Thursday, December 20, 2012

Solar Revolution

Powerful messages, symbols, tools and signs from our great and wonderful mayan ancestors and other co-pilots that will assist you in the transition process. The last and clearest revelations of the Truth out there. About the mystery of the present end and change of time. The game or movie we call life. In the lonley silence of one of these last and precious nights and days before all our lives will be changed forever and on all levels. Turned upside down. Where the intensity rises with each step into higher states of awareness and global synchronicity. Back into earth-time-frequency. Total Unity. The end of the Illusion. Liberation from the chains. Become one. In Mind and Heart. With the cosmic dance. THE ALL. Get in touch with the divine flow of vibration- and lightenergy that never ends. Has no limits. The waves of love that manifest and will make everything new. Welcome. This is reality. Youre not dreaming. It is really that big and amazing. The more obvious things appear the less it is recognized and taken serious of the blind masses. And almost the whole structure of our society is in truth the exact oppsite of what it seems. Each side of every medal hides and veils the other. They can never appear at the same time in duality. Only balanced humans can master and realize all three states of the medal at the same time. Reaches the outer limits. Overcomes all obstacles. Guides the urban tribe with his magnetic powers into the future. Passes every Gate. As a part of earth- and god-family. The fifth force with the like-minded spirit. The hidden wizard in the unexpected. Evolves in the navigation of the ship. Enchants the timelessness. Has the doubled power to accomplish everything. That wins every challenge. Unifies to know. Influences healing with his free will. Builds the basis of life destiny. Sees the opportunity and can focus his intentions on the breakthrough. Is a tool of light. The blue hand of God from the red eastern castle of turning. Helping humanity in the court of birth as self-existing yellow lunar seed.
The Mayas were too highly evolved that they would have left us this informations for no reason. Even took the risk to produce unnecessary fears. It must be of great significance that it has been transported and preserved thru all the ages to warn and prepare us today. We should be very grateful. We would have been lost without it.

Let there be all colours of Light!

"The Rainbow Bridge Around The Earth
Is The Vision Of A Healed Earth,
And The Vision That Heals The Earth."

Prayer of the 7 Galactic Directions

From the East, House of Light,
may wisdom dawn in us so we may see all things in clarity.

From the North, House of Night,
may wisdom ripen in us so we may know all from within.

From the West, House of Transformation,
may wisdom be transformed into right action, so we may do what must be done.

From the South, House of the Eternal Sun,
may right action reap the harvest so we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being.

From Above, House of Heaven,
may star people and ancestors be with us now.

From Below, House of Earth,
may the heartbeat of her crystal core bless us with harmonies to end all war.

From the Center, Galactic Source,
which is everywhere at once, may everything be known as the light of mutual love.

*Oh Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
Oh Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
Oh Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!

*this means "Oh mother, source - the harmony of mind and nature - isn't it wonderful?
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language.

For every one time the earth goes around the sun, the moon goes around the earth 13 times. The Mayans thought that nature had already divided the year into 13 moonths of 28 days. Nature adheres to this natural time; it is worth mentioning that women's fertility cycle averages 28-days following 13-moon cycle. To the Mayans, the number 13 is a special galactic prime number. The Neutrinos from the Sun Also have a 28 day cycle. Gerber Neutrino Matrix Theory  they have been found to effect the decay rate of elements in the earth. There are many linked cycles as seen ClockWork Green the Gerber Clockwork revelations.

Switching from the natural to the unnatural confused women over the day of their monthly cycle and the day of ovulation. It made it more difficult to calculate and compare monthly statistics etc. and it made it easier to deceive.

The 12-month calendar dates back to Babylon. The template is 360 degrees of a flat circle proportioned into 12 subsections of 30 degrees each. This gives us 30-day months. The 12-month model for measuring time fails because a 365-day year divided into 30-day months leaves five extra days. The 13th moon is hidden by the 12-month calendar. In society today the number 13 is surrounded by superstition and is considered evil, unlucky and taboo. Perhaps an attempt by patriarchal management to suppress the power of the feminine and it's love and nurturing nature which prevents war and conflict and promotes harmony. Feminine Resurgence

Get a key, become one and Being part of the movie, learn the art of the infinite player and play the infinite game.
In getting a key you are funding the transformation of the planet. If you know what I mean, memetically speaking.
Limited in number only  144,000 keys to be sold.

- The 144000 help initiate global transformation for the better and are first to discover.
- The 144000 support a movie project spreading insight and awareness helping to bring Peace to the world.
- We are going to transfer the billions of dollars of incumbent wealth from the finite players to the 144000 infinite players. They will be the builders of the new industries.
- The 144000 may get picked up by extraterrestrials  in the event there are actually cataclysmic upheavals on earth and a sampling is needed to continue the human race. We included this because it is a popular notion.
- The 144000 are just players in the greatest game ever played
- We are seeking a the special group of 144000, who are like minded who we are going to put through societal and planetary systems training. If we were going to take these people to safety we would not tell anyone, they must be chosen by providence.

"They have become like us" say the Gods with the Power to Create or Destroy Illusion and see the reality behind all things; they cannot be deceived and do not become entangled in Illusion but move through it and find entertainment. But they are greater than the Gods for they were first born into the illusion and through great challenge and struggle have broken the spell and have awakened in the dream by their own merit and by the nature of their developed essence, they have come to know what cannot be told, but only found, and they have learned the true nature of the game.

Finite players have no idea that they are on a playing field in which they play out their finite games. Over time the finite players tend to mess up the playing field, such that games become to serious, some players are seriously disadvantaged, some have a monopoly on tokens, some players benefit to the detriment of the many, while many players are having no fun at all.

