Monday, December 24, 2012

Survival Training

The farer the way the deeper the mystery..the higher the mountain the bigger the obstacles..the greater the gift the harder the test..the closer to the goal the nearer the danger..only the strong the craziest game ever played..

Das "Festival" entpuppte sich als harter Test und wunderschönes Erlebnis zugleich..ein durchgehend dualisiertes Spiel voller Prüfungen und Visionen..extremen Situationen und intensiven Erfahrungen..die das Wachstum und die Entwicklung am meisten fördern..Hoch und Tief gaben sich schneller die Hand als man denken konnte..der Wille, das Vertrauen, der Instinkt und die Entscheidungsfähigkeit wurden jeden Tag aufs neue geprü hing im einten Moment alles in der Luft, schien verloren und war im anderen wieder genau Rande der Wildnis und der Zivilisation..einer Zwischenwelt..nur verbunden durch die Regenbogen-Brücke..läuft nichts nach Plan..hilft nur improvisieren..flexibel und bewusst ist ein Spiel..der Abschlusstest einer langen Entwicklungsphase..soll nicht leicht sein..die Dualität überwinden..das gute Gefühl in der Natur zu sein..diese Freiheit und Geborgenheit zu spüren..die Sterne und den Mond ganz klar zu sehen..völlig gesund und zufrieden zu sein trotz Kälte und wenig Essen..die Energie floss ununterbrochen..liess mich wieder den ewigen Zustand erleben..grenzenloses Sein..die Verbindung zu Mutter Erde wieder herstellen..anders als geplant etwas neues erfahren..die Vision des Festivals der Halbgötter noch vertieft und mit anderen geteilt..den wenigen, die es bis zur Vorhöhle geschafft wird noch stattfinden..dies war nur ein kleines Vorspiel..ein verrücktes Abenteuer, das mehr verändert hat als es auf den ersten Blick den Anschein macht..dieses Gefühl ist unbeschreiblich..ein veränderter Puls..andere Zeitrealität..weder gut noch schlecht..aber sehr tief und stark..und es geht nicht mehr weg..die letzten Tage waren eine weitere nötige Vorbereitung..müssen zuerst noch verabreitet werden..darum auch vom intensivsten Dejavue ever begleitet..ich habe diesen Tag schon mal erlebt..kurz vorher habe ich in der Glut des Feuers Dinge gesehen..3D Bilder..wie Auschnitte eines Films..Menschen, die gesprochen und sich bewegt haben..verschiedene Szenen..genial..mein absoluter Hö kommt immer näher..kämpft sich von Dimension zu Dimension zu unserer Ebene hinunter..Schritt für Schritt reisst es uns aus der Illusion..hinein in die Wirklichkeit..zurück ins alte Muster..den Rythmus der Natur..back to the roots..nichts ist mehr wie es war..wird sein wie vorher..das zurück kommen, wird nur ein weiterer konsequenterer Abschied und Ausstieg..ein kurzer und vorübergehender Zustand..vorallem oder nur für die keiner wäre wirklich bereit gewesen..brauchen noch viel Zeit sich zu lösen..für manche ist es auf höherer Ebene bereits zum 2./3.mal geschehen..nichts wird sie wieder in die Illusion fallen lassen..werden sich nur noch mehr davon entfernen..haben das Wissen und die Sicherheit auf alles vorbereitet zu sein...sind mit den Werkzeugen und Schlüsseln ausgestattet, die es benötigt diesen Wandel gut zu überblicken und zu überstehen..sogar eine Arche für andere zu sein..geniessen darum ein extra hartes training..während sich die Erde unter der Last der Städte weiter aufbäumt..aus allen Poren flutet und raucht..sich im Verborgenen ein Ozean aus Naturgewalten zusammen braut..sich alles auf den Wechsel vorbereitet..wenn die Medallie kehrt..von der anderen Seite dieser Welt abgelöst we go..

the mystery ride has just begun.. ;)

