Monday, May 18, 2015


Falls jemand in einer der unzähligen mittelalterlichen Foltergruften noch ein paar verstaubte Guillotinen aus der Vorzeit herum stehen hat, soll er sich bitte melden..ich würde so ein Exemplar gerne vor dem Bundeshaus aufstellen..und daneben noch eine Ladung Gülle auskippen..vor der Nazionalbank und dem Vatikan würde sich sowas sicher auch gut machen..zur Erinnerung daran, wie man damals mit "Regierungen" umgegangen ist, die ihre Bürger "verarscht" oder vergast haben..ich denke schon, dass es im Universum draussen irgendwo noch Gerechtigkeit gibt..und ich glaube nicht, dass die "Leute" überleben werden, die ihr eigenes Volk draussen verrecken lassen würden während sie sich im Bunker verstecken..das könnte leider zur guten alten Grubenfalle werden..den Deutschen müsste man auch mal endlich sagen, dass die Nazis nie weg waren und Hitler mittlerweile millionenfach geklont wurde..gut gibt es die "Reinigung"..wer braucht da noch eine Regierung..wollen wir hoffen, dass sie nicht mehr allzu lange auf sich warten lässt..und uns von diesen ganzen entarteten Zombiemutanten und überflüssigen Systemsklaven erlöst..ich gebe der Schweiz und allen anderen involvierten Ritualmördern, Kriegsverbrechern und Hochverrätern noch eine letzte Chance diese Sache in Ordnung zu bringen ansonsten wird hier allen den Krieg erklärt..wenn dieses Land nichts gegen diesen Terror unternehmen will oder kann, müssen das eben andere machen..ich sehe hier sonst keine andere Lösung..und der Armee sollte man auch auf gar keinen Fall diese Milliarden geben..die sind absolut nutzlos..sie führen höchstens Krieg gegen Zivilisten und finanzieren damit diese äusserst fragwürdigen Experimente in unseren Bergen..wer da noch arbeiten geht, brav Steuern zahlt und sich diesen verdammten Psychodreck gefallen lässt, ist wirklich selber schuld..irgendwann reicht es doch einfach und ihr seid offensichtlich weit entfernt von jeglicher Einsicht..ich glaube ich muss doch nochmal nach Rom fahren und die A-Bombe wieder geht das wirklich nicht..diesen verdammten Schweizerschweineverein sollte man nicht schützen oder aufrecht hätte euch nie helfen dürfen..keinem von euch..weg mit Zürich und weg mit diesem todkranken Satanistenpsychoverein..weg mit diesen Freimaurerpfaffen, Kinderfickerpolizisten und Giftsoldaten..und den Glotzaugen, Brillenschlangen und Blutsaugerkannibalen..alles Mehrfachmörder, Folternazis und Extremterroristen..Schweiz und Deutschland = Satanistenhochburgen, der kränksten Illuminatenpsychopathen und Dämonenschweinen der besten man löscht gleich beide Länder aus..vorallem unterirdisch..alles platt machen..anzünden, ausräuchern und vergasen diese elende Höllenbrut..und dann noch eine Bombe hinter her schmeissen..und gut ist..das könnte meine Wut über diesen elenden Saustall vielleicht ein bisschen mindern..mal schauen..ihr werdet auf jeden Fall noch von mir hören soviel steht fest..ihr habt da alle noch ganz viele Schulden bei mir offen und ich werde dafür sorgen, dass die beglichen werden..ich lasse mir ja viel bieten aber nun ist auch damit Schluss..das Mass ist voll..ihr habt weder meine Geduld noch mein Verständnis verdient..entweder ihr gebt jetzt einfach auf und geht zum Teufel oder ihr werdet noch euer blaues Wunder erleben..damit sind auch diese "Möchtegern-Ehemänner" gemeint, die mich hier schon seit einer Ewigkeit warten lassen..und die, die uns daran hindern sowieso..wir machen hier jetzt dann sonst unseren letzten Ausflug alle zusammen..hier taugt doch wirklich gar nichts mehr..der gesamte Staatsapparat der Schweiz ist eine Farce..ein schlechter Witz..eine Theaterkulisse des ist also unnötig irgendwelche Briefe und Anzeigen herum zu schicken..hier hocken nur noch Klonzombies und R2D2s in den Büros herum, die jeglichen Bezug zur Realität verloren haben und nicht mal ihre eigenen Gesetze kennen, geschweige denn befolgen..hier macht jeder nur noch, was er will und alle anderen können schauen, wo sie ist es doch..insofern gibt es hier auch keine Gerechtigkeit mehr..das können wir uns also ab jetzt auch abschminken..vielleicht findet man im Ausland irgendwo noch ein paar "normal" gebliebene und "unkorrupte" Behörden oder Regierungen..die noch wissen, wofür sie eigentlich geschaffen wurden..dies wäre wahrlich ein Grund gegen die Schweiz in den Krieg zu ziehen..und gegen den Vatikan sowieso..und was wollen diese kleinen Zwergeländer dann noch dagegen tun..die sind schneller eingenommen als der Blattmann papp sagen kann..also hört mir bloss auf ihr verlogenen und unfähigen gibt kein Entkommen und keinen Schutz für "Leute" wie euch..gebt es auf..vorbei ist vorbei..wenn nicht heute, dann ist das nun mal..und wenn sich einer darauf freut, dann bin ich das..und wenn die Menschen ein bisschen klarer sehen würden, könnten sie verstehen, dass es für alle das Beste ist..diese Irren würden hier sonst die Hölle auf Erden installieren und das will wirklich keiner..weg mit diesem Naziabschaum..sollen gefälligst endlich ihre UFOs und Supertechnologien rausrücken..entweder die oder wir..ihr könnt selber entscheiden..


