Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Ideal made Real

An Liebe und Loyalität mangelt es nicht..der richtige Spirit ist auch bekannt..meine Motivation und Inspiration sind konstant..leider wird die Wahrheit nur selten reflektiert..kaum verstanden und umgesetzt..das Ego funkt immer noch störend dazwischen..dann steht man mal wieder alleine der Umsetzung der höchsten Herzträume..den Visionen einer harmonischen Zukunft in Einklang und zu früh dran wie immer..wie bestellt und nicht abgeholt..aber wie soll man jemandem böse sein..die Ängste und inneren Hürden sind riesig..der Brainwash und die Wunden sitzen tief..der Sprung über die Grenze des Systems fällt keinem leicht..selbst die "Rand_ständigen", Bierpunks und Anarchobesetzer sind nicht mehr echt..stecken selber bis zum Halse drin..können sich nur sehr schwer von alten Gewohnheiten und Verhaltensmustern trennen..den materiellen Versuchungen und Bequemlichkeiten..wieder Hoffnung und Glauben schöpfen..sind der mächtigsten Waffe Alkohol erlegen..auch wenn ihnen bewusst ist, dass dieses unnatürliche Leben der wahren Freiheit im Weg ist ein Prozess..dauert eine Weile..und kann manchmal recht schmerzhaft sein..aber das Rad ist in Gang gesetzt..und es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit bis sie aufwachen und beginnen zu erkennen wer sie sind..was gerade passiert..und was zu tun ist..die Türe zum Paradies in uns..wenn wir sie gemeinsam in unseren Herzen aufmachen..strahlt sie auch nach aussen..wird Wirklichkeit..eine neue Realität..Vorreiter zukünftiger Gemeinschaftsmodelle einer utopisch-goldenen Zivilisation kosmischer Menschen..lebendige Evolutionsvision..
ich habe mich auf der "anderen Seite" langsam gut eingelebt..mich an den schwerelosen Zustand gewöhnt..leere nicht mal mehr den Briefkasten..alles andere ist wichtiger geworden..das Baumhaus ruft..ich sehe die weisse Leinwand jetzt deutlich vor mir und beginne nun meine eigenen Realitätsvisionen darauf zu projezieren..ohne Systemzwänge und Pseudosicherheiten lässt es sich besser atmen und Jetzt leben..von Moment zu Moment den Ideen und Impulsen folgen..wird dauernd überrascht und herausgefordert..von all den Aufgaben und Prüfungen auf dem Pfad auf Trab gehalten..wunderschönen Seelenherzen am Wegrand inspiriert und berührt..durch sie an meine Pflicht und Mission gibt kein Entkommen..der Auftrag ist klar..mehrere verteilte Ländereien für ein modernes Kommunennetzwerk müssen Bauern und Gemeinden Allianzen schliessen..die Stadtindianer aus dem Betonchaos hinaus führen..den urbanen Stamm wieder auf Kurs bringen..der völlig ziellos und blind vor sich hinsumpft..sediert und paralysiert ..all ihre Träume und die Revolution vergessen und verdrängt..haben aufgegeben an sich zu glauben..ihrem Herzen zu folgen..gebt euch die Hand..zusammen werdet ihr es sind nur noch ein paar Schritte..bald habt ihrs geschafft..das schlimmste ist vorbei..von jetzt an wird es nur besser werden..lasst uns gemeinsam ins Glück springen..worauf warten wir nah war es noch nie..und wird es sehr lange nicht mehr ist Zeit auf den wahren Weg zurück zu kehren..kommt schon..wir sind angemeldet..dieses Abenteuer haben wir gebucht..wir haben es uns verdient..sind gekommen um genau dieses Spiel zu spielen..erinnert euch an den Plan des Universums..eurer Seele und der Evolution..die Wahrheit lebt in euch..ruft ganz laut und will endlich Tat umgesetzt und offenbart werden..wenn nicht jetzt wann dann?! Es ist der einzige Grund und Sinn unseres Strebens..wir wollen und sollen hier etwas erleben..uns selbst und unsere Möglichkeiten entdecken..unser Bewusstsein erweitern und über das niedere Selbst hinaus wachsen..dem unendlichen Licht entgegen..das beste sein und für das Wohl aller tun, was man "Himmel" können wir noch genug müssen wir zuerst mal selber klar dem was da ist..das Leiterchen hoch klettern..die Metamorphose des Geistes vollziehen..wenn einer voraus geht, wirds leichter..alles ist da..machen wir ist Zeit..das Königreich wartet auf uns..wir haben genug gelitten und dürfen endlich ein anderes Spiel spielen..wir müssen nur wollen..das alte Leben radikal transformieren oder gleich ganz verlassen..erst dann kann ein neuer Abschnitt beginnen..Erkenntnis und Einsicht stattfinden..die Wahrheit verinnerlicht und angewendet werden..wir wissen wie es geht und teilen gern..führen es jeden Tag vor..leben direkt aus dem jedem Atemzug, jedem Gedanke und jedem Schritt strahlt diese Energie in die Welt hinaus..tränkt den Geist mit seinem belebenden Nektar..zieht alles wie ein Magnet an..unsichtbare Wellen tauchen alles in einen vibrierenden Spiralwirbel aus bewusst-tanzenden Atomen und kreisenden Schwingungsfrequenzen..reissen alle in einen rasanten Strudel bewusster Expansion und Manipulation..katapultieren sie von den hintersten Zuschauerplätzen nach ganz vorne auf die Bühne..spielen plötzlich Hauptrollen im genialsten Spiel, das sich je ein verrückter Geniegeist ausgedacht schnell kanns gehen..die Welt da draussen ist so viel grösser und schöner als wir bisher fassen und verstehen konnten..nun ist die Zeit gekommen den Geist zu öffnen..dieses ausgereifte Werkzeug zu benutzen..den Schlüssel zur wahren Freiheit..der Weg aus der Dunkelheit ins Licht..die Rettung vor dem Fall..die Flügel des Bewusstseins überwinden alles..kennen weder Grenzen noch Gegensätze..vereinen und verkörpern das Ganze..werden zu wissender Energie..leuchten für lange und so viel sie können..einer für alle..wenige für viele..bis alle für alle wieder Standard ist..wenn wirs nicht tun, wer dann..wir müssen uns den neuen Bedingungen anpassen..die Veränderung leben und gemeinsam verwirklichen..zuerst im Kleinen dann im Grossen..einen anderen Ausweg gibt es nicht..nur zusammen kommen wir ans Ziel..das Ego und all seine Schöpfungen müssen zurück bleiben..sich für immer verabschieden..dem göttlichen Kunstindividuum und dem selbstlosen Wahrheitsherz Platz machen..den höheren Bewusstseinsdimensionen..dann haben wir eine reale Chance die Reise zur Insel aus reinem Bewusstsein zu erleben..auf der höchsten Frequenz ins Nirvana des unsterblichen Glückseeligkeitsrauschs zu fliegen..das letzte mal vergängliche Dualitätstrennung..nie wieder Egogier und Leid..manipulierende Kräfte dunkler Dämonen zur Förderung der Unwissenheit..die Seele wird zu ewigem Geist..einem individuellen Bewusstsein göttlichen Ursprungs..transzendent sich mehrdimensional allem immer jeder Welt ein V.I.P.-Superkind! -_~

