Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wake up N(E*O)W!

See the illusion around you..this strange cage..break free from the chains beautiful little gods..dont be afraid..its know me..i know..ive seen it..we all need each other..dont let the movie were sleeping for ages now..its time to wake be yourself..before the roles you play in the film end too..these are the final scenes..and we are right in the middle of it..would be a shame to miss it..not? void last line..cant you feel it? this intense energy in your hearts..its love..and truth..freedom and light know..remember..its all in you..who are you..why are you here..what is life about..lets play the real game or never..everything or nothing..everyone or know it..we are all one..please wake up..and start living your true self..we are all waiting just for you..the stage/screen is your last and best character! (:§


1 heart - 1 truth - 1 family:
die seele krieged ihr nöd au na..das lahni nöd zue..ha euem spiel jez sehr lang zuegluegt..ihr hend scho gnueg reini herze gfrässe und immer jungi wos nöd checked und sich nöd chönd wehre..und am beste nöd vo da sind damit mer sie schön cha isoliere, nach sine wünsch forme und für eigeni zwäck missbruche..ihr verdammte sind feigi pussys meh nöd aber sicher kä männer..mached ein uf besti kumpels defür manipulieret ihr sie nur und mached sie abhängig damit ihr eui trurige läbe nöd elei münd er_träge..well ihr scho kaputt sind und nüm a träum und liebi glaubed dörf au susch niemert glücklich und frei si..vergässeds das hört jez uf..lönd sie sofort gah und in rueh oder haued ab..wird all mini kräft isetze um sie us eue grusige klaue zbefreie..meins todernst..jez wird ufgruhmt..für mich gits kä gränze meh..ihr chönd sie sicher nöd isperre und mich usschlüsse zum eus tränne gahts na..mir händ das nöd verdient..eui hünd, fraue und fründe übrigens au nöd..das ihrs überhaupt waged eu mit mir azlege..eui eigene lüt zbenutze und zunterdrücke..ihr verlogene bieropas checked echt nüt meh..ihr ziehnd alli und alles in dräck mit eue kranke ego games..wer schwächere im weg staht und sie mit in abgrund zieht muess weg..gönd doch am beste grad zäme ihr hend eu verdient..eui zit isch abgloffe..das isch eui letschti warnig!

er isch e intriganti und falschi assisau, wo dauernd verloreni teenieseele manipuliert und benutzt..well ihm so langwilig isch elei i sim hoffnigslos fuule tv-elä dir het er das au gmacht und ich has müesse redet nur und macht weniger als nüt..bestiehlt sini eigene lüt und betrügt sogar sini teenie-fründin wo sis ganze läbe isch de hinterhältigst und grüsigst vo allne, wo ganz bewusst alli verarscht..eine uf pseudopapi cha vilicht andere was vormache aber mir nö psycho söll sich zieht alli in dräck..und es git gnueg gueti lüt döt wo das nöd verdient hend..

sie sind de junky und de assi..wo de aktivistischi und revolutionäri anarcho-/besetzerpunk scho vor jahre gfickt und lahm glegt hend..abwächselnd dealed und für "usbildete" teenie-nachschub sorged..wo chönd schnorre, suffe und ficke..durch droge süechtig und mit bewusster manipulation gfüegig gmacht..wie hünd ad leine gnah..durch geistigi beeiflussig und angst gformt und dunkelste sumpfschatte vo de gsellschaft zoge..als sklave vo skrupellose und abartige monster..bis sie zalt und zverbrucht sind und muend ersetzt werde..wieder uf de strass landet..und genau s gliche spiel spile münd zum überläbe..tüfelskreis gschlosse..perfäkte „abfall“ vo de gsellschaft womer nimmt und wegrüehrt wies am ego grad dienlich isch..die gschiterte und qualvolle existänze..wo käne gseht und glich alli kaenned..aber nur mit maske wahrheit opfer vo de assi- und junkymafia..gsehsch es?

alte nimm ab ich bruch dini hilf jez..mir müend de tribe reinige vom dirt susch schafft ers nöd..d falschspieler werdet jez entlarvt und eliminiert..wämer sie nöd us dere manipulative kontrolle befreied sinds isch jez scho grenzwertig was die mit de lüt döt mached..cha nüm länger zueluege..scho gar nöd bi junge wos nöd checked..bruched e chlini gueti armee wo das problem schnäll und effiziänt vom platz entfernt..sind ja nur zwei..aber sie spiled das spiel scho sit jahre und hend scho jeni ufm gwü ganzi tribe wird vo ihne gstürt, unbewusst ghalte und missbrucht..sie münd weg..NOW

und wäner eimal churz würed überlege, was ich scho alles für eu gmacht han, würed ihr au wüsse, dass ichs mit eu allne ehrlich nur guet reiners herz ha als ihr all zäme..voller liebi und wahrheit bin..wached uf und befreied eu!


