Friday, July 6, 2012

Souls never die!

Ich war da. Ich habe es gesehen. Im Geiste erlebt. Dinge, die ich mit keinem teilen kann. Die ausser mir auch keiner wissen kann. Wer ich bin und was geschehen wird. Geheimnisse, die seit einer halben Ewigkeit darauf gewartet haben entschlüsselt zu werden, lagen offen vor mir. Alles war an seinem Platz. Fügte sich ineinander. Es konnte kein Missverständnis mehr geben. Das grosse Bild hat sich in meinem Herzen geöffnet. Durch mich selbst offenbart ohne zu wissen, dass es schon immer da war. Es schon lange bestimmt war. Die wahre Grösse, die mir bisher nicht wirklich bewusst war. Bestätigt durch die alten Schriften der Wegbereiter. Begleitet von mysteriösen Begebenheiten über meinem Haus. Noch bevor der Hagel und die grosse Flut kamen und über dem ganzen Gebiet niedergingen. Ich weiss jetzt, wohin mein Weg führt. Dass mich alle nur beschützt haben. Wer meine wahre Familie ist. Woher ich komme. Und ich wollte gleich los. Meinen Auftrag ausführen und nach Hause zurück kehren. Der Welt zeigen, worum es geht. Doch der Impuls von oben kam nicht. Immer noch nicht. Ich werde zum Warten gezwungen. Die Menschen sind dafür noch nicht bereit. Aber der Plan steht. Trotz der scheinbar auswegslosen Situation hat die Erde für eine Lösung gesorgt. Doch die Welt muss zuerst bewusster werden über ihre eigene Herkunft. Dass ihre Seele unsterblich ist und der einzige Zweck ihres Daseins spiritueller Fortschritt ist. Es da draussen noch so viel mehr gab und geben wird. Erst dann kann die Wahrheit in Kraft treten und ihr Werk vollbringen. Auch wenn ich momentan noch überhaupt nicht weiss, wie das gehen soll. Es wohl auch gar nicht darf, denn sonst würde ich es gleich und viel zu früh umsetzen. Ich habe mich durch diese tiefgreifenden Erkenntnisse und das Zurückkehren auf den Boden der Tatsachen kurzeitig etwas einsam und unwohl gefühlt. Ich war viel zu nahe an der Wahrheit um hier unten weiter darauf zu warten bis sie da ist. Und so wurde ich einen Moment sehr traurig. All dieses unnötige Leid in der Welt erdrückt mein Herz. Ich will nach Hause zu meiner Familie. Sie endlich wieder sehen und umarmen dürfen. Hier schlafen alle und ich stehe ganz alleine da. Auch wenn ich weiss, dass das alles nur zu meinem besten ist. Ich diesen Weg irgendwann selber gewählt habe und sie alle hinter mir stehen. Hinter dem Vorhang auf mich warten und mir die Daumen drücken. Stolz sind. Wir alle seit Millionen von Jahren auf diesen Moment gewartet haben. All diese Leben gelebt haben nur um heute hier anzukommen. In diesen Körpern bewusst zu werden. Trotzdem ist es manchmal schwer. Das Ego meldet sich mal wieder zu Wort. Zum Glück meist nur für kurze Zeit. Ich mich wieder beherrsche und auf die Stufe der Freude zurück bringen kann. Mit vollem Einsatz weiter am grossen Plan arbeite. Es ist doch alles genau so, wie es sein sollte. Perfekt. Zwar eine harte und grosse aber dafür umso genialere Prüfung. Den richtigen Zeitpunkt abzuwarten gehört nun mal dazu. Immer weiter zu machen. Der Weg ist eben trotzdem noch weit. Obwohl ich im Geiste schon dort war. Kurz davor stand hinaus zu gehen ohne wirklich soweit zu sein. Die letzten Tage habe ich dann fast nur geschlafen bzw. geruht. Tiefschlaf erlebe ich eigentlich nicht mehr. In den Wachträumen kann ich meiner Familie nahe sein. Auf der spirituellen Ebene Arbeiten verrichten, die mindestens genau so wichtig und effektiv sind. Das half mir ein bisschen die Trennung zu ertragen. Ohne meine Tiere, die mich auf dieser Reise begleiten, wäre ich schon lange nicht mehr hier. Sie geben mir so viel Liebe und Kraft. Genau darum sind sie auch bei mir. Ich bin ihnen zu ewigem Dank verpflichtet.

Wacht doch endlich auf bitte. Wir sind doch alle da. Ihr braucht keine Angst zu haben. Wir werden alles tun, was in unserer Macht steht, um euch zu helfen. Das tun wir doch schon jetzt. Aber wir kommen hier nicht weiter, wenn ihr es nicht tut. Denn wenn wir die ganze Wahrheit jetzt schon enthüllen würden, würdet ihr alle verrückt werden. Hört doch endlich auf mit diesem sinnlosen Töten und Konsumieren. Sagt es eueren Regierungen. Realisiert die Veränderungen. Es muss und wird ein Ende haben. 2012 ist real. Glaubt nicht den Mainstream-Medien. Sie wollen euch nur auf die falsche Fährte führen. Dass, was kommt wird viel schöner und besser sein. Wir werden ganz viele fantastische Dinge erleben, die wir bisher nur aus Comics und Märchen kennen. Lasst dieses schädliche und illusionäre Leben jetzt los und öffnet euch für das Wunder des Lebens. Wir müssen uns alle gegenseitig helfen sonst schaffen wir es nicht. Die Zeit läuft uns davon. Merkt ihr denn immer noch nicht, dass alle Zeichen nur in eine Richtung zeigen. Wie lange wollt ihr denn noch weiter auf den Abgrund zurennen und alle eure Kinder mitreissen. DAS ist verrückt. Und wenn ihr noch lange so weiter macht, werden wir bald auch keine Rücksicht mehr auf euch nehmen können und die Wahrheit vor aller Augen offenbaren. Wir warten schon viel zu lange auf euere Einsicht. Seit vielen Jahren werdet ihr gewarnt und auf euer Fehlverhalten hingewiesen und passiert ist so gut wie gar nichts. Nun müsst ihr es schleunigst umsetzen, denn das Königreich ist bereits auferstanden und auf dem Weg zu euch. Und es wird jedem geben, was er verdient. Darum reinigt euch. Tut Busse. Helft, wo ihr könnt und am wichtigsten: Erhöht eure Schwingung/Vibration durch bedingungslose Liebe für alles Leben.

