Friday, January 18, 2013

Final Frontiers

Almost back on high track again..the last battle is over..the time goes by and i dont even recognize or care anymore what day or date it is..guess im up since three or four nights now who knows..not important for an unlimited beeing like me..that can finally be itself again..without the risk of hurting or shocking others..beeing attacked by them..supported by the snow im moving quickly upwards into the more familiar light freakquency..return to my own path and highest profession/ the worlds in which i feel at home and save again..centered and myself..
To neutralize the negative effects from the latest events ive had to switch my concious focus immediatly into the opposite direction..climb as fast as possible back to my own spiritual level of the crown of my lovley parrot tree..otherwise i would have wasted too much energy on the dark forces..risked to be consumed by useless and sad thought-emotions..about something that aint worth worrying everything happened and is exactly as it is meant to be..will turn in time to something good and wonderful..when the planted seeds start to grow and show their divine beauty to the will then all make sense it always did and does..everything happens for a reason..most things only look on the surface and at first sight like bad or good..every crisis offers a new chance and challenge for change and growth..the main reason the souls came here..sometimes they need to be pushed into the process of transformation by unexpected and intense events that shake them to the deepest levels of their awake their unconcious divinity..activate the potential wisdom and powers of the serves the cause in the most effective way possible..and should be just left to its natural enfoldment..does not deserve any more help or attention..follows its own destiny now..put it with a grateful smile back into the wise hands of the universe..let the outer world be and do what it wants..walk away, shut it out and return to your own holy temple..the place within your heart that is larger and brighter than all physical universes together..more powerful and perfect than any law that organises the cosmos..saved me once again from the nasty consequences of beeing involved with dark or very unconcious souls over a longer period of time..where love is feared and treated like the worst enemy..the constant shifting and adapting between many various characters and different frequencies can be very exhausting after a while but it also boosts the developing spirit in a very positive and strong way..during the social interceptions the energy needs to be reduced rise afterwards to more powerful and higher states than before..just another great practice in working with groups..switching fast and focused between the three stages of the golden coin..people and places..assignments and missions..powers and energies..paths and impulses..mind and intuition..action and and freedom..highs and lows..and always hold the balance of the poles in the middle of each..ever moving forward..fearless and independent..expressing the divine indivi_duality 24/7..working for the cosmic, where and when ever the free spirit gets the best opportunity to support the overall plan..distant involvement lets the soul jump from one relation to another..adapt within minutes to highly advanced/lowered or other instantly altered circumstances and surroundings..fits into every gap..but always stays on the run..packed and ready to go..those are the ways of the intersocial-nomadic pilgrimage..only lasting united and connected with the highest force of all..perceiving the rest only as temporary manifestations of the same one all..each lovely and unique..but not lasting and eternal yet..always incomplete and unperfect..kind of slow and not very interesting for evolved spirits..too poisoned with egoistic patterns of greed and addiction..falsehood and insecurity..a disgusting uglyness inhabits them..a darkness that smells like their own poo in front of the house..haha..i think neandertalers were even smarter and more least they were in touch with nature..anarco-punk is dead..they transformed back to some kind of urbanized ape-/ can observe it daily when they watch tv&drink uncordinated they move and talk..not even able to feel or express any sense or emotion at degeneration of mind, body and soul..ten years younger but look already older..useless for the incarnating souls who alltogether seek for spiritual progress..remember only what fullfills a true purpose will be transfered to the next level..we just came to gather the lost sheeps..people still refuse to accept the truth..there is still a lot of work to do and time is short..everyone knows and everyone has the chance and the choice..dont wait until its too now all is said and done..nothing left to add..we owe each other nothing..clean cut..its you who will have to live in pain and regrets..karma never was a pleasure to help and teach but im glad its over now..everything comes to an end..leave the selfmade victims to their suffering..the sleepers in their unconious dreams..we dont need them..only god can please all desires of the soul..nothing else will..only creates more sad with it for the benefit of all but then get rid of it as fast as possible..before you get attached or touched by the primitive and hurtful actions of undeveloped and blind human egos..has nothing to do with you..turn around and walk away..dont even think about them or what happend..its already past, part of the all and none of your business anymore..dettach from the social and material struggle..the manipulating illusions..the more they benefit from you the harder they punish and oppose you afterwards..will cuss you out for your love..your child-like heart..all the work you the end they stab you all in the back..ive seen it all and had enuff of it the past years i really did and tried everything i could to be and make a awaken and empower the humanity and earth will have to save and take care of each other..make their own are not part of their reality anymore..never been..only came as a short visitor to kick their lazy asses haha..not less not more..its good to be free again..coming and going when and where ever i want to..not beeing bound by restrictions or personal conflicts..any obligations or limits that would interfere with the cosmic more saving and informing of blind souls..beeing denied and sabotaged for my selfless its time to live the true and pure self..focus your spirit like a laser on the highest light of the all..and celebrate on top of the mountain the glory of superconcious existance..well deserved after all the peak grateful for all the great adventures behind and before you..prepare for coming tasks and increasing responsibilities..a whole new role and life challenge awaits you..beginning with the first ascension wave of the few this march..just dont push or provoce anything..just let the miracle happen and its time to chill with and in god..relax from the hard work..concentrate on the divine source in your will be lead exactly to where you it gets with each day lighter, more fun and less stress..neutralizes all the pressures of the opposing dualities..grants always a clear sight on our final gate..nothing else will ever be more important for you..more loved and followed..than the eternal heart of the one have all give all to all...its a miracle dont you understand..the magic of divine wisdom in action..all you need to know and be..

