Thursday, August 2, 2012

I can make your body shine!

Rules written on the walls of the Hall of Learning

1. Kill out ambition.
2. Kill out desire of life.
3. Kill out desire of comfort.
4. Work as those work who are ambitious.
5. Kill out all sense of seperateness.
6. Kill out desire for sensation.
7. Kill out the hunger for growth.
8. Yet stand alone & isolated, because nothing that is imbodied, nothing that is conscious of seperation, nothing that is out of the eternal, can aid you.
9. Desire only that which is within you.
10. Desire only that which is beyond you.
11. Desire only that which is unattainable.
12. For within you is the light of the world, the only light that can be shed upon the Path.
13. Desire power ardently.
14. Desire peace fervently.
15. Desire possession above all.
16. But those possessions must belong to the pure soul only.
17. Seek out the way.
18. Seek the way by retreating within.
19. Seek the way by advancing boldly without.
20. Seek it not by any one road. To each temperament there is one road which seems the most desirable.
21. Look for the flower to bloom in the silence that follows the storm not till then.

Part II

1. Stand aside in the coming battle & though thou fightest be not than the warrior.
2. Look for the warrior & let him fight in thee.
3. Take his orders for battle & obey them.
4. Obey him as he were thyself.
5. Listen to the song of life.
6. Store in your memory the melody you hear.
7. Learn from it the lesson of harmony.
8. You can stand upright now, firm as a rock.
9. Regard earnestly all the life that surrounds you.
10. Learn to look intelligently into the hearts of men.
11. Regard most earnestly your own heart.
12. For through your own heart comes the one light which can illuminate life & make it clear to your eyes.
13.Speech comes only with knowledge. Attain to knowledge and you will attain to speech.
14. Having obtained the use of the inner senses, having conquered the desires of the outer senses, having conquered the desire of the individual soul, having obtained knowledge, prepare now, o disciple, to enter upon the way in reality. The path is found: make yourself ready to tread it.
15. Inquire of the earth, the air, and the water, of the secrets they hold for you.
16. Inquire of the holy one of the earth of the secrets they hold for you.
17. Inquire of the inmost, the one, of its final secret which it holds for you through the ages.
18.The knowledge which is now yours is only yours because your soul has become one with all pure souls and with the inmost.
19. It is written that for him who is on the threshold of divinity no law can be framed, no guide can exist.
20. Listen only to the voice which is soundless.
21. Look only on that which is invisible alike the inner and the outer sense.

