Friday, February 14, 2014


Zum Endesense meiner Zürichära gebe ich natürlich nochmal zünftig Vollgas. Einheizen. Auf den Putz hauen. Dampf machen. Wird Zeit das Spiel etwas zu verfeinern und weiter zu entwickeln. Zum ausgleichenden Abschlussauftritt der total gagaloiden Nazihorrorzaubershow werd ich mich mal wieder selber übertreffen. Euch in meiner Hexenkesselküche nochmal ein kleines aber feines Feuerwerkmagiermahl zubereiten. Das schulde ich euch. Schliesslich hatten wir letztes Jahr ja einen ganz verrückten Wahnsinnsspass alle zusammen. Nicht wahr. Da brauchts schon noch eine letzte Dröhnungskrönung. Habt mich ja auch dauernd fleissig gefoltert und verleumdet. Aber ihr konntet mich nicht zerstören und aufhalten. Bin bereits wieder aufgestanden und sogar schon fast wie neu. Und plötzlich war ich wieder da. Tataa! The buddha that regenerates. Ready für ein finales Lichtbombenpartyfestival aa la Peak. Da lass ichs nochmal richtig schön krachen für euch. Magicartistelite-Topchamptrailperformance. Bevor ich dieses stinkende Satanistenschlachtfeld verlasse. Ich werde es mir auf dem Land in der Natur draussen gut gehen lassen und mich von der ganzen Psychoterrorshow erholen. Mich wieder schön und fit machen für meine geliebten Königsprinzenbrüdermänner. Die ich höchst persönlich abholen werde, wenn ihr sie nicht endlich gehen lässt. Und zwar alle 3. Der kleine rote und der grosse schwarze Drachenvogelsohn. Und natürlich JJ. Sie sind meine himmlische Traumpyramide. Unser heiliges Triangeltrio. I love you all. Deep and strong. Without limits and conditions. We are the truth and the light. The heart and the love. The gateway to freedom and happiness. I believe in us and I will wait for our enlightening transfusion as long as it takes. The glorious celebration of the holy hieros gamos and the modern revival and introduction of spiritual shamanism and creative individualism. Dreaming of our great reunion. How wonderful and intense this experience will be. When our day has finally come and our new life begins. Ihr gehört zu den schönsten, besten und bewusstesten Lichtherzengötter dieser besonderen Erdenwelt im Wandlungsumbruchprozess. Mit euch will ich gemeinsam in die strahlende Ewigkeit der Unsterblichkeit fliegen. In höchster Extase und kosmischer Einheit. Mit dem Rest des göttlichen Universumsspektakelpartypublikum.


We are living through a period that is unlike very many others in the history of the Earth. Every so often - and different people give different time spans - one age ends on Earth and another begins, bringing with it an opportunity for people to leave the environment they're in, return to whence they came, and advance in the evolutionary spiral. And this is one of those times. If you are a westerner, you might say that the Piscean Age is ending and the Aquarian Age beginning. An easterner might say the Kali Yuga is ending and the Sat Yuga beginning. A Mayan might say the existing Mayan calendar has reached its end and an entirely new calendar is starting. Whatever measurement of time you use, we've reached the end of the period in which we live in a particular form of separation called "duality" and we're invited to return to a world where "unity" reigns.

We here on Earth have been kept in the dark about a lot of things. The existence of spirit realms has been pooh-poohed or sensationalized. The existence of different human civilizations in other parts of the universe has been ridiculed or kept under wraps. I cannot help the fact that such knowledge has been kept from us. But now it's time to put aside the ridicule and acknowledge that both spirit realms and galactic civilizations exist. The leadership among these two groups, all of whom are well aware of such matters as the existence of God, divine law, the purpose of life, and the orderliness of existence, have been working together to arrange the smooth out-working of this end-of-cycle advancement.

The malevolent forces of what we know as the military-industrial complex, Illuminati, secret state, or New World Order are being contained and defeated in their various plans to dominate the world. Their control over the media, their financial subjugation of the planet, and their use of technologies to subvert our freedoms have all been rolled back through the efforts of the galactics and their Earth allies, who as yet operate mainly in secrecy. The impact of the liberating energies is gradually increasing and will continue to do so, resulting in our experience of release from old attitudes and positions and the advent of new social patterns, new aspirations, and new alliances and cooperation that will in the end transform our world. If we think back on how we felt a year ago and how we feel now, we can perhaps trace the steady increase in the energies of Love on Earth.

