Friday, January 25, 2013

Revealing the Love of Light in Truth of One Heart

Travelling the half-speed of light, some of you might experience a temporary metabolic change but there is nothing to worry about.

The Universe gives us the freedom to chose bondage.

Now, fully immersed in the Transforming of Consciousness at unparalleled speeds, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to what your feelings are telling you and to what your world is mirroring for you to see.

Everywhere there is injustice, terror, unkindness, selfishness, betrayal, abuse, abandonment, deceit and more ... can you remain neutral in the midst of the storm that swirls about your world Now? Can you be there and yet see beneath the dark? Can you see God in All of it? Can you sense the Peace in this Knowing?

'But it is horrible, look what is happening ... ugly things everywhere.' ... you may say. This is God - You, Your I Am Presence, waking up ...because Now It is returning to complete Awareness to It Self - Your Self. The play is in the final Act and Scene ...the experience has been experienced and it has expanded God's capacity - Your capacity, to experience more fully because of this.

During this so called process, certainly lift suffering wherever it finds you but never again believe it is a cruel God creating a world in which some 'have' and others are forgotten ... all IS God - The I AM Presence - You are experiencing this illusory play of Light from every perspective ... only, at the Moment unaware of this. Now is the Moment of Your Awakening.

As the world we have known slips away we will experience the unexpected routinely. This can be feared... or, embraced as the blessing it is ... validation that The New Earth - The New Energy is here - Now.
Your thoughts will play out in seconds, minutes, days at most. What used to take years will Now appear around the corner ... not just the fascination of synchronicity but also the deepest fears we have not embraced.
This is why there is no longer time to delay ... each must choose to serve the Truth or experience the crumbling of illusions from the inside out. You Know the Truth ... perhaps vaguely, perhaps intimately ... but you DO Know It and It IS You ... the Real You. Choose Now ... hesitate no longer ... millions upon millions are depending on your decision to Live Only The Truth.

During their focus in a body, they took on terrifying beliefs regarding what lay beyond if they did or didn't do certain things. These beliefs became a solid wall, joined with the collective fears of many others who had similar beliefs...preventing their natural cycling into higher and Lighter dimensions then back into a 3 dimensional physical experience until the frequency of Love was remembered and embraced as their True Reality “... you must come again until Christ be in you...”

There are a few highly gifted Empaths on the planet at the Moment, who act as bridges of Light to release these multitudes trapped between worlds, when certain windows of opportunity open. This is occurring more and more frequently as the New Energy expands.

You are their bridge ... there is no longer time for you to hesitate, withholding a few of your own private identities and hopeful expectations ... let them go and turn your face fully to the task at hand ... the ‘unconditioned’ service of the multitudes that have been released by the Pharaoh of illusion. You are their Moses ... lead ‘Now’ with Love ... fully Awakened and released from the bondage of duality. And this leading comes by simply ‘modelling’ the life of Freedom and
Peace in your own experience.

'It is time ... time to let time go ... and Awaken to the Freedom of Now' The light sleepers felt The Call first as a shudder rushed through their bodies ... slightly uncomfortable but strangely welcome.
The waves of Light continued ... growing in intensity ...impossible to ignore. Laughing one Moment, crying the next , the roller coaster of Awakening sped up and down for decades, while 'here one and there another' opened fully their sleepy eyes, bowed in humble gratitude and stepped onto the solid ground of Awakened Love.
Most got off and on the rolling cars, wobbly, dizzy, confused, euphoric ... yet still clinging slightly to the fear of Letting Go completely. These ones told their fantastic stories to the world, which assigned them to a box with those who couldn't or wouldn't 'fit in'.
The few Awakened ones held the Light ... most in obscurity ... a few in celebrity. But the Moment had come for ancient dreams to end and The Call continued, 'Your Freedom awaits your acceptance of It'.

The Universe gives you whatever you believe.

In recent years, on a wide scale around the globe, what has been hidden has been exposed. These revelations have been interpreted as scandals ... but from an energy standpoint this has been the expansion of 'transparency'.

Nor, is the blessing of transparency possible to dismiss on a personal level. Your life situations, with all the issues which block the Love You Are, are floating to the surface to be recognized for what they are. Often ugly and fearful, these blocks have been buried for most of your life ... and longer ... often simply accepted as humorous personal characteristics ... at most, normal human dysfunctions people 'just have to contend with'.

The same Great Master also said, "...who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty power of an eagle has been given her ...?” In the New Energy a Higher Awareness prevails. It recognizes that self condemnation and judgment for so called errors committed are occurring in an illusion.
Because The Now or 5th Dimension is the seat of The New Earth-New Energy Consciousness ... past and future do not exist. What you supposedly did a Moment, an hour or a decade ago does not exist and cannot be condemned. Accepting and living from Moment to Moment in The Now instantly dissolves all past error and the future consequences ... the so called karmic effect.

We see what we expect, let us always expect Abundance.
We reveal our inner secrets, let us always reveal Beauty.
We manifest what we contemplate, let us always contemplate Peace.
We become what we think about, let our thoughts ever be on Love.
Let us behold the Truth.

You will be met by distractions that relentlessly try to convince you your frustrations were unfounded or at worst, temporary. You will hear the voices of millions who follow a particular belief claim they must be on the only right road otherwise why are there so many of them. You will experience a fatigue deeper than any the world of broken dreams has ever left you with. Your integrity will be questioned. You will be called reckless, irresponsible and just plain insane.

Every fear you have ever had will blaze across your consciousness like a great neon sign proclaiming your immanent doom. All that you have gathered ... friends, fortunes, fame, possessions and opportunities may wither like autumn leaves and blow away. You will meet the dark void of emptiness over and over again and always ... the ego-mind will remind you of your foolishness.

Remove every mask, drop ever identity, travel light - lightly ... seek to please no one for the sake of admiration or support. You are never left wanting ...your every need is known far better than you may now imagine and will be given to you. The dreams, the passions, the longing to serve are all inner urges to stay the course, 'No Matter What'. What waits has never left, has always loved you without conditions and always will.

Only a giant 'fall' could shake my belief that I had it all together. Even the simmering agony of deep loneliness... the ultimate belief in the separation from God ... was buffered by my encyclopaedic spiritual knowledge bank. Even that was superficial ... I could speak generally on any metaphysical topic but had no 'real' understanding. I wasn't faking it until I made it ... I 'was' a 'Fake'!

Intense pain often triggers breakthroughs in Consciousness reaching upward to the Light of Truth. LightWorkers who have spent years on the so called inner work have endured wave after wave of painful experiences blended with Moments of ecstasy ... each time climbing higher and higher in Awareness as they dig ever deeper into "... the blocks to the Awareness of Love's Presence ...”

You, who have seen this wave of Love and Light coming... in some cases for decades, be strengthened by this validation of your Loving Intention and step fearlessly into the service you have longed to extend to hearts struggling to open. The Mandala's, the Mother Teresa's, the Gandhi's ...champions of Peace, of Love, of Oneness, are now emerging by the thousands as Beacons of Light ... and they are You.

As you go deeper and deeper into Love you require less sleep ... less food ... less of what you required in the 3D world to provide life for the body. The so called impossible fades as miraculous living becomes normal. 'Have-to's' disappear from your life. 'I couldn't possibly live without ________'... is never heard again.

You have heard the saying, “... follow your bliss ...” this 'Is' your Song and like a snowflake, It is unique to only you. It may play in concert with many others with similar Songs to sing or it may stand alone ... highly visible to the world, or obscure and hidden ... it matters not. You are not here to flatter the ego-mind, although it will persistently tell you otherwise.

Occasionally, you have felt a 'rush' when exposed to someone living through their Song. That feeling may have felt envious as the ego-mind reacted to your betrayal of allegiance to its confining doctrine. You may have even lashed out at the Freedom of that one who had abandoned their fear and fallen into the glorious music of their Song. Cynicism is a common weapon used by the ego-mind when it cannot find a flaw that is obvious.

There is a way and it will show itself if you have only a little willingness to explore the True Nature of Your unique Song. You have heard that 'all things are possible' ... and, for a Moment you may have actually believed it applied to you. If so, embrace the memory of that Moment of Truth and imagine what your Life will be like when you surrender to your True Heart Song. It is the Moment when you will Truly begin to Live.

The tendency is to allow the circumstances to become a temporary 'god', which you worship by agonizing over your powerlessness and slipping on a victim mask. If you are a LightWorker, you may attempt to hide this mask but its 'essence' bleeds through to your world. This can last for a very long while and attach to other similar incidents that you have not released thereby validating what your ego-mind is whispering to you,“... you are not good enough, 'they' are out to get you, you deserve what is happening 'to' you, its just the way life is” ... and many other lies like these.

