Sunday, January 4, 2015


Toughts on full moon..and its dark and hidden side..whats about the bases found there years ago..and that the snow is gone..disclosure is the only solution..on all these matters..and involving people from all classes and professions to be part of the exopolitics subject..allowing a real discussion about the complexity of problems coming with it..even if the old structures based on lies and deceptions may crumble..because they are useless and endangering our collective will not be the end..just the beginning of something new..not stuck in a fixed role or from limiting restrictions and expectations..i came here to live and not to be a slave..who would do all that for just one or all..ive seen, heard and felt you..where are you..let me be with you..heaven is everywhere..where you or we are..dont let me wait too long..or i will have to come and get can you sleep alone..with no one to call your tickles like magic..which is in many cases just advanced technology and other secret techniques..and not what it seems to be..eyes of heart intuition are needed..they even see in black darkness..clear shapes and images of beings living in the multidimensional space around us..footprints put into portraits and texts..symbols of language and power..from ancient times until today..reconnecting the lost pieces of the all worlds..until awareness creates universal harmony and peace among cosmic races..moving back to the absolute individual source..


Earlier studies estimated that the planet’s temperature would rise high enough to cause the melting of the ice caps by the year 2000. Cutting back air pollution in the 1970’s did slow down the process to a small degree enough to gain about twenty extra years before disaster struck. To slow down further global warming a system of spraying aluminum powder over the large cities was devised to reflect solar radiation back into space. After the HAARP project went on line they pumped massive amounts of microwave radiation into localized areas of the ionosphere thereby heating it and causing it to rise which in turn caused the cold air of upper atmosphere to dip down cooling other areas.

After we started exploding atomic bombs in the forties and fifties a wave of flying saucers came from everywhere in the Galaxy. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) of the blasts seemed to interfere with instruments aboard some of the saucers causing them to crash. Over the years our government collected several alien flying saucers and their occupants. They eventually stuck up a deal with the Aliens, which allowed them to continue with their agenda of the genetic manipulation of the human race and the alien-human hi-bread experiments. The US government agreed to furnish them with the breeding stock. After being born of surrogate mothers, the babies were adopted by families living on various military bases. The human hybrids attended school at various military bases and eventually joined the military. Some even fought for their country like everyone else. The only difference between them and us is that some of their internal organs are not the same.

Only a free and open discussion can elicit the responses appropriate to the incredibly complex problems and fabulous opportunities presented by the existence of several alien races on the planet, displaying powers and technologies that are thousands of years ahead of us. Waiting for official disclosure will cause us to loose valuable initiatives and opportunities for change, and could actually be disastrous. The governments of the world should reveal exactly what weaponry and defense measures they have developed for dealing with the alien menace.

Since World War II our government became increasingly aware that the earth is a hive of intelligent beings living underground and in the upper atmosphere where they exist in some sort of higher dimension or energy field. These extremely advanced life forms seem to have always been there, having the capability of manufacturing and providing for all their needs by literally creating them out of thin air. They use the technology of the monatomic atoms.

If we are being embroiled in a weapons escalation race, fueled by competing ET factions fighting for domination of the planet, and are being used as pawns in this struggle, then it is clearly time to make the whole thing public and allow the people to have a voice in preventing their own doom in an apocalyptic war, i.e., Armageddon.

The ships are invisible to the naked eye because they exist in a higher frequency or energy state than our optical receptors are capable of seeing. In other words our eyes don’t see into the higher ultraviolet light frequencies. NASA cameras however are wide spectrum cameras with special receiver chips capable of looking into the higher light frequencies. I believe the ships exist in an even higher dimension than NASA’s cameras can see and only became visible during the tether experiment for observation purposes. They exist in the higher energy states for the purpose of reducing their mass so that they do not attract to gravity and it also makes them impervious to meteorites. Meteorites can pass right through their higher dimensional state.

Living in the higher dimensions seems a natural evolutionary goal for humanity given the various cataclysmic events that affect earth from time to time. Such events that might periodically wipe out life on earth are nuclear war, pole shifts,meteor impacts, solar flares, and close encounters of large gravitational objects that cause massive tidal waves thousands of feet high. Living in the upper atmosphere in a higher dimension would allow living beings like us to escape such disasters.

