Thursday, October 31, 2013


Zur Feier des amerikanischen Brainwashfestes habe ich mich natürlich als unseren Satan verkleidet. Schön mit Brille und schwarzem Sacko. Nur das Standard-Käppi habe ich durch eine Pandamütze ersetzt. Mit Ohren. Auch ziemlich passend. Nicht wahr. Eine richtig schaurige Verkleidung würd ich sagen. Bin damit extra ein bisschen auf der Strasse rumgelungert damit ers auch sehen kann. Er ist leider diesmal nicht aufgetaucht. Oje. Schade eigentlich. Jetzt, wo wir fast gleich aussehen. Wir hätten zusammen sicher ein grusliges Paar abgegeben und viele giftige Süssigkeiten eingesackt. Haha.

Süsses oder Saures? Pure poison only!


Im Nachbarshaus scheint einiges los zu sein. Für mich sieht das mit diesem Diplomatenmilitär aber eher nach Dealmacherei aus als ernsthaften Ermittlungen und Konsequenzen. Denn Frau Livermore aka Bärenkopf scheint auch schon wieder anwesend zu sein und die gehört ja wohl definitiv dazu. Solange sie ihre Auftraggeber verraten, solls mir recht sein aber ich verlasse mich nicht mehr auf das Rechtssystem der Schweiz. Bis jetzt sehe ich hier kaum Fortschritte. Es ist zwar erstaunlich ruhig geworden plötzlich. Unser Satan hat sich wohl in seinem Höllenloch versteckt. Würd ich auch, wenn ich ihn wäre. Verbrechen lohnt sich nicht. Ich habs immer gesagt aber wer nicht hören will. Dem blüht jetzt unter anderem eine Anzeige wegen Verschwörung, Mord und Landesverrat. Zumindest in einem Staat, wo es noch unkorrupte Gerichte gibt. Nicht wahr Richter Erb. Der hing ja auch mit drin. Sagte mir nach der Verhandlung sogar noch ich solle nicht mehr zu diesem besetzten Haus gehen. Ach ja und wieso nicht? Frage mich, wieviel die für sowas bekommen haben. In diesem Jahr haben sich scheinbar einige was dazu verdient. Die meisten der Spionterroristen hier fahren mittlerweile auch alle Mercedes. Krass. Der einzige, der immer noch vom Sozialamt leben muss aber am meisten geleistet hat, bin ich. Eine bodenlose Frechheit aber egal. Zum Glück sagt mir Geld und Ruhm nichts. Unser Satansbraten wäre schon lange durchgedreht, wenn er in meiner Haut stecken würde. Mir ist das Wurst. Denn ich weiss, dass Liebe und Wahrheit siegen und jeder kriegen wird, was er verdient. Eines Tages werden alle wissen, was sich hier alles zugetragen hat. Und darum reise ich jetzt nächsten Monat auch schön ins Ausland und such mir korrekte Beamten, die nur darauf brennen solche Kinderfickerringe zu zerschlagen. Diesem Teufelsvatikan eins auszuwischen. Die Schweiz für ihre Verbrechen anzuzeigen. Habe hier lange genug auf nichts gewartet. Mich verarschen und vertrösten lassen. Hattet wirklich mehr als genug Chancen. Mir reichts. Wer nicht nach unseren Spielregeln spielen will, soll sich gefälligst abmelden. Und zwar rassig. Ich werde hier sonst wirklich ab sofort jeden Tag ein paar Flyers verteilen bis das ganze Land über euer niederes Verhalten Bescheid weiss und was dann los ist, könnt ihr euch sicher vorstellen. Also passt gut auf jetzt. Die Zeit läuft. Ich habe auch mal endlich Ferien verdient. Ein ganzes Land von einer Alien- und Satanistenplage befreien, ist nämlich anstrengend. Vorallem wenn man dabei noch dauernd unterdrückt und gestresst wird. Und darum interessieren mich diese Diplomatenmilitärleute eher wenig solange sie nicht hier sind um uns abzuholen und JJ zu befreien. Weiterhin diesen Kinderfickerschweinen den Hof machen. Gehts noch. Die sollte man alle einsperren und den Satan am besten gleich unten bei der Mülldeponie entsorgen. Ohne wenn und aber. Mein Verständnis ist hier und jetzt am Ende mit dieser ganzen verdammten Satanistensaubande. Ich weiss, was hier alles los war und ich werde dafür sorgen, dass die Welt davon erfährt und ihr bis ans Ende eurer Tage in Schande leben werdet.



Es war einmal ein kleiner, alter und hässlicher Satan, der unbedingt die Welt beherrschen wollte. Darum hat er sich mit den bösen Aliens zusammen getan und eine grosse Klonarmee geschaffen, mit der er alle Länder infiltrieren wollte. Sie gaben ihm auch fortgeschrittene Technologien um damit seine Systemklaven unbemerkt zu manipulieren und kontrollieren. Er lernte von ihnen auch, wie man Menschen mit Mind-Control-Folter gefügig und willenlos machen konnte. Das nutzte er natürlich um noch mehr Geld und Macht zu erlangen. Mit den Chips im Kopf konnte man diese Hirnsklaven sogar pausenlos überwachen und man konnte mit ihnen machen was man wollte. Sie auch an reiche und einflussreiche Menschen für perversen und teuren Sex verkaufen, ohne dass sie es selber mitkriegen. Fantastisch. Da er den gefrässigen Aliens zum Tausch immer wieder Futternachschub besorgen musste, stieg er nebenbei gleich noch ins lukrative Organhandelgeschäft ein. Wenn man schon Menschen entführen und ermorden musste, dann wenigstens mit Gewinn. Das viele Geld stieg dem unersättlichen Satansgierschlund ziemlich zu Kopfe und da immer mehr dieser Aliens zu Besuch kamen, hat er irgendwann das ganze Volk an sie "verkauft". Denn trotz all seinem Reichtum und seiner Macht war er nicht fähig diese Wesen unter Kontrolle zu halten. So, wie er es gerne gehabt hätte. Sie waren viel intelligenter und weiter als er. Haben ihn nur verarscht und ausgenutzt um selber die Herrschaft über die Erde zu gewinnen. Ihm falsche Wahrheiten und Rituale übermittelt, die ihn nur tiefer ins Verderben führten. Ihn dazu zwangen immer extremere Verbrechen zu begehen. Sich mit dem Teufel höchst persönlich einzulassen. Ihm seine Seele zu verkaufen. Und dann tauchte plötzlich das Schneewitchen auf und hat ihn entlarvt. Seine Masken abgerissen und allen sein wahres Gesicht gezeigt. Wie krank und kriminell der arme Satan mittlerweile geworden ist. Er bereits alle Grenzen überschritten hat. Er versuchte natürlich mit allen Mitteln das Schneewitchen zum Schweigen zu bringen und zeigte damit allen, wie recht es doch mit seinen Anschuldigungen hatte. Hat sich selber nur noch mehr geschadet. Und plötzlich waren immer weniger auf seiner Seite und wollten ihm helfen das liebe und weise Schneewitchen zu zerstören, dass ihnen im Gegensatz zum Satansbraten eine viel strahlendere Zukunft versprach. Über Liebe und Vergebung redete. Über den Satan und seine Alienarmee laut lachte. Ihnen zeigte, wie lächerlich das ganze Illusionstheater in Wirklichkeit ist. Ein trauriger Witz. Und so kam es, dass der Satansbraten sich immer mehr zurück ziehen musste. Bis er irgendwann ganz alleine da stand. Nur noch seinen schwarzen Hohliocopter hatte, mit dem er immer über das Knasthaus und den Kopf des Schneewitchens flog. Wahrscheinlich weil er es einfach nicht glauben konnte, dass eine Frau allein ihn besiegt hatte. Er, der reichste Satan von allen, der sich bisher alles erlauben konnte. Es nagte sehr an seinem falschen Stolz. Doch auch er musste zugeben, dass er verloren hatte. Dass das Schneewitchen mächtiger war als er. Ihm sogar mit dem Megaphon zugerufen hat er solle runter kommen. Keiner hatte mehr Angst vor ihm. Alle lachten ihn aus. Und so kam es, dass sich sogar der unverbesserliche Satansbraten seinem Schicksal fügen musste. Sein game war out und over. Und das Schneewitchen und der Prinz sind endlich wieder aufgewacht und alle lebten glücklich und frei bis in alle Ewigkeiten. Horrorshow vorbei. Der Vorhang fällt. Alle applaudieren und gehen nach Hause.


P.S.: Gebt lieber Gas jetzt bevor ich die nächste Flyerrunde drehe..haha!

Jah love is with I
He rules us all
He loves us all
Them fight dont I
I´m on strong
Let them fight themselves

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

n-EVE.r END-iN.G St.OR-Y

In Oerlikon fahren in letzter Zeit auffällig viele weisse Autos mit diesen grünen CC-Schildern rum. Diplomatenmilitär oder was. Es wird wirklich immer besser hier. Was das bloss zu bedeuten hat. Man weiss es nicht. Vielleicht sind gewisse Personenkreise doch noch zur Vernunft gekommen. Schön wärs. Vorallem wenn diese Menschensklaven endlich frei kommen. Damit das viele Leid nicht ganz umsonst war. Die ganzen Anstrengungen mal Früchte tragen würden. Oder dann ist es ein neues Theaterspektakel unserer verlorenen Illusionistensklaventreiber, die diese unschöne Kriminalgeschichte um jeden Preis vertuschen wollen. Nach allem, was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe, würds mich nicht wundern. Scheint euch nämlich gar nicht zu gefallen, dass ich allen erzähle worums geht. Aber ich werde nicht Ruhe geben bis diese Sklavenopfer frei sind. Ab jetzt bestimmen wir die Spielregeln. Obs euch passt oder nicht. Wir haben hier nun genug für euch aufgeräumt. Jetzt seid ihr dran. Ich werde auf jeden Fall per sofort alle verdächtigen Personen fotografieren, die in meinem Quartier rumschleichen. Ich habe mich nun auch definitiv entschlossen bald meine Reise zur verbotenen Stadt anzutreten. Ganz wie das alte Sprichwort besagt. Viele Wege führen nach Rom. Da brauchts auf jeden Fall einen richtig fetten Champtrail. Das ist ja wohl ganz klar. Das werd ich mir sicher nicht nehmen lassen. Ich werde dort auch gleich die nächste Interpolstelle aufsuchen und endlich meine Aussage machen. In der Schweiz scheint es ja keinen zu interessieren, was wir gesehen und erlebt haben. Obwohl es der absolute Jahrhundertfall ist. Aber hier wissen noch viele nicht, was sich gehört. Unsere Nachbarskatholiken scheinen seit gestern auch ein Meeting nach dem anderen abzuhalten. Seit wann finden am Dienstagabend Gottesdienste statt. Und immer noch bin ich von gestörten Terrorspionen umstellt. Werde überwacht und ignoriert. Ach hört mir doch einfach mal alle auf mit diesem verblödeten Luziferkindergartenkram. Ist doch völlig sinnlos und überflüssig. Sehts doch bitte endlich mal ein ihr traurigen Witzfigurenwürmer. Ihr schadet euch damit nur selbst und verschwendet eure Energie. Hoffentlich ist diese verflucht verhexte Satansteufelei bald vorbei. Es wäre wirklich mal langsam an der Zeit würd ich sagen.


