Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Truth is One

The ascension's time to wake up folks..please share the following informations to a large audience..unity is reality!

These gnostic topics have always been in the centre of interest of all highly evolved human beings who have lived on earth and have contributed to a better understanding of the eschatology of human existence. All problems of humanity stem from the lack of spiritual understanding and can be eliminated as soon as all humans become enlightened beings. This is what Ascension is all about.

In the course of this and next year, this process will reach its final culmination. We are in the End Times, as predicted in many religious and esoteric books. The Rapture of mankind is in full swing and many entities will leave earth and enter the 5th dimension before the final split of the two earths – the ascended earth A and the descended planet B - takes place in December 2012.

The coming months will be crucial not only with respect to their earthly destiny, but also with respect to their future incarnations. Ascension of earth and mankind is a juncture of cosmic proportions for numerous souls throughout the whole galaxy and beyond it. It will terminate the incarnation cycle of many souls, so that they can proceed with their infinite journey of cosmic experience and exploration towards the Oneness of All-That-Is.

The latter should ideally amalgamate all current religious views, stripped off of all their wrong ideas of separation, as well as all current esoteric views that make no effort to establish a coherent system of transcendental knowledge. In practice, all world religions should be abolished as false gnostic systems of spiritual knowledge, because none of them adequately assesses the Nature of All-That-Is, respectively, of God.

The basic conclusion from the discovery of the Universal Law is that there is no difference between Consciousness and the outer physical world, currently perceived as Nature. The outer world is shaped by the consciousness of all beings that participate in the common life on a certain plane of existence.

This is the actual cognitive and existential dilemma in which humanity is currently entrapped by the Powers That Be in a deliberate way. Their tactic is to keep humans ignorant on the actual situation on earth and to lull them into the wrong belief that they are an exquisite ultimate manifestation of a protracted biological evolution, based on the principle of chaos, or trial and error, whereas, in fact, they have been conceptually created as servants for these dark forces some 13,000 years ago, first by the Reptilian Anunnaki and later on genetically improved by the Sirians, which are representatives of the Forces of Light.

Humans believe that they must surround themselves with as much material goods as they can imagine for the purpose of surviving, but they know deep in their heart that they have no power over death. That is the cardinal dilemma of the current Elite. Their fears are hypertrophied to such an extent that their desire to control everything, first and foremost, all the monies available, and through them all human lives, seems to be, in their view, the only alternative to appease their basic angst in front of death.

This condition of total separation is planned for planet B that will remain in the 3d-density, after the shift of the ascended earth (Planet A) in the 5th dimension has taken place. The planet B will progress along the path of even greater separation than currently observed. Life on this planet will remain under the total control of the dark forces and will be a living hell. Only those incarnated entities who cannot ascend will continue with their incarnation on this catastrophic planet that has already entered this streamline at the beginning of this year, This will be a small fraction of the current population that will also include part of the Elite who will survive the shift in underground bases, which they have beenbuilding for many years with the help of the dark aliens in anticipation of this event.

The cosmic energies that will trigger the split of the two earths will destroy most current technologies. The electric grid, the communication system, internet, and all engines of combustion will no longer function because the properties of the new photon space-time (electromagnetic field) on earth after the shift will be altered dramatically.

This is what most human beings will experience at the end of 2012, when they will ascend in the 5th dimension. It is the apotheosis of all human experience – an event of truly cosmic, heavenly dimension, and mankind ought to be exalted in the coming days by this dazzling perspective. Heaven has been promised to mankind since eons of time, Jesus, being the last prophet in a raw, to make them aware of this promise, and now heaven is within a reach. Brethren, this is the most exciting time to live on earth. Enjoy it!

The truth will emerge that all human beings are creator beings. Incessantly – at every moment in the Now! This truth will become more and more apparent this year, as we approach Ascension and the veil of forgetfulness is thinned. The true multidimensional nature of human beings will emerge behind this veil and the people will begin to understand the Nature of All-That-Is – the Unity of all Consciousness.

When the Egyptian people finally awakened and revolted against the long-standing dictatorship of the Reptilian Mubarak and his clique, they explicitly declared their will to be the legitimate sovereign of their ancient country and that they intend to take their destiny for the first time in their long history in their own hands. They no longer need the alleged support or the clandestine oppression of external foreign powers and dark forces that hide behind them.

