Thursday, May 21, 2015


Das war/ist also die offizielle "Abkürzung" für Holy Roman Empire...also wem das nicht zu denken gibt..darum ist der Römerhof bei uns vorne auch ganz schwer bewacht und voll mit Antennen..also falls jemand zufällig mit dem Nachnamen W., L. oder M. hier in der Gegend immer noch "Psychoterror" veranstalten will, nach dem man dieses Land nun bereits seit 2 1/2 Jahren mit Bomben als Geiseln hält, kann ich denen nur noch sagen, dass es nun für alle besser wäre das "Geheimquartier" einzupacken und sich zu wird für Hardcorepsychopathen und Schwerstterroristen wie euch weder ein faires Verfahren noch Knast geben..ihr habt so viele Verbrechen begangen, dass das Urteil wohl so oder so mit der Todesstrafe enden wird..selbst hier in der muss hier also keiner mehr ein Gschiss machen und meinen man könne mit diesem Theater noch irgendwas dran ändern..ihr wollt das Unvermeidliche höchstens noch hinaus zögern und in der Zeit wohl noch mehr Leute umbringen und es dann anderen oder mir in die Schuhe schieben..wie immer..obwohl wir doch NWO&Co. aus dem Land vertrieben haben..ihr habt gar nichts gemacht ausser scheisse zu sein weil etwas anderes könnt ihr ja leider nicht..ihr seid wohl die kränksten und überflüssigsten Gestalten, die es gibt und falls eure Hohlhirnis nicht mehr so weit denken können weil sie ja völlig von Wahnsinn durchtränkt sind, kann ich auch einfach mal eure Fotos der Öffentlichkeit zeigen und euch der Schande des Volkes preis geben..pedophiles should be named and shamed not protected..ich glaube schon, dass die Leute sehr daran interessiert sind, wer in diesem Land alles Kinder fickt und frisst..die ganze Schweiz erpresst und terrorisiert..und das ihr da alle zusammen mit drin hängt, wissen mittlerweile glaub auch alle..muss also keiner mehr abstreiten oder mit irgendwelchen Anzeigen ankommen..ich habe meine Akten sonst alle bereit, welche ich aber nur noch zur Selbstverteidigung gegen eure hochkorrupten Verleumdungsversuche einsetzen werde..über den Rest soll das Volk entscheiden..vorallem über unsere Regierung..und wenn gar nichts nützt, komme ich dann halt selber bei euch vorbei und gut ist..ich lasse mir diesen Psychodreck auf keinen Fall länger bieten und werde mir von nun an jeden Tag wünschen, dass ihr euch in Luft auflöst..und das sollten auch alle anderen tun, die von diesen Monstern "geschädigt" wurden..alles andere bringt doch nichts..sind wir mal das System und Religion glaubt ihr selber ja am allerwenigsten darum missachtet ihr ja auch jedes existierende Gesetz und jegliche Moral..aber uns noch einreden wollen man könne mit einer "Anzeige" was erreichen..wers glaubt wird seelig..wir wissen ja schon seit der "Besetzten aka Nazipunkpuff", dass das völlig sinnlos ist..die Polizei kann man abschaffen..besonders in Zürich..dort sind alle leitenden Beamten pädophile Schwerverbrecher..und von "sowas" sollen wir uns "beschützen" lassen und auch noch dafür zahlen, dass die ganz offen ihren Kinderhandel betreiben..nein danke..bitte einmal abschaffen..


Und für alle, die es verpasst haben hier noch der Report über die haarsträubenden Vorfälle der letzten Zeit in der schönen "neutralen" Schweiz: 

Heute noch im Angebot: 1 x Galgen, 1 x Köpfen und 1 x schnäller isch de gschwinder..jez alüte und die Superprise het für jede öppis..sixsixsixsixsixsix oder eighteighteighteighteight und au du bisch debi! human-shields excluded..brought to you by Agent X.O

The plan is to unleash elemental forces of chaos that transcend government philosophy. The primitive mandate for political/social structure seems to be protection of the person from crime and disease, protection of property, a system of justice to enforce those protections, and organization for economic gain. All these refinements we've developed - democracy, fascism, communism, monarchy - come after the primitive mandates have been met. The theory is that if you remove enough of those basic protections the government will fall because it is not performing the more important, elementary functions.

