Saturday, November 24, 2012

The human Plant

Samstagmorgen. Die Sonne scheint. Mit einem Lachen auf dem Gesicht fahre ich mit dem Fahrrad über den Markt. Geniesse die Atmosphäre zwischen den Menschen und Ständen. Der Duft der Blumen und Esswaren. Gehe in die Bibliothek und suche mir neue spannende Lektüre für meine Studien. Das ist Leben. So stelle ich mir das vor. Das kleine aber feine Wintersonnenwend-Festival nimmt auch langsam Konturen an. Die Location steht fest. Ein Ort in der Natur, der schon früher radikalreformatorischen Christen Unterschlupf bot. Wie passend. Noch 30 Tage. Full Power. Alles wird sich improvisiert fügen und in einem extatischen und mystischen Feuerwerk münden. Der Höhepunkt einer bewegten Wegstrecke. Einer intensiven Wachstums- und Lernphase. Der Beginn einer neuen Wirkungsdimension. Wenn gewisse Bedingungen, Menschen, Rituale und Energien an bestimmten Plätzen zusammen kommen, können Wunder geschehen. Schon nur das Schreiben dieser Zeilen berührt mich so stark, dass die Tränen fliessen. Lasst es uns tun. Für alle Lebewesen im Universum, die vor uns waren und die nach uns noch kommen werden. Wer und wo auch immer ihr seid. Für die göttliche Quelle allen Seins. Der Ursprung aller Liebe und Weisheit. Segne uns mit Deiner Vollkommenheit und Schönheit. Erfülle unsere Herzen mit Deinem reinigenden und hellen Licht. Wir sind Deine Kinder. Eine Familie. Bring uns zusammen. Weihe uns ein. Deine Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. Amen.

Aus dem göttlichen Samen ist eine Pflanze heran gewachsen. Ein kleiner aber starker Baum des Lebens, der reichlich Blüten und Früchte trägt. Obwohl es Winter ist. Am liebsten würde er bis Ende Jahr wach bleiben. Jeden Tag nutzen um noch möglichst viele Seelen zu nähren. Ihnen helfen das Selbst zu erkennen. Die Wahrheit für sie in immer feineren Nuancen zum Ausdruck bringen. Viel mehr Leuten den Blog zeigen. Das Buch fertig schreiben. Das mystische Festival planen. Die eigene Selbstverwirklichung mit jeder Minute weiter steigern. Die vibrierenden Schwingungen erhöhen. Den Geist ganz unter Kontrolle bringen und jede Stunde eine ritualisierte Gebetsmeditation zur Heilung der Erde und zur Auflösung des kollektiven Karmas ausführen. Visualisieren machtvoller Bilder und Symbole. Die Kraft des Willens einsetzen. Das Wort und den Ton anwenden. Jedes Mittel einsetzen, das zur Er_Lösung beitragen kann. Den okkulten Priester der Mannonkirchen ihre Macht raubt. Das höchste Ritual heraus kristallisieren und verinnerlichen. Auf die Begegnung mit Meister/Engel und die Einweihung vorbereiten. Die Heirat mit dem höheren Selbst vollziehen und feiern. Die Hochzeit aller Dualitäten. Die Auflösung aller Fragmente zu einem neuen Ganzen. Auf allen Ebenen volle Bewusstheit erlangen und bis zur letzten Sekunde jeden Moment mit Sinn und Liebe ausfüllen. Diese aussergewöhnliche Phase wach und aktiv erleben. Bis zum letzten Tropfen. Das Unmögliche möglich machen. Die Zukunft verändern. Mit jedem Schritt Geschichte schreiben. Die höchste Einheit manifestieren. Befreite Halbgötter. Unendliche Quellen und Kanäle des göttlichen Lichts. Geistiger Kreativität und Realität. Besteigen den Thron des Königreichs. Lassen die magnetischen Liebeswellen aus dem Herzzentrum kontinuierlich in das ganze Universum  fliessen. Sich ausbreiten. So wie es auch das Zentrum unserer Galaxie tut. Mikro- und Makrokosmos reflektiert und synchronisiert. Gemeinsam wachsen sie wie kosmische Pflanzen weiter dem höchsten Licht entgegen. Arbeiten an ihrer Vervollkommnung. Um die Dimension ihres Schöpfers zu erreichen. Den mächtigsten und mystischsten aller Gurus und Magier zu erreichen. Den Traumpartner jedes Lebewesens. Mit Ihm auf Seiner wunderschönen Lichtinsel in ewiger Harmonie und Glückeeligkeit das Spiel der Liebe spielen. Jeden Tag Hochzeit feiern. In Seinem Himmel für immer vom köstlichen Nektar Seiner unfassbaren Schönheit und Bewusstheit berauschen lassen. Das absolute Ziel. Der höchste Wunsch. Das Ende des Wegs. In fassbare Nähe gerückt. Leuchtet immer häufiger und deutlicher am Horizont des kollektiven Bewusstseins auf. Wie grelle Blitze beleuchten sie geistige Momentaufnahmen der absoluten Wahrheit, die sich im Spiegel des reinen Herzens reflektiert hat. Die verschiedenen  materiellen Ausdruckswerkzeuge wie flexible Folien über Fragmente des göttlichen Allseins gespannt um einen flüchtigen Hauch Seines Wesens einzufangen. Ein Bild daraus zu machen und in eine universelle Form zu übersetzen, die auf allen Ebenen verstanden werden kann und authentisch ist. Es kommt einer begeisterten Lobpreisung gleich, die durch die Offenbarung dieses höchsten Ideals von vollkommener Liebe in Kreativität und Schönheit jeden mit höchster Freude efüllt und einen direkten Kontakt zur ewigen Quelle allen Seins herstellt.

