Signs of collective movement and action..without knowing the source or outcome..still brings new hope and inspiration..but also awareness of the present situation on the tortured and denied soul of light..reveals again the great truth of our global transformation..and the wish to actively participate in this special process and its overall success..even if we sometimes can only be a part of the story from the distance..important is the attitude and much the given support serves the primary cause and connects us with the hearts and minds of the other players in the game..sometimes providing truth and beneficial information is better than direct involvement..there are certain times and situations that do need progressive actions and some do not..depending on the position and specific role we currently play on this chaotic worldstage..once we may be at the very front of the conflict and once engage hidden in safety..always changing with the living environment..neutralizing the overwhelming circumstances that keep us bind and hold the balance in this twilightzone of the two opposing extremes..being dedicated to the mission without painful attachement..the negative effects of personal or emotional desires..keeps the main focus on this essential and positive step in human evolution..which we all approach and accomplish this very moment of cosmic creation and highly divine intervention..
To speak of God’s unconditional love is to utter a wonderful fact about God’s nature. He loves because He chooses to love and for no other reason. His love is not dependent upon finding something in us that merits His love. His love is without conditions — it is unconditional.
The idea of people improving their life in an atmosphere of unconditional love is founded on the premise that people are born good and that their natural inclination to goodness is thwarted by their environment (mainly parents). In such a system, self is the victim of society but finds salvation, freedom, and fulfillment through unconditional self-love and self-acceptance. Unconditional love cannot be based upon performance or it wouldn't be unconditional. Therefore, it must be based on the intrinsic worth of the person. . .
We are currently moving through the final days of our third dimensional experience on planet Earth. For countless millennia we have witnessed the forces of power and control bend and shape humanity to suit the outcomes of their agendas. These included: endless wars, global poverty in support of a small wealthy elite, ignorance, suppression of the truth regarding humanity’s sacred purpose and a pervasive culture of duality consciousness.
As this long cycle draws to its close we are experiencing the unfolding of a Divine Plan, designed by the Great Creator of All That Is. The time has now arrived for our earth and all upon her to move from a third dimensional reality into a fifth dimensional one together with its expanded state of consciousness. The onset of a glorious new Golden Age of Light will slowly emerge as humanity finally assumes its caring stewardship of our planet, together with the co-operative sharing of Earth’s resources among all her inhabitants and an end to the waging of war as a solution to our problems and differences. A newly emerging unity consciousness based on loving compassion will finally bring about the peace, truth, joy and abundance we have all longed to express and enjoy.
Our journey into that beautiful dimension of higher consciousness is known as the Ascension. At some time in our near future each of us will be presented with a choice. Either we can ascend with our physical bodies intact and without experiencing death, or we can remain in another third dimensional reality for further learning. Some may not feel ready to ascend at this present time and another opportunity will present itself again in the future. There is no judgement regarding this as the Great Creator freely allows each soul to make its own choices and then learn from them.
Our long history of evolution – from that of being a hunter gatherer to becoming a global citizen connected through the internet has brought both benefits and burdens. We have experienced many mental and physical changes during our long history and our eyes, often described as the windows of the soul, have been affected as well. Our ancestors all possessed very sharp long distance vision, essential for spotting game or alerting them to dangers. But in our current left brained, electronics based lifestyle most of our work and activity is carried on within the length of our arm. From early man’s unrestricted eye movement out of doors with wide fields of view, to all of us today overworking for hours in confined spaces under artificial lights - our eyes have been required to make huge adjustments. As we now spend much of our day and night hunched over our computer screens, reading or watching TV, this constant near-point stress has produced long term changes to our vision.
We need to step up our efforts to build and exercise the power of collective action, in different forms at various fronts and arenas, at a scale never seen before. We need to build our capacity for globally coordinated mobilizations during critical political moments -- progressively increasing the number of people mobilized, expanding the numbers of countries and cities participating, raising the scale, intensity and boldness of our actions, developing our strength and power to prevent planetary catastrophe.
The search for a spiritual path is born out of suffering. It does not start with lights and ecstasy, but with the hard tacks of pain, disappointment, and confusion. However, for suffering to give birth to a genuine spiritual search, it must amount to more than something passively received from without. It has to trigger an inner realization, a perception which pierces through the facile complacency of our usual encounter with the world to glimpse the insecurity perpetually gaping underfoot. When this insight dawns, even if only momentarily, it can precipitate a profound personal crisis. It overturns accustomed goals and values, mocks our routine preoccupations, leaves old enjoyments stubbornly unsatisfying.