jump into the solar fields of unlimited possibilities..listen to tales of interdimensional travel..return to the the new age..spiritual healing of the urban nation in full effect..actions and visions of united dreams and powers..the revolution of the and laugh into the future folks..everyday of your lifes..truth is the most beautiful dream of all..too good to be true but true anyway..the perfect ever growing project of a superconcious eternal spirit full of endless joy and wisdom..expancion infinita..the cosmic vibration within and are in God..and God is in you..circles in a circle..all is in essence..connected on higher wavelevels..out of physical sight..a choice of mind and heart..combined forces gain influence..knowledge and power..keys and tickets to other worlds and that unlock every door..the only true freedom out there..a concious and pure spirit..on a fractal journey thru time and space..artifical and individual intelligence introducing the new evolution..the rite of are the master of your desaster..forget the past..rely on your instincts..choose the truth you supportive and non-competetive group activities as demonstrations of collective peace, freedom and love..

future is heart..


Die bewußte Verfeinstofflichung führt zu großer Freiheit und grenzenlosem Sein. Befreiung von der Notwendigkeit zu essen. Befreiung von der Notwendigkeit zu schlafen. Befreiung von der Verwendung der gregorianischen Zeiteinteilung von 12:60 oder der Maya-Zeit von 13:20. Sie bringt uns in den göttlichen Zeitfluß, in dem man sich immer am perfekten Platz zur perfekten Zeit befindet. Die subatomaren Teilchen oder die 'weichen Partikel' des Quantenfeldes, auch als Prana, Chi, die universelle Lebenskraft oder Gott bekannt, schwingen mit der 33 33-Oktave in ihrer feinstofflichsten Ausdrucksform -zumindest in diesem Quadranten dieses Universums des Ausdrucks.

