Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Great Tality

da meine arbeit in dieser welt und auf dieser seite nun in eine heisse phase kommt und sich immer mehr der vollständigkeit und einheit, dem ende des weges nähert, möchte ich nun mal wieder dazu stellung nehmen und nochmal zusammenfassen, was ich bis jetzt erreicht und hier dokumentiert habe. falls jemand meine aussagen als überheblich oder verwirrend empfindet, kann ich mit gutem gewissen sagen, dass dies nicht beabsichtigt ist und es in der natur der wahrheit liegt sich zu verkleiden und zwischen den zeilen zu verstecken. auf eine gewisse art und weise sind alle diese texte sowiso nur klägliche versuche geistiges über eine form zu vermitteln, was völlig unmöglich ist. ich habe die wahrheit so klar und genau wie möglich mit worten abgezeichnet damit vielleicht der einte oder andere von euch eine leise ahnung davon kriegt wie der weg in etwa aussehen könnte. was ich alles lernen und meistern musste um soweit zu kommen. um euch gott näher zu bringen. es kommt alles aus dem reinen herzen und wurde mehrheitlich im höheren bewusstseinszustand verfasst. es geht auch nicht darum alles wörtlich zu nehmen. vielmehr ist dieser blog ein werkzeug um sich das wissen selber zu erarbeiten. darum ist es auch in dieser speziellen form geschrieben, die den leser zum selbständigen denken zwingt. und nicht weil irgendwas verheimlicht werden soll. die zeiten der geheimnisse und lügen sind so gut wie vorbei und darum werden uns nun auch alle wahrheiten enthüllt. wenn das bewusstsein zu niedrig schwingt, kann es die botschaft nicht erfassen. falls es aber weit genug ist, kann es beginnen sich dem kern des lebens zu nähern. das wissen muss aber alleine und auf einem individuellen, inneren weg erarbeitet, erfahren und erkannt werden damit es zu einem festen bestandteil des eigenen wesens wird und angewendet werden kann. alles andere wären nur übernommene bilder ohne kraft und substanz. auch wenn es von aussen also kaum möglich ist jemandem die wahrheit zu vermitteln, weiss ich, dass die dokumentation meiner erlebnisse die kraft haben die seele zu inspirieren, an ihre wahre herkunft zu erinnern und ihr mut zu machen ihren eigenen weg zu gehen. die einzelnen schritte, prozesse und wege besser zu verstehen und ast um ast der krone des baums des lebens entgegen zu klettern. es wäre natürlich viel einfacher und schneller mit mir direkt zu arbeiten und einfach zuzuhören. meine energie zu spüren und mich zu sehen weil ich so viel subtilere zugänge und kräfte nutzen kann. leider ist es so, dass in der westlichen welt keiner mehr an richtige gurus oder lehrer glauben will. das es wesen mit wahrem wissen gibt, die sogar mitten unter ihnen leben und nichts lieber tun würden als ihnen zu helfen. als einer von wenigen tatsächlich fähig ist das wissen aus höheren welten für andere sicht- und fassbar zu machen. stattdessen schliessen sie ihn aus, meiden ihn und reden sogar schlecht über ihn, selbst wenn er ihnen geholfen hat. behandeln ihn respektlos und verletzend. trotzdem lässt er sich nichts anmerken und macht auch ohne dank und anerkennung weiter. sein einziger und bester freund ist Gott. Er schaut ihm dauernd über die schulter und freut sich über jeden seiner schritte und seine fleissige arbeit für das grosse werk, die er stets mit einem lächeln auf den lippen ausführt. selbst wenn viele denken er sei verrückt und ihn nicht ernst nehmen. ich denke auch nicht, dass sich dies noch gross ändern wird, ausser ich erhalte körperliche merkmale oder andere sichtbare zeichen, die die echtheit meiner rolle beweisen und die menschen an mich glauben lassen würden. dann könnte ich richtig anfangen zu arbeiten und grosse veränderungen in der welt bewirken. mir ist klar, dass es für den menschen unglaublich schwierig ist jemanden wie mich einzuordnen und anzunehmen weil er sowas einfach nicht mehr kennt und schon sehr lange nicht mehr gesehen hat. sehr lange zeit in allem belogen wurde und darum keinem mehr trauen kann. ich behaupte nie alles wissen erlangt zu haben und bereits perfekt zu sein. auf meiner stufe bin ich genauso ein anfänger und schüler und muss auch noch einen langen weg gehen. und mindestens nochmal so viel lernen, wenn nicht mehr. und trotzdem habe ich bereits genügend göttliche eigenschaften entfaltet um auf dieser ebene einfluss auf die spirituelle entwicklung zu nehmen und sie zu beschleunigen. und habe dies auch schon bei mehrmals demonstriert und bewiesen. genauso wie ich auch sonst alle voraussetzungen eines wahren lehrers erfülle, der reinen herzens und voller guter absichten ist. sich selbst bis zu einem bestimmten grad gemeistert und dadurch gewisse kräfte zur hand hat, die es ihm erlauben grenzen und mauern zu sprengen und zum herzen einer person durchzudringen. keine egoistischen und niederen wünsche mehr hegt und sein ganzes leben gott und seinen geschwistern geweiht hat. alles, was er hat ohne gegenleistung mit jedem teilt. in seinem wesen sehr vielfältig ist und über viele aussergewöhnliche talente und energiequellen verfügt, die ihm unbegrenzt zur verfügung stehen. es gibt genug anzeichen, die für mich sprechen und trotzdem traut sich fast keiner meine ausgestreckte hand zu nehmen und sich ein stück von mir führen zu lassen. obwohl ich keinerlei interesse an persönlicher macht habe, nie verdeckte formen der manipulation anwende und meine fähigkeiten nie missbrauchen würde, gibt es menschen, die angst vor mir haben und manchmal sogar andere vor mir warnen wollen. damit schaden sie aber vorallem denen, die sie angeblich beschützen wollen weil sie ihnen so den weg zu mir versperren. schlussendlich sind aber selbst solche reaktionen eingeständnisse meiner besonderheit. an der wahrheit kann man sich tatsächlich verbrennen aber ich kann die unterschiedlichen schwingungen mittlerweile gut ausgleichen und weiss wie weit ich gehen kann. dass ich jemanden an die grenze der erkenntnis bringen kann, ohne dass er sie überschreitet. durch die mutige zusammenarbeit meiner wenigen schüler konnte ich dies üben, zeigen und auf ein konstantes level bringen. ich bin euch zu ewiger dankbarkeit verpflichtet. ich werde euch immer lieben und im herzen bei euch sein egal, wo ihr seid.
ich habe wirklich mehr als genug hinweise geliefert und wenn die augen der menschen wieder beginnen zu sehen, werden auch sie mich erkennen und viel von meiner geleisteten arbeit profitieren. die ich unter schwierigsten bedingungen, allein und mit vollem einsatz aus dem nichts aufgebaut habe. auch ohne, dass ein einziger mensch in meinem umfeld jemals mehr von mir fassen konnte als die spitze des berges. ohne einen einzigen richtigen freund, der immer zu mir stand und mir geholfen hätte. dafür mit vielen feinden, neidern und herausforderungen konfrontiert, die immer wieder versucht haben mich bei meinem aufstieg aufzuhalten. mich damit aber nur noch stärker wachsen liessen. es ist auch nicht so, dass ich mich darum reissen würde diesen weg zu gehen, wenn es genug andere mutige gäbe, die es tun wollten. aber die sind rare ware. was uns aber umso mehr macht verleihen wird. irgendwie habe ich das gefühl, dass ich das schon mal gemacht habe und nur darum jetzt da bin. um es noch einmal vorzumachen. voraus zu gehen. etwas zu erreichen wozu der mensch alleine nicht fähig gewesen wäre.

alles, was mir auf dem weg begnete, habe ich genommen und in etwas sinnvolles und nützliches verwandelt. in etwas, das mich oder andere weiter bringt. selbst die scheinbar negativsten und widrigsten umstände habe ich mir sogar zu nutzen gemacht. dies hat mich nun soweit gebracht, dass ich mich wie ein flexibler gummi jeder situtation anpassen und damit arbeiten kann. und so lebe ich jeden tag. wie ein schalter, der immer offen ist und auf jede anfrage sofort reagiert. völlig frei und ohne eigenkontrolle werden immer neue aufgaben an mich heran getragen. mir neue aufträge erteilt. jede minute wird ausgefüllt und bringt so die zeit langsam zum still stehen. es gibt eigentlich fast keine momente mehr, in denen ich unbewusst oder nicht am arbeiten wäre. ich brauche auch fast keinen schlaf und nur noch wenig nahrung. was normale menschen im allgemeinen schwächt, macht mich noch stärker, aktiver und schneller. ich muss nun anfangen prioritäten zu setzen und nur noch an den orten sein und an den projekten arbeiten, die jetzt wirklich wichtig sind und alles andere bei seite schieben. organisation, effizienz und genauigkeit helfen mir dabei den überblick zu bewahren. was aber nicht bedeutet, dass ich nicht weiterhin auf verschiedenen ebenen gleichzeitig tätig bin. während ich meine eigene entwicklung in schnellem tempo voran treibe, die letzen vorbereitungen treffe und mein wissen und wesen vervollständige, helfe ich auch nach wie vor meinen geschwistern auf ihrem weg weiter zu kommen. alles läuft ziemlich synchron und schon fast gleichzeitig ab und ich spüre, dass ich das zentrum der vollkommenen balance bald erreicht habe. sich die karte der mässigkeit erfüllt. die nachfolge, des gehängten. und der turm wartet schon hinter der nächsten ecke um das spielfeld für die ankunft des höchsten bewusstseins dieses universums vorzubereiten. während sich die herrscherin darauf vorbereitet an seiner seite regieren. die rückkehr des lichts. wenn die göttliche hochzeit stattfindet und eine neue ära und stufe der menschlichen evolution einläutet. und wir dürfen dabei sein. ja sogar mithelfen und einige der schlüsselrollen im neuen reich spielen. wow. keiner vor uns hat auf diesem planeten schon mal sowas erlebt. darum sind jetzt auch so viele auf der erde inkarniert. jeder will diese einmalige und äusserst günstige chance auf den aufstieg und die befreiung nutzen weil sie höchst selten und sehr schwer zu bekommen ist. es hat lange gebraucht um an diesen punkt in unserer entwicklung zu kommen. die ganze evolution zielte nur darauf ab. wir sind das ergebnis von millionen von jahren erdgeschichte. die ernte aller spiritueller lehren, die jemals auf diesem boden gepflanzt wurden. werden zu samen für ein neues kapitel in der menschlichen existenz. die letzen werden die ersten sein. und alle reinen herzen sicher auf die andere seite führen. die menschheit bei ihrem grössten abenteuer begleiten und unterstützen. das kommando wieder übernehmen. ihr braucht wirklich keine angst zu haben. alle sind da und bereit einzugreifen, wenn es nötig ist. uns aufzufangen wenn wir im strudel der zyklischen wellen drohen unterzugehen. auch ich bin da. auch wenn ihr noch nicht an mich glauben wollt. und ich weiss oder hoffe, dass es auf der erde noch einige andere wie mich gibt. viele werden es nicht sein aber mit vereinten kräften können wir es schaffen. wir werden alles tun, was in unserer macht steht um euch eine möglichst angenehme und erfreuliche achterbahnfahrt durch den kosmos zu bescheren. und wenn wir dann im ziel einfahren, werden wir uns lachend in die arme fallen und nicht mehr wissen, warum wir jemals zweifel oder ängste hatten. eine neue art des lebens beginnen. gemeinsam ein wahres utopia erschaffen. ein echtes königreich. unter der führung göttlicher weisheit und liebe. möge das goldene zeitalter beginnen.

