Thursday, December 20, 2012


Einmal Himmel und zurück..Umsteigen in der materiellen Hölle mit Aufenthalt..lustig und bewegend wars..schön schmerzhaft und extrem intensiv..viele innere und äussere Kämpfe allen Wassern gewaschen worden..das Leben mit berreichernden Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen ausgefüllt..das Muster der Liebe und Wahrheit verwirklicht..die Dualität verkörpert und überwunden..die zwei Seiten der gleichen Medallie im Geiste transformiert und vereint..das lachende und das weinende Gesicht als Werkzeuge  für göttliche Offenbarungen eingesetzt..der Vollkommenheit ein kleines Stück näher Herzen gewachsen und der Liebe auf allen Dimensionebenen gleichzeitig treu gedient..ohne Angst und egoistische  Absichten..ununterbrochen versucht den Plan des Universums zu erfüllen..alles zu tun was möglich ist..jederzeit und bis zum Umfallen am Bewusstsein jedem und ganz allein..nur durch das Vertrauen in höhere  unsichtbare Welten gesichert..die Gewissheit einer transzendentalen Realität hinter der materiellen Illusion..die Intuition als Stimme im Herzen als einziger Freund und Guide..der einzige Anker in einem chaotischen dunklen Meer aus Lügen und Leid..Gier und Egoismus..abstossender Unmenschlichkeit..unter solchen Umständen trotzdem authentisch zu bleiben und die Wahrheit weiter vorzuleben..auch wenn sie nicht reflektiert oder sogar bekämpft wird..ohne Dank und Lohn..als unverstandener Narr unter Narren zu wandeln..als einsamer Nomade unter den Menschen..ein polarisierender und mächtiger Wanderprediger aus einer anderen Welt..aufwühlend und inspirierend..befreiend und beängstigend zugleich..ein magischer Künstler und Poet..das mystische Genie..einflussreich und unfassbar in seiner Wirkung auf das Unterbewusstsein..motiviert durch selbstlose Liebe und ehrliches Mitgefühl..dem tiefen Wunsch anderen zu helfen und sie glücklich zu machen..aufzuwecken..ein Kanal für das Geistige zu sein..durch masslosen Ehrgeiz und unendliche Willenskraft angetrieben das höchste Ziel auf dem Sonnenberg zu erreichen..aus unerschöpflichen Quellen göttlicher Lichtenergie zu schöpfen..die alle Grenzen sprengt und jede Hürde überwindet..jeden Test besteht..und jedes Wunder vollbringen kann..weil sie die Essenz allen Lebens ist..totale Hingabe und Opferbereitschaft verdient wert ist mit allem verteidigt und gefördert zu werden..auch wenn die Herausforderungen und Aufgaben stetig zunehmen und sich ab einem gewissen Punkt auf einer anderen Ebene und in grösserem Umfang abspielen..würde ich gerade jetzt nichts und niemand anderes auf dieser Erde sein wollen als mich selbst in diesem besonderen Moment unserer Evolutionsgeschichte..genau dafür bin ich geschaffen..ich brauche den Druck und die Spannung einer solchen Phase um das volle Potenzial zu entfalten..die starke Schwingung dieser Erfahrung um aufzublühen..mich wohl zu fühlen..mein eigenes kosmisches Drama zu spielen und zu erleben..mein Bewusstsein zu erweitern und in höhere Dimensionen göttlichen Seins zu erheben..auch wenn das die negativen Kräfte mittlerweile in Scharen anlockt..sie versuchen von allen Seiten zu schaden und zu saugen..über jede unbewusste und egoistische Geistmarionette in meiner Nähe an mich ranzukommen..langsam wird es echt penetrant und zwingt mich den Kontakt mit Menschen auf ein Minimum zu beschränken..jeder ist gleichzeitig Freund und Feind..ein Teil dieses hinterhältigen Spiels, das immer einen höheren Preis hat..sich meine gutmütige Hilfsbereitschaft zu nutze macht und schamlos meine Heiligtümer schändet und Wissen, dass ich meinen Freunden nichts tun würde selbst wenn mir bewusst ist, dass eine andere Kraft durch sie wirkt..ich muss den Einfluss jedes mal anders und gleich für zwei ausgleichen, was mich extrem erschöpft und schwächt..und spätestens nach dem letzten mal weiss ich, dass sowas nun definitiv nicht mehr drin liegt..die Gefahr zu stolpern, ist einfach zu gross..die Zeit zu knapp um sich an solch sinnlose Spielchen zu müssen ganz klare Prioritäten und Grenzen gesetzt werden..die Arbeit mit anderen nur noch auf äusserste Notfälle beschränkt werden..der Fokus wieder mehr auf das eigene und göttliche Selbst gerichtet..den Transformationsprozess der ganzen Menschheit und nicht der einzelnen Individuen..das ist meine Welt und meine Zeit..der einzige Grund meiner Anwesenheit und dieser schnellen spirituellen Entwicklung..mein Spiel fängt erst an..meine Vorstellung von Leben und Realität, die ich hier bisher so vermisst habe..und Winter Solstice 2012 ist der ultimative Startschuss dazu..der Eintritt in das nächste Level..einer neuen Plattform für die Entfaltung menschlicher Evolution..der lang ersehnte Abschluss einer harten aber lehrreichen Zeit..durch ein letztes gemeinsames Abendmahl verbunden und abgerundet..und mit Vorfreude auf das Neue gefeiert und eingeläutet..die Auferstehung im Königreich..eines weiteren Schöpfungszykluses der Erde..als Baustein und Samen Teil sein bei der Entstehung einer reiferen Menschheitdynastie..ein globales und universelles Kollektiv aus individueller Liebe und Weisheit..ein paradiesisches Utopia für die Kinder gefährlichen Vakuum zwischen gestern und morgen gefangen, wird nochmal in beide Richtungen geblickt..das Leben von aussen und jeder Seite betrachtet..ein letztes mal analysiert und bereinigt..alles ordentlich geklärt und abgeschlossen..losgelassen..nichts soll den Übergang unnötig blockieren oder gefährden..aber auch keine Möglichkeit ausgelassen werden noch zu helfen und zu warnen..etwas zu bewegen und verändern..als Botschaft in den Schnee geschrieben..bis zur letzten Sekunde..und dann bei vollem Bewusstsein völlig offen, frei und unberührt davon in eine andere Form des Lebens transformiert bzw. hinein geboren werden..ein ganz neues Kapitel im Buch des Lebens aufzuschlagen..und obwohl diese Situation von aussen und auch für mich selbst manchmal unerklärlich und unangenehm scheint, weiss ich dass alle Erfahrungen unter diesen extremen Bedingungen genau das sind, was ich brauche um die Ziele meiner Seele zu erreichen..den positivsten und sinnvollst§en Effekt für die spirituelle Entwicklung zu erwirken..den Zweck dieses Lebens..umso unsicherer und abenteuerlicher desto besser..desto mehr kann ich lernen und über mich hinaus in das Licht hinein wachsen..mich dauerhaft mit dem höheren Selbst verbinden und in das Land der Unsterblichkeit und ewigen Glückseeligkeit vordringen..als neuer Homo noosphericus in das goldene Zeitalter übergehen..als individuelles und selbstverwirklichtes Teilbewusstsein in die göttliche Familie aufgenommen werden..für immer in das höchste Himmelreich der Paradies-Insel eingehen..und im Rausch unendlicher Liebe dahin rainbow..

