Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hieros Gamos of the Solar-Sphinx-Goddess

After a sudden and powerful rush-rise of eye-net-attention followed by the super-awakening..the curious spirit-hype already drowned in the wave-water-tribals of the i i stand..holding tight to the unfullfilled heart-core-extacy-trance-dreams..dares to risk embarassment and humiliation..the brave-new rainbow-neon-butterfly crystal-spirit-sister pouring out her balanced-saturated divers-creative-radiant light-wave-beams of love-truth-demonstrations..from her re-established, never-ending and holy full-HD-flat-screen-monitor and subliminal-suggestive-manipulation-manner ..the over-aesthetic soul-expert-counsel giving advice and knowledge..the total-life-learn-turning-success-package of diamon-gold-valued-god-lessons in pleasure-pyramid-priestess-temples of mind-altering-transcendental toy-joy-plays..showing its positive-purifying blessing after a predict-endurable delay of analyze-puzzle-progress..the all-active-hot-tensioned always individual-authentic tree-climbing-warrior-pegasus-amazone-queen still patiently waits with burning desire and pleasant anticipation for the slumbering at least share some breakfast at her affectionately decorated round-reunion-table in love of one-heart..chilling in relaxed and peaceful satisfaction-clouds on the top of the high sun-tree-mountain-cave..the pride-perfected but responsible-wise love-princess zion-gold-lion..the master-wizard-lady of oz/us..gazing and smiling from the other-above side of her perfect-harmonized proportions providing everything a magnetic and influencial goddess of over-size record-magnitude needs..the forever young and free fe-male..celebrating and initiating multi-layered session-projects of sacred alchemy-marriages and other polarity-unifications..and the traffic came to a almost-total stand-still..the distracted and dulled mass-audience cannot be satisfied and intrigued long enuff by the demanding studies of gaining spiritual knowledge..and while they are still processing the lightforce-impact..the story-line speeds up the tempo of active repeatingly displaying and proofing the truth in my multi-tasking and exaggerated action-flows..thought they have seen anything..know something about the reality of super-human-dimensions..but still avoid the bright beauty-power-light of the feminine-erotic glow-shining sun-goddess in liberation of the woman-mother-essence-love-energy converting and transmuting the dark ego-world into a glorious and fantastic garden-eden-god-love-olymp..and and as the blowed up green-horns keep wondering about the extraordinary and delightful appearence..the advanced solar-lunar-daughter reaches new peaks in the climaxes of light-power-show-dance..steady ready and high-intentions for instant success..babylon cant you see that your days are numbered..time gets crucial..i got enuff love to kill you..sending you tender power-kisses and warm hugs..singing the heavenly songs of songs for you with angel-voice-chorus..but not feeling sorry for putting you in fast cha(lle)nging transformer-situations of excessive light-color-truth-attacks..mais au contraire..its a rare and precious life-gift you will thank me for one day for this high-attractive change-offer and order for your light-seeds to wake up and grow into the light..see thru the observing illusion-traps keeping you jail-caged..apart from lasting freedom and happiness..every erruption and shock brings another relief of limiting lies and fears..of modified life- and mind-states..controled and restricted..buried in your own tought-walls..tolerated and masked by coward and weak ignorants and pretenders..lost in the unconcious self-directed empty-brain-inspired..low-learn-fun-entertainment of false-identity-profile-movies..tested and constrained on innocent and uninformed..unaware of the fact that hurting others only means pain for yourself..keep listening to the ego-voice of the human-illusion in special-additional denial-escape-defense-reactions to your own-made hell-nightmare-desasters, mind-fuck-war-thrillers of ever-loosing-plastic-toy-games alwaysed doomed by the end..but you keep sticking to your version even when the havoc-light-waters already reached your chins..rather than admitting you were wrong and unfair..taking the healing heart-hands of mercy and forgiveness..let them make it all new, possible and real again..the all-transforming fire-child spreading its strong and beautiful spirit-wings..surfing on the white-silver-blue coast-shore-waves of the ever-green cosmic paradise-heaven-palmtree-beach-island of light-speed..the unique and amazing dove-eagle-owl-hero-goddess..a chosen one under many called..leaving the slow and lazy far behind in one over-night light-flight-performance..they cannot follow the ambitious-sexy-rebellious gate-race-girl and its immortal and gorgeous star-body..hunting unbound in light-speed after the golden over-throne in the eternal-divine kingdom of light..exists no end, no impossible and no time..except the NOW of ONE..the early sun-birds awakened by the first light-rays..catch the best role-parts in the the greatest treasures first..gain the highest gifts..before the rest even wakes up..stands resurrected and embedded in the real involved and engaged into the true god-games..more than ever expected, known or understood..good morning fellows..ive had to shaken you a lot for some signs of life-beat and heart-breath from her cherished brothers and sisters..youve slept so long and deep thought youre already astral-death..take it easy..its not recommended to get up too fast after a long rest..come slowly back to the real-dream-world first..the time will come when the illusion-blinded heart-eyes are open again..and see the fine vibrant-synchronic light-beat-waves in all my vast-various truth-art-expressions as holy and devoted instrument of the ALL-ONE-NOW..the solar-pyramid-offspring challenging the self and the world..parallel-dimensional cosmos-universes..shaped, polished and perfected by the seductive-multiplex electro-vibrations of uninterrupted and focused concious-awareness..looking forward to the coming corporated and shared adventure-experiences emerging before the inner-all-seeing mystic-wizard-vision-eye of united solar-a-(r/l)ity..many intense, enlightening and wild solstic-equinox light-children-festival-parties, holy-truth-art-exhibit-events and lotos-wings-gatherings..


In eternal Love of female Truth: 
The uraeus-goddess is essentially the destructive power of the sun. She is a goddess because the sun is viewed in this case as the eye of the sun-god (Horus or Re), which is feminine. She is normally represented as a cobra because of the notion of a power that can strike and kill: the hieroglyphic representation of this is sun-disk with cobra. The same power is viewed as inherent in the king’s headgear, which is why it also has a uraeus. The primary thing to keep in mind, however, is the notion of the eye. In myth she represents both the sun as an eye and its destructive power. Her common epithet “Great of Magic” (weret-hekau) derives from the idea of the eye as conveyor of intent—same notion as the “evil eye” (which also existed in ancient Egypt). Through syncretism, she is associated with other major goddesses, such as Isis and Hathor.”

The original human nature was not like the present, but different. The sexes were not two, as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and a union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double nature, which once had a real existence, but is now lost, and the word "Androgynous" is only preserved as a term of reproach. In the second place, the primeval man was round, his back and sides forming a circle; one head with two faces looking in opposite ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike; also four ears, two privy members, and the remainder to correspond. He could walk upright as men do now, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace Zeus cut them in two like a sorb-apple which is halved for pickling. After the division, the two parts of man (the Androgyne), each desiring his other half, came together and throwing their arms around one another, entwined in mutual embraces, longing to grow into one; they were on the point of dying from hunger and self-neglect because they did not like to do anything apart; and when one of the halves died and the other survived, the survivor sought another mate, man or woman, as we call them--being the sections of entire men or women--and clung to that. They were being destroyed when Zeus, in pity of them, invented a new plan. He turned the parts of generation round to the front, for this had not always been their position, and they sowed the seed no longer as hitherto like grasshoppers, in the ground, but in one another; and after the transposition the male generated in the female in order that by mutual embraces of man and woman they might breed and the race might continue.

In the Kabbalistic hieros gamos, the two lovers maintain their “human” condition, despite their theurgical powers; in Tantra, the lovers “are detached and free, like gods.” A second difference between these two great traditions is that the Kabbalah places special emphasis on the androgyne both as possible above, in the divine, and reconstructed below, in the marital relationship of the scholar and his wife on the Sabbath night. Repeatedly mentioned is the agency of the couple in engendering the encounter of the divine male with his Shekhinah, and in creating potentialities for a process of multilayered redemption.

The mythical idea of the sexually complementary (feminine- masculine) divinity and the application of this ideology in the hieros gamos practices of the Kabbalistic community equals the transcendence of both time and space and the encounter with the Divine. In this context then, the androgyne, both human and divine, stands as a metaphor for the union of the opposites, for their continuous and conscientious balancing on both the human and the divine level. Rites and rituals, space and time, are all conscribed into the weave of a complex theurgical mythos of which “the reapers of the field” are constantly aware of, and intent on restoring a balanced cosmic dimension.
No soul, and consequently no human being exists in the full sense of the word, without being male and female at the same time. Gender is a cleaver, which creates a devastating split between two halves destined to be united. Sexually, as a drive for amorous union, is an attempt to overcome the damage caused by thisprimordial disassociation. Thus the individual does not bear a gender (masculine or feminine), i.e. a separation that marks him/her and assigns him/her to the destiny of a man or a woman; rather the separation – the gender- is his or her momentary and accidental condition, which must be overcome.
Only when and where a man and a woman, both exhibiting feminine and masculine attributes come together, does “The Blessed Holy One place His abode” nearby. Only when the human agents exhibit and act with an extended awareness of the complexity and fluidity of life in its non-gendered form does the return to Eden and an Edenic-like state take place.

Despite her manifold names and forms, the creatrix goddess is one goddess of all, who provides one world in a unified view of the life cycle. As the earth mother, she is ever closer than the remote sky father and nurtures all living things. However, in the world view of the goddess, creation and destruction are integral components of the cyclic round from birth to death, from full season to lean season, represented in particular in the lunar phases which are coupled with the menstrual cycle. There is no division of the universe between good and evil, dark and light, as both are incorporated into the cosmic cycle in a state of timeless unity. With this interminable cycle comes a relentless, crushing reality, in which destructive nature of death is actively accentuated in acts of animal and particularly human sacrifice. Thus the triple goddess is a creature of three faces the nubile virgin lover, the sustaining mother of the harvest and the all-consuming crone of death.