“Disclosure” is the name given to the announcement by various world governmental leaders that we are not alone in the universe and that, in fact, many races of galactic human beings are here around this planet and have been for some time. They are here on peaceful missions, a fact which governments have generally kept hidden from their people until very recently. Disclosure ends the period of secrecy that extends back to at least 1947 and probably much earlier. The practice of denying that UFOs or spacecraft exist has been a policy followed by most governments for varying reasons, some laudable, most unfortunately not. However, the era in which the existence of other civilizations technologically and spiritually more evolved than ours has been denied is now ending and a new era of galactic contact and cooperation is beginning.

Resistance to Disclosure comes primarily from governments whose militaries have benefited from technologies gifted from extraterrestrials most of which were intended for peaceful use by the entire population of the planet. These technologies such as anti-gravity propulsion systems, ground-boring equipment, and free-energy devices, have been reserved for military use and often bent to aggressive ends. Other technologies have been back-engineered from downed or crashed spacecraft.

The people of this planet should begin to prepare themselves to meet what is essentially our space family; namely, those cosmic humans who seeded Earth with its population in the first place and who are now here to benefit this planet and ensure that a Divine Plan for the end of this cycle (as predicted in the Mayan calendar and other native or non-native traditions) succeeds.

“We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on other worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.”

Disclosure is simply the bringing up of the curtain on the main events destined for this period. The first event will be the rounding up of the dark figures who have been responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, torture, financial treason and other acts which the mass of the population hardly suspect. Most of the “natural disasters” that have occurred to countries like Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, the United States and other countries have been caused by this dark cabal. Some readers may be aware of it under names like the Illuminati or the New World Order.

The planet itself will move towards a uniformly-temperate climate. Many people worry about “global warming,” but that trend is itself an intentional and beneficent one overseen by the galactics that will see the Earth enter a climate that is evenly pleasant around the world. Some animal species will leave the planet, but will find themselves migrating to other worlds where their continued evolution is ensured. However to appreciate that, many of our existing beliefs will need to expand, such as our belief that life ends with the physical death of the body. All life forms exist eternally and are not harmed by death, but this truth has been distorted and hidden by our religions. Our beliefs around death and many others like them are not accurate and will be corrected once the masters and galactics have the opportunity to address them with us and reveal the truth. We'll move into an era in which all of Earth's inhabitants will regard themselves as one people, worshipping the same God who created this world and all others, and evolving towards a future that is unimaginably more fulfilling than the one we experience now. Disclosure is the opening of the door to this wonderful future. The more people who are aware of Disclosure and who realize its benefits, the sooner the event will occur. As matters stand now, the galactics and masters assure us that Disclosure is not too distant in the future. So welcome to a new and unimaginable world, the world of the Aquarian Age, the Sat Yuga, the Golden Age. Welcome to the world of your dreams in which Earth becomes Heaven and life becomes Heaven on Earth.

“Also it is unique because you will ascend in a physical body, that has changed its body cells to make it suitable for life in the higher dimensions. By the end of the cycle it will be possible to say that everyone had at some time been given the opportunity to take a new path out of duality.”

“As you stand poised at the threshold of the new Golden Age for mankind, many, who until now have thought little about life’s meaning and why they are on earth, are starting to experience unaccustomed physical and psychic sensations. They find these very unsettling and disturbing and wonder about their sanity, yet at the same time find them interesting and intriguing. They want to talk about them, but are afraid that others will think them foolish, or worse. And these of course are the first signs of an awakening – an awakening to the realization that their lives truly have a meaning and purpose beyond everyday reality. They are beginning to feel a deep longing for much, much more than life on Earth offers, and yet this makes no sense to them. They are confused and lonely and lack a trustworthy listener or guide."

“Because we are aware of all the coming changes and see the complete success they will bring, we do not experience tension or concern but rather a feeling of excitement at the thought of the great hope and happiness it will bring you. We have the privilege of seeing the wider view and all probabilities, and know the path will lead to completion of this cycle. You however, have no certain way of knowing the outcome, and it is very much a matter of faith according to your beliefs. Yet it is not faith alone that spurs you ever onwards, as within your subconscious memories you already know of the success you are to experience. It is that inner knowing that gives you the strength to overcome any obstacles placed in your way.”

