Monday, December 3, 2012

2012 - Final Countdown to Earth's dimensional Shift

Humanity on a collective jump into a new way of living..timeship earth withdrawing from 3D reality..transforming into a dimension of creative time..supernatural phenomena..a world full of love and wisdom..divine light and truth..made by conscious thoughtforms..the act of will power and masters of united children of the Multiple Perfect Unity.

Man wird zum aktiven Moment im nie mehr Zuhause oder in Pause..nur das überall gleichzeitig Sein..grenzenloses Erschaffen neuer Welten..öffnen von Herztoren mit dem Schlüssel der Wahrheit..sich geistig und emotional ganz offiziell von der Materie ablösen..keine Pläne mehr in und mit ihr Zustand des höchst möglichen Bewusstseins konstant zu sein..unsterblicher und göttlicher Freigeist..der mit seiner magischen Schwingung alles um sich herum leuchtende Sterne verwandelt..selbst zum multidimensionalen Tor in die andere Welt geworden ist..ein Weg in die Freiheit..ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels..das auf seinen transzendentalen Flügeln das irdische Leben in den Himmel hebt..und endlich nach Hause zurück kehren kann.

Get ready for the most intense trip ever....


If 144 million humans, by 12/21/2012, are engaged in a common meditation on a daily basis, humanity will experience a spiritual mastery greater in cumulative effect than all the atomic bombs in the world.

What do you envision happening 12-21-2012?
1. Everything will come to a stop – the world will fall silent.
2. Complete technospheric/economic collapse will occur.
3. Solar flares will knock out the electromagnetic field.
4. Oceans will be rising and shifting weather patterns and storms will cause further catastrophic effects.
5. A magnetic pole shift will create totally disruptive havoc.
6. A rainbow will appear around the Earth connecting both poles.
7. UFOs will appear everywhere taking many people away and leaving new social reorganization plans for those who remain.
8. People will begin to experience telepathy and different degrees of psychic power.
9. Cosmic consciousness and the telepathic communications with cosmic civilization will begin to occur.
10. Once all the cities have been evacuated, UFOs will dissolve most of
the remains of technospheric civilization.
11. People will experience themselves as one mind – noosphere.
12. A cosmic evolutionary mutation of consciousness/brain power will occur and be realized as a new race of humans – homo noosphericus, superhuman.
13. New perceptions of reality will be realized as higher artistic/spiritual forms of behavior.
14. People will understand the meaning of cosmoplanetary art whole.
15. People will be telepathically mobilized to reconstruct and regenerate the Earth according to a new social organization in time and new heightened paranormal powers.
16. People will automatically know the meaning of “God” within themselves and everywhere around them.

Like the Maya who preceded us, we shall understand that the path to the stars is through the senses and that proper utilization of our mind as the auto-regulatory control factor will help facilitate the passage to different levels or dimensions of being. These dimensions or levels of being, now frequented by what we call UFOs, are universally accessible, and hence the meeting grounds of intelligence from different sectors of the galaxy. Like a multi-leveled spore, the model of our “new” galactic home, as well as the means of transport to the different dimensions of the electromagnetic ocean, is the great single central channel along which the various levels of being are strung: individual, collective, planetary, solar, stellar, code matrix, and galactic core.

The first worlds of the new land are transmitted
Through a new frequency – a sound unheard – far away from human chatter.
I glimpse the sculpted vision of our Translucent Destiny
Shimmering with its concentrated entrance – magnifications
Through rainbow corridors with histories unknown
Exertion forms the KEY that welcomes us
To the pinnacle of the new land – mysterious and shamanic – opening wide and dissolving its stories into a Peppermint book –as we burst forth and fly off the pages
Into an Electric rain of pearls
With diamond droplets