Now 'feel' these possibilities as if they have already occurred. Really FEEL!
'You' are still here even though all is lost. The YOU that is feeling IS the Real YOU and is NOT lost ... only the circumstances have changed. You are released and have lost all the events connected to the circumstances but You are still here.
I invite you to embrace your so called 'situation' from this perspective ... Free of 'results and expectations' ...the weight that lifts is enormous, allowing you to really 'breathe'. This is not suggesting you drop everything and fall into a fetal position ... it suggests you adopt a new perspective about expectations ... that you have none whatsoever.
In this New 'space', You 'are' Free ... which exists in the timeless Now where Your I AM Presence can reach you. You are out of the dark woods where innumerable so called answers are now available to you. This experience cannot be explained because it occurs in the Infinite ... yet, the Freedom it IS gives you what you are Truly looking for in every circumstance ... 'before' the circumstance occurs. You are in the world of circumstances but not controlled by them and you begin Living for Real.

Illusions are as real as we make them.

When you do not hear Its Voice it sends Its messages to you through mirrors in the form of metaphors, symbols, signs, icons, totems, synchronicities and so called miracles, which are only normal occurrences you do not yet understand.

This is why a sensitive person can predict or prophesize what is most 'likely' to occur in so called future times ...especially with collective beliefs. Thought creates and massive thought, in a particular direction, which may have to do with lets say, the economy, are easy for a sensitive to 'see' or 'feel'.

When you are born you accept certain levels of darkness and Light. The degree of darkness you take on and transmute through accepting and embracing the often, extremely difficult experiences it brings ... not running from the pain ... determines how much of the world's darkness you transmute.
Many of the great world leaders of change have themselves experienced deep and dark lives prior to emerging into the public view. Their 'trial by fire' purged lower frequencies allowing them to radiate at higher levels, see possibilities that most do not see and hold those visions in the face of the resistance to change that mass consciousness embodies.
Now, as the frequencies of Ascension intensifies around and through the planet, many souls have come in who have brought in a larger portion of Light and will not experience the darkness many pioneering LightWorkers have. Their function is different yet they too experience a fire of their own.
They have been used to instant manifestation, love filled celestial environments and creative possibilities that have no end. Now, for a Moment, they are contained in a physical body and a world still restricted by limitation. Their frustration runs deep and it feels for them as if a straight-jacket has been wrapped around an eagle as they are exposed to the fear based dualistic world.

They are your children and grandchildren and often seem unable to 'fit in'. They are often labelled dysfunctional and drugged, bullied or even confined away from those that follow currently acceptable societal convention. Many though have escaped the blindness that fear of the unknown has foisted upon them and have already begun to shine like stars. But many more are ready and about to step from the wings of the world stage to sing a song of such Beauty that frozen Hearts will melt and blind eyes will see the Truth that All Life IS One ... IS Love.

Love must often remain silent, still and present, radiating Its Light and allowing those suffering ones to play out the script they themselves have written. Love Knows those 'plays' in darkness will one day Awaken the blind ones ... It Lives within the blindness too. It supports the players by Loving the Truth of What They Are - Perfect, Pure, Peace ... and does not interfere.

I AM everyone ... dark and Light. I AM You ... You are Me. I AM everyone ... Peaceful and warring. I AM Free ...I AM imprisoned. I AM abused and abandoned ... I AM cherished and Loved. I AM the perpetrator of every dark deed ever committed. I AM the blessed balm on suffering Hearts. I AM the torturers blow ... I AM the creator's Abundance. I AM the sick, the lonely, the forgotten ... I AM Wholeness, I AM One, I Know I AM That I AM.
There is no place too dark where I AM not, no tortured mind I have not felt as Me. Nothing is devoid of My Presence ... I AM It ... It is Me. In every crawling, flying, swimming creature - beast or Beauty ... I AM. In every ugly act or glorious achievement ... I AM. The darkest deed you can conceive contains the Highest Glory of Me you can imagine and greater still.

I have your Attention Now through pain. You are suffering and you seek Me out. You will do anything to have relief ... healing your body, your circumstances ...your life ... something, so that the pain will cease. Your life has lost its fragile balance and you cannot just do not wish it to be the way it is. You feel cornered and trapped, yet you have always been trapped and did not know it.
So here you are now knocking at My door, asking, pleading, begging for My help ... please, please ... show me the way ... what to do ... anything, so that the pain ...the pain of separation ceases. This is your True request and why you created the form of pain you are now suffering.
I AM here ... with you Now, though you knew it not ...stay with Me ... keep your Attention on Me Now that you have found Me through your pain. I will not leave you ... I have nowhere to go except through loss of your Attention ... and even then, I AM still here with you. All is well ... the best it has been since you lost Awareness of me. You have found the Key ... your Attention 'is' the Key. Stay here ... Peace is here.

Through your endless veil of tears you have caught glimpses of Me. The tears do not end as yet but comfort nears. I AM with you and have always been. And Now you see a little more of own Your True Self ... it has fluttered on the periphery of your half life like a fleeting shadow dancing in and out of your vision. But Now It stops a while longer, catching your interest, your attention.
Its Beauty makes you catch your breath and then it is gone for you cannot yet stand the Brilliance of Its Glory. 'How could this be ... could this be Me ... an illusion it must be?' But the illusion is what has been and Now is slipping softly away as you allow yourself to grasp the Majesty ...the possibility of what you are witnessing.

All reason cries out the insanity of what you feel but something deeper is stirring within you Now, melting your frozen Heart ... and It ‘will’ be heard. Now is the Moment ... Now, is your Freedom near ... Now Home calls you in a voice you can no longer ignore or drown out. 'You wanderer in a far off land ... your long and lonely journey into the raging beauty of a dark dream has ended. Come Home ... Come Home.'

The mythical sacred center of Shambala ... the ancient city of Peace portrayed in movies like “Shangrai-la”, is not just a physical location ... but one of many that will wrap around the New Earth.

The concept of 'doing' dominates the time and space world where taking an idea to a manifested expression requires planning, man/woman power, hard work, resources and so called 'luck'.

Darkness has no power before my radiance ... where I gaze, the essence of flowers fill Hearts ... Peace prevails... sadness dissolves and the memory of limitation is forgotten.

We can have only as much as are willing to receive.

The collective ego-mind, which created the circumstances that brought about the decades of her house arrest, will immediately turn on itself and attack the gross injustice of an oppressive regime which feigns democratic ideals. This is the insane 'dog-chasing-its-tail' scenario repeated over and over again by the world of separation ... create chaos ... then attack your own creation as imperfect. This leads to shame, guilt, lack of worthiness and the justification for believing in a God outside the Your Self.

As the veils fall from our eyes and we are left temporarily in the void of a leader-less world ... let us pause in the quite of the emerging Awareness of our own I AM Presence and allow Its benevolent and over-flowing Love to embrace the terror, which accompanies feeling alone in an unknown and naked world.
Peace Now is near ... hold fast in that Knowing.

Demonstration exceeds description.
Revelation is beyond phenomena.
Being transcends explanation.

Today is another in a series of high 'energy portals' in the Transformation of Consciousness. These come in waves ... each increasing the opportunity for us to surrender deeper into the Light of our I AM Presence.
With each portal, the soul's urge to release the ego-mind's blocks to the Awareness of the Love we Are grows and deepens. Resistance to this urge brings on all manner of physical symptoms of malady. The Resistance resides at deep unconscious levels and may manifest despite our conscious desire to Awaken.
To survive what the ego-mind believed was a dangerous and unfriendly world, we have protected ourselves in many ways ... then gone on to hide these masks from our own awareness. The more adventurous the soul has been to experience the fullness and the richness of life the larger the ego-shields have grown ... as if the longing for Awakening required stronger and more powerful armour. Yet, that depth of experience allowed us to swing the pendulum of opposites from the deepest dark to the brightest light the world of separation and duality allowed. And it gave us the opportunity to recognize where Joy and Peace 'do not reside' ... a seeming process of elimination.

For many, this frustration has led to the very threshold of Awakening ... no coincidence that it comes at the very Moment when Heaven seems to have opened Its gates wide as it pours these powerful Transformational energies through portals such as today's ... each portal lifting us higher and higher into the refining fire of 'release'.

What a Gift! ... notwithstanding the torture of saying goodbye to such a formidable disguise. When identities depart there is a void which initially leaves a terrible emptiness but allows more of the I AM Presence to enter ... provided we remain open in the midst of this often frightening feeling.

When we succumb to these actions a subtle resentment simmers beneath the surface. It can take some time to surface but when it does the result is often an outburst of anger toward the source of your duty and guilt oriented action.

With all your analysing and calculating ... with all your philosophies and endless facts ... with all your walls of protection and accumulation of comforts, still you are unsatisfied ... unfulfilled for you have not Chosen Me, Chosen Love. You cannot serve two masters. Allow these illusory wisps of dreams to dissolve and give all your Attention ... all your Devotion to Me, and Chose Love.

