Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tribe of Light

Die dualistischen Momente und Eindrücke überschlagen sich mal wieder..versuchen sich gegenseitig zu übertrumpfen..wechseln schlagartig ab und werden jedes mal intensiver und heftiger..und man findet sich in Situationen wieder, die einem auf extremste Weise herausfordern..zwingen emotional flexibel und neutral zu bleiben..vermeindlich unmoralische Dinge zu tun, die von jeder gängigen Norm abweichen..dem System und der dunklen Seite einen Strich durch die Rechung machen..nicht dem gesellschaftlichen Ideal von damenhaftem und angepassten Verhalten entsprechen..egal ob in positivem oder negativen fällt auf..versetzt alle in helle Aufregung und einen Zustand der unsicheren Verwirrung..wo man sich mal wieder hinterfragen und seinen Dämonen stellen muss..innerlich wie äusserlich..fordert auf allen Ebenen heraus authentisch und ehrlich zu sein..zu sich und seiner Umwelt..Masken ab..die Wahrheit ist da und macht vor keinem Halt..7 Milliarden haben das Messer auf der Brust..jeder muss sich entscheiden..1, 2 oder 3… Du musst Dich entscheiden, 3 Felder sind frei… – letzte Chance – vorbei! Ob ihr richtig steht, seht ihr wenn das Licht angeht..der Druck wird immer grö gibt bald keine Möglichkeit mehr auszuweichen..länger davor zu flüchten..entweder aufwachen, den Tatsachen ins Auge blicken und die Konsequenzen ziehen und radikale Veränderungen vornehmen oder irgendwann verrückt werden oder siehts aus..reality bites..hat keiner gesagt es werde ein Spatziergang..krasses Spiel ich sags euch..aber würden wir sonst jemals über uns hinaus wachsen? wohl kaum..der Mensch ist von Natur aus nicht arbeitslustig wissen wir ja..ohne Grund würde er gar nichts liegt in unserer Natur zu chillen..bisher leider nur auf Kosten anderer..weil wir noch nicht gecheckt haben, dass es da draussen mehr als genug von allem gibt..und wir es nicht nötig haben unsere Brüder und Schwestern dafür auszubeuten und zu bestehlen..sie für den eigenen Vorteil zu manipulieren und zu unterdrücken..ihre Hoffnungen und Träume zu zerstören..den Atem ihrer Herzen und Leben vor lauter Egogier im Keim zu ersticken..alle zusammen Mörder..Dämonen der übelsten Sorte, die nichts anderes wollen als euch in den Abgrund zu ziehen..sie können von Leid/Neid und Hass nicht genug bekommen..ihre Leibspeise sozusagen..und sie brauchen dringend Lieferanten..Körperhüllen, die sie für ihre Zwecke benutzen und kontrollieren können..spielen ein anderes Spiel halt..gehört alles zum gleichen polaren Universumsmemory..ach ja und so schön unpersönlich das ganze..und doch wesenhaft..trotzdem unfassbar..nicht verstanden..aber gut ich lass mich drauf ein..alles andere ist mir hier eh zu wider oder dann schlicht weg zu langweilig auf Dauer..ich habe all ihre Spiele schon durchschaut und wollte/sollte eigentlich nur ein paar der verbliebenen reinen Seelenherzen aufwecken oder abholen..sie mit meinem Bewusstsein inspirieren aber mit meiner Offenheit ein Stück weit auch schockieren..nur so hat es eine nachhaltige dieser Disziplin wechselt man schneller von der Sparte Freund zu Feind als man sich umdrehen man auch nur eine Sekunde unaufmerksam, hat man schon ein Messer im Rü muss immer hellwach sein und sofort auf alles reagieren können..da draussen herscht zurzeit ein rauhes Klima..nicht nur beim Wetter..immer noch wird um jede Seele hart gekämpft..und man denkt noch man sei auf einer Rettungsmission im Namen der Liebe und findet sich plötzlich im Nest eines rabenschwarzen Dämons wieder, der alle um sich herum über Jahre in ein undurchdringbares Manipulationsnetz eingewoben hat..alle gehorchen seinem Kommando..kann sie wie auf Knopfdruck alle gegen einem aufhetzen..obwohl es gar keinen offensichtlichen Grund gibt und ihn auch keiner wirklich kennt geschweige denn benennen wurde kein einziges mal laut ausgesprochen und trotzdem kocht der Topf schon fast über haha..sie merken nicht mal wie ihnen geschieht..geben roboterähnliche Laute von sich..sind plötzlich nur noch kopflose leere Hüllen..und man findet sich von einem Tag auf dem anderen auf einem Schlachtfeld wieder..gezwungen zu kämpfen..einige dieser Leute müssen es offenbar wert und wichtig sein..sonst würde man nicht in so eine unschöne Lage der man mit einer ganzen Gruppe von