alles was ich kann und tue, ist nur nur durch gottes segen möglich. er hat mir die gabe geschenkt menschen bei ihren entwicklungsschritten zu begleiten. als göttliches wesen in dieser welt zu wirken. als einsamer pionier und pilger loszuziehen um das höchste ziel zu finden und zu verwirklichen. für andere den weg wieder zu öffnen. die lang verschollene wahrheit wieder zu beleben und in mehrdimensionale formen zu transformieren, die verschiedenen stufen und individuen helfen können. weil bisher nur wenige die zeit meiner anwesenheit direkt nutzten und die meisten gar noch nicht verstehen können, was ich hier zu vermitteln versuche, erfüllt der blog irgendwann einen wichtigen zweck. es ist die ausführlichste und genauste beschreibung meines weges und der erkenntnisse, die ich gewonnen habe. wer ich bin und was ich alles geleistet habe. mittlerweile bin ich auf einer ebene angelangt, die nur noch schwer zu erklären und zu fassen ist. darum wer auch immer ihr seid, die hier immer noch regelmässig meine posts lesen: danke, dass es euch gibt und ihr mich begleitet. ohne euch wäre ich inexistent. jede seele, die auch nur ein winziges stück von meinem wesen erfasst hat, lässt mich erst realität werden. ich wäre euch dankbar wenn ihr mir helft diesen blog populärer zu machen damit er seine wirkung jetzt schon für möglichst viele entfalten kann. von mir direkt kann es fast keiner annehmen und normal mit mir umgehen. ich weiss nicht genau, was alles noch kommt und wie lange und in welcher form ich meine arbeit hier weiter führen werde aber ich spüre, dass rein theoretisch alles möglich ist. es vielleicht sogar die einzige chance ist, die sich uns bietet. vieles nehme ich nur intuitiv wahr ohne klare strukturen zu sehen. das mystische winter solstice gathering wird sicher eine schlüsselrolle dabei spielen. dabei ist nicht so wichtig wer am ende wirklich alles dort sein wird und wie viele es sein werden. es werden sich automatisch die richtigen einfinden. vom universum zu mir geschickt werden und die anderen werden sich selbst ausschliessen. grundsätzlich ginge es im weitesten sinne darum die gruppe in eine kollektive gnosis zu versetzen um jeden einzelnen auf seiner individuellen ebene noch ein bisschen mehr zu erhöhen. dies sollte idealerweise vor dem kosmischen augenblick des magnetischen 0 punkts geschehen um die gruppe noch so gut es geht auf diese erfahrung vorzubereiten. ohne genau zu wissen, wie sich sowas anfühlt und was genau geschehen wird, stelle ich mir es so vor als würden die dualebenen himmel und erde für einen moment voneinander getrennt und oder gleichzeitig sichtbar. der schleier dazwischen gelüftet, der uns normalerweise von der göttlichen quelle trennt. in dem alles in den gegenteiligen zustand versetzt wird, was gewisse energien auch neutralisieren und auflösen könnte, wird es möglich sein das höhere selbst getrennt vom körper zu erfahren und eine globale einweihung zu erleben. gleich wie es in den pyramiden seit tausenden von jahren in speziellen kammern praktiziert wurde. es kann aber vom entwicklungsgrad abhängen, ob man dies bewusst oder in einem schlafähnlichen zustand erleben wird und wie stark der effekt auf den einzelnen sein wird. je höher das bewusstsein umso intensiver die wirkung. grundsätzlich denke ich, dass diese energie alles extrem verstärkt - gutes wie schlechtes - und es bestimmt nicht schadet sich bei sowas in der nähe von wissend und furchtlosen seelen aufzuhalten, die wenn nötig hilfestellungen geben und die bewusste gruppe in der höheren welt führen können. sie auch danach auffangen und in der verarbeitung ihrer erlebnisse unterstützen werden.
es ist noch unklar, wie dieses ereignis sich auf meine eigene transformation auswirken wird. es hängt wohl viel davon ab wie weit ich in den nächsten wochen noch kommen werde und wie viele fortgeschrittene schüler ich zur verfügung haben werde, die mir bei der arbeit mit der gruppe assistieren können damit ich die eigene energie auf das höchstes level heben kann um auch für mich die best mögliche ausgangslage für diesen quantensprung zu gewährleisten. ab diesem punkt gibt es viele verschiedene optionen. je nach entwicklungs- und schwingungsgrad kann zum beispiel höchste erleuchtung, transformation in einen unsterblichen halbgott, der übergang in eine höhere dimension oder die sogenannte rückkehr von christus verwirklicht werden. es kommt wahrscheinlich wie bei allem darauf an, was der menschheit am meisten nützen wird. es kann darum sein, dass jeder dieser höheren bewusstseinsstufen von mindestens einer seele auf diesem planten verwirklicht und offenbart wird und damit erstmals wieder mehrere göttliche manifestationen gleichzeitig auf der erde anwesend wären. durch die veränderten bedingungen, die während der globalen verwandlung entstanden sind, könnten sich die möglichkeiten in bezug auf entfaltungsspektrum und fähigkeiten stark erweitern. dies kann und wird wohl dazu führen, dass sich eine ganz neue lebensform und ein neues level von bewusstsein entwickeln wird. etwas, das es noch nie gegeben hat. es ist wahrscheinlich auch möglich, dass alle, die die göttliche stufe noch nicht erreicht haben aber auf dem spirituellen pfad weit genug fortgeschritten sind um auf der nächsten ebene weiter zu existieren, viel schneller auf dem weg voran zu schreiten als es heute noch der fall ist. durch die unterstützung der verwirklichten meister könnte die neue menschheit innert kürzester zeit ein volk von unsterblichen halbgöttern werden. und wenn wir kurz den aktuellen zustand unseres planeten betrachten, wird uns wahrscheinlich auch gar nichts anderes übrig bleiben als das grösste wunder göttlicher transformation zu vollbringen, das das universum je gesehen hat.
ich weiss, dass ich heute noch nicht soweit wäre die führung und verantwortung für eine ganze gruppe zu übernehmen und gleichzeitig meine eigenen transformationsziele zu erfüllen aber ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass ich bereit sein werde wenn es der wille Gottes ist und ich alle nötigen schritte bis dahin in die wege geleitet habe. Er mir seinen segen gibt. da ich bereits ohne jemals ein ritual oder gebet zu brauchen über sehr starke kräfte verfüge, die in alle richtungen aus meinem körper strahlen, weiss ich, dass ich mich nur voll und ganz dem göttlichen plan hingeben muss und dann mit jeder fähigkeit ausgestattet werde, die ich benötige um mit allen ebenen gleichzeitig zu kommunizieren und alles zu tun, was in diesem aussergewöhnlichen moment wichtig und richtig ist. dies ist mir schon oft bewiesen worden und ich habe volles vertrauen den göttlichen vater, seinen sohn christus und alle ihre vollkommenen helfer. dass sie an unserer seite sein und mir helfen werden alle meine geschwister an der hand zu nehmen und sie gleichzeitig zeugen meiner eigenen magischen wandlung werden zu lassen. wie auch immer sie aussehen wird. ich bin für alles offen und würde auch keine sekunde zögern falls sich mir die gelegenheit bietet durch ein tor in eine unbekannte dimension zu gehen. ich habe schon länger keine ängste mehr und kann mich wenn nötig ab sofort von allem in dieser welt trennen weil ich das bewusstsein eines mehrdimensionalen raumes bereits verinnerlicht habe und weiss, dass alle welten miteinander verbunden sind und ich nichts, das ich von ganzem herzen liebe jemals verlieren kann. mittlerweile ist es sogar so, dass mir konstant bewusst ist, das es passieren wird und welche rolle ich dabei zu spielen habe aber das bereitet mir im gegensatz zu früher überhaupt keine mühe mehr. es hilft mir sogar während dieser intensiven und kurzen phase das hohe energielevel noch zu steigern und jeden moment optimal zu nutzen. alle bälle in totaler balance in der luft zu halten. in jeder sekunde ganz wach zu sein und immer genau zu wissen, was, wo und wann etwas zu tun ist um den best möglichen effekt für alle zu erzielen. ich wurde die letzten jahre gut auf diese arbeit vorbereitet und verfüge über das notwendige potenzial. christus der grösste meister, der mich in meinem inneren so souverän und intelligent bis hierher geführt hat und auch dafür sorgen wird, dass ich genau im richtigen zeitpunkt zum handeln bereit sein werde. keine minute zu früh oder zu spät. alles, was ich bin verdanke ich dir. obwohl wir uns hier noch nie direkt begegnet sind und ich dich nur als stimme in meinem herzen kenne, weiss ich dass es ausser gott selbst niemanden gibt, der mich besser kennt und mich mehr liebt als du. ich habe das gefühl es wird nicht mehr lange dauern bis wir uns sehen werden. uns für immer vereinen und ich dich mit meiner unendlichen dankbarkeit und liebe für alles, was du für mich und diese welt getan hast, überschütten werde. mein herz gehört für immer dir. du unglaublich weiser, starker und unsichtbarer lehrer. ohne dich hätte ich es niemals geschafft. ich werde dich stolz machen und die göttliche ebene würdig vertreten. alles sein, zu dem du mich gemacht hast und den auftrag erfüllen. gemeinsam mit den anderen geweihten deine spirituelle revolution wirklichkeit werden lassen. ich werde alle ziele und wünsche so klar und deutlich wie möglich festlegen und ausformulieren aber den weg dahin weiterhin völlig offen und unbekannt lassen. ich lasse mich lieber vom einfallsreichtum und der kreativität des universums überraschen und leiten. überlasse christus die entscheidung über die besten mittel und wege um den göttlichen willen zu realisieren. auf dieser ebene zu manifestieren und durch uns in etwas neues und grösseres zu transformieren. dieses göttliche und bisher einzigartige wunder zu vollbringen. dein reich komme. dein wille geschehe. wie im himmel so auf erden.

der grund warum nun alles sehr schnell gehen wird und nur noch ganz wenige den druck bewusst aushalten können, ist der schutz der menschlichen psyche, die durch so eine extreme stressbelastung viel zu grossen schaden nehmen würde. die stark ansteigende spannung während der vermeindlichen ruhe vor dem s_turm, hilft zudem den letzten aktiven spielern mit ihren schweren und bis zum rand gefüllten wasserkrügen auf dem kopf erst richtig aufzublühen und ihre kräfte zur vollen grösse zu entfalten und einzusetzen. etwas, das sie bisher nicht durften. alles wird sein, wie es muss. nichts wird dem zufall überlassen. jeder hilft mit. alle möchten die boote noch erreichen bevor sie über den fluss fahren und jeder, der dazu bestimmt ist, wird auch eins von ihnen erreichen. denn es werden mehrere sein und sie werden bis zur letzten sekunde warten und alle hilfe rufenden seelen auf diese himmlische reise mitnehmen. auch das letzte verlorene schaf nach hause bringen.
mir ist bewusst, dass diese offenbarung wahrscheinlich sehr grenzwärtig klingen muss weil sie so unfassbar fremd ist und trotzdem ist es das deutlichste bild, das ich bisher erhalten habe und fühle, dass es der wahrheit schon ziemlich nahe kommt. aber es kann sein, dass sogar noch eine schärfere version aus mir heraus kommt. ich hoffe es hilft euch etwas besser zu verstehen, was uns erwartet auch wenn es in gewissen fällen vielleicht besser ist, wenn ihr es nicht wisst weil es nur unnötige ängste erzeugen würde. also geht bitte sorgfältig damit um. versucht nicht krampfhaft euch an dingen und menschen festzuhalten oder anderen etwas aufzwingen zu wollen. es würde alles nur unnötig schwerer machen. konzentriert euch besser auf eure eigene entwicklung und habt vertrauen in die allgegenwart und barmherzigkeit unseres göttlichen vaters. des höchsten und ersten wesen aller schöpfungen, das in unendlicher glückseeligkeit und bewusstheit durch den kosmos schwebt. uns in sich trägt, so wie wir ihn. wie kleine zellen den göttlichen organismus beleben und bewegen. in seiner herrlichkeit baden. wir gesegneten kinder des lichts. unser geliebter schöpfer hat sich etwas ganz besonderes ausgedacht um das spielzimmer für seine heranwachsenden halbgötter neu zu gestalten und auszubauen. mit neuen spielzeugen und dekorationen auszustatten. neue ebenen einzurichten, die es uns erlauben anderen formen des seins zu begegnen und genügend platz für die nächste phase der evolution bietet. damit wir über alles hinaus wachsen und davon fliegen können. direkt in die liebenden arme unseres mutter-gott-vater. es/er/sie wartet schon voller vorfreude auf uns und kann es kaum erwarten, wenn die ersten kinder gottes tröpfchenweise beginnen einzutreffen.

das königreich ist auferstanden....


