Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Saint Is

Nachdem ihr mir so extttrem penetrant auf den Fersen wart und mir kaum noch Raum zum atmen gelassen habt, wollte ich eigentlich in die Berge um etwas Abstand von euch Superstalkers zu bekommen. Genau das Gegenteil war aber der Fall. Je höher ich kam, desto mehr wart ihr hinter mir her. Und ohne es zu beabsichtigen, scheinbar "zufällig", lande ich auf der Schwägalp beim Sänt-is in einer regelrechten Zwergesteinsiedlung. Einer richtigen Felsenburgfestung. Ihr habt es euch ziemlich gemütlich gemacht dort oben. Könnt mir auch gefallen. Obwohl ich zuerst eigentlich vor euch flüchten wollte, war die Konfrontation dann doch wie so oft genau die richtige Medizin für dieses Problem. In dieser luftigen Höhe konnte ich sofort wieder viel freier denken und das ganze Kosmosspielbild aus der Vogelperspektive betrachten. Zu sehen und spüren, wie ihr lebt, hat mich viel über euch gelernt. Ihr seid ein bisschen wie kleine unterentwickelte Monstertierchen. Trotzdem sind wir uns in manchen Dingen ähnlicher als wir denken. Beide sind wir für die unbewusste Welt unsichtbar und gleichzeitig die einzigen, die sich gegenseitig wirklich erkennen. Auch wenn es unglaublich erscheinen mag aber selbst für euch unterirdische Höllengestalten empfinde ich eine gewisse Sympathie und Mitleid und wünsche mir im Grunde nichts mehr, als dass wir alle zusammen in eine friedlichere und unabhängigere Zukunft gehen können. Ohne euch könnten wir ja gar nicht aufwachen. Das eine bedingt das andere. Am Ende sind wir doch alle Sklavenopfer, der herrschenden Satanilluminatelite. Wurden von ihr benutzt und manipuliert um ihre verrückten Kontrollvisionen umzusetzen. Wenn wir verstehen, dass wir alle auf der höchsten Ebene auf Ewig eins sind und uns nur mit vereinten Kräften aus dieser misslichen Lage befreien können, in der wir alle hier stecken, sind wir gerettet. Unsere aller Lebens(t)räume sind bedroht. Wenn wir endlich anfangen würden uns gegenseitig zu bereichern und helfen anstatt zu behindern. Unsere unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten und Eigenschaften zum Wohle des Universums einzusetzen. Zu Gunsten aller Lebewesen. Dann wäre der Himmel ganz schnell auf Erden. Ein friedlicher Ort, wo jeder und alles wieder seinen Platz im Ganzen erfüllen/einnehmen und sich seiner Bestimmung optimal enfalten kann. Ein harmonisches Zusammenspiel der ausbalancierten Kräfte stattfindet, das jegliche Trennung und Selbstzerstörung hinter sich gelassen hat. Alles als notwendige Kraft im Universumsspiel anerkennt. Wacht auf und kommt aus euren Verstecklöchern raus. Damit ihr auch Teil unserer Realitätswelt werden könnt. Auch, wenn es kaum vorstellbar ist seelenlose Klonzombies, wie euch zu heilen bzw. bekehren. Aber so bin ich eben und werde ich auch bleiben. Anders wäre so eine Höllentortur wohl auch kaum zu ertragen. Obwohl ihr mich jetzt mit eurem Stressterror wieder mal fast an die Grenze getrieben habt. Dazu bringt, dass ich den Blick fürs Wesentliche verliere und mich von eurer Paranoia anstecken lasse. Auf euch wütend und ungeduldig werde. Obwohl ich Krieg und Streit ablehne. Wenn irgendwie möglich verhindern möchte. Den Weg der Vergebung und Liebe immer vorziehe. Aber ihr lasst mir bald keine andere Wahl mehr als euch herauszufordern. Ich bin ja von allen Seiten umstellt. Werde von euch überall hin verfolgt. Nicht wahr. Give me a break. Mit euren Panikattacken macht ihr langsam auch anderen Angst und damit wird alles nur noch schlimmer. Angst ist bekanntlich eine tödliche Schwingungsebene für alles Leben auf der Erde. Also auf Dauer für das Menschheitskollektiv leider nicht trag- und tolerierbar. Und so wurde die geplante Alpenverschnaufspause also unerwartet zu einer Botschaftermission. Einer Erkundungstour durch das Zwergenbergenmärchenland. Lightwizards of Us in Mountain-Action. Plötzlich stand da das Schneewitchen. Und hat ihre 7 Zwerge gesucht. Die Wurzeln ihrer lang verloren gegangener Verbindung wieder gefunden. Wieder mal den grossen Masterplan des Schöpfers geschaut. Das Herzlicht angezündet.