We are being evolved into a new evolutionary type referred to as the Earth Wizard. According to the
Law of Time, the formulation that governs everything is T(E) = Art: Energy factored by Time equals Art. Earth Wizards are involved in the process of transforming Earth into a conscious work of art.
• Earth Wizards live in harmony with the Earth and have the capacity to practice celestial harmonics and the higher levels of the fourth-dimensional order of time.
• Earth Wizards practice various levels of the synchronic order or “chrononautics”, navigating in time. Note: Entry into the Psychozoic Era coincides with our fourthdimensional entry into the Green Central Castle (2013), when we will learn how to time travel and travel in space (no machines required). Practice of chrononautics is done through the fourth-dimensional tools.
• The Earth Wizard emerges into multidimensional cosmic consciousness. When Earth Wizards are practicing the dynamics of time and the science of time based on the Law of Time they are practicing chrononautics.
• The Earth Wizard is a biosolar telepathic time conductor. Life (bio) attuned to the star (solar) and resonant vibrations of the star (telepathic). The Earth Wizard is attuned to the electromagnetic field and is always receiving pulsations and registrations of the local star.
• As a biosolar telepath, the Earth Wizard awakens his/her telepathic capacity. Each Earth Wizard serves as a time conductor chip to create a Galactic microcolony of biosolar telepaths that will replace the Internet. This is just a step toward instantaneous communication.
• The Earth Wizard consummates all archetypes as one in his/her multidimensional being. These archetypes include: Primal Force, Spirit Essence, Dreamer, the Innocent, Serpent Initiate, Planetary Hierophant, Avatar, Artist, Healer, Compassionate One, Magician/Shaman, Sage, Prophet, Wizard, Seer, Pathfinder, Navigator, Yogi/Yogini, Worldchanger, Enlightened One and finally Hunab Ku: Magus of the Infinite.

Presently human thinking is no different from that of a computer. The average human is a composite of unconsciously orchestrated conditioned reflexes—chains of analphs set to shoot off on cue,
according to primitive binary on/off intelligence. These analphs are imprisoned by the ego. To tune into the cosmic thinking layers, the human must first identify these conditioned thoughtforms through
cultivation of a meditation practice. The meditation practice should then focus on disempowering and dissolving the ego (through clear seeing and submission); only then is it possible with conscious intentionality to activate and realize each of the different mental spheres.

The fourth dimension is the sphere of lifetrons which can be perceived only through the sixth sense of intuition. As your senses become spiritually refined they become intuitive, and you become more
conscious of that other world. And where is that other world? Many people think it is far off in the skies, but this is not so. The fourth dimension, the astral world, is just behind the gross vibration of this physical plane.

According to the Law of Time, the passage from the biosphere to the noosphere (the mental sphere around the planet that encompasses the biosphere) represents the point when the human species is restored to the correct frequency: the 13:20 timing frequency. This is the frequency of universal telepathy.

Through intuition you become united with the Universe – you learn to hold the two opposing forces of life in balance – having recognized that you can not resolve them. You "play the game" by understanding the rules and manners of the existing hierarchy and seeking out authorities in your field – making new allies by listening to your conscience. Share this wisdom with others – you are a teacher.

Do not think of your inward seeking for the space of eternal love within you as hiding from the world, rather see it as we do, an action leading to the saving of your world. Your world’s current transformational shift has been pioneered by a few souls. Now it is being followed by many many more souls. Each soul who is called into the shift will anchor the vibration of love into themselves and through them into the world.

If you choose, you can understand the nature of this transformation into the next dimensional level, or next world. Even though it's probably going be a very quick transformation, we can see the nature of it and understand what the changes are that we must enter. It also lifts the veil from the
events of this world and explains why they are happening, which allows clarity of mind and heart about this transformation as we pass through it.

On planets in this galaxy, normally the geomagnetic fields first begin to weaken and then become erratic, the civilization on the planet begins to break down and finally the last phase is entered. The final phase lasts usually no more than two years but nearly always at least three months. In this phase the civilization begins to dissolve, and it becomes extremely dangerous just to be alive. All the systems that keep civilization in place disintegrate and chaos rules.
Then there is a period of five or six hours before the dimensional shift begins. This is a very strange time, when the fourth dimension begins to leak into the third dimension. It really helps to know this is coming. Passing through the Void, we will enter into the Earth's fourth dimension. Life will be altered dramatically. Ascension, resurrection and final death will all take place before this phase. Birth into the new world will have begun.

There are other more subtle energy changes, such as the Schumann frequency (the basic resonant frequency of planet Earth), which will change before the dimensional shift occurs, but the geomagnetic change is the biggest. The importance of the geomagnetic field lies in the effect it has on the human mind when and if it moves to zero and stays there for more than about two weeks.

This is the period that usually lasts from three months to two years. It is triggered mostly by the geomagnetics driving people crazy. This is what causes the collapse of the social systems of the world. No physical preparation will help you in the higher dimensional levels. Success there depends on your spiritual awareness and mostly on your character.