"You must understand therefore that this is the first path to felicity, affording to souls an intellectual plenitude of divine union. But the sacerdotal and theurgic gift of felicity is called indeed the gate to the Demiurgos of wholes, or the seat, or palace, of the good. In the first place, likewise, it possesses a power of purifying the soul . . . afterwards it causes a coaptation of the reasoning power to the participation and vision of the good and a liberation from every thing of a contrary nature, and in the last place, produces a union with the Gods, who are the givers of every good."

And he taught them only as far as the places of the first ordinance and as far as the places of the First Mystery, which is within the veil which is within the first ordinance, which is the 24th mystery outside and below , these which are in the second space of the First Mystery, which is before all mysteries the Father in the form of a dove . And Jesus said to his disciples : "I have come forth from that First Mystery which is the last mystery, namely the 24th". And the disciples did not know and understand that there was anything within that mystery. But they thought that that mystery was the head of the All , and the head of all the things that exist . And they thought that it was the completion of all completions, because Jesus had said to them concerning the mystery, that it surrounded the first ordinance and the five incisions and the great light and the five helpers (parastatai) and the whole Treasury of Light. And moreover Jesus had not spoken to his disciples of the whole extent of the places of the great invisible one and the three triple powers and the 24 invisible ones and all their places and their aeons and all their ranks, how thjey extend - these which are the emanations of the great invisible one - and their unbegotten ones and their self-begotten ones and their begotten ones and their luminaries and their unpaired ones and their archons and their powers (exousiai) and their lords and their archangels and their angels and their decans and their ministers and all the houses of their spheres and all the ranks of each one of them.

And Jesus had not told his disciples of the whole extent of the emanations of the treasury, nor their ranks how they extend, nor had he told them of their saviours, according to the rank of each one, how they are. Nor had he told them which watcher is over each of the doors of the Treasury of Light. Nor had he told them of the place of the twin saviour who is the child of the child. Nor had he told themof the place of the three amens, in which places they extend, and he had not told them in which places the five trees are spread, nor of the seven other amens, namely the seven voices, which their place is and how they extend. And Jesus had not told his disciples of what type are the five helpers (Parastatai). Or into which places they are brought. Nor had he told them in what manner the great light extends, or into which places it is brought- Nor had he told them of the five incisions, nor concerning the first ordinance, into which places they are brought. But he had only spoken to them in general, teaching them that they existed. But he had not told them their extent and the rank of their places according to how they exist.

It happened as the disciples were sitting with one another upon the Mount of Olives, as they spoke these words they rejoiced with great joy, and they were
very jubilant, and they said to one another: "We are blessed beyond all men who are on earth because the Saviour has revealed these things to us, and we have received the pleroma and the whole completion". As they were saying these things to one another, Jesus was sitting at a short distance fromthem. It happened, however, on the 1sth of the moon in the month of Tôbe, which is the day on which the moon becomes full, now on that day when the sun had risen on its path , there came forth after it a great power of light, giving a very great light, and there was no measure to its accom- panying light , for it came forth from the Light of Lights, exceedingly, with (a) light to which there was no measure. And the disciples gazed after him, and not one of them spoke until he had reached heaven, but they all kept a great silence.

It happened, however, when the disciples saw these they were greatly afraid and agitated. Now Jesus, the com- compassionate and tender-hearted, when he saw that his disciples were in great agitation, he spoke to them saying : "Be courageous. It is I, do not fear" .

Then Jesus, the compassionate, said to them : "Rejoice and be glad from this hour because I have been to the places from whence I came forth. From today onwards now I will speak with you openly from the beginning of the truth until its completion. And I will speak with you face to face, without parable . I will not
conceal from you, from this hour onwards, anything of the things of the height and of the place of the truth . For I have been given authority , through the Ineffable and through the First Mystery of all the mysteries, that I should speak with you from the beginning until the pleroma, and from within outwards, and
from without inwards. Hear now, so that I tell you all things. It happened as I was sitting at a short distance from you upon the Mount of Olives, I was thinking of the rank of the service for which I was sent, that it should be completed, and that my garment was not yet sent to me by the First Mystery, which is the 24th
mystery from within outwards.

Rejoice and be glad , and rejoice still more, that it is given to you that I should speak with you first from the beginning of the truth until its com- pletion. Because of this indeed I have chosen you from the beginning ( through the First Mystery. Rejoice now and be glad , because when I entered the world I brought the twelve powers with me, as I told you from the beginning, which I took from the twelve saviours of the Treasury of Light, according to the command of the First Mystery. These now I cast into the wombs of your mothers when I came into the world, and it is these which are in your bodies today. For these powers have been given to you above the whole world, for you are those who are able to save the whole world, so that you should be able to withstand the threat of the archons of the world, and the sufferings of the world and their dangers, and all their persecutions which the archons of the height will bring upon you. For I have said to you many times that the power which is within you I have brought from the twelve saviours, which are in the Treasury of Light. For this reason I have indeed said to you from the beginning that you are not from the world; I also am not from it . For all men who are in the world have received souls from (the power) of the arclions of the aeons. The power, however, which is in you, is from me but your souls belong to the height.

Now it happened when they waged war against the light, they were all exhausted together, and they were cast down into the aeons, and they became like the earth-dwellers who are dead and have no breath in them. And I took a third part of all their power so that they should not work their wicked actions, and in order that when men who are in the world call upon them in their mysteries - those which the transgressing angels brought down, namely their magic - that when now they call upon them in their wicked actions, they are not able to complete them.

Excellent, Maria. Thou art blessed beyond all women upon earth, because thou shalt be the pleroma of all Pleromas and the completion of all completions.

I have turned their paths for the salvation of all souls. Truly, truly, I say to you : unless I had turned their paths a multitude of souls would have been destroyed. And they would have spent a long period if the archons of the aeons and the archons of the Heimarmene and the sphere and all their places and all their heavens and all their aeons were not dissolved. And the souls would have spent a great (period of) time outside. And there would have been delay in the completion of the number of perfect souls, which will be accounted among the inheritance of the height, through the mysteries, and will be in the Treasury of Light. Because of this, I have turned their paths so that they are confused and agitated, and give up the power which is in the matter of their world, which they make into souls, so that those that will be saved with all the power are  purified quickly and ascend, and those who will not be saved are quickly dissolved.

I have lessened the times for the sake of my chosen ones, otherwise none of the souls could have been saved'. But I have lessened the times and the periods for the sake of the perfect number of the souls which will receive mysteries, which are the chosen ones. And had I not lessened their periods, none of the material souls would have been saved, but they would have been consumed in the fire which is in the flesh of the archons. This now is the discourse on which you have questioned me with accuracy.

Truly, truly, I say to you, I will fulfill you in all the mysteries of the light, and every gnosis, from the innermost of the inner to the outermost of the outer; from the Ineffable to the darkness of darknesses ; and from the Light of Lights ; from all the gods to the demons ; from all the lords to the decans; from all the powers (exousiai) to the ministers ; from the creation of men to (that off beasts and cattle and reptiles, in order that you be called perfect, fulfilled in every pleroma. Truly, truly, I say to you that, in the place in which I shall be in the Kingdom of my Father, you will also be there with me . And when the perfect number is completed so that the mixture is dissolved, I will command that all the tyrant gods who did not give (up) what is purified of their light be brought. I will command the fire of wisdom, which the perfect ones transmit, to consume those tyrants until they give (up) the last of what is purified of their light.

The last will become first and the first will become last.' Now the first, which were created before us, are the invisible ones, since they existed before mankind, they and the gods and the archons; and the men who will receive mysteries will precede them in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Mercy and truth have met one another, and righteousness and peace have kissed one another. Truth has sprouted from the earth and righteousness has looked forth from heaven.' Now mercy is the light-power which came forth through the First Mystery, for the First Mystery, heard the Pistis Sophia, and had mercy on her in all her afflictions. Truth, on the other hand, is the power which came forth from thee, because thou didst fulfill the truth that thou shouldst save her (the Pistis Sophia) from the Chaos.

Righteousness and peace have kissed one another. Now righteousness is the Spirit of the light, which came down upon thee, bringing the mysteries of the height in order to give them to the race of mankind. Peace, on the other hand, is the power of Sabaoth the Good which is within thee. It is this which baptised and forgave the race of mankind and made them to be at peace with the Sons of the Light . And furthermore, as thy power has said through David : 'Truth has sprouted from the earth' : that is, the power of Sabaoth the Good, [as it said : 'It sprouted from the earth'] it is this which sprouted from Mary thy mother, the earth-dweller . On the other hand, righteousness which looked forth from heaven ~ is the Spirit which is in the height, which has brought forth all the mysteries from the height. It gave them to the race of mankind, and they became righteous and good and they inherited the Kingdom of the Light.

Now it happened when my outpouring of light cast into the Pistis Sophia all her light-powers whch it took away from the emanations of the Authades, she became completely lighted. And also the light-powers which were in the Pistis Sophia, which the emanations of the Authades did not take away, rejoiced again and they were filled with light. And the lights which were cast into Pistis Sophia gave life to the body of her matter which had no light in it, which was about to be destroyed or was being destroyed, and they set up all its powers which were about to be dissolved. And they received light-power for themselves, they became as they were at first and they increased in perception of the light. And all the light-powers of the Sophia recognised one another through my outpouring of light. And they were saved through the light of that outpouring.

Thou hast set the Most High as thy refuge. No evil will able to approach thee, and no scourge will enter thy dwelling.

"When thou seest the gate of the Treasury of the great Light - this which opens to the thirteenth aeon, namely the left - when that gate is opened the three times are completed."