"The Master is the very source of purity and to set one's heart on the Master is the beginning of self-purification. When the disciple has whole-hearted devotion for the Master, he is opening himself for the reception of the Divine Love which the Master pours on him: and all his weaknesses are consumed in this fire of Divine Love of which he thus becomes the recipient."

"A real Master is not a teacher: a real Master is an awakener."

"In the presence of a Master you start feeling a different vibration around you. It is his awareness radiating through his body. He may speak, he may not speak, but his presence ..."

God did not leave you stranded. You're not alone or forgotten. There are no mistakes. You're a cosmic being on a cosmic mission, and your Mission is happening now.

Once aligned or Activated, our vibrational rate shifts. We begin to function as an energy transformer. The miraculous, transformational power of the I AM starts to show its power. It eases the pressures that dimensional shifts create. This buffers personal and transpersonal mutational tensions, including Earth changes.

Earth's Unconditional Ascension will be the first Unconditional Ascension in history. That is why so much transdimensional attention focused on this planet today. We believe that this unprecedented Event will produce a powerful physical/metaphysical phenomenon.

There indeed will be a need for eating and sleeping, but so much will change. That which is known as vegetarianism will become much more the norm, and even as time goes on the need for sustenance through plant protein will also change.

This is an ability that can be engaged in and used by an enlightened being, a being who has reached that level of conscious awareness that helps them understand that the physical line of existence, that which this Awareness has referred to as the horizontal line, can be transcended and can be changed. It is not iron clad. Once this level of consciousness is attained, it is then that an individual can jump beyond the laws of physicality and can do miraculous things indeed.

Ascension is that very process you can join that will bring an end to your need to continue in the cycle of Duality. You can of course ascend at any time, but what is special about this time is that the whole of Humanity has been given that choice.

Myth 1: We live in a world of scarcity. Everywhere we look, we see shortages in love,
money, food, happiness, and so on. Economics tells us that this is how things are. Our life situations tell us the same thing. The ‘evidence’ shows us that scarcity is all there is. I can see it with my eyes and I experience it so it must be true. Not only that, we live in a world bound by time and space. Infinity and eternity is a concept that is away from here, with no relationship to what is going on right here and now.
Myth 2: The universe works in a chaotic way. Our lives are chaotic and unpredictable. It is a cruel world where you just can’t tell what the hell is going to happen next. I cannot seem to get exactly what I want, nor can anybody else.
Myth 3: The physical world is all there is. And it exists exactly as we see it.
Myth 4: We are separate from each other and from everything else ‘out there’.
Myth 5: Need exists

There is no such thing as an idle thought. Every thought is a cause that has an effect at some level. You are the Way and the Truth. The Universe appears to you only as you say so.

Whatever you wish to get, give it away first. This is the fastest path. Whatever you wish to have, cause another to have it first.

To have all give all to all.

You are starting to become aware of yourself as the game master, in the only game there is: The Game of Life. It can be a great game, fun, if you say so. This is not the end, it is the beginning. Every moment is a beginning. Remember, everything changes in life. But the way a thing changes is dependent on you. And here is a very important thing to know: You need do nothing to have Reality except stop investing in illusions.

It is almost like the
boat is going out now.
If you want to be
on one of the
first boats to get
to the new shore,
ahh . . .
then there is a
kind of urgency.
There is a part of self
that must be packed
and ready to go,
a part of self
that must be ready
to leave behind
those, or those things
which hold one to
old habitual patterns.

“Judge not.
Be humble.
Never do anything contrary to the Law of Love.
Never do anything contrary to the Law of Mercy.

The Law of Co-Creation states that two working in co-creative action have the power of four working individually; and three working in co-creative activity have the power of nine; and four working in co-creative activity have the power of sixteen; and one hundred and forty-four working in harmony can change the world.

Magnetism, the drawing of energy, decreases the vibratory rate while radiance, the giving forth of energy, increases its vibratory rate. Wherein entities radiate good, those energies increase into higher frequencies and bring back good. Wherein entities send for the selfish energies, those energies bring back, as magnets, the lower vibrational forces.

The future depends on what is occurring in the present, and a change in consciousness at present will effect a change in future experiences. This is related to the Law of Leverage: wherein a small amount of energy exerted to change the course of events at a present time – at the right moment – can move mountains in the future.