A strange phenomenon begins at this stage. The two dimensions begin to overlap. You may be sitting in your room when suddenly something appears out of nowhere that will not be explainable to your mind. It will be a fourthdimensional object that will not fit into your understanding of reality. You will see colors that you have never seen before in your life. These colors will be exceedingly bright, and they'll seem to have their own light source. The color will seem to be emitted rather than reflected. And they have a shape your mind will not be able to explain. These objects will be the strangest things you have ever seen. It is okay; it's a natural phenomenon. My strong suggestion to you is, don't touch one of these objects. If you do, it will instantly pull you into the fourth dimension at an accelerated rate. It would be easiest and best if you avoid moving that fast. If it is unavoidable, then it is the will of God.

The entry into the biosphere-noosphere transition is a precisely timed and profoundly evolutionary moment in which the spiral toward full spiritual evolution is universalized. The immediate consequence of conscious realignment with the Law of Time and the autoregulatory mechanism of the biosphere, the psi bank, is the magnetic stabilization of the species and biopsychic triggering of the circumpolar rings defining Earth’s electromagnetic field.

“The cube is the knowledge that unifies, synthesizes, harmonizes and synchronizes divine wisdom so the soul is cubed in its own perfection”

This means that some synthetic objects, depending on their stability, will melt or disintegrate quicker than others during this fiveto six-hour period. Your car is made of plastics and other highly unstable materials, so it will definitely be unserviceable. Even your house is probably made of many unstable materials and will, for the most part, break down and partly disintegrate. Most modern homes will be unsafe during this phase.

Everything one has done to develop the “sixth sense” of intuition while on earth helps one after death. Since it is the degree of realization and the amount of virtue one has expressed on earth that determines one’s experience in the astral region, there is much work to be done to purify the indwelling consciousness by God contact and by persistence in exercising higher virtues.

Only a uniform, collective higher consciousness will save the world – all modes of lower consciousness must be abandoned altogether. Learn to dwell in the always-existing higher planes of consciousness. Only here will solutions present themselves. The doorways and portals to dimensions of mind imperceivable to every day consciousness of the present are immovable but can only be accessed by learning to dwell in the higher planes of consciousness. Raise high the banner of meditation and develop your cosmic perceptions.

Therefore, it would be best to be in nature when this happens, but if you cannot be, then it is the will of God. I would not worry about this. I am only informing you so that you will understand as the shift begins.

Obviously, the people who are already going crazy because of the collapse of the geomagnetic field will become much worse when they see the Luciferian reality collapsing, when objects begin to disappear or disintegrate. The good side is that it lasts for less than six hours. According to Edgar Cayce and other psychics, there have been many extremely advanced civilizations here on Earth before, but there is little or no trace of them. This is because of what we have just described. Their synthetic materials did not make it through the last dimensional shift 13,000 years ago or through other prior shifts. God cleans up the original Reality environment every time there is a dimensional shift.

Every person who has ever lived on Earth has already experienced the shift. They had to in order to get here on Earth. It's just a cosmic fact. Unless we came from close by, wherever we came from before we came to Earth, we had to have passed through the Void to get here, so we had to change dimensions. On the day you were born on Earth as a baby, you experienced a dimensional shift. You moved from one world into another. It's only because of our poor human memory that we don't remember.

As we enter this new millennium, the ascended masters feel that there will be very little violence approaching this shift, for we have come a long way on the path. We have done a great job in helping to birth the new human consciousness! So I am going to say it now—relax, don't worry. Enjoy this transition. As you witness the perfection of life, you can be that little baby you may have wanted to revert back to. Know that you are going to be taken care of and that pure love is guiding the events. This energy wave is so much bigger than you that you might as well surrender to life and just be. We have probably altered the possibility of the two years to three months of chaos. It is now believed that the period before the shift will probably be very short and with almost no disruption. They expect little or no warning except for the five- or six-hour shift. More than likely you will wake up one morning, and before sunset find yourself a baby in a brand-new world.

