Friday, November 16, 2012

Resurrection into the Kingdom of Light

Und wieder einmal war ich in den höheren Welten und habe das empfangene Wissen mit dem weltlichen Informationsdschungel abgeglichen und euch eine besondere Sammlung essentieller und aktueller Wahrheiten mitbringen können. Ein umfassendes Päckchen geschnürt für das letzte Stück der Wanderschaft. Es ist 2012 auch wenn uns der Mainstream schon die ganze Zeit vorgaukeln will, dass nichts dran sei. Sie machen einfach weiter wie bisher und tun als würde es mit ihrem kriminellen Selbstzerstörungssystem noch ewig so weiter gehen. Und wir fallen wie immer drauf rein. Es kommt mir vor als wären viele wieder in einen tiefen Schlaf gefallen. Vielleicht ist dies auch nur der Ausdruck ihrer Angst und Hilflosigkeit. Haben schon aufgegeben. Warten auf den Untergang. Jedem das Seine. Ich geh lieber rauf. Und jeder, der auch nur ein bisschen Erkenntnis gewonnen und sich auf dem bewussten Pfad bemüht hat, wird mitkommen. Und sonst ists nun wirklich aller höchste Zeit den Körper und das Herz zu reinigen und sich der Selbsterkenntnis zu widmen. Sich in geistiger Mediation und Ausgeglichenheit zu üben. Und die bedingungslose Liebe zu offenbaren. Eine solche Gelegenheit ist einfach viel zu selten. Aber natürlich muss man allen ihren freien Willen lassen. Wer lieber weiter schlafen will, soll das machen. Wer noch Hilfe braucht, wird sie bis zum letzten Tag auch bekommen. Ich muss nun langsam auch wieder mehr auf meinen eigenen Pfad zurück kehren und mich auf dieses kosmische Ereignis vorbereiten. Winter Solstice Gathering. Die Höhle. Die Energien. Das Ritual. Die Vereinigung. Die Gruppengnosis. 100% in Balance sein. Noch ein paar Schlüssel einsammeln. Die Gates vorbereiten. Den Geist klären und kontinuierlich auf das höhere Selbst richten. Die letzten Fäden abschneiden, die mich an diese Welt binden. Die himmlische Vorfreude geniessen. Wir haben so lange darauf gewartet nach Hause gehen zu können. Endlich. Ich komme höchstes geliebtes Mutter-Vater-Freund/in-Bruder/Schwester-Traummann-Kind-GOTTWESEN. Ausser Dir brauche ich nichts. Du allein erfüllst jeden Aspekt allen Seins. Danke. Du bist unendliche und vollkommene Glückseeligkeit und Liebe. Deine Wünsche sind mir Befehl. Deine Freude meine Mission. Dir bis in alle Ewigkeit dienen zu dürfen, ist mein einziger und grösster Wunsch. Du bist der Ursprung aller Bewusstseinszustände. Jeder Schöpfung. Die höchste Selbstverwirklichung. Die Erfüllung der perfekten Perfektion. Unerreichbar und doch ganz nah. Ich bin in Dir und Du in mir. Wir sind zwei und eins. Ein transpersonales Kombi-Individuum in einem grenzenlosen Ozean aus strahlender Transzendenz. Unsere liebende Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. Amen.

Himmel und Erde verbinden..

Texte Part1:

Everyone is a Guru.

Priests and Priestesses were taught how to connect with the many archetypal aspects of divinity (Neters) representing the principles of that consciousness. They guided the ascension of the Pharaohs in the “God Making” process.

There are a number of swift moving events that will take place when the Lord returns to set up His Kingdom.

When a person receives the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, God then places them in a state of never having committed any sin in the first place. This is done by imparting to us the divine nature of Christ “who hath no sin.”

The Lord Jesus was the first person in History to die, was buried in the grave for three days, and was raised from the dead, with a body not subject to the laws that govern natural man.

By the death of the seed there will be a new crop that will resemble that which was planted. The Believer’s new body, too, will resemble that which is planted, but it will not have the imperfections and infirmities that are present here below. All believers will have perfect bodies. Our new bodies will not all look alike, but will be as different in appearance as we are in this life. We will also be able to recognize others; perhaps even more so than we do now.

There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
So also is the resurrection of the dead.

Our new, glorified body will be far different and infinitely better than the natural body. The new body will resemble the old, and I believe we will retain our individuality and personality.