Und so verrückt das alles vielleicht für manche klingen mag aber die Möglichkeit all dies zu erfahren und erreichen, besteht tatsächlich. Und zwar für alle, die dafür bereit sind. Leider haben hier nur sehr wenige intensiv darauf hingearbeitet und nun den Entwicklungsgrad erreicht, der diese Transformation zulässt. Erfüllen genau in diesem Moment die nötigen Voraussetzungen. Haben alle niederen Ebenen gemeistert und trotzdem genug Kraft und Mut noch weiter zu gehen. Und sogar andere mitzunehmen. Beziehen aus der Steigerung und Spannung des Finales immer mehr Energie und werden so noch schneller und stärker. So, wie alles andere auf der Erde zurzeit auch. Nur die Zeit scheint immer langsamer zu werden. Perfekt. Wir haben es ja schon länger gewusst. Haben die Zeit gut genutzt. Bisher war der Weg nur ein Training für ihre wahre Arbeit. Jetzt, wo alle langsam müde sind und sich ihrem Schicksal mehrheitlich ergeben haben, sind die Krieger des Lichts als letzte immer noch auf dem Spielfeld. Weiterhin sehr aktiv damit beschäftigt die hohen Energien zu kanalisieren und ordnen. Sie wachen jetzt erst richtig auf. Wachsen in grossen Schritten immer höher über sich und diese Welt hinaus. Und einige werden am Ende sogar als erste dieser Generation das höchste Ziel verwirklichen. Die nächste Dimension betreten. Die Unsterblichkeit erlangen. So werden also die letzten die ersten sein. Und weil sie die ersten waren, werden sie auch zurück kommen und allen zeigen, wie es funktioniert. Bis auch das letzte Kind des Lichts nach Hause gefunden hat. Und erst dann werden auch sie wieder dorthin zurück gehen. So werden die ersten also wieder die letzten sein. Der kleine Kreis schliesst sich. Und der herzliche Empfang der befreiten Geschwister bei ihrer Heimkehr werden sie alle Strapazen des Weges augenblicklich vergessen lassen. Ich weiss ihr seid irgendwo da draussen. Geben alles. Genau wie ich. Im Herzen und im Geiste sind wir alle verbunden. Eins mit dem Christusnetz. Dem göttlichen Willen. Erhalten darum die volle Unterstützung des ganzen Universums. Vom kleinsten Atom bis zum galaktischen Zentrum lässt uns alles seine Energien zukommen. Damit wir gemeinsam das Wunder des höchsten Bewusstseins erfahren und verwirklichen können. Die menschliche Rasse aus ihrem Tiefschlaf reissen. Ordnung ins Chaos bringen. Die Balance wieder herstellen. Licht in die Dunkelheit. Den Himmel zur Erde. In der Dualität kann man alles mit dem Gegenteil neutralisieren. Die Grenzen verschwinden und die Schleier der Illusion verlieren ihre Kraft. Einfach weil dahinter die einzige wahre Realität ist, die es gibt und im Gegensatz zu dieser vergänglichen Welt auch ewig geben wird. Die Menschen lebten lange Zeit in einem Zustand der Unbewusstheit und haben vergessen, dass sie selbst ein Teil Gottes sind und darum nie von ihm getrennt sein können. Sie haben sich vom Schein der Materie blenden lassen. Nun wird es Zeit ihre geistigen Herzaugen wieder zu erwecken und sie dem Selbst zurückzugeben. Bevor sie im Ozean der zyklisch- und karmischbedingten Kräfte dieser Evolutionsphase versinken. Die Transformation kann beginnen.