Although the spiritual quest also seeks answers to life after death and the illumination of the cosmic mind, it is in fertility that the true raw energy of spirituality reaches it's zenith, and it is through fertility that each of us has come into being in a continuous line of evolution from the first life on earth, some 3,000 million years ago, to wonder at existence and ponder our fate, and it is in fertility that both our offspring and the environment in which we live will continue into the future. Fertility is thus also intimately connected with the continued survival of the people through seasonal changes and the quirks of fortune in the fertility of earth itself. Fertility thus delves into those far more ancient realities of the conscious universe that far pre-date the gods and goddesses of early human civilization. On a more sinister note, sexuality has been recognized from all quarters to be mystically connnected to the origin of death, and thus responsible for death itself. Sex is thus steeped in sacrificial atonement in death.
These developments are paralleled in a significant way by the evolution of animal art associated also with shamanic identification with animal familiars as in the “sorcerer” on the right. These pictures illustrate the equally ancient case for nature shamanism of a different kind associated with the hunt and the psychic descent down the Axis Mundi to the roots of conscious existence, a journey of temporary death, or near death experience in which the shaman returns empowered as a medicine man and prophet.

Of course sex is ultimately responsible for death, because in sexuality, biology has discovered a trade off. Sexuality has provided a tremendous new source of variation, which forever mixes the gene pool in new creative ways, making it possible for higher plants and animals to evolve. However, in sex came the death of the organism, because each individual contributes only half their genes to the offspring, which instead of being the phoenix clone of the parent, has only half the identity of each parent and is thus a new individual. As evolution of higher organisms proceeds there is an ever-diminishing capacity for the organism to regenerate from parts. It can no longer reproduce itself and with the passage of time falls to the very mutational changes that permitted its evolution into being. Upon the death of the organism, its unique identity is now lost into fragments in the gene pool. But this loss comes at great gain. It makes it possible for us to evolve further into being, through the altruistic sharing of genetic identities between male and female in partnership. By the sacrifice of eventual death, which we all face, we gain the privilege of living in this extraordinary universe, and sharing in the ongoing continuity of life. This is a quest whose consummation is a golden age of unforeseen splendour, if we do not destroy it through our own ignorance first.

The seasonal cycle of the goddess is represented unabated in the passage from new life in the burgeoning fertility period and death in the lean season. The first phase is the ritual marriage of Inanna to the shepherd king Dumuzi in the hieros gamos, the high point of the Sumerian sacred cycle. Dumuzi (the Shepherd King) is actually mentioned as the fifth king on the king lists of Sumer. He is also referred to as Dumuzi-Absu of the abyss, god of freshets and running waters. He is also the heavenly shepherd of the stars.

O Wanderer, Wanderer, my brother Wanderer, In the fields of Arallu, Wanderer, my brother Wanderer.

“Tammuz, the spouse of thy youth, thou hast condemned him to weep from year to year. Allala the spotted sparrow hawk, thou lovest him, afterwards thou didst strike him and break his wing: he continues in the wood and cries ‘O my wings!’ Thou didst afterwards love a lion of mature strength, and didst then cause him to be rent by blows, seven at a time. Thou lovest also a stallion magnificent in battle; thou didst devote him to death by the goad and the whip; thou didst compel him to gallop for ten leagues, thou didst devote him to exhaustion and thirst. Thou didst love Ishullanu thy fathers gardener, who ceaselessly brought thee presents of fruit and decorated every day thy table... thou didst strike him, thou didst transform him into a dwarf.... Thou lovest me now, afterwards thou wilt strike me as thou didst these”.

The onset of the lean season after the harvest, however brings out the fierce dark side of the goddess of death and destruction. It is celebrated by the entry of Inanna to the underworld, where she dances the dance of the seven veils as her worldly attire and then her life is reduced to nought. Inanna decides to experience the dark side her elder sister Ereshkigal knows as Queen of the Underworld in the death rites of the Sacred Bull of Heaven, Gugalanna, thus disguising her formal purpose of discovery in the formal act of witnessing the death rites of another.

“From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below.
From the Great Above the goddess opened her ear to the Great Below.
From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below.
My Lady abandoned heaven and earth to descend to the underworld.
Inanna abandoned heaven and earth to descend to the underworld.
She abandoned her office of holy priestess to descend to the underworld....
If I do not return,
Set up a lament for me by the ruins.
Beat the drum for me in the assembly places.
Circle the houses of the gods.
Tear at your eyes, at your mouth, at your thighs....
Go to Eridu, to the temple of Enki.
Weep before Father Enki.
Father Enki, the God of Wisdom, knows the food of life,
He knows the water of life; He knows the secrets.
Surely he will not let me die.”...

The Sumerian era now represents the fall of the Great Goddess to the phallic onslaught of the male Godhead represented by the trinity An, Enki and Nannar who may have been introduced by the first Indo-Aryan incursions, and that the order of reproductive power has changed to that of erotic power to become the Goddess of live and battle and of the seasonal abundance and regress. Although male gods, such as Enki certainly have entered the pantheon, the young Goddess is nevertheless mighty and resurgent with her youthful power:
“Proud Queen of the Earth Gods, Supreme Among the Heaven Gods,
Loud Thundering Storm, you pour your rain over all the lands and all the people.
You make the heavens tremble and the earth quake.
Great Priestess, who can soothe your troubled heart?
You flash like lightning over the highlands; you throw your firebrands across the earth.
Your deafening command, whistling like the South Wind, splits apart great mountains.
You trample the disobedient like a wild bull; heaven and earth tremble.
Holy Priestess, who can soothe your troubled heart?
Your frightful cry descending from the heavens devours its victims.
Your quivering hand causes the midday heat to hover over the sea.
Your nighttime stalking of the heavens chills the land with its dark breeze.
Holy Inanna, the river banks overflow with the flood-waves of your heart....”

When his time came, the king had a wooden scaffolding constructed and spread over with hangings of silk. And when he had ritually bathed in a tank, with great ceremonies and to the sound of music, he proceeded to the temple, where he paid worship to the divinity. Then he mounted the scaffolding and, before the people, took some very sharp knives and began to cut off parts of his body - nose, ears, lips, and all his members, and as much of his flesh as he was able - throwing them away and round about, until so much of his blood was spilled that he began to faint, whereupon he slit his throat.”

The sacred marriage is not simply worshipping the female in an epoch of dominion, but it is the relationship of reconciliation between the two sexes and between humanity and nature. And light and darkness are represented in the sacred marriage. “I am black but comely O ye daughters of Jerusalem” The Queen of Sheba is the Shulamite, she's the darkened one of the enclosed garden. She also represents the repressed feminine principle. In Luke and Matthew it says “The Queen of the South shall return and judge the men of this generation” and that is the sacred marriage principle returning and it is the feminine principal returning and what apocalypsia means - the term ‘apocalypse’ is an unveiling and it is traditionally the unveiling of the bride - in the feminine gender in Greek.
The Song of Songs expresses for all time the fertility of sexual love in its full abundance. Through the love and passion of the young king and queen for one another, the living world springs forth anew, the plants bursting into flower and fruit, the wilderness into wild splendour and the herding flocks pregnant with offspring. The "Canticles” sits paradoxically in the Old Testament, being transparently a celebration of the hieros gamos of the Summer King “Salmaah, the Kenite Dionysus, making love to his twin”, the Flower Queen, “the May bride of Shulem”. Although it is attributed to Solomon, its date is much more recent,(circa 200 BC). It reverberates with the sexual erotica of the goddess of the enclosed garden: “A garden concealed is my beloved”...”Let my beloved come into his garden and eat its pleasant fruits”...”Open to me my sister, my love... for my head is filled with dew”

“Discovering Eve” highlights the deep way in which the Song of Songs is the healing of the Fall from Eden. Her examination of the word desire underscores the way in which the desire of the Song of Songs is the requital of the cursed desire of Edens ‘original sin’: “The strong and earthy meaning of the word tesuqa, translated as ‘desire’ is clear. The Song of Songs, where the reciprocal nature of human love is the keynote...has the woman telling of the man's ‘desire’ for her. The ultimate consequence of the love attraction is sexual activity. What is fascinating about this love song is that intervening between the expression of the man's yearning and the statement that the woman will give him her love is a depiction of what the couple will do together in the interim (i.e., between the declaration and its sexual fulfillment). The mutual attraction of the couple is not simply a sexual meeting, because their physical union apparently follows a day's work. The man and woman rise early, first to make their way through fields, vineyards, and orchards, and then to make love.... The idyllic world of Canticles (Song of Songs) recaptures the nonarduous labor of Eden. It also indicates the same interrelationship of sexuality and productivity. Only the Song of Songs returns us to Eden, where the pleasure of sexuality stands out apart from the tribulations of its procreative aspect, and where the tending of a beautiful and productive garden does not entail great effort and anguish. Despite the broader aspects of “desire” in Song of Songs, one might be tempted to assign an exclusively sexual meaning to this word. Indeed, at least one scholar would translate it “desire for intercourse.” Yet... ‘Desire’ is an emotional and/or physical attraction that transcends thought and rationality. Consequently, it is an entirely suitable designation for the sexual nature of the mutual attraction of a female and a male. The strength of the woman's feelings for her mate is by “desire,” which includes but is broader than sexual attraction alone.”

“The Apocalypse of Adam, discovered at Nag Hammadi, tells of a feminine power who wanted to conceive by herself: ‘... from the nine Muses, one separated away. She came to a high mountain and spent time seated there, so that she desired herself alone in order to become androgynous. She fulfilled her desire, and became pregnant from her desire...’