The beings living aboard the ships are truly the Adoni, the Malakeim, the Nephilim, the Sarafim, and the Metatron, Angels of old. Since they are so far advanced like any super-intelligent race, which has solved most of it’s political problems they probably become bored and from time to time so every thousand years or so decide to meddle in affairs here on earth. I believe there is some Communication through prayer and they probably do respond from time to time to help us out of a difficult situation. To them we are like pawns in a game whose outcome has already been decided. If things are not going their way they could easily kill off a few million of us. There is no way we could retaliate because they exist in a higher dimension.

The Catholic Church now acknowledges the existence of extraterrestrials and is terrified of the implications. The Vatican now agrees that Zechariah Sitchin translation of ancient Sumerian texts is correct and is terrified of what the revelation of the Anunnaki Gods presence on earth might do to the Catholic Religion.

It may be that Homo sapiens are not all that unique in the cosmos. Perhaps there are great civilizations spread across the Galaxy (and beyond) composed of undreamed-of variations of the genus homo. While we discover more about the human family and the riddle of evolution and as the mystery surrounding man’s true origins are increasingly complicated, the clearer it becomes that other species of (quite possibly) non human intelligent, rational beings have evolved equally complex brains and languages. There are undoubtedly great alien cultures of non-human civilizations somewhere in space. If this as likely as it seems then it’s even more likely that representatives of those civilizations could have visited Earth at any time (perhaps during our Prehistoric periods) and left artifacts or some other trace of their presence. This theory is now regarded as scientifically plausible.

If we are to make it, it’s imperative that we gain total control over the animalistic promptings of the right brain and stifle its negative biological emotions, fear, greed, and superstitions and begin to live in a spirit of mutual trust, cooperation, and love.

Over the last fifty years the carbon dioxide content of earth’s atmosphere has doubled. The government says there is no problem but they secretly release virus, anthrax, aids and other diseases to kill off humanity instead of fixing the problem. Some people say it is the hostile, Reptilian aliens that want to enslave us that are using wars, small pox vaccinations and countless other devious methods to reduce the population so they can enslave us.
What the government fails to realize is that the CO2 is raising the acid content of the oceans. All the choral reefs around the world have stopped growing twenty years ago. Currently half of all the plankton in the oceans is gone. This means that more than half the fish are gone. About half the rain forests on earth are cut down. We are loosing an area of forest the size of Great Britain annually. This means that a good portion of the oxygenproducing organisms on earth is gone so the amount of carbon dioxide accumulation is increasing with nothing to stop it. Soon we won’t be able to breathe the air and it will be too late to do anything. Whatever the outcome, it is clear to me that we have ventured into uncharted territory!

Antigravity devices have been invented in the past. There are many ancient Greek and Egyptian legends of people who could fly. There is a picture of Isis wearing an antigravity device on her head with wings taped to her arms to guide her flight. Ancient Indian epics speak casually of flying to and from various places and planets. From time to time ancient Asvin and Atlantean ships come up out of the ground near Mt. Shasta, California and northern Tibet to inspect what mankind has done to the planet.

Tesla arrived at many of his advanced ideas while studying under the influence of his giant Tesla coils. He would sit on a chair with twenty-foot lightening bolts crashing all around him. This placed his body into or near the next higher dimension where there are a tremendous number of elementary particles passing through his body. The high-voltage fields caused his hair to stand up as billions of electrons flowed through him. This was high-voltage static electricity. When you have extreme numbers of electrons flowing through your brain it essentially gives it's ORME content additional electrons to work with thereby speeding up brain functions and super conducting thought more efficiently. This made it possible for him to arrive at solutions to difficult problems that no other could have come up with. Tesla instinctually knew this.

It is important that the reader fully understand that the awareness is not the body, but is merely housed within the body during sleep, under anesthesia and traumatic periods of unconsciousness. The consciousness can be aware of this separation and can indeed train itself to leave the body intentionally. Some of those with this ability are being employed on a regular basis to intentionally visit particular people and events employing only their focused awareness/spirit, and then can and to report on these activities to those of the dark intent. Just as the physical body can be trained through gymnastics and other exacting physical sports to accomplish impressive feats, so also can the awareness be exercised and trained to so what most would consider difficult to believe. In this way each can begin to grasp that the “average human” on the planet is grossly unaware of it’s potential. The limitations of each are either selfimposed through acquired thought and belief patterns or through physical or mental limitations of genetic alteration/mutations. They are further limited by failure to maintain the physical body with proper exercise, breathing, whole foods and pure water.

