Sunday, October 14, 2012

The ultimate Quest

Zum Takt des göttlichen Puls bewegt sich alles fort. Alle zusammen stehen wir im Austausch. Auf allen Ebenen. The positive Alchimists. Hat sich ein Zauberstab dazu gesellt. Er wächst in unserer Mitte. Durch unser Wirken. Unsere Kräfte. Gedeiht, wo nomadische, kreative und freigeistige Tendenzen gelebt und verwirklicht werden. Liebe blühen kann. Langsam zur Reife gelangt. Magic. Neue Bilder auf die Leinwand Leben zaubern. Durch alle Kanäle und Poren ausstrahlen. Auch wenn es immer schwerer ist den Überblick zu behalten. Zurzeit fliegen mir mehr Ideen zu als ich allein verwirklichen kann. Der Weg wird wieder schmaler und intensiver. Man muss alles in kleinen Dosen miteinander kombinieren oder deligieren und den Fokus wieder auf die Prioritäten richten. Jeder Schritt muss bewusst begangen werden auch ohne die genaue Richtung zu kennen. Jeder Tag ein neues Projekt. Ein neuer Test. Eine grössere Herausforderung. So geben sich die verschiedenen Tätigkeitsfelder die Hand und sorgen dafür, dass man immer beschäftigt und dort ist, wo man am meisten gebraucht wird und lernen kann. Sinn macht. Nur noch von der Intuition geführt wird und darum gezwungen ist jegliche Egogedanken abzulegeben. Nur die aktuelle Aufgabe im Blickfeld. Alles andere muss man abschütteln. Jeden Moment mutig und geduldig annehmen. Das einzige Motiv Liebe. Auch wenn in der Praxis beide Kräfte der Dualität eingesetzt und gelebt werden müssen. Richtig und wichtig ist nur das, was weiter bringt. Zu wissen, dass jede Tat irgendwann Früchte tragen wird. Taten wollen getan werden. Auch wenn man es dabei auf den ersten Blick nicht allen recht oder einfach machen kann. Am Ende bewirkt man trotzdem etwas damit. Aber die Wege beginnen sich nun langsam wieder zu trennen. Es warten neue Abenteuer auf mich. Die vergangenen Monate haben mir wieder viel gegeben. Mich auf die nächsten Schritte vorbereitet. Es war trotz harter Arbeit eine sehr schöne Zeit. Ich bin sehr dankbar für die vielen Menschen, die mir begegnet sind und hoffe ich konnte sie mit meinem Wesen inspirieren. Aber das stete Auf und Ab der Schwingungszustände immer auszugleichen ist auf  Dauer anstrengend und braucht zu viel Energie. Vorallem umso höher ich steige. Tauchen auch immer grössere Versuchungen am Wegrand auf, die ihren Duft verströmen und mich aufhalten wollen. Der Weg ist nicht zu Ende. Und das nächste Stück muss ich wohl wieder alleine gehen. In den luftigen Höhen dieser Berge ist die Luft dünn. So wie die Pfade zum Himmel.

Touched by the hand of God....


Das letzte Ziel eines Magiers muss dasselbe sein wie das eines jeden Priesters ...Vollkommenheit, menschliche und göttliche Vollkommenheit. Ob die Schüler Nebeneffekte erzielen auf dem Feld psychischer Beeinflussung, ist sekundär, gemessen an dem Ziel, ein besserer und weiserer Mensch zu werden.

Der erfahrene Magier arbeitet in einem Bewusstseinszustand, der von dem des normalen Alltagsbewusstseins unterschieden ist. Der einzige Weg, wie er die Erfahrungen, die er in diesem Zustand macht, beschreiben kann, ist der, dass er Symbole benutzt, die uns aus unserem Alltag bekannt sind und in einer Analogie zu dem stehen, was ihm widerfährt. Symbole drücken auf einer Ebene, die dem Alltagsverständnis zugänglich ist, Vorgänge aus, die in einer anderen Bewusstseinsverfassung gemacht werden. Der Zusammenhang läßt sich vergleichen mit den Berichten von Primitiven, die auf eine höher entwickelte Kultur treffen und die moderne Welt in ihren Begriffen beschreiben. Symbole sind Verbindungen zwischen dem Bekannten und dem Unbekannten, dem Äußeren und dem inneren Raum.