The Pink Dot Experience - everyone is having it, that is what is going on, your world will change and then the whole world.

The Golden Egg has been found. Three numbers forming a trinity. These three numbers play a intimate role in the creation of form from the fabric of reality. They are the tooling patterns for nature.

"'There must be some way out of here,' said the Joker to the Thief."

The Synoptic Gospels present the Last Supper as a Passover meal. Whether this coincided with the actual Passover or, as some suggest, was held a day early, it was viewed by the participants as a Passover meal, and the words and actions of Jesus, including the institution of the Lord’s Supper, would have been understood within that context.

The Old Testament gives details of festivals appointed by God which are linked with historical events and which serve as a continuing reminder of God’s saving power. These celebrations are rich in theological content, and also contain symbolism that points ultimately to Jesus, in whom the deeper significance of the festivals is fulfilled.

Jesus had come from God and was returning to God, but in order to accomplish the purpose for which he came, and to enter into the glory prepared for him at his return, his path led through the trough of sacrifice, suffering and death. In the context of the Passover meal, it is significant that in order to redeem the world
from slavery, Jesus must first offer himself as a servant.

An important aspect of Passover was its role in teaching. Prompted by questions relating to the special nature of the food, the leader explained the significance of the elements of the meal and gave a detailed account of what God had done for his people.

Jesus and his disciples ate a Passover meal together before Jesus’ Passion and Death. Jesus’ final Passover meal with his friends is known as the Last Supper and is recounted in all four Synoptic Gospels.

Believers today still remember and celebrate the Last Supper on Holy Thursday.

The Divided Get United the United Get Ignited

The Current System of Things > Truth > Fall of the Ego Empire > The New System of Things
No Fear
The impetus for evolution is the need to adapt to change, and the desire to improve our experience. It is all about evolution, each new stage of evolution brought on by a revolution the time has come for the "Global One".

"The failure to evolve in response to change creates a growing impetus to evolve that cannot be long ignored until the choice is to evolve or perish."

It is a threat to capitalism, communism, socialism, and the oligarchy found in all three, it is the truth manifested universalism based on natural resource management and consumption models with incentives. One can only marvel at the methods of the human body, and seek to emulate where every cell is nurtured and every organ working in perfect harmony adjusting to the environment and the needs and wants of being.

“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, Sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.” —supreme Court Decision, Woo Lee vs. Hopkins 118 U.S. 356

Most crucial to the survival of the whole is the protection of the free and independent agent for it is they who are the impetus for evolution breaching a stale and stagnant conformity. It is the revolutionary, rebel, outcast, eccentric, rule breaker, free radical and activist, those that march to a beat of a different drummer or drum a new beat that drive our evolution and break us free of old boundaries revealing new horizons. Humanity as a collective depends on these characters for it's survival, discovery, invention and evolution. Freedom is the source of innovation and ingenuity let it only be bound by the constraints of wisdom.

The introduction of the 12-month calendar and the mechanical clock created an unnatural order and separated humanity from nature and it's natural rhythms. The 13-moon calendar was already in place; created by nature at the dawn of time. In order to survive, humanity must return to living in this natural time.

Being a slave to time inhibits the natural flow of creation. The 40 hour work week, the 9 - 5 day, eating times are all artificial and do not allow one to follow the flow of the natural dynamic systems rather than factory time.

To restore the world to natural order, those of the like mind need to adopt the 13 moon calendar. It would actually save energy because calculating time and dates based on the 12 month calendar requires a volume of additional processor clock cycles and additional calculation and exception handling code. Read more about the 13 Moon Calendar here.

On this Solstice day, there shall be people gathered in prayer, ceremony, meditation and celebration all over our precious Earth. As we each show up for this Solstice Threshold Crossing, let us simply bring our sincere heart presence, open to the highest possibility of this Global Synchronization. United in the heart, we shall be broadcasting and emanating our dedication to conscious life on Earth throughout the galaxy and Beyond. The vision and opportunity of this prophetic day is that our human family can generate the most concentrated wave of positivity and coherence that has ever dawned on this planet!

Join in with People all around Earth in visualizing the Rainbow Bridge at the exact moment of Solstice 11:11 AM UTC, utilizing the simple, potent Rainbow Bridge Around Earth Meditation!

If you can't synchronize at the exact moment of Solstice, simply activate this visualization any time on Dec 21. Many people will be keeping this image in their hearts and minds, especially concentrated on Dec 19-21.


Let us Return unto our Truest Selves
Let us Open to the Beyond
Beyond our sense of separation
Beyond our egos
Beyond our minds
Beyond our limitations
Beyond our wounds
Beyond the past
Beyond history
Beyond stories and concepts
Beyond hopes and fears
And simply
Humbly OPEN
To encountering
A New Divine Awareness
To Guide our Collective Journey on Planet Earth...

May the Love generated on this Solstice day touch all life everywhere - all beings, all creatures, all elements - throughout all time and space...

Based on the unprecedented level of synchronized focus on this prophetic date, it is clear that as of Dec 21, 2012, our collective awareness of Global Unity will be amplified permanently... This heightened awareness will help give us strength and clarity to cooperate together on a new level as we slowly but surely embark into the Dawning New Era. No one can predict specifics of the path ahead, nor how rapidly or gradually the transformations of our culture shall unfold. Undoubtedly there will be a myriad of challenges to come, as they are an essential part of our growth and evolution as a species. However, our renewed consciousness and tangible experience of our Unity as "One Planetary Organism" shall empower us with new dimensions of our human potential to rise to the occasion of Sanctifying Life on Planet Earth. As we each willingly serve as instruments of A World Age Renewal, together new harmonies shall descend through us!