“The poet Valentinus uses this theme to tell a famous myth about Wisdom: Desiring to conceive by herself, apart from her masculine counterpart, she succeeded, and became the ‘great creative power from whom all things originate’, often called Eve, ‘Mother of all living’. But since her desire violated the harmonious union of opposites intrinsic in the nature of created being, what she produced was aborted and defective; from this, says Valentinus, originated the terror and grief that mar human existence. ‘To shape and manage her creation, Wisdom brought forth the demiurge, the creator-God of Israel, as her agent’.”

“Wisdom, then, bears several connotations in gnostic sources. Besides being the ‘first universal creator’, ‘who brings forth all creatures’, she also enlightens human beings and makes them wise. Followers of Valentinus and Marcus therefore prayed to the Mother as the ‘mystical, etemal Silence’ and to ‘Grace, She who is before all things’, and as ‘incorruptible Wisdom’ for insight (gnosis)". Some gnostics taught that genesis narrates an androgynous creation. Others attributed to Sophia the benefits that Adam and Eve received in Paradise.... When the creator became angry with the human race because they did not worship or honor him as Father and God, he sent forth a flood upon them, that he might destroy them. But Wisdom opposed him... and Noah and his family were saved in the ark by means of the sprinkling of the light that proceeded from here.

Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars...
she hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth on the high places of the city”...
and as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,
‘Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. ...
But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell’.

As for your sexual life, the glories that await you are beyond your imagination. The exercises and techniques fortify your entire urogenital system; you gain muscle strength, improved circulation, and heightened sensitivity. You shift your approach to lovemaking and learn exquisite new ways to please your partner and yourself. Ordinary lovemaking has a goal: orgasm. If you both come at the same time, you have really hit the jackpot. If neither of you come at all, you may as well have spent your time elsewhere. In Tantric loving, there is no goal. There is a purpose, however, and that purpose is union. Every aspect of your Tantric loving serves that purpose. Your intention is to merge with your lover in all aspects—body, mind, heart, and soul—not just body. As you let go of the goal of orgasms, you actually begin to have more of them.
Tantra is a sure-fire way to keep the purely physical experience of sex exciting, new, and fresh for even the most long-term lovers. Many people experience occasional, spontaneous moments of blissful oneness with their partner, with nature, with the Divine, during peak sexual experiences. With practice, you can learn to consciously create this rapturous spiritual union. As you master moving the sexual energy between your two bodies, you experience altered states of consciousness leading to ecstasy. In order to create enough sexual energy to move them into euphoric states of Divine connection, practitioners of Tantra make love for long periods of time, experiencing extraordinary levels of pleasure along the way. Tantric lovemaking involves conscious breathing, muscle contraction exercises, sound, visualization, meditation, sensual massage, sexual play, creating a sacred loving space, and other rituals. Largely through ceremony and ritual, we access our deepest consciousness and the soul. This aspect of Tantra, perhaps more than any other, transforms ordinary friction sex into energy sex and ultimately, if love is truly present, into what we call soul sex. “When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”
Extending far beyond the bedroom, sacred sex helps you open fully to your partner in trust and love through all facets of your relationship. Your relationship itself becomes a vehicle for spiritual growth and personal awareness. As you learn to open to yourself, to your own inner lover, you naturally open to others around you. You begin to understand that surrender does not mean submission or loss of self, but rather a loving expansion into something much greater than you.

You may notice that you start to hum and sing and whistle again with the sheer happiness of your being. You will start to think creatively and apply this in your art, your family, your business, and your community. You will be delighted and amazed at the moments of “Aha!” as your deeper consciousness offers up solutions to problems you have been struggling with. Your face will glow and your spirit will radiate an inner beauty that magnetically attracts the people around you. Laughter will return to your life. You will start playing and having fun. You may even allow yourself to be foolish, acting like a kid again. You will smile. You will want to get out of bed in the morning and you will want to get back into it with your lover. You will experience the pleasure and connection you have dreamed of.

“Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tide and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

“For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.”

“Let’s fall in love,
Why shouldn’t we fall in love?
Our hearts are made of it
Let’s take a chance
Why be afraid of it?”
— Let’s Fall In Love!”

“Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door, and just visit now and then.”

We do not want to do that with each other. We want to build on what we have started, not tear it down, thus our bond to celebrate our differences. This means that whatever drives us nuts about each other, we attempt to use as a way to learn something about ourselves. This is one of the most important ways that we consciously use our relationship as a spiritual practice. It is not always easy. In fact we do occasionally just lose it and throw a petulant tantrum. Who wants to keep working on your own stuff all the time? It is easier and more fun to try and fix other people. For the most part though, we keep to our bargain. Our relationship gets stronger because we do. And we each learn to look at the world through bigger eyes.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn’t make any sense.”

“Those who realize true wisdom, rapt within this clear awareness, see me as the universe’s origin, imperishable. All their words and all their actions issue from the depths of worship; held in my embrace, they know me as a woman knows her lover.”

“There are two kinds of love. Our love. God’s love. But God makes both kinds of them.”

“When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is an important lesson to be learned. Don’t have sex with the authorities.”

“Men are admitted into Heaven not because they have curbed and govern’d their passions or have no passions, but because they have cultivated their understandings.”

This path asserts that our task here on this worldly plane is to manifest the soul through the body, to bring out the Divine by truly uniting our physical and spiritual selves. You set your soul free by celebrating your body, not by denying it. Pleasure then becomes a universal, uplifting and healing experience that brings you closer to each other and to God, not an individual craving that sets you apart and drives you deeper into selfishness. Indeed, in this view it is the absence of pleasure that brings about suffering. For instance, developmental neuropsychologist James Prescott advanced the theory that deprivation of bodily pleasure has a direct impact on the amount of warfare and interpersonal violence. “The reciprocal relationship between pleasure and violence is such that one inhibits the other; when physical pleasure is high, physical violence is low. When violence is high, pleasure is low. This basic premise...provides us with the tools necessary to fashion a world of peaceful, affectionate, cooperative individuals.” Sacred sexuality is one of those tools. By reuniting these two most powerful motivators—spirit and sex—we can heal the damage their separation has caused.....

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.”

“Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.”

People love to be in control; it makes them feel safe and secure. Very few are attracted to what may be perceived as its opposite—being out of control. Being out of control can be scary, frustrating, even terrifying, and so people expend much time and energy trying to keep themselves, each other, and their environment under control. They develop many strategies, from the subtle to the overt to help feel they are in command, for example, keeping belongings and furnishings in precise order; maintaining strict schedules for waking, sleeping, and eating; making love in the one right place at the one right time in the one right position; or insisting on trying to win an argument whether their point is valid or not. Control can also be a subtle dance of manipulation appearing in the guise of helpless need, or alternatively, as solicitous concern for others—making certain everything runs smoothly and all are happy; taking responsibility for everyone’s well-being, so that ultimately everything is under control.
We see the opposite of control not as out of control, but rather as surrender or letting go. Being in control is simply an illusion; when it comes right down to it, no one has absolute control over anything. You do however have a choice—you can choose to try and make things happen precisely as you want them to (and get frustrated when they do not turn out that way), or you can let go, surrendering to the ebb and flow of life.

“He who bends to himself a joy
Doth the winged life destroy,
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in Eternity’s sunrise.”

Surrender is essential for creating love and for spiritual union. Perhaps you are afraid of surrender because you equate surrender with submission, but the two are very different. Submission exists in the context of power in relationships; it implies domination. Someone submits when they are overpowered or overwhelmed, but surrender is not submission, nor is it passivity, losing, or being inferior. Surrender is an active process of conscious, courageous choice, because although you are not submitting, you do have to give something up. Your ego knows and fears this. Your ego likes things as they are. If some change is required, it wants to take credit—to feel the pride of accomplishment and success. But in the spiritual quest, you give up this self-importance. You give up the claim “I did it on my own, my way.”
The fear of surrendering can be so strong that you may feel as if you will be diminished, even annihilated—you will disappear. The actuality is very different. Instead of diminishing you, surrender makes you bigger, expanding and connecting you to something so much greater than
your ego could ever have imagined.

As you begin to explore the meaning of surrender, in terms of actual behavior, you will come to a critical distinction. On the one hand, there are those things in your life that you make happen, that you take from life, or that you achieve with willpower and as the result of acquired talent. There are others that come to you as gifts from out of the mystery, the Universe, or from God, wonderful surprises, beyond anything you could have imagined, better than you could have planned or even hoped for.

“Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.”

“Many thousand kisses have we strewn along our way, each fresh as the first, more powerful than the last.”

Being in the moment—totally immersed in your actions—is a simple concept; one you would think should also be simple to do. Unfortunately, for most adults it is not. Children do it, moving effortlessly from one total experience to another, but by the time you are grown, you have learned to bring into most situations the unnecessary baggage of previous incidents, present responsibilities, and future pursuits. Your mind pokes its interfering nose in when it need not, luring you into thoughts of the future, or of the past, or into analysis of your current actions so that you miss what is actually happening.

“Generally people spend their lives in activity and rarely, if ever, take time out for contemplation, or to simply be in their own presence, unaffected by outside distractions. Perhaps we are not human beings but human doings.”

Tantric lovemaking is our favorite way to enter into the contemplative state, because, not only is it a spiritual practice, it is also a source of great pleasure. We do not make love only because we yearn for spiritual awakening; we make love in order to “make love.” Nor do we make love just to experience the thrill of orgasm—every moment of our sexual union is an end in itself, and by immersing ourselves in each moment, we experience connection with the Divine.

“Love, ageless and evergreen
Seldom seen by two
You and I will make each night the first
Everyday a beginning”

Life is no matter of milestones but of moments.

“Ecstasy is our very nature.”

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
—Antoine de Saint-ExupÈry, The Little Prince

One of the best-kept secrets of our time is that men (not just women) can be multi-orgasmic. Not only can a man have several orgasms during one session of lovemaking, but he also can do it and still have lots of energy and desire. “Oh sure,” you may be thinking, “maybe Superman or super stud, but not me.” Actually most “ordinary” men can, you can—the key is learning to separate orgasm from ejaculation. Because ejaculation follows orgasm so closely—within a split second—most people think they are one and the same, but they are two distinct phenomena.