Monday, October 28, 2013


Wir sollten verlangen, dass man uns darüber informiert was in und unter den vielen katholischen Chirchen alles so vor sich geht. Da ist doch auch etwas faul. Vorallem weil wir ja mittlerweile wissen, dass dort hinter vorgehaltener Hand Satan angebetet und somit sicher auch dementsprechende Rituale abgehalten werden. Es ist bekannt, dass die meisten Kirchen früher an speziellen Kraftpunkten der Erde gebaut wurden um das für religiöse Zeremonien zu nutzen. Die Schwingungen werden so dann direkt in das planetarische Energienetz gespeist. In Anbetracht der satanischen Ritualspraxis kann man sich in etwa vorstellen, wie sich das auf uns alle auswirkt. Wir sollten fordern, dass die katholischen Kirchen/Klöster und natürlich auch der Vatikan ihre unterirdischen Katakomben und okkulten Praktiken öffentlich machen sollen. Es soll keine Geheimnisse mehr geben. Das gleiche gilt für diese merkwürdigen Symbole in den Getränkedeckeln. Was zur Hölle soll das. Und diesen alten angeblich reichen Mann, der mich hier schon seit Ewigkeiten verfolgt und den ich heute direkt darauf angesprochen habe, zeige ich an wegen Menschenhandel, Kindesmissbrauch, Korruption, Strahlenfolter, Freiheitsberaubung, Gruppenstalking, Rufmord, gezielte Irreführung und Giftterror. Und auch alle anderen ekligen und schwulen Schweinepriester, die sich mit Schwarzgeld haben zahlen lassen und an diesem Brainwashsexsklavenskandal in Oerlikon und der Hetzkampagne gegen mich beteiligt haben. Ich lasse mir diesen Psychomist ganz sicher nicht noch länger gefallen. Da keiner weiss, wo JJ und die anderen stecken, gelten sie aus meiner Sicht als vermisst und damit käme dann auch noch Entführung dazu. Schliesslich habe ich alle Instanzen dieses Landes, die zum Schutz der Bevölkerung und solcher Opfer zur Verfügung stehen, informiert und keiner war bisher bereit oder fähig diese Personen zu befreien und in Sicherheit zu bringen. Obwohl sie Hauptzeugen in einem katastrophalen Missbrauchsfall sind, in den scheinbar sogar der Vatikan höchst persönlich verwickelt ist. Unsere "Regierung" hat mit dieser Verbrecherkirche offensichtlich eine sehr unheilige Allianz geschlossen. Die Schweizergarde bestätigt das ja. So eine abartige Teufelsheuchlerei wollen wir nicht unterstützen. Auf gar keinen Fall. Das muss aufhören. Das sind kriminelle Täter und die gehören genauso bestraft wie alle anderen auch, die sich an solch schweren Vebrechen gegenüber Schwächeren und Unschuldigen beteiligen. Ganz egal, wo sie her kommen, wie viel sie besitzen oder wie mächtig sie sind. Das Gesetz sollte für alle gleich gelten ansonsten ist es eine Farce genau wie der Rest dieser Traumlandillusion, die ihr mit euren Alienfreunden für uns Systemsklaven geschaffen habt. Auch sowas, dass man endlich öffentlich machen sollte. Weg mit all diesen Lügen und falschen Masken. Auch mit all den Strahlenmasten, die ihr dazu benutzt um uns frequenztechnisch tief zu halten (z.B. Milchbuck/Üetliberg). Chemtrails, Chemfood, Chemwater, Humanalienclones etc. etc. Schluss fertig aus. Mit all diesen irren Plänen zur Kontrolle und Dezimierung der Bevölkerung. Und wenn wir dafür die ganze Stadt mit Flyers zupflastern müssen. War ja mal mein Job, wisst ihr ja. Da könnt ihr noch lange mit eurem schwarzen NWO-Hohliocopter rumfliegen. Ich werde euch jedes mal wieder winken. So wie das ganze Jahr schon. Welcome to my world folks...


Sunday, October 27, 2013


Sisters, day we will be free..from fighting, violence, people crying in the streets..when the angels from above fall down and spread their wings like we walk hand in hand..we will make it to the promised and i..we will take our stand..there will be no evil..we will fear no evil..


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Achtung! Der Flugverkehr und die Chemtrailbelastung über der Stadt Zürich haben in den letzten Tagen wieder stark zugenommen. Da scheint jemand die Zwergenhosen ziemlich voll zu haben. Angst. Die Menschen könnten ja aufwachen und euer psycholoides Affentheater durchschauen. Nicht wahr. Also wird wieder frisch fröhlich und schön schweizerisch vor sich hin gegiftelt. Hervorragend. Die staatlich angestellte Terroristenelite war auch wieder unterwegs. Jesuiten-Satanisten-Alien-Papst oder was. Hör mir auf du Vollirrer. Papa is the bestie. Wissen wir ja schon lange. Komm doch mal vorbei und sag mir ins Gesicht warum JJ immer noch nicht frei ist und niemand wissen darf wer ich bin. Aber dazu hast du ja nicht den Mut. Du lächerlicher kleiner Zeckenwurm. Ich würde dir sowieso gleich eigenhändig deine hässliche Krötenbirne abschneiden und einen Schrumpfkopf daraus machen. Bei dir wärs mir wirklich egal. Du bist das niederste Geschöpf auf dem ganzen Planeten. Bitte tötet mich endlich damit dieser kranke Teufelszirkus einfach mal aufhört. Ich werde euch nichts mehr nützen. Weder für euch arbeiten noch irgendwas zahlen. Nur weiter die Wahrheit verbreiten und das ist ja der Grund für euren Totalnaziterror. Seit bald einem Jahr. Das ist kein Leben so und kann auf keinen Fall so weiter gehen. Beendet es endlich oder dann fahrt zur Hölle und lasst mich in Ruhe ihr secretoiden Megapsychos. Seid doch selber schuld, wenn ihr solche schlimmen Verbrechen begeht und dann sollen wir auch noch dafür büssen. Klar. Alles kommt irgendwann ans Licht. Nichts bleibt für immer geheim. Ihr wusstet, dass es eines Tages soweit ist. Das haben Geheimnisse nun mal so ansich. Mit der Wahrheit kann einem das nicht passieren. Die bleibt immer gleich und muss sich nie verstecken. Angst davor haben aufzufliegen. Habt euch damit selber in die Fluchfluchthölle verbannt ihr Naziclowns. Grössenwahnsinnige Poisonpimps.


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Friday, October 25, 2013


When protection starts to feel like terror..and help like oppression..nothing is like it seems to be..can or should be trusted anymore..when the most evil force on earth is your first opponent..suddenly the world appears to be out of control and empty..not acting the way it it would when there was no mysteriously hidden and powerful hand preventing progress and a real connection..keeping the great illusion all costs..buries the truth in anonymous secrecy always..where it sits confused between the dimensions of heaven and hell waiting impatiently for discovery..the great changes to come..only a matter of time..when all finally woke rid of their limiting chains of lies and corruption..when the black beast has been revealed and defeated..and everyone is united in love and freedom again..working together in joy and harmony..eliminating the sources of sorrows and pain..healing mother earth with our compassionate and divine hearts..from thousands of years of destructive tyranny..and let it shine into a new and wonderful future destiny..never experienced by humankind before..a challenging quest but necessary to realize and manifest global peace and happiness..which is the true essence of all souls..we are one..


The persistence of evil is a constant in human affairs; just when it is thought to have been eradicated, up it will come, sprouting through some crack in the pavement of decent society. Evil need not take extravagant, stereotypical forms, such as those exhibited in Nazi Germany. Garden-variety lies and deceit are much more common and persistent, but must be rooted out just as diligently for good to prevail.

The first rule: There is no compromise with evil. Negative actions must be identified openly for what they are, and openly discredited. The second rule: One cannot resist negativity on its own terms. New, positive alternatives which lead away from the source of evil are generally much more successful, and appropriate, than the use of counter-force or the application of raw power. The third rule: The means used to eliminate evil must be consistent with the end to be achieved. One cannot stop the spreading of lies by spreading more of them.

Be resolute in your struggle with negative elements -- and dont hesitate to call things as you see them. Proceed with firmness and determination, but avoiding fighting fire with fire. The best way to defeat negativity is to remain uncontaminated by it, while energetically involving yourself in what is good and true. Be honest and open at this time, even though it might seem strategically unwise to do so. Firmly occupying the moral high ground is essential when confronting elements of deception or corruption.

Exposure to danger brings good fortune to those who move beyond it. Like rafters passing through white-water rapids, those faced with serious challenges must remain alert; they must take all available precautions; and above all, must keep going forward so as to remove themselves from harms way. But once the danger has passed, good fortune.

The positive side of danger is that it offers an excellent chance to cleanse the senses and strengthen the spirit. Surviving danger brings with it tremendous reinvigoration and sharpens the eye and mind for future challenges.

Jesuiten - Die Geheimarmee des Vatikans steckt hinter praktisch allen Kriegen der vergangenen Jahrhunderte. Der Jesuitengeneral als der Schwarze Papst ist die mächtigste Person der Welt und kontrolliert den Vatikan hinter der Bühne.

“Der Geheimdienst des Vatikans war seit jeher der JESUITENORDEN. Denjenigen, die glauben, die Jesuiten seien nur eine weitere harmlose religiöse Organisation, möchte ich etwas auf die Sprünge helfen. Der Einweihungsschwur in den 2. Grad verlangt den Tod aller Protestanten und Freimaurer. Sie waren z.B. die leitende Kraft hinter dem Massaker an den Hugenotten und waren auch für das Köpfen der zahllosen Protestanten und Freimaurer im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert in England verantwortlich. Der Jesuitenorden wurde im Jahre 1534 von Ignatius von Loyola gegründet, der, wie auch die drei ersten Ordensgeneräle, jüdischer Abstammung war. Die Macht des Generals der Jesuiten (der Leiter) ist so stark, dass man ihn den »SCHWARZEN PAPST« nennt.”

Der Orden der Tempelritter wurde 1307 verboten, ihre Anführer hingerichtet und ihr Vermögen beschlagnahmt. Allerdings hat man wenig gefunden. Einige Überlebende sollen sich in die Alpen geflüchtet haben und dort die Einheimischen militärisch ausgebildet haben. In der Schlacht am Moorgarten 1315 konnten sie sich mit vereinten Kräften gegen die Habsburger durchsetzen. Das Vermögen und die Kenntnisse der Tempelritter sollen die Grundlage des Schweizer Bankenwesens sein.


Die meisten Menschen wissen nichts über die Freimaurerei oder haben nur verschwommene Vorstellungen. Einige Möchtegern-Intellektuelle bagatellisieren alles und bestreiten Verschwörungs-Absichten der Freimaurer und Geldsäcke. Selbst die niederen Freimaurergrade in den 'Fuß-Logen' glauben an edle humanitäre Ziele ihrer Loge. Doch sie sind alle nur Marionetten in einem 'Spiel um die Macht', um die Weltmacht.

Rituelle Gewalt ist eine Form der organisierten Gewalt. Sie wird in Gruppierungen ausgeübt, die ihre Handlungen in ein Glaubenssystem einbetten oder ein Glaubenssystem vortäuschen. Die Traumatisierung der Opfer kann dissoziative Identitätsstörungen zur Folge haben.

Charakteristisch für rituelle Handlungen sind wiederkehrende Symboliken und gleichförmige Handlungen, wie sie etwa während kultisch-ritueller, satanistisch-magischer Rituale vollzogen werden. Eine genuin religiöse Überzeugung oder Zugehörigkeit zu einer Sekte ist aber keine Voraussetzung. Derartige rituelle Elemente finden sich auch als stereotype Handlungsmuster vor allem im Umfeld der Kinderpornografie.

