Thursday, January 2, 2014


Da die verlorene und ausser Kontrolle geratene Schweiz sich scheinbar entschieden hat diese einmalige Chance auf Veränderung durch Geistevolution ungenutzt verstreichen zu lassen und mich nun 12 Monate lang ignoriert und verleumdet hat, hat sie sich den Untergang redlich verdient und offenbar selbst gewünscht. Eure egoistische Arroganz wird euch am Ende auch nichts mehr nützen. Und auch nicht meine Zauberzutaten und die schönen Feuerchen. Denn wer kein bewusstes Lichtherz hat oder ist, wird die Drachenvögel bei der Endernte begleiten. So ist das nun mal. Ich habe lange gewartet aber nun wird es Zeit weiter zu gehen. Das Kapitel Zürichhölle schliesst sich für mich nun endlich und auch die Ära dieses sinnlosen und selbstzerstörerischen Lügengeldsklavensystems. Nie wieder. Das Archenschiffboot fährt leider ohne euch los. Wers bis heute nicht begriffen hat, wirds nie verstehen und auch nicht weiter kommen. Denn ich gehe noch einige Schritte höher. Das hier war nur eine kleine Aufwärmübung für mich. Die ganz grosse Hi.story auf dieser Weltbühne haben wir ja noch vor uns. Leider hatte keiner von euch den Mut den Kontakt und eine Verbindung zu mir herzustellen. Mich zu integrieren. JJ zu befreien und diese Illuminatenkröten zum Folterteufel zu schicken. Und schon seid ihr eure Tickets los. So schnell kanns gehen. Oje. Man muss auch wissen, wann es keinen Sinn mehr macht und das tut es jetzt leider nicht mehr. Habt das alle für alle Spiel nicht umsetzen können. Obwohl ich alleine für euch alle das Unmögliche erreicht habe. Ihr seid viel mehr und ein ganzes verdammtes Land und schafft es bis heute nicht mit mir zusammen zu arbeiten. Und zwar direkt und offiziell. Alles andere bringt auf Dauer nichts und ist ein Verbrechen gegen die gesamte Menschheit. Die Erde hat nun auch keine Zeit und Geduld mehr für unbelehrbare und dumme Satanssturköpfe, die sich lieber selber vernichten. Und ich schon gar nicht. Schliesslich habe ich noch ein Date mit dem höchsten Gottwesen und das ist einiges wichtiger und mächtiger als ihr es je wart oder sein werdet. Diese Vereinigung ist auch der Schlüssel für die globale Erleuchtung. Ohne Einheit und Balance kann dieses Land den Fluss nicht überqueren. Dazu braucht es beide Seiten als Pfeiler für euer schwerfälliges Sausystem, das so leider sinken wird. Und dann muss es wohl so sein. Die Würfel sind gefallen. Es liegt jetzt nicht mehr in meiner Hand und meiner Verantwortung. Ich habe getan, was ich konnte aber der Rest der Welt braucht mich jetzt viel dringender. Und weiss es wahrscheinlich auch mehr zu schätzen. Habt nicht 1mal Danke gesagt. Egal. Ich habe dafür jetzt die grosse Ehre einen neuen Bewusstseinsrecord aufzustellen und eine noch nie dagewesene Gottoffenbarung zu verwirklichen, die alles andere übertreffen und durch seine sichtbaren und eindeutig grenzenlosen Merkmale diesen ganzen Planeten aufwecken, bekehren und befreien wird. Ich lasse hier darum schon sehr bald alles stehen und liegen. Spiele garantiert nicht länger den unterdrückten Sklavendiener für euch. Das habe ich schon lange nicht mehr nötig. Bin nur geblieben um euch verblendeten Dämonengreise im dünkelsten Höllenloch der Erde eine Möglichkeit für den Aufstieg anzubieten. Und für viele hat es sich ja gelohnt. Ihr könnt all meine Sachen haben. Ich werde das alles nicht mehr brauchen. Nur ich werde dann nicht mehr hier sein. Aber ihr werdet zum Senseschluss sicher noch von mir hören und sehen, wie ich in einem vollkommenen Strahllichtkörper nackt auf dem Vatikanplatz landen und diese Papawitztyrannei für immer beenden werde bevor ich die Erde ganz verlasse und meine erste eigene Welt erschaffe.