Alles, was ich bin und sein werde..alles, was für mich als einer von wenigen Glücklichen und Gesegneten in diesem Lebensaugenblick möglich und erfahrbar ist, verdanke ich Milliarden anderer Seelen..ganzen Generationen und Völkern vor und nach mir..Millionen von Jahren der Evolution..jedes Atom und alle einzelnen Faktoren dieser verschiedenen Ursachen mussten ihre Rolle spielen, haargenau aufeinander abgestimmt und miteinander kombiniert werden..Schritt für Schritt auf dieses Ziel hinarbeiten..damit an einem bestimmten Punkt und in ganz wenigen Ausnahmefällen wirklich alle Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen perfekt harmonieren und eine solche Transformation und Erscheinung zulassen..diese spezielle und sehr fruchtbare Form des Erlebens ermöglichen..ohne die geduldige und effiziente Zusammenarbeit aller Teile des Ganzen über einen unglaublich langen Zeitraum wäre dies nie Wirklichkeit geworden..ihnen verdanke und schulde ich alles..meine ganze Existenz..die Befreiung..ich würde nicht sein..nicht existieren und keinen Fortschritt machen können..dafür bin ich euch unendlich dankbar..ohne euch hätte ich es niemals geschafft..diesen fantastischen Weg nie antreten und so weit kommen können..ich tue das für euch..alles..egal was kommt..ihr seid immer in meinem Herzen..und hoffentlich sind wir irgendwann alle im 7.Himmel wieder glücklich vereint..darum wünsche ich allen Seelen auf der Erde eine gemütliche und angstfreie Reise durch den galaktischen Tunnel ins Unbekannte..einen höchst angenehmen Dimensions- und Schwingungswechsel..wo auch immer er für euch beginnen und enden einer aufregenden neuen Weltzeit, die all unsere schönsten Vorstellungen und Träume noch bei weitem übertreffen werden..oder in das Regenerationsland für Seelen wo Pläne für die nächste Inkarnation und das Erwachen ihres Bewusstseins geschmiedet werden..lasst euch vom Universum überraschen..der unglaublichen Vielfalt von Welten und Wesen..den schier endlosen Möglichkeiten zur Entfaltung des Lebens..entsprungen aus einem einzigen, ewig glückseeligen Bewusst-Sein..erfüllt von vollkommenen Wissen und reinster Liebe..unendlicher Schönheit und Perfektion..einer und viele..überall und nirgends..wartet genau wie wir voller Vorfreude auf die Rückkehr der vielen göttlichen Kinderbewusstseine..home sweet home..comes with each step closer..go ahead dont look back..this is a great and rare opportunity..dont waste can still make pure in heart..fullfill a divine purpose..follow the laws of a higher plan..honestly pray and ask for and live love and truth..realise the 4th dimension in your conciousness..and your personal frequency shift will be a very pleasant experience full of wonders and enlightening insights..enjoy the heavenly ride on your transcendental pegasus!

Was ich gerade jetzt erlebe, übertrifft nochmal alle anderen Zustände. Ich befinde mich in einem spezial-parallel Dimension. Ein ganz besonderer Film, der da läuft. Kaum nachvollziehbar ist für jemanden, der es nicht selber erlebt. Ich spüre seit ein paar Wochen auch wie die Erde bebt wenn ich am Boden sitze. Die Handyverbinungen haben auch immer öfter Störungen. Höre ganz merkwürdige und laute Geräusche am Himmel. Solche Flugzeug- oder Donnergeräusche habe ich bisher nie gehört. Gerade vorher wieder ist zweimal innert kurzer Zeit sowas über mein Haus geflogen. Es ist so ein lauter tiefer Ton als komme es von etwas riesigem aber im Nachthimmel konnte ich nichts sehen. Was auch immer das ist es ist etwas komisches. Und in mir vibriert es wie verrückt. Heute war die Energie zeitweise so hoch, dass selbst ich kurz durchatmen musste um sie zu ertragen. Jetzt gehts los Leute. Ich spüre es mit jeder Faser meines Körpers. Es kommt. Wir werden es wirklich erleben. Alle zusammen und jeder für sich allein. Und es steht kurz bevor. Lasst es uns tun. Gebt alles. Heute verbringe ich meine letzte Nacht in dieser Stadt. Und morgen in der Natur die letzte in der alten Welt. Jetzt, wo es nur noch einige Stunden entfernt ist. Mir alle möglichen Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Realitäten soweit bewusst sind, dass ich gut auf alles vorbereitet bin und auch damit umgehen könnte. Während ich heute noch die letzten ungeklärten Angelegenheiten der Materie in Ordnung gebracht habe. Alles für die Reise und das Gathering gepackt und vorbereitet habe. Damit wir in diesem heiligen Höhlenbauchschiff von Mutter Erde in Frieden und Harmonie unserer Neugeburt entgegenfliegen können. Unberührt von den äusseren Umwälzungen. Der Aufenthalt auf dieser Arche für alle ein angenehmes Erlebnis wird. Und natürlich lassen mich auch am letzten Tag wieder fast alle im Stich. Kaum einer will mir helfen. Viele wollen nicht mal mehr kommen obwohl sie es eigentlich schon lange vor hatten. Die nackte Angst greift bereits wild um sich und vernebelt die Sicht auf die Wahrheit. Aber ich wäre nicht soweit gekommen wenn mir das etwas ausmachen würde. Ich habe alle eingeladen und damit liegt es nicht mehr in meiner Hand. Es wird sein wie es muss. Jeder entscheidet selber. Da ich mittlerweile jede Sekunde voll fokussiert an der Arbeit bin und die Energie extrem intensiv ist, komme ich gar nicht dazu mir darüber Gedanken zu machen. Vorallem weil sich der Zustand mit jeder Stunde noch steigert und bis am 21. wohl nochmal ein ganz anderes Level erreichen wird, was mich evt. dazu zwingen könnte mich von der Gruppe zu entfernen um sie davor zu schützen. Mich mit denen, die die Schwingung ertragen auf eine kleine Wanderung zur Spitze des Sonnenbergs hinauf begebe und dort eine kleine Hoch_zeit mit Christus feiere. Das nächste Level der Transformation verwirkliche. Mal schauen. Haha. Alles ist offen und möglich. Es ist so wunderbar diese Freihei zu haben. Ich fühle mich mit jeder Stunde wohler. So muss Leben schmecken. Das ist der natürliche Zustand.
Durch die Veränderungen in der irdischen Schwingungsfrequenz durch die global-kollektive Herzmeditation und der bewusst synchronisierten Visualisierung der Regenbogenbrücke um die Erde werden zuerst auf atomarer und magnetischer Ebene Bewegungen ausgelöst, die dann wieder andere Prozesse in Gang setzen. Dominoeffekt halt. Sowas wird sich auf mehreren Ebenen über verschiedene Auslöser vollziehen. Ist ja alles verbunden. Man sollte sich auf jeden Fall auf alles gefasst machen. Denn alle Instanzen in diesem Erdprojekt ist es wirklich ernst damit. Weil sie wissen, dass es die einzige Chance ist, die wir haben um die kommenden Ereignisse abzuschwächen und dem Elend dieser Welt ein Ende zu bereiten. Jeder, der sich weltweit irgendwie an diesem Prozess beteiligt, wird einen entscheidenden Faktor in diesem Spiel sein. Kollektives und synchronisiertes Bewusstsein ist unglaublich mächtig. Es wird darüber entscheiden, was passieren wird und was nicht. Wir werden mit der Erde gemeinsam diesen Sprung in der Schwingungsfrequenz auslösen, der alles was niederer schwingt mit einer Liebeswelle aus Licht überschwemmen wird. Jeder einzelne von uns kann und sollte am besten Teil davon sein, wenn er will. Auch die Atome seines Körpers noch kristallisieren und den Magnetismus in sich dualisieren. An der grössten Massenmeditation aller Zeiten teilnehmen und damit das Weiterkommen vieler ermöglichen, die sonst verloren wären. Nur was in Liebe ist und im grossen Plan einen Zweck erfüllt, wird auferstehen und als Same einer neuen Menschheit in einer neuen Welt wiedergeboren werden. Zeuge sein von göttlichen Erscheinungen im Paradies. Von Wesen die sich in neue Lebensformen transformieren. Das höchste Christusbewusstsein manifestieren. Supermenschen. Mit galaktischen Föderationen und Völker in Kontakt kommen. Am Himmel und auf der Erde Dinge sehen, die sie nicht verstehen und fassen können aber ganz wunderbar sein werden. Es wäre für alle das beste wenn es schnell über die Bühne gehen würde. Jedes Herauszögern einer solch intensiven Entwicklungsphase würde nur unnötiges Leid verursachen. Wir werden in einem kurzen Zeitraum mit ganz viel neuem konfrontieren werden, das wir nicht kennen. Unsere Flexibilität wird getestet. Unter extremsten Bedingungen. Eine Abschlussprüfung soll ja auch nicht einfach sein. Hallo? Darum werden wir vom einen Extrem direkt in das pure Gegenteil geworfen. Nur wer sich darauf vorbereitet hat oder sich von einem höheren Bewusstsein mitnehmen lässt, wird am Ende wirklich auf der anderen Seite ankommen. Und das ist auch gut so. Die Ernte wird nur aus den besten aller Rassen bestehen, die auch würdig sind die Basis einer neuen Menschheit zu sein und das goldene Zeitalter herbeiführen werden. Alle anderen will man sowieso nicht dabei haben. Zum Glück ist es bald vorbei. Wir sollten uns alle freuen und feiern. Denn das allerschlimmste, was passieren könnte, wäre wenn nichts passiert und alles weiter gehen würde wie bisher. Dann würden wir sehr bald die wahre Hölle auf Erden erleben. Das ist das einzige wovon wir wirklich Angst haben sollten. Denn das ignorante und angsterfüllte Ego würde nicht aufhören bis alles vernichtet ist. Dieses Tor ist ein Geschenk und wir sollten es dankbar annehmen. Wir sind alle gesegnete und geliebte Kinder Gottes und müssten nur damit anfangen uns dementsprechend zu verhalten. Dann wird alles möglich. Für Tiere und Pflanzen wird dieser Schritt darum weniger ein Problem sein als für uns. Weil sie im Gegensatz zum Menschen auf ihrer Bewusstseinsebene immer mit der Erde und der spirituellen Welt direkt verbunden sind und instinktiv das richtige tun.
Horus du wunderbares Kind der Sonne. Steige herab und erweise uns beim letzten Abendmahl die Ehre. Begleite uns auf dieser kosmischen Reise. Übergiesse und Taufe uns mit deiner strahlenden Göttlichkeit. Fülle unsere Tempel mit dem heiligen Geist. Zeig uns im Herz die Wahrheit und das Licht. Das unglaubliche Gefühl dieser göttlichen Liebe. Horus erscheine und erleuchte alle mit deiner unendlichen Weisheit und Vollkommenheit. Die Tränen sollen fliessen vor Glückseeligkeit. Dein Wunder geschehe. Amen.