Der rituelle Missbrauch wird im Satanismus, damit man diese Straftaten begehen darf/und kann, sozusagen für sich kultiviert. Das heißt, man setzt sich den Satanismus drüber, um einen Grund zu haben, Rituale in seinem Glauben durchzuführen. Es gibt auch deswegen nur vereinzelte Aussteiger aus dieser Szene, da der Ausstieg sehr häufig mit dem Tod verbunden ist, entweder dem Tod durch andere, oder auch durch den Suizid, weil kein anderer Ausweg gesehen wird. Der Ausstieg wird auch erschwert durch Erpressung,
Morddrohungen gegen die potentiellen Aussteiger, oder Morddrohungen gegen die Kinder der Aussteiger, welche längst auch im Kult, wenn sie das Alter von 2, 3 Jahren erreicht haben, missbraucht werden. Bevor man den Betroffenen helfen kann, muss man eigentlich wissen, dass die Kinder, vor allem Kinder meist unter 4, 5 Jahren, programmiert werden, um für diese Kultform nutzbar zu sein.

„Es blieb nicht einfach nur beim Einsperren in Kisten, Särge und ähnliches, sondern es wurde bei uns grundsätzlich nackt eingesperrt in Kisten usw. mit Würmern, Maden, Käfern, Spinnen, kleinen Schlangen usw. drin. Man war anschließend übersät mit Insektenbissen und fühlte sie während teilweise tagelangem Einsperrens krabbeln, auch in alle Körperöffnungen, beißen, und hörte sie ständig, was irgendwann nicht mehr auszuhalten ist.“
Andere Methoden sind zum Beispiel konfuser, überdimensionaler Lärm, dem diese Kinder, - wohlgemerkt unter 5 Jahren - ausgesetzt werden. Oder absolute Stille. Nicht ein minimales Geräusch. Weiter ständige Wiederholungen von zusammenhanglosen Formeln, ständige Wiederholungen von Texten und Versen, die sozusagen parallel zum Hören auswendig gelernt werden müssen. Diffuser Lärm in Verbindung mit Bildern getöteter Föten und Kindern, oder Videos, auf denen Kinder langsam getötet werden. Aufhängen an Gliedmaßen, Streckfolter, Elektroschocks bis zur Stärke, dass der Tod fast eintreten könnte. Das Kind wird hierzu an EKG und EEG angeschlossen, damit der Tod nicht aus Versehen eintritt. Die Opfer werden gezwungen an Messen teilzunehmen, bei denen zwei Stunden alte Babys getötet werden.

Die Programmierung, oder die Programmierer, haben Masken, meistens so etwas wie Harlekin, oder auch Feen, aber auch Monster und Hexen werden benutzt. Mit Harlekin und Feen verbinden normale Kinder etwas Positives. Daraus folgt, dass bei den Opfern der Programmierung Selbstzweifel aufkommen, dass man nicht weiß, was gut oder was schlecht ist. Das geht so weit, dass Worte wie „gut“, „lieb“, „lustig“, „schön“, Schmerzen verursachen können. Das Ergebnis einer positiven Aufregung ist identisch mit einer negativen Aufregung. Zu der ganzen Programmierung kommt noch ein anderer Punkt dazu, das ist die Selbstbestrafungsprogrammierung. Die Selbstbestrafungsprogrammierung beinhaltet das Aufrufen oder das Aufgerufenwerden von Schmerzen, Lähmungen, Erbrechen bis hin zu bullemischen Erscheinungen. Doch vor der Programmierung muss als erste Stufe eigentlich die sogenannte Dissoziation erreicht werden. Eine dissoziative Identitätsstörung entsteht durch extreme, fast immer auch sexuelle Gewalt in der Kindheit, meist vor dem 5. Lebensjahr. In der Zeit, in der das eigene „Ich“ eines Kindes noch nicht gefestigt ist. Die dissoziative Identitätsstörung ist ein Abwehrmechanismus, der das psychische Problem eines Kindes in extremen und wiederholten Gewaltsituationen überhaupt erst ermöglicht. Ein Kind in dem Alter von 3, 4, 5 Jahren, zum Teil eben auch darüber hinaus, und auch darunter, sieht den Tod trotz extremer Schmerzzufügung nicht als Erlösung an. Dieser Rationalismus ist bei einem Kind noch nicht da, das heißt, das Kind versucht immer, egal in welcher Form, zu überleben. Das heißt die Schmerzen werden soweit erhöht, bis sich das Kind nicht mehr wehrt, und es lernt sich einzufügen, um das Schmerzpotenzial so gering wie möglich zu halten. Mit dem Begriff „multiple Persönlichkeitsstörung“ bezeichnet man die schwerste Form einer dissoziativen Identitätsstörung. Es handelt sich dabei um das Vorhandensein von zwei oder mehreren Identitäten oder auch Persönlichkeiten in einem Menschen. Diese Identitäten sind meist von ihrem Alter, Verhalten, ihrer Stimme, von ihren Vorlieben, Gewohnheiten und auch Begabungen völlig verschieden. Sie haben auch eigene Namen. Sie existieren nicht nur im Inneren des Menschen, sondern können auch die Kontrolle über den Körper übernehmen.

Instrumenteller Satanismus: Hierbei werden satanisch orientierte Rituale für kriminelle Interessen genutzt (Pornografie und Prostitution – insbesondere auch mit Kindern; Drogen- und Waffenhandel). Ausserdem dienen satanische Inszenierungen oft dazu, individuelle psychopathologische Symptomatik im Bereich Gewalt und Sexualität auszuleben. Auch Elemente eines chauvinistischen „Männerkults“ dürften nicht selten mitspielen, bei dem vorrangig die sexuelle Unterwerfung und Ausbeutung von Frauen rituell legitimiert wird, - angesichts der unsicher werdenden Männerrolle vermutlich ein tiefes Bedürfnis nicht weniger Männer.

Rituelle Gewalt in satanischen Kulten beinhaltet sexuelle/ physische/ psychische Gewalt, oft gegen Kinder, im Rahmen von Zeremonien, bei denen „schwarzmagische“ Rituale angewendet werden. Durch Drogen/Medikamente, Elektroschocks, Hypnose, kognitive Täuschung, emotionale Erpressung/Nötigung, sonstige Folter, Erniedrigung und Gewaltanwendung wird über das Opfer Kontrolle ausgeübt auch im Sinne von Konditionierungen (psychische „Programmierung“). Insbesondere bei Kindern kommt es meist zur dissoziativen Abspaltung entsprechender Erinnerungen. Im Extremfall entsteht eine „Multiple Persönlichkeit“ (Dissoziative Identitätsstruktur, DIS).

The role of the orgy within Satanism has two main functions. Firstly it provides a release of any sexual repression, be it conscious or unconscious, that has been acquired during and prior to the individual's puberty. This period of sexual development has largely been corrupted, according to Satanists, by the rise of Christian morality concerning sexuality. By virtue of this repression during the most important period of sexual development, Christianity has distorted numerous psyches with an uninsightful advocation of celibacy that does not lead one to self-knowledge but to psychical disorder. This repression is therefore inevitably sublimated in numerous ways. Accordingly some individuals may sublimate the sexual energy in such a manner that they orientate towards sexual criminality.

The new pope frances the high jesuit is controlled by the superior jesuit general the black pope the most powerfull man on the earth that secretly covertly controls every government on the earth and created the illuminati and rules over his new world order.

Die Jesuiten haben sich überall eingeschlichen. Sie bestimmen wer in welchem Land Präsident wird. Sie bestimmen welcher Präsident umgebracht oder gestürzt wird. Sie bestimmen welcher Politiker umgebracht wird, weil er nicht nach ihrer Pfeife tanzt. Sie sagen über sich selber: „Wir werden bei allen Religionen die führenden Köpfe stellen, wir werden die „besten“ Politiker, Musiker, Ärzte, Wissenschaftler, Schriftsteller, Lehrer, Religionsführer, "Goldaffen" usw. sein. Wir werden die Menschen aufeinander hetzen, ohne das sie es merken, wer dahinter steckt. Wir stecken hinter allen Kriegen und Revolutionen.“

„Die Öffentlichkeit ist praktisch in Unkenntnis über die überwältigende Verantwortung, die vom Vatikan und seinen Jesuiten für den Beginn der zwei Weltkriege getragen wird – eine Situation, die zum Teil durch die gewaltigen Finanzmittel erklärt werden mag, die dem Vatikan und seinen Jesuiten zur Verfügung stehen, welche ihnen Macht in so vielen Einflussbereichen gewährt, insbesondere seit dem letzten Konflikt.”

So many present day world leaders, such as monarchs, presidents, prime ministers, ambassadors, top government officials, senators, congressmen, ministers, justices, lawyers, military and police officials, professionals, news-media reporters, investigative journalists, business & industrial sectors, religious leaders down to common citizens of a nation are practically unaware concerning the JESUITS CRIMINAL POLITICS. For several hundred years, the devious crimes of the Holy See well-planned and carried-out by the Jesuits resulted into a worldwide crisis and a chaotic planet where millions of people died.

The most dangerous of men are those who appear very religious, especially when they are organized and in a position of authority. They have the deep respect of the people who are ignorant of their ungodly push for power behind the scenes. These religious men, who pretend to love God, will resort to murder, incite revolution and wars if necessary to help their cause. They are crafty, intelligent, smooth religious politicians who live in a shadowy world of secrets, intrigue, and phony holiness.

Thus to the General of the Jesuits the world lies "naked and open." He sees by a thousand eyes, he hears by a thousand ears and when he has a behest to execute, he can select the fittest agent from an innumerable host, all of whom are ready to do his bidding. The past history, the good and evil qualities of every member of the society, his talents, his dispositions, his inclinations, his tastes, his secret thoughts, have all been strictly examined, minutely chronicled, and laid before the eye of the General. It is the same as if he were present in person, and had seen and conversed with each.

The key-note of their ethical code is the famous maxim that the end sanctifies the means. Before that maxim the eternal distinction of right and wrong vanishes. Not only do the stringency and sanctions of human law dissolve and disappear, but the authority and majesty of the Decalogue are overthrown. There are no conceivable crime, villainy, and atrocity which this maxim will not justify. Nay, such become dutiful and holy, provided they be done for "the greater glory of God," by which the Jesuit means the honor, interest, and advancement of His society. In short, the Jesuit may do whatever he has a mind to do, all human and Divine laws not withstanding. This is a very grave charge, but the evidence of its truth is, unhappily, too abundant, and the difficulty lies in making a selection.

When a clever General goes into action, the enemy is already defeated. When he fights, he alone must do more than his entire army, not through the strength of his arm but through his prudence, his manner of commanding, & above all his ruses. The great secret of solving all problems consists of the art of knowing how to create division when necessary. What is far must be brought near, advantage must be drawn even from losses, and slowness must be turned into diligence. You must be near when the enemy believes you to be far, have a real advantage when the enemy believes you have sustained some losses, be occupied by useful work when he believes you are slumped in rest, and use all sorts of diligence when he only perceives you to be moving slowly. Thus, by throwing him off track, you will lull him to sleep in order to attack him when he expects it the least & without him having the time to prepare for it.

The most damnable group of interlocking secret societies that ever met in darkness, and took hellish oaths to a compact of greed, and lust, and crime, for the sordid purpose of grasping uncontrollable power, boundless wealth, and a never ceasing supply of the most enjoyable women. These secret societies
[the Society of Jesus, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Shriner Freemasonry, etc.] which constitute the real machinery of the Roman Catholic Church, have the same sort of religion that Satan would have . . . were he to . . . take human shape on earth.”

“The Jesuits are a naked sword, whose hilt is at Rome but its blade is everywhere, invisible until its stroke is felt.”