Branton - Omega File:

Over 1 in 40 people have been abducted and 'processed' by the 'alien/secret government' agenda -- or 1 in 10 according to more recent sources -- then you are bound to know SOMEONE who is an abductee and KNOWS it. This information is for THEM. For those who are not "UFO Abductees", the information in this file is nevertheless vital and applicable, and may one day save your life!!! If you believe that information about "Aliens" is only for those who have lost all touch with reality, then PLEASE accept that information in this document that you CAN accept, and pass over the rest, at least for now. Your future may depend on it. As I have said, this information may save your life. This file contains the most intricate and intimate details of a global conspiracy which seems to be rooted in an alien-military-industrial collaboration which is intent on bringing all freedom-loving peoples of this world under its control, through the implimentation of a global government which has commonly been referred to as the 'New World Order'. We have pulled no punches and are laying everything out on the table in regards to the New World Order agenda as I and those who have contributed to this document perceive it. If you are one who is easily offended, then be warned. Most of you who read this will realize that you may have personally supported in one form or another -- albeit unknowingly -- certain religious, economic, or political organizations which are on various levels being controlled by those forces that are working towards the implementation of the New World Order.

Consider this a declaration of WAR against those eco-political forces and their draconian backers who would destroy our prosperity and freedom for their own fleeting material gain. So with no further introduction, we repeat the words of Louisiana District Attorney and JFK assassination investigator James Garrison, who boldly stated before leaving this world... "LET THE TRUTH BE TOLD, THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL!"

Those who are familiar with the connections between Nazi's and UFO's may find the following document easier to accept than those who have never been introduced to the reports of secret Nazi aerial disk experiments, much less reports of their secret collaboration with the so-called Grey aliens years before the corporate-fascist infiltrators and sympathizers within the U.S. Intelligence Agencies began making their own treaties with these same serpentine 'aliens'.