Ich habe letztens gelesen, dass sich angeblich einige hundert Menschen in der Schweiz auf den Weltuntergang vorbereiten, ihre Jobs schmeissen und nur noch meditieren. Auch sogenannte Normalbürger würden sich von diesem merk_würdigen Phänomen anstecken lassen. Man habe deswegen sogar spezielle Seelorger-Hotlines eingerichtet. Viele Bedenken sind wohl unbegründet und andere vielleicht nicht. Es ist schwierig zu sagen, was uns genau erwartet und diese Unsicherheit veranlasst viele zur Angst. Vieles in der Welt droht ausser Kontrolle zu geraten. Die Natur zeigt uns ihr extremstes Gesicht. Die meisten kommen mit dem Druck nicht mehr klar. Fliehen vor der Realität. Sich selbst. Den anstehenden und unvermeidlichen Veränderungen in und um uns. Doch all dies kann das Wässerchen der Bewusstheit nicht trüben. Egal, was kommt wir sind ein Teil davon. Entscheiden mit über den Ausgang dieser Geschichte. Uns stehen Kräfte zur Verfügung, die uns Berge versetzen lassen. Die uns die Tore zum Himmel öffnen. Lasst sie uns nutzen und freisetzen. In Visionen vereinen. Unsere Herzen öffnen. Alle gemeinsam. Am gleichen Tag. Zur selben Stunde. Unsere heilenden Gedanken- und Liebeswellen sollen die ganze Erde mit Licht umhüllen und reinigen. Sie möglichst sanft auf die nächste Ebene heben. Dein Wille geschehe. 

Zurzeit beschäftige ich mich intensiver mit dem Mysterium um die Liebe von Jesus und Maria Magdalena und wie sie gemeinsam die höchsten Geheimnisse und Techniken gelüftet und gemeistert haben. Der Kern des Lebens kommt immer näher. Das Zentrum aller spiritueller Lehren. Wer Ohren hat, soll hören. Immortality and access to other worlds..

Love from above


Texte Part II:

The vehicle of intuition is directly connected with the heart. Accordingly, the heart is the center of intuition. Its chakra or lotus flower spins and shines with extraordinary beauty. Seven atomic centers exist in this chakra, which serve as instruments for the Seven Great Cosmic Hierarchies in order for them to act upon our marvelous organism.

A protector net is formed around the ethereal body when we do not waste our Christicforce. This is how this body remains protected from the exterior currents. The physical body becomes more fine and also more strong, and even the face is transformed and gains beauty.

The mind of the intuitive one is the sacred cup of Pleroma, the sacred cup of Samadhi, the liquor of the Gods. It is the Soma, drank by the Lords of the Mind. It is the liquor of love, the Buddhic liquor, which is the wine of light already transmuted within the igneous vessel of the beautiful Helen. It is the cup of the immortal Gods!

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hat shut to the door, and ye be gin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying Lord, Lord open unto us: and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: Then ye shall begin to say, we have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all of the Prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.

Before initiating its new manifestations, Nature has to recapitulate all of its former manifestations.

Every theory is gray and only the tree of the golden fruits of life is green.

The poison of a snake kills, yet, we can arrive to the High Initiation with this poison, which is a ‘precious arcanum’. Listen to me, Initiate Reader, “the hiss of the snake is the base of life.”

The Angel with the golden censer is our Intimate, who triumphantly enters into the white hierarchy along with his diamond soul. He becomes another perfect one among the community of the elected ones...

Here the Apocalypse tells us that when we have opened the seventh seal with the sword of the Kundalini, then the seven churches open their doors for us, and teach us the wisdom of the seven great terrestrial periods, which correspond to the seven great cosmic periods.