Let's begin six hours before the shift. You wake up on a clear, cool morning feeling great. As you stand up, you realize that you are feeling very light and a little strange. You decide to take a bath. As you're watching the water, you sense something behind you. You turn and see a large, brightly glowing object of strange colors floating about three feet off the floor next to the wall. As you try to figure out what this is, a smaller one appears out of nowhere a few feet away. They begin to float around the room. You jump up and run into the bedroom, only to see the whole room filled with these strange, unimaginable things. You might think you are having a mental breakdown or chat maybe a brain tumor is affecting your perception, but neither is the case. Suddenly the floor begins to break apart and the whole house begins to distort. You run outside into nature, where everything seems normal except that there are many of these strange things everywhere.
You decide to sit down and not move. You remember your Mer-Ka-Ba and begin to breathe with awareness. You relax into the prana flow that moves through your body. The great spinning Mer-Ka-Ba has enclosed you in its warmth and safety. You become centered and wait, because what's about to happen is God's grace. There really is nowhere to go. It's the greatest ride you can imagine. It is ancient, yet it is brand new. It is beautiful and you feel fantastic. You feel more alive than you ever did when you were in the normal Earth reality. Each breath seems to be exciting.
You look across the meadow, where a red, glowing fog begins to slide into the space all around you. Soon you are surrounded by this red fog, which seems to have its own source of light. It's a fog, but it doesn't actually look like any fog you have ever seen before. It seems to be everywhere now. You are even breathing it. An odd feeling comes over your body. It isn't really bad, just unusual. You notice that the red fog is slowly changing to orange. You no sooner see it is orange than it turns yellow. The yellow quickly changes into green, then blue, then purple, then violet, then ultraviolet. Then a powerful flash of pure white light explodes into your consciousness. You are not only surrounded by this white light, but it seems that you are this light. For you, there is nothing else in existence. This last feeling seems to continue for a long time. Slowly, very slowly, the white light changes into clear light and the place where you are sitting becomes visible again. Only it looks like everything is metallic and made of pure gold—the trees, the clouds, the animals, the houses, other people— except your body, which may or may not appear like gold. Almost imperceptibly, the gold, metallic reality becomes transparent. Slowly everything begins to look like golden glass. You'll be able to see right through walls; you can even see people walking behind them. Finally, the gold, metal reality begins to dim and fade away. The bright gold becomes dull and keeps losing its light until your entire world is dark and black. A blackness engulfs you, and your old world is gone forever. You can't see anything now, not even your body. You realize that you are stable, but at the same time you seem to be floating. Your familiar world is gone. Do not feel fear here. There is nothing to be afraid of. It is completely natural. You have entered the Void between the third and the fourth dimensions, the Void that all things came from and must always pass back into. You have entered the doorway between the worlds. There's no sound and no light. It's total sensory deprivation in every imaginable way. There is nothing to do but wait and feel gratitude for your connection with God. You will probably dream at this point. It is okay. If you don't dream, it will seem like a long, long time is passing. In truth, it will be only about three days.
The next experience is rather shocking. After floating in nothing and blackness for three days or so, on one level of your being it may seem like a thousand years has gone by. Then, totally unexpected and in an instant, your entire world will explode with a brilliant white light. It will be blinding. It will be the brightest light you have ever known, and it will take a long time before your eyes can adjust and handle the intensity of this new light.
More than likely the experience will seem brand new, and what you have just become is a baby in a new reality. You're a little baby. Just like when you were born here on Earth, you came from a very dark place into a very light place; you were somewhat blinded and didn't know what the heck was going on. The experience is similar in many ways. Congratulations! You were just born into a brilliant new world! When you start adjusting to this intensity of light, which might take awhile, you'll begin to see colors you've never seen before and never knew existed. Everything, the whole configuration, the whole experience of the reality, will be bizarre and unknown to you except for the short time with the floating objects right before the shift. In truth, it is more of a second birth. On Earth when you are born, you begin small and continue to grow until you are an adult. We usually think of human adulthood as the end of growth. What may sound strange until you see it is that a human adult body in the next world is a baby. Exactly as happens here, you begin to grow and get taller until you reach adulthood in this new world. Adulthood in this new fourth-dimensional world is surprisingly taller than here. An adult male is about 14 to 16 feet tall, and an adult female is about 10 to 12 feet.
Your body will seem solid, just as on Earth, but compared to thirddimensional Earth, it isn't. In fact, if you were to go back to Earth, no one could see you. You still have an atomic structure, but the atoms will have mostly converted into energy. You have become a great deal of energy and very little matter. You can walk right through a solid wall on Earth, but here you are solid. This new birth will be your last life in structure as you know it. In the fifth dimension, which will be coming soon after the fourth,  there are no life forms. It is a formless state of consciousness. You will have
no body, but will be everywhere at once.
Time is extremely different in the fourth dimension. A few minutes on Earth is several hours in 4D, so in what will seem like about two years, you will reach adulthood. But simply growing up is not what life is all about, just as here on Earth. There are levels of knowledge and existence that would
be hard to imagine from where you will be when you first enter the fourth dimension, just as a baby here on Earth could not comprehend astrophysics.