Bücher und Lehrer können lediglich ein paar Wege anbieten, um sich auf die Suche nach der Weisheit zu machen, die doch nirgendwo anders als im Suchenden selbst liegt.

In der westlichen Magie gibt es im Grunde nur zwei wirklich bedeutende Symbole: das keltische Kreuz und den Baum des Lebens. Alles andere liegt in unserer Hand, denn es gibt kein Dogma, keine Geheimlehren, keine großen Adepten, noch irgendeine andere Kraft, die uns helfen oder daran hindern könnte, diese Diagramme in innere Wirklichkeiten zu transformieren.

Wenn wir von Göttern und Göttinnen, von Engeln und Erzengeln sprechen, sind das Personifizierungen abstrakter menschlicher Qualitäten und wir benutzen diese Figuren, um unserem Geist etwas zu geben, an dem er sich festhalten kann. Diese Bilder werden benutzt, um einen Kontakt zu einer inneren Intelligenz herzustellen, das sie symbolisierende Bild aber ist eine subjektive und damit in bestimmtem Ausmaß zufällige Schöpfung unseres Geistes.

Die Gesetze der Magie sind die Gesetze, die die Evolution steuern. Es ist die Aufgabe des Magiers, diese Gesetze in jedem Lebensbereich in ihrer Wirkung zu sehen, ohne Rücksicht darauf, wie banal oder lächerlich sie aussehen mögen.

Bei einiger Übung sollte z. B. die Anrufung des Gottes der Sphäre der Sonne in uns den Sinn für Schönheit und vollkommenes Gleichgewicht erwecken und entflammen, also Qualitäten, die mit dieser Sphäre des Lebensbaums verbunden sind. Eine wirkliche Veränderung des Bewusstseins. Ein echtes Stück Magie.

Jung wollte mit seiner elementaren Natur in Berührung bleiben, und er ging zu diesem Turm, wenn er das Bedürfnis hatte, allein zu sein, mit sich selbst zu kommunizieren oder zu schreiben. Für ihn war es eine lebenswichtige Tatsache, dass der westliche Mensch die Magie wiederentdeckt hatte. Er sah das Leben im Licht von Mythen und Ritualen und der Suche nach religiösen Werten. Neben all den selbsterklärten Adepten und Hohepriestern war Jung der größte Magier dieses Jahrhunderts. Er war ein Mann, der sich alles selbst beigebracht hatte, ohne den leisesten Fingerzeig tibetanischer Lamas, Sternenmenschen oder archaischer Mystiker, die ihr Geheimwissen über Deckadressen vertreiben.

«Ob es Götter oder Dämonen gibt oder nicht, ist nebensächlich, wichtig ist nur, dass sich das Universum verhält, als ob es sie gäbe.» Mit dieser Feststellung im Hinterkopf und mit dem Verständnis der magischen Schemata als Paradigmen, können wir uns auf den Weg machen, gleich welche Richtung wir wählen wollen.

Love is the law, love under will.

As all of you should know, we have entered a New Æon. A Higher Truth has been given to the World. This truth is waiting in readiness for all those who will consciously accept it, but it has to be realized before it is understood, and day by day those who have accepted this Law, and are trying to live it, realize more and more of its Beauty and Perfection. The new teaching appears strange at first; and the mind is unable to grasp more than a fragment of what it really means. Only when we are living the Law can that fragment expand into the infinite conception of the whole.

Long and weary is the way before thee, O Disciple. One single thought about the past that thou hast left behind, will drag thee down and thou wilt have to start the climb anew.

It is important to achieve the Great Work while you have youth and energy.

Everyone’s first duty is to himself, and to his progress in the Path; but his second duty, which presses the first hard, is to give assistance to those not so advanced.

The ancient Germans believed that there was something holy in women, and accordingly consulted them as oracles. Their sacred women, we are told, looked on the eddying rivers and listened to the murmur or the roar of the water, and from the sight and sound foretold what would come to pass. But often the veneration of the men went further, and they worshipped women as true and living goddesses.