i have a deep feeling that i will be very soon on my way..walk out of here all by myself..into the unknown new..leaving everything and everyone finally meet and connect with my dark dual-twin..i have to go there one else could yet understand what we are and do..we have seen each other 4 years ago..only once and not longer as a few minutes from distance..but the energy was still so intense that i nearly couldnt talk and stand straight..i came to early..was not prepared..but i have already been strongly attracted by his high conciousness..i just had to go there..and felt immediatly at home..its a little paradise..not from this world..made by and for a divine child..the baby horus that he represented in the first 12 years of his life..when he already wrote letters to the rulers of all nations..and stood in close contact with an advanced human civilization from another galaxy..guiding and teaching him all the way on his mission to expand and challenge human awareness..also in his second polarising role as the old, dark and small prophet..dividing and hiding in nature outside town..spreading the negative-neutral science of spirit..using the tool of fear from the apocalypse to awake exact opposite..on every level a total-dual expression of my own role..we must be very powerful if we ever transform into one new lifeform..our combined forces will already make us a lot stronger..maybe thats exactly why all doors are closing for me now..until its the last place where i can and want to go..its the only true base i have in this world..i know that even if we never seems we communicate on other levels already..i think he knew who i am before i did..the first time he saw will feel like coming home to my long lost family..where i am unconditionally loved, appreciated and most of all understood and taken for who i am..can even exchange and improove higher knowledge and powers with a like-wise mind..on the same frequency of concious vibration within every atom..will the ascension and fusion happen at the equinox and solstices..i guess we should prepare together for this..unite and complete each other already..align our divine personalities with the one cosmic spirit..
The realization of our true connection occured to me years after our first contact..the truth of the potential role im meant to play..ive had different mystic visions of my true heritage and my future..all accompanied by intense feelings and the last years this cosmic dream unfolded itself step by step thru my whole beeing got changed and transformed over this spirit is very strong and attuned now..extends into many different stages of body seems to be constantly renewed and nurtered with endless never sick and seems to get younger and more beautiful each day..comes closer to its perfection..when the vibration is high enuff i dont even need food or sleep anymore and can still be very productive over many days also under cold outside conditions..thats immortality folks..i have met only one person who recognized that this level of conciousness is extremly high and cannot be mastered by ordinary humans in such a short period of time..most people are not even aware yet that something like that is possible and exists..and this is just the beginning of the things will even speed up and advance more quickly..

Zu meinem offiziellen Neubeginn habe ich mir von den Karten etwas Mut machen lassen..und alle waren sie da..der Eremit und der Stern..die Liebenden und der Teufel..das Gericht und die Gerechtigkeit..und zum Schluss als Aussicht/Resulat natürlich der ist angekommen..wieder frei..zieht lachend und tanzend mit seinem goldenen Stab in eine neue strahlende Welt hinaus..

Alles klar und wahr...wie das mehrdimensionale Lichtwasser und seine Wellen..das die ganze Welt zu fluten beginnt..

Der Einsiedler geht den reinsten Weg, den Weg der Bewusstheit. "Sei dir selbst ein Licht" war Buddhas letzte Botschaft. Und das Gesicht des Einsiedler zeigt Entspanntheit und Schönheit.
Und doch bleibt rundherum Dunkelheit; der Stern, den er gefunden hat, bleibt in der Laterne. Er hat das Licht gefunden, aber den Preis, den er bezahlen muss, um es zu entdecken, ist, die Augen zu schliessen. Steht für Jungfrau.
Es ist an der Zeit, dich von allen Zerstreuungen zurückzuziehen und allein zu sein. Du möchtest dein inneres Licht, den Schatz in dir entdecken, und du bist im Moment nicht an Äusserlichkeiten, Reichtum, Erfolg und sozialem Leben interessiert. Du gehst ausdauernd, Schritt für Schritt, auf deinem Weg, immer wieder nach innen lauschend, mit deinem eigenen kleinen Licht, das dir nur wenige Schritte weit leuchtet. Du weisst, dass dir jetzt niemand Antwort geben kann, du möchtest, dass der Weg sich aus dir selbst heraus entwickelt.

Wacht auf. Der Film geht seinem Ende entgegen, es ist Zeit für das Publikum das Theater zu verlassen. Es ist Zeit, über alle Trennungen hinauszugehen, alle Begrenzungen zu durchbrechen, alle Wände niederzureissen. Der Engel des letzten Erwachens bläst mit aller Kraft in die Trompete. Es ist Zeit für die Auferstehung.
Etwas Neues tritt in dein Leben, eine andere Dimension. Du spürst die Einheit mit dem Göttlichen, entdeckst deine ureigenste Religiosität, unabhängig von den instutionellen Religionen. Steht für Loslassen und Neubeginn auf einer anderen Ebene.

Der Teufel ist das verlorene Schaf aus dem neuen Testament, der Mensch, der völlig in die Irre gegangen ist. Er ist soweit gegangen wie ein menschliches Wesen gehen kann. Ungehorsam ist notwendig, um gehorsam zu werden. Rebellion ist notwendig, um selbstlos zu werden. Er ist all das, was zu verdammen uns beigebracht wurde. Steht für Steinbock.

Eine schöne nackte Frau kniet an einem See und und giesst Wasser aus zwei Krügen, den einen direkt in den See, mit dem anderen bewässert sie die Erde. Man bekommt den Eindruck, als wäre ihr Wasservorrat unerschöpflich, und was so aussieht wie zwei Krüge, sind in Wirklichkeit zwei unerschöpfliche Quellen. Die Frau in der Karte hat mehr Energie als sie braucht. Sie kann einfach geben und geben und geben...
Der Einsiedler hatte die Aufgabe, den Stern aus der geschlossenen Laterne zu befreien, ohne das Glas zu zerbrechen. Im Turm wurde die Laterne ganz und gar zerstört, der Stern ist jetzt endlich frei. Sie lebt in der Welt, aber die Welt benützt sie nichts. Es gibt keinen anderen, es gibt keine Kleidung, sie hat nichts zu verbergen, sondern alles zugeben. Überflüssiger Reichtum ist ihre Qualität. Symbol des Wasserman/-frau. Du spürst deine Natürlichkeit, sagst ja zu deinem Körper, deinem Verstand und deiner Seele.

