Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Humanity 2012

21.12.2012 - 11:11:11  - - - Gateway to divine worlds and beings...the beginning of a new earth cycle on a transforming planet..a global initiation-jump into a higher dimension of conciousness..greatest challenge humanity ever faced..

Look within..find your own divinty..


The Mayan prophecy concerning the 2012 winter solstice has an important astronomical dimension. Over 2,000 years ago the early Maya formulated a profound galactic cosmology. Being excellent observers of the sky, they noticed that the position of the winter solstice sun was slowly shifting toward an alignment with the galactic axis. This movement is caused by so called precession - the wobble of the rotational axis of the earth. The Mayans concluded that major changes of cosmic proportions would occur at the time of this auspicious solar/galactic alignment. This is an event that happens only every 25,920 years, which is the period required for the equinox to move through all twelve zodiacal signs.

The Mayans used the symbol of the Vision Serpent for the experiences induced by blood loss and shock. This symbol represented the contact between the everyday world of human beings and the world of gods and sacred ancestors, who were expected to appear in their visions in the supernatural realms. The lancet was perceived as a sacred object with enormous power; it was personified in the form of the Perforator God.

The Mayan seers referred to the December solstice sun as “Cosmic Father” and to the Milky Way as “Cosmic Mother. They envisioned the center of the galaxy, where modern astronomy places a giant black hole, as her creative and destructive womb. The time of the galactic alignment was thus the time of a cosmic hieros gamos, sacred marriage between the Feminine and the Masculine. In the year 2012, the sun will have traveled to the edge of a cosmic dust cloud known as the Great Dark Rift that lies along the Milky Way and seems to divide its light into two paths. The Mayans called this dark rift Xibalba Be {Road to the Underworld)  and saw it as a place of birth and death and of death/rebirth. It was for them the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother Creatrix, where the December solstice sun gets reborn in 2012. It was also a death place, because it is the doorway into the underworld, the land of the dead and the unborn.  These associations clearly were not products of everyday  fantasy and imagination of the Mayans projected on the  night sky, but results of profound direct apprehensions of  the connection between the archetypal world and the celestial bodies and processes.

Archetypes express themselves through the individual psyche and its deeper processes, but they do not originate in the human brain and are not its products. They are superordinate to the individual psyche and function as its governing principles. In holotropic states the archetypal world can be directly experienced in a way that is as convincing and authentic as the material world appears to be, or more so.

Whether or not this was predicted by ancient Mayan seers, we are clearly involved in a dramatic race for time that has no precedent in the entire history of humanity. What is at stake is nothing less than the future of humanity and of life on this planet. Many of the people with whom we have worked saw humanity at a critical crossroad facing either collective annihilation or an evolutionary jump in consciousness of unprecedented nature and dimension.

The final outcome of the crisis we are facing is ambiguous and uncertain; it lends itself to pessimistic or optimistic interpretation and each of them can be supported by existing data. If we continue the old strategies, which in their consequences are clearly extremely destructive and self-destructive, it is unlikely that modern civilization will survive. However, if a sufficient number of people undergoes a process of deep inner transformation described above, we might reach a stage and level of consciousness evolution at which we will deserve the proud name we have given to our species: homo sapiens sapiens and live in a new world that  will have little resemblance to the old one.

The Planet is in a crisis too big for anyone to solve, so it would seem. One way to look at it, however, is that everything is changing – we are in a big transition. By 2013 we will all know: nothing is the same anymore; the patterns of our thoughts are shifting; the earth is changing; we are entering a new phase of evolution, the noosphere.

The Law of Time states that the only way to solve the problems of our planet is through a collective shift of consciousness. The governments cannot help us. It is we ourselves who must take responsibility for the Earth.