Remember that the 'root' of the 'New World Order' agenda can be traced back to the secret occultic societies connected to Bavaria, Germany -- the Illuminati, Thule, Nazis, Vril, Rosicrucian, Black Gnostics, Skull & Bones, Cult of the Serpent, Templars, Babylon Mystery Cult, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Jesuits, and all of the many lesser-known inter-locking secret societies which grew out of the occult-military core of the early Roman Empire and the later 'Holy Roman Empire' [HO.R.E.] -- a core that had its center of power not only in Rome but also in Germany.

The Treaty allows for the aerial observation of the U.S. [and, yes, your house -- if you have been tagged for observation, along with your phone being tapped], No Questions Asked! The majority of the recent BLACK CHOPPER sorties have nothing to do with lawful military/police department operations, but are presently locating, and SETTING UP for seizure -- people/guns -- who will not take the 'mark' of the coming One World Government/Order! So prepare accordingly!

You could say that both left and right wing philosophies compliment each other in the sense that Totalitarianism cannot exist without the threat of anarchy to justify it. For instance in order to JUSTIFY a totalitarian takeover of the United States or the World the UN/NWO 'elite' would AND DO support ANARCHY in order to create for instance a national emergency and in so doing justify the implementation of certain executive orders and martial law.

The so-alled ELITE gain their power through MISREPRESENTATION and DECEPTION! They intentionally cloud the true nature of reality, lest the masses wake up and see how they are being exploited, and take back control.

So in essence the most powerful government on earth is a corporate empire, and this would confirm the Biblical proverb that "the love of money is the root of all evil".

These attacks have not come from only one source. One more thought... the political struggle is, as suggested above, not so much between the right and left 'wings', especially the extremists -- at one extreme being slavery/tyranny and at the other extreme criminality/anarchy, BOTH of which are co-dependent threats to Liberty and Freedom. The actual struggle is between BALANCE and EXTREMISM. Anarchy would be symbolic of a horse roaming wild and useless with no restraints. Tyranny would be that same horse locked in a stall and never being able to see the light of day. A true democratic-republic would be symbolized by that horse being allowed to roam 'free' in a wide open pasture, however the pasture nevertheless has its fenced-in 'limits' that the horse could not pass. However in that the pasture provides plenty of freedom within its confines, the horse is satisfied.

Another article in August, 1952, entitled "HITLER DID NOT DIE," subtitled "Adolph Hitler's fake suicide in his Berlin Bunker now is exposed as History's greatest hoax! Positive evidence comes to light that Hitler did not die -- here's new evidence that Hitler is alive, directing [the] Nazi underground, today!"
The June, 1952, issue of "The Plain Truth" is headlined: "HITLER 'May Be Alive!'" The article states: "Now, NEW FACTS, or purported facts, leak out. It's reported now that in 1940 the Nazis started to amass tractors, planes, sledges, gliders, and all sorts of machinery and materials IN THE SOUTH POLAR REGIONS -- that for the next 4 years Nazi technicians built, on an almost unknown CONTINENT, Antarctica, the Fuhrer's SHANGRILA -- a new Berchtesgaden." The report says they scooped out an entire mountain, built a new refuge completely camouflaged -- a magic mountain hide-a-way. The recently discovered continent is larger than Europe -- 5,600 miles from Africa, 1,900 miles from the southern tip of South America, 4,800 miles from Australia.

Yet, most people simply REFUSE to believe the evidence, the idea that Hitler survived the war is just unacceptable! It is too upsetting to too many people! There is plenty of PROOF that the Americans and Russians LIED about what happened to Hitler, and there are strong rumors that he escaped to Antarctica. There is ample proof that a major group of Nazis escaped to Argentina.

They understood that ECONOMIC power ultimately dictated political power, even in a supposedly 'democratic' country where they could 'buy off' political power from those who were more interested in immediate physical comforts and economic status rather then the long-term fate of their own country. The 'Nazis' could not have done what they have done without the help of the 'traitors' within. The same could be said for the Greys also... not to mention the CIA/Nazi/Grey collaboration itself existant within various underground bases.