Dieser Blog wird in der neuen Zeitfrequenz auf der spirituellen Version des Internets weiter existieren und telepathisch für alle erreichbar bleiben. So wie jedes andere bewusste Wesen im ganzen Universum. Über ein Interkollektivunitconnectsupernet. Schneller als das Licht. Die ultimative Datenbank. Ein Transportkanal für Gedanken, Bilder und ganze Lichtkörper. Und das ist nur eins von vielen fantastischen Werkzeugen, die uns in der neuen Welt zur Verfügung stehen werden.

Thanks to everyone who shared and appreciated the intensity of the special path i took..everyone one the planet that is part of this global transformation and meditation..all forces and creatures around us helping humanity in this fast and uncertain times..the great mercy and love of the one and only God..may you all be blessed and guarded by His eternal wisdom and perfect truth..huge waves of love are flowing out of my vibrating heart..reaching out to all of you..unity is let's unite as children of Light and Truth on Solstice Love for ALL Life..sharing the last supper together in the beautiful bliss and harmony of mother nature..before the collective resurrection of humanity begins..very merry Christmas beloved brothers and sisters! =)))

Earthship is ready for take off..fasten your seatbelts folks..the ultimate adventure begins..i wish you all a great love love on all levels and in every possible way..the highest and strongest vibrationfrequency that your heart can produce and take..perfect unity with ALL..see you on the other side friends..may the eternal light always be with you ...have a save and superhappy trip over the rainbow-bridge into a brandnew world ..we are one!


Today is Day 10 of Warrior wavespell, a couple of days till Dec 21… Here we go!!! Today is the day to perfect what it is we need for survival, yet not just survival but awakened survival… To perfect our intelligence by exploring what it is to truly expand and awaken our life force as well as exploring what are the primary necessities for physical survival – warmth, water, food…

We are supported in this today by White Planetary Wizard, to perfect our vibrant life force by anchoring deeply inside guided by our breath, no leaking of energy… Allowing our-cell-ves to be enlivened, by meditation on our breath deepening our inner connection… Living life fully, receptive and enchanted by the spirit that channels through us…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Planetary Eagle… Perfecting our capacity to move from world to world, by being positioned high, so that we can see the bigger picture and allow our intuition to guide us to where abundance lies… To have physical space in order to be guided by our dreams of a new world…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow SelfExisting Warrior… In our mission to define the awakening, we question all that comes from the ancestors, to understand the ancient wisdom that comes down thru the ages… To awaken by being guided by our own free will and the wisdom that is revealed through our own intelligence as we test and quest-i-on all that comes from before…

So beloveds today I mission to a place 6 hours south of where i live, to be in the mountains and the huge rocks at a sacred place in order to bear witness to what is occurring… I have been strongly guided to be on this mission, and am excited to have no ideas of the unknowable and choose to be simply present… So below is a short download for the next couple of days, and I wish you the most potent, divine experience ever…

20th Dec – White Spectral Worldbridger assists us to release all emotional attachment in order to courageously bridge one world to another…

21st Dec – Blue Crystal Hand assists the transformative healing of the collective mind as we experience mass awakening which reveals the errs of a paradigm of power and control, and brings the knowledge that heals, revealing to us to follow our own intelligent quest-i-on-ing…

22nd Dec – Yellow Cosmic Star allows us to be fully present, where for the first time we collectively choose to align the collective consciousness to harmony, in alignment with the harmonic matrix, the most natural beauty that reveals the path to the New Time…

So beloveds blessed be, in truth no-one knows what will occur, and yet the codes of the Mayan Dreamspell, point to the above. These are short readings and to go deeper into the energies you could read past posts that have the same kin numbers or scour the net for many other perspectives, all come from source and have validity… Although again question the doom and gloom and find what brings you balance, for in truth, it is as you think it will be!

Blessed be dear hearts, I will be with you in the One Heart, One Mind of our collective awakening, we are all connected… May all hold the vision and intention for the activation of a Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge revealing our planet to the rest of the cosmos as a Planet of Peace!!!

So beloveds the excitement is building as we come to this 9th day of the Warrior wavesepll and three days to go till the most cosmic line up we will ever experience, which is a first for all of humanity… Time to release all fear of unknowns and unknowable and focus as seeds reaching to the sun, in full pulsing of the levitating growth that knows its way home to full flowering of our highest potentials…

We are also coming into the alignment that aligns our Earth, with our Sun, with our Central Sun (Alcyone), with our Great Central Sun (Sirius) that will be spot on on 21/22 Dec for 8 mins… Can we feel it!!! Solar Seeding setting the intention to focus together as One, pulsing with the realisation of all as One with the greatest highest potential we could ever imagine to be!!!


Holy Drops of Wisdom:

Nur wenige Menschen sind bereit, die Ablehnung ihrer Umgebung, den Tadel ihrer Kollegen und den Zorn ihrer Gesellschaft auf sich zu nehmen. Moralischer Mut ist ein selteneres Gut als Tapferkeit in der Schlacht oder grosse Intelligenz. Und doch ist er die eine entscheidende Eigenschaft für alle, die eine Welt verändern wollen, die Veränderung nur unter grössten Schmerzen zulässt.

The pole-star determined the one visible fixed centre of the starry universe, and the name of the Ainu as Ai-no-Ko is said to signify the “offspring of the centre”. That centre was the circumpolar paradise.

When cosmic rays from Galactic superwaves impact the Earth’s atmosphere, they produce "electron cascades." Each primary cosmic ray generates millions of secondary high energy electrons. Many of these particles scatter upwards and become trapped by the Earth’s magnetic field to form radiation belts similar to those created by high altitude nuclear explosions.

PHILOSOPHICALLY, MAN CAN SUPPOSE AN ABSOLUTE. SUCH AN Absolute would include all possible dimensions both of time and space. That is to say:
- It would include not only the whole universe which man can perceive or imagine, but all other such universes which may lie beyond the power of his perception.
- It would include not only the present moment of all such universes, but also their past and their future, whatever past and future may mean on their scale.
- It would include not only everything actualised in all the past, present and future of all universes, but also everything that potentially could be actualised in them.
- It would include not only all possibilities for all existing universes, but also all potential universes, even though they do not exist, nor ever have.
- Such a conception is philosophical for us. Logically, it must be like that, but our mind is unable to come to grips with the formula or make any sense of it.

The solar system is passing through a region of the Milky Way filled with cosmic rays and interstellar clouds. The magnetic field of our own sun, inflated by the solar wind into a bubble called the "heliosphere," substantially protects us from these things. However, the bubble itself is vulnerable to external fields. A strong magnetic field just outside the solar system could press against the heliosphere and interact with it in unknown ways.

Let me tell you about your DNA. It is magnetic, and therefore it responds to the grid! With respect to magnetics, gravity, time, and matter placement: There is a puzzle here that has never been unraveled. It never could be within your old 4D paradigm. Now, suddenly in this new energy, your science begins to understand that there are at least 11 dimensions at the heart of every atom of matter. And suddenly you are beginning to understand that even time is variable. There is one specific formula whose attributes are gravity, magnetics, time, and the location of matter. They all come together in a grand dance that will be the "mother lode" of physics when it is discovered and understood.