The Reptiloids in Alpha Draconis and Rigel Orion claim that they originated on earth in prehistoric times and were part of a bipedal reptilian or saurian race [like the cunning velociraptors?]. Now they are here to take back 'their planet' from the human race. In order to accomplish this, they are using multi-levelled deception and propaganda -- mostly through 'channeled' information and through information conveyed to 'abductees' -- to convince humans to capitulate themselves over to aliens 'guides' and thus allow the aliens access to their minds and in turn to our society in general. This same tactic, according to various contactees has succeeded on many other colonial worlds that the 'Greys' have conquered, and it has also worked on this world to the extent that they have taken control of much of the 'underground black budget empire' -- a vast network of interconnected underground military-industrial bases and cities that have been constructed with the assistance of TRILLIONS [yes, I said TRILLIONS] of dollars siphoned from the American economy via taxes, drugs, organized crime, etc., money which has literally gone 'down the tubes', leaving our economy in a state of chaos. From this point and onward throughout this file, when the term 'Military-Industrial' complex is used, we are not referring to the U.S. Military in its entirety. In fact you could say that there is a definite and a violent conflict which is growing between what might be referred to as the "Military-Industrial-Executive" complex and the "Military-Congressional-Electorate" complex...

Americans are being carefully groomed as an economic slave society to serve the underground 'Master Race' WITHOUT their/our knowledge. Prices continue to rise, yet income continues to fall farther and farther behind. The change is almost imperceptible, like the proverbial frog in the pot [you know, if a frog is thrown into a pot of boiling water it will immediately jump out, yet if it is put into a pot of cool water and the heat is gradually increased, it will remain in the pot until it boils to death]. The alien-fascist underground continues to rely on our continued gullibility and ignorance to keep its empire scam going. One of their most guarded secrets of all, and one that they must protect at all costs, is that the Nazi's really didn't loose World War II.

There are many collaborators who have joined with the interventionist-collectivist Draconian and Orionite forces, and many others who are under the direct psychological control of more malevolent 'aliens'. Neither am I trying to imply that ALL Reptiloids are out to destroy us. It may be more realistic to use the term INTERVENTIONISTS as opposed to NON-INTERVENTIONISTS, in spite of whatever species an 'alien' is a part of.

Several contactees have stated that the non-interventionists are centered in an alliance of mostly humanoid cultures in the Pleiades and Andromeda constellations; whereas the interventionists are centered in an alliance of mostly reptiloid cultures in the Draconis and Orion constellations. The fact is that most of the leading interventionists are reptiloids whereas most of the leading non-interventionists are humanoids. If we apply this to the third chapter of the book of Genesis, then it would seem that the 'serpent' race is a 'wild' reprobate race which is ruled by base animal or predatory instincts. Since the reptilians have or did have in the past a limited degree of individual choice and since they are connected to the 'racial memory', this is to some extent their collective fault. However mankind must accept some of the blame because -- being created in the 'image' of God [possessing a conscience?] and possessing a soul, which the reptilians themselves lack [save for the some of the so-called genetic 'hybrids' or 'hu-brids'] -- mankind was originally created spiritually superior to the serpent race, or at least they/we WERE spiritually superior to them in the beginning. In other words man was given charge over the physical creation, something the angels themselves could not do because they were not created as material beings. And yes, they were also given charge over the most cunning and intelligent of all of the 'beasts', the 'serpent' race.

If we are to accept the symbolic and/or literal interpretation of Genesis chapter 3, then it was the rebel angels who moved upon the serpent race and acted through them to decieve and destroy mankind's connection to the Creator or the Source of all LIFE. Once this connection was broken, the Divine supernatural flow was broken at the human level, and a creation which formerly had enjoyed perfection and harmony began to turn WILD. The Luciferians may have appealed to the jealousy that the serpent race harbored towards mankind, considering that mankind had been given a higher status in the scheme of things than their own race possessed, and once the Luciferians offered to give them power over humankind [sorcery] and over the creation [technology] in exchange for allowing the rebel angels to incarnate through their race, the reptilians accepted. In so doing however the serpent race for the most part lost their individual identities and became the absolute physical 'puppets' of the fallen angels. The desendants of these degenerate beings [Genesis 3:15, which I believe has a duel physical AND spiritual interpretation] constitute a large majority of the occult-technological manifestations which we know today as "UFO encounters". Only today the "serpent" comes in the form of a "Grey Alien" and the "forbidden fruit" is offered in the form of grandiose promises and occult-technology which will supposedly give the 'elite' human recipients 'god-like' powers over their fellow human beings.

