed to this experience of inner fulfilment, inner freedom and inner recognition of truth.

Therefore it excludes nothing, it wants nothing, it lacks nothing, it needs nothing. It is all-complete and it is unfettered. Neither earthquakes nor wars, nor the ever-present cycle of destruction can have any mark or trace on it, or in any way fetter the Absolute.

We are capable of using words like music, which reminds us of the ever-present ground of speech, the interstices, the spaces, the silences between and within words.

And when words are spoken or acts are performed, it makes them sacred and meaningful, giving
them the beauty and dignity of the Divine Dance. If this, then, is our understanding of it, there is nothing which could be solely relevant to the Absolute, and at the same time there is nothing which is not so relevant.

The error of absolute idealism consists in the view that the Absolute, being equivalent to absolute mind and absolute freedom, can be known by thought and emulated by the conscious ego, which
is wholly autonomous as a mirror of the Absolute.

They therefore show that the highest gnosis heightens the joyous sense of wonder and reverence, the ever deepening of states of Silence, and an open-ended agnosticism that sees beyond all worlds, all systems of thought, and even the highest possible conceptions of even perfected human beings. The finest statement of this Teaching given in eighteen million years.

When in deep silent hours of thought
The Holy Sage to Truth attains,
Then is he free from joy and sorrow,
Released from Form and the Formless Realm.

It will be an era of self-conscious interdependence, promoting the global discovery of the richness and immensity of the potentials in the human brain, matching the vast imaginative potentials for creative longings in the human heart.

It is the unique capacity of the exalted beings of this hierarchy to be able to function at the highest metaphysical level while at the same time incarnating on and commanding the terrestrial plane, thus self-consciously bridging the celestial and the terrestrial.

The Fifth group is a very mysterious one, as it is connected with the Microcosmic Pentagon, the five-pointed star representing man. In India and Egypt these Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile, and their abode is in Capricornus. These are convertible terms in Indian astrology, as this (tenth) sign of the Zodiac is called Makara, loosely translated 'crocodile.' The word itself is occultly interpreted in various ways, as will be shown further on. In Egypt the defunct man – whose symbol is the pentagram or the five-pointed star, the points of which represent the limbs of a man – was shown emblematically transformed into a crocodile: Sebakh or Sevekh 'or seventh,'...showing
it as having been the type of intelligence, is a dragon in reality, not a crocodile. He is the 'Dragon of Wisdom' or Manas, the 'Human Soul,' Mind, the Intelligent principle, called in our esoteric philosophy the 'Fifth' principle.

Whatever the system of symbolic representation, every ancient account of the origin of human self-consciousness points to the mystery of incarnation, the mystery of the descent of the highest
beings into terrestrial life, and the retention of spiritual knowledge as spiritual memory in the midst of a world of change, illusion and flux.

Thus, Makaram is the same as Panchakaram, or the pentagon, the five-pointed star linking heaven
and earth through the divine proportion. There is a symmetry and logic to the human body, to man standing straight with his arms and legs stretched out, as in Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of the terrestrial man within the universal man. In the present zodiacal system Makara is the tenth sign, connected with the idea of the cosmos as bounded by pentagons, though in the older zodiac Makara was the eighth sign, connected with the eight faces bounding space, a reference to the
lokapalas. The significance of man as a five-pointed star, a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm, lies in his capacity to realize his solidarity with the fifth host of Dhyan Chohans, the Kumaras. If, when man stands erect, he is governed by that which enters through the crown of the head from above below, he is a Manusha, capable of firm resolve. By raising his spiritual vision, he can at once look heavenward towards the empyrean and enclose the entire cosmos within his creative imagination. At the same time, if he is also full of love for the earth upon which all beings
live and move, he can consciously bridge the most celestial with the most terrestrial elements in Nature. It is this profoundly sacrificial privilege that is given to man by the fifth hierarchy, the Kumaras or Agnishwatha Pitris. The esoteric name of this solar host, the endowers of man with self-consciousness, is Pranidananath, Lords of Persevering Ceaseless Devotion, a designation which points to the true meaning of the later Greek term philosophia or love of wisdom.

The Kumaras are the archetype of nascent intelligent humanity and its infinite capacity for perfectibility. The cosmic glyph of Makara is that of the waves, which resembles the letter M and is doubled in the sign of Aquarius. Its geometric emblem is the pentagram, the sign of spiritual and physical health in the Pythagorean School, and a symbol of the divine descent and universal solidarity of humanity.

The fifth group of the celestial Beings is supposed to contain in itself the dual attributes of both the spiritual and physical aspects of the Universe; the two poles, so to say, of Mahat the Universal Intelligence, and the dual nature of man, the spiritual and the physical. Hence its number Five, multiplied and made into ten, connecting it with Makara, the 10th sign of the Zodiac.

Perfected human beings can thus live, move and breathe in and through Akasha. These are the
true Men of Meditation, self-governed Sages constantly attuned to the vibration of the One Flame. By ceaselessly negating all mayavic manifestation, they affirm its true meaning going back to the precosmic and primordial darkness that is prior to the dawn of manifestation, and  even precedes the distinction of Being and Non-Being.