“A conspiracy is rarely, if ever, proved by positive testimony. When a crime of high magnitude is about to be perpetrated by a combination of individuals, they do not act openly, but covertly and secretly. The purpose formed is known only to those who enter into it. Unless one of the original conspirators betray his companions and give evidence against them, their guilt can be proved only by circumstantial evidence . . . and circumstances can not lie.”

“Who are they [the Jesuits]? The agents of espionage, intrigue, and accusations; the prime movers of the leagues, civil wars and dragonnades, schisms, murderers; that is what they are! Incarnate enemies of legitimate liberty, partners of despotism; that is what they are! Disturbers of the peace of all states and of all families, seducers and conspirators; instructors of the assassins of kings; authors of slavery and the stolidity of peoples; vassals and oppressors in the name of God to popes, kings, peoples and to the most holy and illustrious men; THAT IS YOUR HISTORY!”

“There was one group, one organization, whose historical background was characterized by the planning and execution of such deeds; that had a lasting consistent motive, before, during and after the crime; that had the necessary international connections; that had the money; that could elicit suicidal self-sacrifice in its members; and that continued to exist through all phases of the assassination conspiracy. This is the Roman Catholic Church [controlled by the Society of Jesus since its restoration in 1814].”

The power of the Society of Jesus in the Catholic Church is beyond doubt enormous. It is said, apparently with truth, that the Jesuit General, the “Black Pope” as he is called, can make and unmake bishops and even cardinals. He has various agents and representatives within the walls of the Vatican, and he can gain the ear of the Pope whenever he wishes. . . .

The game of politics is the pursuit of power. In all democracies, there are two separate organizations playing the political game. The open and visible one, the members of which hold office as members of a government, and the invisible one composed of individuals who control this visible organization and in whom is vested the real power, the essence of which is finance, controlling the publicity which makes or unmakes its tools. This financial power may be used to promote truth or fallacies, good or evil, national prosperity or national ruin . . . the strength of a democracy thus lies at the mercy of invisible leaders who, being nationally irresponsible, cannot be called to account for the consequences of the acts of the governments they control. This at the same time constitutes the inherent weakness of any form of government, the apotheosis of which is the control of both parties in the state, right and left, radical and conservative, by the same forces. Then, only the puppets change while the rule of the individuals controlling the machine continues unhindered. Voters who wonder why their efforts have failed, wonder in vain. As the dupes of a controlled publicity their privilege of the vote is a farce.

“The time will arrive very soon, in which the ‘Company of Jesus’ will become very solicitous in the human sciences, but without a single application to virtue, the ambition will be to dominate, the overbearing and pride penetrating its soul, to rule alone and no one can restrain them.”

“ . . . the health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their power as a state depend . . . but if the population of the country is stationary or yearly diminishing—if, while it diminishes in number it diminishes also in stature, in strength, that country is doomed. The health of the people is, in my opinion, the first duty of a statesman.”

“Ignatius Loyola . . . this degraded, ferocious Human Pig, one of the most perfect scoundrels . . . is the poison fountain from which all these rivers of bitterness that now submerge the world have flown. Where you meet a man believing in the salutary nature of falsehoods, or the divine authority of things doubtful, all fancying that to serve the Good Cause [in making the White Pope the Universal Monarch of the World] he must call the Devil to his aid, there is a follower of Un-saint Ignatius. Not till the last of these men has vanished from the earth will our account with Ignatius be quite settled, and his black militia have got their ‘mittimus’ to chaos again.”

Whether you like it or not we are fast ripening for Roman Catholic Slavery. Much of the past relative to this has been removed from our History Books and the present generation, for a definite reason, know very little how Rome controlled Western Europe for over 1000 years and why our forefathers sought religious and political freedom by fleeing from Europe.

“Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome.”

CONCERNED about the adverse and destabilizing effects of corruption throughout the world on the culture, economic, social and political foundations of society;
NOTING that corruption is a serious international problem which is presently the subject of concerted action in other parts of the world and one which countries in every stage of development should tackle as a matter of urgency;
AWARE of the inter-relationships between corruption and other criminal activities;
ACKNOWLEDGEING that corruption undermines good governance which includes the principles of accountability and transparency;
RECOGNISING that demonstrable political will and leadership are essential ingredients to wage an effective war against the scourge of corruption;
REAFFIRMING the need to eliminate the scourge of corruption through the adoption of effective preventative and deterrent measures and by strictly enforcing legislation against all types of corruption and fostering public support for these initiatives;
BEARING IN MIND the responsibility of Member States to hold corrupt persons in the public and private sectors accountable and to take appropriate action against persons who commit acts of corruption in the performance of their functions and duties;
CONVINCED of the need for a joint and concerted effort as well as the prompt adoption of a regional instrument to promote and facilitate cooperation in fighting corruption;

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Bald ist es ein Jahr her seit wir uns das letzte mal richtig gesehen haben. Am 2. Januar. Deinem Geburtstag. Nacher hat man uns ja den Kontakt verboten. Uns gequält und gefoltert bis zum heutigen Tag. Sind durch die Hölle gegangen weil wir uns lieben. Mittlerweile weiss ich nicht mal mehr wo du bist. Obwohl ich das halbe Land informiert habe. Keiner will uns helfen. Dich befreien. Diese Menschen sind alle krank und werden zum Teufel gehen. Dieser ganze gottverdammte Schweizersauladen. Der zulässt, dass man unschuldige und bewusste Menschen hier so behandeln darf. Haben damit ihr eigenes Todesurteil unterschrieben. Sich für den Untergang angemeldet. Ich werde dich immer lieben. Jeden Tag denke ich an dich. Wie schön es sein wird, wenn wir uns endlich wieder haben. Spätestens auf der anderen Seite. Wenn diese Zombiemonster alle verschwunden sind. Und wir uns wieder so lange und so viel lieben dürfen, wie wir wollen. Ohne irgendwelche Seelenkrüppel, die uns das Leben schwer machen. Es lustig finden andere leiden zu lassen und einzusperren. Stumm zuschauen, wie wir vor Sehnsucht langsam eingehen. Sie werden nie verstehen und erleben, was wir haben. Was wahre Liebe bedeutet. Wie es sich anfühlt. Dass man dafür sterben würde. Lieber zurück nach Hause als in diesem Psychoirrenhaus bleiben, das Menschen, die sich lieben kaputt macht. Kinder missbraucht und frisst. Ich werde das nie akzeptieren. Was für eine gestörte Welt soll das bitte sein. Also sicher nicht eine, in der ich leben will. Bei so einem Totalscheiss mach ich nicht mit. Da könnt ihr euch gleich abmelden. Nochmal eine Ehrenrunde im Höllenrad drehen. Aber ohne uns. Wir haben schon lange begriffen wies geht und brauchen sowas nicht mehr. Darum werden unsere Herzen auch frei sein. Und eure nicht. Its that simple. Eure Macht ist auf die vergängliche Illusion beschränkt. Unsere nicht. Und da gibts noch so viel mehr. Also geht uns aus den Augen aus dem Sinn und lasst uns bloss in Ruhe mit eurem primitiven Affenmenschengetue. Dieser Spezialfall ist für mich eindeutig abgeschlossen. Die Fakten liegen auf dem Tisch. Schaut selber was ihr damit macht.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Viel wars. Und ist es immer noch. Wie mit einer Horde schwererziehbarer ADHS-Nazikinder. Psych-o. Dieser irre Bundeszwergenzirkus treibt mich noch in den Wahnsinn. Darum überlässt man ihn lieber seinem selbst gewählten Schicksal. You will pay your price for hurting innocent and holy people. Wir haben bereits genug drauf gezahlt. JJ und ich. Unsere Liebe und unser Kind habt ihr auf dem Gewissen. Ihn missbraucht ihr sexuell und mich zum rituelle Feuer machen. Soll den riesen Alienbockmist ausbaden, den ihr Supersatanistenpsychos angerichtet habt. Selber nicht mehr im Klauengriff habt. Und wenn wir uns weigern mitzuspielen, werden wir einfach mit Vibrationswellen- und Poltergeistterror gefoltert. Oder dann wird einfach wieder etwas gegiftelt oder Gewalt angewendet. Terrorist-Democracy. Nicht wahr. So verdammt krank und kriminell korrupt seid ihr. Ja wir wissen es jetzt. Ihr langweilt und nervt nur noch. Fazit untauglich und psychischer Totalschaden. Der Hofnarr aka Staatsmagier meldet sich vom Zauberstabdienst ab. Das ist meine Kündigung. I will dance to the beat of a different drum. Ihr wusstet der Tag wird kommen. Wo ihr mich am Arsch lecken könnt. Mit euren faulen Ausreden. Euren Nuggischlappschwänzen. MAM und NUK. Lasst stecken ihr Überraschungswitzfiguren. Nicht verstanden. Oje. Alles hat ein Ende. Genug. Die Demütigungen und Verarschungen könnt ihr behalten. Braucht kein Schwein sowas. Ihr seid traurige Madenwürmer und Rattenläuse. Drachenvogelfutter. Ich werde aus diesem Horrorknast ausbrechen. Ihn sprengen. Mich befreien. Babylon zoo. Shame on you.


Monday, October 21, 2013


Unsere Regierung und einflussreiche Menschen aus Religion, Politik, Wirtschaft, Medizin, Medien, Polizei, Geheimdienst und Militär handeln mit Menschen und Kindern um sie zu foltern, missbrauchen und ausserirdischen "Dämonengöttern" zu opfern, die in unseren Bergen wohnen (z.B. Schwägalp/Säntis) und die Erde kontrollieren wollen. Diese Personen leiden unter Grössenwahn, streben eine Weltdiktatur an, klonen Menschen und vergiften, bestrahlen und manipulieren das Leben von jedem einzelnen von uns. Unser System wird durch die Korruption des satanistischen Freimaurer-Netzwerks dazu benutzt diese schweren Verbrechen zu fördern, vertuschen und decken. Wir sind alle ihre Sklaven und werden indirekt/unbewusst an diesen kriminellen Machenschaften beteiligt. Genau gleich wie sie alle dazu bringen uns und die Erde blind zu zerstören und damit für unseren eigenen Untergang zu sorgen obwohl das göttliche Potenzial im bewussten Menschen genügend nachhaltige und effiziente Alternativen und Lösungen für ein harmonisches Zusammenleben zur Verfügung stellen würde. Wir werden wegen diesen Informationen bereits seit einem ganzen Jahr unterdrückt, isoliert und terrorisiert damit die Wahrheit über unsere verlogene und perverse Schattenregierung nicht ans Licht kommt. Alles, was diese verbrecherischen Personen gemacht haben und immer noch machen, ist in diesem Blog dokumentiert und zusammengefasst und durch mehrere Texte anderer Quellen bestätigt. Die Beweislage und Informationsbandbreite ist ziemlich vollständig und das grosse Horrorbild dieser allzu realen und mehrdimensionalen Verschwörungsrealität klar erkennbar, wenn man sich etwas eingehender damit beschäftigt. Das Volk ist dazu aufgerufen diese Wahrheit zu verbreiten und sich gemeinsam gegen diese katastrophalen Zustände zur Wehr zu setzen damit diese schrecklichen Missbräuche und die extrem schweren Verstösse gegen die Menschenrechte endlich aufhören. Die Bürger dieses Landes eine faire Überlebenschance haben und ihr Recht auf Freiheit verwirklichen können.