Lichtherzen konfrontiert wird, die alle von einer einzigen negativen Kraft überwacht und bewusst unten gehalten werden..wie ein Seelenknast mit einem fiesen Wärter..logisch die besten werden von den stärksten bewacht..schon frühzeitig aus dem Verkehr und in den Schattensumpf gezogen..da wo schnell keiner mehr durch- und hinblickt..perfektes Umfeld für Seelenjäger..ich habe dich entlarvt..deine Taktik durchschaut..sehe wie die Zombies alle an deinen unsichtbaren Fäden hängen..die lebenden kleinen wie im grossen..ich habe Wahrheit und Liebe in die Herzen deiner Marionetten gesäht..Misstrauen und Verrat in das Nest deiner Brut gestreut..die Wirkung entfaltet sich bereits..zwar erst auf unbewussten Ebenen aber das kommt langsam immer mehr hoch warte ab..was ich die letzten Wochen dort alles getan und ausgelöst habe, können die noch gar nicht sehen und verstehen..das braucht wie immer etwas Zeit und Distanz zum wirken..aber dann wird es sie treffen wie eine Faust ins Gesicht..mein Job hier ist erledigt..ich habe alles rausgeholt..bis zum Schluss gekämpft..alles gegeben und alles verloren..ich habe alles getan, was in meiner Macht stand..von meiner Seite aus braucht es keinen weiteren Input..ausser es wird von mir ausdrücklich verlangt oder durch erneuten Angriff erzwungen..der Rest ist bereits Geschichte..die Meute wurde dauerhaft aufgeschreckt und in Bewegung gesetzt..alles und jeder durch die Intensität und Einmaligkeit meines Auftritts auf ihrer kleinen Heimkinobühne in die Luft wird garantiert nicht ohne Folgen bleiben..gern geschehen war mir eine liegt es an euch aus dem dunklen Gefängnis auszubrechen..ihr habt jetzt das Wissen und die nötigen Werkzeuge um euch selbst zu müsst ihr nur noch euren ganzen Mut und all eure Kraft zusammen nehmen..springen und alle Ketten sprengen..die euch angelegt wurden als ihr es nicht gemerkt habt..euch irgendwann einen Augenblick auf das dunkle Spiel eingelassen habt..kurz unbewusst und unvorsichtig wart..ihr müsst nur aufwachen und erkennen wer ihr wirklich seid..dann versteht ihr auch alles andere..folgt euren reinen Herzen und alles wird "gut" bzw. evolutionsmässig korrekt ablaufen..alle anderen Wege kann ich nicht sieht ja weltweit wohin sie uns führen..
Ich werde mich nun aus eurem Feld zurück ziehen..auch wenn es so aprupt geschieht wie ich aufgetaucht bin..ich muss euch jetzt verlassen weil die Fronten einerseits schon zu verhärtet schon nur darum nichts mehr gibt was ich tun könnte ausser aus der Ferne weiter für euch da zu sein..und andererseits zu meiner Erleichterung weil ich mich sonst noch mehr binden und unnötig mit emotionalem Müll belasten würde..was den geistigen Fokus auf meinem bereits erreichten Level in Gefahr bringen würde..habe den Kopf gerade noch rechtzeitig aus der Schlinge gezogen uff..ich gehe also wie immer mit einem lachenden und mit einem weinenden Auge..aber lange bleibe ich nie stehen und schaue zurück..denn es warten da draussen schon viele neue und noch spannendere Abenteuer auf mich..die revolutionäre Infiltrationsguerilla in und um euch läuft auch ohne mich perfekt nach Plan weiter..unbemerkt aber sehr mächtig..arbeitet sie sich im zähen Sumpf vorwärts..hinauf an die Oberfläche..dem Ursprungsdämon entgegen, der sein nahes Ende schon spürt..genau weiss, dass er bereits verloren hat..immer nervöser wird und schon anfängt die ersten Fehler zu machen..deine Zeit ist abgelaufen kleiner schwarzer besten du verschwindest sang- und klanglos über Nacht..geh mit deinem schlechten Einfluss einfach weg jetzt und lass diese armen Seelen endlich frei..bevor sie sich alle gegen dich wenden und dich selbst vernichten werden..jeder hat die Qual der Wahl..aber wer den Weg der Wahrheit geht stolpert nicht..wie weise..du hast keine Chance weil du dich selber verraten wirst..jeder wird dein wahres Gesicht erkennen..deine bösen Absichten durchschauen..bis du keinem mehr was vormachen kannst und ganz alleine da stehst..ohne nichts ausser deinem hässlichen Gigaego, das dich langsam und qualvoll auffressen wird..weil es sonst nirgends mehr Nahrung findet..von keinen negativen Gefühlen und Gedanken mehr gefüttert und am Leben gehalten wird..die er sich bisher von anderen erlogen und betrogen versteckter Manipulation der perfidesten Art erbeutet und selber erzeugt hat..

