Sexueller Kindesmißbrauch = Gewaltdelikt; Sexualität als Mittel zum Zweck, Macht, Wut, Unterdrückung auszuleben. Es handelt sich weniger um sexuelle Befriedigung als um sexualisierte Gewalttätigkeit. Sexueller Mißbrauch liegt vor, wenn Kind / Jugendlicher von Erwachsenem oder anderem Jugendlichen als Objekt der eigenen sexuellen Bedürfnisse genutzt wird.
Sexueller Mißbrauch = Einbeziehung von Kindern und Jugendliche in sexuelle Handlungen, die sie in ihren emotionalen, physischen und sozialen Auswirkungen nicht völlig verstehen, zu denen sie entsprechend ihrer altersgemäßen Entwicklung bzw. auch wegen möglicher Abhängigkeiten keine informierte Zustimmung geben können, die soziale Tabus der Familienrolle verletzen.
Psychologishe Sicht Sexueller Mißbrauch = jede Handlung, die an einem Kind vollzogen wird und der sexuellen Erregung des Täters dient, wenn Kind im Zusammenhang mit Sexualität zu Objekt der Machtbegierde des Täters gemacht wird.
* grundsätzlich sowohl Männer als auch Frauen
* sind meist Vorsatztäter mit hohem Maß an intellektueller Planungsfähigkeit
* 40-50% Wiederholungstäter
* Geben oft Kind das Gefühl, die Übergriffe verhindern zu können, wenn sie wollten -> Steigerung der Schuldgefühle
* Mißbrauch wird von Kindern immer als solcher empfunden -> Erwachsener signalisiert außerdem meist, daß es sich bei seinem Tun um etwas Verbotenes handelt
* Täter unterscheiden sich äußerlich nicht von Normalbürgern; kommen aus allen Schichten und Berufsgruppen
Sexual violence is any act (verbal and/or physical) which breaks a person’s trust and/or safety and is sexual in nature. Victims/survivors of sexual assaults are forced, coerced, and/or manipulated to participate in the unwanted sexual activity. Adolescent women are at a higher risk for sexual violence than any other age group. Part of the reason for this is the large number of date/acquaintance rapes, which occur at this age. This is coupled with the fact that many adolescents are victims of sexual abuse and incest as well. Due to past or ongoing sexual abuse, teens with these experiences are more likely than their non-abused peers to participate in “delinquent” teenage behaviors including those which result in social problems, conflict with authority, early sexual behavior, and eating problems. These behaviors may help the teen escape from jeopardy and/or to serve as a cry for help.
Trafficking is in the news. It is on the political agenda, both nationally and internationally. Thousands of individuals, hundreds of groups, dozens of newspapers are determined to stamp it out. This focus on trafficking consistently reflects and reinforces deep public concern about prostitution/sex work, and also about immigration, and the abuse and exploitation it so frequently involves. So to challenge the expression, or some of the actions taken as a response to this concern, is akin to saying that one endorses slavery or is against motherhood and apple pie. Trafficking is a theme that is supposed to bring us all together. But we believe it is necessary to tread the line of challenging motherhood and apple pie while not endorsing slavery, because the moral panic over trafficking is diverting attention from the structural causes of the abuse of migrant workers. Concern becomes focused on the evil wrongdoers rather than more systemic factors. In particular it ignores the state’s approach to migration and employment, which effectively constructs groups of non-citizens who can be treated as unequal with impunity.
The sexual victimization of children involves varied and diverse dynamics. It can range from one-on-one intrafamilial abuse to multioffender/multivictim extrafamilial sex rings and from nonfamily abduction of toddlers to prostitution of teenagers. Sexual victimization of children can run the gamut of “normal” sexual acts from fondling to intercourse. The victimization can also include deviant sexual behavior involving more unusual conduct (e.g., urination, defecation, playing dead) that often goes unrecognized, including by statutes, as possibly being sexual in nature. There are, therefore, no step-by-step, rigid investigative standards that are applicable to every case or circumstance. Investigative approaches and procedures have to be adjusted based on the dynamics of the case. Larger law-enforcement agencies tend to have more specialized investigative units that investigate the different types of cases. One unit might investigate intrafamilial, child-abuse cases; another might investigate missing-, abducted-, or murdered-children cases; and another might investigate extrafamilial, sexual-exploitation cases. Offenders, however, sometimes cross these investigative categories. For example a father might produce and distribute child pornography images of his own child or might molest other children in addition to his own. Investigators have to be trained and prepared to address these diverse realities.
Paraphilias are psychosexual disorders defined for clinical and research purposes in the DSM-IV-TR. They are defined there as recurrent, intense, and sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors generally involving nonhuman objects, the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one’s partner, or children or other nonconsenting persons, and that occur over a period of at least six months. Better known and more common paraphilias include exhibitionism (exposure), fetishism (objects), frotteurism (rubbing), pedophilia (child), sexual masochism (self pain), sexual sadism (partner pain), and voyeurism (looking). Less known and less common paraphilias include scatologia (talk), necrophilia (corpses), partialism (body parts), zoophilia (animals), coprophilia (feces), klismaphilia (enemas), urophilia (urine), infantilism (baby), hebephilia (female youth), ephebophilia (male youth) and theoretically many others “not otherwise specified” (NOS).
