Saturday, November 29, 2014


Ich habe letztens bei der Galgenbuckbaustelle vorne wieder mal ein verdächtiges Gaslüftlein gerochen..zum Glück verteilt sich das hier besser als in der Stadt..aber dass das nun auch hier los geht, bestätigt eigentlich wieder mal alle Aussagen..wieso sollte man sowas machen, wenn man nicht etwas ganz schrecklich Verbotenes zu verbergen hat..und dann sollen das also auch noch alle in diesem Land mit ihrer Arbeit und ihrem Leben unterstützen..also das sollte man sich wirklich lieber 3mal überlegen..ganz ehrlich..ausser man will weiterhin Mittäter dieser Verbrechen sein..aber die Leute sind ja so gefangen in ihrer überheblichen Arroganz..als würde sie das alles nichts doch alles bestens wie es ist..euch sollte man alle mal nach Afrika verschiffen und dort irgendwo in der Pampa aussetzen..mal schauen, ob ihr dann immer noch achselzuckend durch die Gegend läuft..wie dumm und verblendet kann man eigentlich sein..aber wer sich nur über seine lächerlichen Sklavenjobs und Angepasstheiten definiert, kann da natürlich nicht mitreden..ihr seid bereits verlorene Seelen..schöne Grüsse an die korrupten Kontrolleure in der Enge letztens..aber diesen Staatsdienerzombies sieht mans immer schon von weitem an..ja die stecken hier alle unter der gleichen Psychodecke und gehören grundsätzlich abgeschafft..ihr macht für diese Welt keinen Sinn sorry..weder gestern, heute noch morgen..wird Zeit das einzusehen..wer denkt es würde ihm was nützen, wenn er dem Satan sein Arschloch leckt, wird noch bös auf die Welt kommen sag ich euch..ihr seid doch alle nur kleine Vorspeisen..Snacks für zwischen durch..also macht ihr nur weiter so..eure Rechnungen könnt ihr euch dann auch wie bei den Spanferkeln über dem Feuer der Apfel in den Mund gehört..viel mehr gibts für euch nämlich bald nicht mehr zu fressen leider..als euren eigenen verpisst verlogenen Bürokratenmatrixillusionsscheiss und Baustellenruinenaliengiftmüll..und die verdreckten Kinderfickerschweinehuren und Überwachungsstaatkröten schmeissen wir gleich auch noch oben drauf..weg damit..sowas braucht wirklich kein Mensch..da können wir gut drauf verzichten würd ich sagen..und wir müssen in dieser Sache ja alle ganz realistisch bleiben jetzt..irgendwas müssen wir denen ja vorsetzen bis wir eine andere Lösung haben und anstatt das die einfach wahllos irgendwelche von uns verspeisen, werden wir zuerst mal den überflüssigen Abschaum los, der sowieso keiner will..zumindest nicht die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung..und in einer echten Demokratie würde das auf jeden Fall zählen..und darum wäre es gut, wenn alle schleunigst anfangen das zu sein, was sie sind oder zumindest vorgeben zu sein..ansonsten verliert es Sinn und Berechtigung und wird in Zukunft wohl nicht mehr aufrecht erhalten werden..


The arrogance of ignorance is always disturbing to me:
- Human reptiles is a fact
- The global elite’s involvement in pedophilia and black magic is a fact
- The Catholic Church’s involvement in black magic is a fact
- The power of the Zionists is fact,
…and on and on.

Humans have a Mirror-World double, which is their spiritual identity. That double is in hell or in the celestial worlds, while they are still alive. You don’t go to heaven or hell after you die, your Mirror Self double is already there, right now, in one or more of the myriad of possible dimensions.

I’ve seen thousands of the global elite in the hell world’s:
- politicians
- bankers
- religious people
- cardinals
- bishops
- famous musicians and actors

And I’ve also seen ordinary people there, some I know personally and others I see in hell that I don’t know. They are just crowds of souls that are in hell, while still alive, wandering about here on earth, pretending to be normal.

And I’d like to add something because I can see the reptilian humans when walking down the street; (they give off a signal that’s easy to spot - and a rotting swamp smell. I can’t go into it here in detail - it’s the Devil sweat). There are billions of reptile humans on earth.

- scammer
- predator
- sexual deviant
- violent people
- black magicians
- power trippers, etc,
...all belong to the same ghastly clan.

Earth is the dimension of the reptiles and our political, financial and religious power structures are controlled by them. Armageddon is the fight to break that control and bring the systems down, to liberate people from a secret, hidden nastiness that they could well do without.

