Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Evolution of Conciousness

Je schneller der Strom fliesst, desto ruhiger wird alles rund herum. Die ganze Stadt scheint zu schlafen. Die Strassen sind leer mit Schnee bedeckt. In der Stille der Nacht werden magische Gespräche über das göttliche Sein geführt. Die letzten Blockaden der materiellen Illusion aufgelöst. An der Wurzel ausgerissen. Den Wahn draussen gelassen und die Wunden geheilt. Die Vergangenheit ausgelöscht. Der Anker gelichtet. Von Zeit und Raum getrennt. Damit sich die strahlenden Flügel ausbreiten und in himmlische Gefilde aufsteigen können. Das bewusste Elektromagnet zieht immer mehr Wesen an. Wahrheitssucher, reine Herzen und dunkle Mächte gehen ein und aus wie in einem Taubenschlag. Werden je nach Motiv liebevoll bedient oder strikt verwiesen. Werkzeuge verteilt und Vorbereitungen getroffen. Während die Schwingung im konstanten Gleichgewicht weiter gesteigert wird. Den Geist mit Dauermeditation beschäftigen und das Lebensgebet vertiefen, schützt vor Zerstreuung und negativen Einflüssen. Nichts darf ihn mehr berühren oder aus dem Herzzentrum reissen. Den konstanten Energiekreislauf unterbrechen. Die vibrierenden Liebeswellen behindern. Den fokussierten Mastermind beim Schaffen seiner Realitätsvisionen stören. Die mutigen Rettungsversuche vereinter Gottkinderherzen aufhalten.

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt...

In holotropic states of consciousness, it is possible to obtain profound revelations concerning the master blueprint of the universe designed by cosmic intelligence of such astonishing proportions that it is far beyond the limits of our everyday imagination. Individuals experiencing psychedelic states, including myself, occasionally reported that they had profound illuminating insights into the creative dynamics of the Kosmos.

As you inhale visualize that you are taking in all the darkness, ignorance and suffering of the world. As you hold your breath, feel the pain of the world being transmuted in your heart into light, compassion and love for all beings. As you slowly exhale, breath out light and compassion for all beings without exception.

Seek no recognitions in the shadows of mind In the absence of sun comes illusions of space. Fill the moon with visions of light.

Your world is in a time of rapid change in which the veils that separate the human from the angelic realms continues to grow thinner. This thinning of the veils is bringing about an increase in Angelic vibration which is creating a polarization of energies in your world. This polarization moves people into resonance either with fear or with love. Ultimately love will prevail.
Why is this happing now. The answer is because. Because it is necessary in human evolution. Because it is necessary in the evolution of your planet. Because it can. Because you are ready.
Fear is manifesting itself with great intensity in many forms including war, genocide, terrorism, insurgency, and civil conflicts. It is also manifesting in the form of insatiable greed and great economic imbalance. The haves cannot get enough and the have nots have so little. The problem is that no amount of having (be it land, money, power, material possessions, titles, or control) will overcome the driving force of fear. And this fear driven madness has no concern for people or the planet. If left to its own force it would destroy your world. But it is not left to its own force.
Love is manifesting itself with equally great intensity, but not yet in equally great numbers in your world. But numbers are not yet important. Only the power of love being brought through is. For it takes only a small amount of love to transmute a large amount of fear. You who are called to resonate with love know this to be true. You have seen this in your own life. You have seen this in the lives of those you love. The fact that you have the capacity and ability to open your heart to the vibrations of this realm means that you have answered our call and are a force of love in your world.
When we speak of love we mean the powerful vibration that can move from this realm into your heart filling it with peace and joy and a power that shifts consciousness. Shifts it into alignment with light and shifts it to be a force to transmute darkness.
You will know that you have been called into this shift when you feel an unrest in your being. As dissatisfaction for the ways of the fear driven world. A dissatisfaction with having more. A dissatisfaction with the fighting. A craving for solitude and peace. A need to be in nature. An affinity for the earth and those things that are natural. A love for those in need and a love for yourself.
As the force of fear moves through the four corners of your world, you will find that rapid change will occur, leading initially to increased instability and friction. It will at times appear to you that there is no firm place for you to stand. Nothing that is rock solid for you to use as your foundation. So long as you look outward to the material world, this will be true. That is why we ask you to be conscious of what is happening “out there” in the material world, but keep your focus and your energy concentrated on your heart center and the energy of love within you. This energy of love is rock solid. It is eternal and unchangeable. It is always available. It is your foundation when things around you are in transition. It is the only safe place for you to be.
This is well underway. What started with a relatively small number of souls is increasing rapidly to more and more souls. Ultimately it will not be a great leader who champions the final shift but to a collective consciousness that receives the invitation and to the spontaneous openings of heart that will shift your world, a quantum step at a time, out of fear and into love. You will see many actions of peaceful protest and peaceful action. You will see sanity spread around the world and acts of loving kindness will become the norm rather than the exception.