Some experiments show connections between the brain states and resonant electromagnetic waves, raising the possibility that the Human Brain has evolved to be "in tune" with Planet Earth. Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.

"The theory explains why conscious actions feel so different from unconscious ones - it is because they plug into the vast pool of information held in the brain's electromagnetic field.”

A global myth declares that the world has not always been as it is experienced now. In a former time, man lived in a kind of paradise, close to the gods. It was the Golden Age. Throughout an eternal spring, the earth produced abundantly, free from the seasonal cycles of decay and rebirth. And under this remarkable cosmic order, man experienced neither war nor sickness, neither hunger nor any requirement of human labor.
Cosmic harmony, abundance, paradise on earth. To this paradisal, according to the great nineteenth century scholar Francois Lenormant, the Egyptians "continually looked back with regret and envy." The golden age of Ra was, for the Egyptians, the great "example" setting a standard for all later ages.

The cosmic pulse in its totality is the pure creation force. It is the heart beat of the absolute that we all long to return to.
From this space of awareness it is possible to change the basis of our reality. When consciously activated it allows access of all potential within from the position of both oneness and separation. It represents the absolute embodiment of the full Christ potential and is the underlying energy of all creation.
The Cosmic pulse is a tool which can assist in both the individual and Earth collective to reach a new state of awareness and evolve beyond duality, separation and enter a new a paradigm based on love.
2012 is seen as a pivotal point in time a time of change and a shift of conscious awareness into a different love based paradigm. However the activation of the harmonic convergence within as an expression of oneness and Cosmic Christ Consciousness has already begun.
For many this means 2012 has all already occurred and is occurring. We are already stepping into the unknown, leading humanity into a new dawn. Acting literally as ice breakers through the cluttered mind of consciousness we move through our own blocks to oneness & non duality creating a love that totally accepts all things within and without ourselves. As this occurs it allows the rest of humanity to follow.
When enough beings enter this new state of consciousness a momentum of energy will occur. Humanity will literally be re – pulsed moving as a whole from the consciousness of separation to that of oneness.

It is then our mission to assist and facilitate these monumental changes. During this period of time it becomes more and more necessary to step out of judgement, shame, blame and retribution, and take full responsibility for our creations on all levels.

The cosmic pulse is created from four aspects – the inner flame of love, zero point, liquid love, and a pulse which brings all these energies together in a harmonic convergence that liberates all potential and creative force within.
The cosmic pulse can be used to dissolve all types of energy cycles/patterns and limitations within yourself.
At the centre of the pulse is an inner flame of love this is comprised of all the possible aspects of creation, based on the energies of ‘creation’ ‘nurture’ & ‘transformation’. The colours and sounds of these vibrations are then merged into different colours, and become and iridescent, pearlescent flame of total absolute potential.
The flame is the point of Surrender… it is where we give all our actions back to their source, releasing the energy that is held in judgement around an experience, taking it back into flow and allowing it to transform into love.
Separation is created by our judgements, beliefs, vows, and agreements. It is important to understand that most of these constructs are beyond the mind, between zero point and itself. They are the things that operate in your life that you can’t seem to shift and clear and we expect our minds to deal with them not realising that we have to go beyond the mind to access them.
The constructs are often circular, and have our mind running around in loops when if it only stopped still and surrendered the issue back to source it would allow the space for healing/release to occur. I call these impossible tasks, because often the reason they loop around is because they are creating a loose/loose scenario that we fear to end from any direction.

The flame creates a space for zero point to exist – Zero point is the part of ourself that is beyond duality and the judgements that splits our energy field into light/dark, good/bad, masculine/feminine, etc. It is the where the positive and negative of each of these comes back together in total acceptance (- & +) = 0. This is the place within that accepts and dissolves, transforms, and creates all things as part of itself. It dissolves all of our ‘stuckness’ in the form of beliefs, vows, agreements and judgements, and the emotional context we have placed on them. The flame produces an all encompassing liquid love that continuously and effortlessly supports our continuing evolution.

This is because surrender is giving and acceptance is receiving in their most divine aspects. In other words we are in a total flow of giving and receiving from a whole heart. This creates enormous potential in our lives opening up new avenues to explore without fear and previous judgements holding us back. It allows us to come from a space of unconditional love and compassion as we set a new way of being for all of earth.
It is the inward journey and total acceptance and surrender of the self on all levels which creates an explosion of energy within and outward expression of love and light. This radiates outwards literally re-pulsing the world around us.

The crystalline know how to remain at the center
Between shifting worlds and strange times
They tread the nameless path without naming the narrowness
They squeeze through the eye of the needle
With naked faith and raw trust
They are the conquerors of the inertia of history
They have found the secret gate

To prepare for this we are being evolved, no longer just at the material level, but at the spiritual/mental level where we can begin to participate in the fourth-dimensional order of reality. All of life is a unity. The awakening of the soul of the Earth is the awakening of our own soul as a unitary consciousness.

…when we speak of the advent of the noosphere we are referring to the mental disclosure of a new cosmically generated holographic fractal field – one that will replace the old one. All it would take for this to occur is a momentary break in the planetary electromagnetic field brought about by an immense Coronal Mass Ejection, or even a shift in the Sun's polar magnetism. In that momentary rupture of the terrestrial electromagnetic field, many negative conditioned beliefs (memories) could be erased or severely scrambled, and, more significantly, a new operating hologram field fractal might be instantaneously set in place. In this way, the next wave of cosmic evolutionary intelligence would reveal itself.

In the Dharma, we also say, “Mind is Karma”. All actions start from your mind. The mind is nothing but a storehouse of samskaras (impressions in the unconscious mind, conditionings) or past life vasanas (tendencies, impulses) from which all action emanates. This is stored in the Earth’s magnetic field.

So in the year 2012, it will become zero for a few days. After that the core will start rotating again. This would be a fresh beginning for man or the Dawn of the Golden Age. This is the significance of the year 2012.
How do we know it will happen? The study of fossil records has shown that it happens roughly every 11,000 years. … It’s only a short time away and then we can all start afresh. That is why I want you to become enlightened by 2012. If you are enlightened, with all your samskaras gone, we can begin a new Yuga (Era), which can be called Satya Yuga or the Golden Age. Man will enter into a new state of altered consciousness.

In addition to mastering the elements of the cosmology of time and other particulars of the telepathic method, there is a fundamental guideline for comprehension, and that is the degree of increase of psychic compression. This refers to the actual experience of unification of mind within a group ranging from two to any number of people. This is a pre-requisite for noospheric activation.
With this increase in psychic compression comes also an inevitable increase in contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Extraterrestrial intelligence is most familiar with, and finds it most easy to communicate, when there is some attainment of psychic compression within the evolved agent (species) functioning as the intelligence program of a planet. This communication is always telepathic, resonant and subliminal in nature.

The point is submission: to God, ALLAH, HUNAB KU, the Higher Power or Cosmic Force, proclaiming la ilaha illallah!. It is called a rite because it is not just something you think about. It is something you practice and set aside time for every day. So you have a formal practice of it, and you practice it all day long, whenever you can remember it. The noosphere is an egofree and collective communal mind space. Homo noosphericus is an ego free agent of galactic intelligence whose personal pronoun is we. You may still be an “I” with super mental functions, but in your actions you are always “We”. I and I it is! Like: We are doing this for the whole; the whole is doing this through we.

To create galactic culture on earth we must continue to strive to live our lives according to the laws of nature always thinking of what will benefit Mother Earth and all living creatures.

Timed to occur at sunrise, wherever that might occur on the planet, not only were people synchronized in their particular time zones, but as the planet made one rotation on its axis, every point of sunrise was synchronized in a slow motion sweep around the Earth.
The point of the synchronization was two-fold: to establish a common unified field of mind and intention, and secondly to create a type of mental network or field around the planet over a period of two days – a proto-noosphere.
Now we approach the conclusion of the 25-year Harmonic Convergence cycle. The world changes initiated since then have catapulted the planet into its ultimate crisis. The population has increased by almost 2 billion; the Cold War has been replaced by the even uglier war on terror; man-made and natural catastrophes occur at an accelerating frequency; deforestation and global warming continue unabated; while the technosphere has spawned the cybersphere – the pseudonoosphere, and with it an increased personal and social confusion and anarchy.

