Transition to higher intriguing quest for the future of mankind..thru deep valleys and over high mountains..flies the cosmic ark-heart-spirit-soul-light-ship..on its way to eternal pleasure and happiness..change of frequency and perception..can overcome chaos and destruction..the dark voids in between the in the moment of now..let the great visions and miracles our minds and hearts..projecting into reality..what is true and wise..reaching higher levels of perfection and harmony..with each step of the experience..growing from within..expressing our inner beauty..inspired by heaven..born from the supreme we ascend back home into the destiny of all souls..we transform illusion and deception..with love and knowledge..heal the earth as we change our minds and lives..developing a sustainable and free society..with spiritual and universal values..understanding our powerful role as co-creators in God's game of life..and our responsibility and mission in it..when all come benefit and serve all..under the law of love and truth..everything becomes possible..even the highest aspirations and dreams..the salvation of a complete galaxy..with all its multidimensional planes and entities..risen from the depths of the dark golden angel-gods..children of the first mistery..the All-That-ever-Is..the absolute oneness..the always active and awake spirit-presence behind creation..the true master of art and magic..wants to dance and play with have our attention and focus..until we can reflect and reproduce the shining rays and vibrations of enlightened mind..and transfer it into the outer worlds..where it can expand its radiating waves and supernatural powers..allowing the emergence of higher wisdom.. finer realizations of the god-essence..its infinite potentials and delightful characteristics..
Gesundheitliche Folgen der Chemiestreifen:
Der mit Ethylen-Dibromid (EDB) versetzte JP8+110 Flugzeugkraftstoff kann folgende Symptome hervorrufen: Atemwegsprobleme, starke Hals- und Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, Anschwellen der Lymphdrüsen, Hustenanfälle, Kurzatmigkeit, Nebenhöhlenkopfschmerzen, allgemeine Atmungsstörung sowie Herz- und Leberschäden. Aluminiumoxid befällt das Gehirn, schwächt Gedächtnis und Konzentrationsfähigkeit, führt zu Alzheimer und verursacht schwere Schäden der Atemwege. Die im Sprühvorgang verwendeten Polymere setzen sich in den Augen und im Atmungssystem fest, was zu punktueller Blutung (auch Nasenbluten und blutiger Stuhl), zu Schmerz und zu Augenproblemen bis zur Erblindung führen kann. Weitere Auswirkungen auf den Menschen sind nicht ausreichend bekannt, mit schweren Langzeitfolgen ist aber zu rechnen.
Folgen für die Umwelt:
Die Vergiftung des Bodens mit Schwermetallen wirkt sich nachhaltig schädlich für Pflanzen aus und für diejenigen, die diese essen. Ausserdem stehen Chemtrails im Verdacht, die Erde noch weiter anzuheizen, als es normalerweise schon der Fall wäre, da die Metallpartikel die Sonnenwärme möglicherweise mehr in der Atmosphäre halten, als abspiegeln. Chemtrails werden auch für die Dürre in vielen Erdteilen mit-verantwortlich gemacht, da Beobachtungen zeigen, dass selbst heftige Gewitterwolken keinen Regen verursachen, wenn Chemtrails am Himmel sind.
Wenn die Weißen und die Schwarzen dafür bekannt sind, eigene Süppchen zu kochen, dann bereiten die Grauen Festbankette zu. Ihre eigentlichen Ziele liegen meist im Dunklen, ebenso handeln sie selten aus offensichtlichen Gründen. Die Graue Magie als „neutral“ zu bezeichnen – liegt sie doch zwischen den Extremen – ist grundlegend falsch. Vielmehr sind die Grauen diejenigen, die an nahezu allen Fäden ziehen möchten, denn ihr höchstes Bestreben ist die Erhaltung oder Wiederherstellung des Gleichgewichts in der Welt. Hierbei heiligt nicht selten der Zweck die Mittel, denn die Anhänger der Grauen Magie sind der festen Überzeugung, mit ihrem Bestreben einem höheren Ziel zu dienen. Gleichzeitig können sie auf Konklaven auch hervorragende Vermittler zwischen den Weißen und den Schwarzen sein. Mit großem Vertrauen wäre man jedoch falsch beraten, da nie vergessen werden sollte, dass sie sprunghaft die Seiten wechseln, Verrat begehen und letztendlich als heimlicher Sieger dastehen können, während die anderen Seiten manchmal keinen Profit zu verzeichnen haben.