We live in a galaxy of billions and billions of stars in a space filled with billions and billions of galaxies. How can we be so arrogant as to think we are the only intelligent life in the cosmos?" Several of our prominent scientists are saying that there could be as many as one million intelligent races in our galaxy alone and there are billions of galaxies in the universe.

EA and Enlil had been bitter rivals since before coming to earth. Humanity became their new swords. E.A. and his priests seek to uplift humanity to the level of the gods through global education and revelation of all sacred secrets. Enlil’s priests seek to keep humanity at the level of slaves and sex objects, the property of a police state cryptocracy.

Grail researcher Andrew Sinclair says the original French word for Grail was escuele. Phonetically, escuel, like eschol, is a skill (a skiull or skool). This makes sense. Christ was called wisdom. His skill involved a transformation of Homo sapiens into pure ones, a Cathar. The blue apples of Eschol represent powerful physiological knowledge: the means to transform human blood into the blood of light preparatory to entering the gate of God. Hundred of thousands of Cathars were murdered because of this ultimate secret. It can happen again.

The intentions and activities of ETs and of clandestine government organizations created to interface with ETs, if both are found to be true, has important implications for how elected government officials and the general public ought to respond to the whole ET phenomenon as a political challenge with a range of policy options. This becomes especially important with the increasing likelihood that official government disclosure of an ET presence will instantly catapult the topic from the shadowy world of conspiracy theories, alternative science, and New Age philosophy, to mainstream public policy. Such disclosure will lead to the birth of a new field of public policy, ‘exopolitics’, which can be defined as the policy debate over the choices governments and populations need to make in formulating and implementing legislative and policy responses to the presence of ETs in human affairs.

"They have discovered a base on the moon!” and, surreptitiously, at the same time dropped a photograph in front of me. There was a mosaic print of the surface of the moon, with some sort of geometric structures clearly visible. Scrutinizing the image, I could see spheres and towers. That was more than thirty years ago. Since then NASA had photographed many more structures on Mars, Venus and the Moon. Don’t you think it is about time mankind grew up to face the awful truth: That we developed high technology several times in the past, left the planet to colonize Venus, Mars, and the Moon and were annihilated either by a solar flair or some other cataclysmic event such as a meteor shower. The surface of Mars, Venus, and the moon are littered with giant buildings, pyramids, bridges, domes, towers, glass tunnels, pipelines, and other ruins, which are the remains of past civilizations. If NASA were to show these ruins to the world then there would be no need for war here on earth. They won’t do it because it would put the arms dealers, governments, churches, and the military out of business. We really need to grow up, develop other sources of energy, and get off the planet before we kill ourselves by burning up all the oil and coal, which is causing global warming. We need to get going to become a type one civilization again; like we were over ten thousand-years-ago.

I don’t believe that cattle mutilations have anything to do with the inter-dimensional ships. They are the work of the ‘Grays’ or some other less advanced race that consumes blood. One of the things you don’t hear in the news is the fact that approximately two thousand people have likewise been found completely drained of blood with various parts of their body missing and it appears that the body parts were removed while the victims were still alive.

The answer to preserve humanity is we must advance our technology to the point where a few of us can live for extended periods of time in a higher dimension orbiting earth, possibly merge with or join the angels already living there.


There is a vast number of sick, One World Government, psycho, Hitlerian types who think that there are too many people on earth. Their agenda is to kill off most of us so that they can mold the world the way they think it should be.

What if a person could really live 300,000 years? Think of the long-range goals you could have. You could do the real big projects like genetic manipulation of a species or terra forming. A person could learn every foreign language on earth, or play every musical instrument known to man and become knowledgeable about any subject. Living a long time would tend to lend more meaning to life but it poses a whole different sort of problems. Your car and house would wear out many times before you reached the point where you would no longer need these items.