shame on you dark brother..but dont hate the player..fair was a great challenge thanks..youve made us just stronger..even if that wasnt your intention..shit happens haha..especially when a child battles against a grown up..not fair at all..i think you know now that you better dont mess with me/us..we dont play for the same team..not even in the same league..better leave the field before you get seriously of my tasks is to eliminate forces like you..and i will not hesitate to destroy you if you ever cross my path again..thats a threat and a promise..but still your free choice..this was just a warning..a very generous and nice act..just like ive always been when i came know that very well..and this power works also in the other direction..same coin two sides..both poles with the same intensity lived and expressed..just for all the sleeping dummies who still dont realize what to expect if they stand in our ways...i know youre not even a bit ready for have no idea who we are and why and from where we came..and what we are its you who is blind..weak and full of fears..we beat you with your own weapons..i hope you enjoy your own love to suffer i know..the increasing pressure and pain will drive you to the maximum of insanity..crazier than complete madess..burn you up from inside..slowly but steady..until all your walls will start to crumble..and you fall appart in tousand pieces of shit and loose all your powers..and everyone can see the small and low creature that you really are..illusions cannot compete with love and know fare well and never come back this sense: happy apocalypse! may it please your desires..
haha..we should print extra greeting-cards for such occasions..never loose the humor in the strangest game ever played..just go with the flow..decisions made from the heart in instant moments..the skill to change in a blink of an eye into every direction..switch into every role that is needed to fullfill the plan of evolution..complete the greatest masterpiece ever created..of the artist of all artists..destiny of humankind..the best we can do right now..and the only thing that can and will save the Tribe of Light..we are not the final frontiers..just met a great person on the streets today who was collecting signatures for a petition about "Grundeinkommen"..another bright light in the darkness..after a short talk about the subject we realized that we are talking about the exact same thing..we both know what is going on and are living in the same frequency..that it is now all about conciousness..all that is left to save a few or many..because the system wont reform its structure fast enuff to adapt to the changing conditions..only individual and small groups will be able to create self-stustaining community-bases that will survive the dimensional shifts..and continue their future lifes on a "new/cleaned" body of mother earth..all the awakened people will soon have left the overcrowded and overrated cities..disappear from ordinary lifes and sights..and everyone who stays and survives will experience what hell on earth really this case death will be definitley the better me..its all written..because the vast majority of society does still not listen and respond enuff to all the calls, signs and warnings that drop into their everyday lifes..since so many years..and there is not much time left..a honest look into the world will speak for day the door will close..and you better hurry up if you wont miss this cosmic highspeed train..get your non-stop one-way ticket to the final destination: divine paradise! we are coming..gather all your strength folks..jump over the rainbow-bridge into a brighter future..ride thru the love-tunnel into the divine light..even if its hard this particular game you can win as much as you can loose..and this time every single one is invited to end his transitory existence in think twice..and if you feel just a tiny reaction in your heart you will know it is the truth..go and run for your yourselves brothers and rare and beautiful hearts of light are worth one else can and will do it..its all on us now..everything lies on the table..choose your cards and moves always with you..where ever you are..the quest continues..
the wind is invisible..already it has come and is leaving again..the wind will not resolve this problem..its you/me/we/us..never forget: together we are strong..invincible and immortal..for eternity delightful and free..TRUE CHILDREN OF THE ONE AND ONLY ALLMIGHTY AND LOVING GOD OF ETERNAL LIGHT..