Approximately 10% of the Dracos have made a choice to move toward the
Light, meaning that they are recognizing the natural progression of all
life forms to grow up and become like our Creator. For some, it will be
a long and rocky road, especially due to the tremendous amounts of
negative karma generated by the Draco races over the last 10 million
years. Unlike the Lyra/Vega humanoids, the Dracos began their evolution
in another galactic system and migrated here, taking up residence
primarily in the Alpha Draconis star system. Like all sentient life
forms in this local universe, they were given free will. Like most of
the free will entities exploring the outer worlds, they fell in
vibration and became identified with the lower densities.
various star races fell in vibration and became lost in materiality,
wars broke out between the various factions that were fighting for
physical survival. The wars were usually over so-called “scarce”
resources, at least at the surface level, but at a more fundamental
state the wars were about who was going to wrestle and grab control of a
particular world or group of worlds. The ego's insatiable desire for
power and supremacy was the major factor in the decline of the Dracos.
Only a few were able to keep the memory of the soul intact, and fewer
still were able to create a peaceful existence among the warring
There has been a lot of erroneous information
given out regarding the ability of Dracos to shape-shift into human
form in order to appear as normal human beings. In reality,
shape-shifting is a very advanced technique reserved for those souls who
have evolved into ninth density or higher. The apparent shape-shifting
that clairvoyants are seeing is really just simple astral possession.
The astral soul fragments of the dark Dracos, hungry to sap the energy
and life force from unsuspecting humans, wander the astral realms in
search of those humans who most closely match their distorted energy
fields. The preferred targets are those humans with a lust for power and
control, since those are the dominant vibrations of the dark Dracos.
Unable to control Earth directly due to their incompatibility with
Earth's atmosphere and gravity, they resort to attempting to control
Earth from the astral realms, or through incarnating into human form.
Entering into the bodies of world leaders who already have a strong
illusion of power and control is highly desirable for the dark Dracos,
as it is the next best thing to having the Earth all to themselves.
of the world leaders will “return” to their human senses and start
being more loving and compassionate, while others will likely enter into
a state of temporary insanity. A few might take their own lives, or
find another convenient way to exit the planet. Some might choose to
become “victims” of warfare and insurrection. Only if they are able to
influence a massive number of ignorant humans will their charade be able
to continue much longer, and even then, it will only last a few more
years. They are capable of taking down a large number of unsuspecting
souls with them (i.e., leading the blind over the edge of the cliff). It
is up to each one of you to extricate yourselves from their influence
by psychologically clearing ALL of your negative emotional patterns and
negative belief systems. You have our help and the help of thousands of
ascended beings in your quest to break free.
praying, growing and learning to the best of your ability will
strengthen your connection to your God Presence. Your God Presence is
always with you. You ARE your God Presence. Your ability to identify
with the highest part of yourself will greatly enhance your ability to
weather the Earth changes. This channel and others teach a lot of
specific techniques and processes for getting more in touch with your
own Divine Essence. We are pointing out some of the intricacies of the
Earth drama in order to help you understand what is taking place on the
external stage, but your own state of consciousness and the healing of
your inner selves is always the most important part of the path.
energetic heart is multi-leveled and holographic, meaning that it
encompasses the dimensions of life that range from the mundane, dense,
three-dimensional environment to the mystical and supernal dimensions of
First Source. At its core energetic frequency it is coupled to the grid
of love that interpenetrates all dimensions and all life. At the point
of this coupling, the heart beats within the soul, similar to how its
rhythms pulse through the body electromagnetically. The heart of the
human soul is in accord with the heart of First Source. Remember, we are
created in the image of our Maker. Within this Heart of hearts is the
transmission upon which we all live and have our being. It is from here
that we have been diverted—our attentions split into a thousand
directions, forgetting—no, underestimating our heart’s intelligence and
the ease in which we can apply its special powers.
electromagnetic field of the heart is approximately 50 times stronger
than the brain, and it radiates—as an electromagnetic field, toroid in
structure—about 15 feet beyond the body. This electric field is
constantly shape shifting, undulating, yet exceptionally stable in its
energetic field. Its organic presence is palpable and vivid to those
whose sensorial system is tuned to the heart’s inmost frequency.
consciousness is the wholeness of consciousness of the group that is
more than the sum of the consciousness of all individuals composing that
group. Just as the consciousness of the individual determines his or
her thought and behaviour, the collective consciousness of society
governs the activity of social life. Thus a level of collective
consciousness corresponds to each level of social organization: family,
community, city, state, nation and world.