Die Liebenden haben bereits die Tür geöffnet, ohne zu wissen, wie. Sie haben einen Moment lang das Göttliche erkannt. Es ist eine plötzliche Erleuchtung. Sie sind das erste Überwinden der Dualität auf dem Weg, den der Narr geht, die erste Vereinigung, das erste Verschmelzen. Ohne den anderen gibt es keine Göttlichkeit, keine Einheit, kein Gipfelerlebnis möglich. Aber gerade in dem Moment dieser ersten Liebeserfahrung kommt die Schlange vom Baum der Erkenntnis herunter und verführt Eva in das Verbotene und bereitet damit den Weg für den Teufel und den Fall aus dem Paradies.
Liebe heilt, Liebe ist die einzige Kraft, die alle alten Wunden schliesst. Traue deinem Gefühl, wenn du Verliebt bist, und zerstöre es nicht durch deine Zweifel. Lasse deinen Verstand beiseite und lasse dich von der Liebe tragen. Wenn du liebst, entsteht ein "Ja" in dir zu allem.

Wir haben jetzt den ruhigen Punkt im Verstand gefunden, wir sind ausgeglichen im ständigen Auf und Ab, wir haben tief in unse selbst geschaut und sind dabei unbeteiligt geblieben. Wenn du im Prozess im Rad des Lebens nicht zerstört worden bist, dann kommst du transformiert heraus. Du hast erfahren, dass Verrücktheit in dir ist, dass du keine feste Identität hast - dein Selbstbild ist zerstört. Die Säulen der Gerechtigkeit müssen mit Bewusstheit und Disziplin durchschritten werden.
An diesem Punkt möchte man am liebsten aus dem Film aussteigen, aber das ist nicht möglich. Es gibt keinen Ausweg bis zum letztendlichen Erwachen. Der einzig mögliche Weg ist die Disziplin des Akzeptierens. Schulden müssen zurückbezahlt werden, nichts kann daran geändert werden, die Welt ist so, wie sie ist. Wenn du leidest, dann musst du leiden, das ist das Fegefeuer. "Gerechtigkeit" verkörpert Wahrheit, das So-Sein. Ihre Augen schauen geradeaus, denn sie weiss, wer du wirklich bist, sie lässt sich nicht täuschen.
"Du siehst die Wahrheit", sagt die Stimme. "Auf diesen Waagschalen wird alles gewogen. Dieses Schwert ist immer erhoben, um Gerechtigkeit walten zu lassen, und nichts kann ihm entfliehen. Entspricht Waage.
Zieh dich zurück und nimm dir Zeit, dein Leben wie einen Film vor dir ablaufen zu lassen. Es ist Zeit, mit deinem Herzen und deinem Verstand dein Leben zu sehen, wie es wirklich ist - ohne zu verurteilen, ohne Schuldgefühle über Vergangenes. Sei gerecht mit dir selbst.
Du bist im Gleichgewicht, siehst die Wahrheit, bist klar. Du siehst den Tatsachen ins Gesicht. Beende unerledigte Geschäfte.

Jetzt ist es geschehen. Die Grenzen des Verstandes sind erreicht. Schlimmer kann es nicht mehr werden. Der Kampf ist endlich beendet, die Nacht ist vorbei, und der Tag bricht an. Mit dem Tod des Verstandes kommt unweigerlich Entspannung, Schönheit, Liebe, Freude und Lachen, Licht.

Er ist das erleuchtete Wesen, das in den Augen der Welt dumm aussieht, er erlebt jeden Moment neu und lebt ihn frei, wie er kommt. Er ist die Null, als Individuum hat er keine Existenz, er ist aufgegangen im Ganzen. Er ist der letzte Schritt, der letzte Sprung, von unten nach oben.
Verpasse die Gelegenheit nicht, ins Unbekannte zu gehen; darüber nachdenken kannst du später. Geh leichten Herzens und hänge nicht am Vergangenen. Als Narr bist du glücklich - du nimmst dich selbst nicht ernst und kannst über alles lachen, am meisten über dich selbst und deine "Probleme". Du erkennst, dass das Leben ein Spiel ist.

Wenn es Feuer regnet, musst du wie Wasser sein
Wenn es Überfluss von Wasser gibt, sei wie der Wind
Wenn die grosse Flut kommt, werde wie der Himmel
Und wenn die allerletzte Flut aller Welten ist, gebe das Selbst auf
Und werde der Herr

 I know this world is screwed up better than most..which is why i wanted to ask if there is anything i can do to help make it right..please let me know..
If you wish..

When we have passed beyond humanity, then we shall be the Man.

This AGENDA ... One day, another species among men will pore over this fabulous document as over the tumultuous drama that must have surrounded the birth of the first man among the hostile hordes of a great, delirious Paleozoic. A first man is the dangerous contradiction of a certain simian logic, a threat to the established order that so genteelly ran about amid the high, indefeasible ferns and to begin with, it does not even know that it is a man. It wonders, indeed, what it is. Even to itself it is strange, distressing. It does not even know how to climb trees any longer in its usual way and it is terribly disturbing for all those who still climb trees in the old, millennial way. Perhaps it is even a heresy. Unless it is some cerebral disorder? A first man in his little clearing had to have a great deal of courage. Even this little clearing was no longer so sure. A first man is a perpetual question. What am I, then, in the midst of all that? And where is my law? What is the law? And what if there were no more laws? ... It is terrifying.

Mathematics out of order. Astronomy and biology, too, are beginning to respond to mysterious influences. A tiny point huddled in the center of the worlds great clearing. But what is all this, what if I were mad? And then, claws all around, a lot of claws against this uncommon creature. A first man ... is very much alone. He is quite unbearable for the pre-human reason. And the surrounding tribes growled like red monkies in the twilight of Guiana.