Maya Ajq'ij Denise Barrios writes: "This is the day we have awaited! A 5200-year cycle in the Ab' calendar comes to an end as we enter an era that marks the beginning of a profound transformation in our collective consciousness... You, spiritual warrior, charge yourself with the energies of the Solstice to activate your inner powers!"

On The Natural Time Calendar, December 21, 2012 will be "Blue Crystal Hand"

The Galactic Affirmation for this day invokes:
"I Dedicate in order to Know
Universalizing Healing
I seal the store of Accomplishment
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Self-Generation."

The code "Universalizing Healing" invites us to globally receive Light into our deepest personal and planetary wounds - offering the deepest unconditional compassion for the infinite forms of suffering we have collectively been afflicted by. May we breathe in the healing presence of this holy moment to help us forgive, integrate, and transcend into a new level of wholeness, held and renewed by the Light of this sacred Solstice.

The Crystal Tone of Cooperation invites us to recognize all beings and all moments as sacred facets of one larger, crystalline order. Crystal days are the key days to gather in community and honor our equality, autonomy and interdependence with each other and all of life. The Crystal Tone carries the energy of synthesis and synergy, reminding us that as we contribute our diverse gifts to the collective, together we generate a greater quality of beauty and power.

As we align with the Crystal Tone of December 21, 2012, let us know that this frequency of Cooperation is a key into embodying the energy of the New Era, guiding us into a new paradigm of relating and existing on Earth. As we learn to act from an awakened consciousness of our inherent inter-connectedness, while also learning how to balance our masculine and feminine energies, we shall be shown how to increasingly work together on behalf of the greatest good of the whole of life...

People all around Earth will be visualizing the Rainbow Bridge at the *exact moment of Solstice Dec 21, 2012 11:11 AM UTC utilizing the simple, potent Rainbow Bridge Meditation


"Wherever you may find yourself on 19 – 21 December, whether it be at home alone, in a small group or at a sacred site, let's join our minds to create a permanent positive thought vibration around the planet by visualizing the rainbow bridge..." - Law of Time

"Both your brain and the Earth have an electromagnetic field, and pulse with electromagnetism. So why not synchronize your brain waves with the Earth’s “brain waves?” And then put very focused intention into that and make the synchronized electromagnetism bring out the rainbow around the Earth that might already be there but not yet visible?!"

*If you can't synchronize at the exact moment of Solstice, simply activate this visualization any time on Dec 21.

The Rainbow Bridge Around Earth is a key symbol for December 21, 2012 which will be the end of the 5,125-year Mayan Calendar World Age Cycle.

Focusing on this symbol antidotes the fear and confusion in our collective consciousness that has been generated by the false rumors of the end of the world.

The Rainbow invokes the full spectrum of light/information to illuminate our shared journey, and its imagery conjures unity, wholeness, transcendence, possibility, magic, and divine benevolence. This unifying focus is helping us open to the new energies coming in during these monumental times, and is strengthening our telepathic connection to the Earth, and to each other as a conscious planetary network.


The Rainbow Bridge Around Earth is an emblem of the New World Age Cycle, reminding us of our commitment to pioneer new ways to live on Planet Earth, in Harmony...

Join the Global Activation of The Rainbow Bridge Around Earth!

"This infamous date, rapidly approaching, marks an end and a beginning simultaneously, called a “Creation Day” by the Maya, literally a return to Zero-Point.

The Turn of the Wheel
Winter Solstice - Dec 21-23, 2012
"Empty your chalice to receive My feast." The Mother
An Invitation from Unity Consciousness for the Wedding Feast:
Your participation with the Creation is cordially requested in "the Milky Way Rift", from Dec. 21st to Dec 23rd 2012 to Walk the Road of Awe Xibalba Bey, in Ecstatic Emergence together!
Kindly RSVP to the Divine One

Dearest Ones,

What if YOU were actually "enough" in this moment just being empty, totally lovable with NOTHING ADDED, NOTHING SUBTRACTED? Just FEEL that possibility in this moment! How many lifetimes will it take to recognize yourself without judgment, as already whole, perfectly lovable as you are in this moment? Imagine right now, who you would be with nothing left to do, strive for, or become. Oh, your mind can come up with a million reasons why that just isn't possible, but at some point in the soul journey through lifetimes, you WILL recognize that you are enough just being an open, empty vessel for the Divine currency of Love to be poured into. Could this Solstice be that moment? Could all of our striving, driving, craving, doing, grasping, have finally led us to realize the truth that lies behind all the changing appearances? What if all this hoopla and mental conjecturing leading up to the Dec. 21st 2012 date has all been merely pointing us to this ultra simple recognition? What if for this short time in human history, in the Solstice somewhere in the window between Dec. 21st and Dec 23rd you were actually to RECOGNIZE IN A LIVING TANGIBLE WAY what the Buddha's Heart Sutra states: WHAT IS REAL IS EMPTY AND WHAT IS EMPTY IS REAL?

Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Folks, these are not just words. This is NOT just another spiritual concept. Most have not experienced this state in a direct enough way to take it out of being a concept... but what I am going to witness with you here, is that we will have an unprecedented opportunity to have a REAL experience of this state, this Winter Solstice 2012. While many will be called into various forms of "doingness", I am here to hold a strong voice for EMPTINESS during this precious opportunity and window... for being simply Empty Vessels for Divine frequency to uplift and recalibrate, through Grace, the vibration of the whole planet, the whole human race. And all that is required is that we are in Emptiness, to receive this Divine gift of frequency that will allow us to have a direct experience of Unity consciousness! Our purpose is to simply be human tube torus electro-magnetic oscillators. (I highly recommend seeing this beautiful video link for a visual of this.) Or more simply put, we are simply resonant tuning forks that will, through our coherence* in Emptiness, ground, transmit, amplify, stabilize and resonate what is being Divinely poured into our planetary Chalice.  The pyramids around the globe are the hardware that we are analogously the software to, in this process of transmission, stabilization and amplification. It is time now to demonstrate our ability to simply BE empty, coherent, resonators!