These six knots are: intelligence, meditation, memory, flowering, healing and love. In doing these cleansing meditations we are also looking forward to the return of the sacred circle of the unity of all peoples and living once again in the cycles of natural time.

7-Day Meditation – Rainbow Bridge
Visualize yourself inside the Earth’s octahedron crystal core (with two red and two white sides on top, and two blue and two yellow sides below). In the center of this core is an intensely blazing point of white light. An etheric column extends North and South from the blazing center to the tips of the octahedron. Now visualize that from the center of the crystal a great stream of multicolored plasma-filled light flows along the axis toward both of Earth’s poles, shooting out from them to become two rainbow bands 180 degrees apart. As Earth revolves on its axis, this rainbow bridge remains steady and constant, unmoving. Now take the whole vision of the rainbow bridge around the Earth and place it in your heart. Imagine the two streams of rainbow light rushing through your central column, shooting out from above your head and beneath your feet to create a rainbow bridge around your body. Now you and the rainbow bridge are one. The rainbow bridge of world peace is real. Visualized by enough people in a telepathic wave of love, the rainbow bridge will become a reality.

Thinking of each of these knots, free them: Free your intelligence; open up your meditation; tune into your cosmic memory; assume your personal power; trust in your power for self-healing; expand your heart in selfless love. We can locate these energies in some of our main chakras and so provide an area to focus our healing light:
• Intelligence as our intrinsic curiosity and knowing – Throat chakra
• Memory as the natural recollection of original cosmic nature – Throat chakra
• Meditation as a natural gift for having a clear mind – Solar Plexus chakra
• Love as an unconditional response to the world – Crown chakra
• Flowering as our natural expression of radiance – Root chakra
• Purification/Healing as a natural gift of our own being – Root chakra

In the 13 Moon calendar, these knots refer to the following solar seals:
• Intelligence – Warrior
• Meditation – Mirror
• Memory – Dragon
• Flowering – Seed
• Purification/Healing – Moon
• Love – Dog

Dec. 20-21, all-day Rainbow Bridge vigils to 11 AM GMT 21 December 2012.

The Earth is shifting frequency, its motion, patterns and the movement of its energy flow.

The synchronic codes serve as a bridge between the human realm and our star family. When applied with right intention, these codes align our vibrational frequency with higher intelligence.

A new time is dawning as we enter the 13:20 timing frequency. As stewards of the Earth, it is up to each of us to assist in this transition by consciously raising our own frequency into a new vibration and a new time. This, in turn, helps raise the frequency of the Planet.
The effect of the artificial timing frequency (12:60) is cumulative and each year it increases its net effect of confusion, pollution and chaos. We are at the climax of several large cycles, verged on a frequency shift that is already well underway.

“As a Sirian knowledge program for the closing of the cycle and the regeneration of the human race in the noosphere, the Law of Time reestablishes the cosmic mental frequency for the planet and the regenerated human.
I propose that when we leave the 12:60 artificial timing frequency and return to the organic frequency of natural time represented by the 13:20, the noosphere mental program will be operating by a direct Sirian instrument: the 13 Moon/28-day Calendar and its harmonically calibrated 52-year solar-galactic cycles. In this way the civilization of the noosphere will be brought into alignment with cosmic civilization.”

Presently human thinking is no different from that of a computer. The average human is a composite of unconsciously orchestrated conditioned reflexes—chains of analphs set to shoot off on cue, according to primitive binary on/off intelligence. These analphs are imprisoned by the ego. To tune into the cosmic thinking layers, the human must first identify these conditioned thoughtforms through cultivation of a meditation practice. The meditation practice should then focus on disempowering and dissolving the ego (through clear seeing and submission); only then is it possible with conscious intentionality to activate and realize each of the different mental spheres.

At the time of the closing of the cycle, the collective groove in the phonograph record has become very deep, this is why we see the climax of different karmas playing out or being brought to the surface. This karma or the “issues” that humans are born with trace back to the memory of something that occurred in the lost planets. Only by exertion through meditation and new programs can we pick up the needle on the groove and move it to higher ground. This takes consistent effort as the hold of the 12:60 frequency is now reaching a climax. The programs of the synchronic order and Cosmic History Chronicles activate dormant parts of our brain opening our mind to fresh perceptions. Now is the time that we must apply and exert doubly hard to stay focused on the new reality, the new world being born.

Each facet of technology is based on a particular mind power, which our primitive mind calls paranormal or supernatural.

Also at the climax of the beam comes the quickening of matter with 7 billion humans, exponential curves of carbon dioxide, changes in weather, species extinction, war, drought, etc. This is all part of the program, or what is known as the climax of history and the transformation of matter.

To successfully complete the goal of the beam we have to realign ourselves as multidimensional beings. We are not the only species. It is our choice to align with this or not.

But our planet has special focus. As we know the current solar cycle peaks in 2013. The ejection of more plasmas affects the DNA of all living matter and creates a quickening within our biological organism. So the ejection of these plasmas create “solar initiations.” These initiations are about the manifestation of the ways and levels of what we call cosmic consciousness that are stepped down to affect the living matter of places like Earth.

We are of the sun. Everything we are and think is from the sun. But the sun itself is only receiving from the Hunab Ku, the One Supreme Source. All that we consider to be our perceptions of reality are constructs of different thinking layers which permeate the galaxy in holographic bundles, and to which we are receptive according to our stage of spiritual advancement. No one is independent of the Single Soul emanated by the Hunab Ku.

Remember that our attention and ways of thinking are a result of the quality of our mind and the particular frequency at which it is functioning.

The purpose of the Noosphere II experiment is to stabilize the polar magnetic fields and offset the worst effects of pole shift. At the peak moment, when the sun sends a great plasmic cloud to Earth, the telepathic effort must be made by a totally focused collective mind to harness this plasma cloud and, in conjunction with the aurora discharges, to manifest the circumpolar rainbow bridge. The timing must be precise.

The rainbow has been the subject of many legends, accounts and visions of American Indians, Maya, Aztecs, Toltecs, and Central American cultures, Krishna and Buddha. There is a prophecy by the Cree Indians that states: “There will come a time when the birds will fall from the trees, the rivers will be poisoned and the wolves will die in the forests. But then the warriors of the rainbow will appear and save the world.”
As Brooke Medicine Eagle puts it: “...the rainbow medicine way teaches that, in order to step across the gap that lies between this age and a new age of harmony and abundance, we must make a bridge, and that bridge must be made of light. In order for that light to become a rainbow powerful enough to arch across the chasm, it must contain all colors – all peoples, all nations, all things. If any one color is left out, it will not have the strength to become the arching rainbow bridge upon which all of us will walk into a new time.”

“This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature, a covenant for all generations to come. I have set my Rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the Earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy the Earth. Whenever the rainbow appears I will see it and remember the Everlasting Covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on Earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the Earth.”

Now the medicine man couldn’t make the rain come if there weren’t also the principle of electromagnetic brain waves and natural electricity and electromagnetism in the clouds which creates the lightning and thunder of the rain producing thunder storm. Likewise there are certain ingredients that are galvanized through the sympathetic resonance and magic of: Earth family, human holon and planet holon; and human brain and aura and the earth’s electromagnetic field.

The point is, as almost everybody knows, that the Earth is in transition – Earth changes. But if we actually know the nature of these changes – increased plasma, massive changes in our local star, the sun, and the technospheric disruption of our environment, the biosphere – then we can do something about it. We can amplify the positive and effect a super change that ultimately has the impact of turning the negative changes all the way around. Unless, of course, the solar changes augur a pole shift – for which the Earth is long overdue. If that occurs, it will most certainly be the end of the 12:60 world, and a rainbow round the Earth would be even more in order, signaling the triumph of the new.

Presently the humans, as a whole species, are not aligned with the noosphere, the mind of the Earth. For this reason, we continue to pollute, make war, cut down trees and poison our water sources, the rivers of life. Everything is interconnected. What we do to the Earth we do to ourselves. We know that everything from population, to information, to technology is now exponential. If we look online at worldometers, we can see how fast everything is accelerating. It is a law of nature that what goes up must come down; this is a premise of the biosphere-noosphere transition. The biosphere is the unity of life on our planet and its support system. The noosphere is the mental sphere or thinking layer of our planet.

