Monday, December 1, 2014


tu-bal-cain, mor-bon-zi and jah-bul-on....

The Freemasons have often been called satanic, which is something that they are very capable of fending off. While its rank and file members are ignorant of the purpose of the organization, some know. Freemasons deflect accusations of being a satanic society largely by employing the cover of being a philanthropic organization. But what is at the core of the Freemasons' beliefs? It is the belief in a single architect of the universe. Freemasonry is based upon the legend of the building of Solomon's Temple, which is said to have employed thousands of masons and stonecutters almost 3,000 years ago.

In fact, many religious leaders knowingly use occult powers whilst they keep the flock ignorant and fearful of the secret knowledge. Solomon is legendary for his supposed wisdom, however his work with the occult is more hidden. King Solomon and King Hiram, along with Abiff, were practicing occultists, but in the area of Dark arts. They were directed to build a huge temple that was to be dedicated to the higher forces of the Dark side.

To gain maximum empowerment for the temple, much suffering was necessary in the construction of it. This was accomplished by blood sacrifice and enslavement of the stonecutters and masons who were forced to build the temple and by imposing oppressive taxation. These and other measures culminated in a revolt.

The three sounds given to Solomon, Hiram and Abiff respectively, form the actual secret lost "word" that Freemasons are seeking. When these are uttered in proper pitch, duration, order, timing and intensity the composite sound can call upon power from the subtle level.
This particular formula has the ability to summon the full power of Darkness.
This is no small power; it cannot be overstated how powerful it is. Anyone who possesses the key to this power can virtually control the entire world and hold any nation ransom. This is not a joking matter and one not to be taken lightly. Imagine what would have happened if Solomon had possessed the complete "word". This "word" is what Hitler was secretly searching for. In the wrong hands, this "word" could be absolutely disastrous.
Bear in mind that some Freemasons may know the first two sounds or syllables of the "word". And now, others will know them. But, I will never disclose the lost sound from the Anunnaki Elite to anyone because of the highly dangerous nature of the Dark energy embedded in the "word" that could be "resurrected" if it fell into the wrong hands - that is, ANYONE without a "pure" heart.
I now disclose the two sounds:
- King Solomon's syllable is "KIR"
- King Hiram's syllable is "WHAH"
Abiff's syllable has eluded those of Darkness for 3,000 years, and they will not acquire it before this virtual reality collapses.
As a cautionary warning, any attempt by anyone sending thoughts with any EVIL INTENT to either attack this information or to abuse the disclosed sounds will automatically be deflected and returned to the sender. The sender with such evil intent will reap instant or delayed consequences of his or her own actions.

Gravity is the first force of attraction. Motion is keeping the illusion going by the sustaining properties of gravity. When gravity is dismantled, the balls will stop moving, and the entire illusion will crumble. There are particular energies which build virtual realities within virtual realities in this dimension. The continuous motion works much like a sleight-of-hand trick. All the beings in the realm are moving so much within the illusion that they cannot focus on reality. As an example, imagine that you are riding on a merry-go-round. The horse can feel like it is standing still and everything around you is spinning. As a result, you cannot maintain focus on the outside world, however it is relatively easy to focus on the horses on the merry-go-round. This is because you are within the illusion of the merry-go-round and it becomes the reality of the moment. Try as you might, you can only catch glimpses of the outside world which you perceive to be spinning. However, you know that you are spinning on the merry-go-round, not the world outside, whose movement is an illusion created by the merry-go-round.