Gogol Bordello

It's the underdog world strike...
Dont believe them for a moment. For a second. Do not belive my friend. When you are down them are not coming with a helping hand. Of course there is no us and them but them they do not think the same. They will never step on spiritual path. They paint their faces so differently from ours. And if you listen closely here. That war it never stops. Be them new Romans. Don't envy them my friend. Be their lives longer. Their longer lives are spent. Without a love or faithful friend. All those things they have to rent. But we who see our destiny. In sound of this same old punk song. Let rest originality for sake of passing it around. Illuminating. Realization number one. You are the only light there is for yourself my friend. There will be no saviours any soon coming down. And anyway illuminations never come from the crowned.
When I was younger I lived in fear. That incarceration of some kind is near. I checked my head in tact with rules. I nearly became a goddamn fool. But I've heard voices not in the head. Out in the air they called ahead. Through ripped out speakers. Through thick and thin. They found a shelter under my skin. How many darkest moments and traps still lay ahead of us. How many final frontiers we gonna mount. And maybe no victory laps. But if you stepped on path of sacred art and stuck it out through thick and thin. God knows you become one. With undestructable. And so no longer live I in fear. This is my life and freedom is my profession. This is my mission throughout all flight duration. There is a core and it's hardcore. All is hardcore when made with love. Love is a voice of a savage soul. This savage love is undestructable.
Where there's a music should be comin' out of every car. There is a silence all over downtown. Where community celebrations shall be aroused. I walk the sterile gardens, life is on pause, here it is. No can do this, no can do that. What the hell can you do, my friend? In this place that you call your town. I guess you can't expect much from the hometown. Well I don't know if you can even call it your own. When they don't want you to get near excitement. And in protest of that you just stay home. On intersection of all dimensions. Where I was stoppin' by just for a drink. I meet a brother from tribal connection. And together we began to sing. We gonna turn frustration into inspiration. Whatever demons are there, we gonna set them free. Such is the method of tribal connection. Of our fun loving restless breed. I wanna walk this Earth like it is mine. And so is everyone in our fun lovin' tribe. C'mon man, is that real so much to ask? From all these goddamn Nazi-fuedals. But I'm gonna take it to community. 'Cause I want everyone to see. There never was any conspiracy. And we are all here simply to sing.
Mussolini was a-shavin', whistlin' Tarantella,
Stalin was keeping eye on barbeque
When their fish line bell started to jingle,
Mussolini caught a-nothin', Stalin caught two
You know my friend, It's a kind of pretty,
Said Josef Stalin and loosened up his straps
Mussolini turn to him, with a restling glitter
Mussolini turn to him, and then, then he said: Yah!
Mussolini said Yaaaah Yah Yaaah Yah
If we are here not to do. What you and I wanna do. And go forever crazy with it. Why the hell are we even here? There was never any good old days. They are today, they are tomorrow. It's a stupid thing we say. Cursing tomorrow with sorrow. When we stand here in a row. Looking like a bunch of heroes. I know that a deep inside. Nothing more but bunch of zeros. Steppin' on the trail of ultimate. I would never choose to die. Give me the rest of all the secrets. Give me new culture of life. Ultimate.
First time I had read the Bible, it had stroke me as unwitty. I think it may started rumor that the Lord ain't got no humor. Put me inside SSC, let's test super string theory. Accelerate the protons, I stir it twice and then just add me, 'cause I don't read the Bible, I don't trust disciple. Even if they're made of marble or Canal Street bling. From the maelstrom of the knowledge into the labyrinth of doubt. Frozen underground ocean melting, nuking on my mind. Give me everything theory without Nazi uniformity. My brothers are protons, my sisters are neurons. I stir it twice, it's instant family.
*-* Gogol Bordello