Here you are, a baby in a new world. Yet in this new world you are far from helpless. You are a powerful spirit that can control the entire reality with your thoughts. Whatever you think, happens instantly! Yet at first you normally don't recognize this connection. Most people don't put the two together for several days, and those few days are crucial. They could keep you from surviving in this new world if you don't understand. Here you are, only a few minutes old, and the first big test in life begins. When the fourth-dimensional window is opened, anyone can go through, but generally not everyone can stay. What we have found is that there are three types of people at this stage.
First, there are people who pass over who are ready. They have prepared themselves in this life by the life they lived. Then there are people who aren't ready, who are filled with so much fear that they cannot allow themselves to leave this third dimension past the Void, and they immediately return to Earth. Finally, there's a third group that passes over but isn't really quite ready for this experience. They were ready enough to transition into the fourth dimension, but they weren't really prepared to stay there.

When people are not quite ready, it means they are bringing all their fears and hatred with them. When they find themselves in this very bizarre world, all their fears and anger arise. Because they don't know that whatever they think will take shape around them, their fears begin to manifest.
Because they don't understand what is happening, in the beginning most people reproduce familiar images of their old world, things they can recognize. They do this to make sense of what is happening.  That's just the beginning, of course. So you are born into a new world and you survive. From this point on there are various possibilities. One that will invariably occur is that after a while you'll start to explore this reality, and at one point you will realize that whatever you think, happens.
At this point people often look down at their bodies and say, "Wow," and, with their thoughts, perfect their bodies and physically become what they always wanted to be. They will heal everything, grow back arms and legs. Why not? It's like a toy to a child. Because ego often still functions a little bit at this stage, you might make yourself really beautiful or handsome or taller. But you will soon get bored with perfecting your body. You will begin to explore the rest of your new reality. One thing will almost certainly happen. You'll suddenly notice large moving lights around the area you are in. They're called mother and father. Yes, you will have parents in the fourth dimension. It is, however, the last time, for in the next higher world you will not. In the area of the fourth dimension where you arrive, the family problems we have experienced here on Earth don't exist. Your mother and father
there will love you in ways you probably have only dreamed of on Earth. They will completely love and take care of you. They will not allow anything to happen to you in a bad way once you have survived. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. It is a time of tremendous joy if you simply
surrender and allow this love to guide you. You may realize that you've just won the big game of life.
All the pain and suffering you have experienced in life is over, and another beautiful and sacred level of life is emerging. Now the purpose and meaning of life begins to return consciously. You begin to experience another ancient, yet new way of being, and it's yours. It has always been yours,
but you gave it up. So now you are returning to the state of awareness where God is apparent in all of life. He is apparent with every breath that enters your shining body of light. Since we are what we create, then it becomes important and necessary that our emissions are in harmony with all life everywhere. We come to understand that everything we think, feel and do creates the world we must live in. Therefore, ordinary life here on Earth can be seen as a school, a place where each moment of life gives us lessons that can be directly translated into the next world. No wonder Egypt and most of the ancient civilizations regarded death with such reverence. Death, no matter how it comes, is the doorway of darkness into the Void that leads into the brilliant light of the higher worlds of life. If mastered, it leads directly into a conscious connection with all life everywhere—eternal life!
If you can just sit there and keep chanting those patterns of love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace, you don't have to worry about a thing. That's the female pattern [see Fig. 18-1]. There are other patterns. There's a male pattern [see Fig. 18-2], which is compassim, humility and wisdom, unity, love and truth. All stargate patterns have love and truth. Life in the next world will seem normal and ordinary once growth begins. You will have entered one of the three highest overtones of the fourth dimension—the tenth, eleventh or twelfth overtones. In one or more of these three worlds you will gain the knowledge and wisdom to move into the fifth dimension, the beginning of a return trip straight back to God, ever changing as the truth unfolds.
Occasionally a planet may enter into an anomaly in order to make the transition easier. It transits into the next dimension, but it recreates the old dimension in such a way as to complete the old karma and make a smoother transition into the next world. It is rare on a planetary basis, but possible. It usually requires a very high level of consciousness to initiate it, though, and this is almost always lacking. These new children have the ability to initiate the transition of this world into a new world through extraordinary means. We may be witnessing this miracle at this very moment in history. With their high level of universal understanding, they could re-create this world in the next world in such a way as to not lose a single soul—which is their desire, I believe. We would have to change Jesus' saying into "Many are called, and all are chosen." I believe he would be overjoyed. It has been the dream of the universe to transition every last soul, but it has never been possible before. A child's pure innocence and love in the higher worlds is the source of harmonic
creation itself. If these children are real, and they appear to be, then anything whatsoever is possible now. God may have just blessed us with His perfect grace.