Jetzt einen neuen, anfangs vielleicht etwas schwierigeren Weg einzuschlagen, wird sich im nachhinein als der grösste Segen für die Menschheit erweisen. Selbst für die Gruppe von Menschen, die uns die Wahrheit so lange vorenthalten und im Dunkeln weiter stolpern liess. Wir verdanken auch ihnen dieses wundersame und plötzliche Erwachen der Kinder Gottes in der vermeindlich letzten Stunde der Zivilisationsgeschichte. Darum heisst Luzifer ja auch Lichtbringer. In der Dualität bedingt das eine Prinzip das andere. Beide unterstützen und ergänzen sich gegenseitig, um das Lebewesen ans Ziel seiner Evolution zu führen. Darum vergeben wir ihnen weil wir sie als notwendigen Teil des Spiels erkannt haben und möchten uns mit ihnen versöhnen und im Kampf gegen die Illusion verbünden. Wir können uns die Ignoranz, Schweigen und Alleingänge nicht mehr länger leisten. Ohne ehrliche, liebevolle und bewusste Zusammenarbeit aller beteiligten Instanzen kann es weder Frieden noch Freiheit geben. Schliesslich ist dieses System inkl. seiner Führer (politisch und religiös) voller Sünde und wird keinen Bestand haben, wenn es weiterhin so bleibt. Aber jetzt, haben wir ja das Higgs-Teilchen entdeckt bzw. Gott bewiesen! Ohne Wunder sind wir sowieso alle verloren. Und dazu ist nur Gott allein fähig. Da sich alles Existierende in ihm befindet und von ihm durchdrungen ist. Er im Herzen jedes Lebewesens beobachtet und führt. Die ganze materielle Schöpfung mit seinen erweiterten Energien in Bewegung hält. Während er in seinem eigenen Reich weilt und sich an seinen vollendeten Kindern erfreut. Voller Entzücken seine göttlichen und transzendentalen Spiele aufführtt. Der genialste und verrückteste Künstler von allen. Die vollkommenste und höchste Persönlichkeit, die sich durch seine Schöpfungen selber erfahren und leben kann. Uns kleinen und einzigartigen Aspekte Seines göttlichen und allgegenwärtigen Selbst. Unfassbar und doch mit jedem einzelnen Lebewesen direkt verbunden. Das einzige, was wir wissen und tun müssen, ist uns Ihm völlig hinzugeben. So, wie es Jesus uns vorgemacht hat. Wer sein ganzes Vertrauen in den göttlichen Vater setzt, verliert jede Angst und überwindet alle materiellen Einschränkungen/Hindernisse und geht für immer ins Himmelreich ein. Er liebt alle seine Kinder sehr und darum lässt er uns auch unseren freien Willen. Sein grösster Wunsch ist, das wir zu Ihm nach Hause zurück kommen. Die Rebellion endlich aufgeben, die uns in diese verblendete Lage gebracht hat. Die Illusion selbst Gott bzw. das Ego zu sein hinter uns lassen, die uns zwingt vom Paradies getrennt in dieser vergänglichen und leidvollen Welt zu leben. Sie selbst beherrschen zu wollen, was ohnehin völlig unmöglich ist. Nichts ist stärker, mächtiger oder höher als Gott selbst. Die gesamte Schöpfung folgt Seinen Gesetzen und gehorcht Seinem Willen. Er ist der einzige Herrscher. Der ursprüngliche Taktgeber und Schöpfer allen Lebens. Umso schneller wir uns das bewusst machen, desto eher werden wir erkennen, dass das Königreich in uns selbst weilt und nur darauf wartet von uns entdeckt und gelebt zu werden. Der Schlüssel zu seinem ewigen Reich wir selbst sind. Unser Geist und Bewusstsein die Realität, die wir wahrnehmen massgeblich mitsteuert/-gstaltet. Unser Wissen zu vermehren also unsere Welt und Fähigkeiten stark verändern/erweitern kann. Uns immer weiter hinter die Kulissen dieses materiellen Films schauen lässt. Wo alles ist, was wir hier vergeblich suchen und uns nur von einer Enttäuschung zur nächsten führt. Die 3-dimensionale Welt in Wahrheit die niedrigste Bewusstseinsstufe darstellt und darum von allen höheren Dimensionen abgeschnitten scheint. Was aber in Wirklichkeit nicht der Fall ist, denn alle Dimensionen sind ineinander verschachtelt und Teil des Ganzen. In der aktuellen Entwicklungsphase der Erde ist dies die wichtigste Erkenntnis, die die Menschheit als Kollektiv erreichen und verwirklichen muss, um auf die nächste Ebene zu gelangen. Nachdem sich der Mensch als ewige Seele und Gott als sein einziges Ziel erkannt hat, kann er seine natürliche Stellung wieder verstehen und einnehmen. Dann wird er beginnen sein Leben zu verändern und sich seinem Wesen gemäss zu verhalten. Weil er sich seiner Wirkung und Macht in dieser Welt bewusst geworden ist und damit die erste Stufe auf der göttlichen Leiter zur vollkommenen Selbstverwirklichung und Erlösung erklommen hat. Dann beginnt sein wahres Leben und die eigentliche Arbeit/Aufgabe seiner Seelenexistenz.

Ich habe den offenen Brief an die Regierungen der Welt nochmal überarbeitet und ziemlich erweitert. Ich denke, dass ich ihn auch wirklich abschicken werde, denn ich nehme nicht an, dass sie im Internet nach solchen Aufrufen suchen werden. Immer noch in ihrer falschen Sicherheit und Überlegenheit baden. Es ist wichtig, dass nun mal jemand Klartext redet und auf den Punkt bringt, was uns allen bevorsteht und welche Schritte getan werden müssen um dies einigermassen gut zu überstehen. Alle Wahrheiten dieser Welt sind in diesem Blog gesammelt und vereint. An euch weitergegeben worden. Nutzt diese Werkzeuge auf euerem Weg zum Erwachen, denn sie sind sehr wert- und wirkungsvoll.

Und so arbeite ich also fleissig weiter, warte im Verborgenen auf euer Erwachen und Sein Zeichen. Bis ich gemeinsam mit den anderen Lichtkindern auf der grossen Bühne dieser Welt unser fantastisches Schauspiel aufführen darf.

The age of superheroes is on its way..infinte power, wisdom and is already here on earth..hiding in the himalya hills..helping us all to get there...