Then other moons began whirring through the skies to the cry of macaws at sunset, another rhythm was born that was strangely in tune with the rhythm of all, making one single flow of the world, and there we went, lightly, as if the body had never had any weight other than that of our human thought; and the stars were so near, even the giant airplanes roaring overhead seemed vain artifices beneath smiling galaxies. A man was the overwhelming Possible. He was even the great discoverer of the Possible. Never had this precarious invention had any other aim through millions of species than to discover that which surpassed his own species, perhaps the means to change his species a light and lawless species. After rediscovering a million years in the great, rhythmic night, a man was still something to be invented. It was the invention of himself, where all was not yet said and done.

She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming, Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine? She desires the ancient mornings and fulfils their light; projecting forwards her illumination she enters into communion with the rest that are to come.

Threefold are those supreme births of this divine force that is in the world, they are true, they are desirable; he moves there wide-overt within the Infinite and shines pure, luminous and fulfilling.... That which is immortal in mortals and possessed of the truth, is a god and established inwardly as an energy working out in our divine powers.... Become highuplifted, O Strength, pierce all veils, manifest in us the things of the Godhead.

The ancient dawns of human knowledge have left us their witness to this constant aspiration; today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied by victorious analysis of the externalities of Nature preparing to return to its primeval longings. The earliest formula of Wisdom promises to be its last, God, Light, Freedom, Immortality.
These persistent ideals of the race are at once the contradiction of its normal experience and the affirmation of higher and deeper experiences which are abnormal to humanity and only to be attained, in their organised entirety, by a revolutionary individual effort or an evolutionary general progression.

If it be true that Spirit is involved in Matter and apparent Nature is secret God, then the
manifestation of the divine in himself and the realisation of God within and without are the highest and most legitimate aim possible to man upon earth.

He energised conscious-force (in the austerity of thought) and came to the knowledge that Matter is the Brahman. For from Matter all existences are born; born, by Matter they increase and enter into Matter in their passing hence. Then he went to Varuna, his father, and said, Lord, teach me of the Brahman. But he said to him: Energise (again) the conscious-energy in thee; for the Energy is Brahman.

But when that rhythm has once been disturbed, it is necessary and helpful that man should test separately, in their extreme assertion, each of the two great opposites. It is the mind's natural way of returning more perfectly to the affirmation it has lost. On the road it may attempt to rest in the intervening degrees, reducing all things into the terms of an original Life-Energy or of sensation or of Ideas; but these exclusive solutions have always an air of unreality. They may satisfy for a time the logical reason which deals only with pure ideas, but they cannot satisfy the mind's sense of actuality.

Therefore the time grows ripe and the tendency of the world moves towards a new and comprehensive affirmation in thought and in inner and outer experience and to its corollary, a new and rich selffulfilment in an integral human existence for the individual and for the race.

For that vast field of evidence and experience which now begins to reopen its gates to us, can only be safely entered when the intellect has been severely trained to a clear austerity; seized on by unripe minds, it lends itself to the most perilous distortions and misleading imaginations and actually in the past encrusted a real nucleus of truth with such an accretion of perverting superstitions and irrationalising dogmas that all advance in true knowledge was rendered impossible. It became necessary for a time to make a clean sweep at once of the truth and its disguise in order that the road might be clear for a new departure and a surer advance.

Not only in the one final conception, but in the great line of its general results Knowledge, by whatever path it is followed, tends to become one.

But this conscious Being which is the truth of the infinite supermind, is more than the universe and lives independently in Its own inexpressible infinity as well as in the cosmic harmonies.

For at the gates of the Transcendent stands that mere and perfect Spirit described in the Upanishads, luminous, pure, sustaining the world but inactive in it, without sinews of energy, without flaw of duality, without scar of division, unique, identical, free from all appearance of relation and of multiplicity, the pure Self of the Adwaitins, the inactive Brahman, the transcendent Silence. And the mind when it passes those gates suddenly, without intermediate transitions, receives a sense of the unreality of the world and the sole reality of the Silence which is one of the most powerful and convincing experiences of which the human mind is capable. Here, in the perception of this pure Self or of the Non-Being behind it, we have the starting-point for a second negation, parallel at the other pole to the materialistic, but more complete, more final, more perilous in its effects on the individuals or collectivities that hear its potent call to the wilderness, the refusal of the ascetic.

We recognise, then, that it is possible for the consciousness in the individual to enter into a state in which relative existence appears to be dissolved and even Self seems to be an inadequate conception. It is possible to pass into a Silence beyond the Silence.
But this is not the whole of our ultimate experience, nor the single and all-excluding truth. For we find that this Nirvana, this selfextinction, while it gives an absolute peace and freedom to the soul within is yet consistent in practice with a desireless but effective action without. This possibility of an entire motionless impersonality and void Calm within doing outwardly the works of the eternal verities, Love, Truth and Righteousness, was perhaps the real gist of the Buddha's teaching, this superiority to ego and to the chain of personal workings and to the identification with mutable form and idea, not the petty ideal of an escape from the trouble and suffering of the physical birth. In any case, as the perfect man would combine in himself the silence and the activity, so also would the completely conscious soul reach back to the absolute freedom of the Non-Being without therefore losing its hold on Existence and the universe. It would thus reproduce in itself perpetually the eternal miracle of the divine Existence, in the universe, yet always beyond it and even, as it were, beyond itself.

While we still labour under the stress of the dualities, this perception must no doubt constantly support itself on an act of faith, but a faith which the highest Reason, the widest and most patient reflection do not deny, but rather affirm. This creed is given, indeed, to humanity to support it on its journey, until it arrives at a stage of development when faith will be turned into knowledge and perfect experience and Wisdom will be justified of her works.

By the Ignorance they cross beyond Death and by the Knowledge enjoy Immortality.... By the Non-Birth they cross beyond Death and by the Birth enjoy Immortality.

The liberation of the individual soul is therefore the keynote of the definite divine action; it is the primary divine necessity and the pivot on which all else turns. It is the point of Light at which the intended complete self-manifestation in the Many begins to emerge.
But the liberated soul extends its perception of unity horizontally as well as vertically. Its unity with the transcendent One is incomplete without its unity with the cosmic Many. And that lateral unity translates itself by a multiplication, a reproduction of its own liberated state at other points in the Multiplicity. The divine soul reproduces itself in similar liberated souls as the animal reproduces itself in similar bodies. Therefore, whenever even a single soul is liberated, there is a tendency to an extension and even to an outburst of the same divine self-consciousness in other individual souls of our terrestrial humanity and, who knows? perhaps even beyond the terrestrial consciousness.