The money of the most industrialized countries is worthless when the Earth begins to shake. The world leaders are turned to children when faced with the powers of nature, and technology becomes no more than a piece of straw which can’t even be used to build bridges over great rivers.
Confronted with the fury of nature, nothing and no one can save themselves nor be saved. In order to calm everything down and bring balance to the global nature of the earth, there is only one path; Stop cutting down trees, don’t take any more oil or minerals from the earth, and stop consuming excess. Let us not forget, change does not come from governments, but from each human being. Each human is responsible for everything that might occur on Earth.

Feel this energy passing into the Earth and into your heart, opening it completely. As you are filled with this Universal Love, visualize a rainbow around the Earth, symbolizing the unification of all. Taking the power of this love into the future, project yourself forward in time, beyond the great shift and imagine, in the greatest detail possible, the highest, most magnificently beautiful vision of the Earth.

7. Kin 200, Yellow Overtone Sun Moon, Seventh book of the Book of the Seven Generations, 5th moon, 7 Storm year (15 November – 12  December 2012).
This completes the prophecy cycle of the Book of the Seven Generations as coded into the seven last moons of the 13 baktuns.
0. Moon Out of Time. Kin 201, Red Rhythmic Dragon Moon (13 December 2012 – 9 January 2013). Cycle closes – time quake –  phase shift – spiral density wave pulsation pause.)

1. Kin 202, White Resonant Wind Moon, 7th moon, 7 Storm year (10 January – 6 February 2013), Recollection of the Power of the First  day of Creation, “Resonant Spirit”
2. Kin 203, Blue Galactic Night Moon, 8th moon 7 Storm year (7 February – 6 March 2013), Recollection of the Power of the Second  day of Creation, “Galactic Abundance”
3. Kin 204, Yellow Solar Seed Moon, 9th moon, 7 Storm year (7 March – 3 April 2013), Recollection of the Power of the Third day of  Creation, “Solar Flowering”
4. Kin 205, Red Planetary Serpent Moon, 10th moon, 7 Storm year (4 April – 1 May 2013), Recollection of the Power of the Fourth day  of Creation, “Planetary Life Force”
5. Kin 206, White Spectral Worldbridger Moon, 11th moon, 7 Storm year (2 May – 29 May 2013), Recollection of the Power of the Fifth  day of Creation, “Spectral Death”
6. Kin 207, Blue Crystal Hand Moon, 12th moon, 7 Storm year (30 May – 26 June 2013), Recollection of the Power of the Sixth day of  Creation, “Crystal Accomplishment” (Note: This moon is the fractal extension  of 12 Hand, 21- 12-2012)
7. Kin 208, Yellow Cosmic Star Moon, 13th moon, 7 Storm year (27 June – 24 July 2013), Recollection of the Power of the Seventh day of  Creation, “Cosmic Elegance”

The point is, we have all come to rely on many things that distract us from who we really are. When the shift point reaches its final climax, what will save us is knowing how to rise in consciousness to “switch dimensions.”

“The day will come when this Earth will be substituted with a new Earth, and also the Heavens, and everyone will be brought before God, the One, the Supreme. “

For many this means 2012 has all already occurred and is occurring. We are already stepping into the unknown, leading humanity into a new dawn. Acting literally as ice breakers through the cluttered mind of consciousness we move through our own blocks to oneness & non duality creating a love that totally accepts all things within and without ourselves. As this occurs it allows the rest of humanity to follow.

2012 is very much a beginning of a new cycle in evolution as humans become able to embody their full presence whilst in physical form. This will allow the release of huge amounts of energy back into the form of love. Everything that is not held as love will come up for resolution – many of you have already made that choice! This means you know the challenge ahead for mankind.

The association in Aquarius is that of the servant of humanity pouring out the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world. These symbolic waves of water, share the dual expression of vibrational waves of electricity or parallel lines of force.

“It's a lonely place to be. Being denied your own experiences by others.”

For those who bury their heads in the sand will be buried by the sand, when the sand moves.

The governments know about this yet they are totally oblivious to the fact that it is going to start much earlier than they think, for every day that passes is a day nearer towards the Galactic Plane in December 2012, and that is when the fireworks really starts.