IF a hostile alien force exists, would it not be logical for them to infiltrate powerful agencies on earth and use the influence of those agencies to relentlessly pound into the minds of the masses that those who believe in aliens and starships are lunatics, fools, imbeciles, and paranoids who have lost all touch with reality and should be consigned to mental institutions? That is EXACTLY what they would try to do, in spite of MASSIVE evidence to the contrary that such a reality DOES exist.

One of the major deceptions which the 'Draconians' have used to subvert humanity, especially intelligence agencies, is the idea that THEY -- the aliens -- genetically created the human race and placed us on this planet, and therefore they are our 'gods'. And so, powerful individuals with whom the aliens interact -- and who have been given promises which sound too good to be true, because they ARE, in exchange for their cooperation -- have opened the door for the alien infiltration and infestation of all levels of our society. That is, the infiltration of our society by collectivist-interventionist reptilian-based entities known as the 'Greys' and 'Reptiloids'. And the ancient black gnostic 'serpent cults' of Bavaria, Germany were ready and willing to enter into a 'marriage of convenience' with these draconians because like the aliens themselves, they also wished to rule the planet. The aliens needed the global economic and fraternal connections of the 'Bavarian' secret societies, whereas the human 'elite' needed the alien mind control technology. The Bavarian elitists agreed to a certain percentage of the planet once the 'New World Order' was implemented.

The humanoids eventually colonized the Lyra, Pleiades, and Andromeda constellations as well as others; whereas the reptiloids colonized the Draconis, Orion, and Reticulum constellations, among other systems. The stories that contactees tell of the devastating battles and galactic massacres -- in almost every case initiated by the collectivist-interventionist reptiloids/greys -- between the two galactic superpowers are integral although controversial elements within the annals of Ufology. Now the 'war' is coming 'back home' one might say, in that 'Mother Earth' in addition to being the original home world is also perhaps the most strategic world in the galaxy when one considers its centralized location and the profusity of genetic materials, water, chemicals, minerals, flora, fauna, etc., in great abundance and variety.

The 'Draco-Orion' Empire agents -- who according to some contactees are operating within the comet-planetoid 'Hale-Bopp' and other numerous 'asteroids' in this system in order to conceal their activities -- are here to build an army of human mind-servants [via abductions, mind control implants, etc.] who they can program with alternate identities which are activated during abduction experiences. They realize that Terrans possess an inherant warrior instinct-passion and a potent 'metagene factor' resulting from a mixture of many racial lines which can produce specialized genetic abilities within individuals... instincts and abilities which the Grey-Reptiloid interventionists believe would be better harnessed and subverted than challenged. They intend to use these programmed abductees as 'human shields' or weapons in the ancient war against their enemies in the 'Andro-Pleiadean' Federation, who incidentally maintain a massive underground basing system centered below the Death Valley region of California.

The Sirian resistance to the collaboration may have had its roots among those patriotic Sirians who remembered the devastating wars which had been fought in the past against the Orionites over which side would serve as the overlords for this immediate sector of space [21 star systems including Sol]. NOW the epicenter of the entire galactic battle is gravitating towards the Sol system as the Draconians, Orionites and their human collaborators are arriving here en masse to support a New World Order agenda which will serve as a power-base through which they can once again re-group their forces. Apparently planet earth, the original 'home world', is the KEY. If the Draconians and Orionites can impose a fascist New World Order on the planet, ruled by a human elite who are completely sold-out to their agenda, they believe that they can use planet earth and the New World Order as a base from which they can destroy forever their enemies in the Federaton.