- The world progresses by virtue of the appearance of Christs (geniuses).
- Christs (geniuses) are men with super-consciousness of the highest order.
- Super-consciousness of the highest order is obtainable by known methods. Therefore, by employing the quintessence of known methods we cause the world to progress.

- Theology is immaterial; for both Buddha and St. Ignatius were Christs.
- Morality is immaterial; for both Socrates and Mohammed were Christs.
- Super-consciousness is a natural phenomenon; its conditions are therefore to be sought rather in the acts than the words of those who attained it. The essential acts are retirement and concentration - as taught by Yoga and Ceremonial Magic.

- Since truth is supra-rational, it is incommunicable in the language of reason.
- Hence all mystics have written nonsense, and what sense they have written is so far untrue.
- Yet as a still lake yields a truer reflection of the sun than a torrent, he whose mind is best balanced will, if he become a mystic, become the best mystic.

Yoga is the art of uniting the mind to a single idea. It has four methods:
- Gnana-Yoga: Union by Knowledge.
- Raja-Yoga: Union by Will.
- Bhakta-Yoga: Union by Love.
- Hatha-Yoga: Union by Courage.
- Mantra-Yoga: Union through Speech.
- Karma-Yoga: Union through Work.
These are united by the supreme method of Silence.

Ceremonial Magic is the art of uniting the mind to a single idea. It has four methods:
- The Holy Qabalah: Union by Knowledge.
- The Sacred Magic: Union by Will.
- The Acts of Worship: Union by Love.
- The Ordeals: Union by Courage.
- The Invocations:  Union through Speech.
- The Acts of Service:  Union through Work.
These are united by the supreme method of Silence.

Sometimes there is a stoppage; too much filth has accumulated, and it refuses all conventional methods of being removed. Then comes a flood—a revolution—for a time there is a nasty mess, but soon the filth is washed away, and once again the drainage flows humbly down its customary gutter in the same old unobtrusive manner, between the same old cobbles, and over the same old cement until in time fresh filth silts up and there is more trouble and annoyance.

Deeply read in poetry, philosophy and science, gifted beyond the common lot, and already a poet of brilliant promise; he suddenly hurries from out the darkness like a wild prophetic star, and overturning the desks and the stools of the schoolmen, and casting their pedagogic papilla from his lips, escapes from the stuffy cloisters of mildewed learning, and the colleges of dialectic dogmatics, and seeks, what as yet he cannot find in the freedom which in his youthful ardour appears to him to live but a furlong or two beyond the spires and gables of that city of hidebound pedants which had been his school, his home, and his prison.

“Avenger of the Gods,” is the name of the Hiereus, and he is “Horus in the City of Blindness” and of ignorance unto the Higher.

Thus it came about that in October of this year we find him settled in a remote and desolate district, a tumbled chaos of lake and mountain, in an ancient manor-house, making all necessary arrangements for this great operation in Ceremonial Magic.

Whether we are talking about Odin on the World Tree and his flash of wisdom as he grasped the runes or whether we are talking on the mystic achieving wisdom after days of penance and fasting, both are essentially Gnostic.

The Gnostic tradition is one that has spanned Millenniums, it represents the height of the religious traditions of Humanity.

As society changed and a new regime came to power the teachings of Jesus were suppressed and replaced with the political faith of Emperor Constantine, and accordingly the Gnosis went underground to ensure its survival. What we have in today's religious movements are not the original forms of Judaism and Christianity, but apostate faiths masquerading in their place. The Bible itself has been tampered with to such an extent that only through much critical study can we restore just some of its inner meaning. The Institute upholds the original inner teachings of Jesus as part of a continuum of wisdom which spans from Pagan to so-called Christian sources.

The term Gnosis comes from the Greek word meaning "to know", but it means the process through which the seeker of spiritual wisdom experiences the divine and is transformed. The teachings which make this transformation possible are considered Mystery Teachings because they embody the most ancient wisdom, the essential essence behind the worlds religious and ideological systems.

The plan and structure of the world, which, through the Middle Ages and down to the late eighteenth century most educated men were to accept without question - the conception of the universe as a " Great Chain of Being", composed of an immense or infinite number of links ranging in hierarchical order from the meagerest kinds of existents.. through every possible grade up to the ens perfectissimum.

