Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Kann mal jemand diesen nervigen Armee-Düsenjet-Heinis sagen, dass Sie sich verpissen sollen, wenn sie nicht hier sind um aufzuräumen. Ihr macht mich alle langsam ziemlich wütend. Weil JJ immer noch nicht bei mir ist und wir weiterhin von allen ignoriert werden. Jeder immer noch so tun will als wäre nichts gewesen. Obwohl er offensichtlich schon seit Tagen hier im Haus versteckt wird und mir dauernd Zeichen gibt. Keiner kommt vorbei und schaut nach, was diese Dämonen in ihren Wohnungen und Kellern so treiben. Wieso auch. Lieber weg schauen. Gehts noch. Nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank oder wie. Wirklich unglaublich, was man hier mit uns macht. Ganz offizielle und legale Freiheitberaubung. Seit mehr als 3 Monaten. In der Schweiz offenbar erlaubt. Die schwarze Witwe im Plastiklöwe war auch lustig. Hier sind Megapsychos am Werk und keiner unternimmt etwas dagegen. Dürfen seelenruhig seit Wochen ihre kranken Dämonenhöllen-Folterspielchen mit uns weiter spielen. Völlig ok. Klar. Dafür gibts keine Worte. Es ist einfach nur noch völlig KRASS daneben.

Eine schöne schweizer SCHANDE!

Mind control is a psychological tactic used to control an individual’s thinking, behavior, emotions and decisions. It is unethical and subjects the person to do and think things against their free will. “The science of mind control has achieved the scale of a criminal subculture, and left a wide path of chaos and confusion that crosses all international boundaries. The carnage takes place under the noses of the public, obscured by cover stories and dead witnesse sand the incredible naiveté of most news reporters.”

Catholic Vatican’s Intelligence of Jesuits are working closely with US Intelligence to usher in the New World Order. The Jesuits even created the hand signals and cryptic messages used to trigger/switch a mind-control victim. Mind control was used for many selfish, evil purposes [amongst the government.] Some pro-players are mind-controlled and triggered to win or lose according to their owners’ bets and favors. Victims were used to transmit classified information among politicians and other “top dogs”,including drug lords. They were also used for sexual perversions of the politicians that includes: anal sex, S&M (Sadism and Masochism), pedophilia, and other same-sex “play.”In implementing the NWO (New World Order), controlling the masses through propaganda mind manipulation did not guarantee there would be a world left to dominate due to environmental and over population problems. The solution being debated [amongst government officials] was not pollution/population control, but mass genocide of “selected desirables.”

Children are tortured, drugged, electrocuted, raped, hypnotized, scientifically inserted with unmentionables into their “altered parts” all to create Multiple Personality Disorder and is known today as Dissociate Identity Disorder. By doing this, they create super sex slaves and super soldiers.

They manipulate the mind through the powers hypnosis using psychological, (witchcraft) and drug techniques mind control research with the emergence of 'Brain Washing' as a common term. Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating acompliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.

The controller or handler hypnotizes the person and places and layers various demons into the victim’s mind. Like person programming a file with passwords into the computer, the mind controller inserts codes (or passwords) into each new demonic personality and is able to call them up and to instruct them to do certain things which are called triggers. The purpose of the handler is to create new personalities (demons) who operate as personalities of a mind-controlled slave. Mind-control programming is a system that different personalities or also called personality parts named alters (demons) by the mind handlers which are created and layered into the subjects’ mind by people using paranormal powers of witchcraft. Thoughts fed into our subconscious minds effect us, for good or for evil.

Deliverance ministers call these alter personalities demons. These altars (demons) are separated by walls created by the handler. The demons who do not know each other but can take control of the body at different times. The handler will build blackout walls that separate these demonically created personalities. They are like files in a computer positioned side by side but each file has its own knowledge enclosed within it. These generated alters are not pieces of the person’s shattered mind that come alive and form new personalities. The split pieces of the splintered parts of the mind are just empty places that the demons can occupy.
Wizards and witches use fabricated trauma and fear to fill the parts of a shattered mind with demons that will impersonate different personalities such as a Christian, New Age, communist, mentally damaged, intellectual, etc. Traumas do not take these parts and form “altars” that have broken or separated from the person’s personality.

The word “Alter” is psychological terminology for acting and thinking demons; this is the psychological explanation of demonology. Traumas cause the spirit of fear to enter who becomes the gatekeeper of the mind. The demon of fear opens the various empty pieces of the mind to be occupied by the demons being deposited in the subconscious mind by the handler. Alters (demons) have behavioral traits and personalities with accompanied voices. Pieces of a split mind cannot talk! The shattering of the mind could be better described as brain damage or better yet, separated sections or fragments from the brain offering a space for demons.