The once unbridgeable chasm between spirit and matter is closing. While the scientific method and scientific materialism have brought untold benefits to humanity, quantum physics has changed our view of matter as solid, objective, and obvious to a view that is more complex and which includes the possibility that consciousness has a part in manifesting reality.

This manifestation occurs through a process of involution followed by evolution, the next step of which is the emergence of a suprahumanity whose native state of consciousness will be supramental.

Unlike previous spiritual realizations, the supramental realization has the power to unify spirit and matter and usher in a life divine on earth.

Their ideal was to join the heights and depths together to bring about a spiritual transformation—here, on earth, in the conditions of the material universe. This transformation wouldn’t be a change of life into something purely subtle where, e.g., evolved beings ascend into light bodies and disappear from the physical plane. It would be an integral transformation that would not cast away the energies and capacities of matter, but bring out its hidden possibilities and innate divinity so that the spiritual summits and the material base of existence would be united in a divine life on earth.

The general conception of existence has been permeated with the Buddhistic theory of the chain of Karma and with the consequent antimony of bondage and liberation, bondage by birth, liberation by cessation from birth. Therefore all voices are joined in one great consensus that not in this world of the dualities can there be our kingdom of heaven, but beyond, whether in the joys of the eternal Vrindavan or the high beatitude of Brahmaloka, beyond all manifestations in some ineffable Nirvana or where all separate experience is lost in the featureless unity of the indefinable Existence. And through many centuries a great army of shining witnesses, saints and teachers . . . have borne always the same witness and swelled always the same lofty and distant appeal—renunciation the sole path of knowledge, acceptation of physical life the act of the ignorant, cessation from birth the right use of human birth, the call of the Spirit, the recoil from Matter. Of late the opposite tradition has dominated in the West, where a spirit-denying materialism insists on Matter as a reality, the relative world as the sole thing of which we can in some sort be sure and the Beyond as wholly unknowable, if not indeed non-existent, a dream of the mind, an abstraction of thought divorcing itself from reality.

It even may be said that the supraphysical can only be really mastered in its fullness—to its heights we can always reach—when we keep our feet firmly on the physical. . . . And it is certainly the fact that the wider we extend and the surer we make our knowledge of the physical world, the wider and surer becomes our foundation for the higher knowledge, even for the highest, even for the Brahmavidya.

A quantum particle is mathematically described in terms of a probability wave or “wave function.” This means that the particle hovers in a sort of superposition of all possible states and doesn’t have a definite location, momentum, or even a discrete existence until it is observed or measured, at which point the wave function collapses and the particle takes on distinct, objective properties. No one has been able to figure out how this transition from probability to concrete reality takes place, but in some way the observer—the person who designs and conducts the experiment, who takes the measurement—seems to play a key role in bringing fuzzy quantum particles into structured form.