At first such changes generally are not welcome. We try to deny our vision and to smother our doubts; we struggle to drive away the discontent with new pursuits. But the flame of inquiry, once lit, continues to burn, and if we do not let ourselves be swept away by superficial readjustments or slouch back into a patched up version of our natural optimism, eventually the original glimmering of insight will again flare up, again confront us with our essential plight. It is precisely at that point, with all escape routes blocked, that we are ready to seek a way to bring our disquietude to an end. No longer can we continue to drift complacently through life, driven blindly by our hunger for sense pleasures and by the pressure of prevailing social norms. A deeper reality beckons us; we have heard the call of a more stable, more authentic happiness, and until we arrive at our destination we cannot rest content.
Many people argue that all truths are relative, but only small truths are relative. The universal absolute Truth is one. It is the way things actually are beyond the illusions. The conditioned mind cannot see the universal Truth because the mind is incapable of seeing through the filters of its past conditioning. It is those who identify with this conditioned mind that argue that all truths are relative. For one who has gone beyond the mind to the core of one's essence, he sees everything very clearly as it truly is. For such an awakened person there is no confusion. He sees the artificial construct that has been placed over the true reality, and he sees beneath it. There in the true reality, there is a wondrous world that had been hidden. That is the natural world where everything is alive. The mind lives in the past and future, which is dead. It avoids the present moment, which is alive. The real Truth only exists in the present moment, and the deeper you go into the present moment, the more of the Truth becomes revealed. Only by going beyond the mind, deep into the core of your Being can you see the Truth, the reality as it is.
This inner journey offers you something beyond your wildest dreams. It offers you freedom. Freedom from bondage and slavery. Freedom from the deceptions we have all been living in for many lifetimes. You will realize your own eternal sovereignty. You will Know the Truth.
The mind has a need to always be active and always involved in conflict, complication and drama. It has an inherent need to always be in control and will do anything to stay in control. And it is very cunning in keeping that control. It has an inherent fear. A fear of being found out for what it truly is, for then it would lose its power of control. It will do Anything to keep your awareness from knowing the Truth.
We must ask the question, "Who are these gods?" If we look at all of the ancient religions and mythologies, we see that they appeared from the "heavens" in chariots of fire, brandishing thunderbolts and other powerful mystic weapons. We see that they are not virtuous at all. They fight with one another, they are jealous, envious, angry, vengeful, and destructive. They do not hesitate to rain fire upon other gods and humanity. They are deceptive, controlling, manipulative and without mercy.
These gods do not seem very virtuous or loving to me. When they first arrived many thousands of years ago, humanity was gripped in fear as they watched them battling in the skies with each other and forcing humanity to submit to them. They forced mankind to submit to their control and forced them to offer sacrifices of flesh and blood. They did not hesitate to destroy entire races that refused to submit.
In time, they were able to manipulate the minds of men through their very powerful mind control techniques. Soon mankind was programmed to offer them worship and sacrifices in love and surrender of one's life and soul. So now we see that so many foolish sheep run to their churches, temples and mosques to worship and pray to these gods and goddesses with love and devotion. They even dance in celebration of their bondage and slavery. We must love these gods unconditionally, no matter how they treat us, and yet we see that they certainly do not love us, even though they say they do.
From the mind is generated societies, civilizations, religions, philosophies and education. The hierarchical structures, kings, armies, conflict and war are generated from this conditioned mind. All industry, money, economics, and technology are from the mind, and overlays and they destroy the natural order of reality. All of these overlays are the matrix, the illusion. The natural order of nature and reality is not an illusion, but the true reality. The illusion is our clouded perception of reality. The reality lies beneath the illusion, beneath the matrix. We see that all of mankind is caught within this illusory web of the matrix. They perceive only this artificial overlay, only occasionally getting a momentary glimpse of the reality which lies beyond the matrix, only to vanish as quickly as it came. This matrix is being controlled by the false gods and their minions.
The third and fourth dimensions are very different from the higher dimensions, as the duality experienced here is very powerful, extreme and acute. Evil and conflict only exist in these two lower dimensions. In the fifth dimension and above, there is only unconditional love and acceptance. We had to enter these lower domains to learn all about this Universe, and don't think we didn't have hesitation. Many of us who came as guests still have not made the plunge. Those of us who did enter the lower domains have been traveling through the third and fourth dimensions for eons, taking birth in so many galaxies, star systems and planets, experiencing myriads of different life forms, from galaxies, stars, planets, humans, plants and so much more. It is incomprehensible how many life forms we are and have been.