Auf eine weitere Reiseflugrunde im grandiosesten Bewusstseinszirkus ever seen on this galaxy-showstage..

The Greys are almost entirely devoid of emotions but can obtain a high by telepathically tuning in the different kinds of intense human emotions, such as ecstasy or agony....

From what I understand the Department of the Navy made an agreement with the alien Greys to exchange technologies for human women and children to conduct horrific breeding experiments. This is what is going on right now in an underground base not far from Miami, Florida. One of my most disturbing memories is being escorted down a hallway in this underground lab and seeing cages of chicken wire fencing with women and children screaming for help.
It is very complicated, but basically there are four main versions or groups of the New World Order, all with slightly varying agendas. The first group comprises the US and Western Europe (i.e., England, Germany, France and the US). The second group is Eastern Europe fused with Western Europe and the US. The third group is the countries of the Orient, and the fourth is the Middle Eastern-Saudi Arabian elements and all the oil money. 

There are also off world groups (aliens and future human Nazi's types called Zardanians, Reptilians, Greys and Dracos) who also have a hand in the NWO plans. For the time being, the old money groups of Europe and England have teamed up with die hard Nazi factions, Jews and Americans forming the group that has been always been known as the Illuminati and affiliated secret societies. This large international group controls the media, police force, military, etc. The Illuminati is also part of the NWO plan, which includes members such as George Bush, Prince Charles and other high ranking people.
As for the aliens, I think most of the alien Greys are either under the authority of or in collaboration with the Reptilians, Dracos and the Illuminati, based on some of my experiences and memories that are still returning to me. Some Grey groups are in conflict with the Reptilian/Draco agenda and are doing their own thing (human/grey hybridization programs) so to speak. Their agenda gets into heavy spiritual matters having to do with acquiring an emotional body and an ability to ascend to higher dimensions. They are using humans to accomplish this via the human/alien hybrids. Humans have the key in terms of having a threefoldessence or unity of being, physical, emotional and spiritual. Other aliens have lost this unity of being (because of the fall from grace), thus inhibiting them from ascending to higher dimensions, or evolving to higher levels. This gets back to the original Luciferic rebellion, fallen angels and the various conflicts between species.

There are approximately 1,833 reptilians living underneath the United States. Their underground habitat ranges from a depth of 100 miles to 200 miles beneath the surface of the Earth. They generally live in caverns and the ancient tunnel systems created hundreds of thousands of years ago. They are not benevolent, and every once and a while they come up for a contact. They have been seen in New York City, Missouri, Chicago and in the Southwestern states. These areas happen to be the largest areas, coincidentally, for missing human children, numbering in the thousands. The Andromedans have stated that 31,712 children have been taken by the reptilians over the last 25 years. 

Greys are the quintessential “aliens” popularized (or dreaded) by our contemporary humans who have been responsible for abducting, mutilating, massacring several hundred thousand of human beings, mostly children, pregnant mothers, and other females or males since mid-1950.


Now they are here to take back 'their planet' from the human race. In order to accomplish this, they are using multi-levelled deception and propaganda -- mostly through 'channeled' information and through information conveyed to 'abductees' - to convince humans to capitulate themselves over to aliens 'guides' and thus allow the aliens access to their minds and in turn to our society in general. This same tactic, according to various contactees [Billy Meier, Jefferson Souza, Israel Norkin, Maurice Doreal, George Andrews, Thomas Castello, Alex Collier, etc.] has succeeded on many other colonial worlds that the 'Greys' have conquered, and it has also worked on this world to the extent that they have taken control of much of the 'underground black budget empire' -- a vast network of interconnected underground military-industrial bases and
cities that have been constructed with the assistance of TRILLIONS of dollars siphoned from the American economy via taxes, drugs, organized crime, etc., money which has literally gone 'down the tubes', leaving our economy in a state of chaos. From this point and onward throughout this file, when the term 'Military-Industrial' complex is used, we are not referring to the U.S. Military in its entirety. In fact you could say that there is a definite and a violent conflict which is growing between what might be referred to as the "Military-Industrial-Executive" complex and the "Military-Congressional-Electorate" complex...