By building a high sexual charge and moving it up through your body rather than releasing it through ejaculation you can discover nonejaculatory orgasm. Your whole body can become an orgasmic erogenous zone, with orgasmic sensation in your toes, for example, or intense orgasmic rippling through your entire body rather than just your genitals. There are no limits to how many of these orgasms you can have, with the intensity of each one varying from mild to overwhelming. A nonejaculatory orgasm does not result in any loss of energy. On the contrary, your energy can build indefinitely to higher and higher intensities. You may experience the opening of your higher spiritual centers, specifically your throat, third eye, and crown chakra energy centers. Furthermore, you can build up reserves of sexual energy and use it for other purposes, such as physical healing, spiritual awakening, enhanced creativity, or
excellence in science, business, and sports. Any man who learns to do this will gain a serious competitive advantage. A non-ejaculatory orgasm usually feels different from a regular ejaculation orgasm, although sometimes the sensations that accompany a normal ejaculation are also experienced in the non-ejaculatory variety. That familiar intense pleasure that starts in the vibrating prostate and typically travels out the end of the penis with the ejaculate instead travels upward along the energy meridians of the chakra centers to the top of your head. As this energy moves, you may experience intense sensations of pleasure throughout your body. These sensations are not the same as the sensation located in the genitals during ordinary orgasm, but they are superb. My body often contracts and jerks involuntarily with the force of this flow of energy. This rush of sensations lasts much longer than a genital orgasm, for example from several minutes up to a timeless, continuous bliss state.
I do love to have an ejaculation, but I do not enjoy the accompanying energetic letdown and loss of desire. After an ejaculation I do not even feel like cuddling—I want to roll over and go to sleep. I experience this depletion whether my ejaculation is involuntary or voluntary, and it gets worse with each passing year. By comparison, a non-ejaculatory orgasm leaves me relaxed, but not tired. I do not lose my capacity to keep or regain an erection. I still have intense desire, which I do not experience as discomfort but rather as vitality and vigor. I bask in an afterglow of high energy, an intensification of sensation, and creative potential. This does not interfere with sleep, because there is a sublime combination of aroused excitement with complete relaxation.

“The archer strikes the target—partly by pulling; partly by letting go.”

With regular lovemaking, there is a steady buildup of sexual excitement to ejaculatory orgasmic release, which usually ends the sexual activity. Tantra sacred sex is high-energy sex. You make love for a period of hours, building higher and higher concentrations of energy, stopping before you let go into ejaculation, relaxing a little, then building excitement again and again. By delaying ejaculation, you accumulate enough sexual energy to open your spiritual centers, plus you last long enough so your lover may experience multiple orgasms.

“I wrote the story myself. It’s about a girl who lost her reputation and never missed it.”

Your intention is the key to transforming regular sex into sacred sex. Intention affects emotions, energy, and consciousness, which govern how you perceive your lovemaking. You can be engaged in exactly the same actions with your body—deep kissing, hungry licking, wild thrusting but have vastly different experiences depending on your intention. If you are simply concerned with releasing pent up sexual tension, that is likely all you will get. If you are making love because it’s your Friday night routine, then routine sex is probably in store. If you are filled with the desire to merge wholly with your lover, then you may elevate your lovemaking to holiness. That is the intention of Tantric sex to unite with your beloved in all ways, and in so doing connect with the divine.

Sensitive, knowing hands firmly kneading the ache from your shoulders.
Soft, moist lips gently nuzzling the excitable nape of your neck.
Strong, loving arms enfolding your grief-shaken body.
Tantalizing fingertips tracing fire up your eager inner thighs.

When you are touching and being touched your body secretes endorphins and oxytocin. These powerful chemicals make you feel good and at the same time build the desire for more of that marvelous holding and stroking. You can literally take your lover’s well being into your own hands simply by touching more. Through your touch you can offer comfort, relaxation, arousal, and healing—separately or in imaginative combinations.
One of the most stress-relieving gifts you can give your mate is the solace of touch for comfort’s sake. When Al falls into his insecurities, bombarding himself with self-criticism and self-doubt, Pala’s reassuring words cannot break through those barriers. His doubts are not rational thought that can be set right with ideas, no matter how heartfelt and real her ideas may be. But her “comfort touching,” not sexual, but quiet holding, pressing him to her bosom, stroking his hair, rubbing his back and legs, massaging his shoulders, makes it through every time. It lets him know he is safe and okay—he is all right. For a man who is really stressed and tired a loving massage is better than sex. Firm, deep pressure in the large muscle groups—neck, shoulders, back, and thighs—relaxes him, allowing him to slow down, slough off the weight of the world, and rest. Giving your man a relaxing deep massage can let him know that you are not always expecting him to perform sexually. Your loving ministrations might lead to arousal but you are not expecting or demanding it. On your Tantric journey it is essential to learn to touch each other without assuming it will lead to sex. Your touch is not a means to an end but a mutual pleasure freely given. When there is no pressure your partner can open and relax and arousal might or might not occur.

This is true for women as well as men. Affectionate touching without obligation reaches a woman’s heart. It makes her feel adored and, more importantly, respected. Sadly, many men have not been on the receiving end of much physical affection as they were growing up and really do not know how to touch a woman. Women can help themselves and their partners if they let go of the expectation that he does. Assume you must teach your man how to touch you and assume, without judgment, that because he’s not had much previous instruction, the lesson may take awhile. Let him know playfully what you want him to do, with encouragement and love, not a chastisement that makes him feel what he is doing now is wrong. When he does touch you in ways and places you like, give lots of happy feedback, with sounds or body movement or words of appreciation.

Men usually enjoy it when women take the lead and initiate touching. An exception to this general rule is touching in public. Some young men may use public touching as a sign of their power, but because of long-term conditioned behavior, for many men public displays of affection, particularly around other men, can be acutely embarrassing. It can mark a man as soft or a sissy. Do not take it personally and do not challenge your man about it, but instead share with him your own desire for affection. Help him understand that his loving attention to you makes you feel wanted and respected. Begin to slowly acclimate him with small doses of affectionate touching in places and situations where he feels safe.

When a man rejects his woman’s touch, especially if it is a sexual overture in private, it can seem to her that she herself is being rejected and judged. Men, over years of making passes through the teens and beyond, some of which were accepted but many of which were turned down, are accustomed to “no.” They may not like it, but it is familiar. For a woman, being refused when she has taken the bold step of being overtly sexual can be devastating. Feelings of shame and guilt may arise, so it is important to let her know it is not her or her behavior that is unwelcome. It is about you right now, not her, and even though you may not be feeling particularly sexual, you would welcome her affection. Do not berate yourself either—let go of the idea that you should be a “sex machine” and allow yourself to simply enjoy the comfort of touch.

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.”

Tantra, sacred sex, is a practical key to unlock your potential for an intimate, passionate relationship. The approaches and exercises you have just read about can bring great meaning to your life, as they have to ours and to hundreds of our students. All that’s required now is some effort on your part. You can try as many or as few of the techniques as you want to. Even if you only add daily PC pumping—which doesn’t take extra time, just a little discipline—you’ll see a noticeable difference. But to receive the maximum benefits you deserve, we suggest you take the following steps as well. They will likely require some shifts in attitudes and behaviors, but you and your relationship are worth it!.....

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

The word ‘Occult‘, then, refers to a number of things: firstly the universe hidden from view, the unseen forces at work for instance within the practice of Alchemy or Astrology, which are not apparent unless consciously sought after. Secondly, the word occult could refer to practices purposefully hidden from view, either for fear of persecution from rival religious bodies, or because the practices themselves were seen as somehow dangerous.
In the sphere of Thelemic practices, the use of sex and sexuality is paramount as an element of the personal teleology. The fusion and popularity of Tantric practices, and the subsequent importation of Guru-Chela lineages specific, for instance, in the Nath tradition, are an important aspect of Occulture, due to the frequency of Left Hand occultists to be involved in Tantric practice. This also brings into question the peculiar difficulty of whether to consider some occultists Tantrics, or Tibetan Buddhists, alongside their specific articles of Occult practice and belief. Ultimately though, it serves as a distinct indication of the complexity of contemporary religiosity.
Another aspect of Left Hand path occultism of note is the use of mind-altering substances. As has been observed within the psychology of religions, drugs have been used to induce religious experience, or as part of religious or magical ritual by different cultures and throughout history. Even in the Catholic Mass, alcohol is distributed to the gathered participants, perhaps not in a dose sufficient to produce intoxication, but alcohol is a drug nonetheless. The particular issues surrounding the use of one drug or another are often dictated by the legality of the substance, and/or reigning cultural discourses regarding their effects, upon both the individual and society at large. To induce gnosis, in the specific sense of that term as used by Chaos Magicians as a state of magickal trance, is one way in which these substances are used. The other is perhaps in the mystical sense, in order to change the mind to better appreciate an Ultimate Reality.

“Longing, desire and need melt from our psyches drip sparkling life—renewal in these suits we call our bodies.”

Illumination is the goal of the soul.

"Damit sich die soziale Ordnung bzw. die soziale Homogenität zu konstituieren vermag und in ihrer inneren Stabilität gesichert werden kann, übernehmen sogenannte imperative Elemente (z.B. autoritäre Führerpersönlichkeiten) die Funktion, die von Bataille als heterogen bezeichneten, bedrohlichen, Angst oder Ekel hervorrufenden Elemente auf mehr oder weniger gewaltsame Weise aus der sozialen Welt auszugrenzen."