"Pharaoh" means "that which you will become." The first king given the name pharaoh was Akhenaten, with his lovely wife Nefertiti. If you want to know what you will become, there they are to see. The race they came from, the Sirians, are our father, and we carry the genes they have given us. At the right moment we will change into their race. It is a race designed for the fourth dimension. When it happens, you will say to yourself, "Of course, I remember." The changes taking place in your body will feel so natural that you won't even think about it.

The human heart, and its transforming, magnetic and radiatory power is essential for the reconstruction of the world and for the establishment of the new world order. Upon the unfoldment of the heart center, and on an intelligent relation of mankind to the Hierarchy, with the consequent response of man to the energy of love, all disciples are asked at this time to ponder and reflect.

Thinking in the heart becomes truly possible only when the mental faculties have been adequately developed and have reached a fairly high stage of unfoldment. Feeling in the heart is often confused with thinking. The ability to think in the heart is the result of the process of transmuting desire into love during the task of elevating the forces of the solar plexus into the heart center. Heart thinking is also one of the indications that the higher aspect of the heart center, the twelve-­petalled lotus found at the very centre of the thousand-­petalled lotus (the head center) has reached a point of real activity. Thinking as a result of correct feeling is then substituted for personal sensitivity.

This creates a shift in perspective and for the individual to experience existing in the space of the Cosmic Christ. At first this may be a fleeting feeling, which as the cosmic pulse becomes stronger and the process develops, becomes a way of life.

All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth, in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world, have not any substance without the mind . . . . so long as they are not actually perceived by me, or do not exist in my mind, or that of any other created spirit, they must either have no existence at all, or else subsist in the mind of some Eternal Spirit.

You are the image of God, if not God himself. You are one with the entirety of existence. Your physical death means nothing! You will live on beyond death, as an inseparable component of the essence of existence.

Despite being born in our age and time, those few individuals who are aware with a certainty in which there is no doubt of a destiny propelling them imperiously forward to the fulfilment of their ideal natures, constitute perhaps the sole exceptions. These, the minority, are the born Mystics, the Artists and Poets, those who see beyond the veil and bring back the light of beyond. Included within the mass, however, is yet another minority who, while not fully conscious of an all-compelling destiny, nor the nature of its deeper self, aspires to be different from the complacent masses. With an inner anxiety it is restless to obtain an abiding spiritual integrity. It is mercilessly ground underfoot by the social system of which it is a part, and harshly ostracized by the mass of its fellows.

If the arts have their origin in the expression of the Soul that listens and sees where for the outer mind are silence and the dark, then evidently Mysticism is one and perhaps the greatest of the arts, the apotheosis of artistic expression and endeavour. Mysticism by some sweet ordinance of Nature has been always and at all times the most sacred of the arts. The Mystic indeed bears within his bosom that tranquillity which oft-times is registered on the  quiet face of the priest uplifted to the altar. He is a  recognized intermediary and mouthpiece, the dual keys being laid in his hands.

In those individuals who constitute a minute, almost microscopic minority of the populace of this globe, willing and eager to devote themselves to a spiritual cause, lies the only hope for the ultimate redemption of mankind.

Mysticism-Magic and Yoga-is the means, therefore, to a new universal life, richer, greater and more full of resource than ever before, as free as sunlight, as gracious as the unfolding of a rose. It is for man to take.

The Magician must be in control of the whole of his nature ; every constituent eIement in his being must be developed under Will to the topmost pitch of perfection. No one principle must be repressed ; each is an aspect of the supreme spirit and must fulfil its own purpose and nature.

There are hierarchies of consciousness which are celestial and there are those which are terrestrial ; some divine, others demoniac, and still others including the highest Gods and universal Essences.

By the discovery of his own inner God in the first place and forming an indissoluble relationship with the Gods of the universal life, herein lies the solution to the problems of man and the world. In this nobler consciousness of illumination devolving from divine union, may be resolved the intricacies of world-chaos. The cords which bind man with a strength beyond all mortal chains and fetters may thus be severed. There is no dissolution of these irons other than by the magical knowledge of his own inner self and the Gods of all existence.

In reality it is to this great accomplishment, to this transfiguration of the world of misrule into a brighter aon, that he is sworn ; to be the unseen and silent herald of a new and better world. On the surface it may seem that he attempts to obtain a degree of spiritual consciousness for himself alone, and that he cares not at all for the welfare of mankind. But his efforts to attain divinity eventually reacts to the utmost advantage upon the normal run of mankind. " I," said one sage, " if I be lifted up, will lift all mankind with me."

It is this celestial triad, the Monad with its vehicles of Will and Intuition, which is actually a God, a divine intelligence on earth for the obtaining of experience and self-consciousness. The more one enters into communion with this entity, and the more firmly is the personal consciousness entrenched in its all-embracing, more tender, and more extensive consciousness, so does one realize more fully the sacrament of incarnation, achieving the full splendour of that eternal miracle-Manhood. In the creator of the individual universe, do we live and move and have our being. Yet so absurd are the ways of men, and so far have we drifted from essentials, that few of us consciously realize our godhood ; that we, like Christ, like Buddha, like Krishna, are sons of God, Gods in all verity.