Only an empty vessel can be filled ... the exact point in the so called Ascension process we all have to be before our inner eye fully opens. Hold this feeling of emptiness if you can ... sit with it without distracting with something that makes you feel alive again ... that is the ego-mind shouting its fear of dying.

For those who exist mainly in the world of separation, fear is increasing at an alarming rate as the unknown expands. For those who live more and more in the Now Moment, Divine Uncertainty is welcome, where the concept of 'past' cannot influence or intrude. To BE in this uncertain state is to exist in pure potentiality where creation in each Moment occurs through Harmonic Resonance ... a product of the frequency of Love. We relax into the Harmony that extends from Love ... we receive inspirations and have no fear of what may occur if we follow these inspirations ... and we simply go with the flow of them creating as the masters we Are in this state.

Most of humanity is driven by the life-force of money ...that is, the energy of money in its many forms. Its dance partner is sex. This is the yin/yang struggle that has awkwardly swayed together for thousands of years ...the imbalanced union of patriarchal dominance seduced by the lure of passionate release from the gnawing fear it generates. It has been an endless addiction, rising into a suffocating knot of exhilaration only to explode into a ball of flames like the phoenix destined to repeat the experience over and over. These waves of intense
passion and explosive release have risen and fallen for eons until eventually they felt like the very essence of life ... natural and obvious.

Those who hold the threads of power have an intimate understanding of these two forces and wield them subtly and delicately so that the unsuspecting masses get no hint of the harnesses that control their lives. Unbridled passion leads to freedom. It is tolerated in the small pockets of artistic and philosophical society but never in the hallowed halls of real power ... or what has served as power.

Nevertheless, this feminine influence has been slowly accelerating for over a hundred years and now, in the 21st century is in high gear, racing toward the inevitable breakdown of the fragile structures of patriarchal dominance ... especially its lifeblood – economic power.
We see this breakdown everywhere and witness the panic and band aid attempts to stop the haemorrhaging. The deep scars of undisguised fear have become etched on the faces of politicians, businessmen and news people while in the everyday lives of the common folk, social disorder escalates. These are the splitting seams of a worn out social fabric but also evidence of the rising spirit of true freedom.
What has been full must first empty in order that new life can fill the cup of humanity. That Life Force is Love, the balancing of Masculine and Feminine energy dancing in perfect harmony together as One. The dance has been led by the male for so long that release of control is difficult for the average person, both male and female alike. For those in power relinquishing control is intolerable. However, resisting inevitable change always brings with it congestion and shows itself most evidently through the body as heart, stroke and diabetic issues as well as a variety of cancers as self-loathing rises to the surface of limited ego-based thinking. The precursor to these unavoidable mirrors is depression, which is washing across the planet like a tsunami.
All the while Mother Earth, Who has carried the enormous burden of power misused in a myriad of ways, is now shaking off the scabs of toxic collective thoughts encrusted over thousands of years across the face of Her body. The symptoms of change are everywhere and for those steeped in a sea of ancient habits, confusion and terror hold their hearts in a vice-like grip. Even for those eager and ready for change, the unknown specter of an uncertain future leaves them anxious and fearful.

Over this brief period of history humanity has shifted from identification with helplessness to empowerment... both in the physical sense and in the area of thought. Despite the imbalance of that power, the body of humanity no longer believes it is weak in the face of challenge. This new identification was a temporary necessity to draw the ego-mind away from its belief in its ultimate frailty against things greater and stronger. It opened up a god-like belief that anything is possible ... the evidence of this is everywhere.

Even in the great rescue efforts of organizations offering a safe haven for venting their issues and partnering with others on the same path, labels proclaim the separation of man from God. 'My name is_______ and I AM an alcoholic or a drug addict or a sex addict ...' has been a powerful instrument for facing the 'so called' reality of the moment but has now reached the end of its usefulness for humanity whose soul longs to ReAwaken to the Truth that separation from the God we Are is no longer tolerable.

Surrender is so often connected to states of mind that are in some way desperate ... nothing is working out the way the mind 'wants' it to work and the physical experience is full of pain and suffering in some form. This surrender is forced and although often leads to a temporary 'lighter' experience, does not lead to real Peace.

There is a wave washing across the planet. It is still almost invisible to most men and to many woman only barely perceptible. It swelled around the frozen clenched fist of patriarchal control gradually over the last hundred years or so, popping up like an unwanted blemish here and there. Then, after the mid-point of the last century 'feminism' became a common term in the western world. 'Breaking through the glass ceiling' soon became another well known statement as women began taking their rightful place in the ivory towers of the business world.

The separated ego-mind has been the dominant creative presence for several thousand years ... so much so that humanity has accepted it as normal. It is a male oriented force and operating on its own, has brought untold misery to the experience of living on this planet. It is, therefore difficult to imagine that this was part of the Creator's original 'plan'. Nevertheless, God or Source chose to experience It Self completely and this necessitated the loss of Awareness 'of' It Self ... the result was a sense of separation from Its creations, which it created 'out' of It Self since Oneness is always One.

At this Moment on our planet the energetic influence of the imbalanced Masculine has been sufficiently softened by the emerging high frequency of the Divine Feminine to allow the Heart to leave its frozen state with only a 'little effort' ... which may be referred to as - 'a willingness to change'. Even the concept of effort soon dissolves as the natural receptive warmth of the Heart opens the Consciousness to the waves of Balance that follow Its release. The Consciousness emerging from the 'feeling' aspect of this Feminine influence recognizes the 'Simplicity' of It’s complete Awakening.

Let me surrender my deepest passion to all that flows through the lens of Love.
Whatever shows up after that can only serve fill my heart.

This means the things that disturb us ... even to the tiniest of them ... are Now 'in our face' and cannot be ignored. If we run away from one who annoys us we will immediately run just as fast toward another one who annoys us even more. The same obstacle ... hidden within ourselves and appearing outside ourselves in another will appear as if we are living in a house of mirrors ... which is also True. Not one thing or experience is outside ... ALL is inside ... revealed to us on
the screen of our world.

Here and there rebellion pokes its head above the clouds of this mass illusion and asks questions such as, 'why are things this way', ... or, 'why should it be this way', ... or, 'there must be a better way'. These rebellious ones have been reviled and condemned as outcasts or even killed for thousands of years. These ones have broken through the 'herd' instinct and the herd has not and does not tolerate this. Yet, the soul of the herd is also oriented to the 'wake up call' as much as the soul of those who are questioning, rebelling and taking an independent stand. When this longing for awakening reaches a 'critical mass point' the herd chooses dramatic experiences to shake off the collective hypnosis.
This we see as tragedies ... on an individual basis, life threatening circumstances are often used ... cancer, heart attack, divorce, loss of property and possessions, etc. On a collective basis, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and the like are used. One of the first influences, after the shock of the event cools a little ... and the fear and anger that follows ... is 'compassion' and this is the 'chink in the armor' or stuck thinking that allows Truth to seep through. It is the beginning of the shift from 'head to Heart' consciousness that leads to True Freedom and the remembrance of your I AM Presence.

That experience has been and continues to be a declaration that life is difficult, brutal, competitive, limited, separated, cruel and filled with sorrow and sadness everywhere. If they are fortunate, a little happiness ... transient as it is ... may be mixed in. But in the end, always there is suffering. Living a so called religious or spiritual life will hopefully ... they believe ...increase the happiness a little.

This is the Shift that is upon Humanity Now. It is no longer an option ... you may resist it and continue to experience the reflections of limitation and the increased stress that this now engenders or simply 'allow' it to animate your Life through a shift from your head or ego-mind to your Heart or feeling nature. This will feel fearful at first as all the infrastructures that you defined as your life support and security are released as the fragile imposters they are. But remain steadfast and keep your attention on the Truth ... your I AM Presence, and soon what you once called Miracles will emerge as every Moment events.

This means the Guru can Now be easily and effortlessly found in the mirror and in every passing face in the crowd. The so called flaws are now viewable from the witness position as false identities ... temporary ... nothing more than a cloak worn to mask the Light that dwells within ... whether known to the wearer or not. The Truth is out ... 'You' Are the Guru ... 'You' Are the Light ... 'You' Are God in disguise ... an individual God Presence - the Great I AM ... Free Now.

Today, as the high energy of Consciousness Transformation is bathing the planet and humanity in its disruptive frequencies more and more people are shifting temporarily into the Heaven of Now ... then just as quickly as they entered into the corridors of Peace they slip back into the vibrations of fear, doubt and duality. This is normal.

I see only Love.
In the faces of stress and disillusionment, I see only Love.
In the homeless, sick and hungry, I see only Love.
In the hate filled hearts and guilt ridden minds, I see only Love.
In the depraved and cynical, I see only Love.
In all the illusions of a world which has forgotten Its Source, still
I see only Love.