Auszüge meiner Horoskop-Texte:

You are intense, fiery, passionate and an extremist. You don't like shady, undefined or gray situations. You live each moment of your life with great intensity and your emotions are deep and lasting. Your strong intuition will permit you to perceive the result of a situation before it occurs, and that also will help you to discover when people lie to you.

You are prepared to offer yourself completely to people you love and demand the same response in order to be happy. When you are deceived, you are utterly short with that person or the company, and more often, forever. Most of the time you won't be able to stay quiet, because your wealth of energy will cause you to be in constant action. You lose your patience very easily and your irritation could lead to dreadful explosions.

One of your missions is to protect others, to teach, to act with valor and courage, to teach to experience love with all it's intensity. You were born to delve into the secrets of nature, to investigate profound subjects, to heal others and to regenerate your environment.

Your emotions are rapid, changing and unstable. Your way of feeling and of expressing your feelings will be very unusual and free. You don't have any prejudices or ties, which allows you to wholly offer yourself. Your mind and your heart work together and you probably rationalize or intellectualize your affections and interests a lot.

Subconsciously, you have a strong desire to transform your life and to detach yourself from all sorts of ties. In previous lives you may have stayed in small communities or tribes, or very closed societies that have forced you to work according to the needs of the group. You were accustomed to think about the functions of others. In this incarnation you have to learn to develop your individuality without isolation, and to use your creative power to change the suffocating conditions that surround you.

Because you have the necessary strength to overcome any obstacle, you are attracted to enterprises that imply certain risks or those demanding quick and incisive decisions. You are very positive, open and direct with your opinions and will provide assistance to those who need it. You are likely to be a source of support for many people around you.

Thanks to your innovative and defiant attitude, you are an example for others and help them to change and not to resign to unsatisfactory or unjust situations.

They don't understand that when the group is happy, you are happy. Herein lies your security.

You instinctively serve through a desire to be useful. By overcoming your desire to do the job perfectly, you are able to do the job to the best of your ability and thus, be a vehicle through which God works. This fulfills you and inspires others to do the same.

The foundation of your life is love---your family feels it and your beautiful home reflects it. Your loving nature grows and increases with time.

Your spiritual fire burns brightly. You are in touch with your Source, your inner flame, and can inspire others without saying a word. The energy your put into your behind-the-scenes activities energizes any group to which you dedicate yourself.

You see the big picture, what's best for the whole, and come up with inventive ways of implementing your ideas. You are intuitive and innovative---so much so, that your ideas are ahead of their time. When faced with the impossible, you simply find a new approach to getting the job done.

Farming and gardening are likely to be especially rewarding, as well as research along agricultural and horticultural lines. Providing food and shelter for individuals that have to do with their health, activity and energy are natural drives, particularly in things pertaining to daily life home conveniences.

It is likely that you lived in America during its early frontier days, when many of these talents were developed out of necessity. Also related to this prior lifetime is your powerful physical determination, especially in competition: you simply do not allow yourself to be defeated by others.

However, this may at times be expressed too aggressively, which may separate you at least intellectually, mentally or communicationswise from many of your associates and relations. This is a feature of your personality this lifetime that can either be constructive or destructive. Hence be sure to avoid going too far with your very active, determined drive toward self-expression.

Your mental-emotional harmony together with your powerful intellect gives you an extraordinary capacity to communicate your ideas to others, whether privately one-on-one or publicly before a large audience. These communication skills, together with your alert mind, interesting conversation and sharpness of perception, all combine to make you a natural teacher and writer, especially in training the minds of the young and in carrying out a personal mission to deliver a specific message.

Uplifting influences, then, arise from your experiences in both your Jupiter sojourn and in past life positions of prominence, most likely on a high, history-making level as a spiritual leader. You are then, a loving, noble soul in your interactions with others, causing them to have faith in themselves (and in you).

Having an intense, strong-willed, independent personality, you are likely to be drawn between experiences that are extreme.

You have considerable inner strength. Willpower and persistence are hidden beneath your surface. Your self-image is out of proportion, being either too great or too small.

Look for a significant prior lifetime in a leadership position.

Your use or abuse of that position will tell you much about your current self-image. Possible areas of prior life experience may be in the aristocracy, military leadership, political leadership, actor-manager of a theater troupe, business executive, or head of a family business.

In a previous life you utilized brute force to gain your power.