This is well understood by the Powers That Be and their proxies - the hidden governments, the Elite, the thirteen families, the Cabal, the super-secret services, the political powers that have been embroiled to such an extent with the Orion reptilian empire that they have now only two choices: Either revolt against their former masters and eventually risk their lives or stick to them and choose that living hell, called planet B. If they decide to shoulder with the awakening population and facilitate the transition of mankind to an enlightened society, they may eventually qualify for Ascension. It is their choice. There is very little time left.

But there will be also those – the light workers and the star seeds - that will go directly to Celestria and will become the new-born leaders of their ascended human fellows; they will teach them how to create the much proclaimed Golden Age. This is the choice that each and every individual will have to make in the course of this and next year, when current human civilisation will irreversibly collapse.

Those, who will not ascend, may not even realize that such a process is taking place, because it will not fit into their narrow-minded world view. They will continue with their lives in the living hell on planet B, steadily forgetting the advantages of the past industrial epoch that has been irrevocably terminated with the Rupture of the two earths. This is essentially the eschatology of human existence on earth during the End Times prior to Ascension.

To this end they have corrupted in the last several decades the financial system worldwide by transforming it into a huge Ponzi scheme that is exclusively based on creating new debt and money out of thin air.

As already said, planet B will be a living hell. The portion of incarnated entities that will decide to live in further separation will continue to live on planet B or will leave earth prior to Ascension. The Powers That Be will have full control on this planet. They are preparing themselves for this event for a long time. They are fully aware of the fact that in the last two years of Revelations and Tribulations they will lose their grip on mankind and earth. All they want to achieve currently is somehow to survive the shift and proceed with their evil business as usual on Planet B. In the meantime, they are doing everything possible to take as many sleeping human beings with them on planet B, as they can harvest in these times of tribulations.

Therefore, in this soul age the incarnated entities must work out their karma either by consenting to become victims of other younger souls or to take responsibilities for other souls that require from them huge sacrifices. During this age cycle the adult soul experiences seldom moments of fulfilment and happiness. She has to live through many stressful moments and to shed many tears. For this reason her eyes are clear and shining.

The events that are about to unfold very soon will pull the rug away from under their feet and they will have to glimpse into the abysses of their “rotten” souls. This will be a very painful experience, and their reactions and mental aberrations at this time will surpass anything known so far. The recommendation of the author to the light workers is to see through these events with a great portion of relaxation and humour and to not let them being dragged down by the psychopathic and schizophrenic moods of their surroundings and on the world stage.

With the opening of the portal 10.10.10, these upper chakras have also begun to open by most star seeds, and they are now connected with their higher self. Only incarnated entities who have achieved this level in the light body process will qualify for Ascension prior to mass Ascension, most probably after the last, but one, portal 11.11.11 is opened in late autumn this year.

There will be some small waves of Ascension of star seeds, who have sufficiently progressed with their light body process before December 2012. This event will trigger a true spiritual revolution and evolution in the minds of most human beings. It will urge the people to rapidly make their minds to ascend with earth at the end of 2012. However, not all of them will be prepared for Ascension on December 21, when our planet will be in alignment with the central sun of the galaxy and with the other planets of the Galactic Federation, and a huge photon wave will flood earth. Some of them will stay on planet B for a while and will have the possibility to enter the 5th dimension at a later stage. In the meantime, they will have to live on a catastrophic earth. This circumstance will eventually facilitate their decision. In the post-shift period of 3-4 years, the two planets A and B will still have energetic interceptions that will allow the establishment of portals, which can be used by these entities to enter the 5th dimension. They will receive much help at this difficult time from the Forces of Light and from some highly evolved incarnated entities that have already ascended.

Therefore, the choice that mankind and every individual will have to make in the next two years will be as follows: Ascend to Heaven or stay on earth and live in Hell. Hardly a choice! But as the events will show, quite a number of human entities will eventually decide to follow their current masters – the Powers That Be – and will stay on earth B, where they can continue enjoying their heinous plans to enslave mankind, without the meddling of some star seeds.