It has been claimed by some researchers that the 7 most powerful Bankers in the world -- who collectively control over 80 percent of all global financial transactions and over 60 percent of all global trade -- have in the past met regularly at the Bank of International Settlements or 'B.I.S.' office in the fitley named 'Tower of Basel' in Basel, Switzerland.

Mind control with ultrasound, when they were inducing and indoctrinating their crack S.S. troops, mind control with all kinds of synthetic hallucinogenic drugs, or all kinds of the 'proper' mushrooms, mind control that was developed using the Wilhelm Reichian technology. In the initial states this [involved] types of sodomic mind control that was practiced by certain of the Ahrimanic and Luciferian orders of Tibetan monks that were visited by these numerous German ethnographic expeditions in the '20s and '30s, and all of this secret knowledge was later brought to Germany.

But the most important thing about their research was GENETIC ENGINEERING... Quite a well-known movie producer in southern California that produced one of the best known UFO documentaries that won a big award has mentioned to me in a private conversation that while researching for that film he saw in a military-government archive a documentary, a silent documentary film about horrific genetic experiments on live human beings, I mean cutting off heads, dismembering, re-assembling, human bodies from parts -- all these frankensteinian experiments in the German genetic program... and finally the film culminated with footage of living, walking, breathing HYBRIDS between HUMANS and ANIMALS that were produced in German concentration camps half a century earlier. The Reife [spl?] microscope, the Royal Reife microscope which is rumored to be a Tesla scalar-wave microscope that has an extremely...high resolution power and can see many levels of complexity beyond the hierarchical level of the cell, was probably the magical key to the human genome kingdom, the microscope was discovered in the '20s in Berlin and probably gave the key to the Germans to the human genome. The big 10 billion dollar human genome project that is right now beginning to drain budget dollars run through the Dept. of Energy here, is nothing but a smokescreen for the REAL mastery of the human genome half a century earlier by the Illuminati that are running computerized designs of clones and human beings and all that stuff in the underground labs.

Bavarian cultists and Grey aliens are reportedly working together in the production of so-called 'hybrids' within the underground joint-operational facilities. Most of the hu-brids [human-hybrids] who are born with imputed reptilian DNA or DNA from other animals are the unwilling servants of the draconian collectivists from birth. Some of these 'people' have escaped from the domination of the Collective and have joined with more friendly 'Federation' forces, or have been rescued by the same from captured bases or ships.

To cap off the whole genetic research effort on the planet, it is not an idea of a few crazy frankensteinian scientists here and there in the secret underground bases, it is not a crazy idea by the secret government or even by some high levels of alien races that are using us as convenient guinea pigs... It is a much higher level of 'party line' agenda coming, my feeling is, from the... basically the fallen angelic presence on our planet that has been masterminding [the conspiracy]... probably 90% of the alien races that have visited our planet...most of them have been coming here on the planet sub-contracting for that particular branch of the 'celestial management' and the biggest point on their agenda is... on top of advanced interstellar TRANSPORTATION and COMMUNICATION have been -- the creation of life (or rather the RE-CREATION or re-arrangement of existing biological matter, since created beings whether standing or fallen can only RE-STRUCTURE that what has already been created. - Branton), and MIND CONTROL of course. [These] have been the four extremely important points, the highest points on their agenda. So the 'creation' of all of these frankensteinian monsters is not an aberration of a sick mind or probably a latent satanist movie producer. It is not a whim by some Financier that is financing these projects... it is really an incredible saga on a Universal or Galactic level... these hierarchies that are trying to outdo and outbid each other and trying to prove to probably higher levels of celestial overseeing bodies that they can do a better management and a better 'creation' of this and that including living beings.

These troops are furnished certain lists of names, particularly those known as 'Patriots' and these patriots and their families are rounded up first, and if not executed on the spot, are sent to any of the 13 [major] concentration camps now fully activated in the United States. There is nobody left to tell what really happened. Curious neighbors will be told it was a justified "drug raid." Those who escape to the hills and mountains are hunted down by "search and destroy" troops, specially trained for mountain warfare.