Om Kriya >BABAJI< Nama Aum!!!

Die 5-teilige Doku-Reihe: Die Legende von Atlantis ist zwar schon etwas älter aber sie hat mir schon oft Kraft gespendet und mich in meinem Weg bestätigt, weshalb ich sie immer wieder mal schaue - vorallem den 3. Teil. Ich empfehle euch allen sie anzuschauen um unseren Weg auf der Erde besser verstehen zu können.

Vibration/Schwingung erhöhen durch universelle Liebe und Prana:
- Yoga-Haltungen ausführen
- Meditieren
- Selbstloses Dienen und Hingeben - allen Lebewesen und Gott
- Schweigeperioden in Isolation und Natur
- Gemeinschaft mit Gottgeweihten
- Wissen/Bewusstsein erweitern
- gesunde und vegetarische Ernährung
- reines und bescheidenes Leben
- Chakras reinigen und öffnen - Kundalini erwecken
- Mantras chanten
- Atmung und Geist kontrollieren - Pranayama

Universelles Friedensmantra:
Om Shanti Shanti Sat Nam Sadhu
Tao Em Aum Spirit Swami Kami
Amin Amen Aumen
Selah Hum

Verbindung mit Gott stärken:

Waah Yantee
Kar Yantee
Jag Dut Patee
Aadak It Waahaa
Brahmaadeh Tresha Guru
It Wahe Guru


Sat Siri, Siri Akaal
Siri Akaal, Mahaa Akaal
Mahaa Akaal, Sat Naam
Akaal Moorat, Wahe Guru


The hallmark of a Yogi is to withdraw into oneself – like a caterpillar that encloses itself in a cocoon to later emerge as a perfected butterfly. Yoga is an accepted gateway to transcendental knowledge. It helps one intuit that, there is some law of nature operating behind the scenes that prompts the mind to withdraw into itself in order to attain perfection.

Truth is all-potent with its silent power
If only whispered, never heard aloud,
But working secretly, almost unseen,
Save in some excommunicated Book;
'Tis as the lightning with its errand done
Before you hear the thunder.

You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God.

Es ist gleichgültig, was die Welt über die religiöse Erfahrung denkt; derjenige, der sie hat, besitzt den großen Schatz einer Sache, die ihm zu einer Quelle von Leben, Sinn und Schönheit wurde und die der Welt und der Menschheit einen neuen Glanz gegeben hat. Er hat Pistis und Frieden. Wo ist das Kriterium, welches zu sagen erlaubte, daß solch ein Leben nicht legitim, daß solch eine Erfahrung nicht gültig und solche eine Pistis bloße Illusion sei? Gibt es tatsäch-lich eine bessere Wahrheit über die letzten Dinge als diejenige, welche einem hilft zu leben? Niemand kann wissen, was die letzten Dinge sind. Wir müssen sie hinnehmen, wie wir sie er-fahren. Und wenn eine solche Erfahrung dazu hilft, das Leben gesünder oder schöner oder vollständiger oder sinnvoller zu gestalten, für einen selbst und für die, die man liebt, so kann man ruhig sagen: `Es war eine Gnade Gottes.

Wem es gelingt, eine Glaubenshülle abzulegen, der kann es nur tun vermöge des Umstandes, daß ihm eine andere zur Hand liegt.

The 'change' in thoughts can wrought a 'change' in the personality of a man. And the changed
personality can usher in changes in the nation. 'Yoga' is the only medium which can bring changes in the thoughts of mankind. It can remove all the obstacles and bring in 'peace'.

Man can do anything, finally, it is the will of God which will prevail.

The chief objective of kriya yoga is to instil in man the all encompassing 'Love; for mankind. And to change the 'thought's of man, so that it can become a source of inspiration to the world. 'Yoga' has the capcity to become the Guru of the universe. Sankalpit yoga can change the course of probable event, which can destroy mankind.

Little keys unlock the biggest doors, and man must be ready to walk through and not stand hesitatingly upon the threshold.

The mind seeks, but it is the heart which finds.

Children should above all be taught self-reliance, love for all men, altruism, mutual charity, and more than anything else, to think and reason for themselves.We should reduce the purely mechanical work of the memory of an absolute minimum and devote the time to the development and training of the inner senses, faculties, and latent capacities. .... We should aim at creating free men and women, free intellectually, free morally, unprejudiced in all respects, and above all things, unselfish.

We lay this stress on devotion, because everywhere we find that aspirants are endangered, and the progress of the Master's work is hindered, by the predominance of the personal self. Here is our enemy, here our battleground. Once seeing this, the aspirant should welcome everything in his daily life that chips a bit off the personality, and should be grateful to all the "unpleasant persons" who tread on his toes and jar his sensibilities and ruffle his self-love.

Remember always that behind the thickest smoke is ever the light from the Lotus Feet of the Great Lords of the earth. Stand firm and never lose faith in Them, and there is then nothing to fear. Trials you may, and indeed must have, but you will be sure to withstand them. When the darkness that hangs like a pall over the Soul's lifts, then we are able to see how really shadowy and illusive it was. Yet this darkness, as long as it lasts, is real enough to bring ruin to many a noble soul that has not yet acquired strength enough to endure.

You are a very special person. The experiences you undergo are all for a very special purpose, one I'm sure you are not aware of yet. Nevertheless, you are progressing in exactly the right direction. Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience. I don't know if you believe in reincarnation, but I get the feeling that you are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before. In time you will have much to offer the rest of us. At some point in your life you have probably sworn to yourself to make this world a better place. You are extremely compassionate and feel above the matters that you feel causes factions of society to be divided. You are very aware of feeling as insignificant as a grain of sand in the Universe and believe that materialism, prejudice and lust just don't matter in the long run. You are of above average intelligence, and will keep on learning all the way through life.

One could almost wish that all the suffering and misery of the world were ours in order that the rest of our kind might be liberated and be happy. The crucifixion of Jesus symbolises this phase of the disciple's mind.

Let us rejoice that we have opportunities of serving the great Cause by personal sacrifices, for such suffering can be used by Them to draw the poor, erring Humanity a little step higher.

The knowledge that infiltrates from the Soul down into the intellect is the only knowledge worth having, and surely as the days roll by, the disciple's store of such knowledge increases. And with the increase of such knowledge comes about the elimination of all that hinders him on the Path.

As you raise your vibration, things will start to speed up, so watch out! The planet is also raising her vibration and this is also speeding up the process of manifestation.