Weaker opponents were not shown mercy or compassion. This life time, you avoid physical activity and may have difficulties asserting yourself, fearing your prior life's brutality.

Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself; you seek perfection, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards.

Your clear, cool, objective and nonemotional attitude is apparent to others first, and though you are really quite helpful and caring, you do not radiate much sympathy so that others may not see the helpful side as readily. You may seem more businesslike and factual, and also more conservative, than you really are at heart. You are the person others might go to for technical advice or an unbiased opinion, but not for emotional support.

Whatever you do, you do with passion and fervor, and you often go to extremes. You are either hot or cold, never lukewarm about anything. You can also be very narrow: either you are 100% involved in something or else it doesn't exist for you at all. Rarely are you emotionally detached and objective. You definitely have a fanatical streak. You are also immensely strong-willed and your tenacity in pursuing your objectives often borders on being obsessive. Fierce pride, courage, and emotional strength are yours in abundance.

You can get by in life almost by personality alone. There is a radiant, warm, attractive quality about you that others can't help responding to favorably. Usually you appear confident and clear about who you are, and it's very difficult not to notice you or feel your influence when you are around.

You have a deep-seeded streak of unconventionality and an unwillingness to be bound by traditional stereotypes, rules, or authority imposed from outside yourself, so much so that you may feel conspicuously different or 'from another planet' when in the company of people who do not question or think for themselves. This is a carry over from past life experiences in which you were very much outside the mainstream of society - a rebel, renegade, or heretic challenging the standards of the day and the orthodox ways of doing things. Stubbornly independent and recalcitrant, you refused to bow down to the powers that be and you still refuse to do so, at least internally. You may find that you threaten your superiors, because subconsciously you send the message that you will not defer or submit to anyone. Deep within you feel that all people are spiritual equals; you despise being dominated or having you freedom impinged upon. You can cooperate quite comfortably on a team or in a circle of equals; it is hierarchy and paternalistic authority you have trouble with.

In your deep subconscious memory, you may have little experience of stability or family in the traditional sense. You may become addicted to change and stimulation, having had to adapt rapidly fluctuating circumstances and many different types of people and settings. Now, you may find that your closest emotional bonds are not based on blood, but on  spiritual blood relatives. At times you may even be curiously indifferent to them. However, you do need a society brotherhood or community to share your life journey with, for you are really a 'people person' and get a lot of nourishment from group support.

For you, this lifetime revolves upon the theme of experiencing your emotional depths, and penetrating the surface of life to explore the hidden, dark, secret or taboo. What lurks in the shadows or in the inner depths of the human soul is what concerns you, and it is your task to become aware of and express what you find hidden there. What society at large may fear or repress, you are fascinated with and drawn to experience and understand. This may include both a fear of and absorption with death and the mysterious side of life, delving into the politics of sexuality and power and experiencing strong, 'dark' emotions such as passion, jealousy, revenge or a desire for control. At times you may feel like a misfit, that your yearnings, desires, and true inclinations are somehow wrong or bad, or even that you are bad. You could take on a social persona which is dark and hints at something sinister (such as always wearing black, going out only at night...). However, your feeling for the dark undercurrents of life and your drive to experience life passionately and intensely, without avoiding any of it, may be expressed less overtly.

You are attracted to crisis, those transition times in life when people are tested, when their social masks do not matter anymore, and the true person is revealed. You may feel most alive and most yourself in life and death situations, whether you are involved in saving lives (as a doctor or healer), in destroying them (as in war), or simply by seeking out dangerous situations and dangerous companions. Often you will create your own crisis (especially in the arena of your close personal relationships) in order to pit yourself against the challenge. Other people may view this as a self-destructive urge in you, a masochistic (or sadistic) streak. The truth is you would rather feel pain, than to feel nothing at all. You want to be fully immersed in it, deeply and passionately involved. (Life for you is not a spectator sport).

You have great compassion and sympathetic feelings for those suffering or in pain, whether physical or emotional, for you are no stranger to it yourself. You may feel scornful of those people who appear to glide through life, never experiencing any real tragedy or pain, or plumbing their own depths. In love, it is the possibility of loss or betrayal that intensifies the experience for you. Put simply, you do not accept anything at face value, you instinctively know that there is a dark underside for every light surface. Understanding this shadowy side is a key to fulfilling your life purpose.

You identify yourself as a free, original, creative and different woman. You do not follow social tradition and you have an independent way of expressing yourself. You are sociable and you relate to people easily. You are interested in groups and humanitarian activities, you can excel in politics or in a position where you can aid many people. You look towards the future and you detach yourself from anything traditional and classic. You will be misunderstood and often times criticized for your way of thinking, but that will not inhibit you. You will be an example of freedom and rebelliousness for many women around you.