Now, as the end of the dream draws near ... (this could be thought of as the end of time or the end of linear experiences, which circumscribes the false belief that we are separated from one another) ... many of us have made the ultimate choice ... the 'SPECIAL', from the menu, which is to WAKE UP from the dream.

My goal is to help empower spiritually aware people and show them how to create a business that can be started for very little (or NO) money that includes;
• Multiple Streams of Income
• Ways to leverage and empower other people by providing jobs and income streams for others
• Resources, tools and software that lets you and those you want to empower get started immediately, even if you don't have a website, any business experience or your own access to the internet.
• A clear plan that allows you to get started and be making an income very quickly
• A built in system to help empower others and help them get started as well.
• A simple system that let's you make over a half million dollars simply by giving away 100 of your own business cards.

We are those who are of the Law of One. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the complexities are simplified; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. That is our nature and our purpose. We are old upon your planet and have served with varying degrees of success in transmitting the Law of One, of Unity, of Singleness to your peoples. We have walked your planet. We have seen the faces of your peoples. However, we now feel the great responsibility of staying in the capacity of removing the distortions and powers that have been given to the Law of One. We will continue in this, until, shall we say, your cycle is appropriately ended. If not this one, then the next. We are not a part of time and, thus, are able to be with you in any of your times.

We are those of the Confederation who eleven thousand of your years ago came to two of your planetary cultures which were at that time closely in touch with the creation of the one Creator. It was our naive belief that we could teach/learn by direct contact and that the free will distortions of individual feeling or personality were in no danger. We had no thought of their being disturbed, as these cultures were already closely aligned with an all-embracing belief in the live-ness or consciousness of all. We came and were welcomed by the peoples whom we wished to serve. We attempted to aid them in technical ways having to do with the healing of mind/body/spirit complex distortions through the use of the crystal, appropriate to the distortion, placed within a certain appropriate series of ratios of time/space material. Thus were the pyramids created.

In the Eighteenth Dynasty, as it is known in your records of space/time distortions, we were able to contact a pharaoh, as you would call him. The man was small in life-experience on your plane and was a ... what this instrument would call, Wanderer. Thus, this mind/body/spirit complex received our communication distortions and was able to blend his distortions with our own. This young entity had been given a vibratory complex of sound which vibrated in honor of a prosperous god, as this mind/body complex, which we call instrument for convenience, would call “Ammon.” The entity decided that this name, being in honor of one among many gods, was not acceptable for inclusion in his vibratory sound complex. Thus, he changed his name to one which honored the sun disc. This distortion, called “Aten,” was a close distortion to our reality as we understand our own nature of mind/body/spirit complex distortion. However, it does not come totally into alignment with the intended teach/learning which was sent. This entity, Ikhnaton, became convinced that the vibration of One was the true spiritual vibration and thus decreed the Law of One.

However, this entity’s beliefs were accepted by very few. His priests gave lip service only, without the spiritual distortion towards seeking. The peoples continued in their beliefs. When this entity was no longer in this density, again the polarized beliefs in the many gods came into their own and continued so until the one known as Mohammed delivered the peoples into a more intelligible distortion of mind/body/spirit relationships.

The so-called Great Pyramid had two capstones. One was of our design and was of smaller and carefully contrived pieces of the material upon your planet which you call “granite.” This was contrived for crystalline properties and for the proper flow of your atmosphere via a type of what you would call “chimney.” At a time when we as a people had left your density, the original was taken away and a more precious one substituted. It consisted, in part, of a golden material. This did not change the properties of the pyramid, as you call it, at all, and was a distortion due to the desire of a few to mandate the use of the structure as a royal place only.

In the first case only the one individual, purified of all flaws, could move a mountain. In the case of mass understanding of unity, each individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion and yet the mass mind could move mountains. The progress is normally from the understanding which you now seek to a dimension of understanding which is governed by the laws of love, and which seeks the laws of light. Those who are vibrating with the Law of Light seek the Law of One. Those who vibrate with the Law of One seek the Law of Foreverness.
We cannot say what is beyond this dissolution of the unified self with all that there is, for we still seek to become all that there is, and still are we Ra. Thus our paths go onward.

To speak to the third, if you will, imagine the function of the magnet. The magnet has two poles. One reaches up. The other goes down. The function of the spirit is to integrate the upreaching yearning of the mind/body energy with the downpouring and streaming of infinite intelligence.

To begin to master the concept of mental disciplines it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be internalized. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself.
The second mental discipline is acceptance of the completeness within your consciousness. It is not for a being of polarity in the physical consciousness to pick and choose among attributes, thus building the roles that cause blockages and confusions in the already distorted mind complex. Each acceptance smoothes part of the many distortions that the faculty you call judgment engenders.
The third discipline of the mind is a repetition of the first but with the gaze outward toward the fellow entities that it meets. In each entity there exists completeness. Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary. When you view patience, you are responsible for mirroring in your mental understandings, patience/impatience. When you view impatience, it is necessary for your mental configuration of understanding to be impatience/patience. We use this as a simple example. Most configurations of mind have many facets, and understanding of either self polarities, or what you would call other-self polarities, can and must be understood as subtle work.
The next step is the acceptance of the other-self polarities, which mirrors the second step. These are the first four steps of learning mental disciplines.
The fifth step involves observing the geographical and geometrical
relationships and ratios of the mind, the other mind, the mass mind, and
the infinite mind.

That is the work of wind and fire. The spiritual body energy field is a pathway, or channel. When body and mind are receptive and open, then the spirit can become a functioning shuttle or communicator from the entity’s individual energy/will upwards, and from the streamings of the creative fire and wind downwards.

Those seeking intelligent infinity through the use of service to self create the same amount of power but, as we said, have constant difficulty because of the concept of separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service to self which involve power over others. This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by such mind/body/spirit complexes who call the Orion group and the social memory complexes which comprise the Orion group.
It should be noted, carefully pondered, and accepted, that the Law of One is available to any social memory complex which has decided to strive together for any seeking of purpose, be it service to others or service to self. The laws, which are the primal distortions of the Law of One, then are placed into operation and the illusion of space/time is used as a medium for the development of the results of those choices freely made. Thus all entities learn, no matter what they seek. All learn the same, some rapidly, some slowly.

Each universe, in turn, individualized to a focus becoming, in turn, co-Creator and allowing further diversity, thus creating further intelligent energies regularizing or causing Natural Laws to appear in the vibrational patterns of what you would call a solar system. Thus, each solar system has its own, shall we say, local coordinate system of illusory Natural Laws. It shall be understood that any portion, no matter how small, of any density or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the one Creator which is infinity. Thus all begins and ends in mystery.

The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.
Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with your present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.

The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One.
The center of heart, or green-ray, is the center from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, to infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion.

The desire to serve begins, in the dimension of love or understanding, to be an overwhelming goal of the social memory complex.
Thus, those percentiles of planetary entities, plus approximately four percent more of whose identity we cannot speak, found themselves long, long ago in your time seeking the same thing: service to others. The relationship between these entities as they entered an understanding of other beings, other planetary entities, and other concepts of service was to share and continue together these commonly held goals of service. Thus, each voluntarily placed the social memory complex data in what you may consider a central thought complex available to all. This then created a structure whereby each entity could work in its own service while calling upon any other understanding needed to enhance the service.

The seniority by vibration is the preferential treatment, shall we say, which follows the ways of the Law of One which encourages harvestable individuals, each individual becoming aware of the time of harvest and the need on a self-level to bend mind/body/spirit towards the learn/teaching of these lessons, by giving them priority in order that an entity may have the best possible chance, shall we say, in succeeding in this attempt.

Specifically those who are strong, intelligent, etc., have a temptation to feel different from those who are less intelligent and less strong. This is a distorted perception of oneness with otherselves. It allowed the Orion group to form the concept of the holy war, as you may call it. This is a seriously distorted perception. There were many of these wars of a destructive nature.

This catalyst then is shared between peoples as an important part of each self’s development as well as the experiences of the self in solitude and the synthesis of all experience through meditation. The quickest way to learn is to deal with other-selves. This is a much greater catalyst than dealing with the self. Dealing with the self without other-selves is akin to living without what you would call mirrors. Thus, the self cannot see the fruits of its being-ness. Thus, each may aid each by reflection. This is also a primary reason for the weakening of the physical vehicle, as you call the physical complex.

We can speak only in metaphor. Some love the light. Some love the darkness. It is a matter of the unique and infinitely various Creator choosing and playing among its experiences as a child upon a picnic. Some enjoy the picnic and find the sun beautiful, the food delicious, the games refreshing, and glow with the joy of creation. Some find the night delicious, their picnic being pain, difficulty, sufferings of others, and the examination of the perversities of nature. These enjoy a different picnic. All these experiences are available. It is the free will of each entity which chooses the form of play, the form of pleasure.