- The First Path is called the Wonderful (or Mystical) Consciousness, the Highest Crown. It is the Light of the Primordial Principle, which has no beginning; and it is the Primal Glory. No creature (lit., "created being") can attain to its essence.
- The Second Path is that of the Radiant (or Illuminating) Consciousness. It is the Crown (Kether) of Creation (Briah), the Splendour of the Unity, like unto that which "exalts itself as the head over all." The masters of Qabalah call it the Second Glory.
- The Third Path is called the Sanctifying Consciousness. It is the Foundation (Yesod) of Primordial Wisdom and is called Enduring Faith, and its roots are Amen. It is the parent [Father] of Faith, from which the power of Faith emanates.
- The Fourth Path is named the Overflowing (or, Receiving) Consciousness, because from it emanate all the Holy Powers, all the most ethereal emanations with the most sublime essences: they emanate one from the other through the power of the Primordial Emanator.
- The Fifth Path is called the Radical (or Root) Consciousness, because it is the substance of the Unity, joining itself to that Understanding (Binah) which itself emanates from within the province of Primordial Wisdom (Chokmah).
- The Sixth Path is called the Mediating Consciousness (or, Consciousness of the Separated Influence), because through it the emanation of Atziluthic Influence is increased (or magnified). It causes that Influence to flow unto all those so blessed as to be united to its essence.
- The Seventh Path is the Hidden Consciousness, because it is the radiance that illuminates all the powers of the mind which are seen with the eye of the intellect, and through the contemplation of Faith.
- The Eighth Path is called the Perfect Consciousness, because it is the Plan of the Primordial. It has no root where it can abide except in the hidden chambers of Majesty (Gedulah) from which its own secret essence emanates.
- The Ninth Path is called the Pure Consciousness, because it purifies the essence of the Sephiroth. It proves and adapts the design of their images (lit., "patterns"), and establishes their unity. They remain united, without diminution or division. The Tenth Path is called the Resplendent Consciousness, because it is exalted above every head, and sits on the throne of Binah. It is illuminated with the splendor of all the lights; and it causes an influence to flow forth from the Prince of Countenances.
- The Eleventh Path is called the Scintillating (or, Fiery) Consciousness, because it is the essence of the veil which is placed before the ordered arrangement of the Powers. Who walks this way acquires a special dignity -- he can stand face to face before the Cause of Causes.
- The Twelfth Path is called the Clear (or, Transparent) Consciousness, because it is the substance of that phase of Majesty (Gedulah) which is called Revelation (Khazkhazit). It is the source of prophecies that seers behold in visions.
- The Thirteenth Path is named the Uniting Consciousness (or, Consciousness Leading to Unity), because it is the Essence of Glory. It is the consummation of the essential Truth of unified spiritual being.
- The Fourteenth Path is called the Luminous Consciousness, because it is the essence of that brilliant flame (Khashmal) which is the instructor in the Secret Foundations (Razi Yesodoth) of Holiness and of their (stages of) preparation.
- The Fifteenth Path is called the Constituting Consciousness, because it constitutes the Essence of Creation in pure darkness. According to masters of contemplation, this is that darkness referred to in Scripture, "and thick darkness its swaddling band."
- The Sixteenth Path is called the Eternal (or, Triumphant) Consciousness, because it is the pleasure of that Glory beyond which is No-Glory like unto it. It is also called the Garden of Pleasure (Eden), which is prepared for the Compassionate (Khasidim).
- The Seventeenth Path is called the Consciousness of Sensation (or, Consciousness of Disposition). It provides faith to the Compassionate (Khasidim), and clothes them with the Holy Spirit (Ruach Elohim). Within the Supernals, it is called the Foundation of Beauty (Yesod ha-Tiphareth).
- The Eighteenth Path is called the Consciousness of the House of Influence. From its inmost center flow forth the Arcanum and veiled ideas, which "abide in its shadow;" thus is there cohesion (or, union) with the inmost substance of the Cause of Causes.
- The Nineteenth Path is the Consciousness of the Secret of All Spiritual Activities. It is so called because of the influence disseminated by it from the Highest Blessing and the supernal Glory.
- The Twentieth Path is called the Consciousness of Will, because it is the pattern of all that is formed. By this mode (or, state) of consciousness, one may know the actuality of the Primordial Wisdom.
- The Twenty-first Path is called the Consciousness of the Desired, Which Fulfills, because it receives the divine Influence which flows into it as a result of the blessing it confers upon all that exists.
- The Twenty-second Path is called the Faithful Consciousness, because, through it, the spiritual powers are increased. All dwellers on earth "abide in its shadow."
- The Twenty-third Path is called the Stable (or, Enduring) Consciousness, because it is the power of sustenance among all the Sephiroth.
- The Twenty-fourth Path is called the Imaginative Consciousness, because it provides an Image to all created things that have an appearance, in a Form fitting to each.
- The Twenty-fifth Path is called the Consciousness of Probation (or, Trial), because it is the primary test by which the Creator proves the Compassionate (Chasidim).
- The Twenty-sixth Path is called the Renewing Consciousness, because through it God -- blessed be He! -- renews all things which are newly begun in the creation of the world.
- The Twenty-seventh Path is called the Exciting Consciousness, because through it is created the Life-Breath of every creature (lit., "created being") under the Supreme Orb, as well as the motion of them all.
- The Twenty-eighth Path is called the Natural Consciousness. Through it is completed (i.e. perfected) the nature of all that exists beneath the sphere of the Sun.
- The Twenty-ninth Path is called the Corporeal Consciousness, because it marks out the forms and the reproduction of all bodies which are incorporated under every cycle of the heavens.
- The Thirtieth Path is called the Universal Consciousness, because through it, astrologers (lit., "Masters of the Heavens") derive their judgments of the stars and (zodiacal) constellations, and perfect their knowledge of the celestial cycles.
- The Thirty-first Path is called the Perpetual Consciousness. Why is it called this? Because it directs the movements of the Sun and Moon according to their natural order, each in its proper orbit.
- The Thirty-second Path is called the Serving (or, Administrative) Consciousness, because it directs the motions of the seven planets, each in its own proper course.

The Maya saw 2012 as being a period of transformation to a higher human cycle, but not the end of the world. The calendar tracks the purpose and manifestation of creation, which is a Divine Plan. Jose Arguelles says the calendar is also a galactic gauge that shows our relation to the galactic community of intelligence. These are a broadening and deepening of our consciousness, which is part of the Plan. By focusing on this development we help create it through our own inner and outer progress. As we develop the progress accelerates, hence the decreasing calendar periods.

According to the Mayan calendar, we are now in the end period of a long evolution of life and human capability. These final years till 2012 are an opportunity for great psychological and spiritual transformation. However, it is not inevitable as it requires our cooperation and effort (e.g. focus, alignment, commitment, oneness, love). Not everyone will reach the heights of enlightenment, due to different stages of development.

Our modern science warns us of global warming and climate change, the economics of energy and resource depletion, ecological destruction, and the implications of high population growth with increasing per capita demand. The rapid increase and combination of these can cause physical and ecological disasters, political conflict and the collapse of aspects of human civilization, possibly within decades.

The above-below connection is also apparent as spiritual and cosmic influences affect Earth. If we regard the Sun and the Galactic Centre as being the manifestations of magnificent divine beings, then the above-below connection becomes clearer. We are living seeds in the divine oneness of their purpose. New wine cannot be poured into old bottles lest they shatter, so the old is cleared away and the new is established. It is a rule of progress. The clearing away is not absolute destruction, but is radical transformation, of consciousness, of culture, of society and of global and galactic harmony.

It is like the ecological cycles of growth, climax, crystallisation, breakdown and regeneration through which new ecologies develop. However, people play a major causal role in the predictions, influencing the outcomes through the manner of their current actions and response.

What we are currently awakening to in the Mayan 8th cycle, of galactic consciousness, is the organic unity of life and awareness throughout the galaxy, at all levels of consciousness. The levels, from divine to subhuman, and the varieties of beings in the galaxy, all interact as a beautiful aware super-organism that
evolves. Already there is evidence of communication from our space neighbours.

All things and beings have electric, magnetic and potential electro-magnetic properties and all exist within living fields of these energies. It is normal physics for all things to be influenced by the greater energy fields of which they are part. Solar and cosmic  energies directly affect electrical and magnetic systems on Earth, such as electronic equipment, weather, and biological and human behaviour.

All is connected to all through spirit and soul, and this allows divine inspiration and energy to flow into the human through the soul pathway. This means that the higher frequency energies and consciousness that flow from the galaxy and sun can influence us directly.

All will be affected at their different levels of development. We should turn to God to elevate our frequency. All Earth will be shaken, collapse and disappear. The role of earthquakes is to awaken people. Now the solar system is entering a more spiritual region of the cosmos that will see an ascending wave of love,
creating a golden age.

Survivors will be helped by Masters, ETs and angels. People will have genetic changes and will begin a new root race.

We should live lives of divine love and purity in order to survive and expand into the new life. There is hope.

The Arcturians said that this is unlike any previous period and that it will be another 26,000 years43 before Earth has the opportunity to “ascend”
to the requirements of the new age. Their mission is to protect and help in the birthing process. They are educating us to survive the 5th dimensional frequency, and to know our God-self and oneness. They channel light and ideas for our health and welfare. There is a good response from many humans but not enough.

The moment for a quantum leap into the future is nearing critical mass but there is a delay in human response. They hope that it does not cause retardation for Earth. There is a conflict between the old ways and a new era of truth, love and surrender to divine spirit and oneness. People need to help themselves and their planet shift to a higher consciousness and frequency (through thoughts, words, emotions, actions). Meditation and prayer can do more good than any other single action. Earth is preparing to cleanse its negative energies, and the extreme ecological events and changes now are indications. This can be done by humans or by cataclysms, but it will happen. To survive, people must have higher frequencies. If not, then they will exit Earth and reincarnate on another planet of compatible frequency.

Here in 18:00, the Equinox will be the winter to the northern region of the Earth on December 21, Year 2012 position in degrees -23 °26 '21.418 "

“Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.” The kings of sexual fire work with patience in the Great Work. The Intimate Christ
instructs the mind and the heart. The First Commandment is: To Love God above all things, and thy neighbor as thyself.

The Treasury is for courageous workers. If the Gods do not want their physical body to degenerate and die, then they must feed themselves with the nectar of immortality. Pistis Sophia Unveiled Samael Aun Weor The nectar of immortality is contained within the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is the feminine sexual Yoni.

The Treasury is the Philosophical Stone, the resurrected King within each one of us.
Emanations, Mystic Orders that are extended, Saviors, etc., emerge from the Treasury.
There is always a Guard at every gate of each Temple.
There is always a Guard at every gate of the Treasury of the Light.
Only the resurrected Master possesses the Treasury of the Light.
The Twin Savior is the Son of Man.
The Twin Savior is Tiphereth, the Causal Man, within whom the Logos, the Christ is manifested.
The Twin Savior is certainly the Child of the Child.

The splendorous, interior, profound Sun shines on the path of the Initiate. The luminous sexual force shines most exceedingly in the aura of the Christified Ones. In the final synthesis, the sexual force comes from the Light of lights, which is precisely the Logos.

Within the inner Jesus Christ of each one of us, the creative energy shines marvelously. The Logos is the Perfect Multiple Unity. In the world of the Logos, diversity is unity. The Intimate Christ within each one of us is beyond individuality, personality, and the ‘I’. All beings are indeed one in the Lord.

Those who learn how to utilize the sexual impulse intelligently can perform the Great Work.

The ascension of the Intimate Jesus Christ is a sexual mystery of practical and transcendental Alchemy. The ascension of the Intimate Jesus Christ within us is certainly clear by means of the wise combination of the three Amens. I am emphatically referring to the three fundamental forces of Nature and the Cosmos. The three forces, positive, negative, and neutral, when wisely combined in the flaming Forge of Vulcan, originate the human transformation, the ascension of Christ within us. Stella Mans, the Divine Mother Kundalini, guides the navigator in the boisterous ocean. The victorious Intimate Christ is the Red Christ. The Revolutionary Christ, the Rebel Christ, causes all the powers of good and evil to be agitated. The Red Christ can never be comprehended by the powers of good and evil. All the powers of Heaven are in agitation and set into motion, one against the other, in the presence of the strange procedures of the revolutionary Logos.