Spirit is the flower of life and it can blossom above only if it is firmly rooted below. The ascent in the next life is possible only if one was lowered in this life. The ascent is possible only through the sacrifice in this life – intentional or not. The spirit grows only in a trying environment. A cushy environment suffocates it with its deceits. There cannot be a spiritual upliftment from a comfortable materialistic existence just as a flower cannot grow in the desert. The spirit is sharpened only by the tribulations the life throws back at us. The life must be put in a difficult and precarious position until it kick starts the recursive growth of the spirit because only thus the spirit will overcome the finite boundaries of the body and merit the future expansion rather then the collapse of life. It is the only way in which a darmic cycle will overcome the present karmic cycle and establish itself as a new karmic cycle. One should rejoice at the torments thrown at him and spurn all the contentments of life because it will make the difference between the sustenance and the starvation of the spirit. It will make the difference between the future life and death. The iron is forged only in the fire. The alternating karmic cycle is non-negotiable because a gravitational quantum is made of both possibilities but a personal participation in it is a matter of free will.

The future bodies reflect as the past spirits just as the future spirits reflect as the past bodies because parallel spaces act as the serial times. The division of gravitational essence of life into the spirit and the body is an illusion. They are two sides of the same coin. The spirit is the vibratory pattern of the electromagnetic waves created as the residual electromagnetism of the dense body in its interaction with the gravitational environment of the outer time. Conversely – the body is the vibratory pattern of gravitational waves created as the residual gravitational potential of the spirit in its interaction with the electromagnetic environment of the dense inner space. The spirit is a shadow in time of the dense body just as the dense body is a shadow of the spirit in space, because spirit is twice denser body. It is the same thing in two different scales, light speed apart.

The more resonant duality evolves faster creating new cardinal points more rapidly thus expanding the present consciousness in leaps and bounces. Without such frameworks the present focus is lost and without a present focus the past and future frameworks are also lost. The past cause and the future purpose are blurred without a clear present focus. As a consequence, the world is blurred into the incoherent medley of separate and disconnected parts. The perfect pattern of the surrounding frameworks appears as a purposeless and causeless chaos in the absence of a clear focus. It is the purpose of the spirit to cohere such material incoherence into the order of the new life. The coherent life is nourished by its surrounding incoherence. There is nothing to cohere without incoherence. The life must be created from the forces of decay and death. The truth must be found in the clashing deceits.

The survival in an environment depends on the degree of coherence between the two. Only the life pulsating with same frequency as its environment is sustainable in the long run. Only the life whose spirit is attuned to the physical environment is sustainable because such environment is the future body of the spirit. Only the life going with the flow offers no resistance to its environment and in return, the environment doesn’t resist such life either. The incoherent and parasitic growth will be contained by its own quantum boundaries because it is detrimental to its host. The coherent development of life is not limited by its own boundaries but by the same boundaries the environment is limited, which offers a much larger margin of growth in space and in time. The development of life that has no purpose is focused only on its own physical and selfish aspect. The selfishness interrupts the causality thus limiting the space and time of such life as a response to its own selfish isolation. Selfish development has no purpose and it is always parasitic because it has no awareness of its environment and the crucial role it has in one’s own development. Only the life focused on its spiritual development is aware of its environment because the spirit is ahead in time; hence it is in tune with its larger spatial environment.

The conflict on the material plane of Earth must self-replicate until it is upturned in its cardinal points. The conflict, which man creates has a purpose to be surmounted in the end because only thus is a creative force uplifting the both sides unleashed. The conflict of man has the same purpose all the conflicts of the nature have. Their purpose is the evolution. There is no evolution without a conflict. There is no peace without a war just as there is no love without a hate, because one is the purpose of another. They grow and multiply only through their mutual interaction. The purpose of a conflict is its cessation in the cardinal quantum points when the creative yield of such a conflict is realized as the seed of life on the higher, more evolved plane of existence, in which a conflict is not a conflict any more but an instant dense matter of life. The conflict in time becomes an instant dense matter when the time ends.