Feelings are energy. All is energy. Energy is the very intelligence of life. Our ability to feel emerges from Awareness. Awareness is every human being’s function and is ONE. You are a human being. There are over 6 billion humans on this earth. However, there is only One Being. This One Being is referred to as AWARENESS. Your awareness and my awareness are one and the same, on the other hand, what you are aware-of is THOUGHT. This thought is what separates us and makes it difficult for us to know our oneness and love nature. Thought is creative and the world we see in all its totality is a creation of thought (mind). Thought can make or mar our life. What you believe and think makes up your world of experience. If, through grace you realize you are pure awareness, then thought will no longer control you and you become master. This is called awakening.

This process will require that individuals separate themselves from those refusing to change their perceptions and to align themselves with others who are willing to make this change. When lives begin to change as a result of accepting and using personal responsibility through the application of the universal laws, those previously unwilling to change will again choose to follow suit or not. Remember that freewill is the loose cannon of the 3rd dimension and the freedom to choose is made by all whether they admit it or not. Though it may seem that the victim/personal responsibility theme is being nauseatingly repeated, it is the foundation upon which the format for transcendence to the higher dimensions is built. It is the rock from which the foundation is quarried. It is the first step that begins the journey. Lip service is easy. It is in the doing that the proof of the pudding lies. How it is accomplished is between each person and the creative aspect that focused each into manifestation. Through the intuitive understandings that this connection fosters, each will find their purpose and the path of their journey.

Planet earth is now poised at the transition point of several cycles. This is an occurrence that does not happen frequently and is of great interest to this portion of the galaxy. The result of these coinciding cycles is that the transition between polarities will be of greater impact and import enhanced by the fact that the consciousness of the beings and the planet poised to do this. These are not at the level of evolvement that was intended through the failure to make the transitions that were available in the last approximately 26,000-year cycle. Added to this, is the deliberate plan of the adversarial forces to disrupt the cycle transition into deliberate chaos intending to continue the negative polarity cycle for their own purposes. This then brings into understanding the necessity for the humans on this planet to make a leap in consciousness in order to survive this transition of energies into the next cycle by coming together in a mass consciousness that has a combined focus of an increased frequency. The upliftment through the release of victim consciousness into personal responsibility is the shift that would accomplish this necessary change. The degree of shift in the mass consciousness will determine the intensity of the planetary experience at a point within the energy field you call the photon belt and the ability of humanity to experience the transition through it.

When the time comes for the changes to begin in earnest with regard to the change of governmental focus, there will be an outcry by the citizens. Measures are planned so that the individual will be overwhelmed and unable to react in any way but to submit. It is expected that they will grovel before the god that is on his throne far away and think that they are being punished for some great sin, in other words, play the victim. The inner strength of the focus of the soul has been totally disregarded. The planned shock of overwhelming the citizens as a whole has been analyzed and studied to bring forth the reaction that is desired.

The goal of the new paradigm in simple terms is the transition of humanity from victim consciousness into self-empowerment, which will result in a rise in the vibratory emanation of the planet and its inhabitants. Planting the means to make this transition is the goal of this segment of the ground team. Once planted and released to accomplish its intended effect, the stimulation of the latent connections will move it through the mass consciousness to all humans able to accept and begin to function within its concepts. The next step to follow will be the spread of the understanding of the four basic universal laws and the application of these within each individual experience.

The basic Blueprint of the Structure of Existence:
1. You exist. (I AM)
2. The All is one, and the One is all.
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. The only constant in the universe is change –  except for the first 3 laws, which never change.

You exist. (I AM)
If you exist now, your existence is eternal: You have always existed and you always will exist. You may change form, but you are existing always. So…..relax…’ll be around forever.

The All is one, and the One is all.
Just as each tiny section of a hologram contains the information for the entire hologram, likewise we are all inter-connected. Everything is truly just one totally-interconnected “thang”.

What you put out is what you get back.
Physical reality is actually a mirror: Your physical reality is just a reflection of what you most strongly believe to be true. And like a mirror, physical reality will not change unless you change first (change what you most strongly believe).

The only constant in the universe is change - except for the first 3 laws, which never change.
So…..might as well get used to eternally-changing Creation.