Over the last several years, researchers have unearthed plenty of evidence that:
- The United States made one or more agreements with a species described as the tall Greys, and has agreed not to interfere with alien operational plans in trade for technology. Agreements made In 1934, 1964, and 1972.
- The large Greys use smaller cloned big-headed Greys to perform abduction and examination work. It is these Greys that abductees see most of the time.
- The Grey clones are also performing biological work which necessitates the termination of various species on the surface of the Earth, which is not governed or protected under the treaty made with the US government. Underground installations are the only sovereign areas under the treaty.
- Biological products are gathered for other genetic work, which includes cloning, DNA enrichment, and cross-breeding with human beings.
- The Grey clones are abducting human females, both temporarily and permanently, and using them for cross-breeding in order to produce a new hybrid species that does not have the inherent genetic weaknesses of the Grey species. Research indicates that this cross-breeding is somewhat successful, and that some of the alien species that have been seen by humans are a direct result of the success of the program.
- The Grey species in general is more on the order of an electronically based space society with a common social memory complex that allows them to collectively function as areas of group-mind. Groups of Greys are controlled from one central source being, usually one of the large Greys, a Blond humanoid, or other dominant species.
- The Greys also maintain the technology to create clones and implant memory from another source into the clones. Implantation technology, a trademark of Orion-based species, is routinely used as a method of social control. The United States government, specifically agencies like the CIA and the NSA, have undertaken to develop parallel technology which is a direct result of cooperation and interaction with extraterrestrial biological entities. All these methods of control are domination based and counterproductive to evolvement of individual beings.
- For the Greys, the main motivation for the genetic work with humans is the survival of the Grey species, which is genetically damaged. Travel outside the 3rd dimension also bridges the human concept of time. Some species, such as the Essessani, claim that they are the result of hybrid genetics that are being performed at this time. We’re seeing a lot of hybrid species, as well as species in different stages of their own evolution.
- The Grey species is not based on individualization or being an individual entity. For entities maintaining a group mind set ( social memory complex ), individualization seems to cause a great deal of random energy loss. They were initially fascinated both with human individuality and the human emotional spectrum, which they can perceive but apparently do not comprehend what it means ( to the human ). They do understand the concept of bonding, but only intellectually in terms of bonding ( between human mother/ovum source and an alien cross-breed child ) that will serve to contribute to the survival of the cross-breed. They recognize the need for it in the child in terms of survival. The Grey mind-set and abilities/weaknesses will be discussed later in this work.

Species objectives appear to be founded on a rigid domination survival-based social order, where their “religion” is science, their social structure is geared to obedience and duty, their military concepts are grouped around conquest, colonization, and domination through covert mind control programs.

The way the Greys seem to locate subjects for their work is more or less a result of their efforts to find human entities who vibrate in resonance ( or a harmonic thereof ) to their vibrational complex. One of the human aspects that promotes this resonance is fear, which almost amounts to permission from the Grey standpoint.

It has become apparent that abductees are also being trained on alien equipment for some future time. Researchers have pegged that time between 1990 and 1996, based on regression sessions involving hundreds of abductees over the course of several years. No clinical success has been achieved in pegging exact dates, due to the strength and level of the mental block which is imposed on the abductee. Very often memory blocks are tied in with the survival instinct of the human, which makes the block extremely hard to penetrate.

The Grey species can tolerate radioactivity at levels humans cannot stand. The apparent reason for this involves species exposure to a nuclear interchange in the distant past which promoted degradation of their genetic structure. This aspect is noted in terms of where the Greys frequent in the United States, especially base areas, which are near nuclear facilities, waste storage, etc. Animal mutilations are highest in these areas also. A connection? Yes.

Most atomic structure in this localized sector of the universe maintains an clockwise spin. For some reason, the Greys/EBE’s are sensitive to materials with a counterclockwise spin. It has been stated by some researchers that sugar and the AIDS virus have a relationship with left-hand spin material.

Note: When one of the Greys dies, its implant serves as a focusing device for retrieval of the body. There have been several cases where Greys have died in front of witnesses and the bodies have been ‘beamed’ away.

It might be noted at this point that we are not really dealing with “superior” beings on an evolutionary scale when we are speaking about the Greys.
They and their various cloned offspring should be considered as a life-form. Their technology is what gives them a temporary superiority. An interesting comparison to the Grey species is the dolphin, which is an intelligent species which has a group consciousness shared through telepathic means.
The dolphin brain is some 65 million years ahead of the human brain in cortical development, yet the dolphins maintain a social structure that is totally without tools and devices.
The variations seem endless.