Zum Nationalfeiertag des Verbrecherstaates Schweiz, den ich natürlich boykottiere, kann es nicht schaden die Regeln des Lernens zu verkünden, die für alle Wesen auf der Erde gelten. Wir sind eine grosse Familie, ein Land bzw. Planet und etwas anderes gibt es nicht. Wegen nationalistischem Denken sind wir erst in diese Lage der Trennung gekommen. Haben Grenzen aufgestellt und uns von allen anderen abgeschottet. Eine Welt des Egos geschaffen, die nur noch Kranke und Blinde hervor gebracht hat. Dann lassen die geistesgestörten Zivilisationsbewohner noch völlig sinnloses Explosions-Feuerwerk ab und bringen mit dem lauten Knallen die ganzen Schwingung noch mehr durcheinander. Anstatt wie am Holi-Fest farbiges Maispulver in die Luft zu werfen. Aber in einem Land, wo jeder eine Waffe vom Militär nach Hause bekommt und man auch Kinder zum Schiessen animiert, wundert einem dieses Neandertalerverhalten nicht wirklich. Wollen damit ihre Überlegenheit demonstrieren. In einem Land, das nach aussen hin neutral und gegen Krieg ist. Aber sich am Tod anderer noch berreichert. Nein also dieses Land soll man nicht feiern. Es ist verlogen und liegt der Welt zur Last. Nur Schein. Wir sind die einzigen, die hier sind. Und wir sind immer noch zu wenig. Auch wenn viele langsam zu erwachen scheinen, sind sie doch noch ganz am Anfang des Weges und müssen noch weit gehen. Sich selbst und ihre Gewohnheiten meistern. Lernen Gott zu finden und zu dienen. Wir können nur immer wieder raus gehen und das Wort verkünden. Auch wenn man von vielen komisch angeschaut wird. Wer einmal allein auf dem Baum gesessen und gearbeitet hat, weiss dass er immer zurück kann. Er sich auch nicht zu lange in der menschlichen Welt aufhalten oder verankern darf weil er sonst seinen Aufstieg verzögern oder verhindern könnte. Und wer das Ziel kennt, weiss es gibt in dieser Welt nichts besseres und kann gut darauf verzichten. Seine helfende Hand kann man trotzdem weiter ausstrecken für die, die den Mut haben diesen extremen Weg zu gehen. Sich mit göttlichen Wesen und ihren grenzenlosen Energien auseinander zu setzen. Wer dazu nicht stark genug ist, weiss dass er noch nicht bereit ist für Gott und die Erlösung. Wir auch schon an einem ganz anderen Punkt stehen als die meisten. Und "Superpowers" allein noch kein Zeichen für Verwirklichung sind. Viele halten sie sogar vom wahren Ziel ab. Die Versuchung der Macht zu erliegen, ist viel zu gross. Ich habe früher immer gedacht, dass man ohne "Tricks" nicht weit sein kann aber ich merke immer mehr, dass mein Wissen viel höher und wichtiger ist als alle "Wunder". Auch wenn ich weiss, dass sie mir zur Verfügung stehen würden, nutze ich sie noch nicht. Ich überlasse das lieber meinen Brüdern und Schwestern. Ist ja auch nicht wirklich etwas neues. Das gabs alles schon mal. Mich braucht es erst später. Es ist das letzte Tor zu Gott. Und darum kennen Gott auch nur sehr wenige Menschen. Er offenbart sich nicht jedem und Christus verbindet sich auch nicht auf Kommando mit jedem Bewusstsein. Dafür gibt es auch keine Anleitung. Es passiert oder eben nicht. So gesehen, habe ich bereits genug "übermenschliche" Beweise geliefert, mit denen sich kaum einer vergleichen kann. Und ich habe dazu auch kein Medium gebraucht oder Stimmen gehört. Es kam alles aus mir selbst. Durch das Höhren auf mein Herz. Durch mystische Erfahrungen, die mir Gewissheit gaben. Es heisst sowiso, dass das Königreich kann nicht auf Wundertaten aufgebaut werden kann. Es hat also einen guten Grund warum es ist wie es ist. Und so ist es doch immer. Und so gern ich anderen helfe, weiss ich, dass jeder den Weg alleine gehen muss. Jeder Schritt selbstständig gemeistert werden muss um erfolgreich zu sein. Man kann Menschen mit Wissen inspirieren und mit seiner Arbeit Hoffnung machen aber es bringt keinem etwas, wenn man sich auf ihre Stufe begibt und ihnen die Lernerfahrung erleichtert, die man bereits vor Jahren schon selber gemacht hat. Abgesehen davon ist es meine Aufgabe in ferne Gebiete vorzudringen, die erst viel später für die Massen interessant sein werden. Fest entschlossen den höchsten Zustand zu erreichen und einen neuen Rekord aufzustellen. Mit der nötigen Kraft und Ausdauer ausgestattet, die kaum einer besitzt. Seit der Geburt die Konditionen besass um diesen Weg zu gehen. Und umso höher man steigt desto weniger lässt man sich von der Dualität oder negativen Schwingungen beeinflussen. Sieht die materielle Welt als das was sie ist: vergänglich. Wer seinen Dienst für das öffentlichen Interesse bereits erfüllt hat, kann sich himmlischen Ebenen zuwenden und den Nachfolgern die Reformationsarbeit überlassen. Man bereits mit seiner Ausstrahlung in der Öffentlichkeit einen grossen Effekt erzielt. Und zwar auf Schritt und Tritt. Empfangen die Menschen meine Schwingung und meine Worte. Beweise ich durch ein aussergewöhnlich offenes und ehrliches Verhalten meine wahre Herkunft. Dass ich anders bin als sie. Es schon immer war und auch immer sein werde. Nur muss und kann das nicht jeder erkennen und das ist auch gut so. Wenn ich mir selbst immer bewusst wäre, könnte ich mich auch nicht ertragen. Ich habe einen Job zu erledigen und das ist das einzige, was für mich zählt. Ausser meinem Schüler habe ich mich bis jetzt auch niemandem wirklich offenbart. Und dies war schon sehr grenzwertig für das menschliche Bewusstsein. Mit diesem Wissen kann eigentlich kein Mensch mehr normal mit einem umgehen. Halte mich seither immer etwas zurück und passe mich der Schwingung meines Gegenübers an. Die Zeit wird kommen, wo die Menschen bereit sind zu sehen und zu verstehen. Denn obwohl die verbale Kommunikation als die tiefste eingestuft wird, hat sie in der spirituellen Arbeit einen ziemlich hohen Stellenwert. Wird als mystisches Werkzeug eingesetzt um Menschen die Wahrheit ins Herz zu pflanzen. Aber nur wer wirkliche Weisheit besitzt, erhält die Macht zu sprechen. Und darf besondere Missionen erfüllen. Und wenn man bedenkt, dass ich immer noch weiter wachsen werde, ist bereits klar, dass ich die Grenze schon überschritten habe und auf den geheimnisvollsten Pfaden überhaupt wandere. Ganz allein aber voller Vertrauen dem goldenen Tor entgegen schreite. Und alle anderen Projekte in der äusseren Welt eigentlich zweitrangig sind. Ich schon lange im grossen Ganzen aufgehoben bin und mir um nichts mehr Sorgen machen muss. Alles ist da oder wird kommen, wenn ich es brauche. Sowiso alles eins ist. Wir alle das gleiche Ziel haben und uns nur aufhalten wenn wir uns darin nicht gegenseitig unterstützen. Jeder Moment, der nicht dazu genutzt wird eine Verschwendung ist. Das Leben ein kleines Fenster ist um dieses Ziel zu erreichen und man sofort damit beginnen sollte, wenn man noch nicht angefangen hat. Es ist der einzige Grund warum wir hier sind. Die einzige Erlösung vom Leid dieser Welt. Und so sprühe ich vor überschäumender Liebe. Das Wissen fliesst nur so in mich hinein und aus mir heraus. Die Energie vibriert im Takt Gottes. Und ich tanze mit ihm und feiere dieses fantastische Geschenk des Lebens. Die Freude Ihm und allen Lebewesen zu dienen. Sich als der Kleinste zu sehen, der von allen lernen kann. Und nur darum eines Tages der Allergrösste sein wird. Das Glück zu haben bewusst zu sein und sein Herz zu hören. Wirklich frei zu sein. Im Verborgenen zu arbeiten. Überall gleichzeitig zu wirken. Die Leute mit seinem Wesen zu verblüffen und überfordern. Langsam habe ich mich an meine Rolle gewöhnt und es macht mir immer mehr Spass so zu sein. Was anfangs noch ein Grund für negative Gefühle war, ist jetzt das beste was mir passieren konnte. Und ich denke nicht mehr darüber nach was die Auswirkungen meiner Auftritte sind. Es gibt kein Falsch. Nur falsch eingesetzte Eigenschaften. Ausserdem war ich schon immer lieber anders als normal. Habe eigentlich schon seit Kind den Plan immer besser werden zu wollen. Habe nie aufgegeben oder mich vom Feind besiegen oder einfangen lassen. Und es hat sich gelohnt. Habe mein Leben ausgefüllt. Mich in alle Richtungen ausprobiert und bewiesen. Mich auf der Suche nach einem Ausweg selber übertroffen. Viele Rollen gespielt. Multi-creative-talent offenbart. Alle überholt. Mich auf meine wahre Aufgabe vorbereitet, die mich nun auf die Reise meines Lebens geschickt hat. Als wäre ich dafür gemacht worden. Nur darauf gewartet habe. Kaum mehr den eigenen Willen verfolge. Alle Früchte meiner Arbeit Gott weihe. Mich an keiner Idee mehr festhalte. Ich Gottes Werkzeug bin, der mit mir alles machen kann was er will. Dies die befreiendste Arbeit überhaupt ist. Für die grösste Firma im Kosmos. Il ultimo imperio. Dort auf uns alle eine Stelle wartet aber kaum einer zur Arbeit kommt. Noch nicht geschnallt hat, dass dort alles zu finden ist was wir in dieser Welt vergeblich suchen. Wir uns immer noch wundern warum wir dauernd enttäuscht werden. Dieses bleibende Glück nie erfahren. Von der Dualität beherrscht werden anstatt über den Gesetzen zu stehen. Aber eben dafür muss man sich echt im Griff haben. Ein reines Herz haben, dass immer im Sinne der Liebe handelt und entscheidet. Auf den sich Gott verlassen kann. Der immer für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit kämpft. Seinen Geschwistern freiwillig Gutes tut. Der Negativität keine Nahrung durch Aufmerksamkeit mehr gibt. Sich aus allem raushält und überall einmischt. Für neue Überraschungen sorgt. Nie still steht und immer im göttlichen Dienst beschäftigt ist. Keine anderen Tätigkeiten mehr ausführen muss. Ich bin zufrieden mit meiner Entwicklung. Das Leben war noch nie so leicht und frei. Weil es Sinn macht und ich meine Fähigkeiten voll ausleben kann. In der Aktivität Stärke erzeuge. Wie Gott selbst, der dieses Universum auf die gleiche Weise am Leben hält. Und ich erinnere mich an das Bild meines spirituellen Körpers mit seinen farbigen Strahlen, die von ihm ausgingen als ich vor Seinen Lotusfüssen stand. Ewiges Leben.