An 'official' announcement will be carried live on TV, that extraterrestrial aliens, probably Zeta Reticuli 'Greys' have invaded the Earth, with some actual aliens [revealed] on the show. This is actually a fake invasion. The aliens have BEEN on Earth for many years, [and] made treaties and agreements with our governments; there are millions of them in secret underground complexes such as DULCE, New Mexico (Schwägalp, Säntis), which are responsible for the abduction of children and citizens and the cattle mutilations documented in books and on TV, such as the recent special 'Intruders'. This announcement will cause the entire world to mobilize under UN supervision to fight the 'invaders'.

These two NAVY INTELLIGENCE agencies are aware of the presence of the Greys and are OPPOSED to any further dealings with them based on known betrayals of established treaties. COM-12 and the CABAL are involved in an 'Intelligence War' with two fascist agencies connected to the NSA-CIA known as MAJI and AQUARIUS. These two agencies maintain ACTIVE interactions with the 'Grey aliens' and according to some these agencies are actually CONTROLLED by these entities via mind-control implants. Take careful note of the fascist or 'Nazi' origins of both the CIA and NSA as Trojan horse or fifth-column agencies in American Intelligence. COM-12 and the CABAL are working with humanoid ET's who are determined to prevent the reptiloid ET's working through MAJI and AQUARIUS from interfering with the affairs of this planet. The conflict between these two ET groups has apparently led to planet earth being the center of an ancient dispute between these two galactic superpowers, the humanoid non-interventionists of the Pleiades-Andromeda constellations and the reptiloid interventionists of the Orion-Draconis constellations.

One of the Nazi's [Doctor's], working with 300 elite scientists on these projects, developed a certain drug that could be used on children [inducing] severe pain and torture, where the child would normally black out, and become unconscious. The doctor could administer or inject the drug and it would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could then inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance, which in turn would allow the mind of the child to become totally wiped out, a total blank so that the child forgot identity, forgot personal identity, forgot even how to add or subtract or carry on conversation.
The child would need to be totally programmed from the beginning, starting from a blank consciousness. This technique of brainwashing or mind control allowed them to create whatever kind of person they wanted. They created many of these children to become sex slaves for their own kind, and those children then became used by others for as long as they were wanted, to be disposed of when the [person] was tired of them or finished with them.
The [Nazis] were free to destroy the child or to keep the child... Some of the children were used for satanic purposes according to the tape. They were used for satanic rituals which, in some of the rituals, included being skinned alive and having the heart pulled out of the child while the child is still living...


There are quite a number of these agents working to try to bring intelligence agents over to the good side and trying to bring military leaders over to the good side, and that there are quite a few people within the intelligence and military groups who know what is going on, and who simply don't like it, and that [they] are preparing their own plans to counter this plan if it is indeed carried off...

That he ran a national child prostitution ring that serviced THE POLITICAL AND BUSINESS ELITE OF BOTH THE REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PARTIES. Several child victims of King's operations charged him with participation in at least one SATANIC RITUAL MURDER of a child several years ago.

The murder of mental patients and various "defective'' people, perhaps most of them CHILDREN. Gas and lethal injections were used to kill 250,000 under this program, in which the staffs for a BROADER murder program were de-sensitized and trained.

In marked contrast to other advanced weapons-related programs, HAARP is not part of the officially denied 'Blackworld' budget. Rather, the military insists that HAARP is a strictly scientific program to study the aurora borealis [or Northern Lights], when in fact it is a device intended to seriously tweak the ionosphere for purposes that are less than benign.
- By directing enormous amounts of radio-frequency energy at a specific area, HAARP could overload electrical power distribution grids, fry sensitive microelectronics, detonate weapons that use electronic fuses, scramble missile guidance systems and probably upset brain chemistry.
- Heating the upper atmosphere over specific areas could change weather patterns, creating torrential floods, destroying an enemy's infrastructure or denying an enemy's harvest by drought... Weather as a weapon.
- By illuminating orbiting spacecraft with HAARP, the constituent materials and the mission of a satellite can be assessed.