It has been a very long and arduous journey, and we are now reaching the end. We have arrived at the end of the game so to speak. We have arrived here and now to complete what we began so long ago. Many of us are feeling very tired by now. So this brings us to the present. Now the divine creator of this Universe is facilitating this entire process. The Divine Father has manifest himself personally as our Sun, and the Divine Mother has manifest herself as our planet Earth, the jewel of the cosmos. This was done to accomplish a very special and divine plan, to bring us to completion. Mother Earth is facilitating our completion here. Many of us here are about to take birth into a new form of Being. Mother Earth is birthing us. We are about to become, to transform, into Christed Beings, Buddhas. Eckhart Tolle describes this as the flowering of human consciousness. From there we will travel throughout the cosmos as Christed Beings. An aspect of us will return to our higher manifestations, bringing the new wisdom with him.
All of the old world will crumble before our eyes. All of the political, social, religious, New Age, governmental, financial, medical, scientific, electrical, nuclear, psychological, medical, industrial and military structures will crumble. All of the buildings that are disharmonious and/or built with artificial ingredients will crumble into dust. The old must go to give way to the new.
We now find ourselves at the junction between these two worlds, the old and the new. These are exciting times we are living in. Of course it isn’t without extreme difficulty. We are witnessing so much chaos, both in the world and in our own selves. I don't know how this transformation will manifest, or when it will happen, but it will be wondrous indeed. The mystery of life.
“We’re morphing, but very slowly. Sometimes we take a big leap, and then we sit there for a while, and then we take little steps. Sometimes we take a few steps backwards. But we’re always moving forward in the end. And really, it’s going to get to the point when we are just going to get released from it, and we’re just going to morph, and it’s just going to be a very, very incredible experience.”
With the shattering of these lies and deceptions we become free. We throw off the chains and shackles that have bound us into slavery for thousands of years. This clears the path to the inner journey, to reconnect to who we truly Are. It is not easy to let go of these shackles, because we have been programmed for so long to accept them as a necessary foundation of our lives. For those that have the courage to break free, the inner journey becomes a natural path of Being.
This evil, which is so dear to the heart of the selfish, has hurled mankind into the deepest depths of misery. Whoever tries to do anything with the object of benefiting mankind is opposed by selfish people and various kinds of obstacles are thrown away. But finding solace in the belief that ultimately truth must conquer and not error and that it is the path of rectitude alone that men and women of learning and piety have always trodden, true teachers never become indifferent to the promotion of public good and never give up the promulgation of truth.
He should be as powerful as electricity: as dear to his people's hearts as their very breath, able to read the inmost thoughts of others, and just in his dealings as a Judge. He should enlighten people's mind by the spread of knowledge, justice, and righteousness, and dispel ignorance and injustice as the sun illuminates the world. He should be like one who consumes wickedness like fire, keeps the wicked and the criminal under control like a jailer, gladdens the hearts of the good like the moon; makes the country rich and prosperous, as a treasurer keeps his treasury full; is powerful and majestic like the sun, keeps the people in order and awe; and on whom no one in the whole world dares to look with a stern eye. He alone is then fit to be the Head of the State who is like fire, air, the sun, the moon, a judge, a treasurer, a goaler in keeping the wicked under control, and like electricity in power.
All men naturally desire to obtain happiness and escape from pain and misery. But as long they do not practice righteousness and renounce sin, so long they cannot obtain happiness and be freed from pain and suffering; because the effect cannot perish as long as the cause exists. It is said "All pain and suffering cease as soon as sin is destroyed just as a tree perishes when its root is cut away."
The Collective Unconscious of the human race has a premonition. It knows that something of planetary importance is under way. We believe this something is The Ascension. Further, we see it as an unfolding process. It unfolds in organic, ordered phases. Using the analogy of a growing plant, we can see Phase One as the planting of seed. Phase Two would be the subterranean sprouting; Phase Three could be the sprout penetrating the surface, and so on. The flowering of the plant represents The Ascension itself.
Planetary ascensions are so radical that when one approaches, those who are identifying with the soon-to-be-outdated reality begin to feel uneasy. "The End is near!" In a way, the end is near. The old way is passing. However, if you aren't attached to the old reality, then The End is not the end - it's The Beginning. Bad news is good news is no news: Ascensions happen all the time, all over the universe. Now, the Force of Evolution has scheduled Planet Earth to transform into Earth Star. Earth Star is a fifth-dimensional form.