Americans are being carefully groomed as an economic slave society to serve the underground 'Master Race' WITHOUT their/our knowledge. Prices continue to rise, yet income continues to fall farther and farther behind. The change is almost imperceptible, like the proverbial frog in the pot [you know, if a frog is thrown into a pot of boiling water it will immediately jump out, yet if it is put into a pot of cool water and the heat is gradually increased, it will remain in the pot until it boils to death]. The alien-fascist underground continues to rely on our continued gullibility and ignorance to keep its empire scam going. One of their most guarded secrets of all, and one that they must protect at all costs, is that the Nazi's really didn't loose World War II. I know this may sound incredible, but read on. The joint reptilian-fascist underground empire, complete with massive 'concentration camps' which make those in Nazi Germany pale by comparison, has chosen America as its major target because the Americas are the last bastion of freedom on earth. The 'takeover' is more-or-less complete within the underground systems, however numerous attempts to implement a joint Draconian-Fascist dictatorship in America have failed because of heavy resistance and support for a Constitutional form of government. God and the 2nd Amendment are really the only forces standing in the way of a complete
takeover. This has prevented the 'outer world' from succumbing to this draconian invasion. Now that their secret is beginning to be exposed throughout the media in TV series' such as DARK SKIES, they are desperate. Their window of opportunity is closing and they must act fast, before the alien-manipulated military-industrial-complex comes under the control of the 'patriots', and the 'alien' technology in their possession is commandeered by TRUE Americans. This would mean that everyone -- not just the mind-controlled 'elite' -- will have access to interplanetary technology, which in turn would mean that freedom-loving Americans would eventually come to the defense of those interstellar cultures who have fallen under the oppression and control of the Draconian-Orion imperialists.

Only today the "serpent" comes in the form of a "Grey Alien" and the "forbidden fruit" is offered in the form of grandiose promises and occult-technology which will supposedly give the 'elite' human recipients 'god-like' powers over their fellow human beings.

IF a hostile alien force exists, would it not be logical for them to infiltrate powerful agencies on earth and use the influence of those agencies to relentlessly pound into the minds of the masses that those who believe in aliens and starships are lunatics, fools, imbeciles, and paranoids who have lost all touch with reality and should be consigned to mental institutions? That is EXACTLY what they would try to do, in spite of MASSIVE evidence to the contrary that such a reality DOES exist.
One of the major deceptions which the 'Draconians' have used to subvert humanity, especially intelligence agencies, is the idea that THEY -- the aliens -- genetically created the human race and placed us on this planet, and therefore they are our 'gods'. And so, powerful individuals with whom the aliens interact -- and who have been given promises which sound too good to be true, because they ARE, in exchange for their cooperation -- have opened the door for the alien infiltration and infestation of all levels of our society.
That is, the infiltration of our society by collectivist-interventionist reptilian-based entities known as the 'Greys' and 'Reptiloids'. And the ancient black gnostic 'serpent cults' of Bavaria, Germany were ready and willing to enter into a 'marriage of convenience' with these draconians because like the aliens themselves, they also wished to rule the planet. The aliens needed the global economic and fraternal connections of the 'Bavarian' secret societies, whereas the human 'elite' needed the alien mind control technology. The
Bavarian elitists agreed to a certain percentage of the planet once the 'New World Order' was implemented.

Several thousand young people, according to Preston Nicholes, Peter Moon and Al Bielek, have reportedly been abducted by the CIA-Nazi-Grey collaboration and have been taken to the Montauk base for 'programming' and release. Several thousands more children who were part of the Montauk Projects -- before they were sabotaged in 1985 only to be reestablished at a later date by the CIA/NSA -- were abducted permanently and used in time-space dimensional
window and mind control experiments. Most of these children, who were usually 'street kids' or 'homeless kids' who would not be 'missed' as much as the children of more wealthy parents -- were 'lost' in the other dimensions as a result of these experiments.

If one wishes to be a Roman Catholic or a member of any other religion, fine... however when that 'religion' begins to pry into the realm of economic and political CONTROL at the expense of the freedom of others, then these 'religions' must be willing to face criticism for involving themselves in these areas, and refrain from hypocritically crying "your attacking my 'religious beliefs'". When an organization becomes a political and economic force of CONTROL, it has CEASED becoming a 'religion'. How much more for 'religions' who profess to have faith in Jesus of Nazareth - the Christ - or Melchizedek... the same one who in His zeal had 'cleansed' the Temple of those who were using 'religion' to fill their own money bags. Some organizations have lost the 'right' to be called exclusively 'religions' and must now be classed as economic-political power-cult structures. No matter how well-intentioned humans are, if they place themselves ABOVE their fellow human beings, then there is the temptation to use their knowledge or position to CONTROL those below them. It is religious POWER STRUCTURES which divide humanity through "holy wars" and such, NOT individual 'believers'.