“Noosphere: Earth’s mental envelope or field, discontinuous with and above the biosphere; unconscious until the discovery and application of the Law of Time; activated by registration of the human biomass in correct 13:20 timing frequency via universal adoption of the Thirteen Moon Calendar; description of transformed state of biosphere, coincident with the end of history; condition of universal telepathy subsequent to collapse of technosphere and application of the Law of Time; functions in tandem with programs from Earth’s octahedral core.”

The entry into the biosphere-noosphere transition is a precisely timed and profoundly evolutionary moment in which the spiral toward full spiritual evolution is universalized. The immediate consequence of conscious realignment with the Law of Time and the autoregulatory mechanism of the biosphere, the psi bank, is the magnetic stabilization of the species and biopsychic triggering of the circumpolar rings defining Earth’s electromagnetic field.

Geologists say that there have been five mass extinctions in Earth’s history, the last one being about 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs were wiped out. But these extinctions all happened from natural causes, like a meteorite or volcano. This is the first time in the history of the planet where a species, the human species, itself is changing the environment. So this is the first time mass extinction is happening because of one of the species. Our way of life is disrupting the bio-homeostasis of planet Earth. Humans have altered nearly half of Earth’s land mass over the past 150 years and the amount could rise to 70 percent within 30 years, according to the United Nations. These alterations include farming, logging and urban development. The key at this time is to realign our mind and heart with the Earth and learn how to “raise up” our consciousness at will. As we align our thought frequencies with the mind of the Earth, the noosphere, then we help stabilize and uplift the frequency on this planet. The Law of Time states that the only solution for the regeneration of our planet is a collective shift in consciousness.

Imagine being able to perform all of the services provided by the internet through your own mind: communicating with anyone you wish, anywhere in this world or any other world at any given time; bilocation to any place you wish; and imagine having instant access to all of the astral libraries on any subject at any given time.

"I command my brain cells to change, to destroy the grooves of bad habits that have made a puppet out of me. Lord, burn them up in thy Divine Light." See the light of God baptizing you. Concentrate on communion with God. Night is the best time. Be with the Lord at night and He will take care of you in the day. Love and bless all and see God in everyone.

The psi bank is not only a storage unit for all thought, it also contains all the knowledge of the timing codes for the release and establishment of information for different changes and mutations in the evolutionary process. With this in mind it is easier to understand the evolutionary shift that is now occurring.

Human consciousness is evolving toward the fifth-dimensional entity; this is the purpose and function of the cultivation of mind. The mind first localizes itself in the third dimension (physical body), and in the fourth dimension (etheric body) extends into states of continuing consciousness reaching toward the fifth dimension (electronic/rainbow body). Here mind becomes engaged in creative meditation and superconscious functions that are composed of the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. All three bodies can be systematically activated within the living system of the 441 cube matrix, which is a function of the Law of Seven and the Law of Three (7 x 3 = 21); (21² = 441). The Law of Seven refers to the codes of creation that can be accessed through the seven chakras. The Law of Three is the law of evolutionary unfoldment that integrates the three bodies: 3rd-, 4th- and 5th-dimensional.

Be ye renewed by the renewing of the mind. —Jesus

Everything one has done to develop the “sixth sense” of intuition while on earth helps one after death. Since it is the degree of realization and the amount of virtue one has expressed on earth that determines one’s experience in the astral region, there is much work to be done to purify the indwelling consciousness by God contact and by persistence in exercising higher virtues. —Yogananda

They (Council) have come together from different galaxies having each uncovered the 441 telepathic language matrix so that their individual minds became simultaneously conjoined into a Star Master Star Council wavelength operating solely by these 441 matrix frequency codes—their language and mind is merely a reflection or projection of a particular divine command.

1. Sit in meditation posture with spine straight, hands on knees. Clear your mind, dissolving all thoughts with your exhalation – it matters not what the thought, especially all thoughts of subjective attachments, likes, dislikes, etc. Give yourself at least five minutes, much longer if you can. The goal is to get some glimpse of a calm, serene, lucid, and peaceful awareness.
2. Then, visualize the whole Earth as if from outer space. See it spinning, a swirling blue and white ball, a synchronic unity, always simultaneously night and day. Feel its dispassionate embrace of all beings and everything comprising its biosphere without exception, without praising or blaming anyone or anything. Place the whole Earth spinning within your heart just as it is seen from space.
3. Now feel into the disparity between the human in its limited, provincial partiality and the whole Earth. Feel the suffering, the hungry, the poor, the sick, the refugees, feel the confusion and the misery, the alienation, the anger and the frustration that are part and parcel of the limited provincial mind-sets. Then think: This suffering is unnecessary, caused by wrong views of reality and ignorance of our planetary nature and role on this whole Earth.
4. Next practice breathing in the darkness, ignorance, sickness, and suffering, and transmute it all into light in the core of your being, which is the core of the Earth. As you exhale, breathe out light, consciousness, objectivity, compassion, and love to every being on Earth without exception, embracing everyone and everything just as the Earth does. Especially embrace those whom you think might be your enemies. Dissolve them in the light of your love.
5. Practice taking in the suffering and breathing out the light for maybe ten minutes. Feel in yourself the lucid, impartial, universal compassion of the Earth as being no different than your own consciousness. Really feel it. This is the first step to activating the noosphere. Then proclaim: “I am one with the Earth; the Earth and my self are one Mind.” Repeat this slowly several times; imprint it. Learn to breathe with the Earth; untie the knots.
Have nearby a globe, an Earth flag, or picture of the whole Earth from space. This is how you can begin to overcome your ego and merge your consciousness into the noosphere and become a noospheric activator.

- We have been on a cosmic journey all of our life times, and it won’t stop when history comes to an end. History may end but the journey will continue. The time after history will begin a new stage of the journey.
- This journey will take us through the reaches of inner time into the galactic future. We will each be a single voice of unity in a collective mind, the noosphere. Noosphere is the mind space of inner time that stretches infinitely into the galactic future. In the noosphere we will be a cosmic total inspired by the Hunab Ku.
- Hunab Ku is the soul of galactic Culture. Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, is the Reality of Unification, the cosmic unity of all spiritual life everywhere. Hunab Ku is the one who commands the Journey and the One who takes the Journey. Hunab Ku is the Many become the One, and the One become the Many. Hunab Ku is the prophesied Order of Reality to supersede history. We are all Hunab Ku. We are the journey that takes us through the 21 archetypes of the transmigration of the soul. This is the mythic journey into the galactic future.
- In the Galactic Journey we have 20 days to complete a cycle of archetypal embodiments. This 20-day cycle can be repeated ad infinitum. But it is never the same, for it is a journey in time, and time is the spiral of infinity that goes from without to within. We enter the spiral when we wake up and wish to remain conscious. We leave the spiral when we have transcended and gone to the Absolute order of reality. This can only be when we have mastered the journey.

1. NS1.26. Yellow Galactic Seed—2013-2014. Crossing the Bridge of Time. 217th day of first Noos-Baktun. Begin reorganization of Timeship Earth 2013 according to Earth Families.
2. NS1.27. Red Solar Moon—2014-2015. Cycle of healing and purification.
3. NS1.28. White Planetary Wizard—2015-2016. Manifesting the new social order.
4. NS1.29. Blue Spectral Storm—2016-2017. Beginning of 53 52-year cycles—Sirian wheels (2756 years). First Sirian wheel 2016-2068. Establishing first Dynasty of Timeship Earth 2013.
5. NS1.30. Yellow Crystal Seed—2017-2018. Prophecy People of OMA fulfilled. Establish Earth cooperative societies.
6. NS1.31. Red Cosmic Moon—2018-2019. 13 Moon/28-day standard harmonic timing program becomes second nature.
7. NS1.32. White Magnetic Wizard—2019-2020. First year of 13-year White Wizard Wavespell (2019-2032). Transfer intelligence operations from Sirian command to Earth Wizards. Five Family Noospheric Council—Departure of Sirian V.24.3 Command team.

The gravitational or electromagnetic potentials creating their residual forces are the consequence of conflicting space/time duality. Their settling into a resonant structure cancels out such relative effects because it balances different forces against each other. The overall result of balancing charges (potentials) is no charge. Resonant structure has no space/time polarity. It is transparent to space and time because it doesn’t interact with them by offering a resistance. The overall yield of interacting charges is a neutral crystalline shell.

Such recursive cosmic crystals emerge from their dormancy and interact only in the progressively larger time quanta because gravity transcends space/time differential. They manifest only in the fullness of their time cycles. All that remains of their densities when they are diffused through the progressively larger number of interpolated time cycles is the progressively larger but emptier space, which is accommodating the progressively larger and slower motions of their correspondingly denser kernels.