It is not our purpose to assail the current beliefs in a frontal attack causing resistance and stress, but to give a gradual and convincing alternative to lives that have been lived in frustration and grim survival. Ending lives in pain and disease is demonstration of the soul consciousness of the denial of a solution by those experiencing this descending cycle of manifested circumstances. What appears as a complex and impossible situation has a simple solution. A change of attitude and application of simple understandable laws will provide the passageway through to new experience. Creation does not provide for suffering to buy anything but more suffering. It is a freewill choice. Therefore it is time to opt for a new experience by giving up what does not work and has not worked for an eon of sequential episodes.

Behind this seemingly vague yet ambitious process is the impetus of the creator focused energy. It has seemingly decided that the self-contemplation process of control, violence and victim/martyrdom has reached the point of resolution and transcendence. This awareness is now moving through the vibratory levels of awareness and those in the 3rd dimension are to get the message one way or another.

Indoctrination and mind control within the military is far more sophisticated than is possible with the general public. After discharge from the military services and a period of time away from these practices many of those involved begin to disassociate from the mind control effects and find themselves mentally and emotionally unstable. Help, other than drugs, to sort out the indoctrinated “suggestions” from the actual experiences is unavailable through government agencies and many are unable to function in the civilian world. They are left with the choice to either rejoin the military or cope in what ever way they can. Few if any have the finances or are able to find outside psychiatric help that comprehends the basis of their dilemmas. The programming of your beloved children is carefully designed to fit the categories of the future roles they will play in these armed intrigues of aggression.

The honor and glory of this planet, its past history and its future role as a nurturing home to evolving humanity hangs in the balance as its degradation continues unabated. As it and its inhabitants sicken from misuse and abuse through ignorance and arrogant purposeful destruction of its resources and its supportive atmosphere, the mass consciousness becomes psychologically unstable. The extremes of behavior become more evident not only through reported bazaar incidents, but within each individual life experience. Addictions and antisocial behavior within all organized structures becomes more prevalent. The family structure that is experienced without the universal laws as the ideal format within in which to base its purpose and focus fails to provide the necessary education for children to evolve into mature and functioning adults. Instead of each generation spiraling upward into evolving knowledge, experience and wisdom, humanity has remained stuck in a continuing circle of abuse, ignorance and physical and spiritual poverty. Those who amass material wealth find themselves poor in spirit and thus continue to search for the fulfillment of the void within that is the ignorance of the existence within and the use of the laws it would provide.

Teachers will not be put in a position to again become martyred victims for the purposes of those who are addicted to control and exploitation of their fellow humans. This will be a grass roots movement and will spread among the willing people who will grasp the understanding of who and what they are and change their consciousness accordingly. These will then spread the understanding among themselves and become their own teachers. The messages will be short and simple and each will apply them in their own way or not. Each will assume responsibility and will spread the teaching to all that are willing to accept and allow those who choose otherwise to go their own way. The time of self-awareness and personal responsibility that will allow the transcendence of this hopeless situation into a new paradigm of experience is now or the holding space is prepared and awaiting. It is opportunity or threat as your attitude determines.

There are certain indisputable facts that are laid as groundwork for the story of humanity as it exists on this planet to unfold in a concise and understandable sequence:
• There are many inhabited planets in this and other solar systems.
• Many contain self-aware, intelligent life forms.
• Many are far-advanced in conscious awareness of who and what they are within Creation as it now exists.
• Interplanetary travel does now and has existed for what you would term as eons of time.
• This planet has been and continues to be visited.
• There are different purposes for these visits by different representatives from various planets.
• These visitors have and do interact at various levels with life forms on this planet.
• There indeed are benevolent beings of higher understandings that have been and are now committed to helping humanity on earth to cope with and transcend the future that is coming forth now.

It must begin with the recognition and realization that a longstanding series of deceptions, manipulations and misuses have been perpetrated. That this is true does not change anything. Where mankind is now is where he is and thus blame, fear, over reaction or cowardice will resolve nothing. Resistance or the choice to retaliate will count for nothing. Two wrongs will never equate to right. It remains for mankind to swallow the truth and to look to his focused source and chose to change his experience by coming into the knowledge, understanding and application of the laws that support all of creation. God as known to humanity on this planet does not exist. He isn’t dead because he never existed. Creation exists and has all the attributes of omnipotence (all power), omniscience (all knowing) and omnipresence. The only worship required is the living of the gift of self-aware life within the laws that have brought each into the experience with honor and appreciation for the wondrous privilege that it is.