This Omnipresent Reality puts forth the universe by the power of what might be called its universal intelligence, which is basically another word for consciousness; and that consciousness is the fundamental thing in existence. It extends from the supreme spiritual heights down through the material world in a continuous spectrum that has different grades or levels. Sri Aurobindo calls these levels planes of consciousness, and they’re the infrastructure on which the universe is built. It is the gradual precipitation of consciousness through its various planes that manifests the universe.

This process starts at the summits of being with sachchidananda, a transcendent and unmanifest plane of infinite existence, infinite consciousness-force, and infinite delight. Emerging from sachchidananda is the supermind, or supramental, a vast unity consciousness that embraces both infinite oneness and infinite diversity, and which begins to physically manifest the universe. Out of supermind comes the plane of universal mind. Mind is the power of consciousness to divide things into parts, to measure and limit; the role of mind is to translate infinity into the terms of the finite. Then comes life, a power of vitality and energy; and finally matter, which is the ultimate division of consciousness into tiny bits. It is consciousness precipitating downward through its various planes that manifests the universe. If we accept this point of view, we see that because matter derives from life, and life derives from mind, ultimately, mind is the cause of atomic existence.

Involution was the necessary basis for individuation—to protect the individual from the largeness of infinity so that behind that defense an individuality could be worked out in time and space in order that consciousness could realize its own delight,2 not just in the undifferentiated, supracosmic realms, but cosmically and individually and in infinite multiplicity; so that it could experience delight to the smallest and most precise degree—fine-grained delight, objectified, intimate, infinitely varied and particular; dynamic delight of becoming that can’t be experienced in the transcendent beyond. There is a purpose to this universe and the purpose is to materialize delight.

It may not look like that to us ordinary beings in the physical world, and that is, firstly, because due to the exclusive concentration of consciousness, we are superficially unaware that in our true nature we are the infinite consciousness. Of course, the remedy for that is to become aware, which is the reason we do yoga. But secondly, this materialization of delight is a long cosmic process, an unfolding, and it’s not yet complete; we can see that just by looking at the world today. On the other hand, this very unfolding is its own kind of delight. There’s a joy that’s impossible in the higher planes― the joy of discovery, which is one of the greatest joys of conscious being.

That evolution is just such a progressive revelation, taking place in geologic time and on a cosmic scale: a progressive revelation of the consciousness that involved itself in matter and which is now awakening, step by step, to the miracle of its infinite being.
Meanwhile, we and all the many who come into this world are in essence one with that underlying consciousness and so are willing participants in that joy of self-discovery. We’re drawn into the world for the very sake of the soul’s adventure.

Evolution is something else—the gradual development in matter of material forms that increasingly express higher, more subtle, and more powerful modes of consciousness. Life is the first step of that evolution. Mind is the second step. Now nature is about to take a third great evolutionary step, developing out of humanity a supra-humanity or even a new species whose native mode of consciousness will be supramental. We saw this supramental consciousness before during the involution, when supermind put forth from itself the universe. Now we’re seeing it from the other side of evolution. This is mind-boggling, for it means that those who make the evolutionary transition will possess that supramental consciousness while materially embodied—and possess the infinite existence and bliss of sachchidananda, the highest term of the supermind, as well.

We hear the word “singularity” a lot these days, usually in the context of a technological singularity, superhuman intelligence, the end of the Mayan calendar, the year 2012. But this is a singularity beyond singularities; this will be a change beyond imagining. Because when we pass through the barrier that separates mind from supermind, we’ll retain physical bodies but leave behind the divided, fragmented world of ordinary mental perception and regain identity with Omnipresent Reality.

Perhaps supermind, which differentiates without dividing and expresses multiple points within a single oneness, perceives matter as wave-like; or perhaps supramentalized matter somehow behaves differently than mentalized matter. In fact, the Mother says that as matter is permeated by the supermind, it develops new qualities of subtleness, suppleness, penetrability, plasticity, fluidity, and much less rigidity of form.

The Mother also talks about perceiving a kind of material mesh enveloping the earth that connects events, linking them and making them interdependent; she says that if one has power over a part of this mesh, one can change a whole range of circumstances that in appearance are unrelated.