Thus, because of all the motion in the universe, and motion within motion, everything here is like a merry-go-round ride, and those on the ride can only get an occasional glimpse here and there of what is beyond. And, even then, those glimpses are often just of motions within motions, or other merry-go-rounds. Merry-go-rounds can be fun for a short ride, but if you stay on too long, they make you sick. From a spiritual standpoint that sickness has so disoriented True-Light beings that they have forgotten their True Divine origin and think that they are part of the illusion. If the merry-go-round stops, the illusion stops and all viable True-Light beings will be outside the virtual reality.
The shattering of this illusion - this virtual reality - has commenced. Due to the complexities of illusions within illusions it has taken a long time to dismantle it. Gravity, because of motion and inertia, is the primary cause holding things together for the time being. Once the virtual realities within the virtual reality are all shattered, all the True beings of the Light who are trapped here will be freed. This day will come. Everyone should try to break the mindset that the physical is all there is because that mindset is the biggest trap of all. There is a True Reality out there, once these dreadful rides stop. If the perpetual motion of the planets - the merry-go-round - stops, the illusion crumbles, and all the viable True-Light beings in the entire solar system are liberated from the entrapments of Darkness. Of course, the solar system is but a ride within a ride, as it is part of a galaxy, which is part of the universe. All of these rides are about to stop turning. The sun is the main source of the illusion. Those who are part of the illusion will dissipate when the illusion collapses. Those who are not part of the illusion will continue to exist after the virtual reality is over.

The Anunnaki were a very advanced race of beings and they had accomplished space travel before their star was extinguished. Being advanced technologically allowed the Anunnaki to spread their tentacles throughout the physical world as the main agents of the Demiurge. They are, in effect, angels of Darkness. They have been programmed to be as evil as the Demiurge, as ruthless, as brutal, as chauvinistic, and as hopelessly putrid as their "father". The Anunnaki were given certain powers to assist the Demiurge in keeping the illusion going for as long as possible. The Anunnaki have planted sun worship throughout the world. They have forced construction of structures to pay homage to the sun, such as Stonehenge, where the altar stone faces the rising sun. Even though Stonehenge was also used as an observatory and had other purposes, sun worship was its main purpose. The Anunnaki know that the sun must keep burning or the illusion of the solar system will shatter. That is the main objective of Anunnaki occupation of worlds - to keep the stars burning.

Freemasonry was originated by Darkness. Christianity was hijacked by Darkness. Since Darkness thoroughly corrupted christianity, it is virtually impossible to discern the difference between Freemasonry and Christianity.
There are many members of the royal families throughout the world who are involved in the Freemason society, or branches thereof. These organizations are widespread but theoretically nobody outside knows what goes on inside the lodges. Many of the ruling elite belong to these groups. It should be stressed again, that many members of the organization have no idea of the nefarious agendas of the highest echelon of the organization. Many of them are innocent people caught in a spider's web, just like many christians.

The White Buffalo Woman has returned to Earth, not as the Teacher, but as the Liberator of True-Light beings trapped in Darkness, whether they are in mineral, vegetable, animal, human or other bodies and whether they are devas of rivers or seas, plains or mountains etc. including even the "soul" of the Earth. The Divine Mother and the White Buffalo Woman are all aspects of A-itu, the Eternal Flame, the Divine Being of Purity. These aspects of A-itu are now united on this plane in a physical "body" as a "walk-in". The true God does not want to be worshipped. In fact, the desire to be worshipped is yet another Anunnaki trait. The Anunnaki also build huge, elaborate monuments and temples, but these are not for the true God. These are human-made idols to satisfy human ego. The Light has attempted repeatedly to correct Darkness and bring It back to the Light, but Darkness stubbornly rejects any correction. Darkness has tenaciously held onto every True-Light being that is trapped in the virtual reality, and holds those beings ransom. Now, the time has come for the Light to liberate Its Own from Darkness. The process has commenced.

As part of the ruling elites’ plans, we live in a world where citizens are in a sense being subliminally attacked, manipulated, influenced and controlled by unseen forces. Drinking water is being bombarded with chemicals for many reasons. Mind control techniques infest the internet, and those who use it too much are in danger of being programmed considerably. These forces can come from many levels of existence, but, presently, the ruling elite is playing a key role by gathering information and programming people in the physical.
The ruling elite collect information on everyone in the world to use it against them by distorting whatever has gone on and to libel them when it suits their purposes. This is done to anyone whom the ruling elite perceive as a threat to their system. The media has certain “cover” stories that they present whenever the need arises to distract the public. Child kidnapping and child murders happen every day, but there are a few that attract international attention, and appear in the news whenever they are needed. The readers probably know exactly which ones I am referring to, and whenever they see them re-appear in the news, they should be questioning what is really behind the most current resurrection of these stories.
Another favorite news tactic is to place undue emphasis on various unimportant political elections around the world. The news media is now using inexperienced and less qualified presenters to address the non-stories. Also, the media is extracting foolish statements from people they interview and using short video clips to then stir up the public at large. If they interview enough people, they will be able to cut-and-paste until they have their silly sound bytes to support whatever they are pushing. The media can build or break celebrities and organizations. The ruling elite know how to use propaganda wars, so the various alien groups have invested heavily in media because they know the media is powerful.