Hilfe! Wir werden hier von gestörten alten Satanistenkinderfickern, die aussehen als würden sie Windeln brauchen und zum Himmel stinken, seit einer halben Ewigkeit isoliert, belästigt und belagert. Diese Personen sind offensichtlich schwer krank und senil und gehören in ein geschlossenes Altersheim. Leiden an fortgeschrittener Demenz und haben wohl ein paar Chips zuviel im Hohlkopf. Schon völlig verchipselt die debilen Geistergreise. Desweiteren werden wir von ihren Zwergearmeen aka Alienklonzecken massiv in unserer Wohnung terrorisiert. Tag und Nacht. Wenn das so weiter geht, werden sie uns damit ganz zerstören. Meine Tiere sind bereits geschwächt und ich habe bald auch keine Kraft mehr. Wenn die Schweiz und ihre Bürger das gut finden bitte. Das ist also der Dank, dass man euch hilft. Euch aufklärt. Tot werden wir euch nichts mehr nützen. Und ihr werdet da stehen wie die letzten Arschlöcher. Beweise gibts genug und bevor wir sterben, werde ich dafür sorgen, dass die am richtigen Ort landen. Das schwöre ich euch. Dann habt ihr uns alle auf dem Gewissen. Jetzt reichts. Wenn ihr euch gegenseitig in die Tiefe ziehen wollt, macht nur weiter so. Ich sterbe lieber als weiterhin mit so einem feigen Dreckpack auf dem gleichen Planeten zu wohnen. Ihr seid es offenbar echt nicht wert, dass man sich hier den Arsch aufreisst. Sich opfert um euch zu retten. Wenn es nicht mal was bringt. Nichts passiert. Alle nur stumm zuschauen, wie wir hier von diesen kriminellen Psychopathen langsam vernichtet werden. Dann ist der Untergang wohl genau das, was ihr verdient habt und bekommen werdet. Sollen sie euch doch alle aussaugen und auffressen. Vergiften und versklaven. Verurteilen und hinrichten. Uns langsam genauso egal, wie wir euch. Dann heisst das Spiel eben immer noch verrecket und verrottet in der ewigen Verdammnis der Folterhölle. Hier gibts für euch auf jeden Fall nichts mehr zu sehen. Weder Wissen noch Magie. Das wars. Machts selber oder dann geht zum Teufel. Elende Aliensklavenbrut. Lasst euch ruhig weiter zum Schlachthaus führen. Die hungrigen Dämonenmäuler warten schon sehnsüchtig auf eure Seelen. Access to the light-rebel-party-ark denied. No silent ignorants and cruel abusers allowed.


ZH 53497

CD BE 8 . 10

Das Schweinesystem
Wie uns die Fleischindustrie krank macht

Carl Meier Sohn

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Das Handy ist immer noch nicht angekommen obwohl man mir per Email bestätigt hat, dass es abgeschickt wurde. Da hat wohl mal wieder jemand mit der Post rumgespielt. Und wieder ein Beweis mehr. Vielen Dank auch ihr Hitlerkloniden. Habt ja nichts anderes zu tun als mich in eurem Satanistenknast zu terrorisieren. Im Isolationsauslaufgehege. Was für ein Alienirrenhaus. Aber mich wundert hier nichts mehr. Man müsste ja nur JJ und mich befreien damit wir uns endlich wieder lieben können und die Energiefrequenz wäre schnell mal hoch genug um all diese Monsterzecken zu eliminieren. Aber das ist offenbar nicht erwünscht. Ihr seid doch nicht mehr ganz dicht. Wohl auch schon auf dem Speiseplan unserer Illusionsinvasoren gelandet. Na dann..


The Law of Love is that Law which places the welfare, concern and feeling for others above self. The Law of Love is that close affinity with all forces that you associate with as good. The Law of Love is that force which denies the existence of evil in the world, that resists not. Love is the path of least resistance.

The Law of Gratitude is that sense of satisfaction where energy which has been given receives a certain reward. Energy that is given moves out on that curved and unequal line, and when extended far enough, can only return to its source bearing gifts.

Most abductions are said to be performed by aliens that range from 3 feet to 9 feet tall. The aliens are said to appear Humanoid often having semi-human mixtures with Reptilians, insects or plants. Some have been described as Dwarfish, Serpent like, Monstrous, Giants, Robots, Cyborgs, Apemen, Frogs, and Half-breed human-aliens.

The "FULL TIME" abductees are used like human livestock for "intensive harvesting" of PSI-energy. (One way of extracting limited amounts of adrenalcrom energy without necesserily killing the abductee is accomplished by the alien staring intently into the abductee´s eyes and vampiring the energy from him/her.) Other forms of "harvesting" or "milking" glandular juices from human abductees extracts sperm, ovum, hormonal substances, enzymes, which are often used for producing first trimester half breeds, with all sorts of psychotherapy and counter-conditioning strategies in use against the human spirit.

All sorts of aliens, in many different sizes and shapes have abducted human beings with little or no care given to the violated human. Having no morals in their culture, some of them outright lie, cheat, and steal worse than any human, and will do anything in their power to meet their goals.

It seems that all cultures throughout history have a story to tell about gods or creatures from other planets demanding sacrifice of children, virgins or other "pure ones" if you go back far enough in their cultural history.

The grays even to this time commonly try to convince their abductees that they are gods and to extract worship and praise from their victims. It makes the abductee easier to handle when the vicitm is a willing devotee. Most abductees today hold such worshiping attitudes toward abductor aliens.

One abductee referring to the Zeta Grays as God´s messengers told us, "I love those little guys, I´d do anything for them." About two months later he told us they were training him in how to gas humans en mass, for an Alien/Human war that was coming.

Earth has finally entered the wholesale/black market food chain of the galaxy. But in this case earth humans are the containers of food for alien supermarkets across the galaxy.

Earth humans have been stolen from this planet for many centuries. It is likely pairs of humans have been taken to other star systems, and planets to breed like cattle or chickens for distant Alien food chains. There may be herds of human grazzing on distant planets inside fenced stockyards, waiting, wondering what their life is really all about, while their guardian Aliens check them for feed and water, or test them for disease and their "readiness for harvest".

So for a long time now MJ-12 has to endure violations to the treaty to avoid a Human/Alien war. This results in continued alien abductions from the earth population in order to keep things calm with the aliens and to find out just what the aliens are up to in all of these abductions and murders of abductees. Also it buys time to prepare for war against the aliens if that must come.

With all their technology and power, nothing is easy for the Grays: they have psychotic tendencies, their mode of reasoning is toward further dehumanization, they are in a biological state of fast decay and burnout. They suffer from premature senility, their culture is a state of deprivation, depression, and loss of any individuality. They have psychosexual disorders, they believe in holding control by threat of death. They lie without restraint.

Grays and other left-hand path aliens who are trying to conquer the Earth, search for and locate beings who vibrate in resonance with their own vibrational frequency, which is on a negative level of spirituality. These humans are then told that they are the "elite" or "chosen ones" that will rule. The function of the "elite" humans, as far as the Grays are concerned, is to decimate portions of the human population so that the remainder can be easily controlled. But earth is not yet under the vested control of any major group of aliens, despite the Grays efforts, but it is being victimized by a number of vested interest alien groups, at this time.

Military operations of the Reticulans species consist of colonization of unprotected civilizations for the purpose of setting up logistical supply depots, slave sources and the acquisition of Advanced Biological Weapons, which are human to be reprogrammed as their military soldier slaves.

The Grays are playing a Game with us - the game of Master and Slaves. The Grays (and Draconian Reptoids and Orion Empire Aliens) are the players and humans are the pieces. In order to become true Players and leave the playing field humans must learn the rules of the game. They must learn all the hidden rules - rules that the Grays keep hidden from the other players.

These Left-Hand path (bad-guy) UFO aliens have allied themselves with the secret world government whose thirst for power and power system survival is probably surpassed only by the treacherous aliens themselves. The sinister aliens have delivered all the promised advanced technology to the government, they manipulated, lied to, deceived, and generally used the secret world government for their selfish and inhuman alien ends.

The aliens need to gain a psychological control and allegiance of the majority of humanity as a populace, a mass overt colonization of earth with earth peoples´ consent before humanity wakes up to their evil intentions and nefarious goals. If the aliens are successful, humanity could become so loyalized to the left-hand path aliens that the Good aliens would have a hard time here doing any good for humanity.

The different kinds of aliens use humans for different purposes: They are used as a source of emotional energy, nutrition, hybridization experiments, source (containers) of biological materials: blood, sperm, ovums, and glandular secretions. Expendable slave labor, zoo and exhibition objects, experimental objects i.e. drugs, torture, sex, implants and alien bio-protheses projects.

The Grays say it was they who created the story of Christ and all the good in the world. But if so how do we explain the fact that the Grays are involved in the stockpiling of humans (including children) for use as a food source for the Reptilian species, and as food and drug source for themselves. As the Zeta Grays say about human beings, " Someone has to lead them to the slaughter house because they wouldnt make it by themselves."

The Reptilian leader SS elite are called the "Draco." They are all "cold blooded" (as are reptiles in general) and need a balanced environment to maintain body temperature.

However..the aliens are taking a short cut to their goals, and by speeding up their projects they are coming out in the open and showing their true colors. The truth of the matter (if there is any) is that people are being abducted from around the world at all ages. The human women are being used as breeding animals to deliver halfbreed aliens to the master race, while the men are eaten and beaten or used for a high sperm count collection.

The implants are used to keep track of their human "meat People", and to program them for goals known to the aliens.

Mysterious aircraft are secretly flying the skies above planet Earth. These strange craft are considered by some to be extraterrestrial spacecraft. Others are positive that the United States has developed and deployed highly top secret, anti-gravity ships disguised to resemble conventional aircraft. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere between.

The Treaty stated: the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They could furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish MJ-12 with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would receive the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel with each other for the purpose of learning more about one another.

The Alien "Guests" would remain on Earth and the human "Guests" would travel to the Alien's point of origin for a specified period of time and then return exchanging personnel to their home planet. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation. And 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use of the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the four corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. Another one would be constructed in Nevada within the area known as S-4 located approximately seven miles south of the western border of Area 51 known as Dreamland.

A major finding of the alien study was that the public could not be told since it was believed that this knowledge most certainly would lead to economic collapse, collapse of the religious structure, and national panic which would lead into anarchy. Secrecy thus was continued. An offshoot of this finding was that if the public could not be told then the Congress could not be told either; thus funding for the projects and research would have to come from outside normal government channels. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget and from CIA confidential non-appropriated funds.

Another major finding was the aliens were using humans and animals for sources of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, and blood, as well as in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had
deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They also stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure their race would soon cease to exist. We looked upon their explanations with extreme suspicion.

Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens MJ-12 decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until such time as we were able to develop a technology which would enable us to challenge them on a military basis. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union, and other nations, to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime plans were developed to research and construct two weapons systems using conventional and nuclear technology which would hopefully bring us to parity.

Apparently in this effort to "kiss-up" to a more technically advanced race of creatures, these government officials forgot EBE's infernal "tendency to lie" and instead continued to believe what they WANTED to believe. That this was a sure way to satisfy their insatiable appetite for super-technology. And that these creatures were benevolent in spite of the fact that human body parts were found on board at least two of their craft. In our opinion, these officials deserve whatever harmful actions may have been taken against them by these creatures as a result of establishing a 'relationship' with what was obviously a malevolent alien race for mostly selfish motives. It is not certain whether this particular alien was one of the mantis-like "Infernals" or one of the reptilian "Sauroids" who apparently are subject to them. However, the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" -- which white-washed the actual malevolent nature of the aliens to an incredible degree -- depicted BOTH the small saurian 'gray' type beings and the long-armed 'mantis' like creatures as working together. As we've said, it seems that the desire of the 'secret government' to obtain the occult-technology of these particular 'aliens' was one of their main motivations for establishing a WORKING contact with the saurian grays instead of with the more benevolent though protective human-alien races, even if it meant -- as we shall soon see -- the sellout of their fellow human beings to obtain this. This 'forbidden fruit' of super-technology would apparently allow the recipients to live like 'gods' over the rest of humanity.