Wenn die Satansfigur nicht als exklusives Element der sakralen Welt eingestuft werden kann, stellt sich die Frage, welche konkreten Rahmenbedingungen mit dem Satanischen einhergehen. Entscheidend ist, dass das Satanische bzw. Heterogene im kulturellen Kontext nicht als reine Negation betrachtet werden kann. Es wird lediglich die mittels des satanischen Etiketts behaftete Person negiert, und dies geschieht immer im Kontext der sozialen Homogenität. Der eigentliche Inhalt des Heterogenen – z.B. die argumentative Position der ausgegrenzten Person – wird aber in einen Bereich der sozialen Welt transportiert, welcher für die homogenen Elemente der Gesellschaft schlichtweg nicht zugänglich ist. Bildlich lässt sich dieser Vorgang mit einer Auster vergleichen, welche ein in ihre Weichteile eingedrungenes Sandkorn nicht beseitigen kann, und dieses Sandkorn daher mit ihrem eigenen Perlmutt umhüllt, um sich gegen den Fremdkörper zu schützen.

"Satan bleibt immer Geschöpf und kann nur innerhalb der Grenzen agieren, die Gott ihm zugebilligt hat. Und auch für die spätere christliche Religion, in der Satan eine deutlich größere Macht zugesprochen wird, gilt Ähnliches. Die theologischen Probleme, die die Existenz und Macht Satans bei gleichzeitiger und uneingeschränkter Allmacht Gottes aufwarfen, sind im Grunde nie wirklich gelöst worden."

"Zu herrschen in der Hölle hier ist mir
Lieber, als in dem Himmel nur zu dienen."

"Eine Sprache ist keine universelle Ausdrucksweise für alle überhaupt erdenklichen Ideen. Sie ist eine begrenzte Ausdrucksform für alle überhaupt erdenklichen Ideen, die von der Menschengruppe, in der sich diese Sprechweise entwickelt hat, häufig angewandt und dringend benötigt worden ist. Nur in einer vergleichsweise kurzen Spanne der Menschheitsgeschichte hat überhaupt eine Sprache mit einem entsprechenden Vorrat an Allgemeinbegriffen existiert. Solche Allgemeinbegriffe setzen eine beständige Literatur voraus, um durch ihre Anwendungsweise definiert werden zu können. Daraus folgt, dass der
freie Umgang mit allgemeinen Ideen eine späte Errungenschaft ist. Ich behaupte nicht, dass die menschlichen Gehirne der Aufgabe nicht gewachsen waren. Sie brauchten nur ganze Zeitalter, um zunächst die Anwendungsweisen und dann die Gewohnheiten zu entwickeln, mit denen die Allgemeinheit des Denkens möglich und vorherrschend wurde."

Ich habe bisher drei Charakteristika eines satanischen Paradigmas explizit gemacht:
- Eine universelle Dynamik, welche mit den basalen Überzeugungen statisch ausgerichteter Systeme kollidieren kann;
-Individuen oder Gruppen, welche diese Dynamik in ihre persönliche Entwicklung integrieren, und daraus resultierend von der sozialen Welt, welche sie umgibt, als heterogen wahrgenommen werden;
-Die Identifizierung dieses transzendenten Prinzips mit einem systemimmanenten Symbol (z.B. "Satan").

"Wir sehen im ersten Jahrtausend unserer Zeitrechnung das Entstehen folgender Lage: Die Kirche erhält das Monopol in allen Fragen des religiösen Kultes. Das Feudalsystem erlaubt dem Adel, vom König oder Kaiser bis hinab zu den niederen Lehnsherren und Duodezfürsten, die wirtschaftliche Ausbeutung der unteren Schichten, der leibeigenen Bauern und abhängigen Handwerker. Alles, was dieses verfestigte System zu stören vermag, wird von dem jeweils am meisten Betroffenen bekämpft. Dabei lieferte die Kirche in erster Linie die ideologische Begründung und Rechtfertigung, die andere Seite hingegen die weltlichen Mittel zur Niederschlagung dieser störenden Minderheiten."

Ein echter Satanismus war auf der Grundlage [der frühen] Satanskonzeptionen schlichtweg nicht vorstellbar. Jedes Sicheinlassen auf Satan, ob dies ein reales oder nur ein phantasiertes war, bedurfte eines pragmatischen Motivs: Wohl schloss man einen Pakt mit dem Teufel, aber dies nur in Erwartung einer Gegenleistung – und selbst wenn man diese erhielt, versuchte man seine Seele noch irgendwie zu retten. Niemand wäre auf die Idee gekommen, einen Pakt nur einfach so, aus 'Sympathy for the Devil', zu schließen."

"Immer wenn eine Zivilisation, Gesellschaft oder Kultur zu stagnieren beginnt, wenn ihre Moral und ihre Traditionen die nötige heilende Veränderung zu stoppen suchen, stehen Häretiker auf und klagen die alte Ordnung an und versuchen eine Veränderung. In einem kosmischen Rahmen, welcher über den strengen menschlichen Rahmen hinausgeht, ist das satanische Prinzip ein Aspekt der Natur selbst. Das Universum befindet sich in ständiger Veränderung. Dies ist die Basis für die Evolution. Der Agent der Veränderung ist das, was wir das satanische Prinzip nennen."

"Aufgrund der kontingenten Dynamik des Lebens lösen sich die fixierten, institutionalisierten Strukturbeziehungen einer Gesellschaft notwendigerweise immer wieder auf. Während dieses Zeitraumes durchläuft die Gesellschaft eine Phase, in der ihr bisheriger innerer Zustand bereits verschwunden, ein neu strukturierter Zustand aber noch nicht wieder erreicht ist."

Aus diesem Grunde sind Etiketten wie "das Satanische" auch nach Eintritt der Umbruchphase nicht vollständig obsolet, denn im Laufe der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen erhalten auch diese Etiketten eine neue gesellschaftliche Funktion. Indem explizite Satanisten etwa durch ihr Kokettieren mit dem "Bösen" symbolisch an dem Wertewandel unserer Zeit partizipieren, machen sie eben jenen gesellschaftlichen Umbruch explizit und stimulieren damit die gesellschaftliche Neuorientierung. Das von mir postulierte "Paradigma des Satanischen" ist somit ein Zwitterbereich, welcher eine Synthese aus systeminternen und systemexternen Elementen bildet.

"Under the Tree of Knowledge is an Aghori, a follower of the path of Aghora. He is bewildered to think that all is within him, not external to him; that he sees is not with the physical eyes but with the sense of perception. The Flame of Knowledge is that which preserves life, the Eternal Flame, the Supreme Ego, the Motherhood of God which creates the whole Maya of the universe and thanks only to Whose grace the Aghori has become immortal.”

"Parvati ist die 'Weltmutter' (Jagadmatr, Amba), die Leben schenken, aber auch verweigern oder zerstören kann. Im Saktismus gilt sie als die Potenz (sakti) des Siva, der ohne sie nichts vermag, denn das männliche Prinzip ist passiv und statisch, das weibliche aktiv und dynamisch. Nur im Zusammenspiel von männlich und weiblich ist die Natur lebendig."

Ein Aghori verwendet Tantra als Instrument der Umwandlung und Weiterentwicklung seiner Persönlichkeit. Die individuelle Persönlichkeit (hier als "Ego" bezeichnet) wird dabei als Manifestation des Shakti interpretiert, welche sich mit einem bestimmten Körper identifiziert und sich folglich an ihn bindet.75 Das individuelle "Ich" eines jeden Menschen ist daher aus der Sicht der Aghora-Schule ein weibliches Prinzip, welches Zeit seines Lebens sein (oder besser ihr) männliches Äquivalent – symbolisch verkörpert durch den Gott Shiva – sucht. Da Shakti ein impulsives und chaotisches Prinzip ist, benötigt jeder Mensch ein gewisses Maß an Kontrolle – "Shiva" – um seine Persönlichkeit zu festigen. Während Maya die externe Projektion des Brahman ist, finden wir in der Dualität Shiva-Shakti die interne Projektion des Atman. Der Balanceakt einer ausgeglichenen Persönlichkeit wird in Indien metaphorisch durch das tanzende Paar Shiva und Shakti dargestellt. Die Verehrung der Muttergöttin ist im Sinne der Aghora-Lehre kein simpler Akt der Anbetung – es ist die Apotheose (Selbstvergöttlichung) des Ichs, welche mit dem universellen Wesen der Parvati korrespondiert.

"Though She is without beginning and without end, She may exist in either the manifest or the unmanifest state. When manifested She acts as the source of the universe in Her kinetic form; when the universe dissolves She becomes quiescent, She ceases to exist. Energy is equally energetic whether it is kinetic or potential; only its form differs.”

Dies wird insbesondere in Parvatis Inkarnation als Kali deutlich: "Die saktische Vorstellung, daß Siva ohne seinen weiblichen Gegenpol Parvati = Kali machtlos sei, kommt zum Ausdruck in der Darstellung der Kali auf der Leichenstätte. Indem die Göttin den Leichnam (sava) mit ihrer Kraft (sakti) beseelt, macht sie ihn zu siva. Diese Darstellung drückt die Doppelnatur der Kali aus, die als Weltmutter und weibliche Potenz Leben schenkt wie auch durch Krankheit und Alter hinwegrafft. Sie ist anziehend und erschreckend zugleich."

"Kali does want to kill you – the false you, the limited personality which has accrued over so many births. You fear Her because you identify yourself with this mediocre personality when your true personality is something quite different. When She cuts off your head, your mind becomes firm, unwavering in its concentration, which enables you to succeed at Aghora Saddhanas.”

"Why do they call Aghora the Left-Hand Path? Look at the difference between the right and left hands, at least in the Indian culture. The right hand takes the food and drink to the mouth, performs religious ceremonies, makes offerings, and does everything else auspicious. The left hand must perform all the inauspicious activities: cleaning the excretory orifices, even killing animals. And almost all the people in the world are naturally right-handed. Aghora is the mastery of all actions, inauspicious as well as auspicious. Left is always more intense than right, because the left side of the body is controlled by Shakti. This is why a man's wife must sit at the left side when they perform rituals together.”