Our government and the news media are constantly telling us that there are too many people on Earth. It is a lie. If we didn't waste our natural resources Earth could sustain a population of 11 billion people. It seems that the rich who control government policy so that they can get richer are the ones behind all this.
There are currently a little over six billion people on this planet. Now a planet with 11 billion spiritually awakened, people cannot be controlled. Such a scenario would change the harmonic frequency of the whole galaxy. The vibration would be love, and the bad guys don't like that.

Our leaders are so corrupt that their systems are breaking down. Instead of acting responsibly, by releasing control and letting people take more responsibility, the corrupt leaders want to kill off most of the people in an attempt to maintain the status quo. There is a way of speeding up the spiritual awaking and that is what this is about.

We must do our part as the book says or we won’t make it as a people. Instead of being what we think is the smartest creature on the planet we could turn out to be the dumbest.

The drawbacks to taking the stuff are you develop telekinetic and telepathic powers. You can read minds and send mental messages. Practically everyone who has taken the white-powder-gold has moved away from cities to a very remote area because they hear and take in all the thoughts and all the suffering of those around them.

The call to become a master is a tremendous decision. Once the power begins to manifest within a person he has to retain conscious thought at all times otherwise he might accidentally cause harm to another. If you are a master healer and wipe out cancer and other diseases saving thousands of lives you still may go wrong. One of the humans you saved could invent a new weapon that kills millions. Life holds no guarantees.

The discovery that the Anunnaki gods lived on Earth does not destroy religion. Religion is about the spiritual bonds that connect us to nature and one another. The very first religion on earth before the Anunnaki came here was animism. An animist is one who discovers that the universe is made out of spirit. Conscience is the stuff that the universe is made of and our conscience is only a small part of it.

The existence of such an official ‘cover up’ adds to the difficulty of studying the claimed ET presence and accuracy of sources supporting the various perspectives on such a presence since official non-disclosure suggests either wholesale misrepresentation or deception by those supporting such perspectives, or a covert government program designed to keep this information from elected public officials and from the general public. If the latter is indeed the case, which the evidence to be presented in this paper indicates, then it is clear that the study of exopolitics will be compounded by officially sponsored acts of disinformation, official denial, and even intimidation by clandestine government organizations.

It took me several years to figure out that this blatant disregard for public opinion was a plan designed to keep and maintain the pressure of proof on certain elements of our society. The plan was basically to place the burden of proof on the UFO researchers and to steer the public away from the military organizations that were directly involved in UFO research. In this plan I deduced that the military was using the media to keep these UFO researchers from making too much of the issue by having the media brand them as kooks, weird, paranoid and unbelievable; better yet, by having people who go around chasing after shadows in a belief that UFOs are real and the government is hiding something. To date, this plan has worked well above average, and the general public still has an opinion that follows what ever the media tells them.

If disinformation and intimidation are but two aspects of a series of ‘official’ policies and practices to maintain secrecy of the ET presence, then this raises important questions about how to confirm the accuracy and verifiability of sources supporting the ET presence. Highly credible witness testimonies may be undermined by key documents or records going missing that substantiate the credibility and/or claims of witnesses and/or government/military officials. On the other hand, it cannot be simply assumed that testimonies and documents concerning the ET presence are factual reports by independent witnesses/former government employees or accurate documents. Such reports may in cases be part of an officially sanctioned program of ‘disinformation’ designed to distract public opinion in whole or in part from the truth about the ET presence.

As a source of information on an ET presence, former government, military and aviation officials have high credibility due to the activities they performed as a part of their official positions. The financial and legal penalties these former officials risk in violating their secrecy oaths, and the possible damage to their reputations and friendships, suggest individuals with high integrity that are disturbed over continued non-disclosure of the ET presence and a hidden government conspiracy to cover this up through a campaign of intimidation, disinformation and secrecy. In a court of law, ‘whistleblower’ testimonies are very powerful and can alone succeed in determining guilt or innocence even when no physical evidence can be produced. In conclusion, this category of information can be ranked as ‘strong’ due to the verifiable credentials  of those claiming to have first hand experience of an ET presence, the coherence of their testimonies, and their overall number.