This will be the sixth epoch. In that epoch the human demons will be taken into the abyss again, after a very good opportunity for progress has been given to them.

Foolish boasters of wisdom, know that only those who have already passed through the High Initiation, only those who have given their last drop of blood for this humanity will enter into Nirvana.

We have already said, and we will not tire of repeating that the Initiation is life itself,
intensively lived, and that the human being’s redemption exclusively lies in the sexual act.

Men were made for women and women for men, because Nature is wise in its designs. What man and woman have to learn is to enjoy themselves without hurting each other, and the answer for this is‘sexual magic’. During the act of love, the Gnostic couple transmutes their semen into atomic energy by
restraining the sexual act. This energy then rises upwards towards their head, through certain spermatic canals. This is how the human being is converted into a God. Sexual Magic has the following advantages:
1. Husband and wife continue loving each other for life with growing intensity, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.
2. It does not fill the spouses’ lives with children.
3. Woman rejuvenates; she turns more beautiful and attractive every day, because she is daily charged with powerful forces, thanks to her husband.
4. Aged man rejuvenates and does not ever get old, because life is given to him through their creative forces. Thus, luck and happiness surround them everywhere.
5. The sense of clairvoyance is awakened in both, and so the veil of the invisible worlds is disclosed before their sight.
6. The sacred fire of the Holy Spirit illuminates them internally.
7. They unite themselves with their own Intimate (internal God). Thus, they convert themselves into king and queen of creation, with powers over the four elements of Nature, which are earth, water, air and fire.
8. They acquire the Elixir of Long Life, which resides in the Kundalini.
9. Death will be no more.

There are three conditions that are necessary in order to receive the Elixir of Long Life: Sexual magic, perfect sanctity, and to know how to consciously travel in the astral body.

Listen to me good disciple; the path is hard and filled with cobblestones and thorns. Poverty and infamy will put on their masks in order to hurt you in the middle of your journey. You will sweat blood and your feet will also bleed in the middle of your journey because of the cobblestones on the path.
The path of High Initiation is the path of Golgotha. It is a path of tears and anguish. Light your candles in the silence of the night, and in that profound silence where you keep vigil, remember your Internal God and enter into His cavern. He awaits for you inside, deep inside of yourself, awaiting for the hour of His Self-realization.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they might have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city of men.

When magic is explained as it really is, then what occurs is that it seems to make no sense to fanatical people. They prefer to follow their world of illusions.

It is the struggle of two epochs: one which is dying and the other which is being born. We have entered into the Millennium. The human evolution has failed. Almost all of the human beings who presently live upon the face of the Earth have already received the mark of the beast upon their foreheads. They are demons.

All of the black magicians from the Western World were depending upon a certain black magician from Rome.

We spoke previously about ‘UFOs’ in our first edition of the book The Perfect Matrimony. We explained in that book that they are flying ships, and that the instructors of Aquarius will come in them.

Let us break the chains...
tyranny has already fallen...
Om... om... om...
Life is in festivity...
let us break the chains...
om... om... om...
Good Jesus, come, come, come.
He does not want slaves.
Javhe has already fallen, Lusbel has already fallen.
Let us break the chains...
tyranny has already fallen...
Om... om... om...
Life is in festivity...
let us break the chains...
In the infinite space,
within divine lightning,
the Gods immortal
sang with heavenly chanting...
The black night has already passed...
with its painful scaffolds...
Now let us chant to the heroes of the night
a chant of love...

This most certainly explains why death would cease in the Millennial Reign, for the glorified Bride is the tree of life. When she returns with Immanuel, those who remain here on earth will eat of her fruit—they will eat from her truth and instruction while ruling and reigning with Immanuel. This is truly wonderful to see and understand!

Initiation, as the word indicates, is a beginning: the beginning of what must lead to PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES THAT ARE TOTALLY EXTRAORDINARY.

Light is an energy that triggers the synchronization between brain cells, accelerating and amplifying
physiological processes. Focusing on a light source for short periods of time therefore provokes an influx of additional energy to the entire brain and improves mental abilities: memory, concentration, formulation of ideas, creativity, initiative…and thus intelligence on the whole.

Strong souls are usually endowed with great energy and impulse, and through these very forces they forge to the front ranks, though they often suffer much. As a result they are filled with compassion for others.