Today the Group consists of international bankers [the same core of NY, London, Swiss and German merchant bankers, but now expanded to the largest banks in many other parts of the world, notably Japan and in the Middle East], kings, at least one queen, princes, industrialists [among the world's top 100 CEOs +/or Chairmen... a heavy concentration in autos], Army, Navy, Air Force, & Marine Corps generals, State department section chiefs, Mafia chiefs, drug lords, elected officials, judges at all levels, many media owners, a host of leading lawyers, and many others. The leadership of the Group comes from its EUROPEAN parent organization, consisting of many of Europe's key bankers, industrialists, & politicians. They want to impose on this planet a centralized world oligarchy -- not a democracy -- akin to a FASCIST state in which there will be genocide on a massive scale, total state control over all aspects of human behavior and communication and control of the human mind and spirit through manipulation of the world's major religions, genetic engineering, drugs, tightly-controlled media and by other means. There will be death camps in which 'undesirable' races, the old and infirm, and those without "social utility" will be exterminated without a trace. The institution of state-sanctioned slavery will be re-established. There will no longer be families as we know the institution. There will be a MASTER RACE in charge of all this power -- the ARYAN RACE, augmented by advanced genetics, and bred for superior characteristics.

The plan is to unleash elemental forces of chaos that transcend government philosophy. The primitive mandate for political/social structure seems to be protection of the person from crime and disease, protection of property, a system of justice to enforce those protections, and organization for economic gain. All these refinements we've developed - democracy, fascism, communism, monarchy - come after the primitive mandates have been met. The theory is that if you remove enough of those basic protections the government will fall because it is not performing the more important, elementary functions. 

The Group's plan is to covertly foster and finance a civil war on race lines through their agents in black and Hispanic ghettoes in major cities. Once they are successful in gun control legislation the Group will ARM the minority insurgents with attack weapons to be used against essentially weapon-less minority and non-minority individuals. The local police departments will be out-gunned. The military will be called in, but will be unable to control the situation due to an artificial "breakdown in the chain of command."
After the year 2000 the civil war will be used by the Group as the excuse for genocide against the Black and Hispanic races. The genocide of the black races will be global. There are also large-scale genocide plans for Hispanics and
Chinese. Literally hundreds of smaller races also targeted. This will take place over a much longer period than [the] German experiment in WWII. (Remember that the 'root' of the 'New World Order' agenda can be traced back to the secret occultic societies connected to Bavaria, Germany -- the Illuminati, Thule, Nazis, Vril, Rosicrucian, Black Gnostics, Skull & Bones, Cult of the Serpent, Templars, Babylon Mystery Cult, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Jesuits, and all of the many lesser-known inter-locking secret societies which grew out of the occult-military core of the early Roman Empire and the later 'Holy Roman Empire' [HO.R.E.] -- a core that had its center of power not only in Rome but also in Germany.

Bavarian cultists and Grey aliens are reportedly working together in the production of so-called 'hybrids' within the underground joint-operational facilities. Most of the hu-brids [human-hybrids] who are born with imputed reptilian DNA or DNA from other animals are the unwilling servants of the draconian collectivists from birth. Some of these 'people' have escaped from the domination of the Collective and have joined with more friendly 'Federation' forces, or have been rescued by the same from captured bases or ships.

"Cities beneath cities, and some hamlets, require injections of wealth from the surface that doesn't leave paper trails to their caverns. Each cavern has to develop and specialize in some particular money-making scam, or any number of sting embezzlements to bring in a constant stream of traceless cash and gold.
"One cavern, for example, specializes in addictive drug sales, another bank embezzlement and fraud, another stock market riggings, government money transfer schemes, along with other more esoteric and less known ways of generating profit that must eventually be converted to cash and gold that cannot be traced. The expression underground cash economy is probably a semi-cryptic phrase that refers directly to installations beneath cities notorious for dealing only in cash and gold. 

Perhaps they would plan well in advance to bring the planet to a state where resistance would be minimal... massive abductions, mind control, infiltration,
underground staging bases, genetic projects to create alien warriors who could operate well in the environment, overtures to foolish and greedy planetary rulers so as to gain their cooperation, multi-leveled deception and psychological warfare, a global government that would facilitate an easier takeover -- taking control of the leaders of an already-existing power-structure rather than destroying the old structure and creating a new one.

As for the Alpha Draconians, if and when they are allowed into our system/planet, they will NOT do anything about the Greys, simply because the Draconians SENT THEM HERE in the first place. My only suggestion is to declare our planet, or at least the "upper" and "lower" Continental United States, a "VERMIN FREE ZONE" -- that is, NO GREYS, NO REPTILOIDS, NO INSECTOIDS -- PERIOD! In order to enforce this we must DEMAND access to the interplanetary and subterranean technology now possessed by the largely alien-infiltrated Military-Industrial Complex. Those members of the Masonic M.I.C. fraternity must realize that this is their only solution, otherwise they will remain stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place... with the threat of total assimilation -- along with the individuality-killing New World Order -- into the alien collective on the one hand, and the threat of an invasion of their Military-Industrial underground by angry patriotic Americans on the other hand.