Because extraterrestrial encounters often involve the sudden appearance of one or more extraterrestrials without warning in an unexpected location, such as one's bedroom at night, their appearance can feel, at first, like an invasion. The extraterrestrials' use of mental telepathy, and their facility for reading one's thoughts and the contents of one's mind, can feel, to the previously traumatized person, like an old, familiar, and unwelcome intrusion into what is in our culture one's private space. Here we have the clash of two cultures, polar opposite in their assumptions. In human culture, (Western modern industrial culture, anyway,) the assumption is that one's thoughts and living space are private, because individualism is prized. In extraterrestrial cultures researched thus far, it appears that living space and thoughts are inevitably shared, because of the automatic, two-way nature of the mutual telepathic ability of all members of their society. They live in a shared mind-field "commons".

… the human race was once a source of labor for an extraterrestrial civilization and still remains a possession today. To keep control over its possession and to maintain Earth as something of a prison, that other civilizatation (“Custodians) has bred never-ending conflict between human beings, has promoted human spiritual decay, and has erected on Earth conditions of unremitting physical hardship. This situation has lasted for thousands of years and it continues today.

Earth appears to be an isolated planet in the midst of a populated Universe. Universe society consists of highly organized and consciously evolving, advanced civilizations. Universe civilizations function within our own interstellar Universe, as well as within other dimensions in the Universe at large. Advanced Universe civilizations exist in other dimensions parallel to our own. They access our own planet, galaxy, and all of interstellar space.  Life-bearing planets such as Earth are part of a collective Universe whole, operating under Universal law. Think of Earth as part of a Universe commons. Life is implanted and cultivated here under the tutelage of more advanced societies, in accordance with the over-all principles of Universe ecology.

Where necessary, Universal law applies restrictive measures to a planet that endangers the collective whole. Universe government can remove a planet from open circulation within Universe society. This fate appears to have happened to Earth in our distant past. Earth has suffered for eons as an exopolitical outcast among the community of Universe civilizations.  Earth is isolated because it is under intentional quarantine by a structured, rational Universe society. There are signs around us of a Universe initiative to reintegrate Earth into interplanetary society. It is possible that Earth may be permitted to rejoin Universe society, under certain conditions, or at a future time certain.

The profound consciousness shift occurs due to the cyclic transitions and realignment with the galactic core changing the intensity of all the ‘energies’ – electromagnetic, solar, gravitational, cosmic, etc. - that influence life throughout the solar system. This means, for example, that all the thoughts, feelings and actions which all combine to influence an individual’s reality are either magnified or diminished. In the case of a magnification, this has two polarized outcomes. One is that human civilization implodes due to the intensification of all the latent conflicts and dysfunctional energies that come to the surface of human collective life, in a kind of ‘planetary spring cleaning’, and prove to be unmanageable. An analogy to help understand this is that of psychological process of ‘projection’ wherein unbalanced individuals project onto others their own unresolved psychological issues. If this were to occur to an extreme degree with large numbers of individuals, such a society could implode in a violent cathartic release of repressed negative emotions.

The second outcome of a magnification of energies influencing human consciousness is that the energy surges make it possible for a jump in evolution from the ‘dimensional reality’ that a particular civilization finds itself in, to a higher dimension where more refined powers of creation are possible. According to a number of authors, human civilization currently occupies a ‘third density level’ and is preparing to make the transition to the ‘fifth density level’ at the end of the current 5000-year cycle of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012.

Much of existence is focused on you at this time, although that is not to say everyone has their telescopes pointed at Earth. However, there are legends in the cosmos, just as there are legends on Earth, and cosmic legends speak of this time of change and refer to you as a gem of a genetic library tucked away, an experiment made for a ‘just-in-case’ time. And this experiment has been fought over and discounted, recognized and forgotten, valued and given away; you have experienced all these events in the collective of your consciousness, in the cells of who you are…. You are the Gods’ secret tucked away in time, and they wait to see if you can change from one form of being into another in a nanosecond – in their terms; in yours, perhaps it takes a lifetime, a lifetime enriched and extraordinary, above and beyond ordinary existence. You have an exquisite opportunity to create a completely unique kind of power and to bring purposefulness and meaning to Earth. Cosmic legends are full of this tale about you humans. Just as your legends on Earth are filled with tales of magicians, at this juncture in time you are looked upon in the Book of Earth as magicians yourselves, the whole lot of you, not simply a few. The heavens hold the rich imprint of electromagnetic aliveness, and as you move through space, your planet, solar system, and galaxy all traverse new territory. This territory has been planned for you to encounter, one that will recode your DNA in this lifetime to connect you to the multidimensional intelligence that exists beyond your biology, and is your inheritance.