A soul can climb the ladder of the evolution only with the help of another soul. The help always come in the form of the resistance and conflict. The conflict creates the next step on the ladder but the step is actually made only when the conflict ceases. The conflict creates the possibility but its cessation turns such possibility into a certainty. The gravitational coherence is accomplished only in two inversely proportional steps. There must be a gradual evolution of the conflict in time but also its instant spatial cessation. The cycle is not negotiable but the form of the participation is. The conflict is not negotiable but its duration is. The duration will be inversely proportional with its intensity. The conflict of larger intensity will reduce its duration but also vice versa. It is the reason why an age of Kali is the shortest but also the most brutal age. It is a necessary step before the life can be thrusted into the Golden Age in a moment of cessation of the conflict. The possibility of a Golden age is realized only through the conflict created in an age of Kali but such possibility will be realized only with a demise of the age of Kali.

The enemies remain the enemies only so long till they do not have to face the larger common enemy. The children of darkness and the children of light are in conflict only as long as they do not have to face the larger challenge that can be overcomed only by their mutual effort. They both share the same environment that limits inversely proportionally both of them. Their common denominator is Earth – its spatial environment and its duration. They remain in conflict only in such a limited environment but not when such environment is resonant with the larger solar environment. Such gravitational change must introduce an additional conflict that can be resolved only by their mutual effort. The life multiplies through the division. The coherence on one level creates incoherence on the next level.

An avatar is a God born as a man by a man and raised amongst man with a purpose to fuse the inner darkness with the outer light (or vice versa) in the moment of truth when the world of the materialistic illusions collapses. An avatar is born through a transformation from a physical body of man into a body of spirit. Such transformation is possible only at an end of an age of Kali. It is possible only in an intense gravitational environment of the planetary quantum transition. Only the intensification of the earthly gravitational environment with the solar gravitational environment creates the potential of such a change. The planetary transition at the end of a precessional cycle creates the favorable climate but the certainty of such transformation is a personal responsibility. An avatar is created through a metamorphosis of a man, who has surmounted the conflict between the life and death, light and darkness or between the body and spirit. It is not a predetermined destiny of any particular man. Every man is a potential avatar. It is the purpose of every man to become an avatar but it is up to every man to fulfill its purpose. Every child of light and every child of darkness will become an avatar if they resolve their inner conflict. Every life form will become immortal if it resolves a personal conflict between life and death. The creation of life is a conscious effort. The life is a personal matter. The impersonal environment presents the possibility but it will be realized as certainty only through a personal effort. All are invited but only few are chosen because only few will act while the rest will wait and do nothing. One must think before one acts; hence such a material ascension is a matter of the spirit.

The life (time) of an avatar is not limited by either the present or by the future (solar) time. His life (time) is limited by the galactic time. An avatar is not bound to the environment of earth. His domain is the solar world. His stars are the present galaxies and his galaxies are the present universes. He is an emissary of the solar world in the earthly environment. An avatar is a God living amongst men as his destiny is intrinsically connected with the destiny of man. An avatar is a living light, guiding the race of man in all ages but an age of Kali. The age of Kali with its extreme divisions cannot sustain the physical life of an avatar. The gods live amongst man thus quickening the ripening of the human soul in every age but in an age of Kali when the only guidance that is left is an indirect (spiritual) guidance. The religions exist only in an age of Kali. Only in an age of Kali the spirit and the body exist separately, which is reflected in a division between the religion and the science. Except in an age of Kali, the matter of spirit is not a matter of religion but a matter of science. In every other age only the undivided life exist. In every other age, the spirit acts in unison with the body because there is a physical force of an avatar acting as the spirit of man. The direct material link between the creator and the created is severed and driven into the spiritual underground only in an age of Kali. The link is direct in every other age thus truncating the need for a religion as the indirect means of communication between the body and the spirit. An avatar is the adversary of the present conflicts. He subjugates and transmutes the incoherent energies of the conflict into the dense fabric of life. An avatar is a foe of the separation and the conflict that exists between the children of light and the children of darkness. He serves as a link between them. An avatar transmutes the incoherent forces of death unleashed through their conflict into the cohesive force of life.

 Only a balanced knowledge where two doubts conflict each other will fuse into an absolute truth that can dwell in the heart without resistance. The partiality of unbalanced beliefs will never find its place in the heart. Such truth will have no succession. The mind will find a balanced truth only with the help of the heart because all the relative truth of the mind are measured against the immutable truth of the heart and only the truth that is resonant with the heart will find its place there.