All the work of the Great Work is performed in the Ninth Sphere. The Ninth Sphere is sex. Those who spill Hermes’ Glass fail in the Great Work.

All of the great, divine cosmic events are always announced with great earthquakes. Indubitably, great earthquakes also exist within the Superior Worlds.
Obviously, the Adepts of Christ prostrate with amazement in the presence of these great events.

The psychological aggregate of fear must be radically eliminated from our nature. The existence of fear is impossible in the Logos. Fear serves as a base for many errors.

As long as the ego, the ‘I’ continues to dwell within us, then, unquestionably, the Consciousness will continue to sleep. The awakening occurs only by annihilating the ego.

The Intimate Christ comes time and time again, continuously, each time when it is necessary.
The Cosmic Christ is a force, as electricity is a force, or as gravity is a force, etc.
The Cosmic Christ is beyond the personality, individuality, and the ‘I’.
The Christ expresses himself through any human being who is perfectly prepared.
Nevertheless, great earthquakes and confusions accompany all the Christic events.
Christic events are terrifically revolutionary.

Jesus Christ, or the Inner Jesus Christ within each one of us, always emerges from the world of the Solar Logos in order to be manifested to mankind. In Kabbalah, we would say that the secret Jesus-Christ emerges from Chokmah, and thus, He appears in the Tree of Life.

The Manifested Lord shines within the Astral Body of the one who has incarnated Him.
The Manifested Lord enters the physical body in order to live as a human amongst humans.
Every time when it is necessary, the Lord comes to this valley of tears in order to help humanity.
The sleeping multitudes never know the Lord.
When He comes they always condemn Him.
The Intimate Jesus Christ has been crucified many times....

The Incarnated Intimate Christ not only helps, but moreover He helps to help. Only the Adepts of Perfection have incarnated Him.

There exist Twelve Saviors who symbolize the twelve zodiacal constellations. The Twelve Powers within each human being are related with the Redeemer of such or such constellation.

Every exaltation is preceded by a terrible humiliation. Those who want to ascend must first of all descend, such is the law.

The First Commandment, which is love, casts a portion of that power into the Great Light. Unquestionably, the Great Light also casts a portion of the love-power into the five Helpers. The fifth Helper, acting with great power, takes a certain quantity of the substance of love in order to cast it into the mixture, into the world.

The Twelve Apostles, under the direction of the Intimate Christ, are expressing themselves through the Initiate when he is working for the suffering humanity.
The Twelve are twelve aspects of the Being, within the individual Unity.

These five magic words are written on the Lord’s Vesture: ZAMA ZAMA OZZA RACHAMA OZAI. These are words of the language of the Light.

The Revealer is always the Holy Spirit. The gentle human, illuminated and perfect, is the concrete result of the crystallization of the Holy Spirit within us. The Wife of the Holy Spirit is the Divine Mother Kundalini, Marah, the Great Sea, our Particular Cosmic Mother. Each one of us has his own Mother.

The Ninth Path is pure intelligence. The Ninth Path is Yesod, the very foundation of the Great Work.
The Ninth Path is absolutely sexual.
The Ninth Path is in the sexual organs.
The Ninth Path is guarded by the Flaming Sword of the Cherubims, the Mighty Ones.
Shaddai El Chai is the secret name of the Ninth Path.
The Path that conduces the Initiate to the final Liberation is absolutely sexual.

The three gates of the Treasury of the Light have three secret names:
- Eheieh is the name of the first gate.
- Yehovah is the divine name of the second gate.
- Yehovah-Elohim is the sacred name of the third gate.
- The first gate is in the Father.
- The second gate is in the Son.
- The third gate is in the Holy Spirit.
Obviously, the Treasury of the Light has three gates. The great Gothic Cathedrals have one central gate and two minor gates on either side.

Unquestionably, this is why men and women have the same rights. Together, they can obtain Christification. Man could never go beyond woman, nor could she climb spiritual heights more elevated than man. Those who affirm that women cannot Self-realize are ignorant. Blessed be the Christified women.

Normally, every Initiate has the right to travel to the Central Sun Sirius. Not a single Initiate can pass beyond Sirius. Sirius is the Capital of the Milky Way.
Our whole Galaxy splendorously revolves around Sirius. The right to pass beyond Sirius must be earned. Only those who are integrated with the Intimate Christ have earned that right. Opening the gates of the Firmament is equivalent to gaining the right to pass beyond Sirius. The Intimate Christ, integrated with the Adept, gloriously shines most exceedingly when passing through the gates of the Firmament. Passing through the gates of the Firmament is equivalent to passing beyond our Galaxy. The gates of the Infinite are opened before the Christified Adept.

The Intimate Christ loosens the bonds and breaks the chains. He is the Great Liberator. The Intimate Christ is one hundred percent revolutionary.

All the Archons, and all those who are in the sphere of manifestation, are always agitated in the presence of the victorious Jesus Christ. The victorious Jesus Christ gloriously shines most exceedingly within any Christified Adept.

A man needs a Mary Magdalene in order to work in the Ninth Sphere and in order to obtain the Resurrection.

If the fallen Gods would work in the Ninth Sphere, then they would be redeemed. The Mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon signify: “Radical death of the ego.”

Not only do we pay Karma for the evil that we do, but also for the good that we should do but we do not do. However, Karma can be negotiated. Karma can also be forgiven.

The Kingdom of Agharti is found in the subterranean caverns of the Earth. The Earth is hollow and the networks of caverns constitute Agharti. The Genie of the Earth lives in Agharti with a group of survivors from Lemuria and Atlantis. The Goros, powerful Lords of life and death, work with Melchisedec. The whole ancient Wisdom of the centuries has been recorded on Stone, within the Kingdom of Agharti.

Time after time, Melchisedec, the Genie of the Earth, must purify the powers of this world with sacrifices and terrible transformations. Great cataclysms are necessary. Thus, this is how Melchisedec must purify the powers of the soul of the world and carry its light to the Treasury of the Light. An exact parallel indicates to us that the same must occur within the microcosmic human, when he wants to attain the inner Self-realization of the Being. The Workers of the Great Work intensely work on themselves and on the Universe.

Every elemental Essence can convert itself into a human Soul, at its time and hour, and in accordance to the Law. The completion of the number of the perfect Souls who shall be in the Treasury of the Light will be in the day of “Be with us”, which is the end of the Great Cosmic Day.

Adamas, the ‘Tyrant’, and all the ‘tyrants’ of the Law of Karma who govern the Twelve Aeons oppose the step of the human being who marches towards the Final Liberation. ‘Tyrants’ is an allegoric matter. The Lords of the Law are just, and they collect the debts from those who march towards their Liberation.

However, the one who fights for his Liberation suffers immensely, and feels that the Agents of the Law are tyrants. The Intimate Christ, by command of the First Mystery, can change within ourselves the paths and courses of the Fate and the sphere in which we live, with the purpose that we may obtain our Christification. Unquestionably, we must learn how to walk with two feet if we want to reach the Christification.

Triangles signify the three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos. Squares signify upright behavior. Octagons signify eight Initiations, eight Initiatic qualifications, etc. The entire Secret Path that leads to the final Liberation is marked with triangles squares and octagons. Six months towards the right and six months towards the left means half Light and half Darkness. The Sages must work for epochs within the Light, and for epochs within the Darkness of
No Being. This type of Gnostic work, which is, for epochs within the Light, and for epochs within the Darkness, confuse many. Therefore, there are very few who attain the total inner Selfrealization of the Being.

Without sexual magic and without the infernal worlds, it is impossible to comprehend the previous paragraphs of Hermes Trismegistus. Unquestionably, the Path of the inner Self- realization of the Being is frightfully difficult. The Initiate must pass far beyond good and evil. The Adept must fight not only against the forces of evil, but moreover, he must also fight against the forces of good. The rocky Path is surrounded by frightful abysses, which are impossible to describe with words.

The Intimate Christ does not change the sphere of the Rulers within ourselves, so that the Rulers may equilibrate their work between Light and Darkness. This is how we can purify ourselves rapidly, so that we can be elevated, In this way the circles remain abbreviated and the path is quickly completed. The Buddhist Annihilation is fundamental for the radical Christification.

They do not desire to devour the matter of the refuse of the purification of the ir Light. Christ, our Lord, reduces times and periods in order that we may quickly receive the Mysteries and be in the Treasury of the Light. Nevertheless, we must work on ourselves intensely if we wish to receive help from the
Intimate Christ. Strike with thy rod while thou beg to thy God. Without death, there is no Resurrection. If you do not die, then you will not be resurrected.
The death, which we refer to in these paragraphs, is not the death of the physical body. Resurrection is not necessary for the death of the physical body. The immortal Soul does not need the resurrection of the physical body. The terrible Judgment of the Lord is necessary before Resurrection. Obviously we must be judged and we must die before the profound inner Resurrection. The tyrant, the ego that we carry within ourselves must die, if we truly long for the
resurrection of Christ within ourselves.

It is urgent to know how to meditate, in order to comprehend any psychic aggregate, or in other words, any psychological defect. It is indispensable to know how to work with all our heart and with all our soul, if we want the elimination to occur.

Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descent Myself to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of Religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.

Shining unmistakably within the Prophets, Pistis Sophia sings praises to the highest Light that exists within the Mysteries of the Treasury of the Light.
Pistis Sophia utters with the sacred Verb of the great Hierophants. Pistis Sophia, Wisdom-Power made flesh within the incarnated Gods, gloriously shines.

If we do not learn how to perform the will of the Father in the superior worlds as well as in the physical world, then we cannot crystallize the first Force within Ourselves.

Real experience of that which is the Truth is only possible with Pistis Sophia. Nevertheless, the opening of the interior mind and the advent of Sophia is possible only by awakening the Consciousness.

The form of the Cross of Saint Andrew is prominent in the crown of the “13-Woman Serpent”.

The material powers of the self- willed intellect surround Sophia and lamentably oppressher.
The self-willed intellect of the antichrist, expressing itself everywhere, looks with disregard at Sophia.
The intellectual antichrist detests Pistis Sophia.
The intellectual antichrist, the living manifestation of the ego, performs false miracles and deceitful prodigies everywhere: Atomic bombs, supersonic airplanes, atomic submarines, teleguided atomic rockets, travels to the Moon, etc., etc., etc.

The antichrist of intellectualism is presumptuously seated upon the throne of Sophia in these tenebrous times of ‘Kali Yuga’, in vespers of the “13th KATUN”. This occurs while the catastrophe is approaching, which will completely change the physiognomy of the terrestrial crust and will end the human species.

In essence, Sophia, the Wisdom, is a concrete result of a symbiosis of the mixture of Light with Darkness. The descent of the Logos into matter is made dialectically comprehensible by means of the Cosmic Drama. The immersion of the Spirit into matter is dialectically explainable with the life, passion, death and resurrection of Christ within ourselves. Sophia is the result of the descent of the Logos into the Chaos.

The Light wants to purify all the Beings and persons. The Light hears the prayer of all the Beings and persons. May the people and the Souls praise the Lord of all Aeons, the Cosmic Common Eternal Father. This is our longing. God will liberate the soul of all matter, and the city of Heliopolis will open its gates, in
order for the perfect ones to enter through them. They will abide in that city, and they will inherit it.

The Initiate feels as though he is a poor, unfortunate one, with a broken heart. Yet, the salvation of the profound Intimate Being raises him, stimulates him, and keeps him straight on the real Path.