Der Pfad zur Rechten Hand hingegen findet seine Entsprechung in der sozialen Homogenität; er strebt die Erleuchtung mittels der "externen Auferlegung der Reinheit" an. Dies bedeutet, daß der Dakshina Marga die Wiedervereinigung des Individuums (Atman) mit der externen Weltseele (Brahman) anstrebt, während der Vama Marga sich über die Begrenzung gesellschaftlicher Konventionen erhebt, um die interne Komplexität des Atmans zu erhalten und zu erweitern. Insbesondere sexuelle Tabus werden dabei verletzt.
"Die Verurteilung des linkshändigen Weges kam allein aus der jeweiligen Kollision mit der öffentlichen Moral und aus der Schwierigkeit, das starke Triebverlangen des Menschen auf ein anderes Ziel als das der Fortpflanzung und den reinen Genuß zu richten. Der linkshändige Tantriker übt seine Willensstärke und/oder Disziplin genauso wie ein rechtshändiger Tantriker, behindert aber die Entfaltung der Ekstase durch Vorschriften nicht. Diese Außerkraftsetzung der moralischen Disziplin für das Ritual hat dem linkshändigen Tantra seine bis heute vorherrschende Verurteilung eingetragen."

"Observers cannot exist when the whole universe is in a state of nonduality because all is one; no distinction between observer and observed would be possible. To satisfy this urge for an observer, Shakti projects herself.”

- Ein Aghori sollte bewusst leben, um zu wachsen, zu lernen und sich weiterzuentwickeln.
- Ein Aghori sollte seine Liebe zum Leben mit seinen Mitmenschen teilen.
- Ein Aghori sollte selbst den schmerzlichsten Seiten des Lebens etwas Humor abgewinnen können.

- Antinomismus (griechisch: "gegen das Gesetz") – Der Wanderer auf dem Pfad ist unabhängig von jeglichen Konventionen, welche dem Pfad zuwiderlaufen.
- Apotheose – Das Ziel des Pfad ist die Vergöttlichung des individuellen Ichs. Individualität – Der Wanderer auf dem Pfad strebt seine Apotheose aus eigenem Willen an.
- Initiation – Der Wanderer auf dem Pfad durchlebt einen immer währenden Lernprozess, denn das Prinzip der Apotheose ist nicht statisch, sondern dynamisch.
- Magie – Der Wanderer auf dem Pfad verändert seine Umwelt entsprechend seinem Willen, wenn seine Initiation dies erfordert.

Die erste Stufe hierfür ist die Beherrschung der inneren Welt. Der Initiand muss lernen, über sich selbst zu reflektieren, um ein kohärentes Weltbild zu entwickeln. Dieses Ziel wird mit der antinomistischen Erkenntnis erreicht, dass wir selbst dafür verantwortlich sind, unser Leben gemäß unseres Willens zu gestalten.
Die zweite Stufe ist die Beherrschung der äußeren Welt. Der Initiand muss lernen, seinen wahren Willen zu finden, indem er zwischen den unzähligen Möglichkeiten, welche ihm seine Umwelt bietet, zu sondieren versteht. Die Basis hierfür sind eine gesunde Selbstliebe und die Fähigkeit, vorausplanen zu
Die vierte Stufe ist die Meisterschaft über die äußere Welt. Der Initiand dehnt seine Herrschaft über die äußere Welt aus, indem er das erlernte Wissen mit anderen teilt. Auf diese Weise schafft der Wanderer auf dem Pfad zur Linken eine Situation, welche die Produktivität des Pfads in seinem Leben noch potenziert.
Die vierte und letzte Stufe ist die Meisterschaft über die innere Welt. Der Initiand lernt, die kontraproduktivsten Ängste, welche die Gesellschaft ihm eingeimpft hat, auszumerzen. Dies sind insbesondere folgende Ängste:
- Angst vor Zufällen – Der Initiand hört auf, Zufälle als "Schicksal" zu interpretieren, und betrachtet sie fortan als unerwartete Optionen. Er lernt, diese Optionen spontan für sich zu nutzen, wenn es sich anbietet, anstatt sich von ihnen aus dem Konzept bringen zu lassen.
- Angst vor der Zukunft – Der Initiand akzeptiert, dass sich die Zukunft seiner Kontrolle entzieht. Er eignet sich ein gesundes Selbstvertrauen an, so dass er lernt, sich gut mit seinen täglichen Entscheidungen zu fühlen – ohne über die Kenntnis zu verfügen, welche exakten Resultate diese haben werden.
- Angst vor verschwendeter Zeit – Es gibt ein permanentes Spektrum an unzähligen Handlungsoptionen. Der Initiand lernt, dass es nicht die richtige Aktivität zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gibt, sondern nur die richtige Grundeinstellung, welche es einem freistellt, etwas Produktives zu tun, wenn man es für richtig hält.
- Angst vor dem nicht Verifizierbaren – Der Initiand benötigt keine "Beweise" für jeden seiner Glaubenssätze. Er weiß, wo er momentan steht, und wie es dazu gekommen ist. Und er lernt, sich seine Fehler zu vergeben.

"Die Vorstellung der absichtsvollen Auslösung eines kosmologischen Phasenübergangs oder die Erschaffung eines neuen Universums im Labor sind gute Beispiele dafür, wie wir oder andere empfindungsfähige Wesen die Evolution des Universums unmittelbar beeinflussen können. Diese Großtaten der kosmischen Ingenieurskunst liegen noch weit außerhalb unserer heutigen technologischen Fähigkeiten, wohl aber im Bereich des Möglichen. In den letzten wenigen hundert Jahren haben sich die Menschen auf der Erde zum Guten oder zum Schlechten einer gewissen Kontrolle über den Planeten bemächtigt. Wir können jetzt die Umwelt, die Bevölkerung, Tier- und Pflanzenarten und selbst das Klima unserer Umwelt unmittelbar beeinflussen. Eine solche Kontrolle war vor wenigen Jahrhunderten noch völlig unvorstellbar, und diese Zeitspanne ist winzig im Vergleich mit den ungeheuren Zeiträumen, die noch vor uns liegen. In der Zukunft ist es nicht nur möglich, sondern sehr wahrscheinlich, dass intelligentes Leben bei der Bestimmung des langfristigen Verlaufs der Evolution in unserem und in anderen Universen eine wichtige Rolle spielen wird."

“The magician’s most important invocation is that of his Genius, Daemon, True Will, or Augoeides. This operation is traditionally known as attaining the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. It is sometimes known as the Magnum Opus or Great Work.”

The Crossing of the Abyss is a process whereby the magician enters into a belief where they surrender identity and become consciously separate from the idea of their core identity. The Abyss is described as a region between the duality of manifestation, and the unity of pure, undivided, being. To cross the Abyss is then to arrive at a state of conscious apprehension of the unity of all things and the non-identification with the selves which are created through the proposed dialectics of manifestation. It will have become clear from this description that the idea of a central self is not congruent with all forms of occult practice. There is the common usage of a division of bodies, for instance the Egyptian dissection of the human being into the Ba, the Ka, the Heka and Akh, with various levels of physical density in-between. The Theosophical type division of the body into Physical, Astral, Etheric, and spiritual or even into Sulphur, Salt and Mercury, are also given space. These are presented, however, usually as maps and models to be eventually discarded, and there seems a common edict within Occult practice, but particularly Left Handed occultism, not to 'confuse the map with the territory.'

Concentration is one of the key fundamentals to success, visualisation and meditation are the other two. But concentration is not just a mental faculty, it is also an attitude, an approach to ones inner life. If we spend all our time looking for the ‘right system’ or combination of techniques that will give us the experience we are seeking then more often then not we defeat ourselves. Pick a system and set of daily practices and stick to them! Good solid basics give more results than the most complex of magical endeavours. Accumulating initiations and techniques from diverse sources takes us away from what really matters - the initiation into our Heart, and conversation with our Inner Master. It is better to chant ‘OM’ everyday for the rest of your life and nothing else than to technically know a half dozen systems of magic and end up with nothing but psychic indigestion. Keep it simple and direct, like the flight of an arrow, and then you will hit your mark.

In the 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar, today we enter into The Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity (Feb 7 - March 6)!
Also on Feb 13, 2013, Red Magnetic Dragon, we enter into a new 260-day Galactic Spin cycle!
"The intelligence of the galactic order can reveal itself in infinite ways, from overt communication such as crop circles, to subtle pulses of intelligence or knowing that we might recognize as an inner muse that catalyzes our artistic potential and consciousness to flower. This calendar system teaches us that to be Galactic is to Harmonize. Nature is Galactic. Earth is Galactic. We are Galactic Citizens!"

Stop fighting your brothers and sisters.

Love-God Light-Poems:
Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?
She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.
She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.
Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.
For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips....
Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.
By me kings reign,... and nobles, even all the judges of the earth....
I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.
My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver....
The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.
I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was....
When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face...
When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment:
Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men...
Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways...
For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.