However, this process is long and painful. During this time darkness and light exist side by side and create the illusion of duality. The battle that now rages between these two extremities is the battle for Ascension and reunion with the Source or further separation from the Whole. During this struggle, evil may eventually win some skirmishes, but the final outcome of this perennial war of cosmic dimensions is always in favour of Light.

The current health care system in the western world is under the full control of the dark forces that use it as a vehicle to exterminate a large number of human beings in order to better control humanity. Their greatest fear is that they may get thinned out by the enormous population explosion in the last decades and may lose their grip on humanity. This is, by the way, exactly the tactic that the higher realms of All-That-Is employ on this planet in order to promote Ascension.

The current masters of earth must give up their power this year, while the Forces of Light and some ascended masters will take command over this planet. This is the divine promise of All-That-Is for earth and humanity at the End Times.

For many light workers Ascension will mark the end of their incarnation cycle. For the vast majority of mankind that will ascend, the journey goes in the next dimension. But life in the 5th dimension will be, in comparison to current hell on earth, the Heaven that all religions promise their believers. However, before all believers enter heaven, they will have to leave their religions back where they belong – on this planet.

If the entity has for instance some financial problems, it develops the fear pattern that it will impoverish to an even greater extent in the future. This kind of fear is very common among elderly people. The actual fear pattern leads to a contraction of the mental activities of the incarnated entity. Because of this energetic contraction of the mental field, the entity cannot imagine positive alternatives for his future. His mind is exclusively fixed on the negative idea of impoverishment due to current financial problems that scare him, and he believes that this is the only alternative that he will ever experience in the future.

For this same reason the space around our planet is not empty but full of highly evolved entities coming from all parts of our galaxy, as well as from many distant galaxies. They are here to observe the unique Ascension of Gaia and a large portion of mankind from the densest 3d-reality and a maximal separation from the Whole straight into the 5th dimension of Oneness. This is the most dramatic event in the history of this planet and throughout this galaxy that will catapult mankind on a higher level of evolution than that of the current Powers That Be.The knowledge about this very important fact should empower all human beings to begin with the inner rebellion and to stop promoting the hidden agenda of the dark ones.

It is however naïve, and even dangerous, to believe that the crumbling material and social structures will be substituted with a better version thereof with the help of the Galactic Federation, as many fear-driven light workers believe by extrapolating their deprived earthy hopes for abundance linearly into the future. This would only mean “more of the same”. For this same reason, there will not be any major reforms of the current Orion monetary system such as NESARA after its collapse, which the author predicts to begin in the summer of this year, as the future enlightened humanity in the 5th dimension will not need money anymore. Human beings should get used to this idea prior to Ascension.

This year they will have to accept this truth after the author has ascended, and empiric science has crumbled forever. Human beings are only ready to learn new contents, after one has pulled the rug away from under their feet. Under normal, stable conditions, they will rather sweep any inconvenient truth under the carpet than cleanse their rotten science from all vicious ideas. Therefore, all rugs, carpets, curtains, and veils of forgetfulness will be eliminated this year, so that the people can begin to discern the truth behind the mist of their separation. They must learn to re-member All-That-Is.

It is important to stress that this free energy source is known to mankind, since Tesla discovered it more than 100 years ago. However, this discovery was hidden from humanity by the dark forces and their proxies on earth, first and foremost, by Rockefeller, who stole Tesla’s patent in order to make human beings dependent on centralized sources of energy and thus subjugate them to the Powers That Be.

The former president George Bush is, for instance, such a clone. The original Bush was eliminated about two years before the end of his second term and was substituted with a clone, because he became somewhat rebellious to the Powers That Be that pull the strings behind the curtain in Washington. They feared that he may become a potential danger to their plans with his uncontrolled remarks, a liability they did not want to share. They murdered him and exchanged him with a clone. The new version of him was due to the genetic engineering much more docile to the Powers That Be, to the hidden American government.

Financial systems, societies, national states, armies, corporations, technological achievements are nothing else, but empty decors that prepare the scene for the eternal battle between the Luciferian forces, the fallen angels, and the Forces of Light. This inner strife is waged within each incarnated entity, so that the prodigal son can have his experience of separation and returns wiser to God. This is the ultimate eschatology of human existence on earth and on any 3d-planet in the solar universes.