The Soul of man, a traveller, wanders in this cycle of Brahman, huge, a totality of lives, a totality of states, thinking itself different from the Impeller of the journey. Accepted by Him, it attains its goal of Immortality.

The progressive revelation of a great, a transcendent, a luminous Reality with the multitudinous relativities of this world that we see and those other worlds that we do not see as means and material, condition and field, this would seem then to be the meaning of the universe, since meaning and aim it has and is neither a purposeless illusion nor a fortuitous accident.

An existence, wholly self-aware and therefore entirely master of itself, possesses the phenomenal being in which it is involved, realises itself in form, unfolds itself in the individual. That luminous Emergence is the dawn which the Aryan forefathers worshipped. Its fulfilled perfection is that highest step of the world-pervading Vishnu which they beheld as if an eye of vision extended in the purest heavens of the Mind. For it exists already as an all-revealing and all-guiding Truth of things which  watches over the world and attracts mortal man, first without the knowledge of his conscious mind, by the general march of Nature, but at last consciously by a progressive awakening and selfenlargement, to his divine ascension. The ascent to the divine Life is the human journey, the Work of works, the acceptable Sacrifice. This alone is man's real business in the world and the justification of his existence, without which he would be only an insect crawling among other ephemeral insects on a speck of surface mud and water which has managed to form itself amid the appalling immensities of the physical universe.

The universe and the individual are necessary to each other in their ascent. Always indeed they exist for each other and profit by each other.

The universe comes to the individual as Life, a dynamism the entire secret of which he has to master and a mass of colliding results, a whirl of potential energies out of which he has to disengage some supreme order and some yet unrealised harmony. This is after all the real sense of man's progress.

The soul seated on the same tree of Nature is absorbed and deluded and has sorrow because it is not the Lord, but when it sees and is in union with that other self and greatness of it which is the Lord, then sorrow passes away from it.

In fact, we do pursue as an ideal, so far as we may, the elimination of all these negative or adverse phenomena. We seek constantly to minimise the causes of error, pain and suffering.

We have the emergence of that Conscious Being in an involved and inevitably evolving Life, Mind and Supermind as the condition of our activities; for it is this evolution which has enabled man to appear in Matter and it is this evolution which will enable him progressively to manifest God in the body, the universal Incarnation.

This secret Self in all beings is not apparent, but it is seen by means of the supreme reason, the subtle, by those who have the subtle vision.

Intuition always stands veiled behind our mental operations. Intuition brings to man those brilliant messages from the Unknown which are the beginning of his higher knowledge. Reason only comes in afterwards to see what profit it can have of the shining harvest. Intuition gives us that idea of something behind and beyond all that we know and seem to be which pursues man always in contradiction of his lower reason and all his normal experience and impels him to formulate that formless perception in the more positive ideas of God, Immortality, Heaven and the rest by which we strive to express it to the mind. For Intuition is as strong as Nature herself from whose very soul it has sprung and cares nothing for the contradictions of reason or the denials of experience. It knows what is because it is, because itself it is of that and has come from that, and will not yield it to the judgment of what merely becomes and appears. What the Intuition tells us of, is not so much Existence as the Existent, for it proceeds from that one point of light in us which gives it its advantage, that sometimes opened door in our own selfawareness.

This is he that is awake in those who sleep.

Through all this play the secret reality is always one and the same delight of existence, the same in the delight of the subconscious sleep before the emergence of the individual, in the delight of the struggle and all the varieties, vicissitudes, perversions, conversions, reversions of the effort to find itself amid the mazes of the half-conscious dream of which the individual is the centre, and in the delight of the eternal superconscient self-possession into which the individual must wake and there become one with the indivisible Sachchidananda.This is the play of the One, the Lord, the All as it reveals itself to our liberated and enlightened knowledge from the conceptive standpoint of this material universe.

When we descend again, there are doors of communication which we can keep always open or reopen even though they should constantly shut. But to dwell there permanently on this last and highest summit of the created and creative being is in the end the supreme ideal for our evolving human consciousness when it seeks not self-annulment but self-perfection.

In that case not only would it be possible to manifest and maintain the divine consciousness in the human mind and body but, even, that divine consciousness might in the end, increasing its conquests, remould mind, life and body themselves into a more perfect image of its eternal Truth and realise not only in soul but in substance its kingdom of heaven upon earth. The first of these victories, the internal, has certainly been achieved in a greater or less degree by some, perhaps by many, upon earth; the other, the external, even if never more or less realised in past aeons as a first type for future cycles and still held in the subconscious memory of the earth-nature, may yet be intended as a coming victorious achievement of God in humanity. This earthly life need not be necessarily and for ever a wheel of half-joyous half-anguished effort; attainment may also be intended and the glory and joy of God made manifest upon earth.

Only the eternal Real-Idea is firm and maintains a certain ordered constancy of figures and relations in the flux of things, a constancy which the Mind vainly attempts to imitate by attributing fixity to that which is always inconstant. These truths Mind has to rediscover; it knows them all the time, but only in the hidden back of its consciousness, in the secret light of its self-being; and that light is to it a darkness because it has reated the ignorance, because it has lapsed from the dividing into the divided mentality, because it has become involved in its own workings and in its own creations.

Pranic energy is the life of creatures; for that is said to be the universal principle of life.