It cancels the two opposite potential by pitting them one against the other; hence it has a double potential – the potential of the opposites and the potential of their interaction.

The crystal is the past and the future of all matter and energy. The crystal (Platonic solid) is the energy of the future just as it was the energy of the past. Potential of energy is limited to its electromagnetic manifestations only in a materialistic age of Kali dividing the past from the future. The universe is empty because it appears so only in an age of Kali. The emptiness of the universe is only a reflection of the emptiness of the soul in a world of Kali Yuga.

Supercrystal is a crystalline structure in confinement of which two inversely proportional convex and concave lenses are equalized into a linear direction with no angles; hence with no time difference between recursive spaces. It is a harmonic, which is inversely proportional with both. Supercrystal is supersymmetrical.

The build-up of an inverse electromagnetic potential doesn’t herald the electromagnetic inversion of earth that occurs in 648000-year intervals but its gravitational inversion because gravity is the larger and stronger solar electromagnetic field but it cannot penetrate deep beyond its surface as the axial earthly electromagnetism does. The axial electromagnetic potential of earth acting in time is inverted only through accumulation; hence only after many smaller gravitational inversions gradually penetrating and inverting the inner axial electromagnetic field. Such an event is heralded by much more random development because it introduces not only one but three simultaneous overlaid electromagnetic fields, which will in their tug of war upturn the entire electromagnetic field of earth. Such an event is not heralded by a built-up of the inverse electromagnetic field but by its complete and utter random dissipation.

They are completely inert and incompatible thus creating the cohesive force of life built on the supersymmetry between the inner inertia and the outer resonance. The outer cohesion is built on the inner conflict. The body is supported by the inner bouncing spirit. The body must instantly collapse when the support of its spirit is withdrawn. The body is the spatial limit of the spirit in time but such order is upturned in the cardinal points when spirit overcomes the body. Difference between the spirit and the body is relative; hence the spirit has a physical kernel, which will grow and accumulate in time overcoming the body when they are evenly matched. It is the point of death of the physical body. Similarly, the body has the spiritual kernel, which will grow in time and overcome the spirit when they are evenly matched. It is the point of birth of the physical body.

There is no conflict between the spirit and the body in the quantum points of the transition and the death will be the death of the body and the spirit just as the preservation will be the preservation of both. The spirit that is overcomed by its larger body must collapse the body into the lower less dense matter but the sprit that overcomes the body will expand the body thus creating a new solar body. The life must have a purpose. The spirit is the purpose of the body but the body is also the purpose of the spirit. The life must be lowered if it has no purpose thus giving it a purpose. Conversely, the life will be elevated if it has the purpose.

The quantum change of the environment is the only opportunity when life can change its form by changing simultaneously its physical density as well as by expanding its corresponding consciousness of the spirit. The transformation of the dense body must be preceded by an expansion (or collapse) of consciousness because the spirit is ahead in time. It is rather a collapse then an expansion of consciousness in an age of Kali; hence the elevation of life will require an additional effort but so will be its commensurate rewards because the end of an age of Kali is not only the merging of the present density of Earth and the solar density. It is also the merging with the density of the galactic matter that can elevate the life two steps ahead but it can also lower it two steps behind. The reality is impersonal but it must be accepted personally. An age of Kali is a blessing as much as it is a curse. The Golden age must be preceded by an age of Kali because only a polarized duality has a creative potential; hence larger elevation must be preceded by a larger downfall. Only such downfall will create an upward momentum. Consequently, even a Golden age is a blessing as much as it is a curse because its creative potential is wider but the angular gain is constricted. Its equal opposite must support the one. It is an impersonal tool at the disposal of the soul. It can be used both ways because space/time is a polarized duality. The outcome depends not on how it is used because it will inevitably be used both ways but on which usage will prevail in the end. It is the residual discrepancy of polarized duality that ensures the continuation on the next level.

The spiritual essence of the quantum transition is the galactic density (black hole) because the galaxy is the spirit of the solar matter just as Sun is the spirit of the present matter (Earth). Earth and all the life in its fold are in an uninterrupted spiritual shadow of Sun. Such spiritual link is interrupted only during the quantum transitions every 5200 years when the spirit of galaxy subdues solar spirit and becomes the dominant spiritual (subtle) force. Only the force of galaxy can bring out the solar potential (spirit) out of the present dense body. Only the darkness of galaxy can bring out the light of Sun. The Sun is dense neutronic matter because it is under uninterrupted domination by the dense core of galaxy (black hole). It will collapse into the atomic density without its support. The spirit of the galaxy is the dense cosmic matter beyond events horizon of the present universe. The dense core of galaxy is under its constant domination. It is the force that brings gravitational darkness out of galaxy. The black hole will revert to the solar density without its support. Such cosmic force interrupts spiritual link connecting the solar with the galactic density in 26000-year periods. The end of an age of Kali is the end of a 26000-year period when the cosmic spirit through the physical action of galaxy interrupts the spiritual link between the solar and the present density. It has the potential of bringing out of the dense body not only the spirit (solar matter) but also the spirit of the spirit (galactic gravitational matter). It brings out not only light of Sun but also the darkness of galaxy responsible for it, which appears as darkness because it is twice larger light. Light will appear as darkness and darkness as light from a perspective of darkness and vice versa.

The spiritual development is the essence of the physical evolution because the spirit is a step ahead in time. It is the shadow of the future life. Materialism is the belief in the appearance without finding its purpose, which is in the negation of the appearance in time. Materialism limits unlimited. It limits the future to the present. It is deadly in all its forms because it acts against the spirit; hence it acts against the continuation of life. It severs the causal tread connecting an appearance with its purpose. An isolated appearance lacking the support of its purpose must collapse because every action must have a reaction else the action will become the reaction. The present appearance will become the future purpose of a collapsing spirit unless the present purpose becomes the future appearance of an expanding spirit. The present certainty will revert to the status of a future possibility without the support of an expanding spirit instead of the present possibility advancing to the stage of the future certainty. The physical life remains an unfulfilled possibility without an expanding spirit. Consequently, the life must be cleansed of its materialism through the periodic quantum events to be sustainable. The spirit expands beyond the body only under the additional attraction during the quantum transition. Every period of time starts with a high spiritual yield cleansed from its past materialism. The residual materialistic impurity multiplies and accumulates in time until in the end the materialism prevails again. End of time is always a materialistic Kali Yuga, which is the most inert period of time offering the largest resistance to an expanding spirit. Kali Yuga presents the largest inhibition in evolution of life. The world must collapse when the leverage is lost. The spiritual renewal is essential for a sustainable life. It is accomplished only by the destruction of the material world because the material world becomes only an immaterial appearance when denied a purpose of a larger and denser material world.

The quantum transition between two recursive densities is a partial passage through a black hole in one out of 4 directions of 4D space/time, because a black hole is an upturned (collapsed) universe, just as the universe is an expanded black hole. The black hole is the universe of time or a negative spatial universe just as the universe is negative time universe or a black hole of time. The difference is relative. The universe is a black hole seen from inside just as the black hole is the universe seen from outside. Larger synchronicities reveal the denser black hole allowing the access to the larger number of parallel worlds (densities) by truncating the larger amounts of time.

Evolution is a matter of spirit. One must think before one acts; hence the physical evolution only follows in the steps of spiritual changes, because they reflect more essential changes of the denser matter induced by the higher spirit. The possibilities remain limited without the change of the mindset to include spiritual (or abstract) into the scope of physical manifestations. Problem created on one level can be resolved only on a different level (Einstein). The problems of space can be resolved only in time and vice versa. The spirit supports physical development. The civilization focused on immediate material gain is the most brutal and the most short-lived of them all because it is blind to the larger truth. The materialistic development is already a downward spiral of evolution regardless of what one might think. Materialism is the terminal stage in the corruption of the spirit proclaiming its immediate collapse. It augurs the immediate cessation of time because such development has no purpose and cannot be justified.