This awakening of
global consciousness is nothing less than a shift, a maturation, from
more egocentric patterns of life to a higher form of integral and
dialogic patterns of life. In this drama it is seen that egocentric
patterns of minding and living directly lead to fragmentation,
alienation and human pathologies at the individual and collective level.
The great spiritual traditions have long seen that the key to our
survival, sustainability and flourishing turns on our conscious
evolution into a dialogic patterns of life which bring forth our true
moral, rational and spiritual nature as species.
The third
dimension is the material plane. Human bodies, trees, air, the oceans,
all belong to this realm. This "what-you-see-is what-you-get" dimension
operates linearly, with a strict sense of spacetime. Perceptual lenses
(eyes, ears, touch, taste, and smell) filter out more information than
they allow in. Limitation systems function best at this level. Most of
humanity and the Old Civilization base their lives on this reality.
The fourth dimension is another name for the astral plane. It is where magic, both white and black, happens. The more Personal Power that you have, the higher your position is in the hierarchy.
Forms, including spacetime, are more fluid in this twilight dimension.
Beings easily "morph" from one form into another. This gray dimension is
moral: You are either for Good or for Evil. You fight for one or the
other. The battle for souls is popular here. As you might expect, The
Dark Forces dwell here. Find purgatory or limbo in the darker regions;
in the darkest, find hell.
The fifth dimension is the dimension of Light. People who have had near-death experiences call
it Heaven. They describe it as the Light at the end of the tunnel. In
this vast plane, the impulse of spirit gives us the motive to act. There
is great comradery here. Joy, harmony, and truth are a given. All are
aware of their immortal identity. Everyone is holy, because spirit flows
unrestrictedly through them. Enemies don't exist on this dimension. We
have no battles to fight. There is nothing to prove or win. A different
kind of excitement and purpose exists. In every moment, we are in
ecstasy to be alive, as we explore the wonders of a loving and
miraculous universe.
God's Creative Force enters humanity through a man's love for his wife and desire to raise his family in a secure and wholesome environment. It is reciprocated by a woman receiving her husband's seed (which symbolizes his spirit) and nurturing it. Thus, the Cabalist central bankers are keen to neutralize the male- female (active-passive) dynamo, by making women usurp the male role. They wish to assume the initiating male or "God" role themselves. Basically mankind is the victim of a "cruel hoax" of cosmic proportions. When you create money out of thin air, you can buy a lot of "change agents." Our elites actually think they are creating a better world. In fact, they are building a world police state, the "New World Order" secretly dedicated to Satan. The "Jew of the Cabala" is the central banker, his allies and minions.
The enslavement of humanity is replete throughout history. The reason is simple. The nature of societies allows corrupt sociopaths and malicious methods of domination to rule. The chronicles of any era clearly documents that liberty is rare. Inherent Autonomy is the intrinsic nature of the human condition. However, in the eternal struggle to achieve individual freedom, governments operate as overseers in invented schemes to herd human beasts into inhuman subjugation. The rule of the rulers over the resistance of the ruled is reality.
These so-called "religions" are built upon murder, torture, and lies and the only way any lie of this magnitude can survive is to create more and more lies and destroy the peoples who know the truth. Christianity is nothing more than a program. There is nothing religious or spiritual about it. Millions of people suffer depression, hopelessness, and confusion about life. The soul needs light and very few know this or actively practice the power meditation that will literally "save" their own souls. Because of a lack of knowledge and ignorance of the occult, Humanity as a whole has been placed under a powerful spell using occult power and indoctrinated not to question, concerning these three so-called "religions." This has been reinforced by centuries of Christians being duped into supplying their psychic energy and souls to be channeled into perpetuating this lie, which in the end, will only benefit a select few.