Let the path of the Word lead to the godheads, towards the Waters by the working of the Mind....O Flame, thou goest to the ocean of Heaven, towards the gods; thou makest to meet together the godheads of the planes, the waters that are in the realm of light above the sun and the waters that abide below. The Lord of Delight conquers the third status; he maintains and governs according to the Soul of universality; like a hawk, a kite he settles on the vessel and uplifts it, a finder of the Light he manifests the fourth status and cleaves to the ocean that is the billowing of those waters.
Thrice Vishnu paced and set his step uplifted out of the primal dust; three steps he has paced, the Guardian, the Invincible, and from beyond he upholds their laws. Scan the workings of Vishnu and see from whence he has manifested their laws. That is his highest pace which is seen ever by the seers like an eye extended in heaven; that the illumined, the awakened kindle into a blaze, even Vishnu's step supreme....

Association with love as its secret principle and its emergent summit is the type, the power of this new relation and therefore the governing principle of the development into the third status of life. The conscious preservation of individuality along with the consciously accepted necessity and desire of interchange, self-giving and fusion with other individuals, is necessary for the working of the principle of love; for if either is abolished, the working of love ceases, whatever may take its place. Fulfilment of love by entire self-immolation, even with an illusion of self-annihilation, is indeed an idea and an impulse in the mental being, but it points to a development beyond this third status of Life.

It must come by a fourth status of life in which the eternal unity of the many is realised through the spirit and the conscious foundation of all the operations of life is laid no longer in the divisions of body, nor in the passions and hungers of the vitality, nor in the groupings and the imperfect harmonies of the mind, nor in a combination of all these, but in the unity and freedom of the Spirit.

He who knows this Self who is the eater of the honey of existence and the lord of what is and shall be, has thenceforward no shrinking.

I cannot travel to the Truth of the luminous Lord by force or by the duality.... Who are they that protect the foundation of the falsehood? Who are the guardians of the unreal word? Then existence was not nor non-existence, the mid-world was not nor the Ether nor what is beyond. What covered all? where was it? in whose refuge? what was that ocean dense and deep? Death was not nor immortality nor the knowledge of day and night. That One lived without breath by his selflaw, there was nothing else nor aught beyond it. In the beginning Darkness was hidden by darkness, all this was an ocean of inconscience. When universal being was concealed by fragmentation, then by the greatness of its energy That One was born. That moved at first as desire within, which
was the primal seed of mind. The seers of Truth discovered the building of being in non-being by will in the heart and by the thought; their ray was extended horizontally; but what was there below, what was there above? There were Casters of the seed, there were Greatnesses; there was self-law below, there was Will above.

For as they evolve, as they awake, as they become more active and avid of their own potentialities, the pressure on them of the superior planes, a pressure involved in the existence and close connection and interdependence of the worlds, must also increase in insistence, power and effectiveness. Not only must these principles manifest from below in a qualified and restricted emergence, but also from above they must descend in their characteristic power and full possible efflorescence into the material being; the material creature must open to a wider and wider play of their activities in Matter, and all that is needed is a fit receptacle, medium, instrument. That is provided for in the body,
life and consciousness of man.

It is in the latter alternative that we find the secret we are seeking, the means of the transition, the needed step towards a supramental transformation; for we perceive a graduality of ascent, a communication with a more and more deep and immense light and power from above, a scale of intensities which can be regarded as so many stairs in the ascension of Mind or in a descent into Mind from That which is beyond it. We are aware of a sealike downpour of masses of a spontaneous knowledge which assumes the nature of Thought but has a different character from the process of thought to which we are accustomed; for there is nothing here of seeking, no trace of mental construction, no labour of speculation or difficult discovery; it is an automatic and spontaneous knowledge from a Higher Mind that seems to be in possession of Truth and not in search of hidden and withheld realities.

Since that time of entering the lower dimensions, ALL of the inhabitants of these other planets, have spiritually evolved and been able to raise themselves out the third and fourth dimensions. All of these other Off-Planet races are now currently in the lower sixth (6th) or higher dimensions and are well on their way, back to becoming united with the Family of Light. Humanity and planet Earth are one of only a small number, that have lagged behind.

Since, the early 1970’s, approximately 80 % of all those born on Earth, are Starseeds. They are spiritually enlightened Beings from the Pleiadian Galaxy. That is, they have incarnated directly onto planet Earth, after separately living various numbers of lives, on planets within the Pleiadian star system. This is why, many of them, don’t feel at home here on Earth. They are more accustomed to the relaxed and gentle lifestyle, on the Pleiades.

On the Pleiades, they live quite natural lives. They have lots of free time to follow their  personal creative interests. There are very few social restrictions and the elderly are  respected, for their advice and wisdom. The entire Pleiadian lifestyle, is slow, gentle and unchallenging. This is in distinct contract to planet Earth, where life is currently much more challenging and harsh!

If you are a Starseed or Lightworker and have always felt, out of touch with the "Ways of Humanity", don’t worry, you are not alone! There are many millions of other people just like you, spread around the world. They also feel, it is now time, to once more personally ascend and permanently move back to the higher dimensions. But, to do this, you need to get off the Wheel of Reincarnation of Earth. And the easiest and quickest way to do this, is to simply fulfil any promises, you made to your self, your Higher Self and your soul group, before accepting this current incarnation AND repay any negative karma that you have made for yourself, during your time spend on Earth.
Remember, it’s never too early, to start fulfilling your part of the agreement. The agreement that everyone makes, before incarnating onto planet Earth, is more commonly known, as a Life Mission (Life Plan). Basically, a Life Mission consists of two separate plans.

If you can honestly put your hand on your heart and say, "Yes, I am living my life in a  manner, that is for the highest good of all concerned" then you’re a very fortunate person! What a kind, inspiring, wise and compassionate person, you must be.

Everyone can be a winner, it's just, that we have to stop fighting amongst ourselves and start working together, for a higher good. Unity is the name of the game, in the 21st century.

Never forget, what you don’t do this time, you’ll have to come  back and complete, another time. In other words, this means that you’ll have to take another ride on the Wheel of Reincarnation! Therefore, unless you wake up and start living your Life Mission, to its full potential, you will have to stay on the wheel of Reincarnation and return, many more time to Earth. If this does not appeal to you, then the answer is, to begin to manifest around yourself, the lifestyle that you should truly be living.