Switching: This is when one part (fragment) of the mind takes over from another, or in simple terms, this is when one alter personality (or alter demon) takes the body from the alter which is holding the body. Switching can occur via the Programmers’ codes for calling up alters, or by external or internal stimuli that trigger an alter to come out. Switching will usually cause at least a flicker of the eyes, and for outside observers, who know the different (pretending) personalities, they will observe another personality take (control) of the body.

Those perpetrators in control of our country are manipulating all of us based on the belief that, secret knowledge equals power. You have a right and a need to know these secrets since knowledge is our only defense against mind control. By telling their secrets, we can erode their power.

The people in control of our country are extremely intelligent but they're limited in their thinking by their own immorality. They don't think deep enough or they would have realized that one -- and then many -- of their mind control slaves would survive and tell their secrets.

Now that I'm in control of my own mind and ultimately my free will, I am dedicated to telling those things that I have witnessed behind this New World Order because I know that when the people lead, the leaders follow.

This blood trauma was so horrific they got their desired results. It just blew my mind. There was no way for me to deal with what had happened. Using hypnotic language, using the language of the subconscious, they manipulated my subconscious mind to the extent that I lost all control. For example, the part of me that opened up to deal with my father's sexual abuse, no longer could, when a sexual abuse occurred. Instead a series of codes, keys and triggers had replaced the original triggering mechanism--that compartment within my brain only opened through hand signals or their codes. keys and triggers.
It was also at this "rite to remain silent" that I lost my ability to make decisions for myself. Because up until that time, if I had a decision to make, I would pull it from all those different compartments to my brain so that I could make the best decision possible. I heard voices in my head, but it was my own voice arguing back and forth so I could properly make the decision. But after the "rite to remain silent", I no longer heard my own voice arguing in my head. I could only hear the voices of my abusers instructing me to do exactly what they wanted me to do.

I was conditioned to believe that I had no place to run or hide--a theme that's widely used on traumatized people all the way from the lowest level of occultism. Even in sexual abuse, the children are told "we're watching you--there's no place to run and no place to hide."

I suspect that our spirits, much like "unalienable rights", are God-given and beyond the destructive capability of any mortal or government. To the extent any government tries to destroy its own people's spirits, that government attempts the impossible and must not only fail but probably perish.

The value of a mind-controlled sex slave is multi-faceted. For one thing, they can be used to satisfy the perversions of people in positions of power without jeopardizing that power, since a person under mind control is not likely to expose the event to public scrutiny. Furthermore, these encounters can be videotaped for the purpose of blackmailing public officials and businessmen should they at any time step out of line, or do anything to endanger the intelligence community’s global plan.

Then there is the financial aspect. A sex slave can be prostituted from childhood on to wealthy individuals who will pay large sums of money for the experience. They can also be used in child pornography to be sold on the global market. Many MONARCH “survivors” claim that unwanted, expendable sex slaves are picked to star in the most controversial pictures of all--snuff films, the existence of which has yet to be proven according to the FBI. The slaves are also, say the stories, used as drug mules for the CIA’s secret trafficking of illegal substances.

While this is only a stereotype, it is not uncommon to find that these people have symptoms of megalomania, socio-pathology, sadism, sexual deviance, an attraction to evil, and a willingness to do anything that they think will help them to acquire more power. I know that many occult rituals do involve bizarre sex acts, and sometimes blood sacrifice. Some occultists include their own young children in rites and practices which may be remembered by them as unpleasant or frightening. For sure,the same thing can be said about religious zealots of any stripe, but occultists are no exception. There is also certainly a confluence between the membership of certain occult groups, and involvement in things like government, intelligence, high finance, and organized crime. Most definitely, many occult groups use techniques on their membership that can only be called “mind control,” and intelligence agencies have been experimenting with mind control for many decades now. Furthermore, we know that the statistics on human trafficking in our modern world are horrifyingly huge, as are the statistics on missing and abused children. It is estimated that 27 million people are currently enslaved today, most of them as sex slaves.The State Department says that somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 people are illegally trafficked across borders throughout the world. 70% of these are female and 50% are children. The “vast majority,” they say, end up in the sex trade.

Another thing we know about the sex slave industry is that it is incredibly cruel and sadistic. Because of its underground nature, it is impossible to estimate numbers accurately, but from the evidence and eyewitness testimonies we do have, we know that sex slaves are not only repeatedly raped, but beaten, tortured, and eventually killed. Often this abuse is perpetrated merely for sexual pleasure by sadistic people, and sometimes it is captured on film to be sold to a sick audience always hungry for more. Some of this is also part of the conditioning of the slave: breaking down their will power for purposes of mind control.