The Alpha Draconians are the oldest known reptilian race in our galaxy. They are, in fact, the only genetic line of their kind that is not extinct. When we talk about that, that’s extinct, they have found remnants of others that came after but were extinct. Most of the reptilian civilizations that we know today, in Butese, Orion, Capella are all genetic manipulated half breeds of the original Ciakar race.
They stand 18-25 feet tall and can weigh up to 2,500 pounds. They are like Tyrannosaurus Rex. They are monsters. They have black leathery brown scale bellies, they have multiple abdomens, they have whiskers along their chin and jaw line. They have a mating claw and multiple tongues. I’m going to give you some very specific information.
They lay eggs and what is called a battle hormone is used to accelerate the birthing process. They are a duality. This is why ancestral females did not participate in war, because if they did, there wouldn’t be anybody there to help with the eggs. They also had to be there to secrete this hormone.
Stronger young females were expected to defeat and kill older and weaker leaders in ritual combat.

Ruled by the monarchy of a queen genetic lineage they are one of the most powerful races in the galaxy. They have some of the greatest military might that has ever been seen in the galaxy and most of the clan members are zealots and will do anything for the glory of their clans, of their lineage.
The Grey and Reptilian alien agenda is to slowly and covertly take over the planet in the next thirty years, reduce the population and run the planet from underground using the surface population as food to be taken when and how they wish.

She describes a sadistic Satanic cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. It is largely homosexual and pedophile, practices animal sacrifice and ritual murder. It works "hand in glove" with the CIA and Freemasonry. It is Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates. It controls the world traffic in drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution. It may be the hand behind political assassination, and "terrorism," including Sept. 11, the Maryland sniper and the Bali bomb blast.

It has infiltrated government on a local, state and national level; education and financial institutions; religion and the media. Based in Europe, it plans a "world order" that will make its earlier attempts, Nazism and Communism, look like picnics. One other detail: these people are not happy.

Many writers on the occult have suggested that the notorious SS (Schutz Staffeln or Defence Squads) was actively engaged in black-magic rites designed to contact and enlist the aid of evil and immensely powerful trans-human powers, in order to secure the domination of the planet by the Third Reich. While conventional historians are contemptuous of this notion, it nevertheless holds some attraction for those struggling with the terrible mystery at the heart of Nazism, who have come to believe that only a supernatural explanation can possibly shed light on the movement's origins and deeds.

The aims of the enormous SS apparatus were ... comprehensive and concerned not so much with controlling the state as with becoming a state itself. The occupants of the chief positions in the SS developed step by step into the holders of power in an authentic 'collateral state', which gradually penetrated existing institutions, undermined them, and finally began to dissolve them.

We’re in the midst of a parasitic attack on our entire planet to literally change our fundamental operating system. Genetics and other concurrent chemical, biological and electromagnetic alterations to our selves and habitat are the weapons of choice. Amazingly enough, parts of humanity are being induced to not only do this to itself for whatever reward or reason, but the rest are entrained to readily accept it as scientific “advancement”. The implications are of course drastic and the potential consequences dire. Fact is these virus-like programs are already well underway and already infecting your food, air, water and are actively spreading in you, and me. So perhaps it’s time for humanity to wake the hell up and smell our altered reality and this invasive insidious influence on our besieged planet before it’s too late!

However you want to conceive it, we’re being taken over by malevolent forces out to reduce, subdue, transform and subjugate the life of our planet and its inhabitants. Our crops are adulterated, our rivers, streams, oceans and air deliberately contaminated, and our society completely controlled and manipulated. And I’m not talking about what WE’VE done, I mean deliberately promoted toxic pesticides, fluoridated water, released radiation, chemtrails, oil pollution, EMFs, etc. etc. Not the least of which is the wickedly pushed, promoted and perniciously promulgated GMOs.

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