Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cosmic Magnet

Über Bord mit der pseudo-ethischen Gesellschaftsmoral..dem braven und angepassten Bürgertum..den konformen Regeln und einschränkenden Kontrollmechanismen..den falschen Sicherheiten und irreführenden Bildern..den ausbeuterischen Strukturen der west-elitär-kapitalistischen Privatwirtschaftsmacht..dem undankbaren Sklavendienerspiel..die Schonzeit ist vorbei..genug klein gemacht..immer noch zu viel mitgespielt..viel zu kooperativ..immer alle Rechungen pünktlich bezahlt und auch jede andere sinnlose Forderungen des Pseudosozialstaates erfüllt..nie wirklich ein Gesetz übertreten..sozusagen eine reine weisse Weste..ich war eindeutig zu anständig in meiner mit 30 wird es langsam Zeit den Spiess umzudrehen..mal etwas ungehorsam zu werden..auszubrechen aus dem korrupputt-kriminellen Illusionsknast..mir nichts mehr gefallen und bieten zu lassen..weder vom System noch von anderen unbewusst-egoistischen Mitmenschen..keine weiteren Schikanen und Erpresserspielchen mehr hinzunehmen und zu dulden..das System und das Gesetz zum eigenen Vorteil einsetzen..auch nur Schulden und Müllberge hinterlassen..der Sklave befreit sich aus dem dunklen Netz der Illuminatenspinnenschlangen..überlässt sie ihren eigenen Verstrickungen und Fallen..wer andern eine Grube gräbt..und wer nicht hören den letzten Jahren hat sich nicht wirklich gross etwas wurde nur oberflächlich ein bisschen ausgebessert damit sich keiner beschweren kann..aber das Problem mit der Umweltverschmutzung, den knappen Ressourcen, dem Krieg, dem Atomstrom und der westlich-kapitalistschen Konsumgesellschaft, die gerade dabei ist unsere Lebensgrundlage zu zerstören und die ganze Menschheit auszurotten, ist nicht mal annähernd gelöst..alles geht mehr oder weniger weiter wie bisher..nimmt den gewohnten Lauf..keiner schafft es die nötigen Schritte einzuleiten..die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen..schnell zu handeln..wir sind das Volk und die Mehrheit..die Regierung war noch nie auf unserer Seite..Demokratie ist nur eine Farce..Geld regiert die Welt..wir müssen durch passiven Widerstand und aktives Nichts-Tun den Staat dazu zwingen sich im Interesse der ganzen Welt radikal zu reformieren..sich in keiner Form mehr am Menschenmonopoly okkulter Schwarzmagier zu beteiligen, die mit ihren wirkungsvollen Illusionen den ganzen Erdball abhängig gemacht und in eine hypnotische Trance versetzt haben..sie beherrschen ihr Spiel das muss man ihnen lassen..aber bevor sie die blinde Menschheit dazu bringen alles Leben auf der Erde zu vernichten, sollten wir wenigstens versuchen uns zu wehren..ihre Lügen zu entlarven und uns von ihrem negativen Einfluss zu befreien..ihnen weder Energie noch Aufmerksamkeit mehr schenken..ihr Kontrollorgan sogar ausnutzen, lähmen und behindern..unseren Vorstellungen gemäss gestalten..stell dir vor es ist egoistischer Kapitalmaterialismus und keiner geht hin..lasst uns ein anderes Spiel spielen..eins, das auf Liebe und Wahrheit basiert..sich nur an Mutter Erde und den Naturgesetzen orientiert, die uns für immer und als einzige ernähren und am Leben halten werden..alles andere hat weder Macht noch sonst irgend eine lebenswichtige Bedeutung für uns..eher im trennt uns von allem was wirklich wesentlich und erfüllend ist..wir sollten uns ganz davon abwenden..etwas völlig anderes machen..uns gegenseitig helfen selbstständiger und bescheidener zu kleinen Kommunen zusammen zu schliessen..von der blendenden und alten Illusion wird uns sonst keiner dazu auffordern..von aussen dazu bringen..etwas anderes übrig bleiben..das Blut klebt schon lange an unseren Händen..die Welt ist bereits am Ende..und wir wissen es alle..nur gemeinsam können wir es noch ändern und beenden..eine totale Wende herbei führen..aus der chaotischen Tragödie ein schönes Märchen entstehen lassen..wir sind der Antriebsmotor dieser entarteten Geld- und unserer Lebens- und Geistenergie halten wir sie jeden Tag aufrecht..ermöglichen und finanzieren das kollektive Leid und die globale Manipulation..akzeptieren den physischen und psychischen Massenselbstmord..schauen zu wie langsam alles vor die Hunde geht..verdrängen und leugnen die ungerecht(fertigt)en Taten der herrschenden Elite..die uns wie willenlose Robotermarionetten steuern und völlig verrückte Hirngespinste wie Privatbesitz und Zinskredite glauben Angst und Gewalt einschü Giften und sinnlosen Tätigkeiten träge und krank machten..damit sie uns von der Wiege bis zum letzten Atemzug für ihre kriminiellen und grössenwahnsinnigen Interessenszwecke instrumentalisieren und benutzen konnten..damit muss endlich Schluss oder nie..wir müssen aufhören mit ihnen zusammen zu arbeiten..uns komplett von diesem bösartigen Spiel keinster Weise mehr auf fiktive system- oder privatwirtschaftlichbedingte Forderungen und Massstäbe eingehen..solange nicht rasch grundlegene gesellschaftliche Strukturveränderungen vorgenommen werden, die das Volk von allen interglobalen Abhängigkeiten und schädlichen Machenschaften befreit und einzig für die Erhaltung der natürlichen und wahren Grundrechte, -werte und -bedürfnisse, -ressourcen kämpft und einsteht, darf das Volk sich nicht mehr dem Diktat dieses menschen- und naturverachtenden Systems der herrschenden Klasse soll mit seinem passiv-destruktivem Verhalten sogar eine Destabilisierung der Staats- und Finanzstruktur provozieren um die Regierung zur radikalen Reformation zu zwingen und die dominierende und verhindernde Weltwirtschaftsmacht zusammenbrechen zu lassen..wenn wir aber weiterhin ignorant unseren falschen Führern folgen, können wir uns darauf verlassen, dass sie uns ins sichere Verderben führen werden...wir müssen uns selbst helfen sonst sind wir verloren..uns untereinander organisieren und informieren..neu strukturieren und unsere Hemmungen voreinander verlieren..und gemeinsam zu neuen Uferhorizonten menschlicher Existenzabenteuer aufbrechen..andere Wege des Zusammenlebens erarbeiten und kultivieren..uns wieder mehr kreativ vergeistigen und in den Einklang der Natur einstimmen..unser höchstes Schwingungspotenzial zu entfalten..selbstversorgend und nachhaltig..magisch und weise..kollektiv und individuell erfüllend und wohltuend..grenzenlos wahre Universumsrealitäten umfassend erkennbar..vielfältige Einheiten göttlicher Offenbarungen in Harmonie mit allem Leben..