Die letzten Wochen waren sehr intensiv. Ich habe alles gegeben. Alles geteilt. Mich völlig geöffnet. In allem und jedem eine Gelegenheit gesehen zu arbeiten. Mich vom Leben zu den Orten und Herzen tragen lassen, wo ich gebraucht werde. Ohne zu hinterfragen. Zu analysieren. Denn umso genauer man hinschaut desto mehr wird einem bewusst wie extrem das ganze eigentlich gewesen ist. Und das der Impact viel grösser sein wird als es jetzt den Anschein hat. Dann hätte ich mich gar nicht getraut mich so zu zeigen. Vor allen zu reden. Auch wenn mir immer klar war, dass es nur für das Wohl der anderen geschehen ist. Ich der Diener von jedem bin. Auch vom vermeindlich niedrigsten Geschöpf. Aber selber nur eine Weile am selben Ort bleiben und wirken kann. Die meisten mich gar nicht länger ertragen können. Ich mittlerweile wirklich nur noch mich selber auf Dauer aushalten kann. Und trotz solchen aktiven Phasen in der Öffentlichkeit brauche ich nach einer gewissen Zeit wieder den Rückzug. Um nach gegebener Hilfe auch selbst wieder Wissen und Kraft zu tanken. Umso weiter man auf dem Weg gegangen ist desto weniger wird man Gefährten finden, die dieses vollbewusste Leben 24/7 ausleben können. Einem weiter helfen können. Und so ist man gezwungen zwischen diesen Welten hin und her zu pendeln. Immer wieder sein erworbenes Wissen zu den unteren Stufen zu tragen und zu teilen. Denn sonst wäre die ganze Arbeit sinnlos. Nur was anderen nützt, ist wertvoll und wichtig. Auch wenn das bedeutet sich vor anderen blosszustellen. Mitten in der Masse zu stehen und sein Selbst nach aussen zu tragen. Den Mut zu haben, auszusprechen, was andere denken. Zu tun, wovon andere nur reden und träumen. Sein Herz auf dem Tablet servieren. Bereit zu geben und zu leiden. Dieser Ausdruck authentischer Individualität und selbstlosem Mitgefühl erzeugt in der heutigen Gesellschaft einen starken Kontrast und fällt durch seine Seltenheit auf. Es ist wie ein Wunder, das man fast nicht glauben will. Für viele eine grosse Herausforderung. Und nur wenige erkennen den aussergewöhnlichen Charakter dieses Verhaltens. Was für eine Ehre es ist von so jemandem Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. Obwohl ich lieber meinem eigenen Rythmus folge und alleine arbeite. Weil man trotz aller Verbundenheit und Schönheit in der Begegnung mit anderen fortgeschrittenen Suchenden gemerkt hat, dass noch keiner wirklich mithalten kann. Kein anderer ausser ich selbst und Gott mir helfen kann weiter zu kommen. Es keinen mehr gibt, der wirklich nachvollziehen kann, wie es sich für mich anfühlt so zu sein. Es zu leben und nicht mehr nur zu lernen. In allem was man ist das Göttliche zu sein. Den Fokus nur auf das Ergebnis lenkt und den ganzen Rest einfach ausblendet. Nur auf die Warheit und Liebe gerichtet. Sich selbst übertreffen, wo es keiner erwartet. Immun sein gegen die Blicke und das Gerede hinter dem Rücken. Stark bleiben und weiter machen. Damit für andere ein Vorbild sein, die selber noch nicht bereit sind aus der Gruppe hinaus zu treten aber spüren, dass in ihnen das Feuer brodelt und nur darauf wartet heraus gelassen zu werden. Der Gruppe zwar zu dienen aber nicht von ihr abhängig sein. Über ihrem Gesetz zu stehen und frei sein im Kommen und Gehen. Zu merken, wann es genug ist und man sich wieder zurück ziehen muss. Zum eigenen aber auch zum Schutz der anderen. Ein grosses Bewusstsein hat auch grosse Macht und kann normale Menschen schnell überlasten mit seiner hohen Schwingung. Löst im ganzen Umfeld vielfältige Prozesse aus, die zum Teil sehr tiefgreifend und anstrengend sind. Der Geist wird mit etwas konfrontiert, das er nicht kennt und so intensiv daher kommt, dass es keinen kalt lässt. Es direkt aus dem Herzen kommt und alle äusserlichen Barrieren überwunden hat. Ungefiltert übermittelt wird. Und somit jeden auf irgend einer Ebene erreicht, der damit in Berührung kommt. Jeder spürt, dass es echt ist. Ohne Hintergedanken geholfen wird. Gar keinen Nutzen von dieser Tat hat. Allein am Geben und für andere da sein Freude findet. Plötzlich irgendwo auftaucht. Eine Weile bleibt und das Wort verkündet um dann wieder zu verschwinden. Sie verblüfft und fragend zurück lässt. Sie den wahren Wert dieses Ereignisses erst erkennen lässt. Solange man da ist, kann keiner sehen was passiert. Es geht viel zu schnell und überwältigt das Bewusstsein. Erst in der Verarbeitung nimmt das Gelernte und der Vermittler Form an und offenbart seine Gestalt und Wirkung. Erst aus der Distanz erkennt man die Tiefe der Erfahrung. Den Einfluss auf das Selbst. Die enorme Kraft, die sich manifestiert hat. Und wie weit sie in Wirklichkeit entfernt ist. Sich trotzdem die Zeit genommen hat auf jeden einzelnen einzugehen. Jedem gleich viel Wert und Liebe zukommen liess. Man erkennt was für ein Segen dies gewesen ist. Der nur so erfolgreich sein konnte weil keiner seine wahre Grösse wirklich erkannte. Er sich nur so unter ihnen bewegen kann ohne sie zu erschrecken. In seiner Arbeit unbefangen blieb. Denn es gibt nur wenige Wesen, die mit der ganzen Wahrheit klar kommen können. Es wird einem nur so viel offenbart wie das Bewusstsein ertragen kann. Für den Weg wichtig ist. Erst viel später zeigt sich das Licht in jedem Schritt. Die Schönheit des Lebenswerks. Die extreme Entwicklung und die geleistete Arbeit als ganzes Bild. Solange man den Weg geht, entsteht das Bild. Nur wer ihn zu Ende geht, kann irgendwann zurück blicken und erkennen was es bedeutet hat. Bis dahin muss man alles geben. Jeden Moment ausfüllen und nutzen. Nie lange stehen bleiben. Einfach dankbar alles annehmen, was das Leben bietet. Daraus lernen und daran wachsen. Wissen, dass alles Teil des Weges und darum gut ist. Nach vorne schauen und sich an nichts festhalten. Gemeinsam und doch allein sein. Die beiden Welten kombinieren. Überall und nirgends Zuhause sein. Immer einsatzbereit und trotzdem unabhängig bleiben. Mit dem ganzen Wesen bei der Sache sein ohne sich in der Aufgabe zu verlieren. Ohne Probleme von einem Extrem ins andere zu wechseln. Bereit dem Nächsten zu dienen. Die göttliche Liebe zu offenbaren. Oder auch ganz allein für Gott zu arbeiten. Alles muss möglich sein ohne selbst davon beeinträchtigt zu werden. Solange es dem Ziel und Wohl aller dient ist alles erlaubt. Gibt es keine Grenzen. Kann man gleichzeitig nah und doch fern sein. Steht man zwischen oder über der Dualität und setzt sie nur ein um das grosse Werk zu vollbringen. Gottes Willen zu tun. Seinen Anweisungen und Wünschen zu folgen. Ihn über alles andere zu stellen. Perfektion und Vollkommenheit zu erreichen. In jedem Ausdruck Gott zu offenbaren. In jedem Wesen Gott zu erkennen. In allem Gott zu erleben. Mit allem eins werden und ein Teil von Gott selbst sein. Das ist die höchste Freiheit.