Those of the empire were not successful in maintaining their presence for long after the approximate three zero, zero, zero date in your history and were, perforce, left with the decision to physically leave the skies. The so-called prophets were often given mixed information, but the worst that the Orion group could do was to cause these prophets to speak of doom, as prophecy in those days was the occupation of those who love their fellow beings and wish only to be of service to them and to the Creator.

This, however, being a battle of equals, the Confederation is aware that it cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive, for then though pure it would not be of any consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of darkness under the heel, as you may say. It is thus that those who deal with this thought-war must be defensive rather than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully what the Orion Confederation wishes to give, that being enslavement. Thusly, some polarity is lost due to this friction and both sides, if you will, must then regroup.
It has not been fruitful for either side. The only consequence which has been helpful is a balancing of the energies available to this planet so that these energies have less necessity to be balanced in this space/time, thus lessening the chances of planetary annihilation.

Those who were destroyed, not by radiation, but by the trauma of the energy release, found not only the body/mind/spirit complex made unviable, but also a disarrangement of that unique vibratory complex you have called the spirit complex, which we understand as a mind/body/spirit complex, to be completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator and thus we were given permission, not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit or portion or holograph or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One.

There is a great urgency for human beings to understand and correct their current situation. Humankind is and has been experiencing far more disconnection, disorientation, pain and suffering than is necessary. This creates an interruption in the flow of Universal Divine Love Energy and a virtual frustration in the ever-expanding consciousness of All That Is. Each and every earthbound entity is an apportionment of the Divine Spirit and maintains a connective strand, a communicative channel, through which inspiration, guidance and divine intention can be experienced. Along with this information channel came the innate ability to transmute Universal Energy into physical form to create events and physical manifestations pleasing to both the individual and the ever-expanding Universal Spirit. The power to intuit, the power to create, and the freedom for willful action, are all far greater than humans imagine—for they have become obscured, blunted and limited.

In the course of human history, there have been many sages, Avatars and wise―men of God‖ who have attempted to re-empower humans. These seers incarnated with a clear destiny, a broadened awareness and with better command of the innate power that all humans were intended to possess. Their task was to awaken humankind to the tremendous potential and power that lies within their grasp, yet which remains unclaimed. For every human being maintains that connective strand through which Divine Spirit Intention can be accessed and utilized, offering vast benefits and direction for the restoration of humanity to the intended evolutionary path. Their offerings have made a positive impact; but there has also been a tremendous amount of distortion of the teachings—perversion and dogmatic assertions used for manipulation and control by misguided, power-seeking humans, perpetuating the myth that direction can only come from external forces and guides.

The preponderance of negative events and frustrating experiences in one’s life is a direct result of the level of frustration of the Spirit. Humans have also developed ways to escape the haunting feelings of a frustrated spirit through escapism or aggression or self deception. But true and lasting relief can only come through the identification and rejection of those beliefs that have been internalized, which frustrate rather than develop and express the spiritual potential.
These beliefs, and any others which limit human development and expression, are no longer to be tolerated. The state of the earth becomes less and less stable as more and more energy is fed into the existing limited beliefs. Now is the time for the piece-by-piece dismantling of the dense energy network that stifles the spiritual, mental and physical evolution of the human species. The dominant
formative energies are fear, anger and sadness, which spring from the grossly frustrated Universal Spirit. Without direct intervention, these energies will continue to create individual and social and eventually, physiological and geological upheaval.

Humans operating on such a base level of existence reflect the sorry state of mass consciousness. And there is a predominance of unnecessary suffering. The emotional symptoms will eventually lead humans to wisdom for they will not go away until the spirit is understood. But this is a harsh and unnecessary course, tantamount to hitting rock bottom in order to gain enlightenment. There already exist such severe conditions both within individuals and societies that understanding must now be facilitated. For human beings cannot hope to begin to utilize their nature for the intended purpose, if they cannot even grasp an understanding of it.

As freedom and opportunity are restored, the spiritual connection strengthens, and the spirit is allowed development and expression. Creative mode will replace survival mode. Energy directed into destructive acts and undesirable events will be redirected into those that are productive and desirable. Humans will get back the tremendous amount of power that now lies dormant. Future generations will enjoy a less and less constricted level of mass consciousness. And ultimately, mass consciousness will evolve to accurately reflect Universal Consciousness as it did In The Beginning.

This is the direction. Now is the time to take the first steps. The understandings are of critical importance, but will most definitely conflict with many existing beliefs and tenets. It is suggested for this reason, to open a new mental space to receive this information to temporarily set aside—not discard—but temporarily set aside existing beliefs, and to actively, openly consider alternate ways of thinking and being. Your spirit will tell you of the validity of any and all information—once you understand how to listen to it. There is no need to abandon existing beliefs completely, as this would be far too painful. Simply place this new information in a special compartment, and keep it together, without placing judgments upon it. You will begin noticing how it manifests in your life.

When the Divine Love flows unabated, there is a successful completion of the energy circuit between the individual and the totality of All That Is. This was to be ―The Way. This was to be as the path of least resistance. Human limitation frustrating the will creates obstruction and resistance to The Way. Disconnection from intention allows will energy to follow selfpreservationary pathways. Reactions that simply buy time do not eliminate the obstruction nor achieve the corrective balance. The limitation continues to signal its presence with negative emotion. Will energy, either positive or negative, still creates experience.
Negative, painful experiences are attracted through the negative emotion. The events are intended to draw attention to the belief which frustrates spirit. But instead of understanding this message, it simply appears to the human that ―bad stuff is happening for no apparent reason. Events seem to come from nowhere, from the outside in. This facilitates further limiting beliefs and superstitions, which are designed to protect against imagined evil, external controlling forces at work. To say the least, disconnection from will is disempowering.

Thus, the mind has a very important task in the larger scheme of things. The human mind is a tool kit of creative resources, as well as a factory for their assembly. The mind is meant to be filled with ideas and beliefs—mental tools—of an ever improving nature to provide freedom and avenues of opportunity to the individual. Experiences are to be analyzed, mined for the learning, and significant skills and strategies retained for future successes. Within the fluidity of mind, old strategies are cast away as new improvements are discovered that drive a constant mental evolution.

The situation that exists today within mass consciousness is indeed severely limiting. Humans are so utterly caught up in their mass reality that most no longer experience true freedom. The conflicting and limited information that exists within the social, political, economic, religious and educational institutions of human culture severely limit the opportunity humans have to design their own reality. They have little hope of developing and expressing the spirit without basic freedom and opportunity.

Existing mechanisms for social change, (political activism, civil complaint processes, legislative mechanisms), are those useful and positive tools within mass consciousness. Even simple communication can create external change and successfully champion human freedom and dignity. This is not to say that certain personal choices are to be foisted upon others; simply, that group limitations are to be removed to make way for individual freedom and equal opportunity for all humans to develop and express their spiritual essence.
Many such positive actions already occur. They are motivated by the urgings of a frustrated spirit. For the insurance policy remains within the biology of every human being. It ensures that spiritual intention will not be ignored without certain symptoms becoming apparent. These are the symptoms that present themselves as painful dissonant feelings within individuals and societies.

As a key defense then, emotion operates as a feedback device that exchanges information between mind and body. The goal is to keep the mind aligned to the needs of spirit that are biologically encoded within the body. This system virtually takes over when most spiritual communication with mind has been interrupted due to limited beliefs. The spirit sneaks in the back door, so to speak, through the feelings and reactions of the body, to bring about the intended need fulfillment of the spirit.

The group needs are essentially about maintaining an awareness of the spiritual connection with All That Is. They translate into the need to commune, affiliate and interact with other humans and life forms, to be accepted and recognized as unique, to love and be loved and to experience a spiritual connectedness with the world.

The ―avoid responses can be quite a bit more complex. These are the responses that get humans into a great deal of trouble. They are generally known as the responses of fight and flight. They exist so that the human can forcibly remove, or escape from, an obstruction in the external world. The avoidant responses can be productive and positive, or they can be extremely destructive and debilitating.

While feelings cry out ―the emperor is naked,‖ the beliefs continue to present him as adorned in his royal robes. At present, beliefs are given supremacy. For there is a steadfast belief within Mass Consciousness that ration and emotion are opposing forces. It is common ―knowledge‖ that emotion has no place within a modern reasonable mind. But we know now that ration and passion operate in concert and that one without the other is severely handicapped. No logic in the world can accurately judge the contents of mind without the emotional signal of spiritual intention. Until the role of feelings, as well as the spiritual needs themselves, are well known this will continue. Humans have indeed been quite arrogant in their ―logical‖ assumptions and insistence that man-made dictates can somehow overrule those of The Creator.