Thus the supreme object of all magical ritual is the building of the pyramidal apex, and the installation of the battlements on the intellectual tower ; in other words, the communion with the Higher Self. For every man is that the most important step, and no other compares with it in importance and validity until this one union has been accomplished. It brings with it new powers, new extensions of consciousness, and a new vision of life. It throws a brilliant ray of illumination on the hitherto dark phases of life, removing from the mind the clouds which inhibit the glory of the spiritual light.

It is the crystalline lens of the creative self, this power being that which works miracles, healing the sick, bringing succour to the weak, and for the benefit of men generally bestows the revelations of the spirit.

The Will is neither good nor bad ; it is power only, and vitalizes all things alike.

By means of a consciously imposed asceticism, by denying oneself while in training certain things normally considered necessary, to learn in short the art of self-conquest and how to live, is to set oneself free from the vicissitudes of the eternal flux and reflux which is life, and obtain a highly trained will. It is imperative that the words " self-imposed asceticism " be noted, and that they precede the phrase " while in training " ; this is highly important as the opening key to the Gates of Will.

To do so would be to invite certain individuals to regard their abstinence from smoking or drinking as a virtue, to be highly commended, instead of realizing that the denial is simply a matter of convenience and training, a personal idiosyncrasy to which neither credit nor blame can be attached. A completely impersonal attitude of detachment should be maintained, and the application of the scheme is necessary to those actions, words, and thoughts to which it is altogether impossible to attribute a moral worth.

Every organic and inorganic mass is composed of a multitude of infinitely small centres of energy which, in order to adhere one to the other, must vibrate all together. The changing of that vibration either destroys the form, or brings about mutations and  alterations in the shape.

If powers happen to come to the practitioner, well and good. But it is the expansion of the individual consciousness to infinite extent, and the discovery of the real centre of life which in both technical systems is the primary and sacred goal.

Important factors of leadership:
1. Unwavering courage
2. Self-Control
3. A keen sense of justice
4. Definiteness of decision
5. Definiteness of plans
6. The habit of doing more than paid for
7. A pleasing personality
8. Sympathy and understanding
9. Mastery of detail
10. Willingness to assume full responsibility
11. Cooperation

When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy through that alliance, becomes available to every individual brain in the group.

A man whose mind is filled with fear not only destroys his own chances of intelligent action, but, he transmits these destructive vibrations to the minds of all who come into contact with him, and destroys, als their chances.

The most practical method for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan.

Initiation is the result of a gradual expansion of consciousness, a process in which successive stages of unification take place. This involves the relinquishing of all separative reactions in a series of progressive renunciations. Initiation is the result not only of consciousness, but of control and self mastery and the embodiment of Divine Love. It is a new level of consciousness that is achieved and experienced as a result of right thought, action and resulting service which then allows us to work on a higher level of the spiral as we then move to the next phase of our evolution. During this journey, we literally undergo a transfiguration of our entire body vehicle and its energy system on the path to freedom from the Earth’s third dimension and the pull of polarized matter. Holiness of character is the outcome of a great expansion of consciousness which we, ourselves, attain through our conscious commitment, dedication and endeavor on the Path.

We maintain total commitment to our personal mission in the Divine Plan and the realization of oneness with Humanity to which we dedicate our life in service. The personality has now reached a point where its vibrations are of a very high order. It is now that we can be authentically and directly contacted by the Master for we are purified and controlled and can stand for the first time consciously vibrating to the ray of the Monad.


There are only two sides to a coin, society is what you can see, and this is what you cannot see because it is the other side of the coin.


They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand.

If you understand or if you don't
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a universal justice
And the eyes of truth
Are always watching you

"Spiritual realization needs to be integrated with social commitment and direct action... No matter whether we like it or not, each of us is, inevitably, a social and political agent whose smallest actions have a direct influence on other people and the world around us."

"When man liberates his inner potential he becomes powerful and everything is possible."

The Truth is far more powerful than any weapon of massdestruction.

It may come as a big surprise to you to learn that the ways of the LORD are ALL occult philosophy, EVERYTHING is occult philosophy if you know what it’s about. It is just unfortunate that the secret societies and the churches have chosen the wrong side of the coin, but they will get their just deserts soon enough.

The planners of the New World Order know they must use, influence, and cater to all of these groups to accomplish the goals they are seeking, which are:
(1) Consolidate everything.
(2) Commercialize everything.
(3) Classify everything.
(4) Claim everything.
(5) Control everything.

The World fears a mind which thinks more rapidly and more accurately than its own: such an intelligence it destroys in self-protection. Hence, to think is to be persecuted by the thoughtless;to have vision is to be hated by the visionless; to be wise is to bereviled by fools.

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