The fear is the love waiting to be loved. The death is the life waiting to be lived. One must overcome the personal limitations by surmounting the personal conflict. One must act with the purpose. One must act with the single intent. There must be no gap between a belief and the knowledge. Nothing can limit life when the spirit and the body act as one. The death is not perpetrated upon one’s life. It is one’s own personal limitation. It is the limitation of the heart perpetrated by its mind and the limitation of the mind perpetrated by its heart. The life and death are the personal choices. They can be undone at will just as they are done at will.

 When the time ends, it does not matter whether one thinks consciously and feels intuitively or whether one thinks intuitively and feels consciously. It does not matter whether one in his druidic dance follows the rhythm of the advancing Sun or the rhythm of the regressing Moon because the dance must end when the time ends. The only important thing is the position in which the one is found when the time ends. The only thing of importance when the time ends its own angular dance is whether the one is found in the cardinal points or somewhere in between, because it is a difference between the succession of life and the succession of death. Only the cardinal points have the succession. Only the resonance of the spirits creates the inertia of the dense matter in between. Only the resonance of the created spirit with the spirit of his creator will merit a new body of life.

The contraction of a free will into no free will is a prerequisite of its expansion because such contraction creates a momentum for an expanding quantum leap. One must take a step back to gather a momentum for a leap forward. The relativity of thought must be reduced into an absolute certainty of the heart before it can blossom into a much larger relativity of thought. The world must collapse before it is reborn from its own ashes in a garment of the entirely new colors.

The static truth becomes a dynamic and living truth only when the heart is free of dominance by its mind. It becomes the living truth only when the mind is tune with its heart. The truth evolves only when the mind knows what the heart feels and vice versa. The present life is seeded by the cosmic life thus expanding the present form of life only when the dominance of the relative mind over an absolute heart ends. It must end in time (certainty) but it can also end instantly (possibility) with a conscious effort to end the conflict between the mind and its heart. It requires no effort to end it in time but it requires an effort to end it in space because space is made by double angular potential while time as an incomplete (subtle) space is made only by a single potential. The succession is either conscious or unconscious. It is either demanded or inflicted. The one either creates or is created. The creation is conscious (certain) but its acceptance is random (uncertain). The one manipulates for one’s own account or one is manipulated. The life is a mutual effort. The participation in the sharing is not optional but its form is. The participation is not optional but it is optional who are the parties. The trade is unavoidable but the object of the trade and the participants in the trade will be determined by the degree of coherence between the resonant heart and its inertial mind (or vice versa).

The function of the Great Pyramid is to maintain the creative potential in time but also to enhance it when the time ends. It is engineered to maintain the balance between the relative mind and the absolute heart in time but also to induce dynamics into the static heart when the time ends. Its purpose is to keep the check over the thinking mind to prevent its strangulation of the knowing heart in time but also to induce the heart to think when time ends. The life has no cosmic succession when time is collapsed unless the heart takes over the function of the mind in the cardinal points because the mind functions only in time. The mind ceases its function when overtaken by a larger cosmic mind. The life will continue its pulsation only if the heart can pick up where the mind left off because the present heart is the future mind. The life will have a cosmic succession (in heaven) only if the heart of the earthly matter resonates with the cosmic mind because the present mind is truncated in the gravitational points of resonance. The mind has its life only in time but not when time ends. Only the gravitational heart transcends the temporary and relative space/time division. Only the knowing heart has a succession of life. The thinking mind is only a relative and temporary manifestation limited by its personal space and time but the gravitational heart is not bound by such boundaries; hence it is important to prevent the dominance of the relativistic mind over its absolute heart. The domineering mind will induce a step back when the time ends unless the heart takes precedence because only the heart knows. The purpose of the mind is to think and believe. Its purpose is to search but the heart will decide if the truth is found. The purpose of the mind is not to be a master but the servant of its heart.

The life on one level is only the half-life on the next level. It is not static but a dynamic manifestation. The life has a life of its own. It changes and evolves. The life must change and shift its gear with every shift in the balance of forces. It must change and adapt to be sustainable with the changing environment because the environment is its guiding spirit. A guiding spirit is but an angular potential (shadow) of the larger life wrapped around and acting as the force of attraction of the life in its fold. Every physical form must eventually collapse under the weight of its own rapid progress because it is encased by the slow progress of its surrounding life (light speed difference in time flow) unless it overcomes such boundaries imposed by the environment.