Kinder Gottes erwacht aus der materiellen Illusion!


Intelligence is impartial: no man is your enemy: no man is your friend. All alike are your teachers.

The positiv and certain intuition is the only form of knowledge which enables a man to work rapidly or reach his true and high estate, within the limit of his conscious effort.

There are persons so near the doors of knowledge that life itself prepares them for it, and no individual hand has to invoke the hideous guardian of the entrance.

As the eyes are the windows of the soul, so are the ears its gateways or doors. Through them comes knowledge of the confusion of the world.

The truth is that faith is a great engine, an enormous power, which in fact can accomplish all things.

If you have the power to face your own soul in the darkness and silence, you will have conquered the physical or animal self which dwells in sensation only.

As the silent soul awakes it makes the ordianry life of the man more purposeful, more vital, more real, and respnsible.

Speech is the power of communication; the moment of entrance into active life is marked by its attainment.

He cannot send his voice up to the heights where sit the gods till he has penetrated to the deep places where their light shines not at all.

If this loftly contact can really rouse him, he becomes as one of the divine in his desire to give rather than to take, in his wish to help rather than be helpd, in his resolution to feed the hungry than take manna from Heaven hinself. His nature is transformed, and the selfishness which prompt men`s actions in ordinary life suddenly deserts him.

We must each travel alone and without aids, as the traveler has to climb alone when he nears the summit of the mountain.

To remain still amid life and its changes, and stand firmly on the chosen spot, is a feat which can only be accomplished by the man who has confidence in himself and in his destiny.

Pain and pleasure stand apart and seperate, as do the two sexes; and it is in the merging, the making the two into one, that joy and deep sensation and profound peace are obtained. Where there is neither male nor female neither pain nor pleasure, there is the god in man dominant, and then is life real.

The man who wars against himself and wins the battle can do it only when he knows that in that war he is doing the one thing which is worth doing, and when he knows that in doing it he is winning heaven and hell as his servitors.

Religion holds a man back from the path, prevents his stepping forward, for various very plain reasons.

He serves humanity and identifies himself with the whole world; he is ready to make vicarious sacrifice for it at any moment--"by living not by dying for it". Because he is part of the great whole, and one of the most valuable parts of it. Because he lives under laws of order which he does not desire to break. His life is not his own, but that of the forcs which work behind him. He is the flower of humanity, the bloom which contains the divin see. He is, in his own person, a treasure of the universal nature, which is guarded and made safe in order that the fruition shall be perfected.

All are cast aside at last, and he enters the great temple where any memory of self or sensation is left outside as the shoes are cast from the feet of the worshipper. That temple is the place of his own pure divinity, the central flame which however obscured, has animated him trough all these struggles.