Many sources allege that the reason the 'aliens' insisted on these underground bases beneath these particular areas was that 'they' in fact are not exclusively from other planetary bodies, but are originally from Earth and have for centuries occupied deep cavern levels beneath the Earth and more recently beneath these areas of the Southwest. The 'bases' then -- which most in the Government would believe are of exclusively human construction for use in 'joint' operations -- would actually be "covers" or "fronts" for actual subterranean systems already largely under the control of this saurian race. This would explain why many human workers in these "joint" bases have been kept highly compartmentalized; why many do not realize what's taking place in the lower levels or even that such lower levels exist when other deeper-level workers allege that they do; why the 'security' increases enormously the deeper one descends into these underground bases; and why the human influence decreases and the saurian-reptoid-Gray etc. influence increases the deeper one descends into these bases.

A major finding of the alien study was that the public could not be told. It was believed that this would most certainly lead to economic collapse, collapse of the religious structure, and national panic which could lead to anarchy. This was no doubt based largely on the assumption that the existence of these 'aliens' could not be explained in terms of traditional Christian religion, which conclusion might have been reached by many, especially in the face of the saurian grays' persistent attempts to hide their true reptilian nature as it relates to ancient Biblical history and prophecy. However, based on what we've already covered in these files, it is evident that such alien activity does in reality conform to Christian theology and was in fact prophesied in Judeo-Christian scripture thousands of years ago. The ignorance would merely be an inability to properly interpret these ancient prophecies due to a lack of a foundational knowledge necessary to make such correct interpretations. Therefore such knowledge -- if presented properly -- would probably not bring about a collapse in the 'religious' world. Also, the realization of the existence of an Almighty Creator-God infinitely more powerful than the 'aliens' would likely prevent the 'panic' and resulting economic collapse-anarchy which the 'Study Group' feared.

The headquarters of the international conspiracy is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of 3 committees consisting of 13 members each. And all three together comprise the 39 members of the executive committee of the body known as the 'Bilderberg Group'. The most important and powerful of the 3 committees is the Policy Committee. Policy Committee meetings are held on a nuclear submarine beneath the Polar icecap. A Soviet sub and an American sub join at an airlock, and the meeting is convened. The secrecy is such that this was the only method which would ensure that the meetings could not be "bugged".

... Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. It could also intend to make you believe in an alien race that does not exist. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the "purported" true nature of the alien presence. This includes the 'good' and the 'bad'. Look around and pay attention! Someone is planning to make their presence known, and the Government is preparing you for it. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have there been so many official acknowledgements.

Secret societies -- the CIA included -- often use deception to manipulate the "lower" hierarchies into carrying out particular actions which the inner core wish to implement. There is usually only a very small group of "inner elite" who know the whole story. The "pawns" would most likely not offer their services if they knew where their actions were taking them and their country. For instance, a CIA "asset" serving the "Company" for "patriotic" reasons may in essence be digging their own grave -- in reality selling out the Country that they are trying to defend, selling out themselves, their descendants, and so on to an agenda they don't know anything about.

Meanwhile there are similar groups across the globe who operate outside their governments to keep a lid on the secret. To this day we are still not any closer to disclosure and only a small semi-military group know we are not alone for sure. Many involved are not given the whole story and various tactics are used to silence anyone who tries to speak out.

To set forth with keen awareness, that the imminent, literal, visible and personal return of Jesus Christ is at hand to wreck global vengeance on the counterfeit fraudulent kingdom of Pontifex Maximus.

”Dragon with his tail sweeping third part of the clergy…Catholic seers predicting that Rome will go into ‘apostasy’. It will be the seat of the anti-christ…Many catholic prophecies say the same thing…Rome, the ‘church’ will be in crisis, Rome will lose the ‘faith’…”

Do not be deceived, brothers and sisters in Christ! I think the book will bring confusion to many people. On the show there was no pointing out, that Roman Catholics need to repent and come out of this demonic deception. Tell all to be watchful. Devil works cause he knows his time is short.

Anciently, sacrificing human life to the Sun was done on a regular religious basis. Baal worship was Sun worship, where parents actually burned alive their own children or sacrificed them by some other cruel means. And the priests of Baal were so notoriously known for eating the flesh of their human sacrifices, that today, our word “cannibal”, comes from Canaan’s Baal.

Yet like a criminal put away for its crimes against society, Rome does not feel the slightest remorse, but instead, sits and broods and plots and schemes, waiting for the day when she can have revenge on those who would have the audacity to question her authority. Such is the mentality of those who are intoxicated with power over others. And today, trusting society sleeps on peacefully, completely unaware of the havoc and devastation that is about to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.

Draconian magic is liberating and illuminating but it is also a part of the Left Hand Path which is in its essence dark, antinomian and destructive. Legendary dragons are fearful beasts lurking beyond the world known to man, representing chaos and darkness existing outside the structured Universe. They dwell on the fringes of civilization, guarding the gateways to the Unknown, to the unfathomed depths of cosmic space where worlds and dimensions are filled with terrors and abominations. This is the boundary between life and death itself. Draconian magic opens us to all these horrors that are hidden in the Dark and unseen to the eyes of the ignorant. By stepping onto the Path of the Dragon we enter this Primal Darkness. There we have to look with Dragon's Eyes and light up the Path with Dragon's Fire. It is a dangerous, unpredictable quest that can only be pursued by those with a brave and passionate heart.

As the part of the Left Hand Path, Draconian Tradition works to overcome weaknesses and transcend limitations. It rejects self-denial, servitude, conformity, stagnation, and all other attitudes that lead to the death of the Spirit. It embraces the ecstatic and the forbidden. It advocates freedom, individuality, desire, change and transformation, inspiration and imagination, fury and passion, ambition and ferocity, active joy of life on all levels of existence. The Dragon pushes you to descend to the darkest depths of the Abyss and to rise and reach for the stars. You will see that the Universe is immense and limitless. You will learn that you are a unique being in the heart of the world and if you accept the Path as the goal in itself, you will flow with the Current in the beautiful quest for Becoming.

Transformation occurs within you but manifests in events of your mundane existence and the happenings around you, pushing you to rearrange your life in order to suit the destiny that is opening before you. To recognize and to understand this process is a test which we have to pass in order to be reborn as Draconian Initiates. This task is by no means easy. It is very hard to discern and observe the initiatory process when the world around you is falling apart and you are desperately striving to put it into balance. It is not easy to walk in the Dark when you cannot see the Light. This process is often painful and terrifying because it demands sacrifice, change, stepping into the Unknown. But you need to realize that it is a manifestation of your Will and whatever you have to leave behind is worth it because the Path will offer you much more in return. New doors will open up for you and the old world will burn in the Dragon's Fire.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Nothing and no one will be forgotten..when the great judgment comes to bring justice..may all the evil and wicked the depths of their own created torture-terror-hell..


The "serpent" is related to the nagas who were the originators of the worship of the "creature" and the worshiper did not and probably was not interested in finding God in their heart. They still worship serpents and cows: holy cow's urine is still used by mothers to wash the face of their child.

It was by his subtle but powerful charms that the Naga Apalala was able to keep the wicked dragons in check. He prevented them from scourging the countryside with violent rainstorms. Asian dragons are quite often associated with the life-giving waters. Thanks to the Naga Apalala this countryside prospered and the grain grew thickly. In gratitude each family offered him a bit of grain as tribute. After some time several of the inhabitants of the place began to forego the yearly offering. The Naga became angry and prayed that he might become a poisonous dragon so that he could drench the countryside in rain and wind. So it is that at the end of his life he became the dragon of that country. To this day Rajas (local princes) in the Hindu Kush are said to be able to control the elements as their influence over local dragons provides.

Sanskrit NAGA ("serpent"), in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, a member of a class of semi-divine beings, half human and half serpentine.

They are considered to be a strong, handsome race who can assume either human or wholly serpentine form.

They are regarded as being potentially dangerous but in some ways are superior to humans. They live in an underground kingdom called Naga-loka, or Patalaloka, which is filled with resplendent palaces, beautifully ornamented with precious gems.

Nagas are said to take various forms. Often described as giant serpents with multiple heads or creatures with the upper bodies of humans and lower bodies of vast snakes, they were extremely gifted shape-shifters, able to assume any appearance that suited their needs.

Like humans, Nagas show wisdom and concern for others but also cowardice and injustice. Nagas are immortal and potentially dangerous when they have been mistreated. They are susceptible to mankind's disrespectful actions in relation to the environment. The expression of the Nagas' discontent and agitation can be felt as skin diseases, various calamities and so forth.

The nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality. One story mentions that when the gods were rationing out the elixir of immortality, the nāgas grabbed a cup. The gods were able to retrieve the cup, but in doing so, spilled a few drops on the ground. The nāgas quickly licked up the drops, but in doing so, cut their tongues on the grass, and since then their tongues have been forked. It was also believed by the Burmese that the precious gem-stones embedded in the throats or fore-heads of the Nagas, that contained their amazing powers, would be given freely to any human that the Naga had developed a great fondness for.

Additionally, Nagas can bestow various types of wealth, assure fertility of crops and the environment as well as decline these blessings. Nagas also serve as protectors and guardians of treasure—both material riches and spiritual wealth.

Though the Nagas were often dangerous to men if attacked or insulted when their waters were polluted and in some less common cases, when forced to see their friends subject to great humiliation , they were peaceable enough, using their deadly venom to only slay those found guilty of grave sins as well as others pre-destined to die an untimely death, in keeping with the dictate imposed on them by Brahma. True danger lay in incurring their wrath by refusing to offer them the proper obeisances owed to these granters of the vital rain. A king that once declared an end to Naga worship in his kingdom, was quickly forced to rescind his decree when a great drought befell his land, an obvious sign of the wrath of the Nagas.

More often than not, the Nagas were not portrayed as malevolent monsters. On the contrary, they were renown for their wisdom, with some of them imparting great wisdom to mankind. They were also devoted friends to men of exemplary virtue. When the Buddha entered a trance for several days, a great prince among the Nagas sheltered him from the ravages of the elements by raising his vast hood to raise a protective halo over the Boddhisvatta. Other great teachers that followed in the Buddha's footsteps, were given a similar honor.

The Nagas were also known to develop feelings of great intensity for certain humans that inspired tender feelings. The beautiful females of their race, the Naginis, are known to seduce men into accompanying them to the watery depths of Patalas. Such liasons were not uncommon with the most famous example, being the seduction of the great Vedic hero Arjuna by the beguiling Nagini princess Uulopi. The ancient Cambodians for their part, claim a king among the Nagas as their primeavel patriach, for it was he who wedded the mother of their people.

The Nāgas dance when music is played, but it is said ( that they never dance if any Garuda is near (through fear) or in the presence of human dancers (through shame).

Mind-control and manipulation is nothing new. It began when Satan induced one third of the angelic host to rebel against a benevolent God. With the superhuman wisdom, understanding and power that the angels have, only an extraordinary blinding of their intelligence could have achieved this feat. Satan did that successfully. With one success at hand, it was a minor job for Satan to control and manipulate human minds that are no match for angelic intelligence. Yet the checks and balances created by God are so powerful that in spite of six millennia of Satanic distortion, persuasion, and inducement, the humans are not yet fully on his side.