(*Coherence is ordered, focused energy, the difference in effectiveness, between a flash light and a laser beam.)

What has been demonstrated to me, over and over as a vessel for the Sacred Feminine in  the  space of my long life, is that if it is simple, it is more likely to be true. What could be MORE simple than this? The mind says, "Ah, it just couldn't be that easy." I have witnessed Her grace personally too many times not to strongly counter that perception. It IS just that easy, as we open to receive the Divine gift of Grace. As Osho so eloquently puts it: "Emptiness is the means, the destination and the attainment!"

I have endeavored to live my life from this place of Emptiness being what is REAL, and I am overjoyed to see it coming to bloom in the planetary collective. We are all now powerfully, mythically called to be resonant capacitors, frequency holders, in this emergent, planetary field, in Emptiness!

We are also at the same time called to be sacred Witnesses to the holy alchemical marriage of male and female within each of us, the Heiros Gamos, that is now astrologically playing out in the larger field of the Milky Way Rift at Winter Solstice 2012, where Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father, Christ and the Magdelane, Thoth and Seshat, Isis and Osirus, Venus and Mars are joining to celebrate with us, the Wedding Feast of the release of a new cosmological template of balanced human evolution. Let us celebrate entering into Unity Consciousness, in the freedom of Emptiness! Will things look like we have entered a new world? Yes, if you are looking from the inside out. To some it will appear as if nothing has happened. As the alchemists say: "As viewed. So appears." This is just the way awareness works my beloved dears, since, as you well know, we are the movie directors of the outpicturing of our own consciousness.

In this process, remember, the nature of the Chalice is to be empty in order to contain. We ARE each a chalice. By simply being empty, we are creating a clear station on which the Divine can transmit pure vibrational frequency. Mother's response to me, in all simplicity, in answer to how to prepare for this time was, "Empty your chalice to receive my feast!" We have been doing that over the last months/years with clearing our bodies, our psyches, our shadow material, emptying out, in preparation for this "once in many lifetimes" opportunity. For many, this stripping down to Essence has been perceived as a painful process of shedding, houses, jobs, relationships, but take heart, it was all necessary to "empty your chalice to receive the feast!" During this potent time, continue to be aware personally and collectively, owning, shedding and releasing whatever shadow material still appears to stand between you and embodying Divine Love! It all comes down to a very simple choice, in each moment, each interaction, to choose love rather than to separate from self or the appearance of "other". Is this the lifetime to MAKE THAT CHOICE?

On the other end of the spectrum, as you approach this potent window of opportunity, remember that being in the open eyed meditation that Emptiness represents, engaging in the expanded states implied in open heartedness, joy, unconditional love, gratitude, awe, celebration, (ecstatic process of all sorts), all lift our frequencies to resonate with the expanded frequencies that will be available for us to resonate with during this time. Now, did I catch you off guard? Were you holding a belief/perception that you had to be sitting still in closed eyed meditation, in order to be empty? As Adyashanti says: "If Emptiness isn't dancing, it isn't Emptiness." Emptiness cannot actually be defined, rather can only be pointed to in the description of being a mind without thought to clutter it, a spaciousness, a sense of profound peace and resting in joyful non-doing. And in a culture that does everything in its power to keep us asleep and distracted from embodying that awareness, it is wise to remember that Emptiness flourishes in conscious cultivation. The good news is that in the Sacred Feminine, ecstatic process is what empties us, whether that is dancing, singing, love making, eating with full ecstatic awareness, getting a massage, being in awe in nature etc. Doesn't sound like difficult preparation, right?

Easy. Ecstatic. Graceful. Joyful. Praise be, that is Her way.

And so, I lovingly leave you with this: STOP STRUGGLING, TRYING, DOING! FINALLY fully RECOGNIZE THAT YOUR ECSTATIC EMPTINESS AND LOVING BEING ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH!! Wherever you find yourself this Winter Solstice 2012, please BE EMPTY, being there! And may you have a direct experience of the truth of the Buddha's Heart Sutra: What is real is empty and what is empty is real and thus ecstatically embrace the wisdom of Emptiness in your daily life! And with Grace may you truly emerge in the ecstatic freedom of the Nada and Her holy Temple of I am Not, Essence as Unity Consciousness!

I end this simple Solstice offering with a quote from my Beloved, Rumi:
We are Emptiness.
When you are with everyone but me,
You are with no one.
When you are with no one but me,
You're with everyone.,
Instead of being so bound up with everyone,
Be everyone.
When you become that many, you're nothing.

I celebrate each one of us finding and dancing in Ecstatic Emergence, in the freedom of Emptiness!  And to that end, do I dedicate this offering.     

In Devotion to the One Heart

The Galactic Mayan Return is to assist humans in aligning with the cosmic whole, which will lead to conscious cooperation within the greater community of galactic intelligence … Harmonic Convergence wasn’t just another galactic Mayan holiday. It was an awakening of the heart of the people to the common Zuvuya circuit that leads through the Earth to the stars. The central computer in the Earth’s crystal core is gearing up for the next master program from Grand Central, Hunab Ku.”