The more love and light a person carries, the higher the vibration will be of the information
received. Many of the races of beings living in the universe are interested and involved in what is
happening on the earth at the moment. Because we are going through such a rapid change in
consciousness (as mentioned in most prophesies, religions etc.), we are on prime time universal

If humanity would destroy the earth, this would not only be a disaster for humanity and the earth, it would have a non-beneficial affect upon the entire universe! This is also why we are so closely watched from the higher realms.

Diese Fähigkeit auszubilden, die Sprache zu verstehen, welche als Entsprechungssprache
wenigstens im Worte euch bekannt ist, ist nicht nur zu Lebzeiten nützlich, sondern sogar notwendig, weil sonst nach dem Leibestode sich die Seele im Geisterreiche vorkommt wie ein Fremder, der in ein ihm stockfremdes Land eintritt, dessen Sprache er nicht versteht, und dem es nur mit größter Mühe gelingt, sich verständlich zu machen, – nur mit dem Unterschied, dass die Bewohner dieses Landes wohl den Fremdling, nicht aber dieser die Einheimischen begreift, die sich erst in die schwerfälligen Fesseln des Seelenlebens wieder einfügen müssen, um die ungewohnt gewordene, schwerfällige Körpersprache wieder anzunehmen, die den Verkehr nur durch Worte, nicht aber durch Gedankenreihen vermittelt.

Let us remember that "The Truth shall make you free"; vice-versa, Truth can only survive in Freedom.

Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you forth (from them), and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of the Man.

To be Knowers we must be Lovers; we must have "the Single Love, the Love of wisdom-loving, which consists in Gnosis of Divinity alone——the practice of perpetual contemplation and of holy piety"

Hard as it may be to leave the "things we have grown used to," the things habitual, it must be done if we are to enter into the Way of the Gnosis. But no new Path is this, no going forth into new lands (though it may have all the appearance of being so). The entrance on the Path of the Gnosis is a Going Home; it is a Return —— a Turning-Back (a true Repentance of the whole nature). "We must turn ourselves back into the Old, Old Way"

It is for this purpose of making us free, by sending to us the necessary experiences, that the Divine Plan has worked through the ages to bring into the world its many races, religions, philosophies, arts and siences.

He is awaiting our call. But we are asleep, and do not know that our true life begins when we work with Him to carry out His plan.

That voice tells us what all the great Teachers repeat to our earsthat we must forget our sorrows, and go out into the great world of sorrow, and discover our consolation by consoling the world. That is always the gospel of every great Teacher - that we must lose ourselves to find ourselves, that we must turn away from the interests of our little self and become one with the interests of the Great Self of the world.

It is only as a man works, that is, produces changes in the world in which he lives, that he discovers a glorious truth which transforms all life for him. When the soul, as the worker, sees God’s Plan for men, and co-operates with God for the success of that Plan, then slowly he discovers himself as the Archetype of God sent forth to do a work.

With the direct experience of what Divinity is- both of the God who is within the soul and of the God who is without the soul- all the problems of the world fall into their place in a great scheme of Idealism. Then wisdom comes from within a man’s own heart; he needs no external guide, neither priest nor scripture, for the God who dwells within him leads him step by step on the road to the realisation of his Archetype.

Great as is this human tragedy, the most tragical part of it is that it is largely unnecessary and a result of our ignorance; ignorance with regard to the working of our own consciousness.

It is there alone that, through the medium of bodies composed of the matter of these outer worlds, the Ego can gain self-consciousness, that is to say, consciousness of himself as a separate individual.

God's work is creation; and the Ego, being divine, is engaged in that same divine creative activity. Only art can speak of this true work of the divine man, and it is to the poets and musicians that we must go if we would understand something of our work as Egos.

It is the power of the will within to keep the consciousness focussed on the one thing in hand and exclude every idea, feeling, person or influence that would interfere with that or tempt us aside.

When we thus know what it means to become the Path ourselves we also know that nothing on earth can ever again come between us and our goal; we have seen it and we have become one with it; it is as if we had seen our own divinity and as if the goal were in the centre of our own being. The Path of perfection then becomes but the unfolding of our own divinity.

God the Holy Ghost is God in creative activity, God the Creator, and when we realize that power in us we feel ourselves inspired, possessed by boundless creative ability, by the power to do things. It is only thought in us which does, only thought which creates and carries out the decrees of the will. If the will is the King, thought is the Prime Minister and the activity of our creative thought should ever be directed by the will.

Its power to create seems unlimited; when once we realize it we know that as Egos we can "do all things," we feel a boundless creative energy within us to carry out whatsoever the will may decree. It is only when this third power, the creative thought or imagination, does its work that realization in action follows.

Use the will to hold the one purpose of perfection for the sake of the world; use love to make you one with it and draw you into it; and use thought to create it and carry it out. It is only when these three are used together that result follows, but then there is nothing which we cannot achieve, for the power of the Ego is divine and therefore boundless.

These geniuses are characterized by many abnormal qualities; they are always men of the future and not of their day and each genius is a lawgiver to future generations in his own department of activity; and above all, they live emotionally and mentally in wide generalizations.

According to the ordinarily accepted theory of heredity, each generation adds a little to a quality brought from the generation before, and then transmits it to the next; this in turn adds a little, and passes on the total of what it has received, plus its own contribution; and so on generation after generation, till we arrive at a particular generation, and to one individual of it, in whom the special quality in some mysterious way gets concentrated, and that individual is thereby a genius.

Every genius whom the world has known or will know existed potentially in it, though he had to wait millions of years before there arose the appropriate
arrangement of the “genetic factors” to enable him to appear as a genius on the evolutionary stage.

“God’s plan, which is Evolution.”

Each is a “good man” who, deep down within him, has a knowledge of “the one true way” though in his attempts to tread it he seems to retrograde rather than to evolve. Like plants in a garden, they are all tended by Him from whom they come; He knows the perfect souls that He will make out of them by change and growth as the ages pass by.

Science tells him of the oneness of Nature, and philosophy that man is a consciousness creating his world; art reveals in all things youth and beauty, and religion whispers to his heart that Love broods over all. His sympathies go to all, as his will is ever at their service.

That day must inevitably be the handful of reformers today are as the “missing links” of a chain which stretches forward from man to superman.

For then we see that nature’s latest phase, a fullness of life through social service, necessarily involves the recognition of men as souls; for it would be useless for nature slowly to fashion a reformer, unless she could utilize his ability and experience for greater reforms in the future.