Fear is a paralyzing force, and it can effectively force many people to cross boundaries. Another technique used to create fear is Social Pressure. As said before, every person needs the benefits of social relations. If not, such a person becomes a social outcast. Using this need, the degenerate human society puts considerable pressure upon all people to conform to the norms and standards promoted by that society. These can often be contrary to the will of God, and exist outside the proper boundaries; however, the fear of isolation and rejection forces even adult people to conform.

Now the Bishops have given their stamp of approval to a sex series that fosters the acceptance of sodomite lifestyles.  Growing In Love not so subtly leads children into an early familiarity and experimentation with sex and acceptance of perverted acts that should not even be discussed among adults. When Bishops endorse teaching a kindergarten curriculum with body parts, from nipples to vulvas to scrotums, and urination and defecation are taught to innocent children, it is blatantly evident that children are being courted by the homosexual/ pedophile cartel!

STOP MASONIC CHILD ABUSE NOW! Certain Clandestine Networks within our Government authorities who have created and are running our social structure, are psychologically, emotionally and sexually abusing our children. These authorities are presently being exposed and FULL public awareness of ALL those involved in this horrendous atrocity by our Worldwide Masonic Secret Society-run social system, is only a matter of time. From the top of the web, of this Black-Occult-Ritual Child Abuse & Murder Network all the way down to the bottom, they will be held accountable. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

The 'CORE OF RAPE' within our Secret Society run Government Intelligence agencies' structure, has clandestinely engineered, to Psychologically and Emotionally abuse children within the family court system. The 'core of rape' also engineer the sexual abuse of our children within their own paedophile rings. In some cases, this abuse is orchestrated within the hierarchy of the secret societies Satanic-Black-Occult-Rituals. The fact that these abusers are in, or directed connected to, the major positions of power, within the police, justice, political, social services and medical industries, they can constantly cover up their actions. This same network also brainwash Society via the Masonic Intelligence-run mass-media, that the 'Paedophile Problem' is "out there". By diverting our attention onto the 'Stranger Danger' scam, etc, we are intentionally misled into ignorance and fear. However, the root of the real Paedophile Problem in the world is in fact the 'Core of Rape' within the Secret Society's Intelligence structure. These are the main perpetrators who are sexually abusing and murdering our children. These are also the people who run our lives.

We, each and every one of us, have a responsibility not only to our own children but to all the children of the world. I strongly suggest to anyone who can 'see' the truth of what is happening within our corruptly run social structure to 'view' any mass media propaganda regards child abuse - with a very critical eye. Please keep any press cuttings and videotape TV presentations that cover child abuse reports. As the Masonic-run social care, police and justice systems are well engineered to whitewash any cases of their own involvement in child abuse, we can NEVER expect any true 'justice', via these corrupt interconnecting structures. Also, as the Masonic-run mass media is the mouthpiece for those directly and indirectly involved in the Governments 'Core of Rape' - we can NEVER expect the WHOLE truth of these barbaric atrocities to be expressed throughout the public domain in this way.

Truth by word of mouth is the way the sexual abuse and murder upon our children by our authorities will finally be stopped. The responsibility starts with each and every one of us. First, to thoroughly research and investigate, so we may fully understand "the big picture", of what exactly, is going on. Then to do our own networking – by word of mouth – mail – email – internet - posters and flyers etc.

Torture is the deliberate infliction of physical or psychological pain. In the context of human rights law (and the mandate of the Medical Foundation) to be torture, the infliction of pain must in the custody of, or under the control of, a state agent, or by a non-state agent acting in an organised group (such as a rebel group in control of territory), including organised violence which the state is either unwilling or unable to control.

“Rape, nonetheless, has long been mischaracterized and dismissed by military and political leaders – those in a position to stop it – as a private crime, a sexual act, the ignoble act of a private soldier; worse still, it has been widely accepted precisely because it is so commonplace.”

Trafficking is when people are moved from place to place against their will. In international law, this means internationally, but people can be trafficked within a country. It is distinguished from people-smuggling, in which the person has agreed to be helped to cross borders illegally. The issues of consent and coercion are not dissimilar to those discussed below. One key point is whether the person gets what they have agreed. If someone agrees with an agent to pay to be helped to enter the UK in the belief that he or she will get legitimate paid work in good conditions, only to find him or herself working illegally and often in virtual slavery, then both the illegal entry and subsequent work have been coerced, and the person has been trafficked rather than smuggled.

Male rape is rarely disclosed. Neither victims nor perpetrators want to talk about it. In the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, male victims of rape never used the term. They sometimes said that they had been “sodomised”, but more commonly described the experience as having a metal rod pushed through their anus. No society wants to admit to being party to male rape, but this quiescence leaves victims isolated and rape seen as a sexual act rather than one of the exercise of power and the infliction of humiliation.

The direct and personal experience of being raped in psychological pre-adolescence or early adolescence is an experience that has several aspects to it, some physical and some psychological. Pre- and early adolescence are times of great physical and psychological change and are important developmental phases for young people from any culture. In fact many cultures mark this time of transition and transformation from childhood into adulthood with a community ritual.

When the targeted person is in a phase of inactivity, she is more vulnerable to torture because it is the ideal time, for the torturers, to perform the most active abuses. The latters require a manipulation of the operators. For example, when a person is sitting for a while or lying in bed, the fact that he is hypnotized keeps him immobilized, despite of the stimulus. This allows the perpetrators to commit a kind of torture of a high accuracy without the subject moves. Thus they can perform very delicate operations that can serve them as a prelude to a subsequent torture of a more passive or automated style.

Gang Stalking is pollution in all its forms is used to destroy the targeted individual’s lives. It deteriorates throughout their lives: health, body, relationships, material possessions, thinking, work, finances, recreation, environment, etc. The Perpetrators want to eliminate them as quickly as possible by inflicting maximum pain while leaving the least possible traces. It become a psychological Warefare with a lot of waste and destruction of everything. So they destroy everything they have, whatever they are, what they were and even what they might become. An it is done very gradually. Before they realize it is too late.

Many sorts of tactics are used against targeted individuals to destroy them and destroy their lives. These tactics are often the same that were used in Germany by the Nazis. But technology has changed and the techniques were refined over time. Elements of folk psychology have been included since this information is popularized among the general public. But, needless to say they are not experts in psychology, far from it. Gang Stalking criminals manipulate these concepts interpreted very broadly by the use they make of it. This information is only used to hurt innocent people.

Often the words harassment and intimidation are used interchangeably so that bullying can be an isolated act while harassment is experienced with continuity over time. Several tactics of harassment can be used for the sole purpose of intimidating. In the context of Gang Stalking, bullying is far more than what one might think. It represents an important tactic linked to a major and very perverse goal of complete destruction of a HUMAN BEING. This is very insidious. These tactics are hidden under the guise of seemingly harmless actions. The false seems true and the real seems to be the fake. And the person is denied in its reality. It is perceived as an object: a single target to destroy.

We all know negative people, when you get in touch with them, completely drain our energy or will pass their negativity. These are vampires of the psychic energy. Imagine that you meet dozens daily. How would you feel? That's what a lot of victims of Gang Stalking experiment daily. These bad people are not good to you. On the contrary, they even want to hurt you even though they are unknown. Even if you're armed psychologically, mentally and spiritually to face such situations in normal life, being constantly reinforced on a daily basis can succeed in your defenses weaken over time. You become sensitive to this drain of energy and therefore are more susceptible. When your energy is drained this way, you end up down your guard and these predators take advantage of this to enter more deeply into our lives. Thus, they will cause more harm and add other forms of destruction such as electronic harassment.

These are discussions or telephone conversation hold about you or your personal situation by complete strangers in public. They repeat, in front of everybody, things that you say in your privacy. They leave and escape intentionally set very personal details during a conversation. This has the effect of creating discomfort or discord between you and your family and friends. This raises the gossip and rumors.

Gang Stalking criminals from going to try to lure you into dangerous situations, difficult or compromising the sole purpose to trick you. In this way, they can lead you to make you arrested, interned in psychiatric institutions or endorse the false accusations of sexual predators, drug possession, possession of illegal pornographic material, etc. These situations are placed in order to provoke reactions from you. They may also use such traps to force you to become as a citizen-spy.

The false rumors and slander are common in Gang Stalking. Filing false police reports or records riddled with false evidence on your behalf, too. Your name could end up on blacklists or can be add on records of violent or potentially violent individuals. It makes you look like outcasts of society: the mentally ill, habitual criminal, sexual predator, thief, prostitute, roaming, pedophile, nymphomaniac, exhibitionist, etc..

Targeted individuals have been observed and their profile established long before they realize they are targeted. Their profile will include all the information or disinformation collected and these may be used against them by putting them in situations trap to their detriment. To collect this information, they use tactics like:
- track the target;
- track down the people around him;
- break into her home, rummaging in his business;
- listen to his telephone conversations;
- seep into his computer and steal documents;
- gather information from friends or family;
- out the places where they like to shop or eat;
- identify weaknesses;
- identify what she likes and what she hates;
- determine how to bring him to do what you want;
- determine what kind of spam to send;
- identify how to intimidate, bully him;
- identify how him can be controlled.

You can feel the effects of sensations of heat. They are used to simulate, for example, a false sense of shame. And sometimes you do experience vibrations. These are usually used to wake you up or break your sleep. These criminals use gamma ray armed with microwaves to produce these effects. A sensor that support them can be installed under your floor. They put a lot of time to hide their facilities so that nothing is visible to the naked eye. They induce in person several false sensations to fool his perceptions. This is part of electronic harassment and mind control.

These Gang Stalking criminals give themselves the right to enter your home when you're not, without breaking. Because they manage to get the keys (master key or other) to get inside. Moreover, it is a breeze for them to disable your alarm system.

For this type of harassment become success, its necessary to isolate targets of their friends, their family, their colleagues and possibly their relatives. To do this several tactics are used. Eg defamation, lies, false records, tampering, or anything that puts it in a position where they will have no support. It is important to succeed.

When someone get in a close relationship with a target, whether a bond of friendship, family or other relatives; these criminals will do everything to ruin this relationship. If this relationship is a romantic one, they will organize themselves to find what the other person likes to eventually turn wrong or let you down. If it is a friendship, for example, lies have been told on the target so that they stand against each other. It's the same thing with family. The sole purpose is to isolate you, ultimately, you are unable to get any support. This will happen before you even realize that something is wrong in your life.

In your back, they tell lies. The goal of these lies is to say that you did something illegal, you're dangerous and need to be monitored for any reason. For example, they can say you're a drug dealer, a prostiute, a terrorist, a mad or insane person, a racist, an extremist, a pedophile, etc.. Some people have reported being found on blacklists of people potentially dangerous.

Civilian spies can steal or destroy your mail. They can delay delivery or even ensure it does not happen. They handle the same way your emails. Them may be either deleted or moved. They can also block those that you send or receive.

In terms of behavior, they try to model and simulate the activities of your day by day life in the most natural way possible. Thus, they are still in your environment. This is to be able to better connect with other informants and communicate your comings and goings. Their activities are nothing special and their role is not difficult to play, either. They are indeed, complitely normal. At least that's what it seems. In fact, it is the intention behind these activities is malicious. For example, they can sip coffee while reading a good book on the same little restaurant where you just take your coffee. They stand so close to you. It is much easier to track you and let you know what’s going on.

Depriving someone of sleep is a good way to maintain a constant state of stress on him. It is also a good way to keep less alert. In this situation, nobody can give them 100%. Moreover, it is much more likely to have excessive reactions in public, or even having a car accident. Usually, sleep deprivation is achieved through technology microwave that vibrates the bed and the person at the same time. This is happening at specific times, often the same. That’s electronic harassment.