Earth is the third of 3 Grand Experiments in Polarity Integration.  This means that she is a special planet set aside from all others and populated with every species in the known universe for the specific purpose of integration.  In this melting pot of species, and with the aid of highly evolved incarnated souls and their angels/guides, it is hoped that full integration of the Light and Dark can be achieved.  If this occurs, peace will reign in the galaxy and universe.  Why? Each species will have the blueprint, created in the Grand Experiment by their star-seeded children, to resolve any conflict no matter how ancient.  It is these painful, ancient irresolvable conflicts between races and species that have resulted in numerous galactic wars that have brought about the necessity of this experiment.  If Earth fails to achieve full integration, the galaxies will be destroyed because there won’t be any way to resolve the conflicts.  If Earth succeeds and peace is established, the Polarity Game will end and all souls who achieved integration will have the opportunity to move on to other realms and create new universes and games through which they can continue to learn and grow. The planet Earth, Humanity and the galaxy, it is claimed, has a deadline to prepare for this transition to a higher dimensional or ‘density’ level at the end of the current 5200 year cycle of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012.

First, the quality of evidence substantiating an ET presence and clandestine government cover up has a significant degree of credibility and persuasiveness. This supports the creation a new field of public policy, exopolitics, which would study these two perspectives in the current political climate of an officially sanctioned government policy of non-disclosure of the ET presence. There is therefore a need to outline the main concepts, theories and information sources used in exopolitics as an emerging field of public policy. Furthermore, efforts need to be devoted to analyzing the policy implications of exopolitics in all areas where the ET presence has an impact.
Second, there is a need to promote official government disclosure of an ET presence, and to make more representative the policy making process that has evolved in government responses to such a presence. The magnitude of the issues raised by the ET presence requires vigorous public debate over the ET presence and how to interact with ET races. This would lead to a more representative decision making process in contrast to what the evidence suggests is a restricted decision making process on the ET presence run by a small number of government officials ‘appointed’ in a manner which raises serious concerns over their accountability, constitutional status and lack of congressional oversight.
Third, there is a need to reveal the full nature of national security policies undertaken by clandestine government organizations in militarily responding to the ET presence. Evidence provided by a number of sources reveals a clandestine government policy that uses reverse engineered ET weaponry in addition to other exotic weapons gained in clandestine projects to target and bring down ETVs. The evidence suggests that a covert military confrontation has been underway for more than fifty years where the US and other major governments have been secretly cooperating in ways designed to monitor, contain and engage with what is viewed as a potential ET threat.  Such a coordinated military response around the globe to an ET presence consumes national resources as clandestine government organizations, try to upgrade defense industries to better contain or confront ETs, while keeping the general public and elected officials ignorant of these military activities.
Fourth, there is a need to release into the public arena all knowledge about alternative energy sources that have a commercial application but are withheld on national security grounds. There is substantial evidence to suggest that reverse engineered ET technologies have been used in the development of energy sources for ‘black projects’ such as the anti-gravity propulsion system that is claimed to fuel the B2 bomber. Given the environmental impact of the continued use of fossil fuel energy, there is a need to release into the public arena all available technologies that have commercial application.
The final policy recommendation is that there needs to be more effort in determining the extent to which congressional oversight is required for organizations created to deal with the ET presence. There is evidence to suggest that elected public officials including even sitting Presidents, have been denied access to information on the ET presence on the basis of national security considerations. While the argument that national security considerations may at times require public secrecy and even non-disclosure to most elected public officials, there needs to be more effort devoted into working out an effective and constitutional process establishing firm guidelines for such a process.