Such interventions are part of the game that has been played for eons of time on this toxic planet. Let us recall that the body is only an instrument of collecting 3d-experience and has nothing to do with the personality of the incarnated entity. After Ascension, all human beings will have the possibility to choose their own body and change it at their discretion through imagination and direct manifestation.

Especially in the industrialized world, where the number of material devices, such as phones, iPods, and all other child’s games that distract the incarnated entity from exploring the multidimensional nature of his soul has grown exponentially in the last few years, the separation from All-That-Is has reached an unprecedented peak. Under such conditions, it is no longer possible to have a further spiritual evolution. The conditions must, therefore, radically change, and the speckles removed from the blind eyes of humanity.

Ascension is the surrender of the ego to the soul. The ego must give up its illusion to be in full control of its destiny and merge with the higher self. This is the most poignant experience on earth and the most liberating at the same time. This greatest illusion of all times will be abruptly terminated this year.

This last crisis will end up with a total crash this year that will eliminate all financial structures of the Orion monetary system and will lead to a collapse of the capitalist economic order as it has been known for the last 200 years.

1) The crash will take place within a very short period of time and will wipe out the power of the dark forces in the financial sector, which has always been their stronghold. This event will be so sweeping that the expropriated financial Elite will not be able to exert any opposition or to undermine the subsequent reforms, as they have always done in the past.
2) The postponing of the crash at a later date will shorten the period of tribulations during the End Times. The hardship of humanity will be thus shortened in the time dimension. The lack of any opposition on the part of the dark forces will allow for the immediate implementation of simple, just systems of food and commodities exchange as to meet the needs of the population after the crash. In many places simple barter systems will be implemented that will be directly controlled by the people. No misuse or corruption by some greedy entities will be allowed during the End Times.
3) The time point of the financial crash will coincide with the time of revelations, when all criminal acts of the dark ones will be exposed in the mass media.

The structure of the society will be flat, as every individual will be an independent creator. There will be no corporations or other national and multinational hierarchical organisations such as we observe at present. There will be a dramatic change in climatic conditions, so that humans will enjoy a moderate climate everywhere on the ascended earth. The ice poles will melt and the coast line will change substantially. There will be huge migrations. Since the population will dramatically decrease, these migrations will happen very easily and without any tensions. There will be soon no wars.

Only souls in the adult and old soul cycle will have elevated their body frequencies to such an extent as to pass through this final portal together with earth. Each individual must therefore open himself for this Ascension process and accept it in the course of the next two years. Eventually less than half of human population will decide to proceed with the Ascension process.

As the separation of the two earth versions will begin next year and will accelerate in 2012, the rapture of the two populations will not happen all of a sudden from the point of view of an ascending entity. He may witness how these low frequency people slowly disappear as holographic pictures from his plane of existence. He may remember them or forget them, but actually he will not care any more about them, because the focus of his interest will be orientated towards the new 5th dimension, which the ascended entity will explore during the next 2000 years.

Please observe that I have told you that only about one third of the present population is qualified to enter the higher vibrations – these are the incarnated souls who have already come from these higher dimensions to help humanity to ascend and will return to their original home.

What is the point of meeting old friends and delve into their stupid dramas - these people are already death, although it may take some time before their bodies are removed from earth. So what! It is those that stay on earth who have to carry the bulk of the burden and to withstand the branding of the upcoming changes.

It will be a dramatic experience for those who will stay on earth to witness how some people will move to the higher heavenly dimensions of eternal bliss, while they will remain on a planet that is bound to go through social destructions and natural calamities. This will trigger a mass panic among the world population and will stimulate the desire in many sleeping entities to open for the Ascension process and make it through the shift.

After Ascension all incarnated entities will be catapulted at a higher level than that of the current controllers of mankind and will be subsequently more powerful than the former. This has already happened on a large scale on current earth, as there are many old souls on this planet, who have already ascended in their astral and spiritual bodies in the 4th and lower 5th dimensions and are only awaiting, as myself, for the final energetic transformation.