Each time that we attain the disintegration of a psychic aggregate, we liberate the corresponding percentage of Essence, of Consciousness, which is bottled up there. This is how we can increase, little by little, the percentage of real Consciousness within ourselves. Normally, humanity possesses three percent of free Consciousness. If humanity had ten percent of Consciousness, then wars would not exist. During the Nineteenth Century and part of the Twentieth Century, the various Adepts who sacrificed themselves for humanity enjoy fifty percent of awakened Consciousness.

Only the Resurrected Adepts possess one hundred percent of awakened Consciousness.

Peter’s death, crucified on the inverted cross, with his head towards the ground, indicates the necessity for us to descend into the Ninth Sphere, sex, in order to work with the fire and water. All White Initiations begin here. Peter makes us understand that the Woman-Serpent discourses many times. Nevertheless, Peter and the Woman-Serpent within ourselves are found intimately related. The Woman-Serpent, Stella Mans, must interrogate Her son, Christ, many times during the Great Work in order to help us.

The interior God of each one of us is what counts. Only our interior God can save us from all disgrace. The interior Lord, the superior part of the Being, hears us and helps us. May the severity of our God save us. May the mercy of our God protect us. The Lord will save us from the hand of the transgressor, from the hand of the sinner, and from the impious one.

It is clear that Peter is the Hierophant of sex within ourselves. Therefore, he has the power to open or to close the doors of Heaven in ourselves, and within ourselves. Verily, verily, I say unto you that Peter has the keys of the Kingdom. The secret power that opens or closes the doors of Eden is in sex. The sexual energy, when correctly orientated, opens the doors of Paradise.

Sulphur and Mercury are the two keys of the Kingdom. These two keys, one of Gold and the other of Silver, form a Cross in the hands of Peter.

Fear is the worst enemy of Pistis Sophia.
Men kill each other because of fear.
Nations arm themselves and go to war because of fear.
We mistrust people because of fear.
Espionage and perversity exist because of fear.
There exist thieves and prostitutes because of the fear of life.
The aspirants flee and part from the real Path because of fear.
Frontiers, documents and restrictions of all types, which interrupt the journeys of people, are due to fear.
Fear is the cause of thousands of personal and collective conflicts.
The fallen Initiate, lacking Light, and with Pistis Sophia within his interior, appears like a demon.

Give and you shall be given. The more you give, the more you shall be given, but whosoever gives nothing, even that which he has shall be taken away from him.

This is Gnosis, the Christie Mystery, and the fundamental Doctrine that will shine gloriously in the future Sixth Great Root Race, following the great catastrophe, which is approaching. The Light will shine above the future Race, in the Golden Age. Gnosis will illuminate the Consciousness and will liberate the oppressed. The Intimate Christ will place His name in the Soul, and the sacred Mystery in the real power. Then, the Solar Dynasties will govern the populations, and the entire Earth will be a paradise. The future Root Race will reside in new continents, because the present continents will remain at the bottom of the seas, after being burned by ardent fire. The gigantic planet known as Hercolubus is approaching now. It is a world thousands of times larger than the Earth. Obviously, when Hercolubus is excessively close to the Earth, it will attract the liquid fire from the interior of the world towards the surface, and then all that which is alive will be burned. A complete revolution of the axis of the Earth will take place upon the maximum approach of Hercolubus.
The poles will then be converted into the equator, and the equator into the poles. The oceans will change ground, and the present continents will be on the bottom of the oceans.

A small group will be saved, so they can serve as a seed plot for the future Sixth Root Race. This group will also be mixed with people from other worlds for their complete regeneration. The new Race of Pistis Sophia can only come from a strong and regenerated group.

The Lord will build Zion, which means, our interior Universe, the existential Superior bodies of the Being, and He will also reveal Himself in His sovereignty.
The Lord never despises the prayer of the humble one. All of this will be understood by the future generation. The new Root Race that will be born in a newly transformed Earth, following the great cataclysm.

The future Race will understand these teachings and will praise the Intimate Christ.
The Intimate Christ helps us from within.
The Logos hears the sighing and supplications of those in chains.
The name of the Lord will shine in Zion.
The name of the Lord will glorify Jerusalem.
Zion, as a real Man, and Jerusalem, as a Solar Man or Super-Man, will shine in the Lord.

It is true, no lie, certain, and to be depended upon, the superior agrees with the inferior, and the inferior with the superior, to affect One Truly Wonderful Work. As all things owe their existence to the will of the Only One, so all things owe their origin to the One Only Thing, the most hidden, by the arrangement of the Only God.

In order to go out in the astral, we require a little bit of sleep. In order to carry the physical body in Jinn State, less sleep is required, and a great deal of

The interior, profound Lord is our Saviour.
Philip comprehends all of this.
Philip possesses luminous powers in order to understand.
Philip possesses luminous powers in order to write.

Fortunate is the One who attains death in himself, here and now. He then will not undergo the Second Death. Pistis Sophia can be liberated only by dying within ourselves, based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings. The Initiate who passes through the annihilation of himself reaches the total Illumination. The Initiate is voluntarily placed in an inferior pit. He wishes to die, he wants to die. The Lord can perform marvels with the dead.
Fortunate are those who die because they will arise within the Lord. The Name of the Lord will be proclaimed in the tombs of those who die within
themselves. We are poor and miserable, naked and perverse. However, we believe ourselves to be holy and powerful. The interior, profound Lord advises the Initiate.

Man and woman, when sexually united, are surrounded by those terrific forces that putthe Universe into existence. Man is the positive force, woman is the negative force. The neutral force conciliates both of them.

Kundalini, asking for the disintegration of every psychic aggregate which previously has been deeply comprehended. If the man wants to disintegrate a psychic aggregate, whether it be hatred, lust, jealously, etc., he will pray to the Divine Mother Kundalini, begging Her for the disintegration of the psychic aggregate. His wife will help him with the same prayer, as if the aggregate was her own. As well, the man will proceed with the psychic aggregates of his wife, as if they were his own. The totality of the forces of the man and the woman during the metaphysical copulation must be directed to the psychic aggregates of the man, and to the psychic aggregates of the woman. Thus, we will put an end to the ego. This is the key in order to liberate Pistis Sophia.
We must not forget that when the man and the woman are united during the chemical coitus they are truly, one divine, omnipotent and terrific Androgynous.

However, the descent is necessary in order to later re-ascend victoriously. The victorious re-ascension implies total transformation. The Phoenix Bird resurrects more powerful than before, more omnipotent, and terribly divine.

The Great Light has its paths and its secret path. Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to the Light, and very few there be that find it. The path that leads to the Great Light is difficult.

Only frightful abysses are seen on either side of the path.
Many are those who begin, rare are those who attain the arrival to the goal.
At times, the path is lost within the sands of the desert.
At times, the path is cut by a dangerous abyss.
At times, we must descend in order to later re-ascend.
Not one moral code and not one ethic precept serves purpose on the difficult path.
On this difficult path, we must always take inventory of ourselves in order to know what is excessive in us, and to know of what we are lacking.

We must liberate ourselves from the powers of good and evil. There is the need to grasp the sword of Cosmic Justice. What is believed to be good is not always good. What is believed to be evil is not always evil.

In ancient times, humanity perceived the aura of the worlds, and was communicating with other inhabitants of the planetary spheres. The human beings in the Lemurian continent, situated in the Pacific Ocean in previous times, perceived the Mysteries of life and death by themselves and in a direct way. We fell into animal generation with sexual transgression. Then, within each one of us, the ego emerged.

1. The Direct Path.
2. The Nirvanic Spiral Path.
3. The path of those who are separate from the Cosmic Scenario, without having reached the level of Adept.
4. The path of those who fail.
The Direct Path is the most magnificent. However, the sufferings are great, therefore the triumphs are also great. On the Spiral Path, the triumphs are minor; therefore, the sufferings are minor. The inhabitants of Nirvana are rarely reincarnated. The inhabitants of Nirvana live in constant happiness. When they take a body, they take one step ahead, and they return into happiness. Those who renounce cosmic manifestation become submerged within the Universal Spirit
of Life following the dissolution of the ego. Yet, they submerge without having built the existential superior bodies of the Being. Nevertheless, some of those who renounce cosmic manifestation will return in the Golden Age of the future Sixth Root Race. Then, they will enter into the Mysteries and they will convert themselves into Adepts. The fourth path, the ones who fail, are those who after having accomplished three thousand (3,000) cycles or periods of manifestation did not attain the level of Adept. Each cycle of manifestation contains the processes of passing through the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. 108 lives are assigned to each Soul while in the human kingdom. It is ostensible that when the 108 human lives in each cycle is concluded, then, the time to move downwards into the infernal worlds, into involution, until the Second Death arrives. The infernal worlds are situated within the interior of the Earth, in the submerged mineral kingdom. Following the Second Death, the Essence emerges again to the surface. When the Essence has emerged again, then new evolving processes begin which repeat themselves from the lowest step. The lowest step is the mineral kingdom. Each time the cycle is repeated through the mineral kingdom, it is performed in a higher spiral, in accordance with the spiral of life. The laws of evolution and involution of life constitute the mechanical axis of all of Nature. Those who fail in all of the three thousand periods of manifestation submerge themselves within the ocean of the Great Light, converted into simple elementals of Nature. This is after they have followed the Second Death in their last human life of the three thousandth cycle or period. Obviously, such failures lose all opportunity. Nevertheless, these types of elementals know good and evil due to their lived experiences. The fortune for those elementals is well gained, due to the infinite pain through which they had to pass in their peregrination through matter. The laws of evolution or involution have nothing to do with the inner Self- realization of the Being. The path of the revolution of the Consciousness is the inner Self-realization of the Being. It is the path of the Great Rebellion. Only our Intimate God can lead us to the experience of the Truth. The favours of grace are from the Intimate Christ, and come from all eternity. The Great Merciful One can have pity on us and help us. The secret way is taught by the Merciful One, who resides within our Being. The Intimate Lord will guide our steps if we are bountiful and tender hearted. The virtue and the testimonies that we seek are found in the ways of the Lord. We need to be forgiven for our sins, which are exceedingly great. The laws of the interior, profound Lord are perfect, and they must be established in the heart.

Nevertheless, before we can absolutely depend on our own Interior Being, we must be completely obedient to our Guru. Every authentic Guru pronounces himself against fornication and adultery. Every authentic Guru is a Twice Born. Every authentic Guru sacrifices himself for humanity. To be born, to die, and to sacrifice for humanity are the three factors of the Revolution of the Consciousness. The Guru, who spills Hermes’ glass, is a false Guru, a false Prophet.
The Guru who does not teach his disciples to build the solar, existential, superior Bodies of the Being is not a proper Guru in the knowledge. The Guru who does not guide his disciples through the path of the dissolution of the ego is a mistaken Guru or Black Magician. The Guru who does not know how to sacrifice himself for humanity is not a true Guru. There exists the space above and the interior space. The space above is exterior with respect to the interior.
But there exists the exteriors of the exteriors and the interiors of the interiors. Any exterior space located in one or another dimension has as opposition, its
corresponding interior space.

Only through the Buddhist Annihilation can we qualify for each one of the eight Initiations. We will obtain the radical change, by virtue of the disintegration of the ego. We need to convert ourselves into something totally different. We must even lose our very personal identity. The change must be absolute. Not even our actual personal identity must continue to exist.

The emanations of the Self-willed ego bother Pistis Sophia. However, these emanations cease a little when she passes into a superior level of the Being.
Every time the Initiate passes through a new revaluation of the Being, the attacks of the tenebrous ones always cease for a while in order for the attacks to later restart into new activity. Nevertheless, in each battle, Pistis Sophia reiterates the repentance one time after another.