The Illuminati plan to destroy all existing human societies and religions uses “sexual freemasonry” as its methodology. Societies are corrupted by pornography, prostitution, and ubiquitous sexual messages. And individuals, as they climb higher in power hierarchies, are led into temptation, filmed, and blackmailed…and thereby recruited into the sexual freemasonic project. The Finders of Lost Children use their child sex slave victims to ensnare up-and-coming politicians, businessmen, academics, and other rising stars. They invite their targets to parties, offer alcohol and cocaine, and then lead them into a bedroom where a child sex slave awaits. The activities are filmed, and the target is a “made man” for life.
The best kept secret of the esoteric grades of Freemasonry is ritual sodomy. They believe it opens the "third eye" to Luciferian illumination. It attacks a pressure point of nerves at the base of the spine, causing temporary neurological paralysis and a shift of consciousness. MK-ULTRA survivors have testified that sodomy causes identity "splits" in children up to age 5, so it was standard for programming multiples. In order to produce a mind control slave, it must be done ideally between age two and four. The pressure point causes memory blackout, which is why victims don't experience flashbacks before a physiological change in the brain occurs between age 28 and 32. When introduced at eleven or older it doesn't cause splits, but initiates the victim or 'neophyte' into the Sado-Masochistic "brotherhood".
Since the proliferation of pornography, anal congress has established itself in the heterosexual world where the wonders of rectal romance are plain to apprehend. You don't even require a trained eye. By divorcing sex from any meaning it looses all meaning. Sex becomes an end in itself. Instead of lovers, there are sexual athletes. Love with all of its sentimental and cultural accretions is freed. Sodomy is normalized then consecrated.
Satanic ritual abuse is a real deal. It's also incredibly criminal, illegal, and highly secretive. But these Satanic cults that are involved with the Illuminati are real, and they do function, and they've been functioning in some cases for hundreds of years. They will kill people, they will sexually abuse everyone in the cult as a means of control, and they will sometimes go out and select people to perform human sacrifice on them. This is real. If you go to your local police department they will not talk about this openly but law enforcement agencies have had to deal with this on an ongoing basis. The occult is all a means to obtain power and special knowledge without God. The occult is not always Satanic but witchcraft, going to fortune tellers and being involved in the occult opens doors to demons.
RITUAL ABUSE by definition is: repeated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematized use of symbols, ceremonies and machinations designed and orchestrated to attain malevolent effects. The abuse may be repeated 100-1000 times.
The drinking of blood, either human or animal is consistently part of the ritual abuse survivors disclosures. According to the victims, the Satanists believe that the life force of the sacrificial victim is in the blood. Partaking of the blood is believed to empower and add longevity of life. Child victims have related accounts of how the cult members would always drain and save the blood of their victims in apple juice jars, pans, bottles, and pots. The very young children are sometimes introduced to the taste of blood gradually by mixing it with milk, formula, punch, and other beverages. Eventually, with increases in blood content in these drinks, the child victim will be able to drink the blood without dilution. The trauma to child victims, resulting from this type of forced participation in satanic rituals such as these is immeasurable.
If a person publicly exposes the Governments Secret Society run Child Abuse Network, then they will be liable to receive Death Threats and violent assaults by Government Intelligence agent’s provocateurs as well as unprovoked violent assaults by Masonic Police.
Despite the stigma that’s been deliberately attached to the word “conspiracy” our modern world is, in fact, run by conspiracies of one sort of another. Some conspiracies are more benign than others but all of them involve undue secrecy and the presumption that those involved have the right to influence the lives of others, without their knowledge or consent. Benign conspiracy can involve something as innocent as a surprise party but most conspiracies involve criminal intent, some as serious as a political/military coup or even a betrayal of the entire world’s population. The statute books mention conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice etc. However, because of the very nature of covert/secret operations only a small percentage of criminal conspiracies are detected and stopped. In fact, the worst culprits, covert government agencies (military and otherwise), can conspire at will, secure in the knowledge that official secrets legislation will hide any crime which they may commit. By declaring almost everything they do to be a matter of “national security” and getting others to limit the powers of watchdogs (like the Inspector Generals Offices) such bodies can do the dirty work for the criminal connections that direct them with immunity. That organized/corporate connection is similarly protected. Sophisticated technology plays a big part here. Offenders can access equipment that’s not available to law enforcers and thereby commit covert crimes without detection. Now, the basic human and civil right to privacy obviously should not be extended to the hiding of extensive criminal networks/activities but, equally, such offenders should not be able to monitor their detractors/investigators. Yet this also happens because the ruling elite (including politicians, businessmen, the media etc) band together to covertly conceal the biggest secrets (on surveillance technology etc) and destroy those calling for open discussion and legal reform. These issues include real privacy and justice, who profits from war, social engineering, terrorism, the drug trade, the slave trade, piracy and much more.