Pacal Votan’s assignment while on planet Earth was to compile information for the compendium of universal religion, its progress and development of different world systems. Universal religion is the measure of spiritual unification attained by intelligent species throughout the different world systems of this and other galaxies. –Valum Votan

By describing the avatars of one, all others are included in the allegory, with a change of form but not of substance. It is out of such manifestations that emanated the many worlds that were, and that will emanate the one–which is to come. -

But now the time is approaching when either we are summoned back and recognized again or we must pass up the polar axis and go elsewhere. We have waited for so long now. We have waited this entire baktun. We have kept the records of your terrible wars and the things you are doing to one another.
…But time is short and we are full of nothing but goodness for everybody. However we must be summoned; we must be called; we must be beckoned; we must be invoked…

In 2012, we are in the midst of a dramatic rise in solar disturbances which have the capability of disrupting Earth’s geomagnetic field, and therefore our global ecology.According to the evidence presented in the ground-breaking film Solar (R)evolution, these are not signs of an impending apocalypse, but the dawning of a new era.

Drawing on research from a variety of disciplines, world-renowned German biophysicist Dieter Broers shows how erupting solar activity carries the potential to boost our brain capacity and expand our minds in ways we never imagined possible. Abilities now seen as extraordinary or supernatural— telepathy, extrasensory perception, and off-the-charts intelligence quotients— may soon become ordinary and natural, and could very well help us solve the mounting global crises we are facing.

Humankind is going through an evolutionary leap, says Broers, and the process has already begun...

This is an organized effort, to reach as many humans as possible, to invite us to concentrate our energies on December 21, 2012 with a pure vibration of Peace and Compassion cooperating together to stabilize this extremely important synchronization as on this day we COMPLETE the entire 5,125 year Grand Cycle of the Maya Calendar, closing this Fourth World Age, and preparing to enter The Fifth...

Thank You for Spreading The Word of this extremely essential joint effort, on behalf of the Whole Web of Life, from our ancestors, to those yet to come...Together, we shall prevail!

"Synchronicities are expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality, as they are moments in time when the timeless, dreamlike nature of the universe shines forth its radiance and openly reveals itself to us, offering us an open doorway to lucidity."

The Galactic Signature is your Password into Fourth-dimensional Time.

260-Kin Tzolkin/Harmonic ModuleThe day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your Galactic Signature. Your Galactic Signature is one of the 260 possibilities encoded in the Tzolkin/Harmonic Module.

By playing the role of your galactic signature, your allow yourself - your mind, body and spirit - to vibrate to that particular frequency and you broadcast it out to everyone around you. This is your gift to the world.

In the 13 Moon Calendar there are 20 seals and 13 tones. Since you are a Hand your seal code number is 7. Everyone is coded by one of these 20 seals.

Each person is in one of five different Earth Families according to the Seal code number. The Seal code numbers break down into five mathematical sets. Each set is determined by the number of dots it contains. Remember you are a Blue Hand which is Seal code number 7.

For each of the 20 Seals there are 13 Tones.
You are a Blue Magnetic Hand.
The Blue Hand is Seal code number 7.
Magnetic refers to the Tone, which is number 1.

From your Destiny Kin, a 52-year destiny path spirals forth. Starting at 0 years old, when you were born, you can follow the numbers from that position to where you are now. Your first birthday would have been 2 Human. When you were two you would have been 3 Earth, then 4 Wind, etc. When you reach a 13 tone that is the end of that 13 year cycle. Your next year is a jump to the adjacent Wavespell in a counterclockwise direction.

Blue Magnetic Hand
I Unify in order to Know
Attracting Healing
I seal the Store of Accomplishment
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

Our aim is for the global population of humanity to consciously recognize Earth as a living work of art; to beautify this life we are given; to be in harmony with natural law - natural time.

We are now invited to take a vow to serve the restoration of the Earth and Seven Times Seven Generations to come...

As Chief Seattle stated one hundred years ago, "What befalls the Earth, befalls the People of the Earth..."

"In our drive to bring the earth to subjection, humanity has separated itself from nature. This disconnect translates for some as economic progress. In this capacity, nature is brought into subjection at all costs. Air and water quality, principles of biodiversity, indeed humanity itself - all are made subservient to development. Under such conditions a crude transformation is underway.

Our cause is the transformation of the human condition and the triumph of the human spirit...Our cause is human development, which can only succeed when all development is in harmony with the earth and attuned to the natural rhythms which move the tides and ride the currents of fresh air, and pulsate in the human heart, ever striving for freedom and expression..."

The Law of Time makes clear that at the root of the world's imbalance is humanity's alienation from nature. This disconnection from nature stems directly from our adherence to a false and artificial man-made frequency of time called the "12:60" : the time of the irregularly numbered calendar (12 uneven months) and the time of the mechanical clock (60 minute hour). The motto of the 12:60 paradigm is "time is money."

The instruments of the clock and calendar create an actual frequency of mechanization which is incompatible with the true patterns of nature. This disharmony manifests itself in the world as: greed, fear, sense of separation and isolation, competition, stress, materialism, exploitation, and so on. We experience the effects of living in 12:60 time both as an outer reality of environmental degradation and an inner reality of daily anxiety and a general sense of tension or dis-ease.

The unconcious adherence to mechanized time has sped up our pace of life, leading us on a ride of unprecedented acceleration. Our health and the health of all of Earth's lifeforms implores us to attune to the true rhythms of nature so that we might find our place of harmony and balance. We must re-establish Cosmos (Order) on Earth.

The Law of Time states that one common timing frequency governs and shapes all third-dimensional phenomena, that Time is actually the universal frequency of synchronization. The 13-moon/28-day calendar is the practical application of the Law of Time, and establishes a frequency of harmony, from which a culture of harmony can be actualized. Join us in the paradigm: "Time is art."