The particles in the Dark Rift will cause the sun the flare up and its heat will increase by sevenfold. When this happens, all the ice on Earth will melt and reveal the Garden, the Earth is the Garden, parts of which will be flooded when the sea level rises between 65 and 70 metres.

This society (I will never call it a civilisation because it isn’t.) and its “global economy” relies on one thing to power it, electricity. When this stormh appens it will knock out the power grids and when that happens, the “global economy” will come crashing down, everything stops and as I said earlier, no banks, no money and that means your money, it also means there will be no water or gas because it is pumped, no shops will be operating, no transport, no food, no internet, no communications and “law and order” collapses.

The magnetic flow (cloud) will make the 'ether' much more conductive, so energy will be flowing like crazy, instead of just merely on the normal currents it flows through now.

December 21, 2012 is a threshold point; a doorway indicated by the Ancient Maya well over a thousand years ago, that will take us into a new domain as a planetary collective. The more of us that are conscious and aware of the significance of this date as a marker of a new World cycle, the more aligned we can be in our intentions and actions to serve as instruments of this transition process, fortifying and inspiring each other upon this unfolding journey of Shifting World Ages.

Solstice 2012 marks a zero point -a simultaneous completion and beginning, called "Creation Day" by the Ancient Maya. From that point, the adventure will continue onward, bringing untold challenges and blessings. As we advance to a new level on the spiral of Time, let us comprehend the vastness of our journey ahead. Each day the mystery deepens, bringing new trials and new awarenesses. There is no pre-determined outcome to our collective story. The essential message of the 2012 Prophecy is that the more we each awaken to our personal contribution to this planetary moment, the greater the possibilities emerge for positive change.

It is the end of a cycle in which a subtle change of energy will take place and allow humankind to enter into a more spiritual vibrational state; one of greater consciousness in which we will re-evaluate our priorities and recapture our intimate connection with nature. Some may not even notice this transformation; they may think that December 21 is a day like any other, but a change in energy at the spiritual and sensitive level will take place, and those that are prepared will have no difficulty in recognizing it... Mother Earth - like the living being that she is - will elevate her spiritual condition. That is why humankind, as a manifestation of her evolutionary legacy, will be able to transcend to the next level..."

Let us look to the actual day of December 21, 2012 as a grand day of synchronizing with our human family, conscious of this threshold we are crossing together; a point of no return; a point of celebrating all we have learned, while knowing full well there are endless realms of knowledge to meet through all the experiences to come on the other side of this doorway. On this sacred day, let us meet in heart with each other and align with our positive vibrations, opening to feel our unification with each other and with All of Life. Let us open to the highest possibility of our unfolding journey. Let us invite ourselves into our deepest personal empowerment, that we may give our best to our planetary community as together we embark on a new cycle on Earth. Let us realize that serving as instruments of a New World Era is a lifetime position that will keep deepening through our dedication, sincerity and discipline to live in harmony with our greatest potential. On this gateway date, let us breathe together a deep sigh of joy, and a deep prayer of courage, knowing our work together at this new level will have just begun.

The Rainbow Bridge Around Earth is a key symbol for December 21, 2012. Focusing on this symbol antidotes the fear and confusion in our collective consciousness that has been generated by the false rumors of the end of the world. Beyond 2012, the Rainbow Bridge Around Earth is an emblem of the New World Age Cycle, reminding us of our commitment to pioneer new ways to live on Planet Earth, in Harmony...

It is essential that we have the courage and wisdom to face the reality of our human mortality, accepting the inherent impermanence of all that lives. Rather than living in fear or denial of death, these times are urging us to confront its potency, and to embrace death as a sacred counterpart of the universal equation: an ever-present ally guiding us to live more fully, grateful for this precious moment. Contemplating the death of the body and the impermanence of all form also opens us to begin to know the realms of spirit, formlessness, and eternal consciousness - exploring a higher-dimensional context to hold the laws of our physical world within."