But the primary importance of the archetype of the Apocalypse is that it functions as an important landmark on the spiritual journey. It emerges into the consciousness of the seeker at a time when he or she recognizes the illusory nature of the material world. As the universe reveals its true essence as virtual reality, as a cosmic play of consciousness, the world of matter is destroyed in the psyche of the individual. This might also be the meaning of the “end of the world” referred to in the Mayan prophecy.

Another important result of this process is emergence of spirituality of a universal and mystical nature that, unlike the dogmas of mainstream religions, is very authentic and convincing, because it is based on deep personal experience. The process of spiritual opening and transformation typically deepens further as a result of transpersonal experiences,such as identification with other people, entire human groups, animals, plants, and even inorganic materials and processes in nature. Other experiences provide conscious access to events occurring in other countries, cultures, and historical periods and even to the mythological realms and archetypal beings of the collective unconscious. Experiences of cosmic unity and one's own divinity result in increasing identification with all of creation and bring the sense of wonder, love, compassion, and inner peace.

"The Thirteen Moon calendar is an evolutionary tool to assist humanity in the unprecedented act of uniting itself on one issue central to its complete well-being: time. The harmonic convergence of humanity on this one issue, combined with the inescapable order, perfection and simplicity of following the 13 Moon calendar will lift the species as a simultaneous whole into the galactic timing frequency of 13:20."

To use Sacred Magic – paralyse the five currents of the will; the desire to be great, the desire to take, the desire to keep, the desire to advance and the desire to hold onto at the expense of others – be filled by Will from above. If you wish to purify the five currents of the will, practice the three traditional vows – for these are the keys to the kingdom of heaven:
1. "Obedience" – the practice of silencing personal desires, emotions and imagination. Obedience results in order – universal peace whose root is LOVE which arises from faith and confidence. He who recognizes God – obeys.
2. "Poverty" – the practice of inner emptiness which is established as a result of obedience, allowing the soul to receive revelation from above.
3. "Love" – putting into practice the resolution to live according to the Universal law – where the heart is love, for the heart lives only when it loves. It is the purity of your will, not its force which constitutes the basis of "divine" magic, which does not force but establishes freedom of choice through the presence of the true, the beautiful and the good. Love is attained through faith by means of hope. Seek purity of heart – love, have compassion and show tenderness.

Diese Seele , dieser Geist, diese Psyche, dieses Pneuma ist, indem es die Verbindung zu Gott darstellt, das Ewige im Menschen oder sein Anteil an der Ewigkeit, weil Gott ewig ist, das eben, was ihn, seine befristete Existenz übersteigt (transzendiert).

Mit seinen verschlungen und geheimnisvollen Wegen gleicht das unüberschaubare Reich der Religionen des kretischen Labyrinths des Minotaurus.

Um sich von der Welt bezaubern zu lassen, muss man sie zuvor entzaubern.

Die meisten Menschen spüren, dass etwas mit der Welt nicht stimmt, dass sehr schlimme Dinge geschehen aber fast alle sind der Überzeugung, dass sie ohnehin nichts ändern können.

Das Einzigartige, ja Grossartige daran ist, dass die Fähigkeit, sich selbst, die eigene Umwelt von aussen betrachten zu können, es dem Menschen ermöglicht eine quasi göttliche Perspektive einzunehmen.

Es ist schwer, aus einer Position neutraler Distanz oder innerer Ablehnung heraus die Grösse des Vorhabens, sich mit Gott zu vereinen, zu ermessen.

Wir haben es hier mit einem intellektuell nicht darstellbaren Empfinden zu tun, das im tiefsten Sinne Geist und Körper vereint oder eben reiner Geist ist. Es ist eine Aufhebung der Schwerkraft, denn was für die Bewegung der Menschen die Gravitation ist, sind für das Denken der Menschen die Definitionen.

If we understand the special, unique, and supreme function that we occupy in this world as the
children of God, we must also realize its responsibility. God did not make us partakers of His glory to simply occupy a lavish role in creation. As “verbs,” as “gods,” as “divine beings,” as “children of the Most High,” we have been given the awesome responsibility of being representatives of God here on earth.

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