This insight is the major way to accomplish the number two task at hand, learning how to avoid self-preservationary responses when they are inappropriate. A small amount of pain is perfectly bearable, even energizing, particularly if the signal is understood while the problem is still small. And the pain should be acknowledged as an indicator of a sliver, or the need to polish or re-cut a gem.
Its intensity will be in direct proportion to the lack. With this strategy, the Right Response can be immediately effected and the problem solved. Instead, caveman-like avoidant responses happen, preventing the needed change, and become accepted as an inevitable part of human nature. Certain social codes and assumptions then pop up which perpetuate the problem.

The Flight Response is that innate urge to run away from danger. When humans experience fear, the body is filled with arousal energy for movement away from the dangerous situation. The underlying assumption for choosing this response is that something very threatening must be avoided, for this is a win-lose competition and the self would surely be the loser. This is a very adaptive strategy when there is clear and present physical danger. This was particularly true before the advent of mind. For as we know, along with the mind came the need to self-develop and the challenge of achieving spiritual expression through its filter. We know now that even a signal for self-development feels like one for self-preservation, prompting avoidance and escape.

Escapist actions are apparent everywhere. Humans seek mental retreats from emotional pain through defense mechanisms, withdrawal, avoidant tendencies, distractions and compulsive behaviors. Such mental escapism is all captured within the umbrella concept of denial. Denial is the tendency to avoid that which is staring one right in the face. The information is avoided because its acknowledgment would be painful. Denial can be a subtle escape from (or avoidance of) any situation which could cause the emotional signal. This includes even the minor anxiety of growing pains. This means that learning experiences would be avoided. This is not spiritually desirable, but the human defenses are prone to do just that, without rational understanding of the feeling.

Anger sprang from the human need for freedom and control. Anger would grow from fear over memories of frustration and future projections of concern over interference with efforts of spiritual expression. It motivated active ―fight responses to ensure that external obstacles were not to be tolerated. Sadness sprang from loss experiences. Most specifically from losses of people and the severance of ties that satisfied the group needs. Sad feelings were meant to motivate actions that promoted new, replacement alliances and protected against further loss.

This key understanding will cast many situations into an entirely different light. It will be shocking as it exposes rather entrenched and universal emotional boundaries. But it is now extremely necessary to shock humans back into understanding, to break through the haze of denial and self destruction.

As humans awaken each morning, they do so to a newly created world. They
slip from one probability to the next without so much as a blink. As consciousness expands, it will become apparent how very much control each has over the creation of the desired events in one’s life, and how they choose to actualize one probability over another. Certain thoughts should be reinforced such as, ―I create my own reality and ―My spirit will guide me.

Although living in the Light is perfectly possible without sharing your new approach with anyone at all, finding others of like mind is quite rewarding. The synergy of community is very powerful. It is highly recommended to seek others who have chosen enlightenment, cohorts with whom to share experiences, exchange wisdom and gather support. With even one close friend with whom to share your experiences, they will become much more meaningful and salient. Family units can set aside particular times to discuss the understandings, and the efforts and outcomes at creating desired eality. Establishing focus groups with regular meetings can help build community and build great networks for the Light.

Feelings of anger, guilt, envy, anxiety or shame often motivate a blaming response. The act of blame is a maladaptive Flight Response in which the external realm is held accountable for internal problems. To blame, is to think that it might be due to Karma, or the weather, or the configuration of the stars, or the secret government, that things are not going as the individual plans. Such finger pointing can bring temporary postponement of feelings but never true spiritual fulfillment. For the underlying dissonance always remains, creating further negativity in feeling and experience.

Eventually, even the most adept practitioner of vengeful gossip will need a more direct outlet. The anger will continue to build until it is expressed. The emotional system is such that the spirit will never be satisfied until the actual source of the dissonance has been addressed. And, of course, the mind can declare what that source is, depending upon its contents. It will decide the source of dissonance, whether it be right (in accordance with spiritual intention) or it be wrong (as perceived through a distorted mental lens) due to continuing resistance.
But right or wrong, if the mind is utterly convinced in its belief, the spirit will motivate external changes upon the source directed in the Fight Response. Although this will perpetuate survival, it is not appropriate unless the response rules have been observed. In the situation of building resentment, all behavioral motivations are based upon faulty information that has never been fully examined, acknowledged or understood.

This feeling may have accompanied an interaction with nature’s wonders of
creation, in a moment of awe and appreciation of a fawn in a thicket, a magic sunset, the unfolding of petals of a flower, or a starry night sky. Or it may have been associated with the unmistakable communion of spirits, that deep connection experienced as love. It may have been a moment where the soul was moved to tears by a powerful, creative expression of another kindred spirit, be it musical, artistic or poetic. Or it may have been experienced through a moment of creative insight—a breakthrough in understanding.

Faith in Spirit leads to more ready acceptance of each and every opportunity to learn. It provides the courage to push past the growing pain and into broader mental and physical horizons. Acceptance is faith in the Spirit’s presence within, and feeling signature upon every physical experience. Faith in Spirit recognizes the creative power of mind. Thus, acceptance begins with a mindset that each and every experience is one that has been attracted by that human being. Acceptance begins with accountability for life’s events.

The key to successful self-expression is to know when it should be offered and how much is enough. It is to understand the ebb and flow of the spirit, the continuous expansion of the mind, and that the appropriate amount of light will be received for that person at that time.

Humor can communicate the humanness and commonalties that usher in the
sense of connectedness and cooperation. Humor can open the entity to the continuous change that is mental evolution. To be able to laugh at one’s self is to be open to all necessary growth.
Humor can also facilitate communication and self-expression. It can soften a harsh message when the learning need level is very high and the growing pain is intense. Humor can persuade and eliminate resistance to offers of light. The more internal and external mental limitations are removed, the more humor can manifest in each and every individual, and eventually pour forth to delight the world.

Humans have an incredible flexibility with which they can handle huge
amounts of pain in their lives. But perhaps most beneficial, is the fact that they can get by with a minimal amount of need fulfillment. They can channel the energy from one unmet need into another for which they have developed a successful outlet. They can use spontaneous creative expression to give regular release to frustrated spiritual energy.

Self expression is about getting yourself out there, about telling the world what you think, dream and desire. Humans rely mostly upon words—the gift of language, no matter what tongue. But self expression is any action or utterance that meets needs or shows gratitude when they have been met. It is how the individual creates change in the environment, how evolution proceeds. Thus, as part of the human natural motivative system, it has some built-in features.

The most rudimentary vocal form of self-expression is the ability to shed tears. Like every other inborn gift, the ability to cry is part of the Spiritual safety net, where physical processes take over and respond to spiritual frustration in necessary ways.

Crying not only happens when self needs are frustrated, but it also happens spontaneously when empathic pain of others is experienced. And crying is not limited merely to negative experiences, for humans can also weep with joy. Humans often weep over deep and abiding human experiences, rights of passage, and common situations of success and pleasure. Humans often weep when they experience the deeper meaning, or rhythms within daily living.

Laughter is another of nature’s gifts of vocal expression. It relates to the mystery of humor as well as to the crying response with equally cleansing and curative benefits. Laugh loud and often. For laughter also sings the Spirit’s song of hope and oneness. Laughter speaks for itself.

Simply put, societies that do not allow freedom for all of their members, will not survive. Any human grouping that seeks to contain and control its members by erecting mental and physical walls can never succeed in the long term. When societies provide the right amount of freedom, there will be far less violent rebellion, anger, fear and manipulation. For, when freedom is suppressed, the need becomes magnified to the point of a compulsion. This can bring exaggerated defensive responses that are not at all in the best interest of the individual or the society.

Humans have a deep and abiding longing to love and to be loved. This need
springs from the connectedness of each and every spiritual apportionment and speaks its truth through the spark of human (and even animal) connection. When the connection needs are denied, even in the best of individual circumstances, the soul suffers its lonely sense of loss. This is why the accepted strategy of competition should give way immediately to the understanding of necessary cooperation. In fact, most ―competitive win-lose human situations are actually based upon agreed on, cooperative rules. Thus, the connection need underlies any seemingly successful or fulfilling competitive activity. Nonetheless, the connection needs can be subordinated and postponed for quite long periods of time if the survival need for power has not been attained. Humans can be driven away from one another, into violent competition when the rules for connection become too steep. For the connection need can also work in negative ways. For example, the martyr dutifully strives to satisfy the needs of all the loved ones, oftentimes at the expense of one’s own hopes, dreams, and needs to creatively express. The martyr then experiences frustration and resentment, since their own needs are neglected. Such frustration often results in passive-aggressive, back-door, power-seeking dynamics.

The connection need has its abuses as well. It can be used by some seeking power over others. Relinquishment of freedom of thought can be the price charged for admission into a ―loving or ―safe group. Cult-like mentalities often result from humans who huddle together in their own darkness rather than risk being lonely. Yet, freedom and control is often traded away to join such groups as well. This breeds yet another brand of emotional problems, with such symptoms as paranoia, anger and social disconnection. In any grouping where external control seeks to replace internal control, you will always find dissonance and maladapted individuals. The power of love and attraction includes a hardwired urge to nurture, to procreate and live communally. Oftentimes these physical urges can be confounded by limited beliefs, leaving humans in compromising positions that require need tradeoffs. Solid relationships are based upon mutual understandings which recognize and honor each of the self needs and allow each member to meet them in ways they so choose.