The Light must guide us and save us, according to Gnosis. The Gnostic Light must save us and lead us to the Great Light. The Mystery of the Name is the Mystery of the Verb. Every Initiate aspires to receive the Mystery of the Name. “Whosoever knows, the word gives power to, no one has uttered it, no one will utter it, except the one who has incarnated it.” Christ is the Word. Fortunate is the one who has incarnated Him.

The two Souls are integrated with the resurrection of Christ within ourselves. Then, there is Light. Buddhi is like a fine and transparent glass made of alabaster, within which the Flame of Prajna burns. Buddhi-Manas united, integrated and in fusion, confers us the Light. All the powers of the Light are contained within Buddhi, as in a glass made of alabaster. Obviously, the Light is established within ourselves with the fusion of Buddhi Manas.

The Woman-Serpent can perform prodigies and marvels in those instances when she is
reinforced by the transcendental sexual electricity.

Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom and Lady of Justice is the flower of the Great Work, the Mystic Rose.
Justice is a Virgin with a golden crown, white tunic, and a purple robe.
The Goddess Justice wears an exquisite jewel upon her chest.
The Goddess Justice rests her left foot upon a cubic stone.

One becomes astonished while in the presence of the craziness of anger. The eyes of the angry one reveal complete madness. The very devout people, apparently very simple within the temples, turn themselves into frightful creatures during attacks of anger.

The psychic aggregates of anger are multiple. There is anger because of jealousy, because of hatred, because of frustrated desires, because of selfish monetary motives, because of disputed matters, because of tenor, or because of various states of spirit, mind, body, and tongue, etc., etc., etc. One must self-observe oneself during an attack of anger, in order to truly specify the type of anger, which invades us at any given moment. At times, anger is due to self-love or to hurt vanity. At times, anger is due to hurt pride. Anger is associated with many psychic aggregates. The angry one fails in the Great Work of the Father. It is necessary to aim the Ray of Kundalini against any psychic aggregate of anger in order to pierce it and atomically disintegrate it. Those who do not work on themselves waste their life in sadness or in vain pleasures which leave only deceptions. Thus, their life is wasted in sighing.

Whosoever has ego is a problem for himself and for his friends. Any person who has the ego, the ‘I’, is like a ruined vessel that sails in the ocean of life, carrying his own misery.

The Pharisees hate Christ, thus, they condemn Him each time He comes to the Earth. The Pharisees arose, have arisen and will arise in rebellion against the Lord who comes to teach them. Christ is judged by the Pharisees who believe themselves to be wise. Thus, this is how they throw stones against Him.
The most critical is the ingratitude of the Pharisees. They attack Christ with the very same words and teachings that they learned from the Lord.
They use the words of the Lord in order to attack the Lord. How absurd it is to judge by appearance and throw stones against Christ. A horrible Karma will befall upon the hypocritical Pharisees.

Many are the aspirants who believe themselves to be serious; yet, they are not. There are many who enter our studies and then play with diverse doctrines. They are not serious. There are many who know this doctrine; yet, they simply play with this doctrine. The careless Gnostics who flirt with other doctrines play with Gnosis. There are many students of Gnosis who ridicule Gnosis while playing with it. Many clowns have infiltrated the Gnostic movement.

There are seven levels of the Being:
- The first level is the instinctive human being.
- The second level is the emotional human being.
- The third level is the intellectual human being.
- The fourth level is the equilibrated human being.
- The fifth level belongs to those who have built the astral body.
- The sixth level of human being belongs to those who have built the mental body.
- The seventh level of human being belongs to those who have built the causal body.
- The human beings of the first, second, and third level constitute the circle of the confusion of tongues, the Tower of Babel.

These three types of humans are the ones who have disgraced the world, the ones who provoked the first and second world wars, and the ones who will provoke the third. These three levels of humans do not understand each other:
- The instinctive level does not understand the intellectual.
- The emotional level does not understand the intellectual.
- The intellectual level does not understand the emotional.
- The three superior levels constitute the Kingdom.
- The inhabitants of the Kingdom have not provoked the two world wars.
- The humans of the fourth level are not in the circle of the confusion of tongues. However, they are neither in the Kingdom. The humans of the fourth level never identify themselves with any particular center of the human machine. The humans of the fourth level correctly drive the five centers of the human machine.
- The five centers of the human machine are: Intellect, emotion, movement, instinct and sex. The two superior centers are the superior emotional and the superior mental. Only the inhabitants of the Kingdom can use these centers. Mary or Marah, the Woman-Serpent, reminds us of the Kingdom that the Intimate Christ promised to us. Those who know how to suffer with patience in their trials and work on themselves will inherit the kingdom. Obviously, the true human beings are the ones who are the inhabitants of the Kingdom. The inhabitants of the infernal circle of confusion of tongues are not human beings. They are merely intellectual mammals. Only the inhabitants of the Kingdom may eat and drink at the table of the Lord. Only the twelve powers within ourselves may sit on the twelve thrones in order to judge the entire humanity, the twelve tribes of Israel.
The entire humanity, which unfolds within the zodiacal womb, is divided into twelve tribes, represented by the zodiac.

The Mystery of the Light, which is in the Height, is unknown. Rare are those who know the Great Mystery. Power without Light is useless. The Soul bows down filled with pain in the darkness. Only the Light can save us, if we fulfill His will at every moment. Let us remember that the Father who is in secret is the Father of all Lights. The profound Lord is always found in the Thirteenth Aeon. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know that our Interior Buddha is only the projection of Adhi-Buddha, the Unmanifested One. Adhi-Buddha is the Unknowable and Unmanifested Lord. Each one of us has our own Adhi-Buddha. It is not possible to know the Unmanifested Adhi-Buddha during the Great Cosmic Day.

It is ostensible that the tenebrous ones speak evil against the Initiate because they do not understand him. The disloyal ones ignore the wisdom that is hidden behind each event of the life of the Adepts. The disloyal ones want the Adepts to move themselves exclusively along the tracks of their dogmas. The actions of the Initiates provoke the anger of the demons. The Light of the Heights, which the Adepts have faith in, originates actions that the disloyal ones qualify in accordance with their torpid prejudice and preconceptions. The disloyal ones are enraged against the Adepts and say: “We will take from him his

No one is more perfect than the Intimate Lord, for He saves the wretched and He helps the unhappy and the poor from the hands of them who spoil him.

All the Initiates are hated by the profane and profaners. There are many Pharisees who discourse with the Adepts with words of peace, though they secretly plot against them. The Adepts are usually persecuted by their own disciples. The Adepts are praised and venerated by those who later convert themselves into their accusers and persecutors. Terrible is the fate of the Adepts. Today praised, tomorrow persecuted by their own disciples and the day after tomorrow, loved again, etc. Certainly, the traitors exclaim: “Well indeed, our eyes have filled our sight with him, we know him, he is perverse, etc.”
This is how the Adepts suffer. The Initiate begs to the Intimate Christ and asks Him for his help. The Lord will arise from within his Holy Sepulchre in order to liberate Pistis Sophia. Only the Resurrected Christ in the Spirit and in the Soul of the Initiate can vindicate him. Indubitably, the Interior Lord must be born in the heart of the Adept. Unquestionably, the Intimate Christ must grow within the Initiate. Evidently, the Lord grows in the Soul, preaches to the multitudes and teaches with His example.

Those who pronounce themselves against Pistis Sophia will be put to shame and opprobrium. Those who desire the justification of the Initiate shall be happy. Those who desire the peace of the serf will say, ‘May the Lord be great and arise.” The tongue of the Initiate will exult in the justification and in the honor of the Intimate Christ.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place as the learned ignoramuses suppose.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the conscious circle of the solar humanity, which operates over the superior centers of the Being.
The Kingdom of Heaven is formed by each and every one of the members of the divine humanity.

All those who perform the Christic Mysteries will, one day, return to the Thirteenth Aeon. The Thirteenth Aeon is Am, Sat, the Seity. Beyond the Thirteenth Aeon is the Cosmic Common Eternal Father, and Adhi Buddha, who is the Buddha of our individual Buddha. Adhi-Buddha is the Father of our Father, but He never comes into manifestation, because He is the Unknowable Divinity. Only at the end of the Mahamanvantara, after having integrated ourselves with our Father who is in secret, do we then integrate ourselves with Adhi-Buddha. This integration with Adhi-Buddha is performed in the Mahapralaya, in the Cosmic Night and within the bosom of the Absolute Abstract Space.

Obviously, the Invisibles who were before mankind, they and the Gods and the Rulers and the Men who shall receive Mysteries, will be the first in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gods and the Rulers and the Invisibles within each one of ourselves are the basic factors of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Army of the Voice is organized in groups, and each group has its secret number according to its own form of work.

Nevertheless, the important thing is the Light of the lights. Christ, obedient to the Father, always comes secretly to help the Initiate. The Intimate Christ interiorly helps us. The Intimate Christ incarnates in the Initiate and helps him in the Great Work. Christ passes through the Aeons in order to come into the incarnation. The Incarnated Christ works remarkably when disintegrating the engenders of the Inferno. The Intimate Christ, in the presence of the Initiate, shines ten thousands times more than the Lions of the Law. The Interior Lord is above the Lions of the Law. The Intimate Christ descends in order to internally help Pistis Sophia. The Light of the lights, the intelligence of the intelligence, always hears the sincerely repented one. The cunning threats and the unjust, lawless lips are always conjuring against the Initiates of the rocky path, which leads towards the Final Liberation. The Light that the Initiate has must be taken to the Father of all Lights

The perverse ones can never comprehend the sexual Mysteries and vociferate against the wise. The crafty tongue that speaks of what it does not even remotely know will fall into the abyss of perdition. Those who calumniate the Hierophants of sex devolve within the womb of the Earth until the second death.

Life is a desert for the Initiate. Rare is the one who can live in the desert of the Wise. The arrows of the mighty one are sharpened with the fire of sexual life and flaming, erotic coals.

The Rulers of the Light have their name written in the Great Book of Life. Yet, the Tenebrous Rulers shall not have their name written in the Great Book of Life.

The one who does not trust in the help of God, but in his material wealth and who has developed the psychic aggregate of vanity, falls into the abyss of perdition.

A fruit bearing olive tree is like the one who works on himself and who trusts in the grace of God from all eternity. The Lord knows how to pay well the one who trusts in His holy name.

The evil mind of the dwellers of the Earth is the Antichrist. The Antichrist’s humanity, which is this present humanity, will perish between the fire and the water. Thus, this is how the Antichrist will lose its power. The same happens within the Initiate who wishes to return to the Thirteenth Aeon. The Antichrist succumbs within the Initiate who returns to the Thirteenth Aeon. All the powers and the false light of the Antichrist will succumb within the Initiate. The Initiate gains the crystallization of the superior forces of Nature and the Cosmos within himself, replacing the Antichrist and its power. The three superior forces of Nature and the Cosmos are: Holy Affirmation, Holy Negation and Holy Conciliation.