The December 21, 2012 Global Synchronization is calling us to make an internal commitment to participating in the start of a New World Age. This prophetic date is offering us both an inner alignment, and a collective focus point as we acknowledge we will be the Graduating Class of 2012! Let's drop our expectations, embrace the challenges, and celebrate the vast power available to all of us as we go through this initiatory gateway together. We can then consciously support each other on the other side of our global ceremony, vowing to actualize a new era, one day at a time.

It is essential we learn to hear the voice of our inner wisdom. No one can give us wisdom, it must dawn and dwell inside of us, born of our own direct experience. We each have our own direct connection to our Spirit and we must keep learning how to hear our divine, intuitive directives, whispering within. This ability to hear the voice of our inner guidance is the most practical skill we can cultivate in these times. It is what will inform us to how to synchronize in the right place at the right time.

We are going to align with the galactic equator and be able to view the galactic core entirely through the dark rift opening on December 21, 2012 as astronomically predicted by the Maya.

This alignment will indeed cause increased temperatures on every object in our solar system including our sun.

That much radiation directly is believed to be extremely lethal and at that strength will destroy all organic matter.

Stocks, shares, futures, any type of mortgages, all pensions, allinsurance policies, the whole world economy is built like a house of cards andthe credit crunch has proved it, all this money, your hard earned money is allbeing gambled by irresponsible bankers and it is irresponsible politicians wholet them. If you are under the illusion that your insurances and your pension,this nice nest egg that you have been saving all those years will be waiting for you when all this destruction is over, FORGET IT, there won't be any moneyleft because there won't be any world economy left and you will be on your own to survive in the wilds.

The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar system will run into some of them, and their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now. Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts to travel safely through space. On the other hand, astronauts wouldn't have to travel so far because interstellar space would be closer than ever. These events would play out on time scales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, which is how long it takes for the solar system to move from one cloud to the next.

It is not man who will destroy evil; it will be The LORD who does it,so praise your Creator while you can.

On Earth plasma exists in the form of lightning, fluorescent bulbs, flames, the flow of currents in conductors and semiconductors, and the aurora. The earth actually is encased in a protective shell of plasma called the ionosphere and magnetosphere, shielding life from high-energy cosmic and other electromagnetic rays from space.

The magnetic flow (cloud) will make the 'ether' much more conductive, so energy will be flowing like crazy, instead of just merely on the normal currents it flows through now. So it makes the EMP effect, not only massive, but pretty much all consuming. And, due to the solar system being submerged in this magnetic could, it will make the EMPs somewhat continuous.

What ever the significance of the magnetic coupling of these planets in this manner, it's shape and oppositions may be a fractal equivalent of a higher structure and resonant with that Consciousness accordingly.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, she stated the two suns are the beginning of the harbinger of times of great sorrows as mankind will begin the descent to horrors upon horrors. We will have little time once the "two suns" are visible in the sky. She mentions that the govt's of the world, and the Vatican all KNOW, but are not telling the worlds populations.

--"instead of a slow, continuous movement, evolution tends to be characterized by long periods of virtual standstill ("equilibrium"), "punctuated" by episodes of very fast development of new forms.

It is reasonable to point out that our Planet will soon be experiencing these new conditions of growing energy signifying the transition into a new state and quality of Space-Earth relationship. The living organisms of those regions of Earth having the major "inlets", or attractions, for cosmic influences will be taking the lead in evolving life's appropriate reactions, or processes, to these new conditions. These zones of vertical commutations and energy transfers are already becoming the heart, or hotbeds, in the search for new systems of adaptation and mutual transformation.

The transition into super-consciousness, [also called] the second Coming of Christ, is to occur at the precise moment of suspension of movement between expansion and contraction, going parallel with the entry into the radiation of the photon belt. This energy is also referred to as the Manasic Vibration or Radiation. Astrophysical calculations, based on the sun's speed traveling through space (29 km/s) -- and Earth's own movement -- indicate that we will enter the photon belt at a speed of 208,800 km/h. The actual entry of Earth into the Manasic Vibration will occur in the twinkling of an eye.