(1) “Sown in corruption, raised in incorruption.” The new body will have no sin, sickness or pain. It will never grow old and it will never die.
(2) “Sown in dishonour, raised in glory.” These old bodies are so corrupt, so dishonorable that even God will not make them over, but He must prepare a new body; one raised in glory.
(3) “Sown in weakness, raised in power.” I do not have to mention the limitations of the old body. As the days pass the body becomes even weaker until one day it will cease to function at all. The new body will be a powerful body, not subject to time or matter.
(4) “Sown a natural body, raised a spiritual body.” Our natural body, made from the dust, will return to dust. It will be raised a spiritual body, not subject to the laws of nature as is the case of the natural body. The spiritual body will be subject only to the laws of the Spirit. The spiritual body will be visible and tangible. The new body will not be subject to the laws of time and space. Our natural bodies are subject to the laws of this
earth; held here by the law of gravity which will not permit us, without some help, to get very far off the ground. If we get off the ground any distance we must use special equipment to survive. The new body will be able to travel great distances in moments. Moreover, the new body will be able to pass through closed doors.

Our entire Solar System (our Sun and planets)revolve around a central Sun Alcyone (in the Constellation of Pleiades), which in turn revolves around the GC, the centre of the Milky Way. Thus the GC is our heart, our connection to the greater Cosmos from which we have all been birthed. The GC is 26,000 Light Years from our Sun and is actually a ‘Black Hole’. A hole that vacuums up everything – light & matter and compresses it. it is referred to as zero point, and it is where we are birthed and where we pass through when we die. When we are birthed through the GCs 'birth canal', our light codes (our higher vibrational resonances carrying the blueprints of our past, present and potential future) are switched off – hence we forget the Divine Soul’s that we truly are and always have been. However, the GC being our birth Mother, does not leave her children completely alone following their decent. The GC is continually emitting waves of energy referred to as ‘Love Waves’. These waves assist in connecting all of creation, nurturing and facilitating our growth.
The Love Waves are an integral part of the Great Shift, and preparing us for our leap in consciousness. Through the Love Waves we are not separate, but we are all connected and we are all ONE, Living One Vibrational Energy.
The GC sits at 26 degrees 56minutes Sagittarius. It takes 225 million years for the Milky Way galaxy to make one complete revolution around its core the GC and conversely it takes us 26,000 years for one complete revolution around Alcyone.
In 2012 our GC and our Central Sun Alcyone will be completely aligned (at 26-56) with our Solar System sun meaning the end of a 225 million and 26,000 year cycle in 2012. This is the aligning of the three spiritual hearts (suns), all coming together as ONE.
In the celestial skies when the 3 suns align, humanity will move through a spiritual birthing into a new way of living. A doorway opens for humanity to transcend our limited beliefs, our outdated paradigm of survival.... but for this to occur, we must take action now.
Many indigenous cultures, saints, sages and shamans from around the world have spoken about this time in history - a time where we are faced with the decision to responsibly address our future and that of future generations. The time is now, and we must act before the opportunity is lost.
This is a time in history where we can collectively transcend the material consciousness of our culture, re-write our value system and unify together in peace, spiritual awareness, respect of our resources and other people, nature and the entire cosmos. United together we can make profound leaps in consciousness, and live peacefully together in harmony with all the elements of creation.

This is the ancient Gnosis of Light revealed and demonstrated through the historical person of Jesus as the Christ Principle, the divine seed Christos (Logos), and of Buddha Gautama Shakumuni as the Tathagatagarbha (the seed of Buddahood). This Christ-Buddha Nature is our actual “supreme identity.”

Gnosis is not merely belief or conceptual or empirical knowledge (dianoia, episteme). Nor is it the discriminating penetrating wisdom(sophia, prajna, sherab) that consumes the kleshas (obstructive negative emotions) and prepares the mind to open and receive Gnosis. Gnosis is direct, penetrating nondual meditative or contemplative spiritual insight/intuition (epinoia, vapashyana) of the naked Primordial Awareness Wisdom (jnana/vidya, yeshe/rig pa) of our Supreme Source (Tao, Nirguna Brahman,Mahashunyata, Dharmakaya, Samantabhadra) in whom arises all spacetime phenomena. Again, this ultimate sourceground—”Big Mind” (paramartha)—transcends yet embraces “Small Mind” (samvriti), relative, perceptual and conceptual knowledge and discursive thinking about arising spacetime phenomena. Gnosis is the knowing aspect (buddhi, jna/shepa, vidya) of the nondual essence of mind, beyond the duality of subject and object, prior to the discursive and emotive function of mind (manas, namshe, vijnana). Thus Gnoisis is primordial (yenas) wisdom in that it transcends, yet includes, temporal relative knowledge (samvriti) of spacetime phenomena. "To know oneself at the deepest level is to know God" (Monoimus). Here, knower (gnostikos) and known (gnosis), subject and object, spirit and matter are not separate but participate together as the unbounded whole in a relationship of identity.