The Greys are led by non-corporeal beings of sixth density, of which there are only a very few.
A sixth density being is at a non-physical level where the being exists as the entire dimension itself. A sixth density being would be aware of the many dimensions he is while still being separated to some degree from his many selves or projected consciousnesses.
Fifth density beings are non-corporeal in nature and also experience themselves as the entire dimension. There are large numbers of fourth and fifth density Greys involved in the situation here on Earth. Fifth density is the last density above humans (third density) that can retain negativity. At this level you will find the true player in the game. They are powerful intelligent beings who are capable of interdimensional travel.
Fifth density beings have the ability to control an entire sector of space.
Fourth density beings exist on the level of race consciousness, and are in touch with their own sixth density consciousness. They can draw energy and knowledge from their other components.
The fourth density entity is in the unique position of being able to transit between third and fourth densities, and are largely paraphysical when viewed from a third density perspective. These beings make use of both organic bodies and synthetic androids. These beings appear energetic and aware, but emotionally cold, to the human.
They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical and devoid of any sentimentality.
They can experience emotions from humans in a high-energy state (terror, fear, etc...) and in doing so gain sort of an elevation of mood. Fourth density Greys, the ones who are primarily dealing with Whitley Streiber, are the ones who possess the technical equipment to draw energy from the human bio-plasmic field. They also have the ability to extract memories and experiences from the human being.
It is they who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again. Fourth density Greys are, in effect, sensation Junkies. To experience human emotions and feelings is the closest they themselves ever come to the idea of feeling.

One variety of Reptilian crossbreed is particularly negative and dangerous. This variety, who work with the Draco, originate from a system having much more high energy radiation than on the Earth. These “detrimental beings” do not “eat” in the same way humans do. These hive-like beings use synthetically produced substances, mixed with blood.
This slurry is sometimes mixed with Hydrogen Peroxide, which kills the foreign bacteria and viruses. They may also be feeding off the “life essence energy” of the substances. They also seem to “feed” off nuclear energy, and have manipulated humans into developing sources of nuclear power that emit radiation. Nuclear methods involved use neutrons and create radiation. Methods that use positrons emit no radiation.
The “Greys” (the short, “Big Heads”) are mercenaries. They interface with humans in “Secret Societies” and within the Military/Governmental Complex. An interconnected “WEB” manipulates the surface Earth cultures.
Command Progression: DRACO (Winged Reptilian) -> DRACO (Non-Winged) -> Greys -> Humans

It should be noted that not all the cross-breeds are hostile and steeped in elitism. There are beings that are thought to be the descendents of an ancient “Elder Race”. Most of these beings have blond hair, large forehead, and medium dark or light complexion.
Those who have dark hair are also shorter in height.

The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco", also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.

Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth. These particular functions include global finances, military technology/development, mind-control, religion, and media.
Each of the 13 ruling families has a Council of 13 as well. The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge.
They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon. They keep the qualities and traits of this sign secret to avoid giving away clues to the Reptilian mind-pattern.

The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar and 13 ruling families. While all of the 13 ruling family members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA.

The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as public service devices, but this is far from the truth.

Switzerland was created as a neutral banking centre so that Illuminati families would have a safe place to keep their funds without fear of destruction from wars and prying eyes.

During World War II, the Germans helped to perfect "sex-slaves" as a means of transmitting information amongst the elite. Sex-slaves can be either male or female, who are sexually programmed using Wilhelm Reich procedures, which are illegal in the United States, but used by the Illuminati and government.

These sex-slaves deliver messages and keep programmed sleepers in line. The sex-slave is downloaded with a message or function through various sexual acts and drugs, which can only be released by repeating the same sexual act with the target, or person, to be activated. They are trained to know their target’s trigger words and trigger events to activate, delete, or change programming.

In recent years, several women have come forward claiming to be the sex-slaves of globally recognized political figures. Many were used as information couriers between high-level male Illuminati. Usually, look-alikes of the political figures are used in the incipient programming as a focal point for the sex-slave. The slave is put through a desensitizing process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it is merely a duty to be performed. Many times the slave becomes sexually promiscuous, repeatedly having sex with people who look like the intended target. It is a sad life.

Wilhelm Reich discovered that the orgasm allowed you to give up integrity. At that time near orgasm, you are subject to any subconscious influences and open channels that are normally not open in normal waking state. This is called "Argon Energy" (orgasmic energy). Argon Energy in its physical form can lead to weather control of tornadoes, rain, snow, etc.

Our society is conditioned and trained using Seduction and Corruption. This is the start of the Mind Control agenda. Mind control frequencies are sent through TV, Radio, back waves of Cell phone, and by strangely positioned transmitters on the power points of the earth grid.

Cell phones are usually carried on the hip, near the groin area, and during conversation the cell phone is held up to beside the brain. These are two crucial area that are very receptive to mind control frequencies. Micro chips can be used to implement this technology.

Another purpose of the microchip implants to emit certain frequencies into the body when certain biological conditions of the human body are met. That way, your emotions or state of the physical (i.e. during orgasm), the chips can channel emitted frequencies into the pre-orgasmic state when the mind is mostly susceptible to programming.

"Human individuality is what the controllers behind the drape are concerned with and that may interfere with the New World Order agenda."

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