In diesem Sinne ein frisch fröhliches Erntedankfinaletransformationshiftfestival! LOVE IS GOD!!!

Initiation occurs through a metaphysical death, a descent into the underworld and a rebirth and return. The initiate leaves his old life and his old self behind and is reborn, often with a new name, representing the new person. The adept leaves behind a state of limited existence with pre-determined actions and will to reach a divine state of god hood with a free will and the power to create.

The actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. These reptilian-human hybrids are the driving force behind most of the systemic cruelty and wickedness on Earth. The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind.

When one studies the Reptilian Mind, horrors such as Occultic Rituals involving human sacrifice and the horrendous and systematic sexual exploitation of women and children becomes understandable. These wicked attributes are imbued into their manipulated humans the world over at all strata of society. The result is a worldwide smorgasbord of human misery and suffering..

The white adult males of European descent who overwhelmingly make up the serial sex offender/murderer population, use reptilian operational methods such as sadistic control, the use of restraints, ritual, rape and sodomy upon their victims. But that is not the only similarity. Many of the complex "fantasies" that Serial Sex Offenders/Killers see in their MIND is no different than what many reptilian manipulated Male Abductees see in their MIND or in the Astral Dreamscape. DEMONIC HARRASMENT and mixed REPTILIAN-HUMAN Heritage generates impulses that the Human side of the individual must overcome.

It is important to understand that biting, clawing, kidnapping, restraining, ritualistic sex torture and murder are behaviors which reptilians and reptilian controlled serial sex offenders mentally confuse with what we call SEX. To them all of these heinous crimes are part and parcel of sexual activity.

Reptilian humanoids are a proposed race of intelligent, supernatural, or highly developed reptile-like humanoids in mythology, popular fiction, pseudoscientific theories and in the writings of New Age conspiracists. They appear in some conspiracy theories, most notably those of Riley Martin, John Rhodes, David Icke, and in science fiction. Reptoids, a conjoined word defining Reptilian-Humanoid beings, is the most popular name used to describe these cryptid beings, although some authors also refer to them as dinosauroids, lizardfolk or lizardmen. Other names include Draconians, Saurians and Sauroids. They are often described as being green or gold color. Similar to the other cryptids, no one has produced proof of the existence of reptilian humanoids, and allegations of their existence can at best be referred to as cryptozoology or pseudoscience.

It is from here that they police our vibrational prison - the Matrix - and seek to addict and restrict us to the dense physical senses. This world was once far less dense than it is today and the "fall" down the frequencies, caused by the manipulation of incarnate consciousness and DNA infiltration, has made it so much more difficult to maintain a multi-dimensional connection while in physical
form. We are now in a cycle of change when the vibration of this "world" will be raised out of dense physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the reptilians' ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed and this is why they are in such a panic at this time to prevent this shift from opening the vibrational prison door.

The period we are now experiencing has, therefore, been played out before. We are just at that point again in the repeating circle or cycle, like a rat running on one of those wheels in a cage. No matter how fast it runs, it keeps covering the same ground. What we need to do is break the "time" circle and thus the prison. We are now in that part of the circle that is most vulnerable to this because of the vibrational changes taking place in this part of the Universe and this is why the control of humans has tightened so rapidly in this period - they are doing everything they can to defend their prison from the awakening of the inmates. The micro-chip is crucial to that.

Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.

Sex trafficking, as defined by the National Institute of Justice is a type of human trafficking, that is defined as recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining either by an adult for commercial sex by force, fraud or coercion, or a juvenile for commercial sex, regardless of the means. In most cases, these women and children are coerced into prostitution by “pimps” or “madams.” So basically, it is the sexual exploitation of children and teens. It forces them to trade their bodies for money.