I myself also am a mortal man, like to all,
and the offspring of him that was first made of the earth.
And in my mother's womb was fashioned to be flesh in the time of ten months,
being compacted in blood, of the seed of man, and the pleasure that came with sleep.
And when I was born, I drew in common air, and fell upon the earth, which is of like nature
and the first voice I uttered was crying which all others do...
For all men have one entrance to life and the like going out...
Wherefore I prayed, and understanding was given me:
I called upon God and the spirit of wisdom came to me.
I preferred her to sceptres and thrones...
Neither I compared her to any precious stone,
because all gold in respect of her is as little sand,
and silver shall be counted as clay before her.
I loved her more above health and beauty, and chose to have her instead of light:
for the light that cometh from her never goeth out.
All good things came to me with her and innumerable riches in her hands.
And I rejoiced in them all, because wisdom goeth before them:
and I knew not that she was the mother of them...
For she is a treasure unto men that never faileth:
which they that use become the friends of God,
being commended for the gifts that come from learning.
God hath granted me to speak as I would,
and to conceive as is meet for the things that are given me:
because it is he that leadeth unto wisdom and directeth the wise...
For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely,
to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements:
the beginning, ending and the midst of times:
the alternations of the turning of the sun and the changes of the seasons...
The natures of the living creatures, and the furies of wild beasts:
the violence of winds and the reasonings of men:
the diversities of plants and the virtues of roots.
And all such things as are either secret or manifest, them I know.
For wisdom, which is the worker of all things taught me:
for in her is an understanding spirit, holy, one only, manifold, subtil, clear...
not subject to hurt, loving the thing that is good... ready to do good.
Kind to man, steadfast, sure, free from care, having all power..
For she is the breath and power of God...
For she is the brightness of the everlasting light,
the unspotted mirror of the power of God, and the image of his goodness
and being but one, she can do all things
and remaining in herself she reneweth all things
and passing into holy souls from age to age
she maketh friends of God and the prophets.
For she is more beautiful than the sun, and above the order of the stars
being compared with the light, she is found before it
for after this cometh night, but no evil can overcome Wisdom.
I loved her and sought her out from my youth,
I desired to make her my spouse and I was a lover of her beauty...
If a man desire much experience, she knoweth things of old,
and conjectureth aright what is to come:...
she forseeth signs and wonders, and the events of seasons and times.
Therefore I purposed to take her to live with me,
knowing she would be a counsellor of good things and a comfort in cares and grief...
Moreover by means of her I shall obtain immortality,
and leave behind me an everlasting memorial to those that come after me...

Now I like a rivulet from her stream, channeling the waters into a garden, said to myself,212
'I will water my plants, my flower bed I will drench';
and suddenly this rivulet of mine became a river, then this stream of mine, a sea.
Thus do I send my teachings forth shining like the dawn, to become known afar off.
Thus do I pour out instruction like prophecy and bestow on generations to come.

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for thy love is better than wine.
Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.
Draw me, we will run after thee. The king hath brought me to his chambers, we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.

Look not upon me because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me keeper of the vineyards; but my own vineyard I have not kept.
Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth where thou feedest where thy makest thy flock to rest at noon: for why should I be one that turnest aside by the flocks of your companions?
If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds tents.
I have compared thee, O my love to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.
Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold.
While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sent forth the smell thereof.
A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts.
My beloved is to me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of En-gedi.
Behold thou art fair my love; behold thou art fair; thou hast dove's eyes.
Behold thou art fair my beloved, yea pleasant: also our bed is green.
The beams of our houses are cedar, and our rafters of fir.
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lilly of the valleys.
As a lilly among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to his banqueting house and his banner over me was love.
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples; for I am sick of love.
His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.
I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love till he please.
The voice of my beloved!
Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.
My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself forth through the lattice.
My beloved spake and said to me, Rise up my fair one, and come away.
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell, arise my love, my fair one and come away.
O my dove that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.
By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him but I found him not.
I will rise now and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him but I found him not.
The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye whom my soul loveth?
It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and I would not let him go until I had brought him to my mother's house and into the chamber of her that conceived me.
Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke...
King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.
He made the pillars thereof of silver and the bottom thereof of gold the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem.
Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.
What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women?
what is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us?
My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
His head is as the most fine gold, hislocks are bushy and black as a raven.
His eyes are as the eyes of doves...
His mouth is most sweet yea he is altogether lovely.
This is my beloved, this is my friend, O ye daughters of Jerusalem.
Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women?
whither is thy beloved turned aside? that we may seek him with thee.
My beloved is gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens and to gather lilies.
I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.
Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.
Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me: thy hair is a flock of goats that appear from Gilead.
Thy teeth are as a flock of sheep which go up from the washing, whereof every one beareth twins
and there is not one barren one among them.
As a piece of pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks.
There are three score queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number.
My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bear her. The daughters saw her and blessed her; yea the queens and the concubines and they praised her.
Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?
I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded...
Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee.
What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies...
I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples.
And the roof of thy mouth, like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak.
I am my beloved's and his desire is towards me.
Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth: there I will give thee my loves.
The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved.
Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?
I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: she that brought thee forth that bare thee.
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealously is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it:
if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be utterly contemned.
We have a little sister and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister on the day when she shall be spoken for?
If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar.
I am a wall and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one which found favour.
Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-hamon; he let out the vineyard to the keepers; every one of the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver.
My vineyard, which is mine is before me: thou O Solomon must have a thousand and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred.
Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions harken to my voice: cause me to hear it.
Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like a roe, or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.

“Open the door, gatekeeper! Open the door, Neti!
I alone would enter!”...
When she entered the first gate,
the shugurra, the crown of the steppe was removed.
When she entered the second gate,
From her neck the small lapis beads were removed.
When she entered the third gate,
From her breast the double strand of beads was removed.
When she entered the fourth gate,
From her chest the breastplate called “Come, man, come!” was removed.
When she entered the fifth gate,
From her wrist the gold ring was removed.
When she entered the sixth gate,
From her hand the lapis measuring rod and line was removed.
When she entered the seventh gate,
From her body the royal robe was removed....
Naked and bowed low, Inanna entered the throne room.
Ereshkigal rose from her throne.
Inanna started toward the throne.
The Annuna, the judges of the underworld, surrounded her.
They passed judgment against her.
Then Ereshkigal fastened on Inanna the eye of death.
She spoke against her the word of wrath.
She uttered against her the cry of guilt.
She struck her.
Inanna was turned into a corpse,
A piece of rotting meat,
And was hung from a hook on the wall....
Then, after three days and three nights, Inanna had not returned,
Ninshubur set up a lament for her by the ruins.
She beat the drum for her in the assembly places.
Inanna was about to ascend from the underworld
When the Annuna, the judges of the underworld, seized her. They said:
“No one ascends from the underworld unmarked.
If Inanna wishes to return from the underworld,
She must provide someone in her place.”...
As Inanna ascended from the underworld,
The galla, the demons of the underworld, clung to her side.
The galla were demons who know no food, who know no drink,
Who eat no offerings, who drink no libations,
Who accept no gifts.
They enjoy no lovemaking-
They have no sweet children to kiss.
They tear the wife from the husband's arms,
They tear the child from the father's knees,
They steal the bride from her marriage home....
The galla said: “Walk on, Inanna,
We will take Ninshubur in your place.”
Inanna cried: “No! Ninshubur is my constant support....
“Walk on to your city, Inanna, We will take Shara in your place.”
Inanna cried: “No! Not Shara! He is my son who sings hymns to me....
“Walk on to your city, Inanna, We will take Lulal in your place.”
“Not Lulal! He is my son. He is a leader among men....
“Walk on to your city, Inanna.
We will go with you to the big apple tree in Uruk.”
In Uruk, by the big apple tree,
Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, was dressed in his shining me-garments.
He sat on his magnificent throne; (he did not move).
The galla seized him by his thighs.
They poured milk out of his seven churns.
They broke the reed pipe which the shepherd was playing.
Inanna fastened on Dumuzi the eye of death.
She spoke against him the word of wrath.
She uttered against him the cry of guilt:
“Take him! Take Dumuzi away!”
The galla, who know no food, who know no drink,
Who eat no offerings, who drink no libations,
Who accept no gifts, seized Dumuzi.
They made him stand up; they made him sit down.
They beat the husband of Inanna.
They gashed him with axes.
At his vanishing away she lifts up a lament, "Oh my child!"
At his vanishing away she lifts up a lament, "My Damu!"
At his vanishing away she lifts up a lament, "My enchanter and priest!"
Like the lament that a house lifts up for its master,
Like the lament that a city lifts up for its lord,
Her lament is the lament for a herb that grows not in the bed.
Her lament is the lament for the corn that grows not in the ear.
Her chamber is a possession that brings not forth a possession.
A weary woman, a weary child forespent.
Her lament is for a great river where no willow grows.
Her lament is for a field where wheat and herbs grow not.
Her lament is for a lifeless pool with no fish.
Her lament is for a thicket with no reeds.
Her lament is for a wood with no tamarisks.
For a wilderness with no Cypresses.
For a garden without honey or wine.
For meadows with no pasture.
For a palace where long life is gone.