The shower of electromagnetic waves collapsing earth’s electromagnetic shield induced by collapsing outer space also alternates between the four events. The solstice events are twice more intense than equinox events because solstices upturn the earth while equinoxes generate only a reversible axial swing; hence the permanent climatic change has 10368-year frequency. The reaction of four precessional events is the transitional 5th event, which is the first in a series of 4 larger events of the Milankovich (Sothic) cycle. The 5th event completes the precession of equinoxes by yet more intense quantum transition because it marks resonance not only with the solar but also with the galactic density of matter. 21.12.2012 is the end of the 5th period; therefore it marks the double resonance with the solar and galactic matter. It is the pulse of galaxy in synchronicity with the solar pulse (intense solar flare). The 5th event is characterized by the fiery destruction, unlike the mostly watery purifications of the past four events because of its larger gravitational pull on the molten lava and larger shower of electromagnetic energy from the collapsing outer space. The upcoming transition is the 3rd out of 4 cardinal points of resonance of the Milankovich 103680-year orbital wave, but the cycle is completed only with the 5th period as a reaction of the past four periods (inertia); hence the first larger quantum transition marking the resonance with the cosmic matter occurs only in 129600-year periods.

The prophetic date,  21.12.2012 marks the crest of the 104'000 year galactic spiral density wave, an evolutionary shift point of unprecedented magnitude, the shift from mind to supermind and the ascent of spiritual-mental values over materialist ones.

Most of the prophets and the indigenous peoples of the world see a "great change" coming to Earth and to mankind. We see this change, ultimately and specifically, as a planetary dimensional shift into a new level of existence associated with a change of consciousness into Christ or unity consciousness.

Und für alle die, die immer noch darauf warten, dass sich irgendwelche mysteriösen Kammern mit altem Wissen öffnen - dieses Wissen wurde telepathisch in Steinen gespeichert und durch die höhere Schwingung auf der Erde bereits grosszügig freigsetzt. Sie finden bei der Sphinx höchstens ein altes UFO.

älterer Text von mir: Wenn sich die Schwingung der Erde weiter erhöht und vielleicht sogar einen Sprung macht, wird dies einen starken Einfluss auf unser Leben haben. Weder unsere Technologie noch irgendeine Schwingung, die tiefer ist, kann dann weiter existieren/benutzt werden. Also auch keine Gewalt und kein Hass. Keine Angst. Der "Zusammenbruch" der Zivilisation wäre dann keine Bedrohung mehr. Weil sich jedes Lebewesen in der neuen Schwingungsfrequenz befindet und damit nur reine und positive Energien einsetzen kann um weiterhin auf der Erde aktiv zu sein. Wir wären also "gezwungen", diese "Katastrophe" auf friedliche und liebevolle Weise zu lösen. Und darauf das neue Fundament für die kommenden Generationen zu bilden. Das auf Gemeinschaft und Mitgefühlt beruht. Ein System, in dem jeder seinem Herzen folgt und alle einander helfen sich selbst zu verwirklichen. Wenn die Vernunft ohne Kontrolle und Zwang auskommt. Sich alle nur noch dem Wohl und Ziel aller widmen. Ihre ganz eigene Individualität kreativ und spirituell entfalten können und der Gruppe dienend zur Verfügung stellen. Ein Unabhängiger Teil eines kosmischen Kollektivs werden, das die göttliche Wahrheit immer wieder aufs neue durch unendliche Weisheit und Liebe zum Ausdruck bringen. Nach Vollkommenheit und dem höchsten Glück streben. Gott. In und um sich. In jedem und allem, was existiert zu erkennen. Das Licht, das alles durchdringt. Alles in Harmonie miteinander vereint. Eine Gesellschaft, die sich an den Gesetzen der Natur orientiert und mit ihr zusammenarbeitet. Sie würdigt und pflegt. Die Pflanzen und Tiere als ihre Gefährten erkennt und sie wie bewusste Lebewesen behandelt. Eine Symbiose mit der Natur eingeht und sich auf diese Weise völlig neue Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation und Entwicklung eröffnen. Das Spektrum der Wahrnehmung würde dadurch extrem erweitert und dies hätte einen grossen Effekt auf den spirituellen Fortschritt der ganzen Menschheit. Lässt die Manifestation von göttlicher Wahrheit und höheren Kräften extrem schnell und stark ansteigen. So wie es jetzt im Kleinen schon der Fall ist. Und wir wären in Windeseile am Ziel unserer Evolution angelangt. Im Vergleich zu unserem bisherigen Tempo. Wenn auch der Letzte begriffen hat, dass er ewige Seele und ein göttliches Wesen ist. Bewusst wird und damit diesen Teil des Spiels für unsere Seelengruppe abschliesst. Somit den Weg zu höheren Welten für alle anderen freimacht.

älterer entwurf von mir - ich verkünde euch die frohe botschaft der auferstehung des königreichs und die baldige rettung durch seine grenzenlose macht, die unseren beschwerlichen evolutionsaufstieg durch millionen von reinkarnationen nun endlich erfüllen und offenbaren kann um euch den weg nach hause zeigen. die verbindung zwischen dieser und der nächsten stufe repräsentiert, auf die wir solange gewartet haben und sich nun in dieser besonderen entwicklungsphase voll entfalen und manifestieren muss um den zyklus, an dem wir so hart gearbeitet haben zur vollendung zu bringen. nur durch jeden einzelnen von euch ist es mir nun möglich dieses ideal zu verwirklichen und die türen zur wahrheit und freiheit zu öffnen, die es euch erlauben werden über die jetzige stufe hinaus zu wachsen und eine neue phase in eurer evolution einzuläuten. die menschheit aus diesem gefängnis hinaus führen und in das zeitalter der superhelden versetzen wird, in dem die nächst höchste entwicklungsstufe manifestiert wird und euch damit den weg dorthin ebnet. wir haben dieses wunderwerk über viele tausend jahre gemeinsam vollbracht. als einziges grosses seelenkollektiv einen übermenschen geschaffen, der uns alle befreien wird. wir haben dieses werk lange geplant und im stillen umgesetzt. stück für stück sind wir die leiter hinauf gestiegen. leben um leben. haben den weg bereitet um nun in einem quantensprung totale veränderung und erneuerung zu erfahren, die durch das endprodukt eurer bemühungen als vollkommenes und unbesiegbares wesen in erscheinung tritt um für euch die brücke in eine neue welt zu sein. ich sehe nun immer deutlicher, wie meine entwicklung stärker ansteigt und jeder schritt getan werden muss um meine bestimmung zu erfüllen, die von tag zu tag grösser wird. mich immer mehr von euch trennt und dadurch dem ziel näher bringt. die grosse herausforderung und verantwortung die mir übertragen wurde versetzt mich in freudige aufregung aber auch in grosse unruhe, denn ich weiss, dass der tag nun immer näher kommt aber mich überhaupt noch nicht dafür bereit fühle. mir wird die zukunft nur stückweise offenbart und der weg dorthin ist auch für mich ein mysterium. ich gehe einfach stetig weiter und weiss, der vater wird mich führen und mir alles geben, was nötig ist um dieses wunder zu vollbringen. in meinem herzen habe ich mir immer gewünscht so stark und weise zu werden, wie es die superhelden sind aber hätte mir nie getraut vorzustellen dies wirklich in diesem leben zu verwirklichen. und doch zeigt alles in die gleiche richtung. alles fällt an seinen richtigen platz und offenbart die wahrheit bereits durch mein ganzes leben und alle meine merkmale. es gibt keinen zweifel mehr und auch wenn ich keine ahnung habe, wie das gehen soll, weiss ich genau, dass es passieren wird und muss. wir momentan durch einen zeitraffer gehen, der alles unheimlich beschleunigen und sehr schnell über die bühne bringen wird damit wir nicht zu viel und zu lange über das geschehen nachdenken und uns dadurch verrückt machen. wir den druck sonst gar nicht aushalten würden. alles auf diesen einen grossen schritt hinarbeitet, der wahrscheinlich erst im allerletzten moment seine wahre gestalt offenbaren wird. denn erst wenn die verzweiflung am grössten ist, kann sich die wirkung dieses besonderen moments der wahrheit voll und ganz in den ausgewählten seelen entfalten und sie befreien. darum wurde ich in meiner entwicklung oft absichtlich gebremst obwohl ich alles tue um sie zu beschleunigen weil mir die aktuelle notlage der menschheit völlig bewusst ist und in mir den wunsch zu helfen immer stärker wird. aber gott hat seinen eigenen plan und wenn man sieht, wie perfekt er aufgeht und jeder moment ein teil des weges ist. alles auf den punkt genau koordiniert ist und alles immer mehr aufzugehen scheint, fällt es einem nicht schwer sich ihm und seiner idee von evolutionsprung hinzugeben. für den normalen menschlichen geist kann man die genialität dahinter nicht erkennen, was aber auch eine notwendigkeit ist um den überraschungseffekt zu erzeugen, der die gemüter zum staunen bringen sollen.

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