Again, the realization of these ascending levels of knowledge is a function of the psychospiritual lifestage development of the spiritual aspirant. As to the experience of these hidden dimensions, whether conceptual dianoia or direct contemplative epinoia/gnosis, it is most important to maintain the understanding awareness that these dimensional reality realms—these “many mansions of the Father’s house”—arise in a relationship of interdependence with one another and with the whole, and therefore possess no inherent, independent existence in themselves; not even the nondual Ultimate Reality itself.

Each human being is a kosmic being, a potential Kosmic Christ or Buddha, and may, in due course, realize the potential of that primordial Christ/Buddha nature within. “The only difference between a Buddha and an ordinary person is that one realizes it, the other does not” (Zen patriarch Hui-neng). Although the wisdom gnosis is fully awake and present at every moment, we do not see it, so the master reveals it through the stages of the spiritual path as the disciple grows, step-by-step into the Gnosis of light.

The Gnosis of Light is the Tao that cannot be named. It is the unity of luminous emptiness, awareness and appearance of Buddhist shunyata.

The liberation of humanity from our seeming descent into the suffering of this material world requires nothing less than the periodic manifestation and intervention of the Solar Logos into an avataric incarnation, as a human being, who then “overcomes the world” and realizes, then demonstrates the wisdom and compassion of the way and the path to return. "The Word (logos/Christos) was made flesh and dwelt among us... full of grace and truth.

The dialectic of the nondual primordial wisdom teaching appears differently in different times, for different peoples, through different metaphors, but the nondual heart essence of the teaching is always the same.

A billion stars spin through the night blazing high above your head.
Deep within you is the presence that will be, when all the stars are dead.

“I can hear the sizzle of a newborn star, and know that anything of meaning, of fierce magic, is emerging here.
I am witness to flexible eternity, the evolving past.
And I know I shall live forever, as dust or breath in the face of stars,
In the shifting pattern of winds.”

The dark Crone phase of the seasonal cycle pairs with Autopoeisis of the cosmological process. Here we find sentience, subjectivity, interiority, the creative center. The light Virgin phase, in turn, celebrates Differentiation — diversity, complexity, multiform nature, articulation. Communion — the Mother phase — is celebrated throughout, though particularly at the Solstices, when there is a point of interchange, a Gateway into manifest or unmanifest states of being.

Wichtig sei der Punkt in der Mitte des Lebensbaumes (13). Hier zeigte sich mir ein Kristallschädel. Dies sei der Ort des Todes, wo das Leben stirbt und neu beginnt. Es sei der Atem Gottes der mit jedem Atemzug sich entscheidet über Leben und Tod.

Hier muss man sich das ganze Drei-Dimensional vorstellen, denn am 21.12.2012 werden Sonne, Erde
und weitere Planeten unseres Sonnensystems in Konjunktion zum Äquator der Milchstrasse und anderen
Stern-Bildern stehen. Dieses galaktische Zentrum enthält das uns nächstgelegene schwarze Loch. Es heisst, die Zeit stände dann einen Augenblick lang still und so wird dieser Moment auch „Der kosmische Augenblick“ genannt. Oder wie die Veden es überliefern:„Der Moment zwischen dem Aus- und Einatmen der Gottheit.“

There is no difference between eternal birth, restoration from the Fall and the finding of the stone of the philosophers.

This is the basis of the path of inner alchemy – Ars Royale – the profound Royal Art. A further purpose is to show the relation between ritual magic and inner alchemy; so to speak paints a bigger picture of the nature and first end of the work, where ritual magic acts as a practical gateway into the profound mysteries of alchemy.

In this regard the quality of their teaching and work depends upon a living tradition that has been integrated and to a certain extent also personified by the person or persons that aim at mediating the doctrines. It is this living, and as a rule oral tradition that renders possible the mediation of wisdom and understanding beyond the limitations of words. Words, to be able to be carriers of knowledge, need to be expressed from a personal understanding. The sense behind them, which is thus mediated through a living tradition, carries more keys within itself than is ever possible to describe in words.