A whole-systems reconnection with nature through the adoption of a nature-based calendar system aligns our hearts, minds, and actions in synchronization with our own natural rhythms and those of the greater universe. Harmony, established as an intrinsic value of life, becomes the basis of local and global culture.

If we structure our lives by a system which contradicts the Harmony of Natural Order, we create a World Order of systematic disharmony.

Structuring our lives by a Harmonic Standard - the 13-moon/28-day calendar - we harmonize our personal and collective consciousness with the Natural Order of the Living Universe.

Many of us wish to be a part of a new paradigm - to participate in the birthing of a New Time of Peace; a new social and economic model that is not founded in survival through competition, but evolution through cooperation. The old-world-model, which produces private wealth at the expense of the environment and sustainable human community, is inherently self-destructive and is therefore giving way to a new vision - one which cherishes our relationship with nature, views all beings in the light of equality, and upholds Earth, Human, and Sky as One Sacred Expression of Life.

Yet, many of us aligned with this vision may find ourselves overwhelmed by the cumulative state of affairs in the world today, and wonder how our personal energy can be best applied to help bring about true change. An essential step any of us can take is to remove ourselves from the program of the 12:60; 12-month calendar and 60-minute clock. As long as we operate within the structure of the 12:60, our thoughts and actions carry the deeply embedded disharmony of an artificial timing frequency. When we release our consciousness from the material confines of linear mechanized time, living in rhythm with the harmony of natural time, we discover the true power of Heart, Mind, and Spirit to be in synchronic resonance with the forces of planetary evolution.

"I am convinced that our ability to change our relationship to time, as much as any factor, is an essential key to creating health on all levels." -Christiane Northrup, M.D.
A New Time is emerging, where Humanity is awakening to our true nature as cosmic beings in conscious relationship with a sentient Biosphere. No longer can we operate from a delusion of separation.
From an institutionalized separation from nature, the institutions of the old-world-model have adopted policies which deny life for the sake of profit and control of resources. For Humanity to transform the destructive pattern that is currently degrading the planet, we must shift the mental program that is underlying the pattern.
To change our calendar - the central organizing structure of society - presents an unparalleled opportunity to implement a new pattern for Humanity and Life on Earth.
As a Planet Art Network, we are willfully removing our consciousness from the systematic disharmony of an irregular calendar and its culture, re-creating our role in the Great Web of Life through the universal vehicles of Art, Science, and Spirituality.

"The way we live our lives is really the issue at hand. We live our lives according to our states of consciousness. Our current 12-month calendar generates states of consciousness that are out of harmony with nature. States of consciousness that are out of harmony with nature create actions that are out of harmony with nature. Actions that are out of harmony with nature are destroying Life on Earth."

We invite all to participate in this revolution of peace, joining hundreds of thousands around the globe who are consciously transforming their inner and outer world, through a shift in our relationship to Time.

The nature-based rhythm of the 13-moon/28-day calendar reconnects us to the wisdom of our ancestors and the grace of our collective human potential.

We the people are adopting a Harmonic Standard of Time that can support our capacity for higher awareness and conscious spiritual evolution.

Right now, all around the planet, groups of individuals are dedicating themselves to the emergence of a Global Culture of Peace.

Here in the new millenium, we recognize that genuine peace is not found simply by disarmament, but rather as a state of constructive inner harmony which governs our life's actions.

As the outer world reflects our inner worlds, it is essential that we, as a planetary society, learn to sow the seeds of true and lasting peace, so as to nurture the roots of a sustainable future.

Simply by following the 13 Moon Calendar, one begins to synchronize with the universal laws of nature, assisting us to find harmony and balance in all of our relations.

From the President of The Foundation For the Law of Time:

"It should be noted that the 13-Moon/28-Day calendar is a perfect solar-lunar measure; that is, it uses the even, regular lunar cycle of 28 days as the standard of measuring the 365-day solar cycle of the Earth. The balance of solar and lunar may also be taken as symbolic of human psychological characteristics and their balance or imbalance. A solar-lunar calendar will represent and reflect a balance of the solar-lunar, masculine and feminine qualities within the human being. It is important to bear in mind these considerations of calendars and their effect on shaping the human historical consciousness and its psychological makeup. From this perspective, history is, in fact, a process of falling away from the perfection of harmonic standards. "

Together, we can bring unprecedented change to the face of Earth, and to the hearts of humanity by becoming living instruments of Peace.

"If governments and their leaders, bound by hierarchy and patriarchy, wedded to military might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications of an emerging world consciousness for cooperation for peace and for sustainability, they may become irrelevant." - US Congressman Dennis Kucinich

WORLD PEACE NOW: "Consciously using the tool of the Thirteen Moon calendar to replace the erroneous measure of the artificial twelve-month calendar is, in itself, an unprecedented act of human self-reflective consciousness. Collective adaptation to the Thirteen moon Calendar is an intrinsic heightening of consciousness which rapidly awakens the telepathic programming inherent in human biology, frustrated for so long for not having been allowed development in the correct timing frequency." - Valum Votan

"Since traditionally the practice of ART has been the most effective means for the non-aggressive transformation of energy, both external and internal, ART must play a key and major role in the present global revolution. But here ART must be understood in its aboriginal sense of healing, purifying, unifying, and bringing people together into coherent purposive groups. It is in this regard that the "Planet Art Network" has been formed - as the means of implementing revolution by attunement." -José Argüelles, "Earth Ascending."