The spirit of reform, then, being a part of the evolutionary process, the next point to note is that in all effective reform there are two elements: first the reform is brought about by individuals working as a group, and second, the group has a leader.

They are in reality the “missing links” from men of today to the supermen of the future, and it is nature herself with her Hidden Work who has so fashioned them life after life.

Nature goes by leaps, per saltum; and as in the biological world crises appear, and nature makes a leap and ushers in new species, so too is it in the world of human affairs. Though there is a slow steady upward movement for progress through reform, yet now and then there is a crisis in the affairs of men. Then things happen, and after the crisis is over, there is, as it were, a new species of human activity. Reform takes a new trend, and a whole host of new reforms are ushered in to make life fuller and nobler.

To the critics of His time, Buddha was but another “Teacher”, one of hundreds then living in India pointing out “The Way.” It is only after the lapse of centuries that later generations knew that He was a teacher of teachers, a Flower on our human tree, the like of which had never been.

In every such climax, small or great, the resolution of the crisis comes through the intermediary of a Personality. For as nature weaves the tangled knot of human fate, “nowise moved except unto the working out of doom,” she plans too the Solver of the knot. For every crisis which is of her planning, she has prepared the Man who holds the solution in his heart and brain.

Every reformer realizes, in whatever department he works, that for lasting reform a complete reconstruction is needed of the whole social structure, if poverty, disease and ignorance and misery shall be as a nightmare that has been but shall never be again. All are eager for reform ; thousands are willing to co-operate. But none knows where to begin, in the true reconstruction. Each is indeed terrified, lest in trying to pull one brick out of the social edifice, to replace it by a better, he may pull the whole structure down, and so cause misery instead of joy.

Everywhere, in every department where men work for reform, men are looking for a Leader. Where is He whom nature has selected, in whose mind is the Plan, in whose is the spirit and in whose hand is the Power? Let him but appear, let him but say, “This is how you shall work,” and thousands will flock to Him in joy. And it is this message of the Hidden Light that He is ready, for when from the hearts of men a cry goes forth, from the bosom of God a Son shall come. The world is in the birth throes once again for the coming of the Son of Man, and the young men who see visions today shall in their prime find Him in their midst, the Wonderful, the Councillor, the Prince of Peace.

They can but gather round them here an enthusiast and there a disciple; but they accomplish little, for they lack the character which compels the world to listen. Till comes that Personality who is not of one nation but of all, whose message is not for this century alone but for all others to come ; till then the dawn of the new day will drag its slow length along. But when He comes, then indeed what He says and what He does will be the proof to us that it is He and not another, whom nature has planned to be the Shadow of God upon earth to men, the Savior who is born unto them this day.

There are three truths which are absolute, and which cannot be lost, but yet may remain silent for lack of speech:
- The soul of man is immortal, and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor has no limit.
- The principle which gives life dwells in us, and without us, is undying and eternally beneficent, is not heard or seen or smelt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception.
- Each man is his own absolute lawgiver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment.

Speak to my people, and tell them of the great truths; tell them that the soul lives and is blessed, unless they drown it in degradation; tell them there is freedom and peace for all who will free themselves from desires;

Tell them this in a voice like a trumpet-call, which cannot be misunderstood. Save those who will hear, and make my temple once more a dwelling for the Spirit of Truth. The temple must fall, but it shall not fall in iniquity.

The strength which he puts forth in that more exalted realm produces results greater, more far-reaching and more lasting than any which can be attained by the expenditure of even ten times the force down here; and the work up there is such as he alone can fully accomplish, while that on lower planes may be at any rate to some extent achieved by whose feet are yet upon the earlier steps of the great stairway which will one day lead them to the position where he stands.

What is wanted is the love which is strong enough not to boast itself, but to act without talking about it - the intense desire for service which is ever on the watch for an opportunity to render it, even though it prefers to do so anonymously - the feeling which springs up in the heart of him who has realized the great work of the Logos, and having once seen it, knows that for him there can be in the three worlds no other course but to identify himself with it to the utmost limit of his power - to become, in however humble a way, and at however great a distance, a tiny channel of that wondrous love of God which, like the peace of God, passeth man’s understanding.

He has entered upon the stream of definite higher human evolution, upon which all humanity must enter by the middle of the next round, unless they are to be left behind as temporary failures by the great life-wave, to wait for further progress until the next chain of worlds.

But to cast off this fetter completely means even more than this, for it involves the realization of the fact that the individuality also is in very truth one with the All, that it can therefore never have any interests opposed to those of its brethren, and that it is most truly progressing when it most assists the progress of others.

As a mother loves, who even at the risk of her own life protects her only son, such love let there be toward all beings. Let goodwill without measure prevail in the whole world, above, below, around, unstinted, unmixed with any feeling of differing or opposing interests. When a man remains steadfastly in this state of mind all the while, whether he be standing or walking, sitting or lying down, then is come to pass the saying which is written, ‘Even in this life has holiness been found.’

We are told that when man has thus attained his spiritual majority, whether in the slow course of evolution or by the shorter path of self-development he assumes the fullest control of his own destinies and makes choice of his future line of evolution among seven possible paths which he sees opening before him.

But this much at least we may grasp - that the blessed state of Nirvâna is not, as some have ignorantly supposed, a condition of blank nothingness, but on the contrary of far more intense and beneficent activity; and that ever as man rises higher in the scale of nature his possibilities become greater, his work for others ever grander and more far-reaching, and that infinite wisdom and infinite power mean for him only infinite capacity for service, because they are directed by infinite love. Another class chooses a spiritual evolution not quite so far removed from humanity, for though not directly connected with the next chain of our system it extends through two long periods corresponding to its first and second rounds, at the end of which time they also appear to “accept Nirvâna,” but at a higher stage than those previously mentioned.

Others join the deva evolution, whose progress lies along a grand chain consisting of seven chains like ours, each of which to them is as one world. This line of evolution is spoken of as the most gradual and therefore the least arduous of the seven courses; but though it is sometimes referred to in the books as “yielding to the temptation to become a god.” it is only in comparison with the sublime height of renunciation of the Nirmânakâya that it can be spoken of in this half-disparaging manner, for the adept who chooses this course has indeed a glorious career before him, and though the path which he selects is not the shortest, it is nevertheless a very noble one.