The bridge closing a gap between a limited and unlimited free will is an absolute truth. The free will must be surmounted for the sake of an absolute truth that will open the gates of an expanded free will light speed apart. All the life except its coherent extract must collapse when it is measured against its environment in the cardinal points because it is unsustainable. It acts contrary to its environment and contrary to its guiding spirit. The life defeats its own end unless it is kept within the sustainable limits or unless it has surmounted the limitations of its environment. The limits of quantity imposed by the present gravity are surmounted only through quality but also vice versa because quality and quantity are light speed apart (90º angular twist). Consequently, all are invited but only the few are chosen because only the few are willing.

The Pyramid cannot perform its spiritual function in time or its physical function in the points of the cardinal alignments without its superconductive hardware. A pyramid stripped of its essence is a silent monument to the prevailing ignorance of a materialistic and selfish age of Kali, when the glitter of gold is more valuable than the power of life it contains. A dead gold is more valuable in an age of Kali than its living heart, because life in an age of Kali is a living death. Life is a trivial pursuit, which is easily dispensed with for the sake of a dead thing in an age of Kali. The love of death is matched only by the hate of life when spirit has all but died. The life has no purpose in a materialistic age but only its end. The materialism and its corresponding idolatry are the lowest common denominator of life. They are its basic building blocks when life is reduced to death and death is exalted to life. The materialism is the most brutal and the shortest and final stage before a final collapse. It is the last option. There is no other alternative left but a final collapse of the present order. The only alternative of an unrepentant heart is its regression into the past order because the life must have a purpose. The purpose by default must be the past unless the future is chosen willingly. The naked and violated Great Pyramid of time is a silent testament of the present stupor, only few short years before a death of this world with the arrival of the winter sun in 2012. The silence is the judgment of time. The silent Pyramid portents the silence soon to cover this world.

The affirmation of a real world is created only by a double negation. The string of lives and deaths in a lower world is only a string of dreams in an upper world, which will become a reality only if their potentials are set against each other. Life alone is less then a dream of the upper world – it is its shadow. It is a dream within a dream, yet it is the seed within a seed of the future life if such potentials of life and death are equalized. The gravitational quantum is extracted only when gradual regression is set off against an equal and opposite gradual advance.

The cardinal points of resonance, when two parallel spaces co-exist without an interfering motion (time) are the light speed events, which solidify the motion (wave) into an additional layer of density. They create the new surface of Earth thus also altering its weight (inertia) that will trigger the corresponding change of its rotational spin. It will not affect the orbital motion unless such rotational change accumulates into a ¼ of the orbital motion thus activating an orbital event in 26000-year periods. 5200 years is a quantum of the present time doubling as the solar space (4D space). It is duration of one phase (¼) of the rotational gravitational wave (rotational precession). 26000 years is a quantum of the solar time doubling as the Sothic space (5D space). It is duration of one phase of the orbital gravitational wave (orbital precession). 129600 years is a quantum of the Sothic time doubling as the galactic space (6D space), which is a phase of a precessional gravitational wave, which is a reflection of the Sothic orbital gravitational wave (¼ precessional reversal of orbital around Sirius). The multiple light speed transformations involve the multiple angular (gravitational) changes. They introduce the multiple changes of frequencies thus initiating the multiple and more intense changes on the surface that also penetrate deeper into Earth. The multiple changes affect the multiple layers of density. 5200-year events stir only the surface. They are the watery purifications. 26000-year events penetrate deeper thus affecting the stability of the underlying layers. They initiate an interaction between the solid core on the surface and the less solid underlying layers. The less solid segments are also the more energetic (hot) segments because they incorporate the larger potential of energy as its certain density. 26000-year events are the fiery purification of the surface of Earth. The cardinal alignments are quantum changes. They are the wholesome gravitational changes, which include a complete geographical and climatic overhaul of the Earth’s surface (glaciations, inundations, submersions and rise of the tectonic plates, geophysical changes etc).