• Enter the null zone
• Alter body type of all living things
• Non-operation of any electrical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not start. When the collapse of the planet’s electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body—a body that is semi-etheric—and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed. We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical and psychic gifts that we were meant to have
• Total darkness (for 2-3 days). The sun will have disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky a* Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.
• The big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. Therefore, to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated.
• Sun cools down
• Earth climate cools ('ice age type of climate'). This will occur because the sun will be undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun’s heat from reaching planet Earth’s surface.
Day 3-4
• Atmosphere dimly lit (like dawn)
• Start photon effect. This photon effect is very important because it will allow us to have a new energy source. This new energy source will permit the end of our planet’s fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all starships operated by the Galactic Federation
• Photon energy devices are operable
• Stars will reappear in the sky
Day 5-6
• Exit the null zone, enter the main photon belt zone
• Transition into a 24-hour daylight period
• Every living thing is invigorated (Humans will go back to having 12 strands of DNA)
• Earth climate warms
• Photon beam-powered ships can travel in space
• Incredible psychic abilities are reclaimed (eg telepathy, telekinesis, etc)
• We will now be living with what we have called "Extraterrestrials"
17 years later (2012-2013)
• Normally going through the photon belt would take 2000 years
• However at this time our solar system will enter an interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt
• Our solar system will be put into a position about 3 light years from the Sirius star system (at present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth)
• Then this will be the end of our 24-hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour nighttime schedule
We will now be fully 5th dimensional beings.

A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.
So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby "protostar" that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.

Noble prize winner H J Muller found that mutations and changes in human genes can be caused by ionising radiation such as cosmic rays. Therefore it is thought that cosmic rays may be capable of changing your DNA make-up by hitting individual cells, and may even have human evolution implications.

The apparatus uses magnetic fields, and not EMF emissions, as is sometimes thought. Much of the controversy surrounding the 'God Helmet' is due to this misunderstanding. The distinction is important because alterations in consciousness have been noted during changes in the Earth's magnetic field (the earth is not a source of EMF emissions, but is a source of magnetic fields), an effect that the 'God Helmet' experiments have helped to corroborate.

One of the attributes of the Indigos is that they are born with an overview that you did not have, and is still unnamed by you. It's something upon their DNA layers that was never a part of what you had.

We (the scientific community), know that earth changes are coming. But the consensus is that we can do nothing without upsetting the current delicate balance of the global economy. If we were to announce what we know publicly - and admit that we don't know what to do - it would set off a worldwide panic that could be worse than keeping quiet and letting events unfold. And besides, there is always a chance that we - and you - are wrong. Maybe nothing will happen after all."

We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered -- until now.

"Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."

The electrons that are the solar wind will stop. It will stop for three days, as that energy which came through the black hole imprints Earth. And of course it will imprint all of the other planets. The planets, each of them imprinting in some fashion their energy. Because each planet has a different energy, you know, and a different purpose. And during those three days this energy will completely alter the particles on Earth. They will be transformed. It will be like an explosion into eve ry particle on Earth, and human beings even, where the electrons will have more space in between them. The planet will be re-patterned.

And there will be many who will not be able to withstand the change in the energy pattern because they have done no preparation. And if their bodies have not been cleared and they are filled with, as you call it, stuck energy from the past, they will perish during those three days. It's not a punishment mind you. It's just that they will not - the physical - will not be able to be supported with the change in the energy. Just because this energy has come does not mean that every soul who is here on this planet will survive. They all have the opportunity to ascend. But those who have not worked on this process will not survive the pressure against the physical.  The changing in the cells will be too much for them. Those who have prepared or have been attempting to prepare will have cells that are crystalline.  Those who have not prepared at all, their cells will be carbon based and they will not be able to survive under this (he is showing me this great pressure that will be exerted upon it) great pressure. They will die from it. And those who are of the dark, who have no intention of moving towards the light, will not be able to exist in these energies either. And so the good news is everyone has the opportunity to ascend. And the good news is those who perish will reincarnate in another place where the energies will be similar.