If we for a moment accept the reality of the Great Chain of Being, then we can theorise that the universe is multi-dimensional and has many levels of existence. If we consider this for a moment and ponder how "real" our dimension seems to us, then perhaps other levels would be perceived as concrete and real as our own from within their own vantage-point.

The Sacred Centre is the point where man touches the divine and can come under the influence of the spiritual world while existing within the physical, it is only at this nexus that enlightenment is possible.

The Pleroma is the first principle is the source of all light, the Unoriginate Originator. However, this principles does not exist alone, throughout time he/she/it expands and contracts filing the spiritual dimensions with luminous beings of all orders and forms.

The state of Christhood is a state to which all of us must aim, it is the state by which we return to the Pleroma. The Logos and Sophia are energy fields emanating into the lower worlds and if permitted will transform us into immortal beings. This teaching is The Solar Tradition and is central to our understanding of the Gnosis.

So man, on the Path of Transfiguration, though being reborn through the powers of the Pleroma must live in the world, but try not to be of it. Sophia hence offers us some fascinating insights into the nature of God. She is the Daughter of the Divine Will and yet is the part of the Divine Will itself, she is the Spouse and Lover of the Logos and the Spirit within Man. She is reflected in the light hidden in nature, the Ecclesia, the Gnostic Scripture and Man, and illustrates the presence of light in all things.

This unique and new view of life is imperative for not only environmental and conservation reasons but for our own survival as a species.

The legends of the Book of Enoch which permeate so much Biblical literature suggest that since these spirits desired to have physical bodies they entered the earth stream and interbreed with man producing giants and depraved offspring. This is why the Great flood occured, not to destroy man but to purify the earth of these mutated forms. This desire however continued and brought about not only the corruption of many astral realms but allowed these spirits to incarnate on earth.

And clearly these forces are the powers we have described and those who rule these secret bodies are the Dominions and Principalities we have discussed. There are more books than we can list that identify the Secret Government and its links with bodies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the United Nations, however, only when we grasp the clear indication that these bodies are operated by alien entities, entities without souls controlled and manipulated by destructive Archons do we really understand the full nature of the world around us.

Needless to say these human automatons are the chaff and their final end can come through only one process: Transmutation. For this is the only approved method whereby the wicked shall be removed from the face of the earth.

There is a simple premise in esoteric literature, thoughts have power. Even modern science accepts that behind the structure we know as the material work is a web of energy and the interactions between different types of energy creates the semblance of solidity we call matter.

What a tragic world this is, he reflected. Those down here are prisoners, and the ultimate tragedy is that they don’t know it; they think they are free because they never have been free, and do not understand what it means. This is a prison, and few men have guessed.

The Kali age is the shortest, most materialistic and intensely destructive. It is this age we are in now. The Kali Yuga, or Iron Age is sometimes described as the Age of the Wolf, due to its ferocity and violence. There are many different dating systems, but according to the Mahabharata, the Kali Yuga started on the midnight of 17th and 18th February, 3102 BCE and represents the final stage of the cycle. It is interesting that this date coincides with the start of the 5th Sun period of the Mayans, which they believe climaxes in 2012.

At various stages the balance will reach a crucial stage and accordingly the circumstances of a persons life will drastically change to give them a further opportunity to enter Transfiguration. These opportunities continue until the Omega Day when the cycle draws to a close. If the person has entered the spiritual life, then during these stages a slow and steady transformation of the Mind into True Self will occur (this process is called Transfiguration) and the born again persons name is figuratively transferred to the Book of life. No longer is a record kept of action and reaction, but a record of growth and spiritual transformation.

The opportunities for liberation are limited and the clock of cause and effect (The Book of Judgement) is ticking away. If we ignore the opportunities enough, then at the Omega day we may end up simply ceasing to exist. If we accept the opportunity, then our names are transferred to the Book of Life and our transformation begins.