A. Living my Life Mission to it’s full potential.
B. Painting.
C. Drawing.
D. Creative writing.
E. Dancing.
F. Singing.
G. Socializing.
H. Developing my psychic and spiritual abilities.
I. Pursuing my current hobbies and interests.

Now, that you have a clearer understanding of how your personal guides will use  synchronistic events, to assist you with your future spiritual growth and help you create an ideal lifestyle for yourself, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN. Begin to look at each situation and event that you find yourself in, from a higher, more spiritual perspective. Take note of the little synchronistic clues, your personal guides are presenting to you on a daily basis and learn from them.

Many, people are unaware that it is the Intent of a thought or action that creates negative karma, as much as the action itself. If the Intent of a person, is of the highest calibre, that is if they are trying to work from Highest Intent and Unconditional Love, in all that they do, then they won’t be creating any negative karma for themselves. The repaying of negative karma is very important, if you want to live a fifth dimensional lifestyle. This is because, unless the karmic ties that bind you to the third and fourth dimensions are dissolved, you can not ascend into the higher dimensions. And you’ll continue to go around and around on the Wheel of Reincarnation.

Living in an unconditionally loving manner, also means that you give assistance to whom ever requires it, in an unconditional manner. This means, that you do not put any type of emotional, moral or legal obligation, on the assistance you give.

As each day passes, humanity is slowly raising its self into the lower fourth dimension and enormous personal and social changes, are going to continue. Dont be content to sit on the side line and let life pass you by. Begin to take control of your life. Start working with your personal guides and Higher Self, to create the type of lifestyle, that you want. Remember, you are not alone, there are many millions of other Lightworkers and Starseeds, just like you, spread around the world. If you cant physically meet up with them, join with them in the dream state.

Here are some dominant characteristics of Starseeds:
1. Relaxed, tolerant of others and easy going.
2. Very creative in fields of art, sculpture, music, colour and writing.
3. Strong dislike of rules, regulations, time-keeping, structure and repetition.
4. Resists convention and may be prone to addictions such as drugs and alcohol to temporarily escape from harsh, 3rd dimensional reality.
5. Often lethargic, suffers from depression and finds making decisions difficult.
6. Strong environmental beliefs and often vegetarian.
7. Strong psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (seeing spirit), ESP, telepathy etc.
8. Keen interest in spiritual philosophies such as the New Age movement.
9. Strong belief in UFO’s and aliens.
10. A dislike of cruelty, power, the mundane and authority figures.
11. Have an instinctive interest in technology such as computers, electronics etc.
12. A strong desire to unite with others for some higher cause.

Physically Starseeds are often:
1. Androgynous in appearance (male/female).
2. Soft, handsome facial features.
3. Slim and tall/short and light boned.
4. Large eyes and wide mouthed.
5. Female Starseeds are often narrower in the hips and have smaller busts than previous generations.

When you begin to consciously raise you spiritual vibration, wonderful things happen to you. Suddenly life makes sense! You understand now who you are and why you’re here. Life is no longer a series of random incidents with no apparent meaning, but instead, a learning experience that you can take control of now and in the future!

That vibration in the ether of the pineal gland sets up waves in the surrounding ether, like waves of light, only much smaller and more rapid. These undulations pass out in all directions, setting the ether in motion, and these etheric waves, in turn, produce undulations in the ether of the pineal gland in another brain, and from that are  transmitted to the astral and mental bodies in regular succession, thus reaching the consciousness. If this second pineal gland cannot reproduce these undulations, then the thought will pass unnoticed, making no impressions, any more than waves of light make an impression on the eye of a blind person.

The development, then, of the habit of observation is part of the training of the mind, and those who practise it will find that the mind becomes clearer, increases in power, and becomes more easily manageable, so that they can direct it on any given object much better than they had been able previously to do.

Now, this work of training the mind may be very much helped forward by coming into touch with those who are more highly evolved than ourselves. A thinker who is stronger than we are can materially aid us, for he sends out vibrations of a higher order than we are able to create. A piece of iron lying on the ground cannot start heatvibrations  on its own account; but if it happens to be placed near a fire, it can answer to the heat-vibrations of the fire, and thus became hot. When we come near a strong thinker, his vibrations play on our mental bodies and set up in them corresponding vibrations, so that we vibrate sympathetically with him. For the time being we feel that our mental power is increased and that we are able to grasp conceptions that normally elude us. But when we are again alone, we find that -these very conceptions have become blurred and confused.

Herein lies one of the values of associating with persons more advanced than ourselves. We profit by their contact, and grow under their stimulating influence. A true Teacher will thus aid his disciples far more by keeping them near him than by any spoken words. For this influence direct personal contact affords the most effective channel. But failing this, or in association with it, much may also be gained from books, if the books be wisely chosen. In reading the work of a really great writer, we should try for the time to put ourselves into a negative or receptive condition, so as to receive as many of his thought-vibrations as possible. When we have read the words, we should dwell on them, ponder over them, try to sense the thought they partially express, draw out of them all their hidden relationships. Our attention must be concentrated, so as to pierce the mind of the writer through the veil of his words. Such reading serves as an  education, and helps forward our mental evolution. Less strenuous reading may serve as a pleasant pastime, may store our minds with valuable facts, and so subserve our usefulness. But such reading as is described means a stimulus to our evolution, and should not be neglected by those who seek to grow in order to serve.

In the early stages of the activity of the mind, progress depends on its swift movements, on its alertness, on its readiness to receive impacts from sensation after sensation, turning its attention quickly from one to another. Versatility is, at that stage, a most valuable quality, and the constant turning outwards of the attention is essential to progress.

It must be remembered that concentration is not a state of passivity, but, on the contrary, one of intense and regulated activity. It resembles, in the mental world, the gathering up of the muscles for a spring in the physical world, or their stiffening to meet a prolonged strain. In fact, this tension always shows itself in a corresponding  physical tension with beginners, and physical fatigue follows the exercise of concentration—fatigue of the muscles, not only of nervous system.