Sex trafficking is illegal and the pentities are very severe. It is very difficult to force someone to be a sex slave, they would have to have 24 hour guards posted and be watched 365 days a year, 24 hours per day. Have the threat of violence if they refused, and have no one notice and complain to the authorities or police. They would need to hide from the general public yet still manage to see customers from the general public and not have the customers turn the traffickers in to the police.  They would need to provide them with medical care, food, shelter, and have all their basic needs met.  They would need to have the sex slaves put on a fake front that they enjoyed what they were doing, act flirtatious and do their job well.  They would have to deal with the authorities looking for the missing women, and hide any money they may make, since it comes from illegal activity. They must do all of this while constantly trying to prevent the sex slaves from escaping and reporting them to the police. They would need to prevent the general public from reporting them into the police. This is extremely difficult to do, which makes this activity rare. These criminals would be breaking dozens of major laws not just one.  Kidnapping itself is a serious crime.  There are many laws against sex trafficking, sex slavery, kidnapping, sex abuse, rape, sexual harassment etc. If someone is behind it, they will be breaking many serious laws, be in big trouble, and will go to jail for many long years.

Police corruption involving the enforcement of vice laws, including drugs, gambling and prostitution, have been the bane of law enforcement agencies worldwide. There is a direct cause and effect relationship between increased
penalties for any prostitution and prostitution related activities and an increase in police abuse, extortion and rape of prostitutes. The age of the prostitute doesn’t seem to make a difference to those officers inclined to use the law for
their own nefarious purposes.

Techniques similar to those used to create Monarch Slaves have been applied to the general population. While we’ve been sleeping they created an army of Mind Controlled Slaves (human robots) to do their bidding; effecting changes in society need in order to perpetuate our gleeful servitude. These human DOLLS were infused into major spheres of society for us to mimic. This strategy has been given a major boost from technological advancements saturating our culture designed to keep “the programming” directly in front of the targets…
Our constant interaction w/these devices not only shields the puppet masters, but actually reduces the brains ability to reason. We don’t talk, we text…we don’t imagine, images are created for us, we think less as false arguments are presented, debated and resolved in minutes – sound bites rule. One can debate “man versus machine” ad naseum; moderator is not a technophobe, but readers should realize we’ve been programmed to be lazy, allowing computers to do almost everything for us. The mind in some ways is like any other muscle — if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it; it will atrophy. We’re losing simple skills like reading and counting at an alarming rate. Working a cash register used to require a quick mind in computation, now just press a button and in some cases w/pictures of items instead of words. This is part of the devolution of the human mind, always marketed as “convenience” or “progress” and those objecting are quickly demonized…

Many people have not come to realize that the Jesuits are in fact one of the many corrupt religious orders of the evil organization known as the Catholic Church. The Vatican purposely uses different names - the old divide and conquer rule - to do exactly that, to infiltrate the nations without anyone ever being able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to discover all the organized crimes they have employed worldwide. However, their time is up. Any day now we can expect to see the evil Vatican go up in flames as it is written in 2 Thes 2:8 that God himself with the splendour of His coming would return to destroy the man of iniquity (the Vatican) as it is the mother of all abominations of the Earth. Through its Jesuit order, (Society of Jesus) follow all the teachings of the Catholic Church, so it is the same religious dog with a different collar. The Vatican has been behind all world terrorist attacks, all major global companies and all organized crimes including human trafficking of children, human experiments with children in their catholic orphanages, not to mention the sexual abuse, torture and assassinations they have committed all using God's name. But today, the Man Christ Jesus has arrived to put an end to the game they managed to get away with for 2000 years, whereby they covered up the world with their lies bringing slavery, crimes and poverty to the nations.

The religion of the Goddess, wherever it was practiced throughout history, has always been sex positive. The most famous of the ancient rituals is the Hieros Gamos, or Sacred marriage ritual. Records of this ceremony have been dated as far back as early Sumerian, about 5500 years ago. In this ritual the high priestess acting as avatar of The Goddess had sex with the ruler of the country to show the Goddess's acceptance him as ruler and caretaker of her people.

The sexuality of the Goddess has been feared by men from their beginning and Her sexuality is feared today. Christian fundamentalists are in dread of a sex-positive religion which will have a greater appeal then their sex-negative, ascetic doctrines. Christians fear the haunting shadows of their forgotten ancestors--those ancients who worshipped the pagan goddess and the Goddess in Her temples and groves--who still bring up images of hidden memories of her priestesses in their subconscious who speak a truth which Christians openly deny. Christians fear the obvious, that after 2000 years their dead god has not returned and the twilight of christianity has arrived--that long awaited time when the "Lady of the New Dawn" would arrive. I have arrived.

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