This global cleansing is the challenge of each earthbound entity. It is not to be accomplished with darkness or violation of any type. It cannot be accomplished with competition, battles or Holy Wars; it can only be accomplished through the cooperative, developmental efforts of individuals redefining the mental landscape under the direction of the spiritual guide, followed by expressive efforts to alter the cultural landscape accordingly, to accommodate the nature of humankind. The task is a daunting one, yet the time, the energy, and the human receptivity to internal guidance is at a peak point. The patterns of resistance,
competition and self-preservation have been repeated so many times throughout human history that the futility and negativity of such a course is now apparent to all. Humankind now experiences en masse the effects of lack of evolution, the effects of disconnection from the spirit within, the effects of separation from the Creator, and is now trapped within the gross limitations of their own creations. Such a life of pain, guilt and futility is hardly the intention of the Creator.

The seeds planted now by the enlightened ones will flourish, and in time, the garden now choked with weeds can return to its original Eden-like state of creative freedom and spiritual fulfillment. All accomplishments of self-development and expression rest upon the ability to rise above the self-preservationary reactions that now hold most humans captive. Understanding the self will reconnect humans with the universal values so they no longer must argue over which political, economic, religious, educational, social and ethical ideas and approaches should be pursued. With mind, anything goes. Minds will always disagree until spiritual values are understood and invoked.

The mind has the express purpose of self-development. When the mind does its job, the spirit can meet its purpose of self-expression in ever-expanding areas of experience. With adequate information exchanges and feedback between these ―Twin Selves humans can enjoy the maximum most rewarding physical experience. The life giving habits are all designed to meet these higher purposes. Unfortunately, the mind has complete free will and can develop itself with slivers that can take humans in less rewarding directions, should the communication with spirit somehow breakdown. This is the risk of physical existence and the downside of free will. This is why the wisdom of the Creator has been imbued into the body itself. This is the safety feature that can save humans from themselves by keeping them oriented upon a purposeful path. The body contains the needs to move humans forward, and its physical responses of fight and flight to move them back when they stray from their intended course. The body’s basic purpose is to self-preserve so that the human is kept alive long enough to discover and act upon its higher purposes. Thus, there is a trinity of purpose swirling within humans at their present level.

Just as competition will be the main motivator in such cases, the predominant feeling will be anger. The anger can be expressed in one of two directions. The child can turn it inward toward himself, by choosing to accept the limitations of the world, effacing the spirit and losing touch with his needs. Strategies of selfdeprecation, learned helplessness, martyrdom and self-hatred can become enduring personality traits. Such a choice can lead to an ultimate state of depression or even dissociation and the dependence upon escapism from the ongoing spiritual pain. Compulsions, addictions and self-destructive behaviors
can then occur. Suicide is the ultimate act of internally directed anger.
The other option is for the child to reject the conditions and turn the anger outward in explosive or violent acts that can be quite anti-social, if not pathological. He might never develop trust, conscience, remorse or connectedness to his fellow human beings. Never being able to achieve intimacy or love outside the family, or to build support networks, this child (and eventually this adult) will be quite capable of acts that effectively cultured people would perceive as unconscionable or evil. Most such acts would be misguided competitive attempts to meet needs in some manner or simply express the pentup anger. Murder is the ultimate act of externally directed anger. The effect upon the world of such an individual will be most damaging. The effect upon mass consciousness of such individuals will be the mass belief that humans must be controlled by society. Thus, all social controls (i.e. rules, mores, religious dictates, laws and prisons) have arisen due to this condition.

The implications of spiritual reconnection also have impact upon how humans view the developmental cycle. Although the body goes through a recognizable growth pattern and most societies deem an age of ―adulthood, there is no magic point where the development stops. Never. Indeed, mental development continues on a daily basis throughout each day of the entire life. But the growth cycle that continues does not do so automatically. It happens deliberately at the direction of the human being—for it is growth within the realm of mind. The true mark of adulthood is the acceptance of, the accountability to, and the active participation within one’s own continuing mental developmental processes. Each human being has the power to expand the mind and hone it to the maximum fulfillment of spirit, or to resist change altogether and maintain narrow boundaries of mind. Of course, the latter choice will lead to further emotional pain, for it will delay the desired spiritual expression.
It is crucial to recognize that a choice of resistance to mental development, will lead to discomfort in any arena outside the boundaries of mind. Such a person will be imprisoned within a limited familiar home-base locale, where routines and distractions mediate experience. Outside the boundaries of habit and routine, there will be stressful life experience. A static mind will prompt feelings of being out of control and the anxiety of not knowing how to handle situations and events. The feelings will be subtle or quite dramatic, but they will drive actions from just beneath the awareness. There will be pain of sadness, guilt,
shame, anger, fear and any other subtle shades of unpleasant feeling tone. If these signals are continuously ignored, it becomes too painful to even venture about in the world. The personality can harden into habits of thought and action that defend, retreat and reject other human beings. There will be no mistaking the less spiritually fulfilled human beings, for they will not be happy or attractive. Their pain will be difficult for others to be around.

This pattern is a mish-mash of both, where a moral rule of thumb is as follows: First, attempt cooperation. If the other cooperates, then both can win. Next, if the other chooses to break the trust and compete against you, you will lose to him. But your task is to then withdraw your cooperation with him and deal with another (more honorable) fellow, and the first will lose your help, becoming isolated. Eventually he will come calling again, following a learning experience.
Trust again, and if he has truly learned, he will cooperate. The feeling signals all around will reward this more purposeful path, and the group effort will be stronger than any one isolated effort.

Universal love energy itself bases the connection that completes a circuit. Once loving connection is established, it can never be severed, regardless of any temporary violations or limiting conditions. Such a connection exists regardless of minor disagreements or even mistakes and self-preservationary actions that reduce the flow. Such a connection can be—and should be—remembered in each moment. Intimacy is the condition that allows the most freely flowing spiritual energy between two entities. The more complete the energy flow, the deeper the connection and the greater the benefit.

When humans come into contact with one another, they will feel attractions to those that can most freely exchange energy with them. The more the energy is allowed to flow, the more the spirit expresses, and the more attractive this person will be to others, and vice versa. Friendships can be built with most anyone, depending upon the rate of mutual self-development and energy exchange. There will also be natural, spiritually familiar relationships where a nearly instantaneous recognition and attraction occurs, allowing intimacy to begin immediately. These are often the result of creative energies following the spiritual destiny path, combined with the existing conditions of mind. Such a friend can enter a life and dramatically alter its course and be off again on a different track.

Such couplings also serve the higher purposes. They offer a loving, intimate, common world to be designed and shared, a mini self-designed mass reality in which offspring can be raised. The spirit soars to the degree that such commonground worlds allow for fulfillment of the six universal needs. Children thrive, and energy flows best between two such lovers under such enlightened and empowering conditions. There is such universal agreement about the positive value in the longevity of such couplings that some form of marriage, or formalized coupling, has arisen in each culture.

But perhaps the most all-consuming power of love is when the body is in full control, when the mysterious spark ignites the body into its sexual mode, bringing love or raw desire into the physical dimension. This is the arena where humans succumb to the pleasures of the flesh in the immediate moment. The ideal conditions of procreation are when each party chooses the sexual act within all three purposes, where the body, mind and spirit of each are aligned in the decision. Unfortunately, in the confused modern world, this is more the exception than the rule. Sex outside of purpose can wreak havoc. So much so, that the activity itself has been defiled, controlled and judged, and it is now laden with a tremendous amount of excess baggage.

The modern world revolves around the human group. There are many good reasons to form and belong to groups. People are not only pushed together by the pains of loneliness and isolation, they are pulled together in order to meet all their human needs in cooperative ways. There is power in numbers. There is loving connection, opportunities to earn esteem, find meaning, and a great deal of creative energy possible. The group can attain far more than any one of its members alone. There is a veritable magic that can happen in the cooperative sharing of resources, a synergy of energy where the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts. There is a divinely intended balance and vitality when all
organisms freely interact to meet their needs. Indeed, the entire physical world is based upon cooperative interactions between and among individual spirits.
By offering need-meeting opportunities, each kind of group plays its own unique part in the cooperative purposeful whole. Family units are the core of society, greeting incoming spirits with open arms and orienting them along their destiny path. Membership in workgroups can provide basic survival resources, as employees toil and earn resources to provide for their families.