It is the knowledge that will help him to balance his life and to gain, in a chaotic time, enough calm and sufficient continuity of will-energy, to be able to survive without succumbing to the constant threat and danger of disintegration, ever looming large like a nightmare. What is needed is the ability to avoid the dreadful decline along an inclined slope tending towards an awful abyss of annihilation and nothingness.

At best we can only imagine the boundless compassion of beings so much greater than ourselves who are capable of comprehending the enormity of the anguish. At the same time, the book tells us what the ideal man of meditation would be like. It gives us a moving and compelling picture, a vibrant image of the man of meditation. It shows how he is mightier than the gods, that he is so strong that he "holdeth life and death in his strong hand." His mind, "like a becalmed and boundless ocean, spreadeth out in shoreless space. So great is the emergence of such a Being, at any time or place hidden in the obscurity of the secret history of mankind, that it is known and recorded and receives a symphonic celebration in all the kingdoms of nature. The whole of nature thrills with joyous awe and feels subdued.

There is in every single human being the embryo of this ideal man of meditation, and we can at least imagine what it would be like for such a being to be present somewhere in our midst, if not in ourselves.

A statement in The Morning of the Magicians suggests that as long as men want something for nothing, money without work, knowledge without study, power without knowledge, virtue without some form of asceticism, so long will a thousand pseudo-initiatory societies flourish, imitating the truly secret language of the 'technicians of the sacred.'

To put this in another way, if to love one person unconditionally is so difficult for us, how extraordinarily remote from us seems to be the conception of those beings who can unconditionally love all living beings. We cannot do it even with one.

There must be a tremendous integrity to a teaching and discipline which says that every step counts, that every failure can be used, and that the ashes of your failures will be useful in regrafting and rejuvenating what is like a frail tree that has to be replanted again and again. But the tree one is planting is the tree of immortality.

Wer einen klaren Verstand besitzt und den Drang der Sprache, die Forderungen des Geistes, die Angriffe des Zornes und den Drang der Zunge, des Magens und der Geschlechtsteile zu beherrschen vermag, ist geeignet, auf der ganzen Welt Schüler anzunehmen.

Die Bedeutung der beherrschten Sprache heißt, daß man die Macht der Sprache zur Lobpreisung des HÖCHSTEN HERRN KRISHNA benutzen soll. Die Zunge kann dann den Namen, die Gestalt, die Eigenschaften und Spiele des HERRN lobpreisen. Wer predigt, steht immer außerhalb
des Herrschaftsbereiches des Todes. Hierin liegt die Bedeutsamkeit der Beherrschung des

Die Ruhelosigkeit oder flackernde Natur des Geistes (manovega) wird beherrscht, wenn man den
Geist auf die Lotosfüße Krishnas zu richten vermag.

Was Nacht ist für alle Wesen, ist für den Selbstbeherrschten die Zeit des Erwachens, und was für
alle Wesen die Zeit des Erwachens ist, ist Nacht für den nach innen gekehrten Weisen.

Wenn man jemanden nur einmal das Wort Krishna sagen hört, soll er als der Beste unter den
gewöhnlichen Menschen angesehen werden.

1. Reiner hingebungsvoller Dienst verschafft sofortige Erleichterung von allen Arten materiellen Leids.
2. Reiner hingebungsvoller Dienst ist der Beginn aller glücklichen Umstände.
3. Reiner hingebungsvoller Dienst erfüllt uns aus sich selbst heraus mit transzendentaler Freude.
4. Reiner hingebungsvoller Dienst wird nur selten erreicht.
5. Diejenigen, die reinen hingebungsvollen Dienst verrichten, belächeln selbst die Vorstellung von der Befreiung.
6. Reiner hingebungsvoller Dienst ist das einzige Mittel, Krishna zu sich hinzuziehen.

1) Er ist immer bestrebt, seine Zeit im hingebungsvollen Dienst des Herrn zu verwenden. Er liebt es nicht, untätig zu sein. Er möchte immerzu Dienst leisten, vierundzwanzig Stunden am Tag, ohne abzuweichen.
2) Er ist stets zurückhaltend und ausdauernd.
3) Er ist immer von allen materiell-anziehend wirkenden Dingen losgelöst.
4) Er erwartet keinerlei materielle Anerkennung als Gegenleistung für seine Tätigkeiten.
5) Er vertraut immer darauf, daß Krishna ihn mit Seiner Barmherzigkeit segnen werde.
6) Er ist stets sehr bemüht, dem Herrn treu zu dienen.
7) Er liebt es sehr, die heiligen Namen des Herrn zu chanten.
8) Er ist immer bestrebt, die transzendentalen Eigenschaften des Herrn zu beschreiben.
9) Es bereitet ihm große Freude, an einem Ort zu leben, an dem der Herr Seine Spiele zeigte.

Während dieser ekstatischen Tätigkeiten kommen ihm manchmal die Tränen. Auf diese Weise stellt er sein ganzes Leben in den Dienst des Herrn und verschwendet keinen Augenblick mit einer anderen Beschäftigung.

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