Candles glowing, altars burnVirgin’s death is needed ther Sacrifice to Lucifer my master  Bring the chalice, raise the knifeWelcome to my sacrifice...
You don’t have to play me backwardsTo get the meaning of my verse.You don’t have to die and go to hell To feel the devil’s curse.

This submission sets out details of a particular form of child sexual abuse by groups involved in ritualistic abuse which, in the UK, is most often associated with satanist practice. This form of abuse is a specific entity which is intentionally sadistic and which involves the worst forms of abuse,
including torture, mind control, forced participation in criminal acts and abuse and harm of others, in addition to horrific forms of sexual exploitation. Survivors (not all survive) from this form of abuse usually do not present themselves until young adulthood when fragmented memories of past events start to emerge.

Satanist ritual abuse may be defined as an extreme, sadistic form of abuse of children and non-consenting adults. It is methodical, systematic sexual, physical, emotional and spiritual abuse, which often includes mind control, torture and highly illegal and immoral activities, including murder, child
pornography and prostitution. The abuse takes place in the context of a supposed religious ideology which, in the west, is often satanist in origin. What differentiates satanist ritual abuse from other forms of abuse is that ritual abuse trauma is orchestrated deliberately and systematically by a
perpetrator group with the aim of creating a dissociative mental state that can be manipulated by the perpetrator group in such a way that mind control of the victim is established.

The consequences of satanist ritual abuse are severe, affecting every part of the victim's life, often for the rest of their lifetime. Victims suffer a multiplicity of problems, including various forms of mental illness and behavioural problems as well as a wide range of physical morbidities. There is a natural protective amnesic effect associated with extreme forms of abuse, but also, in the case of satanist ritual abuse, there is 'programmed' amnesia, which means that victims are often unaware that they have been abused until memories start to emerge in early adulthood.

Satanist groups in the UK which ritually abuse children and young people are often also engaged in other types of criminal activity such as the production and distribution of child pornography. Failure by the authorities to more robustly crack down on such abusive groups leaves them free not only to sexually abuse children and young people but also to conduct other criminal activities.

Once in the hands of Satanists, victims claimed to have been molested by clowns and people in costumes, forced to touch and eat urine and feces, photographed naked, and forced to take part in ritual acts.

By linking the various local phenomena—everything from vandalism by teenage dabblers in Satanism to the alleged multi-victim, multi-offender ritual abuse to a nationally organized, intergenerational, hierarchic cult, the Anti-Cult Movement were able to construct a new enemy to fight. Theories abounded as to the “evidence” of this nationwide organization, or, more accurately, to excuse the lack of evidence. Their size and subversiveness made avoiding detection easy, as they had infiltrated the law-enforcement, judicial, governmental, and even mental-health professions; the potential for having to
participate in rituals kept out legitimate undercover investigators; they targeted children so that their stories would be dismissed as fantasy.

Ritual murder includes a wide variety of both sacred and secular acts committed by groups and individuals and is most often attributed to practitioners of occult ideologies such as Satanism, Palo Mayombe, Santeria, and other magical traditions, or to serial killers and sexual sadists who ritually murder their victims. Due to many legal, practical, and ethical controversies the study of contemporary religious violence is in its infancy.

Law Enforcement personnel and professionals in the areas of identification, intervention, and treatment of abuse victims are painstakingly trying to piece together the information supplied by survivors of ritualistic abuse in order to meet the urgent need for expertise in this growing field of occult crimes.
Primarily as a society we are not at all prepared to wage war with an enemy we've seen very little of. Although evidence of its presence is seen in the eyes of its victims and felt after hearing their disclosures, there are some very definite obstacles to overcome before we can even begin to arm ourselves with the weapons to fight this hidden foe. Disbelief from those who are supposed to be
involved in intervention for such victims is one of the biggest hindrances to those who have become aware of the ritual abuse problem and have committed themselves to offering assistance to those victims. In 1991, in the United States of America, many in law enforcement, child welfare, and the
judicial process simply refuse to accept that there are elements of our society who are committed to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual destruction of our children.
Fear is another factor which prohibits those who are approached for assistance from getting involved in such a controversial issue. This 'fear element' is probably the single most effective weapon the perpetrators of ritual abuse use to continue their activities undetected. Professionals often fear the loss of credibility at the mention of terms such as Satanism or Devil Worship. Much of the fear generated when this issue is raised results from a lack of knowledge and understanding of occult crimes and, more specifically, the ritualistic abuse of our most precious gift from God and sacred responsibility--our children.