The larger degree of justice is supported by the larger degree of the surmounted injustice because one is the stuff the other one is made from. The larger degree of truth is made of the larger degree of the conquered deceit. The larger, more solid and more durable reality consists of the larger number of defeated illusions because every illusion is an underlying potential of the truth. The number and the mutual arrangement of the defeated illusions strengthen the overarching reality in its density and in its duration.

Only the few overcome the inertia of environment that created them, because only the few use the time purposefully, which is resisting it until a point of resonance is reached when the inertia crumbles. A creative potential is generated only when two equal and opposite potentials are set against each other. The Earth’s resistance to man must be offset by an equal and opposite resistance of man to Earth. The creative potential of life bursting through the boundaries imposed by the environment is realized only when such opposite potentials are evenly matched. Chronos is devouring his children so they can resist him because only in resistance can they match him and overtake him. A father needs a strong son to succeed him. A father needs a strong son to support him when his own strength is gone. The purpose of resistance is an equal and opposite resistance. The purpose of an action is its reaction. There must be an equal and opposite resistance (or inertia) that will act as its potential match. Such a potential match will become a certain creative potential in their cardinal points of alignment.

The life, which is sustainable with the future world, will surmount its own death by surmounting the death of its environment. The life must overcome environment else the environment will overcome life. The life must embrace environment as its future body else environment will embrace life as its future body. The life must expand beyond its present limitations of the body to include the environment because it is its future (potential) body else the opposite will occur by a default – the environment will collapse into the present body.

Only the few fulfill their purpose because only the few resist the material urges of this world because only such resistance generates the force of propulsion into a future world. Only such a resistance will overcome the present gravity when time ends. The purpose of an action is in its reaction and the purpose of this world is in its rejection. One is either a step ahead from the present world or the world is a step ahead from the one. Only the few win by yielding and only the few yield by winning because only the few accept the invitation to forsake this world and accept the future more comprehensive cosmic world. One can look either behind or ahead. One can be captured by attraction either from above or from below. Only the few will accept the message that a purpose of action is in its reaction while many are blinded by intensity of an action because an action in space and its reaction in time are light speed apart.

The gravitational manifestations are quantized in the finite units. No half-measures suffice because it is all or nothing. Anything less then all is nothing. The invitation is either accepted or not. Only the few will enter while many will remain behind the veil of the present world blinded by its brightness. The present world with its bright contrasts is obvious while the polynomial infinity of its reverberations in space and time pales in intensity because of a reduced contrast. The relative world is intense while its absolute reflections lack the contrast. The obviousness of such string of the future and past worlds is a matter of the conscious intent unlike an automatic reflection of the present world. The future worlds are sensed by an abstract thought unlike the present world sensed directly by the body. The sensitivity of the parallel worlds is a matter of the spirit unlike the sensitivity of the present world, which is a matter of the body. The purpose of life is not in pleasing the bodily senses but to overcome them in order to attain the new sensitivity of the heart. The subtle worlds are sensed only by the subtle means. They are not revealed without a conscious effort. Only the present world needs no effort to be sensed because only the present world is a certain world. All the other worlds are only possible because they are certain not in the present but in the future (or the past) times. Consequently, the acceptance of the invitation of the future worlds needs an effort. It requires not only mind but also heart to accept such an invitation because only the heart knows absolutely. The knowledge must be absolute because the truth is quantized – it either is or is not. The partiality of the relative mind is only the first but not the final step in acceptance of the future life. The mind creates a potential but the heart fulfills it. The evolution is a matter of a conscious effort in which mind must work in tandem with the heart. Only decay will sprout from an unconscious lack of action. An undisciplined mind has no creative and regenerative potential. It is too late to accept an invitation once the wedding is over. It is too late to try to enter once the gates opened by the merging worlds are firmly shut.

It will happen no matter what anyone believes but the beliefs will surely determine the kind of personal participation in it (or the lack of it). The beliefs (or disbeliefs) as a product of the relative mind can never justify the heart because only the heart knows. Only the heart is personal. Only the heart is bold enough to act when it is the time to act. Have a heart!

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