"The more effort you put, the more help you will receive from the Father". In modern terms translated: "The more intellectual efforts you put in solving a spiritual problem, the more inspiration and intuitive insights you will receive from your soul, respectively, from the higher realms through your soul."

They do not want to admit that they have wasted their lives serving dark forces and inhuman causes. In order to avoid this most painful revelation – the truth is like a sword that cuts sharp through one’s heart - they will rather prefer to remain slaves of their current masters on a degraded planet than to ascend to “heaven” and save their souls for ever.

In this case I will enjoy the psychological advantage of being the Saviour of mankind after the collapse and not the Destroyer of the world order, although this has always been my chief objective in this fairly long incarnation during the darkest period in the history of mankind. The same observation holds for you.

The problem is, however, that the Dark Forces continue incessantly with their efforts to exterminate human beings by various means, such as HAARP, chemtrails, epidemics such as H1N1, inoculations with toxic vaccines, etc. Therefore, there is a point in time, when the Galactic Federation can no longer sit and wait, but must make the decisive step.

The change can only be achieved by the massive intervention of the Galactic Federation in association with my Ascension and that of some other individuals. They will immediately take control of earth and mankind from the Dark Forces during the End Times.

This first ascended master of modern times will have a mission of accomplish. He will be, so to say, "a smoking gun" - an irrefutable proof - that humans are immortal beings and that biological death is a camouflage of current illusionary life on earth. This will trigger a mental revolution in the collective perception and weltanschauung of agnostic mankind. Please reflect how much easier it will be for human beings to apprehend the idea that a human personality who has lived on earth and suffered like themselves, has now evolved to a cosmic being and is able to ascend. This will trigger a worldwide competition in the new human discipline "Ascension".

It is not intended that many incarnated entities should go through the individual LBP which is extremely exhausting and physically debilitating. Very few personalities will have the stamina to go through it for such a long period of time, in my case, for more than 12 years in the last most intensive phase without a single pause. It will be inhuman.

For this reason a true spiritual teacher never aims at having numerous disciples because he prefers to make all of them masters, so that he can enjoy the spiritual discussion with elevated beings and learn something new from them. This is true empowerment of other entities, which is but an aspect of unconditional love that is free of any manipulation.

The initial Anunnaki version of human being was the Neanderthal man. The Sirians developed this prototype further to Cro-Magnon man, from which modern man subsequently evolved. One faction of the Anunnaki from Nibiru came to earth, when Atlantis and Lemuria still existed, but were already in a state of decay and settled some time later in Sumer.

For those who will ascend, it will not matter at all where the remaining human population will further evolve - on this earth or another planet - as there will be very soon no interceptions between the ascended and descended earth. The new 5th dimensional earth may even no longer be called "earth", but most probably "Agartha", which is the current name of the inner earth, which is at the same time a future probability version of our planet in the higher realms.

Each incarnated entity must live up to his personal creativity - he must realize that he is a powerful creator of his and earth's destiny in the "Now" - at any present moment. The more powerful and truthful the vision is - the quicker its materialization and the greater its effect.

This is a huge responsibility and at the same time the climax of spiritual fulfilment, which any incarnated entity can experience on earth, as this will open mankind for the idea of mass Ascension. We are fighting a real battle for all human souls - the dark forces want to keep them in negligence and oblivion in order to harvest as many as they can for the descending earth, while we, the representatives of the Forces of Light, must awaken them and inform them about the actual reality on earth.

Within this spectrum, the ascended entity needs only to attune his awareness/intent to a certain frequency level or pattern and he can immediately experience this plane or dimension of existence, without necessarily using his Mer-Ka-Ba and sending his light body to this dimension.

Russia will play a huge role in the upcoming revelations, no doubt about it. But altogether all national states will have to collapse, beginning with the USA. The whole super strata of social structures must be eliminated and no new ones will be built prior to Ascension.

Humans will be able to overcome in the course of this and next year the physical death and transform their biological bodies to crystalline light bodies. Human race will be transmuted in the blink of an eye to a transgalactic multidimensional civilisation with highly expanded consciousness. Humans will again become Gods, as they always are as pure souls in the higher realms. from where they incarnate on earth.

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