In the end we must also accept that the world is a temporal schoolhouse and one that includes a lot of pain and suffering in its teaching method ! Hell, then, is not some eternal location to which we are damned in the future, indeed, in the Gnostic tradition, the end of those not awakened is simply oblivion, nothingness, ceasing to exist. If there is any hell with torture and gnashing of teeth it is the world in which are now exiled.

Central to the Gnostic understanding of humanity is the belief that it is possible for man to become part of the God-Family. While mankind as a whole may seem to be in a pretty dismal state at present, the Gnostics have always taught that it is possible for the “particles of light” to be redeemed, and for those who seek, to find the Treasury of Light.

Man could not just develop the right to be deified, the Divine Will had to reach into the lower worlds and change the nature of the mystical path. Through the work of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, a religious transformation occurred and mankind was given the right to enter the Kingdom of Light.

Transfiguration involves both Grace and Works, Justification and Sanctification. These are loaded terms but important in understanding how the process of rebirth actually operates. The moment you enter the Spiritual path you are seen as reborn, that is, the Pleroma perceives you as a new creature, a new being. The Aeons see you as a child of the Light. In this sense you are justified, that is, through Transfiguration you are seen as reborn. However, you must now live up to this commission and actually achieve this state. Many start the path but do not make it. There is a vast difference between the initial act of justification and the long process of purification or sanctification through which you must travel before you are actually reborn. By Grace you have entered the spiritual path, by works you make it to the moment of Rebirth. The process of transformation is a difficult and demanding trek however by following the teachings of the Gnosis you will reach the goal. Just like there are many miscarriages in this world, there are many in the spiritual world. Being conceived on the Path of Transfiguration is not enough, the Path itself must be traveled!

The Path of the Dove has seven stages. These seven stages illustrate the process of the Terrestrial path, after the Gnostic has worked through these stages he can rightly be called a Child of the Treasury of Light. At this point, depending on his destiny, he will reincarnate and teach and assist others or he will enter the Celestial or Secret Path. The destiny of those who remain as Children of the Dove is to be reborn as Immortal beings living on the restored Light world which will be the replacement for Earth. The Earth will be rectified and return to the Static Kingdom and will exist in a dimension of Light populated by those of the Terrestrial Path of Rebirth.

The Divine Will would call certain people from the Path of Terrestrial Salvation to enter a new way, that of Celestial Deification. And that is the nexus of this new specialized teaching, that some of the initiates would be called to become Part of the God Family, in other worlds, Gods themselves ! This special Path
is known as the Celestial Path, the Path of the Serpent of Wisdom or The Path of the Chosen Ones. Initiates on this Path were known in some traditions as Parfait or Perfected Ones. This Secret teaching has been known to the Orthodox Churches for some time but has been taught in radically divergent fashion.

In simple terms the Divine Will will call certain Gnostics on the Path of Transfiguration onto a special road. These will be few in number and the demands on them will be ever so great. Their first task will be the mastery of the Terrestrial Path, however, then rather than reincarnating simply to teach and assist, they will achieve perfection while doing the special tasks required by The Lord of Wisdom. Some of these Perfect Ones will achieve some measure of perfection in the flesh and become emissaries of the divine in their lifetimes.

In many cases the Ecclesia themselves " administered the Mysteries ", that is, they recognized or denied the state of Perfection to avoid charlatans and false prophets claiming the title without right.

I said, `You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

When Buddha said all life was suffering he wasn't joking ! The perceptiveness of Gautama Buddha's understanding of how the Dialectic system is perpetuated cannot be underestimated. As Buddha expressed in his four Noble truthes, all life is suffering because we become attached to what happens to us and attachment leads to reaction and reaction to attachment. Buddha's solution is interpreted by modern scholars of the Buddhist traditions (Himayana and Mahayana) to be total detachment.

The structure of the psyche must also be taken into consideration. How many of us focus on careers, money, music, fame and so on. The true Gnostic must be focused on the Spiritual Path and nothing else. In the Gospels the allegory of giving up all is used, obviously you are not expected to give away everything but your sole goal must be to reach the Treasury of Light.

So all things must be in their place and this is the task of Transfiguration. The process of re-education involves a long and arduous battle in which the old " Gods " die and a new God is reborn. The Mind and Emotions are destroyed in the Dark Nights of initiation and a new mind/emotion complex is formed under the directions of the True Self. Like Osiris we must rise from the death of our old selves into the new.