During your absence, they can poison or drugs your pet. They can make them sick to the point that they may die. This will hurt you and cause you so much pain and it will be desired by perps. That is very bad.


Für JJ. Weil ich ihn immer lieben werde und hoffe, dass all das schrecklich perverse Folterleid bald aufhört. Auch für alle anderen Sklavenopfer dieses teuflischen Sektenkults, der die ganze Welt hinters Licht in die Dunkelheit geführt hat und für die eigenen grössenwahnsinnigen Zwecke manipuliert und missbraucht. Seit einer halben Ewigkeit schon unschuldige Menschen opfert und quält. Die göttliche Wahrheit unterdrückt und verfälscht.


The "roman catholic church" is the world's oldest and biggest corporation that has robbed, raped and murdered its way across our world. It killed more then 50,000 indigenous children in its "Indian residential schools" across Canada, and is now off the hook. It still protects child rapists and is above the law. It is time to occupy this murderous church!

Transnational organized crime is considered one of the major threats to human security, impeding the social, economic, and cultural development of societies worldwide. An alarming statistical report unveiled today by the Protect Your Children Foundation proves the Catholic Church to be one of the main international instruments of organized crimes, leading the most abominable felonies against millions of children around the world.

In their worldwide investigation of crimes committed unto children by priests and nuns, the Protect Your Children was able to gather alarming evidence - and as noticeable patterns began to surface, it indicated a duty to document and distribute world alerts.

The Vatican’s multi-faceted crime phenomenon has manifested itself in different activities, among others, trafficking children; organ trafficking, kidnapping, money laundering; etc. In particular, as the newly released statistical chart demonstrates, child trafficking has proven to be one of the main organized crimes of the Catholic Church, generating astronomical profits and a long track record of selling babies in “adoptions”.

The alarming numbers clearly depict how the Vatican has worked closely with national governments, organizations, and civil society (doctors, nurses, social workers, etc) to oversee and cover up organized crime projects that have now been duplicated in various nations.

With collaborators in 30 nations, The Protect Your Children Foundation in collaboration with is committed to collect and expose these crimes from a regional and global perspective to ensure that such information is available to the public to put an end to this abuse.

The trans-national dimension of the global crime of trafficking in human beings requires the combined efforts of responsible actors in the countries of origin, the countries of transit, and the countries of destination of the trafficked people.

The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation.
Exploitation includes, at a minimum, the exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.
„Smuggling of migrants,” means the procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other benefit, from the illegal entry of a person into a state of which the person is not a national or not a permanent resident.
While smuggling and trafficking are clearly interconnected, they are two different phenomena. It is important to distinguish between ‘trafficking’ and ‘smuggling’ of humans. ‘Smuggling’ is the term that refers to the practice of transferring people across international borders without following the legally required entry or departure procedures. However, this practice of ‘smuggling’ is often carried out with at least a minimum level of consent by the people who are smuggled. ‘Smuggling’ may however be one element within the ‘process chain’ of trafficking, when such trafficking involves crossing international borders. If the element of subsequent exploitation, enforced by coercion, use of force or threat of force becomes manifest, the person in question must be considered to have fallen victim to the crime of trafficking person, regardless of any prior level of consent that he or she may have expressed with regard to the act of crossing an international border without following the legally required entry or departure procedures.

But what distinguishes ‘trafficking’ from ‘smuggling’ is that in the case of ‘trafficking’ there is always the element of coercion, force or the threat of force by the traffickers and the abduction or other forms of limitation of freedom of movement of the trafficked person, and the consistent practice of violence, abuse and exploitation. Once a person is trafficked, escape from that situation is always very difficult and often fraught with danger. Survivors of trafficking almost invariably face a multitude of challenges, if they manage to escape the clutches of those that are trafficking or exploiting them:
• Denial of access to legal rights and basic human rights
• Criminalisation, persecution and penalisation
• Denial of access to legal protection
• Denial of access to medical protection and counselling services
• Any assistance is often conditional upon cooperation with authorities, regardless of the danger that this may expose the trafficked person to
• Stigmatisation and discrimination, not only of the trafficked person but also of his or her family and environment

Trafficking in human beings is a rapidly growing and highly lucrative “international business” which inevitably leads to the destruction of the lives of hundreds of thousands of persons. The phenomenon is of international dimension and can only be adequately addressed by the combined efforts of internationally joined forces.

Quite apart from the terror, the violence and other forms of extreme cruelty and risks to which trafficked children are subjected, they are also deprived of the love of the family, so important in their young life, and of the opportunity to receive a proper education. Therefore, the effects of being trafficked are most devastating in their lives.
A particular challenge lies in the fact that, in whatever way children may have become trafficked, they are often very difficult to identify and find, and they are frequently mistaken for simple ‘runaways’ or undocumented unaccompanied children. Very often, they do not understand themselves what is happening to them, nor are they able to articulate their situation.
In many countries where such children are identified and located, there are state controlled child protection services. These services tend to immediately expedite the situation through existing social services, without due research into the child’s background. The right questions are rarely asked and such children are therefore very often not recognised as victims of the crime of trafficking. Typically, they are repatriated and returned to the adults who failed to take care of them in the first place; or they are placed in detention as juvenile delinquents; or they are placed in foster care where their trauma is either not known or understood. Meanwhile, their traffickers are rarely apprehended and as a result, it happens very often that these children are subsequently ‘recycled’ into the trafficking trade and go through the ordeal again.

Both organized stalking and electronic harassment take a heavy toll on your health. This is made worse because today's commercially available foods are typically very low on nutrients,and now, are likely to be genetically modified. Harmful substances such as fluoride,pharmaceuticals, and chemicals from plastics are showing up in water, including bottled water, according to some professionals.

In the world of organized stalking and electronic harassment, that the neighbour was the source of your electronic harassment is only a possibility. In the world of OS/EH, it is equally likely that your perps stopped some of your attacks to make you think the departed neighbours were responsible. Their long term goal would be to convince you that you had the ability to identify the true source of your attacks. The perps would hope that in a later situation, your confidence in your ability to identify the true source would cause you to complain to police about an innocent neighbour. The OS/EH perps are highly sophisticated,never forget that. They are not just thugs operating at the high school prank level, even if many of their operations resemble that

There is a good chance that most targets will encounter charges that they are mentally ill.When these charges come from family members, police, or doctors, the target can find themselves facing incarceration in mental hospital, or, being forced to take dangerous and debilitating psychoactive drugs in the community.

Defence mechanism psychology will cause 99.9% of target family members to react by insisting what you describe is impossible, and you're just imagining it. When you press the issue anyway, you are likely to reach a point where they will try to force you into the psychiatric system. That eliminates their worry, and they can justify it as “getting you the help you need."

In view of the Vatican’s inability to mount a military offensive against encroaching Islam,it has resorted to cunning and subterfuge something at which it has always excelled. Opus Dei is now at the forefront of what it calls cyber-crusade. The idea is to use its propaganda muscle and subversion of state institutions in countries like India to gain converts for defending Christianity. Its principal assault is on higher education and the media.

Housed in Renaissance buildings not far from the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City in the heart of Rome, there are files on not only the entire history of Christianity but on Western civilization. No one, including the pope, can state with certainty how many secrets and scandals lie in the archives. “The oldest document dates back to the end of the 7th century, while the archives have an almost uninterrupted documentation starting from 1198.The Secret Vatican Archives are primarily used by the Pope and his Curia, that is [the] Holy See.

Because the Vatican is both a city and a state (both within the city of Rome), it runs in the same manner as governments, with a need to account for all its wealth, but it also operates like a worldwide corporation.

Bishops who received the order were instructed to pursue these cases “in the most secretive way.” Everyone involved, including the alleged victim, was sworn “to observe the strictest secret, which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office” under penalty of excommunication. The “worst crime” was defined as “any obscene external deed, gravely sinful,” carried out by a cleric “with a person of his own sex.” The document was described as “strictly confidential” and was not to be published.

Anyone who denies the pope has the authority of God over the governments of the Earth is cursed by the Catholic Church. During the Inquisition of the middle ages such “heretics” were turned over to the subservient and obedient governments to be tortured and executed. The inquisition was a mass persecution of perceived enemies of the Catholic church. Because it is easy to show that the Catholic doctrine is a false gospel with a false Christ, the Catholic Church always looses adherents where there is freedom of speech and religion. Consequently, the only times the Catholic church has flourished is when it has controlled governments and used the force of those governments to wipe out competing religions. With the backing of the government, the Roman Catholic church then establishes a religious monopoly. The very survival of the Catholic church requires the force of government to insure that opponents of its Satan inspired, man made religion are silenced.

The Jesuits are the secret army of the Roman church, they are often referred to as the “pope’s militia.” In fact, the leader of the Jesuits is called the “Jesuit General.” He is unlike any other leader of a Catholic order, because the Jesuit General is independent of the Catholic Bishops and Cardinals; he answers directly to the Pope. Because of the power and influence of the Jesuit General, he is known as the “Black Pope.” The Jesuit General has the purported authority to absolve persons of the sins of bigamy, murder, or any harm done to others as long as the matter is not publicly known and the cause of a scandal.

Jesuits are the subversive ambassadors of the Catholic Church, bringing chaos and ruin to all nations they infiltrate. They believe that “[t]he Catholic Church has the right and duty to kill heretics because it is by fire and sword that heresy can be extirpated. . . . Repentance cannot be allowed to save them, just as repentance is not allowed to save civil criminals; for the highest good of the church is the unity of the faith, and this cannot be preserved unless heretics are put to death.”

The said Institute [Jesuits] is inadmissible an any civilised State, as its nature is hostile to all spiritual and temporal authority; it seeks to introduce into the Church and States, under the plausible veil of a religious Institute, not an Order truly desirous to spread evangelical perfection, but rather a political body working untiringly at usurping all authority, by all kinds of indirect, secret, and devious means. . . .[The Jesuits’ doctrine is] perverse, a destroyer of all religious and honest principles, insulting to christian morals, pernicious to civil society, hostile to the rights of the nation, the royal power, and even the security of the sovereigns and obedience of their subjects; suitable to stir up the greatest disturbances in the States, conceive and maintain the worst kind of corruption in men’s hearts.

To ensure that crimes committed by Masons are not prosecuted Masonic lodges actively recruit members from the legal and law enforcement communities. Because of this, communities should not permit anyone who is a Mason to hold the offices of sheriff, judge, prosecutor, or police investigator. When one hears of seemingly unexplainable behavior of the police, a judge, a prosecutor, or any politician that allows a criminal go free, one should not overlook the hidden hand of Masonry.

The Vatican is an independent and sovereign nation, with its own currency, Secretary of State and ambassadors. Once a person is baptized into the Catholic Church he becomes a member of that church. When he is confirmed “[h]e becomes a citizen of the Church, able to assume the responsibility of that citizenship and to defend his faith against its enemies.” Once confirmed the new citizen must be “prepared when called upon to fight for the faith of Christ.”310 The citizens of the Roman Church must have “strength and fortitude to enable them, in the spiritual contest , to fight manfully and the resist their most wicked foes.”311 He now becomes a “valiant combatant, he should be prepared to endure with unconquered spirit all adversaries for the name of Christ.”

Those organizations include the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Club of Rome, the Opus Dei, the Masons, the New Age Movement, International Bankers (central banks), and the Mafia. The Jesuits have infiltrated and control the mass media, governments and their intelligence agencies, all the major world religions including Protestant denominations and Islam, and terrorist organizations, including but not limited to the Irish Republican Army (I.R.A.). The Jesuits are the right arm of the Vatican and directly control the activities of these organizations as they work toward a one world government.