Of course, it’s long way from mind to supermind; there are many difficult passages, intervening states, and challenges to overcome. But it is a journey worth taking, the supermind will give to the body a fullness of capacity far beyond anything now possible.
The Mother says that the physical realization of divinity will bring a tremendous concentration of energy, a power and reality that exists in none of the other states of consciousness; it will be something solid, unalterable, complete, with a precision and exactness down to the atom.

In the supramental consciousness, we will feel the divine light and power and bliss above us and descending into us, filling every strand of our nature, every cell and atom of our being, flooding our soul and mind and life and body, surrounding us like an illimitable sea and filling the world, suffusing all our feeling and sense and experience, making all our life truly and utterly divine.
And the Mother says, “I saw that secret, I saw that it is in earthly matter, on earth, that the Supreme becomes perfect." “Anything we can humanly feel or see is nothing compared to that,” she adds. “I have never seen or felt anything so beautiful as that . . .I’ve had hours . . . the most wonderful hours ever possible on earth.”
I believe that’s what we can be looking forward to.

Nothing can be done away with, nothing SHOULD be done away with, but each thing must find its own place in total harmony with the rest. Then nothing would stop us from knowing, understanding, feeling and living this wonderful Laughter of the Supreme who takes infinite delight in watching Himself live infinitely. This delight, this wonderful Laughter which dissolves all shadows, all pain, all suffering. Find the inner Sun and let yourselves be bathed in it. Then everything is but a cascade of harmonious, luminous, sun-filled laughter which leaves no room for shadow and pain. Even the greatest difficulty, even the greatest grief, even the greatest physical pain, if you can look at them from THERE, take your stand THERE, you see the unreality of the difficulty, the unreality of the grief, the unreality of the pain – and all becomes a joyful and luminous vibration. It is ultimately the most powerful means of dissolving difficulties, overcoming grief and getting rid of pain. …this luminous Laughter which dissolves all shadows and difficulties, all discords, all disharmony, all that grates, cries and weeps. (silence) This Sun – the Sun of divine laughter – is at the core of everything, it is the truth of everything. What is needed is to learn to see it, feel it, live it.

Jane Austen’s creative imagination symbolizes Comprehending Supermind
1. All that Jane Austen imagines and creates is contained within herself.
- All IS herself.
- So too, the universe we live in is contained in the Divine Consciousness
- Her story is a self-manifestation, a becoming or her being
- The universe is a becoming of the Divine.
2. Her power of creative imagination is similar to the power of Supermind to create a world and everything in it
- Supermind creates by a power of Self-Conception
3. Jane Austen’s consciousness pervades her entire creation
- So too, the divine consciousness pervades and upholds everything in the real world.
- All is the Divine. All is Brahman.
4. She conceives of the story P&P with a character named Elizabeth destined to rise to create heights through marriage.
- She represents the Comprehending Supermind
- Supermind is a self-extension of the Transcendent which universalizes itself to become the world it conceives.
- As comprehending Supermind, JA as author contains, inhabits and pervades all the forms it conceives with an equal concentration.
5. All these forms are forms of Jane Austen’s consciousness
6. The world of P&P is one universalization of the consciousness of Jane Austen – one of many potential universes she can manifest (one of many stories)
- Jane Austen as Self becomes the universe of the story and all existences within it, yet she is not limited by anything she becomes.
- All that she creates are truths of her Divine Being
- The universe is an objectification of her creative consciousness
7. The story of P&P represents a Real Idea – one of her infinite qualities and potentialities – which she projects forth into creation.
- Real-Ideas are willed intentions of the Divine
- They are truths of Being that guide the manifestation in space and time
- The Real Idea in this story is of an individual rising through marriage to great heights on the momentum of social evolution in England which unites the classes.
8. All characters are one with her being and of one consciousness with each other – her consciousness
- As author she sees the story in its totality and all its separate elements, but all from one comprehensive perspective,
- Not from the viewpoint of each character, place or moment.
9. There is no separation or division in space and time.
- All the characters, events, actions exist simultaneously in her mind.
- All places co-exist in her mind
- All points in time co-exist simultaneously
- She can see the beginning, middle and end of the story with one view as we can because we know the story
- She is never lost in a particularly moment, blind to the past and future as we are in our own lives.
10. Supermind creates the world in space and time as Jane Austen creates stories in her creative imagination.
- The infinity of the One translates itself into an extension in conceptual Time and Space.
- But what the Supermind creates is fully REAL
- It is the world we live in
- We too are its creations
- As Jane Austen’s characters are forms and expressions of her creative consciousness, we are formed from the substance of Spirit