One day he decided to build a Tesla-like, high-voltage, device. He connected the high voltage output of a cathode-ray tube (picture tube) to a homemade capacitor. I believe it was a bank of twoliter plastic pop bottles filled with salt water and wrapped with aluminum foil. He also made a twofoot diameter air-wound, caduceus-coil from a design he found on the Internet. The plastic bottles were grounded to a large sheet of aluminum foil that covered the top of his steel desk. This desk was grounded to his thirty-foot, aluminum-covered. 1950's trailer that he used as his workshop. The desk had a rubber-insulated top like so many of the military-style desks. When he turned it on and went outside his entire trailer was enveloped in a blue corona. It wasn't his intention to put his entire trailer into a higher dimension but that is exactly what happened. He could feel the electricity in the air when he entered inside. While sitting inside the trailer he accidentally discovered that he could move the cursor of his computer screen merely by thinking about where it should go. His brother and several of his friends tried it and they stayed up all night experimenting with various kinds of thought experiments. While inside the trailer they were able to move small objects across the room with thought or make them hover in midair. Whatever they thought about came true. Henry estimated the voltage output of his device was about 3.5 million volts. It had high frequency but not much current. It was enough current however to increase the energy state of the atoms of his trailer and the occupants inside. He had accidentally created a dimensional portal or field.
His experiments prove that higher dimensions contain higher energy and link thought with the physical universe which can making things happen. We can do the same thing from this dimension but it takes a lot more thinking and you have to keep at it for a very long time. The reason he and his friends were able to move objects with their thoughts and make the cursor move on the computer monitors is because he had accidentally put his entire trailer into or on the brink of the next higher dimension. The high voltage and high frequency physically energized all those inside. When you are physically close to or completely in a dimensional bubble your body has a higher energy state. Your thoughts are amplified about a hundred times and can be used to control three-dimensional reality because you command so much more energy.

Obviously they need us or they would have exterminated us long ago. It seems we enrich their lives by vicariously experiencing our emotions. Much like we watch violence, dramatic action and drama on television they look in our daily lives to experience our trials and tribulations and laugh at our stupidity. To them we are like watching the Fox channel.

Apparently, we are a binary simbioent. We are they and they are we, only in a higher energy state. We are obviously symbiotic with them as evidenced by our need to believe in a higher power (religion) and our need for prayer. Such a life is not without problems. Any society that has evolved to the point where it can read minds and receive messages from the collective is restrictive and stagnating. One has to constantly guard his or her wrong thoughts. Wrong thinking might be punishable by expulsion to the earth’s surface or worse yet, Hell located beneath the earth’s crust. Thousands of years of controlling one’s thoughts and emotions might lead to loosing one’s emotions entirely. They might acquire a sort of bland mental state, not caring and having few emotions. Over time for lack of stimulation they might become cruel even sadistic.
Human emotions can be beautiful but they also contain the potential for violence and destruction. Obviously the beings living aboard the higher dimensional ships see the need for human emotions and have elected to let us live here on earth with little or no interference or supervision. They gave us dominion over all the animals and plants and we are screwing up the world again. It seems that they enjoy our emotions vicariously and in return they have assumed the role as our protectors defending us from other alien interference. Whenever some outside alien race decides to interfere with our lives they step forward out of the higher dimensions to demonstrate the awesome powers that they possess; however I don’t believe they do this until we ask them for assistance.

Its time we became a type one civilization again, transcend ignorance, repression, greed, envy and lust for power, and get on with the business of colonizing other planets for the purpose of spreading intelligent life and benevolent life forms throughout the Universe. The status quo freaks are the enemy. They would kill everybody off to keep things as they are. This is contrary to what it means to be human. In order to become more human one need to grow, explore, and learn new things.

Higher dimensions are easy enough to attain. When you completely fill an atom’s electron orbits and add one more you kick it up to the next dimension disappearing from the third dimension. The ORME particles are easily pushed up to higher dimensions because they have so many electrons (double the number of a normal atom), and are easily sped up beyond light speed by a dimensional frequency field. ORME atoms extracted from dirt using the alkaline solution will have all kinds of regular atoms along with the ORME particles. Each one is a tiny time machine existing in it’s own separate dimension. When you think about them they respond by giving off electrons and the regular atoms around them are kicked up in energy thereby transmuting them to the ORME state where they work together as one creating a dimensional bubble. Anything that is within this dimensional bubble does not attract to gravity and included in the dimensional time field.

Anubis was the half-dog-half-man who was the pilot who flew the ship from Sirius. The Sphinx may have a body of a dog and not that of a lion after all. By the way, Sirius is also known as the Dog Star! It seems that the Gods had the ability to clone any life form they so desired. This opens up the possibility that griffins, gargoyles, phoenixes, unicorns, satyrs and mermaids really existed.

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