Then the soul of man laughs in its strength and fearlessness, and goes forth into the world in which its actions are needed, and causes these action to take place without apprehension, alarm, fear, regret, or joy.

The animal in man, elevated, is a thing unimaginable in its great powers of service and of strength.

There is nothing but God; and for whomsoever we feel reverence, adoration, love, it is to the God manifesting through him (however partially) that that reverence, adoration or love is offered. "Many sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also will I bring, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be
one fold, and one shepherd."

Remember that if we love any person, it is the God within that person that we are loving; the God within us recognizes the God within him; deep calleth unto deep, and the recognition of the Godhead is bliss. The lover often sees in the beloved qualities which no one else can discern; but those good qualities are there in latency, because the Spirit of God is within everyone of us; and the earnest belief and strong affection of the lover tend to call those latent qualities into manifestation. He who idealizes another tends to make that other what he thinks him to be.

"In the Name of Him whom long ago I bore, I come to your aid. I have taken every woman to my heart, to hold there a part of her, that through it I may help her in her time of need. Uplift the women of your race till all are seen as Queens, and to such Queens let every man be as a King, that each may honour each, seeing the other's royalty. Let every home, however small, become a court, every son a knight, every child a page. Let all treat all with chivalry, honouring in each their royal parentage, their kingly birth; for there is royal blood in every man; all are the children of the King."

So it comes that Our Lady the World-Mother is just now much preoccupied with this matter of providing suitable incarnations for well-developed egos, and it is by no means an easy task. Many thousands of advanced egos are ready for incarnation and anxious to take it, in order that they may help in the work of
the World-Teacher; but the difficulty of finding suitable bodies is very great.

upAsanalo dyaDa cAlavAveM || satkamaryogoM vaya dhAlavAveM || thudevasaMtAM sadA lavavai || sarvAM mukhoM maMgala bAlevAveM ||

"God and the Father is Light and Life, of which Man is made. If therefore thou learn and believe thyself to be of the Life and Light, thou shalt again pass into Life."

Seek one that may lead you by the hand, and conduct you to the door of Truth and Knowledge, where the clear Light is that is pure from Darkness, where there is not one drunken, but all are sober and in their heart look up to him, whose pleasure it is to be seen.

Increase thy self into an immeasurable greatness, leaping beyond every Body; and transcending all Time, become Eternity and thou shalt understand God: If thou believe in thyself that nothing is impossible, but accountest thy self immortal, and that thou canst understand all things, every Art, every Science and the manner and custom of every living thing.

The dawn of knowledge is very near at hand, a brighter dawn than there has been for many centuries; but if all the dwellers of the earth will hide themselves in dark places, if, shivering in the first cold breath that heralds the dawn, they will return to sleep in the warmth of their illusions, then the precious moment
will be lost, and must be waited for again through many generations.

The heart can only be awakened by a great love. No passing fancy, no wandering passion wakes the sleeping heart of man, sleeping since its last incarnation. Only the hand of love laid upon it in supremest benediction can rouse it from this slumber. The awakening may be sudden and vivid, starling it into full consciousness in one breath or it may be slow and gradual, only half-conscious in its beginnings. But when once it has awakened and risen up in full consciousness, it becomes aware of all the other hearts that are incarnated round it, whether they be sleeping or waking; and, more or less clearly according to the nature of the man, it understands them.

Out of the knowledge and insight of the awakened heart grows a great power of forgiveness. No error, no misconception, no crime of those whose hearts are still sleeping is too great to be forgiven by him who is able to see that they are sleeping. No wrong committed by others whose hearts are awakened can be
harshly judged by the man who is able to understand the secret springs from which action flows.

Sorrow and loneliness and separation come no more into the life of the man whose heart is awakened. All the joy, the companionship, the brotherhood of life are his since he has joined himself to the whole and ceased to be a separate part.

There are many things on the earth that are little understood of the men who dwell thereon, but there is none so little understood as Love, and the mission of Love.

They have begun to learn the great lesson that no human soul has an independent separate existence, but that all are parts of one great whole. With the growth of sympathy the lesson becomes clearer and clearer, when it is thoroughly grasped; when, after being felt, it is thoroughly comprehended, then the
third bloom of the crown of asphodels has opened, the sheath has fallen from the heart of the flower, and left it open to the sun.

The man who wishes to perform this great feat must therefore work with the most intense earnestness to make himself a worthy instrument in the hands of those who help the world — must throw himself with the most devoted fervour into labour for the spiritual good of others, not arrogantly assuming that he is already fit for so great an honour, but rather humbly hoping that perhaps after a life or two of strenuous effort his Master may tell him that the time has come when to him also this may be a possibility.

From this highest level of the mental world come down most of the influences poured out by the Masters of Wisdom as they work for the evolution of the human race, acting directly on the souls of men, shedding on them the inspiring [page 87] energies which stimulate spiritual growth, which enlighten the
intellect and purify the emotions. Hence genius receives its illumination; here all upward efforts find their guidance. As the sun-rays fall everywhere from one centre, and each body that receives them uses them after its nature, so from the Elder Brothers of the race fall on all souls the light and life which it is their
function to dispense; and each uses as much as it can assimilate, and thereby grows and evolves. Thus, as everywhere else, the highest glory of the heavenly world is found in the glory of service, and they who have accomplished the mental evolution are the fountains from which flows strength for those who still are climbing.

But this much at least we may grasp — that the blessed state of Nirvâna is not, as some have ignorantly supposed, a condition of blank nothingness, but of far more intense and beneficent activity; and that ever as we rise higher in the scale of nature our possibilities become greater, our work for others ever grander and more far-reaching, and that infinite wisdom and infinite power means only infinite capacity for service, because they are directed by infinite love.

This knowledge was, in those ancient times and on the continent of Atlantis, given without any rigid conditions as to the moral elevation, purity, and unselfishness of the candidates. Those who were intellectually qualified were taught, just as men are taught ordinary science in modern days.

Two streams may nevertheless be tracked through Christendom, streams which had as their source the vanished Mysteries. One was the stream of mystic learning, flowing from the Wisdom, the Gnosis, imparted in the Mysteries; the other was the stream of mystic contemplation, equally part of the Gnosis,
leading to the ecstasy, to spiritual vision.