Recognizing Earth to be a living work of art (Planet Art), The Planet Art Network engages in Art, Science, and Spirituality that furthers the evolution of humanity in harmony with the Biosphere. Synchronizing these efforts is the use and promotion of The 13-moon/28-day Universal Calendar of Harmony as the instrumental foundation for a New Time of Personal and Planetary Peace. Establishing that Time is not money, but rather the vehicle for our creative experience, the understanding "Time is Art" is extended to all global citizens as the basis for our Sovereignty in Time. Active in over 90 countries, PAN upholds The Roerich Banner of Peace, symbolizing "Peace Through Culture," acknowledging that our One Human Culture is an ever-evolving tapestry, harmonized by our reverence for diversity and the Spirit which animates All of Life.

In essence, the call to action declares that the time has come for the artists, not the generals and the bankers, to decide the direction and to create the shape of the future of human society.

The specific objectives of the Planet Art Network are world-wide adoption of the 13-Moon Calendar and the advancement of "Galactic Culture" - living in harmony with the Galactic Ordering Dynamic mapped by "Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013". One's journey begins by determining their personal Galactic Signature!

The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar is a comprehensive tool serving the attainment of these personal and planetary objectives.

World calendar reform is not a new idea! Followed by many cultures for over 5500 years, the 13-Month calendar was introduced into modern times by French philospher Auguste Comte who studied the Polynesian 13-moon, 28-day calendar for 7 years and, in 1849, initiated the first reform of the Gregorian calendar to be based on the 13-moon calendar. Since that time, this calendar has been proposed on numerous occasions, preferred for its perfection and regularity.

The base argument against the 12-month Gregorian calendar, as presented in Alexander Philip's The Reform of The Calendar (1914), is stated as follows: "For what is the which we arrange our actions? It is no other than the scheme under which we arrange our time - in one word, our calendar...[thus] the disorganized state of all social arrangements is ascribable to the calendar...The dislocation of our calendrical arrangements is due to two distinct causes...the incongruity of the week; [and] the irregularity of the lengths of the months..."

Dr. Argüelles confirms,"The argument made is a profound one...Why do we expect a rigorous standard of uniformity in our measurements of space (size, weight, volume, etc.), but spurn or ignore the same requirement of uniformity in our measurement of time, especially the time that governs our everyday social arrangements and consciousness? How can we think that this would not have a profound underlying effect on the very nature and conduct of our society?

"...That this calendar, originally a system of thought peculiar to one people or religion, should dominate all the peoples and even life of the planet makes it subject to the critique of planetary anthropology.

...The net effect of the use of this calendar is to perpetuate a fundamental level of mental confusion and ignorance concerning the actual nature of time itself-an ignorance that is hardened into dogma by the unwillingness of habit to consider any other possibility..."

"The Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan, Long-term Effect: The new world calendar of thirteen moons is a universal template for planetary unification. Every moon of 28 days is equal to every other moon. Maintaining the 52 seven-day weeks of the year, every day of the week and day of the moon is the same for each and every one of the thirteen moons. All existing religious and lunar calendars, as well as national holidays, can be regularly scheduled into the new calendar. The 365th day of the year is always a "day out of time," that is no day of the week at all. In this way the first day of every year and every moon is Sunday. The quarter day now celebrated as an accumulated leap year day every four years, accumulates instead as thirteen days every 52 years. Since 52 years is the term of the solar-galactic cycle, a planetary jubilee of thirteen days is to be celebrated every 52 years.

The thirteen-moon-28-day calendar is a perfect harmony of time. While space is physical, time is mental. If the calendar and time we follow is irregular, artificial and mechanized, so becomes our mind. As is our mind, so our world becomes, as is our world today: irregular, artificial and mechanized. But if the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony again with nature. Changing calendars is the first and most important step to stop us from the path of destruction we are now following...It may be objected that this is an untested hypothesis whose results cannot be known. To this we say, 'So was the atomic bomb, and look what it has done to our world.' The Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan can be implemented immediately, and at the very least, it offers humanity a chance to stop its mad race and experience the unprecedented opportunity of doing something peaceful - as an entire species: adopting a new calendar for itself, and universally entering a new time."

The crux of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan is that to change the calendar is to enter a new time -- and that is the best opportunity to declare a universal cease fire, forgive all debts, and begin a global dialogue on humanity's priorities. Members of the movement, known as planetary kin, are all striving to embody the principles of natural time and the establishment of a new Culture of Peace on Earth. The return to natural time is a whole systems reform. All PAN members should understand that to promote a universal calendar reform is to foster an evolutionary shift in the human timing frequency.

"I have been informed of, and I welcome, the international movement for calendar reform...I am always ready to endorse any honest movement which will help to unify the peoples of the world." -Mahatma Ghandi

"PREMISE. Currently all conflict resolution of a global scale is attained through one of two poles: a political solution or a military solution. No other alternatives are recognized. According to the law of time, there is a third solution, the harmonic solution. Without this third solution, no harmonic resolution is ultimately possible for any conflict on a global scale. The third solution defines the first two solutions as a polarity embedded within a timing standard that is hopelessly irregular and which, therefore, disposes the mind to disharmony. A mind predisposed to irregularity and disharmony is incapable of producing any long term solution. The basis of the harmonic solution is to change the timing standard from an irregular to a regular one, thereby inducing a timing sensibility which disposes the mind to harmony rather than disharmony.

PARADIGM. The calendar is a macro-organizing principle which, accepted over time, establishes in the mind, individually and collectively, a set of perceptions which are automatically taken for granted as being 'real' and indisputable. These sets of perceptions define the paradigm by which a people, culture, or even an entire civilization operates. The Gregorian calendar, the current global civil standard, is the macro-organizing principle in which are embedded all of the laws, customs, institutions and scientific principles governing the present global civilization. According to the law of time, the current calendar is an irregular standard of measure (its units of measure do not correspond). This calendar represents, therefore, the institutionalization of disorder and entropy. Because it has existed sufficiently long in the human historical cycle - 2000 years, including its predecessor, the Julian - the perceptions which unconscious acceptance of the Gregorian calendar furthers are taken as the unshakable bedrock of nature and reality. All current beliefs - economic, political and scientific, from democratic neo-liberalism to the special theory of relativity - are actually products of the underlying perceptions promoted by this calendar, and have no reality apart from the beliefs about time which the calendar engenders. Change the macro-organizing principle and you change the paradigm."