The Initiate who does not have a Hermetic Glass must attain one in order to work in the Mysteries. Understand that the Hermetic Glass is the feminine Yoni.
The Mysteries of Lingam-Yoni must be cultivated in secret. The laws of the number six teach that when an Alchemist does not possess a Hermetic Glass in good condition, then he must search for another one that will be in a perfect state, in order to work in the laboratory. Nevertheless, not a single Alchemist can successfully use a Hermetic Glass without the will of the Father, who is in secret. The Misterium Magnum of sex is terribly divine. Many are the learned ignoramuses who do not know the rules and procedures of the Sixth Arcanum. The Pharisee ‘I’ of the learned ignoramuses who do not know the rules and procedures of the Sixth Arcanum, calumniate and condemn the Alchemist who takes a new Hermetic Glass. The profane and profaners ignore the Mysteries of the Sixth Arcanum. Foolish are the Adepts who renounce their laboratory work by obeying the learned ignoramuses. The Adepts who are bottled up within moral prejudice and ethic codes renounce the use of a Hermetic Glass. Thus, they fail in the Great Work. A destroyed Hermetic Glass does not serve for the laboratory work. The human matter of Pistis Sophia inevitably languishes because of the lack of light. An Alchemist who abdicates to the sexual Mysteries of Lingam- Yoni, as a fact, resigns from being an Alchemist. Therefore, such a one falls. The tenebrous ones mock the sexual abstainers by nodding their heads. Sexual abstinence originates terribly perverse malignant Poisoniooskirian vibrations. The Poisoniooskirian vibrations are terribly malignant.

The sacred title of Boddhisattwa is legitimately attained, only by those who have renounced to all Nirvanic happiness for the love of the suffering humanity.
Obviously, before the Boddhisattwa is born, the Bodhisitta must be formed within ourselves.

The Cross of Saint Andrew has the form of an ‘X’, which is the extraordinary hieroglyph of the luminous and divergent radiations that emerge from the Creator Logos. The rose, symbol of the Solar Logos, shines in the center of the Cross of Saint Andrew. The Cross of Saint Andrew symbolizes illumination...revelation, after frightful sacrifices.

Phallus-uterus, when connected, forms a Cross. Nevertheless, the Cross as an ‘X’ indicates the complete work in the Great Work. The Work will have victoriously concluded, if the Rose shines on the Cross of Saint Andrew.

The perverse ones use their tongues in order to discredit the Initiates. With words of hatred, the fiendish ones slander the Adepts who work in the Great Work of the Father. Nevertheless, the Adepts respond to this infamy with love and bless those who damn them.

The hearts are tumult within those who have their ego alive and strong.
Only the tranquil heart can give us true and legitimate happiness.
The purpose of profound interior meditation is to obtain true tranquility.

Thus, by eliminating the factors of non-tranquility, we will attain complete tranquility. Only the tranquil heart can reach illumination and omniscience. When the Boddhisattwa reaches illumination, then he prepares himself for omniscience. It is not possible to reach omniscience unless we previously learn to live between the absolute and the relative, between the mutable and immutable. Those who have passed beyond the illuminated Void and the relativity of life, experience that which is called Tality. The Tality is the Great Reality of life, free in its movement. Only those who can willfully experience Tality receive the power of omniscience. No one can reach omniscience without having reached the true reality of the tranquil heart.

The Tality is the Great Reality beyond perversity and holiness. The saints can never exist within the womb of the Tality, which is beyond perversity and

Unquestionably, the Initiate must work in each one of the Thirteen Aeons, if he wants the
Final Liberation:
- The First Aeon is Malkuth, which is here and in the submerged Abyss.
- The Second Aeon is Yesod, which is in our sexual organs and in the fourth dimension, within which is the Terrestrial Paradise, the Ethereal World.
- The Third Aeon is the Astral World, the Sephira Hod.
- The Fourth Aeon is Netzach, the Mental World.
- The Fifth Aeon is Tiphereth, the Causal World.
- The Sixth Aeon is Geburah, the Buddhic or Intuitional World.
- The Seventh Aeon is the World of Atman, the Ineffable one, the region of Chesed or Gedulah.
- The Eight Aeon is Binah, the region of the Holy Spirit, the World of Shiva, the Third Logos.
- The Ninth Aeon is Chokmah, the region of the Logos, the Cosmic Christ. The Tenth Aeon is Kether, the Region of the Ancient of Days.
- The Eleventh Aeon is the Region of Ain Soph Aur, the Third Great Aspect of the Absolute.
- The Twelfth Aeon is the region of Ain Soph, the Second Aspect of the Absolute.
- The Thirteenth Aeon is the region of the Am, the Unmanifested Absolute.
Each one of the Thirteen Aeons must be Self-realized within ourselves. Pistis Sophia must Self-realize herself in these Thirteen Aeons, based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings.

This credit must be payed with good deeds or with supreme pain. We must liberate and emancipate ourselves from the Law of Causality. We can make the great jump only by awakening and developing the Consciousness. It is necessary for the Boddhisitta, which means the auric embryo, the awakened
Consciousness, to fall into the Illuminated Void. Only thus can the Boddhisitta be free from the world of relativity. The world of relativity is the world of combinations and of duality. The universal machine of relativity is based on the Law of Cosmic Causality. The Law of Cosmic Causality is the same as the Law of Karma. The Law of Causality is the same as the Law of Action and Consequence. We can submerge ourselves in the illuminated Void by means of the Great Jump. Thus, and only thus, can we liberate ourselves from the Law of Karma. The world of relativity is based on constant dualism and therefore, on the chain of causes and effects. We must break chains in order to submerge ourselves within the Illuminated Void. The illuminated Void is obviously just the antechamber of the Tality, which is the Great Reality. The path that leads to the Great Reality is absolutely sexual. Many degrees of intuition exist. However, the highest degree is only for the mystic or religious philosophers. Only such people with Prajna-Paramita intuition can experience the Tality.

Rare are the Initiates who are capable of knocking on the Thirteenth Gate. The first gate is in the hail of Malkuth and the last gate is in the hail of Ain. There have been rare cases in which someone has knocked on the frightful and terrible gate of Ain Soph Aur, the eleventh gate. Those who have knocked on the eleventh gate have come close to losing their life. Many have perished at the eleventh gate. Very rare are those who reach the Thirteenth Aeon.

The Intimate Christ is INRI, the devouring fire, the living fire. Seven lights emerge from Christ.

Our Being has forty-nine independent parts. Our Being is a college with forty-nine children. The fire is the most perfect and never adulterated reflection of the unique flame. As in Heaven, so on Earth. The fire originates life and death. The fire is the origin of and the end of all things. Only by means of the fire is it possible to disintegrate the red demons of Seth, in order to liberate Pistis Sophia.

The tenebrous ones fight in order to make the Initiate fall, in order to trap him, in order that the liberation should not be permitted to him. Christ can protect the Gnostic ascetic, if this is His will. The tenebrous powers celebrate reunio ns in order to plan attacks against Pistis Sophia. The Gnostic has faith in Christ and He saves him.

In some Way, we must express our gratitude to the Creator. Our Intimate God deserves our eternal gratitude. All our hope is concerned in the Intimate Christ.
The one who works on himself has hope in the Intimate Christ. Only the Intimate Christ can give us revindication and save us. Great is the work of the Intimate Christ, working in and within us, with immense sacrifice.

The Light-Power of the Intimate Christ is found in the christonic substance of the Solar Logos.
This marvelous substance is the sacred sperm.
The Crown of the Saints, the Church of Laodicea, shines on the head of the Christified Ones.

The light of Pistis Sophia must purify itself in order to give power to the light of the Light-Power that converts itself into a light-wreath around the head of the Initiate. The light-wreath of the Intimate Christ becomes one with the pure light of Pistis Sophia, then it is gold and flame. The red demons of Seth can do nothing against the gold and the flame. The light of the Initiate and the light of the Intimate Christ are truly the gold and the flame, inseparable and eternal.

there is an area of the mind which could be called unsane beyond insanity and yet not insane.

Nevertheless, we must remember that the center of intuition, related with the pineal gland, becomes illuminated with Christification. The pineal gland and the pituitary gland are united by means of a nerve fiber canal, which disappears in the corpse. The sense of psychological self-observation is located in the pituitary gland. The marvelous auras of the pituitary and pineal glands gloriously shine, illuminated and integrated upon the head of the Christified ones. All of the inhuman matters can be shaken. Yet, Christified Pistis Sophia shall not be shaken.

Rare are those who pass over the Threshold of the Temple of the Transparent Walls. Very rare are those who gain entry into the Temple of the Unmanifested Cosmic Mother.

The Spirit must integrate himself with the human being, in order to become one with him and within him. This integration is not possible as long as we remain asleep. We must drink the wine of Gnosis and die within ourselves in order to attain the integration. The vine, the wine, is the result of the miracle of the sexua l transmutation. Attaining the radical death of oneself is possible only by working in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan.

The Spirit must integrate himself with the human being, in order to become one with him and within him. This integration is not possible as long as we remain asleep. We must drink the wine of Gnosis and die within ourselves in order to attain the integration. The vine, the wine, is the result of the miracle of the sexua l transmutation. Attaining the radical death of oneself is possible only by working in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan.

We need to be in peace with the emanation of the Light. Grace-power and Truth-power embrace and kiss each other, thus, forming an integral wholeness.

The temple of all the degenerated people of the Earth is a temple of iniquity and darkness. The Aryan Race is already degenerated and will soon be destroyed. The state in which this present humanity is found is useless in order to incarnate the Monad the Being. It is not possible for the Divine Monad to incarnate in the physical body, because of the way in which it is born, and because of its present condition.

Really, only the sexual energy can transform the physical body, in order for it to incarnate the Divine Monad. It is possible to convert the physical body in the Temple of the Truth, by means of the sexual creative energy of Shiva, or the Holy Spirit. It is possible to inherit the Light-Kingdom only by means of the Mysteries of Virtue.

Virtue is the Spirit of the Light that crystallizes within ourselves when the ego dies.
Virtue initiates us into the great Mysteries of life and death.
Without virtues, we are not admitted into the Temples of Mysteries.

It is necessary to know that the Soma Puchicon is the ethereal body of the Heavenly Man. We can travel through the Infinite with the heavenly, ethereal, Christified and stigmatized body. The heavenly virtues crystallize in the Essence. The Essence, charged with the virtues, powers, laws, etc., is dressed with the Soma Puchicon. The Soul dressed with the Soma Puchicon is the human being of the Fifth Round, the liberated human. In the Fifth Round, the Earth will be blue, ethereal, transparent and ineffable. The ethereal, christified Human, the Man Christ, can consciously and perfectly enters and depart from the physical body at will. Truth and virtue have totally united in the Ethereal Man. The Ethereal Man is the perfect Boddhisitta.

The one who possesses the awakened Boddhisitta in his interior can visit the Temples of the Serpent in the depths of the seas. The Ethereal Man, the awakened Boddhisitta, can make himself invisible to the sight of his enemies. The Man-Christ, the conscious Boddhisitta, can make his physical body immortal. It is written that not even the poison of the Borgias, neither the knife, nor the bullet, can destroy the physical body of the Boddhisitta. The wildest beasts of Nature are humble in the presence of the Man-Christ.

The Wheel of Samsara rotates three thousand times. Whosoever wants to be liberated must liberate himself from the laws of evolution and involution. The Final Liberation is obtained only by way of the revolution of the Consciousness.

Christ is the Virtue. Christ brings all of the Mysteries by the command of the Father.
The Father is the First and the Last of the Mysteries.
Christ baptizes the power of Sabaoth, the Good.
The Intimate Christ delivers the Mysteries of the Heights to the Rulers.

The laws of the Sixth Mystery take us to the Resurrection. Every Resurrected Adept has completely liberated himself from the original sin. Whosoever liberates himself from the original sin makes peace with the Mystery of the Light.

The igneous wings are marvelous. They shine on the Angels. The Truth protects us. When the Lord was asked, “What is the Truth?” He kept silent. When the same question was asked to Buddha, he turned his back and walked away. The Truth is the unknowable from instant to instant. We can experience that which is beyond the body, affections and the mind, that which is the Truth, only by submerging ourselves into the bosom of the Tality.

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