The children tell of how the eyes, ears, brains, hearts, hands, and feet are usually removed. The Satanists believe the longer and more prolonged the death, the more power they absorb from the victims. Skinning the victims alive, we are told, is also a preferred form of torture The children are always forced to participate in this torture which serves a two-fold purpose: First, it ensures silence of the children by implicating them in the crime and, secondly, it desensitizes the child to future participation in these ritualistic activities.

As we near the year 2000 A.D., we must remember the children who have been ritualistically abused are human beings who have been attacked by an enemy and taken prisoner. They have suffered wounds that they may or may not survive. They have suffered assaults upon their spirit that are intended to corrupt their innocence. Evil, pain, and fear have been forced upon them repeatedly until the child prays to die but, at the same instant, anger, violence and hate are kindled. If the child is fortunate enough to find someone who believes them they have a chance to be helped. It takes much love, earning their trust, making the child (or adult) feel safe, a strong stomach, and belief in the power of God to heal and deliver the survivor from the powerful clutches of Satan. When there is no intervention, you have a child (or adult) who has had to experience more than the soldiers of most of the conventional wars, some of whom act out their frustrations on school-mates or members of their families. It is no wonder that some of these victims experience learning difficulties and attention problems in school, problems holding down a job or, just relating to people in general.
Trauma suffered as a result of physical and sexual abuse at a very young age leaves scars that, more often than not, never go away. When this abuse is combined with assaults on the victims' emotions and spirit, in such a way as to implant evil, not only is the child traumatized, but - without intervention, the child will be desensitized to horrors such as cannibalism, murder, bestiality, animal mutilation, and sexual perversion beyond our imagination. Some of these children will grow up to be murderers, rapists and child molesters. This is the goal of those involved in ritual abuse; to totally corrupt the child in every way. Satanists have a goal to breed an entire generation of youth, indoctrinated in evil.

Sexual perversion is a part of every ritual, according to our survivor. This unbridled sex, including the abuse of children which many times is filmed to be sold for profit in the child pornography market, is also part of the lure to attract those people who are prone to participate in acts of deviate sexual
conduct. This aspect is interesting because child molestation is a crime and, many times, blackmailing the victims and parents can be profitable. The children who have been victimized all tell of being placed nude on tables, eaten, insulted, mocked, tortured sexually, and forced to have sex with siblings, animals, and adults, including same-sex partners. Satanism's doctrine proclaims no restraints in all areas of morality including sex.

Brainwashing has been defined as “intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person’s basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs. The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation.”

Many of the children who were molested for years lived with their parents, who had no idea that the abuse was occurring. The priests used a variety of low level threats and bribes to keep the children from revealing the sexual activity to anyone. This subtle process builds up over years and may eventually culminate in the victim’s impression that he at fault for the molestation. This sense of induced shame is what led most of the victims to remain silent for decades.

Ritual abuse can be defined as: “the use of children, adolescents, and adults in ceremony where they are repeatedly physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually, energetically, and spiritually abused over an extended period of time by an organized group . . . in the name of a religious, spiritual, or political belief.” 1 The goals of the ritual abuse are to completely control the victim and often to instill a life-view and philosophy espoused by the cult or group, allowing them to maintain control over the victim and keep the victim from leaving.

Trickery, deception, and illusion (such as used by magicians and illusionists) can be tools of cults. A victim can become so terrified that it is easy to make her or him think something has occurred when it has not, or that one thing is something else (for example, a stick is a snake). This makes it harder for the survivor to figure out what happened or if it really happened. Whether the event actually occurred as remembered, or the survivor was tricked into believing something happened, the survivor’s feelings are real.
Another common component of ritual abuse is mind control. By using mind control techniques, the abusers may prompt a victim to cooperate, not tell, stay loyal to the cult or the abusers, and/or come back to the cult. The effects of mind control are deeply embedded in survivors, particularly in children. Mind control techniques may be adjusted specifically for the developmental age of a child (for instance, magical thinking in four-year-olds, or sexual lures for adolescents).

Torture-based mind control is practiced by individuals and groups who seek to maximally control and exploit others, usually beginning in childhood. Included are practitioners of abusive religious rituals (e.g., Satanism and abusive witchcraft), organized crimes against children (child pornography, prostitution, and trafficking), and groups with political, military, and espionage agendas.

Many ritual abuse survivors report that their abusers take children of their victims to be raised by someone else, in part to control victims by repeatedly telling them that this child will be killed if they ever defy the abusers. In some cases, this is an empty threat. Many victims are significant “projects” of the abusers, an investment of significant money, time, and ego, a valuable asset to be used by the abuser group in the future in some manner, e.g., a profession that benefits the abuser group, or a function in the abuser group.

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