Richard Wagner, with the rare intuition of the master musician, sensed this idea when he sat in meditation by the Zurich Sea on a Good Friday, and there flashed into his mind the thought,“What connection is there between the death of the Savior and the millions of seeds sprouting forth from the earth at this time of the year?” If we meditate upon that life which is annually poured out in the spring, we see it as something gigantic and awe-inspiring—a flood of life which transforms the globe from one of frozen death to rejuvenated life in a short space of time. And the life which thus diffuses itself in the budding of millions and millions of plants is the life of the Earth Spirit.

"I am light, and I am night, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am speech, and I am silence, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am life, and I am death, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am war, and I am peace, and I am that which is beyond them.
I am weakness, and I am strength, and I am that which is beyond them.
...And it shall be unto them a grace and a sacrament, and ye shall all sit down together at the supernal banquet, and ye shall feast upon the honey of the gods, and be drunk upon the dew of immortality --- FOR I AM HORUS, THE CROWNED AND CONQUERING CHILD, WHOM THOU KNEWEST NOT!"

Therefore the work of each person is the release of identification with the ego and the consequent identification with Horus, That which transcends Life and Death (and all dualities).

"The word AUM is the sacred Hindu mantra which was the supreme hieroglyph of Truth, a compendium of the Sacred Knowledge... Firstly, it represents the complete course of sound... Symbolically, this announces the course of Nature as proceeding from free and formless creation through controlled and formed preservation to the silence of destruction... We see accordingly how AUM is, on either system, the expression of a dogma which implies catastrophe in nature. It is cognate with the formula of the Slain God."

"I reveal unto you a great mystery. Ye stand between the abyss of height and the abyss of depth. In either awaits you a Companion; and that Companion is Yourself. Ye can have no other Companion. Many have arisen, being wise. They have said "Seek out the glittering Image in the place ever golden, and unite
yourselves with It." Many have arisen, being foolish. They have said, "Stoop down unto the darkly splendid world, and be wedded to that Blind Creature of the Slime." I who am beyond Wisdom and Folly, arise and say unto you: achieve both weddings! Unite yourselves with both! Beware, beware, I say, lest ye seek after the one and lose the other! My adepts stand upright; their head above the heavens, their feet below the hells... Thus shall equilibrium become perfect."

This symbolically shows that, by pushing towards the extremes (expanding the base horizontally in this metaphor), we enlarge our foundations which thereby allow us to withstand the "winds" of experience better.

The Scarlet Woman is traditionally associated with the image of a whore, who symbolically represents "that which allows anything and everything into itself."

"The Enemy is this Shutting up of things. Shutting the Door is preventing the Operation of Change, i.e. of Love... It is this 'shutting up' that is hideous, the image of death. It is the opposite of Going, which is God"

In one sense, it is only by the individual's own courage, persistence, and hard work that the Great Work can ever be accomplished. In another sense, Truth - the realization of one's True Self beyond dualities - cannot be communicated.

This perception of Truth can only be partially communicated in poetics, metaphors, symbols, and analogies: it is the direct, individual experience of the True Self which brings real understanding of the Truth as That which is beyond dualities.

Humanity is not sinful, degenerate, empty or untrustworthy but rather each individual is a Star, each a fountain of Godhead, and each inherently Divine. It is the work of the individual to realize this Divinity in themselves, coming to know themselves not as the ego but as the True Self which transcends all opposites.

Every man must overcome his own obstacles, expose his own illusions.

Because all things are perfect in themselves, we obviously do not need any kind of God or guru to bestow redemption, liberation, or initiation upon us: the aspirant need only clear away the cloud-veils of ignorance around her Star, and the True Self will leap up within her awareness and burn away all division and limitation.

Therefore, if we are to ascend alive in our mortal bodies, Yahshua had to do the same as “the first fruits of those who are asleep.” Again, it was essential that He precede us in the same manner as we will ascend, preparing the way for us. He came as a man like us, living in a mortal body; and for this very reason He had to complete that process and ascend alive into heaven as a man with that earthly body. In every regard He prepared the way for us, even in ascending.

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.

This is where we are now. Of course the thousands of holy ones would be the Remnant. We know that there were at least five thousand in the first Remnant, and Revelation simply tells us that the second Remnant will be a “great multitude … from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues.” The latter is in clear contrast to the first Remnant who were located solely in Jerusalem.

“For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for a time is coming in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.”