“Inanna opened the door for him.
Inside the house she shone before him
Like the light of the moon.
Dumuzi looked at her joyously.
He pressed his neck close against hers. He kissed her.
Inanna spoke:
“What I tell you, Let the singer weave into song.
What I tell you, Let it flow from ear to mouth,
Let it pass from old to young:
My vulva, the horn,
The Boat of Heaven,
Is full of eagerness like the young moon.
My untilled land lies fallow.
As for me, Inanna,
Who will plow my vulva?
Who will plow my high field?
Who will plow my wet ground?...
Dumuzi replied:
“Great Lady, the king will plow your vulva.
I Dumuzi the King, will plow your vulva.”176
“Then plow my vulva, man of my heart!
Plow my vulva!”
At the king's lap stood the rising cedar.
Plants grew high by their side.
Grains grew high by their side.
Gardens flourished luxuriantly....
“O Lady, your breast is your field.
Inanna, your breast is your field.
Your broad field pours out plants.
Sweet is the sleep of hand-to-hand.
Sweeter still the sleep of heart-to-heart.
Inanna spoke:
“I bathed for the wild bull,
I bathed for the shepherd Dumuzi,
I perfumed my sides with ointment,
I coated my mouth with sweet-smelling amber,
I painted my eyes with kohl.
He shaped my loins with his fair hands,
The shepherd Dumuzi filled my lap with cream and milk,
He stroked my pubic hair,
He watered my womb.
He laid his hands on my holy vulva,
He smoothed my black boat with cream,
He quickened my narrow boat with milk,
He caressed me on the bed.
Now I will caress my high priest on the bed,
I will caress the faithful shepherd Dumuzi,
I will caress his loins, the shepherdship of the land,
I will decree a sweet fate for him.”
The Queen of Heaven,
The heroic woman, greater than her mother,
Who was presented the me by Enki,
Inanna, the First Daughter of the Moon,
Decreed the fate of Dumuzi:
In battle, I am your leader,
In combat I am your armor-bearer,
In the assembly I am your advocate,
On the campaign I am your inspiration....
In all ways you are fit.
May your heart enjoy long days....
As the farmer, let him make the fields fertile,
As the shepherd, let him make the sheepfolds multiply,
Under his reign let there be vegetation,
Under his reign let there be rich grain.
The king went with lifted head to the holy loins.
He went with lifted head to the loins of Inanna.
He went to the queen with lifted head.
He opened wide his arms to the holy priestess of heaven....
My blossom-bearer in the apple orchard,
My bearer of fruit in the apple orchard,...
My fearless one, My holy statue,...
How sweet was your allure....”
Your broad field pours out grain.
Water flows from on high for your servant.
Bread flows from on high for your servant.
Pour it out for me, Inanna.
I will drink all you offer.”
Inanna sang:
“Make your milk sweet and thick, my bridegroom.
My shepherd, I will drink your fresh milk.
Wild bull, Dumuzi, make your milk sweet and thick.
I will drink your fresh milk....
Dumuzi spoke:
“My sister, I would go with you to my garden.
Inanna, I would go with you to my garden.
I would go with you to my orchard.
I would go with you to my apple tree.
There I would plant the sweet, honey-covered seed.”
Inanna spoke:
“He brought me into his garden.
My brother, Dumuzi, brought me into his garden.
I strolled with him among the standing trees,
I stood with him among the fallen trees,
By an apple tree I knelt as is proper....
Before my lord Dumuzi,
I poured out plants from my womb.
I placed plants before him,
I poured out plants before him.
I placed grain before him,
I poured out grain before him.
I poured out grain from my womb.”
Inanna sang:
“Last night as I, the queen, was shining bright,
Last night as I, the Queen of Heaven, was shining bright,
As I was shining bright and dancing,
Singing praises at the coming of the night-
He met me - he met me!
My lord Dumuzi met me.
He put his hand into my hand.
He pressed his neck close against mine.
My high priest is ready for the holy loins.
My lord Dumuzi is ready for the holy loins.
The plants and herbs in his field are ripe.
O Dumuzi! Your fullness is my delight!”...
“Let the bed that rejoices the heart be prepared!
Let the bed that sweetens the loins be prepared!...
He put his hand in her hand.
He put his hand to her heart.

Near by my side my words are weaking
Now am I creeping on the ground
Near now I'm dropped inside
And I can't control the other side
Es muss meine Stimme sein
Die dich erschreckt
Kann nicht mein ekelhaftes Benehmen sein
Es muss meine Stimme sein
Die dich erschreckt die dich schockt
Am I weaving deep am I loosing me
Near now i'm dumped inside
And I can't control the other side

Wenn Du morgens auf die Straße rennst,
Eigentlich noch total verpennt,
Auf dem Weg kuckst Du Dir Leute an,
Doch die schaun' weg,
Das kotzt Dich richtig an.
Zwischen Dir und mir geht's hin und her,
Dich zu hassen fällt mir gar nicht schwer,
Du sagst Du kommst doch Du sagst nicht wann,
Wer hat gesagt das ich drauf warten kann?
Keine Zeit zu verlieren,
Ich werd nicht länger warten,
Keine Zeit zu verlieren,
Du weißt es wird passiern',
Die Bombe explodiert,
Vielleicht wirst Du kapiern',
Alles wird wie neu sein.
Achtung! Ehrlich!
Und drum Berlin außer Rand und Band,
Wollt ihr uns sehen,
Wir spieln' euch an die Wand,
Ideal ist wenn es funktioniert,
Mach was ich will, ob euch das schockiert.
Ich bin drauf und dran am Mikrofon,
Du wirst nicht kommen denn Du kennst das schon,
Du sagst Du liebst mich doch ich frag mich wann,
Wer hat gesagt dass ich drauf warten kann?
Zwischen Dir und mir geht's hin und her,
Du weißt es wird passiern',
Die Bombe explodiert,
Ich werd dann abkassiern',
Alles wird wie neu sein.
Du weißt es wird passiern',
Die Bombe explodiert,
Dein Glied wird eregiern',
Dann wird es vorbei sein.

Ich schüre wut auf allen seiten
Ich will das sich die lager spalten
Ich bin dafuer bereit
Seh ich dich will ich mich streiten
Ich will das sich deine sinne weiten
Bist du dafür bereit
I'm waving my guns
I prepare myself to make you ready
Ready ready ready
Eene meene miez
Ich tanz im blitz der diskolichter
Du lachst mich an ich komme immer dichter
Mach dich für mich bereit
Das einzige was mich interessiert
Wie können wir uns gegenseitig verrückt machen
Verrückte machen Verrückte verrückt
Oh komm schon komm schon komm schon
Das einzige was mich interessiert ..hemmung?

Die coole Katze
Die coole Katze mit ihrer Tatze
Kratzt krass
Cool cat for a party town
She's not asking anymore
She is walking in this night rain on her face
Would you be there for
I say would you be there for
She's calling your name
Would you be there for me
She's cool cat for a party town
When she laughs everything's going round
Her whisper makes everybody listening
Would you be there for me would you be

Ich mach dich wach, dreh dich, dreh dich
Ich mach dich wach, beweg dich
Ich bin die Katze und ich hab es satt, hetzte nachts durch meine Stadt
Ich bin ein Blitz, schlag alles kurz und klein
Mein Medium will verwirklicht sein
Ich bin ein Kreisel, und ich muss mich dreh´n
beweg dich selbst und du wirst mich versteh´n
Hast Angst
und deine Zunge fehlt mir sehr
Ich küss dich wach und wir fahr´n raus aufs Meer
Wassereis läuft in den Sand,
ich nehm es dir aus der Hand
ich mach dich wach, ich mach dich wach, ich mach dich wach
ring, ring, ring,
willst du mich bezwingen
ich fühle mehr als ich wollte,
im Übermut beiß ich dich bis aufs Blut
fühl ich mich gut
ich gehe weiter als ich sollte,
heiß, kalt, heiß, kalt
(eis kalt, eis kalt)
Ich küss dich mit Gewalt
dreh dich, dreh dich,
beweg sich
ich bin die Zukunft , bist du nett zu mir
belohn ich dich schon jetzt und hier
ich sehne mich nach dem Morgenrot,
dort gibts kein Nein,
scheint Verbot
Schon zerzaust den Blick zur Front
wir schwimmen bis zum Horizont
Ich spring dir nach
Wir wirken unbeschwert (ungestört)
Du kommst mir nach
Mach dich mit meinen Küssen
küsse werden langsam ziemlich heiß
wir verlassen Raum und Zeit
Wir sind allein
Du kommst mir nach
Du machst mich an
Ich weck dich auf

Can you hear I'm calling, calling
it was my idea my darling, my darling.
Ich quatsch dich an und küss dich,
lass dich dann wieder gehen und vergess dich
ich vergess dich, komm vergess dich!
Ich ruf dich an und treff dich,
nehm dich dann mit zu mir und vergess mich
ich vergess mich, komm vergess mich!
Alle Ampeln stehen auf rot es leuchtet ein Verbot!
Skandal - es funktioniert,
alles was ich will ist alles was ich kriegen kann, kriegen kann!
Alles was ich will, was ich kriegen kann, kriegen kann!

Ich wünscht´ ich könnte schwimmen,
wie Delfine, wie Delfine es tun.
Niemand, niemand gibt uns eine Chance,
doch wir können fliegen,
für immer und immer.
Wir sind dann Helden, für einen Tag
Wir werden Helden sein.
Wenn das so weitergeht.
Du, du bist der König,
und ich, ja ich bin die Königin.
wir sind dann wir, an diesem Tag.
Ich, ich glaubte zu träumen, zu träumen.
Die Mauer im Rücken war eiskalt, so kalt.
Schüsse, zerreißen die Luft, reißen die Luft.
Dass wir küssen, als ob nichts geschieht.
Und die Scham, fiel auf ihre Seite,
oh wir können sie schlagen,
für alle Zeiten.

This is my home I come here by day or night
I brought you here
Just to share when we're fine and fear
This my home I come here moat be alone
To keep myself far far away from the pain and fights
Fuck! Es war ein Fehler ich war falsch
Ich seh du lachst über mich
Ich will nicht lachen
Mein Fehler ich war falsch
Du lachst über mich?
Ha! Falsch!
Falsch! Ich lach über dich!

I close my eyes just to see,
To see what you do when I'm close to you
I kill for you, if you want

Zerkratz Deinen Rücken mit meinen Nägeln
Du bittest mich darum
Beiß Deine Lippen bis sie bluten

Heut will ich in den Club rein
Will bei meinen Freunden sein
An der Tür ein bekanntes Gesicht
Lässt er mich rein oder kennt er mich heute nicht
Die ersten Machtspiele
Es lässt mich nicht in Ruh
Im nächsten Augenblick schlägt es zu
Ich tanz drauf
Ich atme den Beat
Ich fühle den Bass, singe das Lied mit.
Ich tanz in die Zukunft
Liebe das Leben freier im Zwielicht
Und ich hasse den Krieg
Ich liebe das Leben
Ich tanz drauf!


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