Lord, I die daily.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Of great significance on the Path of Transfiguration is actually ‘living the Life’. As part of the Path we offer some guide-lines:
1. Following the Light Within
2. Separation from the World
3. Fellowship
4. Life on the Path

The dweller guards the crossroad between the World of the Archons and the Treasury of light and as the Gnostic approaches this doorway attacks him without mercy, only those truly on the path survive.

In whatever form the dark Night is experienced it is terrifying. It occurs in the spiritual growth of all who follow the Path. After the initial excitement of entering the Path and starting the spiritual quest, doubts arise; fears; dreams; terrors; a feeling of abandonment, an inability to study, meditate or concentrate. It is during this period that the " old " mind and emotions are destroyed, so feelings of death and rebirth are not uncommon. It is a truly shattering occurrence.
However, it will be experienced many times along the spiritual path as the lower vehicles are transformed and the New Self grows.

As can readily be seen from the above quote, the inner training involved days of tuition and education as well as a nocturnal initiation, where the teachings of the Kingdom were finally revealed. This certainly is not the Born Again experience of a Southern Baptist ! The Path of the Gnosis or Celestial Salvation is very different from what most people expect. It builds on the foundations of the terrestrial path but goes far beyond them. It is a path for a Chosen few in juxtaposition to that of the Path of the Called few. The Path to Salvation in general terms is only for a small number, therefore the Celestial Path is for an even more minute elect. It is a special elite Path for the chosen.

The process of achieving Celestial Transfiguration involves a range of complex spiritual transformations. It begins with the traditional Terrestrial Path and after a period known as The Dark Night of the Soul, a special calling is experienced. This calling is unique to each one called, and is a harrowing experience, which shakes the soul to its very core. The Gnostic is then lead through secret and inner interpretations of Scripture and practise (by a teacher or Hierarch) and then into an experience of full regeneration. Usually this process is achieved over many lifetimes and in keeping with the coming End of Time many Parfait are now awakening into the Celestial State. The amazing thing about this state is that it goes further than simply returning the "soul " to Perfection (Terrestrial Salvation) but actually transfigures the Self to become a member of the God family while in life.

The perfection of this state, however, is not the moral perfection that many may contemplate. To be privy to the very mind of God is to be beyond all Law and Moral restrictions. For the Lord himself is not bound by any law or regulation, neither is the Perfected Parfait. This is why the Perfected Ones are unique among those of the Gnostic Ecclesia, for the very things that would lead the average man or Gnostic to destruction a hundred times over, will lead a Parfait
to further perfection.

This issue of the Amorality of the Celestial Path is probably the most difficult to understand. It is because of the unique nature of the Parfait and their missions for the Lord of Wisdom that a state of " living beyond the Law " must be achieved. The law is a product of the fallen world and is of some significance within the earthly kingdoms. However, when a Parfait goes beyond the world and is living as a being in the Treasury of Light (only temporarily in the lower world) then obviously he is not under earthly law. The law of the Pleroma or The Treasury of Light is Pure freedom since all beings in that world are united in divinity, accordingly, the Parfait is beyond all law.

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world."

The Bridal chamber is based on the process of Solve et coagula. After the instincts and mind have been "destroyed" and reformed, the two poles of the electromagnetic organism (Astral Body) are stimulated and at their union the Shekinah awakens. (The Shekinah or presence is that part of God which is locked in the lower worlds and awaits redemption) As the Shekinah awakens it rises to the higher planes and re-unites with the Sophia. This rite is central to many Gnostic traditions and is the pre-requisite for the Consolamentum or The Sacrament of Perfection. Again, we understand that this new appreciation of sexuality and its practical use within the Celestial path may be difficult for those used to the straight-jacket morality of many modern religions.

In Gnostic literature she is described by many names – the All mothers, Mother of the Living, Shining Mother and the Holy Spirit. Sophia is seen as the counterpart of the Logos and cannot work without. It is hence suggested in esoteric Gnostic literature that it was the combined power of Jesus and Mary Madgadene who transmitted the Mysteries, not Jesus alone.

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