Well, behind the first veil, to see the importance of cycles and reflections and the significance of cause and effect concepts. As magicians we learn how to read, interpret and affect these, foremost within our own sphere of sensation and then being able to apply the same upon the world around us. This ability can concisely be said to summarize the modern understanding of magic and alchemy, which then are reduced to a holistic existential developmental psychology with an occult key signature. The magical and alchemical practices then contribute to what the famous psychologist C.G. Jung termed the individuation process, which also Jung considered that the alchemists, foremost unconsciously, had strived for throughout history. All alchemical theories and axioms were thus interpreted by him to just concern psychological processes, which perhaps was a necessary antithesis to the long lived belief that alchemy was just an attempt at physically transmuting non-precious metals into gold.

In silence the seed of wisdom can grow, the unconscious can work on the symbolism, and the knowledge can be understood and transmuted into

In ancient Egypt, this ability was described by a sun with two wings - the sun, symbol of the self (consciousness) together with a pair of wings, the ability to travel between the rewworlds. This was the symbol of the winged Horus, which the Pharaoh would be transmuted to after his or her embalming process (in the identification with Osiris), to thereafter be able to regain the lawful place amongst the gods and goddesses.

Death resembles falling asleep where the conscious slowly ebbs out into various heavens or hells, for them loosening all aspects of individual memories and experiences.

The astral body, or body of light (the Kabbalistic Nephesch) was viewed by the Kabbalists as being the “true” body, of which the physical body is but a reflection. It is the bonds of this etheric body with the various urges in the seven palaces of Assiah that the esoteric traditions have sought to clarify and work with. For it is first when the urges can be controlled that the adept truly can be called a free human, no longer governed by unconscious impulses and influences. This is a very simple description of the esoteric meaning of the fall and the restoration there from.

There exist many myths around kundalini, but without exaggeration I think that whoever manages to arouse it will never forget that experience. One will have to search long for a more intense energy than that. Personally it felt like the climax of the orgasm extended to forty minutes the first time. The first twenty minutes were fantastically wonderful, the remaining so wonderful that they became painful.

Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest development ever untaken by a race of beings. In this historical evolution of the human design, each phase of spiritual initiation must still be taken and cannot, in anyway, be by-passed. We are greatly encouraged to review this Path of Initiation in order to consciously focus our personal objectives in alignment with the next stages of development and towards our ultimate goal of realizing and embodying the Christ Consciousness.

When we evaluate our life and delve deeply into this area called "spiritual initiation" especially concerning this particular embodiment, we begin to realize that our unique experiences have never ever been about the individual self. All that we have and are enduring has to do with the necessary requirements to further the Group Plan in order to help the human race evolve.

In this grand synthesis process now occurring, our individuality, as we have lived it, is rapidly dissolving. As we come closer to actualizing Christ Consciousness, which is pure love from the group harmonic, we are placing less emphasis on the need for acknowledgement as an individual self expression. We find that individuality is another illusion, a minuscule reflection of our inclusivity within another more expansive umbrella field of energy. In essence, we are a conglomerate of the many monadic energies and aspects that comprise our family tree of life. Our personalities are not real. Our emotions, our minds, our bodies and our etheric natures are not real, merely instruments constantly changing. The only real, lasting substance is that part of our consciousness that pristinely vibrates to an all encompassing group tone. It is to remember our origins from the stars and that we come from another timeline of no time... of eternal light. We do not have to strive to evolve. We are already evolved. We are pure and holy by our own true natures. It is to remember that we are part of a cosmic cast playing out our chosen roles in a grand play. Our script is to completely eradicate a karmic timeline so that no residue of negativity remains. We are preparing for the birth of a new star and its avatar race. Our mission, to be embodied in physical form, carries time coded programs within the DNA and is a brilliant manifestation of the Divine Plan…to insure our return. We are here and now on the Path of Initiation to cut the pathways of light to anchor a new timeline for the next civilization.

Our daily life is the backdrop of initiation and the gradual mastering of the self that brings about our control over matter. Due to the planetary quickening in this current closing of the cycles, initiation is also being taken in sleep state… during the dream reality and soul travel to the many etheric ashrams of higher learning. The requirements upon the Path of Initiation have necessarily changed as the consciousness of collective Humanity has evolved. Unlike the past, we now have Divine Dispensation granting extra support from beyond the veil including intervention from a long list of cosmic beings and star nations who are encouraging the human race onward and upward. We are greatly supported through Earth’s new energy grid system namely the planetary Crystalline Grid of Christ Consciousness which serves as an information highway for the exchange of higher light intelligence. We are also supported merely through the unified intention from the millions of embodied souls all undergoing planetary initiation at the same time!

There is a great need for the purification of the bodily vehicles to allow the body to integrate higher levels of energy and light frequency.