The 12-month calendar hides the 13th moon. The number 13 is now surrounded by superstition and is considered taboo; unlucky; evil. This fear is reinforced by cultural antiquities like "friday the thirteenth." Often buildings have no 13th floor, or avoid constructing a # 13 apt unit. Why?

The ancient Maya had an entirely different relationship to the number 13, actually revering it at as the Key to Time itself. 13 is the Mayan galactic prime number; the Force of The Universal Movement of Creation.

Associated with the powers of endurance and longevity, the ancient vertebrate Turtle has 13 scales on its shell."The first calendar that North American Indians ever had was Turtle's shell...The Earth Mother, who was represented by the most fertile creature of our planet, the Turtle, showed our Ancestors how to mark the passing of each moon cycle. Turtle's shell bore the 13 moons of the year inside of a frame that formed the circle we call the Sacred Hoop, or Medicine Wheel - representing the relationship of all life to all life." -Author Jamie Sams

The name of "Turtle Island" to refer to Earth can represent our planet swimming in waves of radiant solar and cosmic energies.

"Without the Thirteenth Moon; without placing the Thirteenth Moon back into our consciousness, we remain absolutely trapped in the complexification of form. With the 13th we have the transcendence and also the circulation of time." -Valum Votan

The pattern of women's fertility cycles averages the 28-day, 13 moon ratio! Nature's rhythms live within us!

Why has the 13th moon been hidden from us? What is to be gained by suppressing the creational principle of Mother Nature?

As prominent theoretical physicist Gerard J. Milburn reveals, "The aim of modern science is to reach an understanding of the world, not merely for purely aesthetic reasons, but that it may be ordered to our purpose."

Living under the guise of the 12-month calendar, we have come to view nature as irrelevant - wilderness without intelligence, sentience, or order. It is from this fundamentally flawed perception that humanity attempts to progress 'beyond the limitations of nature.' In fact, it is our model of nature that is flawed, not nature itself.

As a comprehensive reflection of nature, the 13-Moon Calendar is an organization of creational elements that serves as a holistic tool for ongoing participation in life's cyclic processes. If humanity wish to produce harmony, we must use harmonic tools!

The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar presents the Dreamspell - the interlacing of the 13-moon, 28-day solar/lunar round with the 13-Tone, 20-Tribe galactic spin.

13 X 20 = 260 distinct energies. This 260-day perpetual count is a perfect model of harmony - a universal expression of Nature's order, derived from the mathematics of the the ancient Maya. Referred to as the Harmonic Module, (called Tzolkin by the Yucatec Maya) this galactic count communicates the time ratios and patterns which unify our solar system with other star systems, and with the emanations of life-force from the center of the galaxy itself.

As a "galactic constant" the 260-day cycle does not correspond to any known astronomical period, yet the number 260 functions as a cosmic common denominator to synthesize the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. In essence, it is the key factor of all the planetary periods. The 260-day cycle also corresponds to the human gestation period of approximately 9 months, perfectly expressing its power as a cycle governing the unfolding of creation! We also see 260 in macro-cycles such as the grand, 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes, which author John Major Jenkins points out is like a "collective, spiritual gestation for humankind." Even eclipses relate by a number whose factor is 260! As Jenkins assures us in his insightful book "Tzolkin" - the 260-day cycle has "multiple meanings," as it applies to "celestial, biological, agricultural, mythological, and chronological processes."

"Tzolkin is the 'key' to both terrestrial and celestial processes. It's kind of the common modulator or common denominator of the two realms. This is how we can understand Mayan astrology. They discovered the numerical and ritual key. Most important in the astrology is the reference to the human gestation period of approximately 260 days. As such, our own basic and shared rhythm of unfolding is seen to be intimately related to the cycles of the planets, moon and sun. This is more than just planets "influencing" us - rather we share the same rhythms of unfolding that the planets do because, ultimately, everything springs from the same source. Everything, on some level, has been imparted by the same rhythm of unfolding and is therefore related by a form of synchronistic correspondence." -Author John Major Jenkins

The harmonic numbers of the Tzolkin are as clear as our 20 fingers and toes - digits with which to measure the universe. Our body's 13 major joints, or articulations, move us through the universe. Through movement and measure, we experience each other and ourselves as the universe.

From a whole system perspective, time, humanity, and nature are inseparable. Our physical and emotional bodies are moved by the same lunar, solar and planetary forces. Where we appear separate in space, we are unified in time.

When we structure our lives by the artificial rhythm of the clock and 12-month calendar, we expose our central nervous system, and subsequently, our entire mental-emotional body to the frequency of a machine.

Reknowned author and scientist Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D., has presented studies showing how:the stress of linear time contributes directly to an acceleration of the physical aging process, inclusive of deterioration and disease.

In modern industrial living, we wake up by the clock, we eat to the clock - we plan our lives and live our days in accord to the clock. We refer to the clock to program even our most basic of biological functions!

Quoting Mark Comings, Quantum Physicist: "The intrinsic folly of this unnecessary yet widely promoted artificial dependance upon machine technology is that it discourages the development of, and even serves to hide the existence of, a vast spectrum of inner capacities - psychic, mental, emotional and spiritual potentials - that lie dormant within the biological human body in time."

Free your mind and your world will follow!

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