2013 year of great change and cosmic visions..last or never..everything or nothing..the decision is yours..the steps hard but short..the price very high..the final termination of pain and destruction..the gate to total freedom in happiness..worth to take every loose it have to let go before it drags you down..even if you dont know for certain what will await you on the other side..thats the test..the lonely jump over the dark unknown..follow your intuitive heart..the signs and sounds on the path..natural selection will do the its time to fly release your highest potential..the strongest realize the most beautiful dreams of our loving take every possible action for the collective ascension of conciousness..the healing of mother earth..the enlightenment and redemption of reach the golden goal of the unity in has to come to an end before the new can emerge and gain control again..everyone has to transform their lives back into a natural state of being in order to harmonize with the environment..sustain your role in the next level of the game..leave it all will not regret it i swear..the ultimate challenge awaits your participation..a true blessing for the lost urban tribe..the best opportunity ever presented to us..happy new year friends! U_U

The Aquarian Christ on the mission to free all pure souls..the Great Work did not even started yet..will end any other activities in society..even the writings in this blog..this manifest reached its contains every information needed to understand the true reality of the path..shows enuff proove of my accomplishments in going to leave the city soon in exchange for a nomadic pilgrimage..a life without limits in the safe community of nature..switch into the dimension of superhuman transformation and divine miracles...

Enjoy this rare movie scene of life and its various and powerful possibilities to grow and fullfill your destiny..see you on the other side! =_=


A seed germinates and grows into a plant and then into a tree with branches, leaves flowers, etc. The seed of the entire Universe is Chaithanya (Pure Consciousness). It is Sath-chith-aanandha. It grows in full bloom in the human being and blossoms into the flower of Awareness. Thus God incarnates in man. To understand this truth is the goal of human life. It is the mind that stands in the way of this realisation. The mind is perverted when it is centred on the ego (body consciousness) of a person but when it is directed towards the Aathma, it becomes sublime. One puffed up with ego forgets Divinity. Thinking on the physical plane and looking at the external world, man is not able to understand the Divinity within him.

In the cosmic drama, the Divine has His own role to play. When one takes up a role in a drama, he should act according to the role and not according to his state in real life. Behind the screen he comes into his own. You should understand this truth clearly. A man may take up the role of Raama in a drama. Then he has to adhere to the principles of Sathya, Dharma. Shaanthi and Prema which governed all Raama's actions, though in actual life, the actor may not be righteous. Similarly God assumes a role in the drama of the world in human form. He has to behave as a human being only. This should be clearly understood by all.