This is the justice of the moment, in a sense. Those who have worked will receive their reward. Those who have not will receive also what they didn't give. Each will have their own result.

These objects will become visible to every human on Earth within the next couple of years.Some time around 2012/13, these objects will be closer to us than our ownSun, and will dominate the daytime and nighttime sky. Another fact manypeople do not know about, is that Planet X is an inhabited planet. The US government knows this, and are in fact in contact with them because this isnot just a catastrophic event for us; it is for them as well. Many people can besaved, but actions need to be taken NOW. If we leave it to the last minute, itwill be to late. Within the next few years, nobody will be able to hide the factthese objects are heading towards us, because they will be seen by everyoneand will grow larger as they approach us.
Global panic is unavoidable andthis event is unavoidable.

The governments don’t spend billions of dollars building seed banks, underground bases and prison camps for nothing if nothing is going to happen.

As you have nearly reached the end of this paper, you should now bewell aware of what is going on out there, what it is all about and what is tocome. I look forward to the return of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, for this evilglobal society cannot continue as it is and therefore it must be destroyedalong with all those who run it for their own ends. 75% or 4.5 billion people onthis planet will perish during the destruction, for it is not the body that counts,it is the spirit, for it belongs to the Most Holy Father and the spirit within youwill return to Him, it is better therefore to cleanse it in this life as per thehumbling instructions below, so do it now, there is not much time left.

The sun will rise as usual on the morning of Thursday 13 December 2012, sometime during the late morning, strange bluish and green aurora will appear in the sky which will get stronger and stronger and will be seen on the whole sunlit side of the planet. Not long after this, all hell breaks loose as thesun flares up and blasts the Earth with solar flares that will make the 1859solar flare look like a candle flame. The weather goes wild, power grids godown world wide, the world economy and the infrastructure including law andorder start to collapse like the twin towers on 9/11, transport will come to agrinding halt because any vehicle fitted with electronics will fail, all electronics will be fried with the radiation, the population will be running round like a bunch headless chickens, including the police and military, after all they have families too. Only those with their own diesel generators, water supplies, foodstocks and gas will be able to keep going but only for a limited time because you cannot beat Nature because Nature is ABSOLUTE. The destruction from the Brown Dwarf/comet will last for seven daysand upon the seventh day, which is the 20th December, we enter the Galactic plane where there will be the three days and three nights of darkness during which, the destruction will increase in magnitude, the Earth will reel to and frolike a drunkard and so will all the other planets and asteroids in the solar system as they are bombarded with gravity waves, the oceans will surge andwipe out many countries. Showers of asteroids which have been knocked outof their orbits will bombard the planet, more massive earthquakes, cities will crumble and burn and millions of people will die. I cannot describe the enormity of the forthcoming destruction, butmankind has witnessed this before and recorded it in the ancient texts suchas the Bible, The Kolbrin, and The Books of Enoch etc. but it is still beyond comprehension. When the Earth comes out of the other side of the galactic plane and the new dawn arrives and as the sun rises in the West, the survivors will see that the world has been devastated, only those with survival skills and who have prepared for this will be able to keep going but it will be tough for a long time because there will be no relief agencies this time. For those who know what is going to happen such as myself, having said that, it is still beyond my comprehension, you must all be aware and understand that you WILL loose next of kin and other members of your family but remember this, there is no death, only a change of worlds.

The people of the west are arrogant and proud and therefore, your eyes are open but you cannot see, your ears are open but you cannot hear,your hearts are open but you cannot perceive compassion, love or understanding as it is like a lump of stone because you do not use the spirit.

The people of the west are arrogant and proud and therefore, your eyes are open but you cannot see, your ears are open but you cannot hear,your hearts are open but you cannot perceive compassion, love or understanding as it is like a lump of stone because you do not use the spirit.