They form what is poetically termed the “guardian wall,” and, as The Voice of the Silence tells us, “protect the world from further and far greater misery and sorrow,” not indeed by warding off from it external evil influences, but by devoting all their strength to the work of pouring down upon it a flood of spiritual force and assistance without which it would assuredly be in far more hopeless case than now.

Surely the choice of the Master would be to go wherever his work was most needed - to place his services with absolute selflessness at the disposal of the Powers in charge of this part of the great scheme of evolution. This then is the path which lies before us, the path which each one of us should be beginning to tread. Stupendous though its heights appear we should remember that they are attained but gradually and step by step, and that those who now stand near the summit once toiled in the mire of the valleys, even as we are doing. Although this path may at first seem hard and toilsome, yet ever as we rise our footing becomes firmer and our outlook wider, and thus we find ourselves better able to help those who are climbing beside us.

He sees the end toward which all is working, and rejoices in that end, knowing that earth’s sorrow is but a passing phase in human evolution. That of which little has been said is the profound content which comes from being on the path, from realizing the goal and the way to it, from knowing that the power to be useful is increasing, and that the lower nature is being gradually extirpated. And little has been said of the rays of joy which fall upon the path from loftier levels, the dazzling glimpses of the glory to be revealed, the serenity which the storms of earth cannot ruffle. To any one who has entered on the path all other ways have lost their charm, and its sorrows have a keeper bliss than the best joys of the lower world.

The revolution of the physical world, according to the ancient doctrine, is attended by a like revolution in the world of intellect - the spiritual evolution of the world proceeding in cycles, like the physical one.

The idea is closely related to that of the “one life” which is manifest in the multitudes of “lives” which comprise the Cosmos. “Everything is a life or an aggregate of lives”. In terms of this “essence” man and Nature are one. By the Law what affects one will affect the other. Hence the vital importance of ecology, man’s responsibility for his environment. This idea expands not only to environment but to the circumstances of our lives and even our climate. Man cannot escape the consequences, the effects, of his acts.

It is reserved for the heroic souls, the Saviours of our Race and Nation, to find out the cause of this unequal pressure of retributive Karma, and by a supreme effort to readjust the balance of power, and save the people from a moral engulfment a thousand times more disastrous  and more permanently evil than the like physical catastrophe, in which you seem to see the only possible outlet for this accumulated misery....

Society as those cataclysms in nature, which often decimate whole populations, are necessary to mankind. An earthquake may, for all the world knows, be a bliss and a tidal wave prove salvation to the many at the expense of the few.

The Secret Doctrine makes it clear that the whole process of Nature and what the literature calls “a manbearing globe” such as our Earth, is centred in the spiritual development of man. This is accomplished by way of his innumerable incarnations during which he slowly develops his vehicles of consciousness at
the mundane level to a point where they can be responsive to, and then reflect, the ever-growing, truly spiritual nature of the individual inner man. By this means the whole of humanity is brought to a state of spiritual perfection in time: The Grand Cycle includes the progress of mankind from the appearance of primordial man of ethereal form. It runs through the inner cycles of his (man’s) progressive evolution from the ethereal down to the semi-ethereal and purely physical; down to the redemption of man from his coat of skin and matter, after which it continues running its course downward and then upward again, to meet at the culmination of a Round, when the manvantaric Serpent “swallows” its tail” and seven minor cycles are passed....

The third type of activity on this plane is that highest kind of artistic and literary effort which is chiefly inspired by a desire to elevate and spiritualize the race.

Now, as he thought and wrote, though there were none whom he had loved as personal or ideal helpers who could make part of this his mental life, he saw stretching before him the Utopia of which he had dreamed, for which he had tried to live, and the vast thronging impersonal multitudes whom he had longed to serve; and the joy of their joy surged back on him and made his solitude a heaven. When he is born again on earth he will surely return with power to achieve as well as to plan, and this celestial vision will be partially bodied forth in happier terrene lives. Many were found on this plane who during their earth-stay had devoted themselves to helping men because they felt the tie of brotherhood — who rendered service for the sake of service rather than because they desired to please any particular deity. They were engaged in working out with full knowledge and calm wisdom vast schemes of beneficence, magnificent plans of world improvement, and at the same time they were maturing powers with which to carry them out hereafter on the lower plane of
physical life.

Take the colours of an Egyptian sunset and add to them the wonderful softness of an English sky at eventide — raise these as high above themselves in light and translucency and splendour as they are above the colours given by the cakes of a child's paintbox — and even then none who have not seen can image the beauty of these radiant orbs which flash into the field of clairvoyant vision as it is lifted to the level of this supernal world.

The souls who are connected with a physical body are distinguishable from those enjoying the disembodied state by a difference in the types of vibrations set up on the surface of the globes, and it is therefore easy on this plane to see at a glance whether an individual is or is not in incarnation at the time. The immense majority, whether in or out of the body, are but dreamily semi-conscious, though few are now in the condition of mere colourless films; those who are fully awake are marked and brilliant exceptions, standing out amid the less radiant crowds like stars of the first magnitude, and between these and the least-developed are ranged every variety of size and beauty of colour — each thus representing the exact stage of evolution at which he has arrived.

Standing momentarily as spectators on the shores of Time, let us not look only at the wave breaking at our feet, but raise our eyes to that which follows on behind, upon whose advancing crest rides the Spirit of the Future, He who shall take command when the world staggers purified from the reek and horror of war. Well for us if the leaders of the nation in both its material and spiritual life, can take true cognisance of that which is being writ this day. Again, as two thousand years ago, the Heart of the World cries to them: "Ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" For on that discernment depends the direction of the tide, the final salvation of the people everywhere. So tragically true for all time is it that without vision the people must perish.

"God is a Youth, God is Courage, God is Personality". He is the unseen King of a Republic as wide as Humanity, the Head of a Brotherhood of life in which men in measure, according to their growth, have held in common the undying capacity to see into that Future, otherwise called the region of ideals, which ever seek realisation upon earth, "the hope of our future glory".

That "knowledge of God" is the supreme and final experience in the growth of man upwards, but the ways thereto are as many as the souls of men.

Shall we not say that as man is made in the image and likeness of God, his threefold activity of thought, emotion, action, of which one is neither "afore or after the other", is framed to finally express the Ideal, Wisdom, Love and Power, and thereby to bring down upon earth the quality of God.

His is the final at-onement (not atonement) when no longer conscious of duality - the war in his members of aspiring Spirit and, as yet, unredeemed matter - he becomes "One, not by the conversion of the Godhead (in him) into flesh, but by taking of the manhood into God".