That which He speaks of regarding being born from above, will first find fulfillment in the Millennial kingdom; for unless one is born both of water and the Spirit, they will not enter into that kingdom so as to rule and reign with Him.

“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope … to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

These two separate and complete witnesses are wonderful to see, and frankly have never before now been seen or understood. Once again we find that Yahweh is giving insight and understanding to His Bride—truth that continually evidences to be a seamless garment. For this we are most grateful, and look to Him to fulfill His word in these last days of immense culmination.

Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

The woman who is unmarried, and the virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband.

“Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”

Eve came FROM Adam. She had always been a part of him, but had to come out separate from him in order to be rejoined to him as one, as husband and wife.

Furthermore, if the Bride must be split, for the same cause the Body of Christ must be split; and if the Body must be burned with fire in the third part, then the second Remnant must be purified with fire as well. And if the Bride and the Body enter into a heavenly state, then so must the rest of mankind enter into that same state—as the offspring of the union of the Bride and the Body.

We perceive these phosphenes after a remaining a certain time in total darkness: there is a persistence of very pale patches coming from this "para-light". There are also very beneficial exercises that can be practiced using this "visual chaos".

Therefore, it seems that phosphenes play a role of an intermediate step facilitating the transformation of light energy into mental energy: when one focuses on a source of light, the energy of light accumulates in the brain in the form of potential chemical reactions. This energy is released during the presence of a phosphene. Since a phosphene is an intermediary between the material world and thoughts, its energy is easier to recover for the activity of thoughts, which is not in itself a direct energy of light.


Throughout its history, the Church, which has always known more or less the true source of Christianity as a solar religion at its beginnings, has "played" upon phosphenic phenomenon to which children are extremely receptive in order to manipulate crowds and thus prolong the Roman Empire.

This physiological structure, when it is set in motion, produces either gyroscopic meditation or a whirling of the phosphene, and associated to several other phosphenic rhythms it sometimes awakens spontaneously, especially in crowds, due to its great transmissibility that diminishes with
distance. The consequence of this latter characteristic is that the "critical mass" law applies to phosphenic phenomena in groups: when a certain number of persons practice Phosphenism together, the phenomena have a snowball effect to such an extent that it is called a miracle.

Gnosis is authentic interest - inter-esse - inter-being.

Whoever has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time achieved knowledge of the depth of all things.

He who possesses gnosis…is like a person who, having been intoxicated, becomes sober, and having come to himself, re-affirms that which is essentially his own.

Gnosis is not knowledge ‘of’ God or of any actual being. Rather God is Gnosis – a knowing awareness of potentiality that is the hidden ground and source of all actual beings, linking them to their own innermost potentialities of being. Gnosis is not knowledge of extant beings – it is a Knowing that precedes Being.

There is a wordless knowledge within the word.

But the spiritual key word of the day was not ‘therapy’ or ‘healing’ however, but ‘redemption’. This word did not mean salvation from sin but freedom from slavery to the ruling military-political powers and their religious servants.

In place of this ignorance they offered knowledge or gnosis – not in the form of dogmas but in the form of direct spiritual experiences undergone by individuals through initiation.

The goal exists because, in today’s world, the taboo against deep soul-spiritual intimacy and intercourse with other human beings is greater than any taboos that once held sway regarding sexual intimacy and intercourse.

The human souls are themselves words, their symphony is the symphony of the spoken Cosmic Word in its very being – communion.

The essential message of gnosis has always been that this other world is one in which our innermost spiritual self never ceases to dwell, even after birth. The outer human being or ‘personal’ self is but one embodiment or incarnation of another ‘trans-personal’ or spiritual self - the inner human being. That is why we are ‘in’ the world but not ‘of’ it. It is also why, even whilst being ‘here’ in this world, we are also already ‘there’ in that other world to which we most truly belong. This other world is not some other place in cosmic space – it invisibly permeates physical space and the physical world, just as our innermost being also invisibly permeates our physical body. The spiritual relationships we enter into in that other world also set the stage for our human relationships in this world – and can be re-experienced through the spiritual deepening of those human relationships.

At the heart of gnostic spirituality is the understanding that the inner human being has a trans-personal, trans-human, and trans-physical character - that it is a being fundamentally other than the personal, human and physical self we know. Man’s alienation from his inner being can lead him to interpret and experience it as a being of an entirely foreign or alien nature - a libidinal unconscious, an unidentifiable presence or an extra-terrestrial life-form. In contrast, the earliest gnostic religions recognised that we ourselves are the aliens.