For instance, the Sun is the symbol of the Logos; that is its chief or primary significance. But it stands also for an incarnation of the Logos, or for any of the great Messengers who represent Him for the time, as an ambassador represents his King. High Initiates who are sent on special missions to incarnate among men and live with them for a time as Rulers or Teachers, would be designated by the symbol of the Sun; for though it is not their symbol in an individual sense, it is theirs in virtue of their office.

Now, the Spirit in man is the gift of the Supreme God, and contains within itself the three aspects of the Divine Life — Intelligence, Love, Will — being the Image of God. As it evolves, it first develops the aspect of Intelligence, develops the intellect, and this evolution is effected in the ordinary life in the world. To
have done this to a high point, accompanying it with moral development, brings the evolving man to the condition of the candidate.

There are five great Initiations in the life of a Christ, each one marking a stage in the unfolding of the Life of Love. They are given now, as of old, and the last marks the final triumph of the Man who has developed into Divinity, who has transcended humanity, and has become a Saviour of the world.

At the first great Initiation the Christ is born in the disciple; it is then that he realises for the first time in himself the outpouring of the divine Love, and experiences that marvellous change which makes him feel himself to be one with all that lives. This is the "Second Birth", and at that birth the heavenly ones rejoice, for he is born into " the kingdom of heaven", as one of the " little ones," as "a little child " — the names ever given to the new initiates.

Such is the Christ of the Mysteries in His dual aspect, Logos and man, kosmic and individual. Is it any wonder that this story, dimly felt, even when
unknown, by the mystic, has woven itself into the heart, and served as an inspiration to all noble living ? The Christ of the human heart is, for the most part, Jesus seen as the mystic human Christ, struggling, suffering, dying, finally triumphant, the Man in whom humanity is seen crucified and risen, whose victory
is the promise of victory to every one who, like Him, is faithful through death and beyond — the Christ who can never be forgotten while He is born again and again in humanity, while the world needs Saviours, and Saviours give themselves for men.

The Law of Sacrifice underlies our system and all systems, and on it all universes are builded. It lies at the root of evolution, and alone makes it intelligible. In the doctrine of the Atonement it takes a concrete form in connection with men who have reached a certain stage in spiritual development, the stage that
enables them to realise their oneness with humanity, and to become, in very deed and truth, Saviours of men.

Further, as it is an act of sacrifice in order that individuals may come into existence to share the Divine bliss, it is very truly a vicarious act — an act done for the sake of others; hence the fact already noted, that progress is marked by sacrifice becoming voluntary and self-chosen, and we realise that humanity
reaches its perfection in the man who gives himself for men, and by his own suffering purchases for the race some lofty good.

He learns to identify himself with the consciousness of those around him, to feel as they feel, think as they think, enjoy as they enjoy, suffer as they suffer, and thus he brings into his daily waking life that sense of unity with others which he experiences in the higher realms of being. He must develop a sympathy which vibrates in perfect harmony with [Page 188] the many-toned chord of human life, so that he may link in himself the human and the divine lives, and become a mediator between heaven and earth.

Power is now manifested in him, for the Spirit is resting on him, and he begins to stand out in the eyes of men as one of those who are able to help their younger brethren to tread the path of life. As they gather round him, they feel the power that comes out from him, the divine Life in the accredited Son of the Highest. The souls that are hungry come to him and he feeds them with the bread of life; the diseased with sin approach him, and he heals them with the living word which cures the sickness and makes whole the soul; the blind with ignorance draw nigh him, and he opens their eyes by the light of his wisdom. It is the chief mark in his ministry that the lowest and the poorest, the most desperate and the most degraded, feel in approaching him no wall of separation, feel as they throng around him welcome and not repulsion; for there radiates from him a love that understands and that can therefore never wish to repel. However low the soul may be, he never feels the Christ-Soul as standing above him but rather as standing beside him, treading with human feet the ground he also treads; yet as filled with some strange uplifting power that raises him upwards and fills him also with new impulse and fresh inspiration.

The last loneliness descends on him, and he feels himself forsaken and alone. Yet never is the Father nearer to the Son than at the moment when the Christ-Soul feels himself forsaken, for as he thus touches the lowest depth of sorrow, the hour of his triumph begins to dawn. For now he learns that he must himself become the God to whom he cries, and by feeling the last pang of separation he finds the eternal unity, he feels the fount of life is within, and knows himself eternal.

None can become fully a Saviour of men nor sympathise perfectly with all human suffering, unless he has faced and conquered pain and fear and death unaided, save by the aid he draws from the God within him. It is easy to suffer when there is unbroken consciousness between the higher and the lower; nay,
suffering is not, while that consciousness remains unbroken, for the light of the higher makes darkness in the lower impossible, and pain is not pain when borne in the smile of God.

Such a one has become truly divine, a Saviour of men, and he takes up the world-work for which all this has been the preparation. Into him must pour all the forces that make against man, in order that in him they may be changed into forces that help. Thus he becomes one of the Peace-centres of the world, which transmute the forces of combat that would otherwise crush man. For the Christs of the world are these Peace-centres into which pour all warring forces, to be changed within them and then poured out as forces that work for harmony.

For, having risen to the plane of unity, He is able to share all He has gained, to give all He has won. Standing above the plane of separateness and looking down at the souls immersed in separateness, He can reach each while they cannot reach each other. Water can flow from above into many pipes, open to the reservoir though closed as regards each other, and so He can send His life into each soul. Only one condition is needed in order that a Christ may share His strength with a younger brother: that in the separated life the human consciousness will open itself to the divine, will show itself receptive of the offered life, and take the freely outpoured gift. For so reverent is God to that Spirit which is Himself in man, that He will not even pour into the human soul a
flood of strength and life unless that soul is willing to receive it. There must be an opening from below as well as an outpouring from above, the receptiveness of the lower nature as well as the willingness of the higher to give.

Then he comes to a knowledge of his place in the world, of his function in nature — to be a Saviour and to make atonement for the sins of the people. He stands in the inner Heart of the world, the Holy of Holies, as a High Priest of Humanity. He is one with all his brethren, not by a vicarious substitution, but
by the unity of a common life.