This is how to humble yourself but you must use your Spirit at all times.There are various ways of humbling yourself, I simply picked some of the ways as described in the Bible and put them together, I thought it was Biblical days then but it is for all days from beginning to end. Fast for a day or better still fast for three days if you can during which, shave all the hairs off you body from the neck down to you feet, shave your head as well if you wish, you will feel the benefit later and bathe at the end of the day or the third day. Anybody who thinks this is perverse is a heathen, an enemy of God, for this is how the people humbled themselves in Biblical days, and it is still Biblical days now.On the second or fourth day, cover your body from head to toe withmud of the Earth
(1) and put a sackcloth on,
(2) and kneel with your head bowed in reverent prayer, by this time you know you are humbled because you will feel it, your soul will be on fire
(3) and so will the minds eye becauseis it the window to the soul, the guilt will be pouring out and that is themeaning of Isaiah 3:24.Open your address to The LORD with the LORD’S prayer as it writtenin Matthew 6:9 - 6:13 and ask the LORD to show you where you have beengoing wrong and to grant you understanding and wisdom, if you do this right,  the LORD will reveal Himself to you but DO NOT
(4) look at the LORD directly, you will see Him with your peripheral vision, worship the LORD and thank Him and ask Him to guide you through this, you will then realize how close the LORD has been to you for every second of every day of your life. The third dimension
(5) may also slowly disappear and you will become aware of other dimensions, stay where you are and keep calm, you are in the hands of The LORD and He is showing you what is out there, He will bring you backto reality when He is ready and when He does, bless him. From there on, the first part is over and you can go and bathe again.

(1) A 1.5 Litre container filled with dry earth and shaken through a fine sieve. For each humbling session, mix half with water but make sure you have copious amounts of hot water to wash it all off after.
(2) A hessian sack will do, make a head hole and two arm holes byunstitching and tying it off.
(3) The meaning of the soul on fire is because there is so much sin in the soul that it can cause spontaneous combustion, there has been many cases of this, particularly in West countries. The heat in the soul builds up to such alevel that it ignites the fatty flesh in the abdomen, science fails to understand this because they do not understand the Spirit, hence babtisim, water extinguishes fire.
(4) Those that look at the LORD die in three days, unless permitted to live bythe LORD as it was with Moses.

This will only work if you genuinely require to change your ways and gothrough the Spiritual transformation, as we all will in the not too distant future,and therefore it must by done with a pure heart and a reverent Spirit. You will still feel humbled for a few days after this but you will soon begin to feel the benefits from it and you would have wished you had done it earlier. Over aperiod of time and when you are least expecting it, The LORD will send you arevelation, a mass of data in an instant on something you have done wrong and you will have the absolute understanding of it, in other words, theWisdom. Don’t be too surprised after a few revelations that you find yourself on the floor crying your heart out, because you will realise how close the LORD has been to you for every second of your life and you will feel the love from Him, so after a few of these revelations, you will be only too eager to humble yourself again, as explained above, and confess your sins.

After humbling yourself again and confessing your sins, fast again for one or three days and go to the sea where you will put on a white raiment,buy one or make one as I did, and get someone who has been through this Spiritual transformation, as I have, to baptize you, and wash away those sins.When you are baptized, you are plunged under the water face down and not backwards as most of the heathen churches wrongly do, therefore you are accepting responsibility for your own actions, which is something the heathen cannot do. Everything you do through out you life is recorded on the Spirit, the Spirit within you is not your Spirit, it belongs to The LORD and it will return to Him at judgement day, consequently all you have done in your life is laid out in front of you, there is NO defence and NO excuse. It is therefore better tohumble yourself in this life and confess your sins rather than face them all onthat day. If you do this, you will be forgiven and you will be saved because you cannot worship the beast and the LORD at the same time and if you have the mark of the beast in your hand and or in your head, you are worshiping the beast, so repent.

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