Many know on an unconscious or intuitive level that something has gone terribly wrong with their country, and the aliens/fascists are desperately trying to turn this frustration inward in order to further destabilize society. An abused society will take out their frustrations on whatever they 'perceive' to be the source of the abuse. And in many cases the true abusers or oppressors will escape justice by carefully creating 'scape goats' who are 'framed' in order to recieve the collective wrath of the nation...

It is interesting that the re-united East and West Germany is paving the way for the 'unification' of Europe. For instance, all economic bar-codes must be processed through Germany, Germany is trying to impose enforced nepotistic career restrictions where one's career is determined by the family one is born into, a British news agency spoke of investigations of the Bavarian secret service who were reportedly smuggling weapons grade plutonium into Germany from a nuclear black market operation they had established in the former Soviet States, the Illuminati has its base in Germany [Bavaria], and Germany has been the most active country in the international drive for Internet censorship and control. In other words, Democracy seems to be dying a painful death in Germany, IF it ever really existed there in the first place.

Remember that the German secret societies of Bavaria, which had helped to precipitate the first and second world wars, date back to ancient times when -- following the occupation of Egypt -- the [un]'Holy Roman Empire' military forces based in Germany, the seat of government for the HO.R.E, brought back from Egypt the black gnostic "serpent cults" which later gave rise to the Bavarian Illuminati, the Bavarian Thule Society and a host of other lesser known satanic racist cults which gravitated around these.

I REITERATE here and throughout this File that I am not personally against any individual members of errant or apostate 'control' structures who are being 'used' against their knowledge for internationally destructive agendas, but rather against the 'regressive' control structures themselves. THAT is our target. If one wishes to be a Roman Catholic or a member of any other religion, fine... however when that 'religion' begins to pry into the realm of economic and political CONTROL at the expense of the freedom of others, then these 'religions' must be willing to face criticism for involving themselves in these areas, and refrain from hypocritically crying "your attacking my 'religious beliefs'". When an organization becomes a political and economic force of CONTROL, it has CEASED becoming a 'religion'. How much more for 'religions' who profess to have faith in Jesus of Nazareth - the Christ - or Melchizedek... the same one who in His zeal had 'cleansed' the Temple of those who were using 'religion' to fill their own money bags. Some organizations have lost the 'right' to be called exclusively 'religions' and must now be classed as economic-political power-cult structures. No matter how well-intentioned humans are, if they place themselves ABOVE their fellow human beings, then there is the temptation to use their knowledge or position to CONTROL those below them. It is religious POWER STRUCTURES which divide humanity through "holy wars" and such, NOT individual 'believers'.

Today the Group consists of international bankers [the same core of NY, London, Swiss and German merchant bankers, but now expanded to the largest banks in many other parts of the world, notably Japan and in the Middle East], kings, at least one queen, princes, industrialists [among the world's top 100 CEOs +/or Chairmen... a heavy concentration in autos], Army, Navy, Air Force, & Marine Corps generals, State department section chiefs, Mafia chiefs, drug lords, elected officials, judges at all levels, many media owners, a host of leading lawyers, and many others. The leadership of the Group comes from its EUROPEAN parent organization, consisting of many of Europe's key bankers, industrialists, & politicians. They want to impose on this planet a centralized world oligarchy -- not a democracy -- akin to a FASCIST state in which there will be genocide on a massive scale, total state control over all aspects of human behavior and communication and control of the human mind and spirit through manipulation of the world's major religions, genetic engineering, drugs, tightly-controlled media and by other means. There will be death camps in which 'undesirable' races, the old and infirm, and those without "social utility" will be exterminated without a trace. The institution of state-sanctioned slavery will be re-established. There will no longer be families as we know the institution. There will be a MASTER RACE in charge of all this power -- the ARYAN RACE, augmented by advanced genetics, and bred for superior characteristics.

Their 'assassination' techniques for those who get in the way begin with character assassination. When that fails, they train and finance real assassins who generally do not use bullets these days. The favored methods are carefully tailored to the victims' medical files to make death look 'natural' through barely-detectable chemicals that artificially cause heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages, Alzheimer disease, leukemia, & brain tumors.

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