History has PROVEN over and over and over again that the Reptiloids/Greys are, in spite of their vast collective intellect, creatures that are irrepairably turned over to base predatory animal instinct, and have lost ALL sense of individual conscience... having in essence become the absolute slaves of those "astral parasites" -- if you will -- who control them. A physical form capable of developing advanced technology yet NOT capable of maintaining any degree of self-motivated spiritual maturity or conscience to 'tame' such lower predatory instincts should NOT be tolerated in this universe. They should not be tolerated any more than an AIDS virus, which knows nothing other than conquest and destruction, should be tolerated within a human body. These reptiloids SHOULD PAY for what they have done to our people as well as to millions if not billions of men, women and children on other colonial worlds throughout the galaxy. I cannot stress this conviction too much!

Otherwise, if the problem were allowed to continue, the insatiable predatory drives of these unnatural creatures of unbounded appetite and evil WILL eventually cause their corrupting influence to spread throughout the whole galaxy and universe, and this would eventually mean the end of all human life as we know it... since the Reptiloids and Reptilian Greys have NEVER shown any interest -- as an interventionist-collective -- in respecting human life anywhere in the universe. Nor have they shown ANY interest in making peace with humankind, except in the case of false overtures of feigned 'peace' WHICH ALWAYS, BUT ALWAYS has resulted in the inevitable betrayal and destruction of the human society with whom they have established a 'peace treaty'. 

The Andromedans confirm that we are being used for food. The Greys use our blood and the reptilians consume live human flesh. Their favorite human food is children.

The child would need to be totally programmed from the beginning, starting from a blank consciousness. This technique of brainwashing or mind control allowed them to create whatever kind of person they wanted. They created many of these children to become sex slaves for their own kind, and those children then became used by others for as long as they were wanted, to be disposed of when the [person] was tired of them or finished with them.

The [Nazis] were free to destroy the child or to keep the child... Some of the children were used for satanic purposes according to the tape. They were used for satanic rituals which, in some of the rituals, included being skinned alive and having the heart pulled out of the child while the child is still living...

Most religions describe these incorporeal beings as demons but in fact they are nothing more than creatures from the “dark universe” that interact with our universe through other alien entities and our psyche-quantum space. They are hollow creatures and have the power to exist as long as we give that power to them by religious thinking, conscious and unconscious fears.

Aliens need to install their spirit and memories into human brains. Because they lack a Soul component, they cannot exist after death. Their spirit and soul just vanish. The aliens cease to exist. Everything is over. For good.

Aliens can suck or store their vibrational whole memory and load it to human brains via the nervous system, which is acting like a cable for transmission. Reptilians use optic nerves for example. Human nervous system acts like circuits in a computer through which power and information can move. Human is a product of biotechnology, as a said before. Aliens cannot reproduce like humans because lacking the soul component put them in a degenerative path. They manufacture their bodies through cloning or copying process, which is kind of slow for them because there is no soul essence. Soul essence makes tissues “live” and the cellular process “ticking”. That is how they keep themselves alive.

So called demonic layering is nothing more than a procedure where these frequencies of incorporeal alien parasites are deliberately connected to human energy/ body/brain before or after birth depending on the case, mission, bloodline or programming of the particular abductee. These parasites can be invoked by certain tones and frequencies. That’s why “musical”, tones and chanting are important in rituals. These frequencies call out the consciousness of incorporeal alien beings for example. Some milabs are particularly programmed to store and release these incorporeal beings from within or to other persons. Some aspects of this kind of programming could be described what is called Mother Goddess programming. The aim of these kinds of programs is more than just ritualistic ones as is being discussed on so many forums. Women selected into these procedures are often from Rh-negative bloodlines, and their families are connected to Illuminati/Reptilian/Dracos for many generations. The ultimate goal is for the person to be fully possessed by a reptilian creature. These programs run under the illuminati power structure.

Their main strategy is believed to be taking control of world governments by replacing world leaders with their own members. Unfortunately, because their membership is composed entirely of clones of Adolf Hitler, this has proven to be extremely difficult, and they have preferred to use brainwashing and bribery to gain influence. Their other main strategy is seeking to make life so inconvenient that people will willingly submit to their domination if they'll stop it. In this capacity their agents have infiltrated tech support centers, book publishers, the IRS and the banking industry.

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