In the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, we can recognize that Christ has at least five different aspects, or meanings:
1. The inner Christ, which refers to one’s "inner glory", the human soul.
2. The historical Christ. The historical Christ came to the planet to build, in the soul of humanity, a prototypal being, an ideal man and woman that would be exactly what was in the mind of God.
3. The Christ, Head of Hierarchy. Christ, in this aspect, is a name that is considered to be a title or office. When the present head of Hierarchy surpasses Himself and moves on to a greater position, the One who will replace Him will also be called "the Christ" The Head of Hierarchy does not belong to any one religion but to all religions, to the whole of humanity.
4. The Cosmic Christ, the soul of the Universe. The Cosmic Christ can be recognized as the link standing between matter and spirit. The Cosmic Christ is not only the bridge between Hierarchy and humanity but also the bridge between Hierarchy and Shambhala.
5. There is also the term Christ Consciousness, which refers to awareness on the Buddhic Plane.

"The Aquarian Christ, having further perfected Himself during the unfolding Age of Pisces, will serve the Universe as an image of the Cosmic Magnet as He enters into the Aquarius of the Greater and Lesser Zodiacs. In addition, it is thought that at some point during this reign of 2,500 years, as He enters into the lesser zodiac, is when the Law of Divisibility will likely be implemented, bringing an Aspect of the Cosmic Christ into incarnation into the three worlds."

The Christ, when He comes into incarnation, will most likely project himself into many parts and be where he wants to be. This is called the Law of Divisibility, a term used in Agni Yoga that means a highly developed spirit—one who is able to contact, simultaneously, various people in various locations. For example, a Master can be seen in various groups at the same time. He can even be in different planes serving and teaching on different levels to meet various needs of the people. He can do different jobs in different places at one time. He impresses the space with his images, and so forth.

The Aquarian Christ will magnetize the people who are imbued with the principles of the Aquarian Age: "Within the field of humanity, those who respond to the first wave of energy will be His disciples and Initiates. These are the ones who have a purified consciousness and are considered to be the more sensitized and receptive "cells" in the body of the Aquarian Christ. A receptive cell means to be as perfect as one possibly can be and to be free from hatred, jealousy, revenge, greed and the sense of separateness."
If we accept that fact that the Christ, the head of Hierarchy, in the Aquarian Age will serve the Universe as an image of the Cosmic Magnet, then each time we align to the Cosmic Magnet – the Center of Love – in our meditations, we will become further magnetized and charged with this fiery energy. The Cosmic Magnet is the Center of Love—the Heart Center of the Universe.

This is the essence of drama. In drama, all the people who see it know it's only a play. The proscenium arch, the cinema screen tells us, "Well, this is an illusion, it is not for real." In other words, they are going to act their parts so convincingly that they're going to have us sitting on the edge of our seats in anxiety, they're going to make us laugh, they're going to make us cry, they're going to make us feel horror. And all the time, in the back of our minds we have what Germans call hintergedanken which is a thought way, way, way in the back of our minds, that we're hardly aware of but really know all the time. In the theater, we have a hintergedanken that it's only a play. But the mastery of the actors is going to almost convince us that it's real.

There is a time of creation, then a course of history which leads up to final, eschatological catastrophe, the end of the world, and after that, the judgment, in which all things will be put to right, all questions answered, and justice dealt out to everyone according to his merits. And that'll be that! Thereafter the universe will be, in a way, static; there will be the eternally saved and the eternally damned.

The thoughts passing through the mind during the last moments of the dying process are of the utmost importance and should not be disturbed. They are significant factors in determining the whole tenor of the next life. In the normal case the brain still functions right to the end of the dying stage. It is during these last moments that the review of the past life takes place. When this is complete and the brain is at last dead, the defunct then goes unconscious.

The aborigines of Victoria likewise say the moon was a black fellow before he went up into the sky to become light, or white. Horus in Egypt was the white man as an elemental power, the white one of the Sut- and-Horus twins, who is sometimes represented by an eye that is white, whereas the eye of Sut was black. In the mythos Horus is divinized as the white god. The children of Horus, who are known to mythology as the solar race, are the Khuti. These are the white spirits, the children of light. The solar race at last attained supremacy as chief of all the elemental powers, and in the eschatology the Khuti are the glorious ones. The Khu sign is a beautiful white bird. This signifies a spirit, and the spirit may be a human ghost, or it may be the spirit of light, otherwise light imaged as a spirit; thence Horus the spirit of light in the mythology, or the glorified human spirit, called the Khu, in the eschatology.

In human fashion as the heavenly friend.
Horus the word, the founder in his youth.
Horus, fulfiller as the word made truth.
Horus the lord and leader in the fight
Against the dark powers of the ancient night.
Horus the sufferer with his cross bowed down,
Who rose at Easter with his double crown.
Horus the pioneer, who paved the way
Of resurrection to eternal day.
Horus triumphant with the battle done,
Lord of two worlds, united and made one.