The greatest Teacher known to man proclaimed a great prophecy, "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death". The coming era will conquer the King of Terrors. its sphere of action will be our common life, and it will bring to that world such a virility and high purpose as shall transform and transfigure the domains of politics and social reform. And such a coming Joseph Mazzini, warrior and saint, foresaw , foretold. "Religion and politics are inseparable. Without religion, political science can only create despotism and anarchy", for "the root of every religion , "says he, "is a definition of life and its mission".

This new youthfulness and vigour reflects itself upon the great figure of Christianity's Leader and Redeemer. Of Him also a newer thought is beginning to arise. No longer as some pale saint, an an eternally suffering and patient God-man is He envisaged, but as One Who is man indeed with us, Keeper of the common heart, Teacher of the common mind, Leader of the common endeavour. The "first-born amongst the many brethren" is become the Elder Brother of the Race, Captain and Leader in this day of men's salvation.

The chain cannot be broken or interrupted. He taught - a self-evident truth taught also by many of the ancients - that the life of the world advances through great cycles or eras, each one demonstrating for all time hereafter some "further word of truth". In this way the total sum of humanity's great Days shall spell out the Word of God for man. Every age as it comes formulates a great overshadowing thought, which is only verified in the sphere of action when the advancing human intellect is already absorbed in the thought of its successor. Thus "the hypothesis of the middle ages is the principle of the present day: the idea of the middle ages is now a recognised admitted law. Does anyone now deny liberty and equality in principle? The most illiberal monarch asserts that he is the protector of the rights and liberties of his subjects against the anarchy of factions. The question is, in the sphere of principles, decided. The only struggle is as to its application. The dispute no longer regards the law itself, but its interpretation".

The Love and Justice of God, which is incarnate in life and in the nature of things, and which shall one day rise triumphant from the last battle and redeem humanity for evermore, has risen tremendously in thunder and flame and smoke, striving to break asunder a civilisation which denied Love and was founded upon the virtual repudiation of human kinship and brotherhood.

Under the pressure of a common danger, a common necessity, we have learnt to subordinate private ends for the common good, to turn divergent energies into a mighty stream of common endeavour, and thereby we have created the most wonderful war-machine the world has ever seen. The nationalisation of industries, of the necessities of life, have gone on apace. Changes have taken place which four short years ago Utopian dreamers would have imagined possible perhaps in the space of four hundred years. We have learnt what can be done by the will of a people united in one single purpose, we have discovered how much better is intelligent cooperation to wasteful competition ,and lastly, the greatest fact of all, how utterly interdependent is each one of us, each trade, each class, upon the other.

It is the final working out upon the earth of the strife between two contrary principles, one which has dominated the past and is already doomed, and one which seeks expression in the future and spreads the wings of victory abroad. Making all allowance for certain virtues and excellencies in the nation itself, it is yet clear that the war party in Germany has become the concrete expression of the reactionary forces in evolution - that blind will to power which sees no rights outside its own, no excellence in any "kultur" alien to its own; that intense individualism, grown national, which is so hideously selfish that it has grown blind, insensitive, ambitious, unable to see, to understand, to tolerate; full of that deadly pride and want of humour, which is the result of the worship of power without compassion, of intellect devoid of heart. The Allied nations hold in their hands the banner of a greater, truer ideal; the Spirit of Righteousness that upholds the small as well as the great, the Spirit of Strength that scorns to abuse its power in the exploitation of weaker people , weaker things; that knows itself most strong in that supreme control of power which men call gentleness, the real might that shall inherit the earth, but which can arise as a very Scourge of God when cruelty and oppression walk the earth. It is the Spirit of Christ against the Spirit of Antichrist, in this the true Armageddon of the world.

The coming age has been called the age of woman, the age of the child, the age of the animal. It is the age of the weak thing come into his own. And yet it means such strength as never the world saw before, for the weak thing can only come into its own when there stands strength to uphold it.

NEVER before, perhaps, in the history of the world, was an hour so fateful, so full of presage, as the present. Big with starting possibilities, unfolding vistas of unimagined boldness and beauty, it speaks with a very trumpet-call of eternally recreative energy to us "upon whom the ends of the world are come". For
this is the "end of the world", the passing of an era in time and space. Who amongst us can doubt it? After an hour of darkest night, the rosy titints of the dawning new day are colouring the sky. And what a Day dawns! God! what a day for men!

And yet the search goes on for the coming leader. In dumb, inarticulate patience, men wait his arrival. Almost it seems at times, as if a note sounded in human hearts of hope deferred. We spring forward with beating hearts at times thinking that we hear the sound of his coming, and still he has not come who is big enough for men.

When the hour strikes, it is aid, the man is there. The Hour has struck. He comes And so it happened that I fell into a deep sleep, and in a dream I saw the days that are coming upon earth. For the response to the cry of humanity in its agony had come as ever it has come, and will come, again and again, as the wheel of Evolution turns, until the end of Time. One walked once more amongst men, through Whom the Face of God shone with all the glory of the Morning. The old names for Him clustered round Him, the Wonderful, the Counselor, the Mighty Lord, the Prince of Peace Men knew in His Presence that He was in very truth the Elder Brother of the Race, long passed now from the need of human experience, of human struggle, of human pain and joy in the Great School of Life, yet remembering every step of the Way that He Himself once trod in eons past, and thereby holding every heart in His. Truly the High-Priest of Humanity, "after the order of Melchisedec for ever", God's aspect of Personality to Man. And men knew that there was none other than He, that He was the Heart of every world-faith, the Leader of every cause which had befriended men. The sick, the sad, the sinful found again healing at His Hands, the strong such joy in their strength of service, the lovers of men such inspiration in their work, as never they knew before. The Wisdom dwelt once more amongst us, and the wings of His Love enfolded the hearts of men, and His Strength brought healing to a world born out of pain afresh. Thus the Day dawned, and the Man of Men blessed the Hour of its birth.

We come to the second great class of manifestations, that to which I alluded in the beginning as covered by the wide term Avesha. In that case it is not that a man in past universes has climbed upward and has become one with Ishvara; but it is that a man has climbed so far as to become so great, so perfect in his manhood, and so full of love and devotion to God and man, that God is able to permeate him with a portion of His own influence, His own power, His own knowledge, and send him forth into the world as a superhuman manifestation of Himself. The individual Ego remains; that is the great distinction. The man is there, though the power that is acting is the manifested God. Therefore the manifestation will be coloured by the special characteristics of the one over whom this overshadowing is made; and you will be able to trace in the thoughts of this inspired teacher, the characteristics of the race, of the individual, of the form of knowledge which belongs to that man in the incarnation in which the great overshadowing takes place. That is the fundamental difference.