1. Avidya is the soul that has become the separative ego in the Ignorance.
2. The soul becomes a separate soul thinking, feeling and sensing itself as different and independent of all other souls.
3. Avidya is created when the divine mind becomes the creature human mind.
4. The truth Elizabeth has forgotten is that She is the author of this story (the Divine Being), She is the director of the movie and She is the actor playing a part.
5. Similarly, we have forgotten that WE are the Divine Being who has conceived, created and become the universe.
6. We are Brahman living now as characters in our own story but ignorant of the truth of our own being and our own destiny.
7. That is why he calls Avidya the self-ignoring faculty. Because it ignores the Truth which it knows.
8. Like Elizabeth, we feel separate and alone among other people who are really parts of our own being and we feel helpless in the face of external circumstances created by our own consciousness.

Divine Maya and lower Maya
1. Mind is divine in its origin – it is an instrument of Divine Maya
2. Mind has been mistaken as the cause of the universe and the whole of Divine Maya
- But the Finite is not a separate and independent reality
- Mind presents only an appearance – not true knowledge – not Vidya
3. Mind as we know it has lapsed into Ignorance – Avidya
4. Mind in the Ignorance is the power of lower Maya – the power of division
5. Divine Maya comprehends Vidya as well as Avidya (Knowledge as well as Ignorance)
- The original consciousness contains both at the same time and is conscious of the relations of one with the other
- How are we related to others?
- It knows both together.

Divine Mind – final operation of apprehending Truth-Consciousness
1. Mind is a subordinate power of apprehending Supermind
2. It is essential for the manifestation of forms
3. Divine Mind is a luminous mentality -- a passive instrument of Supermind
4. Mind’s function is to hold forms apart from each other so they can interact and relate in space and time
5. Mind upholds individualization of active consciousness, delight, force, substance
6. It enables the One to behave as if it were individual dealing with other individuals but always remaining in His own unity
7. This is Divine Mind as it originates in Supramental Truth Consciousness
8. But what we know as Mind is mind in the Ignorance –Avidya

The universe is divine
1. All is the universal self-multiplied one
2. World is a misrepresentation of the Truth, not an absolute falsehood
We are one with the Transcendent
1. We are creations of the creator
2. We are the Creator, the Iswara
3. We are Spirit, Sachchidananda in our inmost being
4. We are The Absolute
5. I am, he is, all art thou
6. All this is brahman
By Avidya, we lose sight of the OBVIOUS FACT that
1. all minds are one Mind, taking many standpoints,
2. all lives one Life developing many currents of action,
3. all body and form one substance of Force and Consciousness concentrating into many apparent stabilities of force and consciousness.

To recover the truth of things
1. Mind must fall silent – no will, no understanding, no thought, no initiative, no reaction
2. We must know ourselves in others and others in ourselves, others as ourselves, all as the universal and self-multiplied One
3. We must lose the rigidly separate individual standpoint – source of all limitation and error
4. Still we perceive the division, individualizing, atomic creation which ignorant Mind saw as fact, but we perceive it truly no longer in error

What are the tools available to us?
- Listening
- Other person’s point of view
- Humility
- Non-reaction
- Silent Will
- Goodwill
- Self-giving
- Gratitude
- Non-initiative
- Remembering Mother
- Calling Mother
- Constant Remembrance
- Consecration
- Forget your problem
- Forget yourself
- Sun of Laughter

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