In this phase the quarrel of Sut and Horus represents the difference betwixt darkness and light in the length of night and day which went on round the year and was rectified at the point or on the Mount of Equinox. Before the solar god attained his supremacy as the determiner of time Shu was the readjuster of the power of the equinox. Hence Shu is said to have kept the contention of these warring powers within bounds and brought about their reconcilement. Thus the “reckonings of Shu” involved the readjustment of the equinoctial point and re-establishing the equilibrium of the equinoxes in the different reckonings of time. Taht the lunar time-keeper does the same thing when he “balances the divine pair”, and puts a stop to their strife in the circuit of precession. All the year round, except at this point of place, it was one scale up and the other down in the contention of Sut and Horus for the mastery. But at the vernal equinox the scales were at the perfect level and the twins were exactly equal in power for the time, with Horus the fulfiller about to rise in the ascendant. Horus was the bringer of the golden age to earth.

A well-known picture of Child-Horus shows the youthful sun-god standing on two crocodiles, which we take to express the power of the double, or, more exactly, the doubled Horus. In this representation Har-Ur is described as the old child who becomes young. That is the elder who transforms into the younger Horus on the Mount of Glory in the vernal equinox. Standing on the two crocodiles Har-Ur has now acquired the double power-the power, for example, to take up serpents and other poisonous reptiles in his hands without receiving any hurt.

Horus in his two characters of the child and the adult is called the lad in the country, and the youth in the city or in the town. As the lad in the country he is the child with Isis the virgin mother, and Seb the earth-god, who was his foster-father during his childhood. As the youth in town he is in his father’s house, and is “the heir of the temple” in Heliopolis. When Horus the child passes into Horus the adult he becomes the heir to the “things of his father.”

The heaven built upon a fourfold basis was the heaven founded on the four cardinal points, in the solstices and equinoxes. Lastly, the zodiac with twelve signs is the figure of heaven raised upon a foundation that is twelve fold. The mythical rulers corresponded numerically to the signs: the two, the four, the seven, the nine, and finally the twelve, at first as astronomical types, the gnostic Aeons, and afterwards as spirits or gods in the phase of eschatology. Thus there are two categories in phenomenal manifestation, one being astronomical, the other spiritual or eschatological, as shown and explained in “Pistis Sophia”. It now became the mission of Horus to make known the newly-found father in heaven to those who had not so much as heard of the holy spirit. It was the work of the anointed and beloved son to found the kingdom of heaven for the father in the father’s name. He became the teacher of the coming kingdom, previously proclaimed by Anup the herald and forerunner who was his John the Baptist crying in the wilderness of the underworld.

The mysteries of Amenta show us Anup calling the world to judgment in the character of the judge. He is the precursor of Horus in the wilderness, and the announcer of the kingdom that follows at the second coming. Under the title of Ap-Uat he is the opener or guide of roads who “makes ready the way of the Lord”, and levels the path in the equinox. In the Gospels the proclamation that the kingdom of heaven is at hand was first made by John the baptizer and precursor of Jesus. The cry of the coming kingdom immediately at hand is then taken up by Jesus after the baptism in which he has become the adult of thirty years, and the co-type of Horus the anointed son of God the second born who was Horus in the spirit. Also in the Gospel of Nicodemus, John the Baptist is the teacher in the earth of eternity. The baptism and transformation of Jesus into the spirit symbolled by the dove was in the earth of eternity. The descent of the holy spirit, as God the father, in authentication of the anointed son was enacted in the earth of eternity, not in the world of time. According to the genuine mythos or gnosis which is Egyptian, and we have no other criterion, the double advent of Horus depended on his birth and rebirth, in the two earths; the birth of a human soul in matter and the rebirth of an immortal in Amenta. The second coming of Horus is the mystery of that second birth in which the human soul is divinized from its two halves as an enduring spirit or eternal entity. This transformation follows death and burial, and therefore can only take place in spirit-world. When it does take place the second advent is accomplished as represented both in the Ritual and the Egypto-gnostic writings. But it is otherwise in the canonical Gospels, because in making out a history solely human the concocters were limited to the human life in the earth of time.

The red Christ, equivalent to the red Horus, is here identified with the red cow and therefore with the red calf of the Ritual, which was a symbol of the little red sufferer, the “afflicted one” in the winter solstice. In some of the mystery-plays the Christ wore a close-fitting, flesh-coloured garment, through which the nails were driven into the wood of the cross. The resurrection robe was always red. Satan wants to know who this man in the “red coat” may be. And when Horus rises again, in the character of the avenger, it is as the “red god”. The manes thus addresses him, “O fearsome one, who art over the two earths; Red God, who orderest the block of execution!”

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