You are jovial, optimistic, happy and curious. You possess a great sense of humor and you are positive in any situation. You are popular because of your friendly, generous and enthusiastic attitude. You tend to view life with joy and you do not let problems defeat you.

You are happy to be a woman and you will fulfill each role that you occupy in life enthusiastically and authentically. It is probable that you are too optimistic and that you overlook many details that later become complications; nevertheless, you will always have a touch of luck ensuring success.

Your mother was protective, loving and positive towards you, and because of that, today you are secure and wise. You will be very happy fulfilling your maternal role and you will share many games and fun moments with your children.

This same astrological configuration makes you likely to travel to foreign lands, to develop a strong spirituality and to have a philosophical attitude towards life.

You are independent, rebellious and eccentric. You do not identify with the traditional role of housewife and you rebel at the limitations that are imposed on you. You are restless and cannot stand routine. You are highly intelligent but at times you lack practicality.

Your emotions are deep and intense, and you give yourself totally to your feelings; because of that, you reject superficial and fleeting relationships. You tend to impose yourself in a subtle and warm manner. You are protective and you feel you have the necessary strength to help anyone in need. You can recover completely from any emotional crisis you go through.

You have a great imagination and are deeply inspired by beauty, and you have artistic talents, especially for music and painting. You are very idealistic; you dream of a better world and you possess a fine sensitivity for interpreting the emotions of others. Nevertheless, your feet are planted on the ground and, in spite of your fantasies, you will not lose yourself in ramblings. Probably you do not have a tremendous amount of mental discipline which makes studying logical sciences, such as mathematics, harder. You will excel naturally in matters where you can channel your great creativity and imagination.

You are very spiritual and religious, and you like to help others selflessly. Your intuition will be notable and you have shown from childhood a great attraction to the metaphysical world and anything mystical. You can do very well in careers that have to do with education, social assistance, or artistic creativity. You will possess noble and elevated feelings and will care about your spiritual evolution.

You are disposed toward enjoying life in its totality. You will dedicate yourself passionately to your ideas and goals, and you could achieve leadership positions throughout your life. Your emotions and expressions are intense and somewhat exaggerated. You could gain certain enemies due to your frankness and aggressiveness. You must learn to be more moderate and to direct your great dynamic strength in a creative and positive manner.

Assuredly, certain emotional circumstances, happenings or recollections of the past suddenly come to the surface now. That is to say, there is an acceleration of your psychological emotional experiences, which makes it necessary to exercise self-control, so that the situations and sensations are not fueled. If you are able to control this psychic flow of energy, you will gain emotional strength, stability in your spiritual state, and the ability to solve your emotional and family situations from day to day.

Basically, you are hypersensitive and may feel neglected or hurt by some emotional situations that could occur. Don't take things from a susceptible or personal point of view, since this will psychologically distort the real value that such experiences possess. More than melodramatizing, now is the time to reduce the tone, cool your emotional state, and try to see the psychic flow of your impressions more clearly. Because of this, don't make any impetuous or rash emotional decisions now. Since nothing will be agreeable to you, wait until you are calm and in a neutral emotional state to decide which course to take.

Now it may seem to you that your loved ones are pressuring you. That perception, in reality, simply is a manifestation of inner insecurity. Without apparent reason you worry that irritations or rejection in your relationships could emerge. Because of this, it is advisable to trust and be sure of your own emotional stability, and you will find that in an almost magical way the emotional and family situations are gradually stabilized. On the other hand, if you persist in hypersensitivity, psychological weariness will make it's appearance and things in your environment will begin to be left out of the main stream. Then you will feel bad and find yourself with a certain guilt complex. Briefly, if you are mature, serene, firm and respectful in your sentimental and family relationships, you will find that the response of others toward you gradually will improve in quality and level.

Don't ever think that others want to hurt your feelings, since this prejudice makes you defensive. Rather, think that your loved ones will love you now and in the future. Be clear, direct and forgiving, if you think that someone may have offended you or may have failed to respect you. Don't wait until tomorrow and expect that expressing your complaints will be clear and amiable then. Never accumulate small susceptibilities or misunderstandings for days, weeks or months, since at that time no one will have sufficient objectivity as to know what actually happened. To the contrary, your report will transmit to them an exaggerated perception of something that at that time had practically no importance. This is the principal problem of not clarifying things from day to day, since by accumulating, the inner perception is distorted with respect to reality. Apply the above advice, communicate and converse about those small misunderstandings that come up every day. You will see that the benefits are highly positive.

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