This gnostic message soon gave way to something quite different - an identification of each individual’s divine essence or spiritual individuality with a single divine or divinely inspired individual – first Jesus and later Mohammed.

This spiritual world was not conceived as an astrological cosmos of planets and stars but as an inner universe made up of planes and spheres of awareness.

Our New Age spirituality co-exists with the rampant religious and political egotism of a New Rome – US imperialism – whose only god is its own global economic and cultural hegemony.

Religion and politics have always been and remain inseparable. The supposed separation of spiritual and secular power, ‘church and state’, merely sanctifies that other unrecognised world religion – that of the global money markets. The economic military and media power wielded by this religion is unparalleled. It makes a complete mockery of democracy, a term which means nothing in societies in which it is not elected parliaments but unelected corporate managements that have the most impact on people’s everyday working lives. The gnostics of old struggled against worldly power of both church and state. They did so by recognising the innate spiritual power of each individual to ‘change the world’ by changing themselves – learning to be in ‘in the world but not of the world’. But a spiritual world revolution, a “world revolution of the soul” (Sloterdijk) is in essence neither an individual nor a social revolution. Fundamental social changes, economic and political, can only come about through a revolution in a third realm transcending the individual and the social.

The naming word inherently tends to split reality into paired polar opposites such as light and darkness, father and son – concealing the nameless reality which underlies and transcends those opposites.

But truth brought names into existence in the world because it is not possible to teach without names. Truth is one single thing and it is also many things for our sakes who learn this one thing in love through many things.

The notion of a “wordless knowledge within the word” has an ancient and venerable history. It has its beginning in the idea of magical words or god-spells (whence the term gospel), oracular utterances and ‘gnomic’ expressions which communicated more than what appeared on the surface.

The ‘old gnosis’ recognised the need for direct experience of the soul-spiritual inwardness of the word. The new gnosis recognises the need for direct experience of the soul-spiritual inwardness of our own bodies. For the “wordless knowledge within the word” is something we sense and resonate with in a bodily way. Gnosis is something we access through our own inwardly sensed body and not through the mind alone. That is why the hermetic secrets of the Gnostic Gospels are inaccessible to even the most sophisticated scholarly ‘hermeneutics’ of theological interpretation.

Gnosis, as knowing awareness of potentiality, is a type of knowing of the sort that fills each moment of our lives, allowing us to begin a sentence even though it is not yet fully actualised and we do not ‘know’ where it will end. For, we possess a wordless knowing awareness of different potential ways of expressing ourselves, and it is out of this field of potentiality that our actual words arise.

The One is a sovereign that has nothing over it. It is God and Father of all, the Invisible One that is over all, that is imperishable, that is pure light no eye can see. It is the invisible Spirit. One should not think of it as a god, or like a god. For it is greater than a god, because it has nothing over it and no lord above it….It is not one among many things that are in existence: it is much greater. Not that it is actually greater. Rather, as it is in itself, it is not a part of the world or of time, for whatever is part of a world was once produced by something else. Time was not allotted to it, since it receives nothing from anyone.

We get to truly know reality through resonance between inner soul qualities or qualia and outer sensory qualities manifest in phenomena.

Without duality there can be no relationality and no re-ligion, for there would be no other to relate or re-link to. How can we renew our link with our inner selves and with others, with God and with other human beings, unless we recognise them in their otherness – as something distinct from the self we ordinarily identify with.

What we call ‘spirituality’ is our capacity to resonate with the qualitative spiritual essence or quintessence of things and people – their beingness.

The ‘New Yoga’ is the cultivation of soma-spirituality - the capacity to sense and resonate with another person’s outward state of being - mental, emotional or physical - in an inner-bodily way, thus experiencing them as the expression of subtle inner-body states.