To get a rough idea of what a cavern map would look like, simply pull out a road map of any state and identify all of the dense population centers, be they cities or hamlets. Where there is a city on the surface of the earth, there is a city in the caverns below that city...'as above, so below.' The co-relation breaks down as the size of the population centers dwindle...

Over a period of time, cavern communities within regional areas geographically near each other found they had to get along with each other in a non-competitive manner, to encourage synergetic relationships which tended to raise the standard of living of each of the involved cavern communities. Each cavern specialized in an area of crime-monopoly expertise that wasn't in competition with neighboring caverns. If a regional area demonstrated it could keep surface dwellers in line -- e.g., keep them thinking the 'right' thoughts, stifling all real creativity, via the under-ground's crack people-management teams and organizations on the surface in the form of police departments, public schools, controlling secret societies, quack medical fraternities, polished propagandists and moralists, a sufficiently initiated CLERGY, etcetera -- then this regional area is allowed to incorporate into a semi-autonomous fiefdom that would eventually reflect on the surface as "a county" in the U.S... " As above, so below.

The Jesuit-created Scottish Rite and the black gnostic serpent cult of the Illuminati of Bavaria -- which both collaborated in the establishing of the "33 degree" system of Masonry -- have their ultimate headquarters in ROME and BAVARIA, those two regions which made up the duel headquarters of the [UN]HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. These were the same forces which brought about the Macheivellian conflicts between 'right' and 'left' wing factions in World War I and World War II. Now they are apparently planning for a third Machievellian global conflict -- this one being nuclear in scope -- ABOVE and BELOW the surface of the planet, a conflict which they intend to 'ride-out' in their secret underground strongholds and eventually emerge to control the upper AND lower 'worlds'. It would be an elaborate "Helter Skelter" scenario.

"As the war progresses and the world's standard of living drops, squabbles over remaining resources will become frequent, and pointed. States will fight states, counties will fight counties, towns will fight towns, all of which will reflect the political biases and inclinations of controlling caverns beneath. "Did you know that only group organisms such as ant hills and termite colonies -- and masonic controlled men -- indulge in mass warfare? Nothing else in nature does. "All group organisms, such as bee hives, use sex odors [via the queen bee] to induce conformity in the hive or colony. [Scottish Rite] Masonry is most similar to the termite colony in that both chew away at the foundations of civilization and neither can stand the light of day. "Masonry may not use sex odors to induce conformity and absorption into the group organism but it does use mesmerizing, hypnotic rays that may have sexual content to it. Selfless devotion to service, faceless anonymity, slavish devotion to a noble ideal... for the good of the whole, work without compensation, profitless causes, these are the value-philosophical ideals of an and in an ant hill, a termite in a termite colony...and a mason in a masonic organism."

Indeed this whole 'end game' is very vulnerable and that's why they feel it requires such secrecy. The American people wouldn't stand for this stuff if they had the information, and that's the reason why we have to get the information out and take it seriously because it really is a matter of our money and our future that's being mortgaged here.

If I am not mistaken, then it would seem that if an organization ceased from spreading a message of spiritual regeneration for the benefit of others and rather turned to killing hundreds of thousands of European Protestants and Meso-American Natives for the sole purpose of preserving their eco-political empire, then it would seem that this would not be an institution which is based on the teachings of Jesus, and therefore not 'Christian'. The Jesuits never were Christians nor even Catholics. Ignatius Loyola had a previous arrest record in Spain for subversive activities as a gnostic, and had manipulated himself into the Vatican through flattery by promising an un-discerning Pontiff his devotion as the head of a 'militia' that would serve to protect the interests of the Popes and of the Vatican.

In Nazi Germany the 'Concentration' camps were not only used as slave camps, but also as extermination camps to carry out the genocidal plans of American CORPORATE and European MILITANT 'Nazis'. I have only one thing to say concerning these plans for confinement camps here, and I'm sure that many of our citizens who share this country with us -- that is with ALL of us of all national backgrounds whose ancestors came from all parts of the world in order to be free from tyranny -- will agree with me whole-heartedly when I repeat their battle-cry: "NEVER AGAIN!!!"

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