Every son of man may become such a manifested Son of God, such a Saviour of the world. In each such Son is 'God manifest in the flesh', [1 Tim., iii, 16.] the atonement that aids all mankind, the living power that makes all things new. Only one thing is needed to bring that power into manifested activity in
any individual soul; the soul must open the door and let Him in. Even He, all-permeating, cannot force His way against His brother's will; the human will can hold its own alike against God and man, and by the law of evolution it must voluntarily associate itself with divine action, and not be broken into sullen
submission. Let the will throw open the door and the life will flood the soul. While the door is closed it will only gently breathe through it its unutterable fragrance, that the sweetness of that fragrance may win, where the barrier may not be forced by strength.

In proportion as a man dominates his lower nature, and becomes unselfish in his wishes, feelings, and emotions, as he makes his love for those around him less selfish and grasping, he is purifying this higher vehicle of consciousness; the result is that when out of the body in sleep he has higher, purer, and more instructive experiences, and when he leaves the physical body at death he passes swiftly through the intermediate state, the desire body disintegrating with great rapidity, and not delaying him in his onward journey.

When the man begins to live the life of the Son, having passed on to the Path of Holiness, he lives in heaven while remaining on earth, coming into conscious possession and use of this heavenly body. And inasmuch as heaven is not far away from us, but surrounds us on every side, and we are only shut out from it by our incapacity to feel its vibrations, not by their absence; inasmuch as those vibrations are playing upon us at every moment of our lives; all that is needed to be in Heaven is to become conscious of those vibrations. We become conscious of them with the vitalising, the organising, the evolution of this heavenly body, which, being builded out of the heavenly materials, answers to the vibrations of the matter of the heavenly world.

The cross bearing that body, or the entranced and rigid body, if no cross had been used, was lifted out of the sarcophagus and placed on a sloping surface,
facing the east, ready for the rising of the sun on the third day. At the moment that the rays of the sun touched the face, the Christ, the perfected Initiate or Master, re-entered the body, glorifying it by the bliss body He was wearing, changing the body of flesh by contact with the body of bliss, giving it new
properties, new powers, new capacities, transmuting it into His own likeness. That was the Resurrection of the Christ, and thereafter the body of flesh itself was changed, and took on a new nature.

The Ascension for humanity is when the whole race has attained the Christ condition, the state of the Son, and that Son becomes one with the Father, and God is all in all. That is the goal, prefigured in the triumph of the Initiate, but reached only when the human race is perfected, and when "the great orphan
Humanity" is no longer an orphan, but consciously recognises itself as the Son of God.

The Father is the Origin and End of all; the Son is dual in His nature, and is the Word, or the Wisdom; the Holy Spirit is the creative Intelligence, that brooding over the chaos of primeval matter organises it into the materials out of which forms can be constructed.

When the aspects of Will and Wisdom are revealed, a third aspect must follow to make them effective — Creative Intelligence, the divine mind in Action. A Jewish prophet writes: " He hath made the earth by His Power, He hath established the world by His Wisdom; and hath stretched out the heaven by His Understanding,"

Once more the law of sympathetic vibrations asserts itself, and the note of lofty aspiration is answered by a note of its own order, by a liberation of energy of its own kind, by a vibration synchronous with itself. The divine Life is ever pressing from above against the limits that bind it, and when the upward-rising force strikes against those limits from below, the separating wall is broken through, and the divine Life floods the Soul. When a man feels that inflow of spiritual life, he cries: "My prayer has been answered, and God has sent down His Spirit into my heart".

When a man has reached that point, he has risen above all prayer, save that which is meditation and worship; he has nothing to ask for, in this world or in any other; he remains in a steadfast serenity, seeking but to serve God. That is the state of Sonship, where the will of the Son is one with the will of the
Father, where the one calm surrender is made, "Lo, I come to do Thy will, 0 God. I am content to do it; yea, Thy law is within my heart".

Remains one truth that should never be forgotten: that we are living in an ocean of light, of love, of bliss, that surrounds us at all times, the Life of God. As the sun floods the earth with his radiance so does that Life enlighten all, only that [Page 277] Sun of the world never sets to any part of it. We shut this light out of our consciousness by our selfishness, our heartlessness, our impurity, our intolerance, but it shines on us ever the same, bathing us on every side, pressing against our self-built walls with gentle, strong persistence. When the soul throws down these excluding walls, the light flows in, and the soul finds itself flooded with sunshine, breathing the blissful air of heaven.

Jesus is he that should come; and Iu, the root of the name in Egyptian, means "to come." Iu-em-hept, as the Su, the Son of Atum, or of Ptah, was the "Ever-Coming One," who is always pourtrayed as the marching youngster, in the act and attitude of coming. Horus included both sexes. The Child (or the soul) is of either sex, and potentially, of both. Hence the hermaphrodital Deity; and Jesus, in Revelation, is the Young Man who has the female paps.

The first was the child Horus, who always remained a child. In Egypt the boy or girl wore the Horus-lock of childhood until 12 years of age. Thus childhood ended about the twelfth year. But although adultship was then entered upon by the youth, and the transformation of the boy into manhood began, the full adultship was not attained until 30 years of age. The man of 30 years was the typical adult. The age of adultship was 30 years, as it was in Rome under Lex Pappia. The homme fait is the man whose years are triaded by tens, and who is Khemt. As with the man, so it is with the God; and the second Horus, the same God in his second character, is the Khemt or Khem-Horus, the typical adult of 30 years. The God up to twelve years was Horus, the child of Isis, the mother's child, the weakling. The virile Horus (the sun in its vernal strength), the adult of 30 years, was representative of the Fatherhood, and this Horus is the anointed son of Osiris.

The Christian legends were first related of Horus the Messiah, the Solar Hero, the greatest hero that ever lived in the mind of man--not in the flesh--the only hero to whom the miracles were natural, because he was not human.

All Life then becomes a happening with meaning; but this can never be until the man surrenders his self-will and becomes one with the Great Will.