There is nothing wrong with the concept of an egotistically based individual being: I am not suggesting, therefore, that your individuality is something to be lost, thrown away or superseded….I am saying that the individual self must become aware of far more reality; that it must allow its recognition of identity to expand so that it includes previously unconscious knowledge. To do this…man must move beyond the concepts of one god, one self, one body, one world, as these ideas are currently understood. You are poised, in your terms, on a threshold from which the race can go many ways. There are species of consciousness.
Your species is in a time of change. There are potentials, within the body’s mechanisms, in your terms, not as yet used. Developed, they can immeasurably enrich the race, and bring it to levels of spiritual and psychic and physical fulfillment. If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure. This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability, the race will not endure – but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure. Ego consciousness must now be familiarised with its roots, or it will turn into something else. You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archeologies, or other disciplines. Man’s ‘unconscious’ knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent. This will be done under, and with the direction of an enlightened and expanding egotistical awareness, that can organise the heretofore neglected knowledge – or it will be done at the expense of the reasoning intellect, leading to the rebirth of supersition, chaos, and the unnecessary war between reason and intuitive knowledge.

The fortnight commencing with the winter solstice and culminating on the fourth of January, consecrated to Hermes-Buddha, marks the potent seed-time for the coming year. Soren Kierkegaard once observed that "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." It is important that a sensitive person should prepare for the future by taking a firm, all-inclusive, unconditional position gestated out of deep reflection. One should set apart abundant time for that noble purpose to be truly able to generate the permanent basis of alchemical resolution and spiritual will. Then as one comes down from that exalted state of samadhi, enriched by constant meditation and manvantaric sleep, one could renew and resume this profound preparation in the dawn and the dusk, using all the precious time available to "get ready for Dubjed". If this is done between the ages of fourteen and thirty-fi ve, then the time between the solstice and fourth of January could be used annually to light the fires in all souls of the irrevocable and effortlessly selfless commitment to the whole of life and to all the solar and lunar ancestors. If anyone truly performed this yajna in the sacred name of the Guru of Gurus, the Hierophant of Hierophants, the Initiator of Initiates, one would receive untold benefits from the service of Krishna, the Purna Avatar, the Logos in the Cosmos and the God in man.

During great celebrations men and women would magnetize one another while performing the mysterious dances of love. Happiness, kissing and sexual magic transformed human beings into true gods.

All animal life is sensitive to environment, but of all living things the child is the most sensitive. Surroundings act upon it as the outside world acts upon the plate of the camera. Every possible influence will leave its impress upon the child, and the traits which it inherited will be overcome to a certain extent, in many cases being even more apparent than heredity. The child is like a cut diamond, its many facets receiving sharp, clear impressions not possible to a pebble, with this difference, however, that the change vyrought in the child from the influences without becomes constitutional and ingrained. A child absorbs environment. It is the most susceptible thing in the world to influence, and if that force be applied rightly and constantly when the child is in its most receptive condition, the effect will be pronounced,
immediate, and permanent.

The task of education is to assist natural development toward its destined end.

No boy or girl should see the inside of a school-house until at least ten years old. I am speaking now of the boy or girl who can be reared in the only place that is truly fit to bring up a boy or a plant—the country, the small town or the country, the nearer to nature the better. In the case of children born in the city and compelled to live there, the temptations are so great, the life so artificial, the atmosphere so like that of the hothouse, that the child must be placed in school earlier as a matter of safeguarding.

RIGHT here let me lay special stress upon the absurdity, not to call it by a harsher term, of running children through the same mill in a lot, with absolutely no real reference to their individuality. No two children are alike. You cannot expect them to develop alike. They are different in temperament, in tastes, in disposition, in capabilities, and yet we take them in this precious early age, when they ought to be living a life of preparation near to the heart of nature, and we stuff them, cram them, and overwork them until their poor little brains are crowded up to and beyond the danger-line.

This will not be universally accomplished to-day or to-morrow, and it may need centuries; but if we are ever to advance and to have this higher race, now is the time to begin the work, this very day. It is the part of every human being who comprehends the importance of this to bend all his energies toward the same end. Love must be at the basis of all our work for the race; not gush, not mere sentimentality, but abiding love, that which outlasts death.

Bear in mind that this child-life in these first ten years is the most sensitive thing in the world; never lose sight of that. Children respond to ten thousand subtle influences which would leave no more impression upon a plant than they would upon the sphinx. Vastly more sensitive is it than the most
sensitive plant.

The child reads your motives as no other human being reads them. He sees into your own heart. The child is the purest, truest thing in the world. It is absolute truth: that 's why we love children. They know instinctively whether you are true or dishonest with them in thought as well as in deed; you cannot escape it. The child may not always show its knowledge, but its judgment of you is unerring. Its life is stainless, open to receive all impressions, just as is the life of the plant, only far more pliant and responsive to influences.

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