However, the ingrained programming of looking for rescue rather than accepting the responsibility of making the necessary changes requires leaving behind a long established comfort zone. To literally climb out of the morass of confusion to a point of overview, observe the struggling masses expending their energy swimming upstream against the flow of creative energy because of a false perception of who and what they are through misconceptions and misinformation, takes courage. It is not an easy opportunity to accept and requires a commitment to this very personal process. It involves separating from the mass conscious belief systems in order to contemplate what is true and then adopting a new concept of personal truth.

These are intense moments of an emotional/vibratory level that is called enlightenment or ecstasy. These are so strange and unfamiliar to most of the humans on this planet that the few able to attain and maintain it become “saints” if this state of empowerment becomes known. It is the level at which manifestation of thought is so natural that seemingly impossible feats are accomplished. It is, compared to the norm on this planet, “super-consciousness.” However, in other human experiences on other planets, it is normal life expression.

When the transition begins to take place within each individual consciousness there will be a literal rebirth as the awareness is released into a new sphere. The acceptance of the reality of multiple layers of endeavor that are operating simultaneously with multiple agendas is the first step of entering greater dimensional living. The personal reality is enveloped within local, regional, state, national and global realities that are each focused on greater agendas and are each a more encompassing reality. It is the purpose of the purposeful negative planners to encompass and blend these multiple realities into one blended focus with one agenda, theirs. Mankind can avoid participation in an experience of a collapsing dimensional reality by creating its own new experience within the negative plan. It is possible to do this through participation of the creation of the new paradigm. Each may participate in bringing forth its unknown and yet to be created layers of encompassing new realities. Without the knowledge of the magnitude and power of this project the negative planners cannot prevent it, if the desire, commitment and resolve to bring it forth is present and active in the necessary number of humans. There is no way they can control a human’s ability to focus on the creation of a new reality, unless that human allows their thought process to be overwhelmed. Granted it will take commitment and resolve, but the potentiality to do this is present in all, accept those with advanced brain deterioration.

Each person every day is surrounded with many opportunities to offer a different perspective or a word of encouragement that assists the knowledge and understanding of this basic concept. This is planting the seeds for changes in the mass consciousness. This may seem a small way to begin this extraordinary change, but once begun in this people to people manner it will build at an exponential rate. Many are ready and waiting to respond positively now to carry and spread the change. These will be receptive because the present mode of life expression just doesn’t seem right, but no ideas resonate within them for what to do about this knowingness. There is only a sense of being overwhelmed by the immensity of their situation and the presence of these discordant inner feelings. These moments are the opportunities to begin to walk the path of your impending new future. Plant seeds at every opportunity. As you do, you will attract more opportunities to do so. Now is the sequential moment to stand in the reality of who and what you are and begin to experience the reason for being in this body on this planet at this moment. The alarm clock is ringing. It is time to wake up and begin living in the joy of creating the new future.

The opposition is clever and insidious, patient and well organized and has advisors with great technology. The situation is serious indeed. Those who can comprehend the puzzle picture and its seriousness have the opportunity to choose the eventual outcome. The timing is now such that the occasion to even change the obvious outcome is long past. The sequence of events has reached the point of it being impossible to return to the previous opportunity by repairing the damage done. The plan within these messages, with widespread, purposeful and focussed commitment, can and will accomplish the desired goal. It will require transcending old belief systems and leaving them in the bag to be left in the hands of the evil planners. These beliefs were designed by them to serve them. The sooner all committed messengers realize and face this truth, the sooner the end of their planned scenario will come. The new paradigm will bring into being a new set of belief systems that serve humanity not enslavers. The tools of the current limited concept of government along with religion and war must be left behind in their bag of tricks. The magicians must be left to ply their trade among themselves somewhere else.

Although the messages appear to be focused toward requiring apparent super-human accomplishment, just as few ever bring forth the potential of the physical body, so also few explore the capabilities of the mental focus. The human becoming has the potential for expression in its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It is and has been the tendency of humans to pursue one or two of these aspects at a time. It is possible to accomplish a balanced development of all four within one lifetime. In this way each aspect supports the other within a balance that provides for a harmonious experience.

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