In the worlds of darkness and uncertainty Christ is the Lamp,whom we must follow, for He leads us along the Way.

Again, Christ the Logos is the Way. He is our Path to God, both on the Light-side of things and on the Substance-side; either as a Lamp, or that for which the pure minds looks, or a Way, that on which the feet walk. In either case the Christ is that which leads to God.

As soon as the sphere - "body" (the psychic envelope of normal man is said to be ellipse, egg-shaped, imperfect) is capable of dancing, the Power of the Master will stamp it with meaning. The little self cannot do this. The Power is not connected with little things. It comes from the greater worlds as a natural result of the perfect dancing of the substances of all man's "bodies".

For one thing, the mystical Christ of the Gnosis and of the pre-Christian types was a being of both sexes, as was the Egyptian Horus and other of the Messiahs; because the mystical Christ typified the spirit or soul which belongs to the female as well as to the male, and represents that which could only be a
human reality in the spiritual domain or the Pleroma of the Gnostics. This is the Christ who appears as both male and female in the Book of Revelation. And the same biune type was continued in the Christian portraits of the Christ. In Didron's Iconography you will see that Jesus Christ is portrayed as a female with
the beard of a male, and is called Jesus Christ as Saint Sophia, -- i.e., the Wisdom, or the Spirit of both sexes.

The sayings of Krishna as well as those of the Buddha are frequently identical with those of the Christ. I am the letter A, cries the one. I am the Alpha and Omega (or the A.O.), exclaims the other. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end, says Krishna -- "I am the Light, I am the Life, I am the Sacrifice."

She is pourtrayed in the planisphere with her tongue hanging out to show that she is the mouthpiece of time who utters the Word. Wisdom was also the earliest teller of human time. In her mystical phase she told the time for the sexes to come together.

That pyramid of imposture reared by Rome,
All of cement, for an eternal home,
Must crumble back to earth; and every gust
Shall revel in the desert of its dust;
And when the prison of the Immortal, Mind,
Hath fallen to set free the bound and blind,
No more shall life be one long dread of death,
Humanity shall breathe with fuller breath;
Expand in spirit and in stature rise,
To match its birth-place of the earth and skies.

Watchman, what of the Night?
The Watchman said: The morning cometh and also the night:
if ye will enquire, enquire yes: return, come.
He answered and said unto them,......Ye can discern the face of the sky: but can ye not discern the signs
of the times.

Life and Purpose are everywhere and at all times one. Fundamentally there is but one Life, one Purpose, behind all the multitudinous, ever-changing, infinitely diverse Forms in which it is clothed and expressed. And the great quality of the Life-side in evolution is that it is ever pressing forwards, gently, irresistibly, unceasingly, towards fuller, completer, manifestation and expression.

Life is one, Form is manifold; Life ever increases, Form continually passes, appears and disappears under the pressure of the ever-advancing tide of Life of which it is the ever-changing embodiment or expression. Life strives always towards the Ideal, its temporary embodiment is what we call the real. And the ultimate purpose of Evolution is to make of the two one, gradually drawing together these which seem poles asunder, until one day the real shall perfectly express the ideal, and heaven be born upon earth, His Will being done upon "earth" as it is always done in "heaven".

This new youthfulness and vigour reflects itself upon the great figure of Christianity's Leader and Redeemer. Of Him also a newer thought is beginning to arise. No longer as some pale saint, an an eternally suffering and patient God-man is He envisaged, but as One Who is man indeed with us, Keeper of the common heart, Teacher of the common mind, Leader of the common endeavour. The "first-born amongst the many brethren" is become the Elder Brother of the Race, Captain and Leader in this day of men's salvation.

"Far, ah! who can express
How full of bonds and simpleness is God,
How narrow is He,
And how the wide, waste field of possibility Is only trod,
Straight to His homestead in the human heart".

He taught - a self-evident truth taught also by many of the ancients - that the life of the world advances through great cycles or eras, each one demonstrating for all time hereafter some "further word of truth". In this way the total sum of humanity's great Days shall spell out the Word of God for man. Every age as it comes formulates a great overshadowing thought, which is only verified in the sphere of action when the advancing human intellect is already absorbed in the thought of its successor.

The Love and Justice of God, which is incarnate in life and in the nature of things, and which shall one day rise triumphant from the last battle and redeem humanity for evermore, has risen tremendously in thunder and flame and smoke, striving to break asunder a civilisation which denied Love and was founded upon the virtual repudiation of human kinship and brotherhood.

The passing era put property before life - even in the common-law of England today offenses against property are often more heavily punished than offenses against human life - success before happiness, intellect before heart, and is therefore going down in the inevitable nemesis, which follows upon denial of the Law of Life which may not be broken.

We have learnt what can be done by the will of a people united in one single purpose, we have discovered how much better is intelligent cooperation to wasteful competition ,and lastly, the greatest fact of all, how utterly interdependent is each one of us, each trade, each class, upon the other.

Man will one day succeed in constructing a house in the space. But he is oblivious of his tomorrow. "Nature is being ravaged with deliberation. How long can nature take these on slaughts? 'Man' is misusing his capabilities. For his own selfish interest he is destroying the right of others. When the wronged ones protest, the war like situation emerges.

'Human' nature is active in two forms - one is "motion" and the other is 'obstruction'. Presently, 'Man' is in motion and Nature is obstructing his motion. Both are active in their own ways. When ever 'nature' had displayed her obstructing mood in the form of vengeance, human history had registered unforgettable incidents. The destructive face of science is posing a positive threat to the very existence of mankind. And now, man is in search of an alternative. He is perplexed whether he should opt for war or look for peace. It is unfortunate that we look for peace, only when we have lost everything.

Man has started turning the dusty pages of our ancient civilization and culture. In search of peace he is probing all the deeper recesses of religion. Modern science wants to join hands with 'Yogi'. Armed with the knowledge of science 'man' for his own happiness, wants to be inspired towardss asceticism.

As per science, oxygen is necessary for the survival of all living entities. But 'yoga' can maintain 'life' even without oxygen. Yoga can help 'man' to survive in any condition. And because of this knowledge a yogi can travel to any planet without any difficulty.

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