There is for each man, perfect self-expression. There is a place which he is to fill and no one else can fill, something which he is to do, which no one else can do; it is his

Man should make an art of thinking. The Master Thinker is an artist and is careful to paint only the divine designs upon the canvas of his mind; and he paints these pictures with masterly strokes of power and decision, having perfect faith that there is no power to mar their perfection and that they shall manifest in his life the ideal made real.

The mysteries of the supermind have always been considered the property of certain schools of occultists and mystics who were cautious about giving their truths to the masses for fear that in their ignorance these might misuse them. But now the doors are thrown wide open, and whosoever will may enter in.

Every organ of the body is capable of being constantly renewed through the inflow of an unseen force called mind or life or Spirit. Therefore we should be continually renewing and spiritualizing the body. But we are not doing so because of our lack of faith in our possibilities as offspring of universal life.

You have allowed this evil to descend upon you and so it is you, individually and collectively, that must take it upon yourselves to conceive this solution. A new consciousness change must take place within you. Not all of humanity will choose to participate. There will be some that will hide their heads in blame and grovel in victimhood. So be it. Let them.

As each of you comes to understand this is the pivotal time in which to complete a spiritual journey involving multiple trips through the earthly experience, it will become obvious there is not a moment to be wasted in the final hours of this episode. If you are to accomplish this goal and end this chapter of the history of planetary experience, those who have chosen to mock the creator’s plan must not write it. This is a time in which you cannot leave this change in the hands of others. It is too great a responsibility to be left to a few. You must make your contribution in order to be assured that it shall be accomplished and that you shall be included in the multitude that make this a reality.

It is called “malicious compliance”. It is extremely effective over a period of time. In this instance, the employees do only that which they are told to do. They execute their assigned functions, but nothing else.

Their “shamans” already have the message and are aware that a new paradigm is being born. They are steps ahead of you and are already at work on its expression. Their people are aware and already in harmony with the process. Do not be concerned for them. Survival is their way of life. You may find yourself wishing you had incarnated into a more indigenous way of life in the days ahead.

When the appropriate moments arrive, you will have the discernment to bring forward into your conscious awareness that prickly feeling that causes you to move to a more appropriate place and it will be available. Planning ahead does not work; it is necessary to be flexible and move in the moment. It is spontaneity that provides the atmosphere in which creation moves without restriction.

To go or not to go! Graduation requires the release of attachments, then not now.

Overeating causes the body to use its energy digesting rather than using it for more productive modes. Smaller amounts of nourishing foods allow the body to use its available energy in other activities and to possibly require shorter sleep periods.

Yours is a holy project reflecting the wholistic nature of how “it all” works. Within your sequential focus it must come together piece by piece, but it may not, in true reality, work that way. This is why it is so important that you trust the process especially when you think things are not working as they should be. Just do your part and all will come into place! Trust!

You must be the ones to do it. It is not the first time you have participated in similar roles. This is the mission you have literally trained yourself to take part in, so don’t drop the ball now. There is nothing more important in your current realm of experience.

Each cycle may be thought of as a portion of a breathing process allowing for a rest period or a time spent at the zero point of balance before the shift. The zero (rest) point is the point at which each manifested creation partakes of an energy “feeding” process, or a gathering of new energy before it moves into the new cycle.

Your example will be one of living the life of purposeful focus. Each day your intent is to be a human becoming for the purpose of mankind becoming and the planet becoming. This commitment in unison will bring forth an aura of magnetism that will reflect in all aspects of your experience.

Sweet freedom whispered in my ear
You're a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away, high away, bye bye

This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it is so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is already “out there,” independent of my experience. It is not. Quantum physics has been so clear about it.

“Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life – that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.”

This would allow them to be the first to make the vibrational transition and to allow them to establish the ideal; the return of the archetype as it was originally created within the galactic equations.

Seeds planted do grow. Trust the process and keep on keeping on. The future of all depends on the ability to make the difficult decisions of each moment. The emotional strength to do what is necessary is available to all who are committed and who hold the highest and best good of all as their guiding principle. Each is asked to do only that which is the best they can do in the moment and to hold no regrets as to the decisions that are made and the actions that are taken. To learn to trust oneself within each moment to moment experience is to mature into responsibility; a necessary process for sharing the birth of a new paradigm.

Evolution is in reality a growing participation in responsibility. It is not a movement to a Utopian existence of lesser involvement or fewer responsibilities. Just as maturation into earthly experience naturally involves greater participation and responsibility, so also does evolvement into the higher dimensional realms.

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