Allowance is a valuable quality. It includes the traits of patience, compassion, willingness, and love. Allowance is something we can extend to others and to ourselves. It says, "fully explore all experiences that spirit puts before you." Without allowance, we must lead a life of violence (although not necessarily physical violence). At the least, we must experience psychic violence. If we don't have allowance, we must control ourselves and the world around us. We must manipulate everything, to make it conform to how we want it to be. No one gets slack. Allowance is not a valuable commodity in the Old World. The Old World encourages us to fulfill our Personal Will. From that perspective, we can only use allowance as a manipulatory tool: I'll give you slack, if that's what it takes to get what I want. When we use allowance like that, however, it's conditional allowance. It will only serve us superficially. Once we integrate allowance into our life, our explorations go deeper. Our wisdom has more chance to seep into our Earth vehicle.
For some, an Ascension of this kind is an all-too-easy solution to the complex problems of today. Unconditional Ascension lies beyond the borders of their third- and fourth-dimensional reality parameters. This Event is not possible. What we are dealing with, however, is a miraculous Event. It supersedes third- and fourth-dimensional constrictions. Like ants on a beach debating and denying the rapidly approaching tidal wave, human opinions cannot hinder the divine transformation.
This Unconditional Ascension marks a turning point in the evolution of the universe. As the information about this Event spreads across the universe, Unconditional Ascensions will grow commonplace. The earth has set an example; it has shown the way. This creates a snowballing effect. It increases the speed of the evolutionary process to its conclusion: the grand, unconditional leap of the universe back into The Source. This ends a Cosmic Day.
This planet is now approaching a time in its evolutionary cycle when it will change dramatically, rather like a snake throwing off its old skin. Every so many thousands of years, no matter whether Humanity is incarnated on Earth or not, this planet goes through a metamorphic change as part of its natural cycle. As our physical bodies replace themselves every seven years, so does the planet's body. This is essential for the planet in order to preserve the creative, the reproductive nature of its being. So at its appointed time the planet goes through a cycle of transformation. This necessarily involves major movement of the planet's landmasses, movement of the waters, and the restructuring of the matter of the Earth.
The Earth was created to be a paradise. When souls achieve harmony it will become a paradise again. But when we say a paradise we speak of a paradise of creativity, one that brings knowledge, one that brings joy and love; a paradise in which people may heal themselves or may even experience pain, if they wish. It is not a paradise where all challenge, all growth, or all pain will be removed. It will be a paradise where people, through their own experience, may evolve their own understanding of their connection with the Universe, accept their own responsibility for themselves, for their fellows, for Planet Earth, and therefore for the Universe, and may bring all of that, including themselves, into perfection….
To you, perhaps, the concept of Armageddon is frightening. It signifies the release of energies beyond the control of Humanity, but if Humanity did but know it, it rarely controls its own environment. Because of its great intellectual progress Humanity has been led into believing that it is the master of its fate, that it is the master of the physical World, that Humanity alone decides the path on which it walks. But those of you who are aware of the God in all things, who recognize that the Divine Plan alone manifests on this Earth, know in your heart that the Cycle which is now beginning was planned aeons of time ago. It has been seen on other levels and has been prophesied by many Beings. It is a necessary path of evolution for this Earth. You are here, therefore, as witnesses to that path of evolution. Within your innermost Being is the knowledge of what is to come. It may not be with you on a conscious level, on a level which you can pull down into everyday physical reality, but within your heart is the knowledge of what is to come and the part that you must play in it.
Your dear Human Brethren have been blinded and misled for so long that many are unable to discern fact from fiction. Approach them with compassion and know that it is by no fault of their own. So many still struggle beneath the weight of crippling dogma, fear, lack, and poor self-worth. Illusions, all. They are part and parcel of the web of false matrices which are at this moment being dismantled by you, piece by piece. These Dear Souls cannot remember their own perfection. They cannot wrap their minds and hearts around even the most remote possibility that what you and I are saying is true. Very, very soon the mirage will vanish and all they think they have ever known will disintegrate to dust before their eyes. They will feel betrayed, hurt, embarrassed, foolish for believing a lifetime of untruths. For some, their pain will cause them to act out in violence and aggression. They will feel completely justified in this. Destructive emotions such as these have the potential to spread like a contagious disease, and the very last thing we should ever want is for the shock of our appearance to add fuel to the proverbial fire. Do know that we are even now doing much to minimize the effects of the "Changes" taking place upon your Planet. But we must tread gently. We must allow for more to place themselves on the enlightened path. We must do what is best for all beings of Earth.
Monday, February 24, 2014
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