The opposite force appears with nonconformity. Depending upon the value,
there will be the corresponding threat of rejection, the ever-present possibility that the group will ask a member to leave. This will compound the positive desires to conform by adding the fear component. Different actions and beliefs are instantly trounced upon by negative reinforcement in order to preserve the group identity. Thus, any group will also be maintained by the force of negative emotions. There will be fearful feelings within each member to follow the path of the group, as well as an anger that ensures that other members do as well. This aspect can bring about some quite negative outcomes. For where there is
emotional force, devoid of understanding of its purpose, there will be mindless self-preservationary responses.

For with fear, it becomes an individual motive to stay within the group—at all costs, including doing things the mind would not direct. With this added force to conform can come a shift toward risky behavior to prove one’s mettle as a worthy member of the group. Hazing and other dangerous initiations into the groups and acts of allegiance often end in tragic events as well. Such challenges of group membership that go against the spirit will also motivate anger. This will also spur all group members to ensure that their own sacrifices and risks are matched by all other members or retaliations might result.
This can show up in either very subtle or dramatic ways. But there will be constant maintenance of the boundaries of the group, the prodding and cajoling by members for each to prove their allegiance, to measure up. And if any one dares to act differently than expected, they will be immediately cajoled back into compliance. Particularly if they imply in any way they might be thinking original thoughts that might go beyond the established guidelines or boundaries of the group.

Groups form when people come together for some common purpose. They each
will be drawn to the group by inner knowledge that they have something unique to offer, and something to purposefully receive. If they feel frustrated in any way while trying to make this exchange, they will experience some mild form of anger. This anger will move them to express themselves to remove whatever obstacle is in the way. These expressions will be how a group develops its language, negotiates its rules, and power hierarchy. It will not be until each person has found their place of necessary fulfillment within the group that cooperation can begin.

These painful symptoms are exactly like the corrective emotional signals experienced in an individual. Any group must have the enlightened leadership to ensure that a structure evolves which accommodates the needs of each of its members. Each and every such symptom should be acted upon immediately to restore frustrated need-meeting opportunities. Each group should ensure its continuous purpose of self-development and expression. The leadership of any group should respond exactly like an enlightened mind, to adapt itself to each and every incoming piece of information and design the organizational structure and rules to best allocate resources and eliminate internal competition.
Failing to respond to such symptoms is like closing the door of the mind in a flight response to denial, and all the problems inherent in that choice will befall the group. Such dysfunctional groups can be identified for their dependence upon ideological, emotionally manipulative, psychological or physical walls to contain their members. Such walls are erected to keep individuals from escaping into more rewarding and spiritually fulfilling groupings. In an enlightened group or world, no such walls need ever exist. All such walls, of course, are spiritually unsound, for they will eventually be broken down by the safeguard angers of those frustrated spirits imprisoned within.

Fear and anger are not to be accepted or tolerated over long periods of time. Yet, they are often embraced and even manipulated by group doctrine and leaders. Many human groupings do not understand that leading through fear and intimidation will never work well. For these are deficit states indicative of an arena where justice does not dwell. External justice is the social counterpart of individual purpose. Until humans embrace this natural truth, all group organizations will have to deal with continuous anger and fear. Justice is simply the external condition in which each individual has the rightful freedom of movement, and the opportunities for empowerment to meet the needs.

All forms of psychological pain, fear, anger, sadness and disgust are based upon long-term deficit states of injustice. When the mind remembers past injustice and anticipates future injustice, the safeguards kick in. Anger, in particular will ensure that the man-made chains will not be tolerated for long. Anger is the force that forces countries to move in more just directions—often through painful revolution, instead of the more pleasurable evolution.

Connection without justice is simply not possible. Only when the environment is structured in ways that ensure basic freedom and empowerment to control one’s own destiny, can it begin to evolve into a true civilization.

True civilizations have social structures that enhance the life experience with many opportunities for self-development and self-expression, emphasizing the higher needs for connection, esteem, creativity and meaning. There are free flowing ideas and myriad—unlimited—opportunities to meet needs and fulfill purposes. In a civilized community, all needs are met without violating the needs of any others, hence the natural morality of ―do not do unto others that which pains thyself. This includes the pains of injustice perpetrated upon life forms by human folly.

Like any group, each nation, in its own way, seeks to foster connection amongst its people for cohesion and cooperative living. But it is the concept of global connection that is yet to come. Connection cannot occur without justice, for if basic power and freedom is compromised, individuals will necessarily break unity and self-protect at the expense of cooperation. This is a biological certainty and an important safeguard for any individual—from cell to country. But the highest pleasures and the long-term rewards of purpose will only be met through global cooperative connection.

At these stages, the complex emotional signals are deciphered and each feeling tone is seen in the context of self-development and self-expression as well as the complex emotional patterns of others. Clarifying the two good and bad life tracks can expand to include the stages of human evolution and how living within purpose naturally brings one from the survival level, to the being state on to the transcendent destiny potential. The specific pitfalls (cognitive distortions,
deception, resistance and revenge) of the wrong track of defensive responses become more complex, as students begin to grasp the higher level of the directive to ―judge-not.‖ Exercises which give plenty of experience with uniqueness of other’s reality, and how honest intimacy builds and deception breaks down trust and communication can prevent a myriad of painful learning experiences in the real world. Developing specific expressive communication skills, win-win persuasion and conflict negotiation can foster success in all realworld interactions.

The less completion attained at each level of challenge, the more challenge the individual must then continuously juggle as the struggles of life become compounded. One who reaches any level of challenge in any degree will be pulled downward on the challenge totem pole on most occasions until the foundations are in place. Then they will snap back to the highest level of challenge. Challenge levels can vacillate from moment to moment. When the mindscape aligns empowering beliefs in any given moment, even if it might have conflicting or limiting beliefs held in memory, the challenge level can bounce quite high, only to plunge when the conflicts consciously align in a subsequent event. A healthy mindscape, of course, is free of such conflict.

The divine self-regulation system is the instrument for effecting purposeful internal and external change. Since this divine self-regulation system is intertwined so completely within the human biology, emotional arousal has a direct effect upon the physical immune system. It is to be expected that any sort of change will bring emotional signals, and the more unexpected and dramatic the change, the stronger the feelings will be—both good and bad. But in a general sense, stress is the cumulative effect of lingering negative feelings of fear, anger, guilt, envy, resentment, etc. Embracing the concept of growing pains and responding to the slightest signal will ensure that unhealthy amounts of stress do not accumulate.
The amount of momentary stress or emotional dissonance, experienced in any given moment can range from minor anxious growing pains, to a shocking and overwhelming emotional reaction that can even overtake consciousness and cause one to faint dead away. The highest stressors have to do with major losses, such as death of a loved one, loss of health, businesses, jobs or major need-meeting resources. The worst experiences often surround the power, freedom and connection needs. In the world today, sudden, unexpected and painful life events will surely arise, until fully enlightened mindscapes are in place and events are created in line with all desires.

The fourth chakra is located in the heart area. It is the center of full connection and empathetic compassion. It is associated with the lover challenge, the color green, the element air, the senses of touch and smell, the note F# and the tone ―a as in ―ah. It involves the heart and lungs, the circulatory system, and the thymus gland, the arms and shoulders, the ribs, breasts and the diaphragm. It involves the issues of love and hate, grief and anger, resentment and revenge, loneliness, commitment, hope, trust, forgiveness and compassion.
A balanced fourth chakra is characterized by full emotional attunement, intimate relationships, compassion, humanitarianism, faith in human nature, nurturing, in touch with feelings in self and others, active in community, discriminating, and outgoing. Sexuality is a merging of spirits in intimate communion, a dissatisfaction with lesser forms and the strong inner motivations and patience for the higher intimacy.
Excessive energy in the fourth chakra is reflected in possessiveness, overly demanding and critical behavior, melodramatic, manic-depressive, uses money and or guilt to control. Sexual energy is conditional love, and manipulative control. Under-energized conditions result in self-pity, indecision, paranoia, fear of abandonment, fear of vulnerability, and worry over family members. Sexuality is stifled by feelings of unworthiness, fear of rejection, neediness for constant reassurance.

As experiences are remembered and external situations become familiar, the feeling of fear speaks of external threats, the feeling of anger speaks of potential obstacles to need-meeting opportunities, the feeling of sadness speaks of losses that must be replaced and the feeling of disgust speaks of unwholesomem foodstuffs that should be expelled and avoided in the future. The motivational urges still operate upon approach and avoid impulses, but the joyous feelings associated with growth also prompt a good deal of purposeful creative innovation.

Since a critical mass (the predominant percentage of energy) must be attained for macro evolution to occur, there will always be individuals interacting who are at different places in terms of consciousness. Although the majority still lingers in the darkness, there are many intuitively enlightened individuals who have tenaciously gathered and evaluated as much information as possible and have expanded their consciousness significantly. They recognize the self-made limits within mass consciousness and are responsibly striving to remove them.
There are many who answer the calling spirit and offer spiritual truths through artistic interpretations that resonate with others.

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