The mind is very responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from soul and we begin to receive direct guidance from the Monad. Kundalini energy releases up the spine, third eye vision opens and the accumulation of spiritual knowledge is very fast. When the physical body is pure, the emotions stable and steady, and the mental body controlled, the initiate can safely wield and wisely use the psychic faculties for the helping of the race. Not only can we use these faculties, but we are able to enliven thought forms that the race. Not only can we use these faculties, but we are able to enliven thought forms that are clear and well defined, pulsating with the spirit of service and not controlled by lower mind or emotional desire.

The Fourth Initiation is referred to as “The Crucifixion” due to the great renouncing of the material plane and all human attachments. We have laid all, including our perfected personality upon the altar of sacrifice.

The needy bonds of human emotional love are transcended into Divine Love.

Once we are in the absorption process, the Monad begins to enter the transcended personality body vehicle and consciousness, connecting through the heart chakra. We begin expressing more prominently the monadic ray of that Source Itself.

We are in charge of large work, teaching many people, aiding simultaneously in many facets of the Divine Plan.

The Fifth Initiation is the point in development when our human self and Monad combine fully. Our personal will has become one with Divine Will. The embodied Christ Consciousness is actualized and sustained as we completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical "light body" form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of absolute oneness.

We are highly attuned and extra sensitive to a range of energies and influences due to our increasing monadic polarization and contact with the beings and Councils of Light overseeing Earth evolution.

Resurrection is the emphasized goal for Humanity. This is the rising out of matter and into a spiritualized fifth dimensional consciousness. This essentially means that all people upon the new Earth body will be Divine-Humans and liberated Masters.

Whenever an alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator occurs on an equinox or solstice day, this alignment will correspond with a Great Celestial Conjunctions as mentioned in the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’.

The superwave is preceded by a gamma ray pulse 10,000 times stronger than from a supernova, creating an electromagnetic pulse for a few minutes that would knock out most electrical equipment on Earth. The timing of the galactic waves is variable and they are of varying strength.

This forms the “third eye”, of spiritual vision. Soul energies and consciousness then flow through the magnetic field, stimulating the brain and hormone production. The pineal produces hallucinogens that have been called “God hormones” or spirit molecules because of their effect in producing mystical states and psychic abilities. The hormones are produced at birth, death, religious ecstasy, and near-death experiences where there is out of body travel to spiritual realms beyond space and time.

See this as a pulsation of increasing and transforming Light (that is Love). Now see the purpose of the wave from the galactic centre as transmuting energy. If it strikes a dark star or planet then the transmutation is at a more basic and physical level. If the planet is more radiant the wave stimulates greater divine upliftment and
enlightenment. Earth is a darker planet41 and the loving energy of the wave includes physical
transformation – seen as destruction by some, reconstruction by others. Individuals respond to the energies according to their light, some transcending spiritually and others needing to transfer to other realms.

We are not alone. There are wonderful Masters of the Wisdom, angels and our brothers in the galaxy, our wise neighbours, on hand to assist the transformation. All are inspired and directed by the Love of God, and have our enlightenment at heart.

This miracle shall be a sign of the promise of the regeneration and hope of the world if men, averting evil ways, selfishness, and materiality turn truly to Love, or God. But if the warning and then the miracle are not heeded, the angelic forces and those from outside the Earth will not modify the cosmic activity which will cause the solar exchanges in the extreme; and the Earth will suffer three days – in a sense, chastisement, but it is karmic. However, even that will cause, as the burning of the fire out of which the phoenix rises, an eventual refinement of the race of man.
If the consciousness of man changes, through love and devotion, then, as the hearts of men turn toGod, so will the cosmic conditions change, through the activity of the angelic realm and those physically from outside the Earth; and the “chastisement” will be averted or lessened. The sun will react in a different way; the radiation will be subtle and gradual, and the mutations more subtle, but just as positive in their nature. A new consciousness will rise up among the children of men living in an age of peace.

His analysis suggests that rays from a deep space explosion (the GC) will reach Earth in March 2013 but will be detected initially on 13 December 2012.

I will break all the chains of the world, and I will declare myself immortal even if they believe me to be crazy...

The woman is the vestal of the temple...the woman lights the flame of our sounding arquin, which vibrates within the cosmic spaces with  the tremendous solemn and ineffable euphoria of the vast heavens of Urania...

Therefore, the majority of souls in our terrestrial evolution are lost. The black path, filled with vices and pleasures, was the easier and more accessible path for all of them. The human evolution has failed! Only a handful of souls will be united with their Intimate and will enter into the angelical kingdom.

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