That of the Teacher of Gods and men. The previous Buddhas had been Buddhas who came from another planet Humanity had not lived long enough here to evolve its own son to that height. Gautama Buddha was human born. He had evolved through the Fourth Race into this first family of the Aryan Race, the Hindu. By birth after birth in India He had completed His course and took His final body in Aryavarta, to make the proclamation of the law to men.

Then the second act of the drama may be said to be His character as the destroyer of the opposing forces that retard evolution, and that runs through the whole of His life. The third act is that of the statesman, the wise, politic, and intellectual actor on the world's stage of history, the guiding force of the nation by His wondrous policy and intelligence, standing forth not as king but rather as statesman. Then we have Him as friend, the human friend, especially of the Pandavas and of Arjuna. The next act is that of Shri Krishna as Teacher, the world-teacher, not the teacher of one race alone. Then we see Him in the strange and wondrous aspect of the Searcher of the hearts of men, the trier and tester of human nature. Finally, we may regard Him in His manifestation as the Supreme, the all-pervading life of the universe, who looks on nothing as outside Himself, who embraces in His arms evil and good, darkness and light, nothing alien to Himself. Into these seven acts, as it were, the life-history may be divided, and each of them might serve as the study of a life-time instead of our compressing them into the lecture of a morning. We will, however, take them in turn, however inadequately; for the hints I give can be worked out by you in detail according to the constitution of your own minds. One aspect will attract one man, another aspect will attract another; all the aspects are worthy of study, all are provocative of devotion. But most of all, with regard to devotion, is the earliest stage of His life inspiring and full of benediction, those early years of the Lord as infant, as child, as young boy, when He is dwelling in Vraja, in the forest of Brindaban, when He is living with the cowherds and their wives and their children, the marvellous child who stole the hearts of men. It is noticeable — and if it had been remembered many a blasphemy would not have been uttered — that Shri Krishna chose to show Himself as the great object of devotion, as the lover of the devotee, in the form of a child, not in that of a man.

The answer is that They are waiting, waiting, waiting, with tireless patience, in order to find some one willing to be taught, and when one human heart opens itself out and says: "O Lord, teach me", then the teaching comes down in a stream of divine energy and floods the heart And if you have not the teaching, it is because your hearts are locked with the key of gold, with the key of fame, with the key of power, and with the key of desire for the enjoyments of this world. While those keys lock your hearts, the teachers of wisdom cannot enter in; but unlock the heart and throw away the key, and you will find yourselves flooded with a wisdom which is ever waiting to come in. As Searcher of hearts — Ah! here again He is so difficult to understand, this Lord of Maya, this Master of illusion. He tests the hearts of His beloved, not so much the world at large. To them is the teaching that shall guide them aright. For Arjuna, for Bhima, for Yudhishthira, for them the keener touch, the sharper trial, in order to see if within the heart one grain of evil still remains, that will prevent their union with Himself. For what does he seek? That they shall be His very own, that they shall enter into His being. But they cannot enter therein while one seed of evil remains in their hearts. They cannot enter therein while one sin is left in their nature. And so in tenderness and not in anger, in wisest love and not with a desire to mislead, the Lord of Love tries the hearts of His beloved, so that any evil that is in them may be wrung out by the grip that He places on them. Two or three occasions of it I remember. I may mention perhaps a couple of them to show you the method of the trial. The battle of Kurukshetra had been raging man of our system He began to work for the perfection of man, and at the completion of Globe G He will realize that aim. Thus He has anticipated the evolution of the whole human race. He can use at will the thought-body, the psychic body, and the physical body, and move freely in the “breath-world” of the spirit as an immortal individual. He fully comprehends the law of all the worlds of form and works and the law on all levels, from the unmanifest to the manifest, from the hidden core of the atom to its circumference; the eternal laws are an expression of His ideas. The Principles on which He acts consciously are universal in their operation and include the whole manifested universe. He is free from the necessity of rebirth. He does not appear, however, as a Mahatma among men, nor seek in any way the worship or adoration of human beings. I have already said that in this great system of evolution each of these orders of Beings is essential to the whole. They assist humanity and use the elementary forces in nature. They are intelligent agents of the universal law, and, in my opinion, the whole doctrine of reincarnation would be meaningless without them. What is the purpose of recurring births upon this or any other globe unless there is an idea of this kind before us? Unless we see some purpose the whole thing is meaningless. As an indication of the qualities of characteristics of consciousness in each of these types, you may take Jesus as a Mahatma, Pythagoras as a very good type of the Master acting in the world, and Apollonius as an illustration of an Adept.

I do not care what work Woman does, but I do care what life she expresses. She must express the true life of the Divine Woman. She has her own mission in life. She is a great artist who must help the future civilization. She must refine life. She must express compassion and kindness and love. She has the power to bring great happiness into the world. She is not meant to sacrifice the finenesses and refinements of life for the sake of pleasures that are gross and ugly and degraded. Does woman realize that whether she is a mother or not physically, she is a mother of the whole world ? She must contribute this spirit of motherhood to the world in every department of life. That is the highest and greatest contribution of woman.

In Annu shines the ray of resurrection on the judgment-day.

He is represented as a worker of miracles ; as addicted to intemperance, and very eccentric in his ways. When shipwrecked on one occasion, he emerged from beneath the water with his clothes unwet, and walked freely on the surface. Finally he ascended to the sky in bright day. All these accounts may safely be put down as the figments of later time.

When in it he leaves the physical body there is no break in consciousness ; he merely shakes off his heavier vesture, and finds himself unencumbered by its weight. He can move anywhere within the astral sphere with immense rapidity, and is no longer bound by the narrow terrestrial conditions. His body answers to his will, reflects and obeys his thought. His opportunities for serving humanity are thus enormously increased, and his powers are directed by his virtue and his beneficence. The absence of gross particles in his astral body renders it incapable of responding to the promptings of lower objects of desire, and they turn away from him as beyond their attraction. The whole body vibrates only in answer to the higher emotions, his love has grown into devotion, his energy is curbed by patience. Gentle, calm, serene, full of power, but with no trace of restlessness, such a man “all the Siddhis stand ready to serve.”

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