Sadistic: This pattern of behavior characterizes the offender whose sexual preferences predominately include the need to inflict psychological or physical pain or suffering on his victims in order to be sexually aroused or gratified. He is sexually aroused by his victim’s response to the infliction of pain or suffering. He typically uses lures or force to gain access to his victims. He is more likely than other preferential-type child molesters to abduct and even murder his victims. In order to escape detection a sexual sadist, even one with extraordinary interpersonal skills, may try to abduct victims who are not acquaintances and to whom he cannot be linked. There have been some cases where seduction acquaintance molesters have become sadistic molesters. It is not known whether the sadistic needs developed late or were always there and surfaced for some reason (i.e., inhibitions overcome, sadistic interests fueled and validated on the Internet). Once a sadistic offender engages in severe sexual sadism with an acquaintance child victim, it is difficult to prevent disclosure and escape identification without killing or otherwise disposing of the victim. As previously stated, keeping the victim alive for a long time requires extraordinary physical control measures. In any case it is fortunate that sadistic child molesters do not appear to be large in number. Investigators must understand that being extremely cruel (e.g., physical abuse, control through violence) by itself is not the same as and does not necessarily indicate sexual sadism.
Maintaining control is important in the ongoing sexual exploitation of children. It takes a significant amount of ability, cunning, and interpersonal skill to maintain a simultaneous sexual relationship with multiple partners. It is especially difficult if you have the added pressure of concealing illegal behavior. In order to avoid detection and disclosure, an offender must know how to control and manipulate children. As previously stated control is maintained primarily through attention, affection, and gifts – part of the seduction process. Also as previously stated these techniques must also be adjusted for the varying developmental stages, needs, and vulnerabilities of children of different ages.
The typical adolescent, especially a boy, is easily sexually aroused, sexually curious, sexually inexperienced, and somewhat rebellious. All these traits combine to make the adolescent child an easy victim of this seduction. It takes almost nothing to get an adolescent boy sexually aroused. An adolescent child with emotional and sexual needs is simply no match for an experienced 50-year-old man with an organized plan. Yet adult offenders who seduce them, and the society that judges them, continue to claim these victims “consented.” The result is a victim who feels responsible for what happened and embarrassed about his actions. Once a victim is seduced, each successive sexual incident becomes easier and quicker. Eventually the child victim may even take the initiative in the seduction.
Violence, threats of violence, and blackmail are most likely used by the offender when pushing a victim out or attempting to hold onto a still-desirable victim who wants to leave. Sexually explicit notes, audio recordings, video recordings, and photographs are effective insurance for a victim’s silence. Victims worried about disclosure of illegal acts such as substance abuse, joyriding, petty theft, and vandalism are also subject to blackmail. Some victims even commit crimes (e.g., burglary, arson) to retrieve or destroy evidence of their behavior. Victims and their families from higher socioeconomic backgrounds may be more concerned about the public embarrassment of any disclosure. Many victims, however, are most concerned over disclosure of and therefore more likely to deny engaging in sex for money, bizarre sex acts, homosexual acts in which they were the active participant, and sex with other child victims. In child sex rings not only does the offender have sex with the child but, in some cases, the children have sex with each other. While children may report they were forced by the offender to perform certain acts with him, they find it hard to explain sexual experiences with other children; therefore, they frequently deny such activity. One offender told me if you select your victims and seduce them “properly,” the secret takes care of itself.
I know how your pedophile rings operate.
I know that in the
very rare occasions when your pedophilic abuse surfaces into the public
arena, either individually or as a group, you are protected, the
information and evidence of your activities is ‘whitewashed’,
‘disinformed’, ‘lost’, ‘destroyed’ and the witnesses threatened,
harassed, intimidated, assaulted or murdered.
I know that the
system that you are involved in – once solid and impenetrable to ‘mass
citizen awarness’ – is finally beginning to disintegrate – to a point
which will make you and your child abuse networks completely transparent
for everyone to see.
I know that the evidence I already have
along with my future investigations and mass public exposures of your
Child Abuse Rings via forthcoming documentations and documentaries
will prove to Everyone your - ‘Child Abuse by Design’.
I know a
number of you that are involved in W.A.s Secret Society Pedophile
Network at the highest level and that when the Knowledge of your
pedophile rings reaches critical mass within the public domain your
identity will no longer be protected by your Black-Occult ‘Brotherhood’
and you will be the first to be hunted down by the Masses and brought to
their justice – however you will not be the last. Not one of you will ever
escape the rath of the People when they find out who you are and what
you have done.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
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