The front groups just mentioned (entertainment outlets, political/business groups etc) provide the players on the world stage but the “scripts” are often prepared by agency personnel, secret society members, crime figures and other assorted evil doers who have been placed within their ranks or recruited once there. The degree of protection given to these manipulators (in return) by those they puppeteer in public life is particularly concerning when good people, who try to stop serious criminal conduct, are destroyed.
In addition to illegal experiments and murder, other offences committed by these groups involve running networks of sexual immorality/criminality including child/adult prostitution, pedophilia, pornography, slavery etc. right up to snuff films and worse. As well as this there are drug rings, arms traders, criminal abusers etc. As a sideline to remote illegal experiments (involving the use of microwave, E-M, directed energy and psychotronic weapons) there is also the problem of mental slavery and theft of intellectual property through remote, powerful satellite surveillance and harassment. The more cruel factions within the mass media gleefully profit from this practice and enjoy the sport of criminally harassing the defenceless victims while they rob them.
For many public figures a solitary vice or event can see them permanently used and silenced by those seeking to manipulate them. Some become so anti-social (despite their personable public “act”) and depraved that they actually enjoy violating the rights of those opposed to criminal activities which involve them and their associates. Many are chosen from the ranks of gangsters and ex cons to become celebrities. This process starts with the vetting (by agencies and organised crime syndicates) of all persons of interest who could potentially become a public figure. They’re especially keen to monitor and then control vulnerable/corruptible people and herd them into entertainment/political/agency circles. As a start, often groupies and drugs are provided, a little bribery maybe…For those hooked and climbing the ladder of “success”, prostitutes, orgies, serious drugs and other soul destroying methods may follow (to tighten their grip). These people are then used to lure/use others as the covert operators expand their field of influence/corruption. Those amongst the talented who are not corruptible but are prepared to tolerate corruption around them are kept on the fringe, fear and self interest ensuring their silence. Those who have totally lost their integrity will do almost anything they’re told; repeatedly and over a protracted period of time. Again victimising good people is their favourite pastime. Especially if they offer criticism of systems that support/reward them. It’s easier to attack the critic than address their valid comments.
They can endure constant illegal surveillance in their homes/offices, audio/visual monitoring, brain wave monitoring and so on. The results can be computer relayed and subtlety sewn into news and entertainment by agency/criminal writers to rob/ridicule/oppress their targets without risk of detection. This common practise intimidates, preoccupies, infuriates and bamboozles many targets in a criminal violation of basic human and democratic rights. Anyone participating in such a practice has a criminal mindset and is not fit to hold a position of authority/respect in society. Regardless, most in public life do keep this practice as a horrible secret…as if it’s somehow acceptable. I suggest they try debating the rights and wrongs publicly and see how wrong they are and how quickly they are condemned.
Many laws are cunningly drafted to protect wealthy, influential criminals from exposure. Pedophiles, drug barons, war mongers and more hide behind legal procedures, defamation laws and corrupt or ignorant law enforcement officials. Anyone trying to help the victims is made to feel helpless themselves. Taxation laws, national security laws and much more are similarly biased. We abide by these laws but don’t necessarily respect them as they are often there to legitimize criminal behaviour. Equally, corrupt law enforcers and enforcement procedures don’t help. Staff misallocations (e.g. focusing on petty criminals rather than serious, big time offenders), inadequate training (e.g. covert technology-assisted crime is not referenced properly); inadequate funding (a political consideration) and more are questionable. The AFP for example, are spread so thin that they’re involved in everything from criminal record checks for job applicants in the health industry (apparently, we mustn’t brand perverts/offenders but instead inconvenience everyone else working in nursing homes) right through to foreign peace-keeping in the South Pacific. Meanwhile, corporate fraud, human/drugs/arms trafficking, covert oppression, high-tech remote torture, murder and other serious local crimes remain at unacceptable (usually unrecognised) levels. Sure, every so often there will be a big drug bust or the successful investigation of a child pornography ring but it’s never the big players that are caught. Again if we can’t, as a society, even protect our young from sexual predators our system just doesn’t work.
The very nature of secrecy fosters misconduct and deception. Absolute power wielded in secret is a very dangerous commodity. So, once again, since secrecy has no place in a free, democratic society the more responsibility that an individual, group or organisation has, the more accountable it/they need to be; to constituents, members, shareholders, the public etc. The most important example of necessary accountability is between a government and its citizens. Without it, ethics, fair play, justice, democracy and more are greatly diminished at the hands of criminals who freely abuse their positions. Unless you can guarantee the total honesty, integrity, wisdom, and good intent of those involved in a given system/situation NOBODY should be allowed to operate in a clandestine or unaccountable fashion. And since that guarantee is close to impossible total transparency is the only solution to high level crime. To say otherwise is to defend what is clearly indefensible and to place untrustworthy criminals in a position outside the law.
To those unaware it can be hard to accept, but there are numerous truths hidden from the general public as war is waged against honest men and women by an evil, criminal element within the wealthy elite. The innocent are thereby marginalized and stifled and often the truth is the only thing that is censored. In the absence of proof these innocents can be branded as paranoid. Also most things that appear random are, in fact, orchestrated. Coincidences are rare. This is especially true of the mass media which is the link with the public and determines public opinion.
The simple truth is that the criminal minority rules the law-abiding minority by stealth more than open rule. This is in an endeavour to conceal the true Fascist/Nazi nature of our systems and to allow the myths of freedom of speech, privacy, democracy, equality before the law and more to be preserved so as to solicit public support and remove opposition. The things done in secret would not survive public scrutiny so official secrets nonsense, corporate privileges and more are used to hide the truth and how it is suppressed. The egos of ignorant professionals who want to believe they know everything (despite the suppression of information) provides another obstacle to getting the truth into people’s heads. Yet relaying the truth is the only way to share it.
The answers are clear: establish upon government, fair play in business, truth in reporting and accountability for all positions of authority or trust. The world would be a much better place without the secrecy of the sort discussed herein. The only valid argument against total transparency would be the need for secrecy to protect all citizens (not just the wealthy) and would include a guarantee that those preserving that secrecy were themselves incorruptible. Since this second part is impossible no honest argument can be presented for secrecy, especially on matters affecting all of us.
Again, since organized crime and agencies control the key positions, the spark for reform must come from outside our systems: i.e. from the general population. Some within our systems would also need to have a change of heart, realizing that monetary / career success without integrity / humanity is meaningless. It’s a case of the “haves” and the “will nots” finding some common ground. The major obstacle, media warping of the truth and suppression, are again significant. Also, the withholding of information used to manipulate celebrities is sickening, especially when it involves heinous offences such as pedophilia or murder. On top of that unbiased honest reporting seems to be a thing of the past and some of the biggest issues are not addressed at all. Removing the veil of secrecy would remedy that too.
Now another partial long term solution to all of these problems would be to teach ethics, morality and respect for others in our schools and universities. In that way future community leaders may act more responsibly / openly and may be more inclined to represent everyone not just themselves and certain vested interest groups. Honesty should be the norm, not an approach to use where convenient. Those involved in secret societies, criminal networks, clandestine groups and so on should be deemed unsuitable for public office or any other position of trust. Unfortunately all too often they are the very ones that hold these positions. Once more, the motivation for any ethical shift must come from a backlash against corruption as instigated by the general public and those few in public life who privately wish for change but are too afraid to confront the criminals around them. So, community minded individuals both within and outside of public life must help to raise awareness and concern, regardless of the personal cost. Open and free discussion of all matters is the only appropriate, democratic approach and this will only be possible if secretive and conspiratorial methods are exposed and / or removed. In such an atmosphere minority viewpoints would not be able to dictate as they can now. Currently many minorities demand tolerance yet privately enforce agreement using covert, undemocratic and patently evil tactics to achieve their social engineering goals.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
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