It has now to confine its attention to a single object, to fix itself on that. It does not,  of course, cease its activity, but sends it all along a single channel. Water flowing over a surface wide in comparison with the amount of water will have little motor power. The same water sent along a narrow channel, with the same initial impulse, will carry away an obstacle. Hence the value of the " one-pointedness " so continually insisted on by the teachers of meditation.

Another physical danger arises from the effect produced by concentration on the nerve-cells of the brain. As the power of concentration increases, as the mind is stilled, and the Ego begins to work through the mind, he makes a new demand on the brain nerve-cells. These cells are, of course, ultimately constituted of atoms, and the walls  of these atoms consist of whorls of spirillae, through which run currents of life-energy. Of these spirillae there are seven sets, four only of which are in use; the remaining three are as yet unused—practically rudimentary organs. As the higher energies pour down, seeking a channel in the atoms, the set of spirillae which-later in  evolution—will serve as their channel is forced into activity. If this be done very slowly and carefully, no harm results, but over-pressure means injury to the delicate structure of the spirillae.

Only to the mind concentrated, steady, shut out from the world, can the Divine reveal itself. God shows Himself in His universe in endless forms; but within the human heart He shows Himself in His Life and Nature, revealing Himself to that which is a fragment of Himself. In that silence, peace and strength and force flow into the soul, and the man of meditation is ever the most efficient man of the world.

The concentrated intelligence, the power of withdrawing outside the turmoil, mean immensely increased energy in work, mean steadiness, self-control, serenity; the man  of meditation is the man who wastes no time, scatters no energy, misses no opportunity. Such a man governs events, because within him is the power whereof events are only the outer expression; he shares the divine life, and therefore shares the divine power.

When the muscle is stretched by exercise more life flows into it, the cells multiply, and the muscle thus grows. When the mental body vibrates under the action of thought, fresh matter is drawn in from the mental atmosphere, and is built into the body, which thus increases in size as well as in complexity of structure. A mental body continually exercised grows, whether the thought carried on in it be good or evil. The amount of the  thought determines the growth of the body, the quality of the thought determines the kind of matter employed in that growth.

On the one side the powers of consciousness are drawn out; on the other the forms through which it is expressed are developed; and the first of these must never be forgotten. Many people recognize the value of definite thinking as affecting the brain, but forget that the source of all thought is the unborn, undying Self, and that they are only drawing out what they already possess.

It has been said truly enough that people age more by worry than by work. Work, unless excessive, does not injure the thought-apparatus, but, on the contrary, strengthens it. But the mental process known as " worry " definitely injures it, and after a time produces a nervous exhaustion and irritability which render steady mental work impossible.

A man needs change of exercise in thought as well as in body, else he may suffer from mental cramp as do some from writer's cramp. Especially, perhaps, is it important for men engaged in absorbing worldly pursuits, that they should take up a subject which engages faculties of the mind not evolved in business activities, related to art, science, or literature, in which they may find mental recreation and polish.

Our organs are excellent sensors that grasp the electronic vibrations or impulses of the energy currents within the specific range of their perception. And then instantaneously transmit the corresponding signals to the brain via the network of the sensory nerves.

Purification and spiritual evolution of mental powers could enable upward orientation of the currents of prana through these fibers along the susumnia nadi. This results in the activation of the unconscious (inner) layer of mind and thus effectuates creative linkage of the individual self with the cosmic thy self. Acquisition of the Gnostic Knowledge of the mysterious powers immanent in the limitless expansion of the cosmos then emerges as a natural consequence.

Brilliance of intellect and foresightedness help the sagacious minds know and shape the future growth of the subject matter of their interest and expertise. This explains why enlightened and alert mind is said to be the architect of its own life. However, the extrovert attitude, self-centered inclination, and complacence and excessive attachment with the present and the immediate future, often restrain its trenchant vision and talents  from reaching the wider and deeper domains of knowledge…. Cultivation of introvert and deeper thinking and successive endeavors of intellectual and spiritual erudition gradually arouse its hidden powers. This elevation can eventually excel the illuminated minds to the higher realms of precognitive realizations.

Evolution at the level of consciousness is indeed open-ended. Nature has not deprived anyone of this opportunity. Dedicated endeavors and sincere practice can bestow every thing desired in life. As far as the extrasensory potentials are concerned, in some people specific powers are found to arouse accidentally.

Small in appearance but gigantic in powers is the nature of human mind. The depth and expansion of its potentials is as vast and astonishing as that of the mysterious universe. The structure and function of the human brain remain undecipherable and appear to be supernatural in many respects.

The importance of mental strength and intellectual trenchancy is seen at every step of progress in every dimension of life. The bright fellows are seen moving ahead with ascending success in different walks of life. The dullards or mentally weaker ones on the contrary can not even make proper use of the favorable circumstances. Radiance and determination of mind is also essential in resolving the ever-new challenges of life and in the evolution of personality.

Stimulation and expression of the hidden assimilation of the unconscious mind generates corresponding vibrations in the hypothalamus and triggers the secretion of specific hormones…. This consequently results in instant or gradual variation in the body condition and leads to the different kinds of reactions or disorders. The hypothalamus is therefore referred as the central place of the expression of mind. The healthy conditioning and harmonious functioning of this system is essential for soothing the mental and physical health too. Because it is through this core that the effects of the unconscious component of the manah sasthan are realized in its conscious counterpart and are enabled to drive the associated subsystems of the neuronal network and the nervous system and hence the overall bodily functions into action….

Occurrence of miraculous or supernormal events in the lives of ordinary people from time-to-time reminds us of the immense power folded in the inner cores of our mind. Such incidents are generally experienced when our external mind is calm and the inner mind, if devoid of untoward excitations and assimilation, gets an opportunity to express its linkage with the extrasensory world.

The ancient sages and seers used to send such telepathic messages and guidance to their disciples at remote places. They also used to inspire the society at large in order to prevent people from astray in the smog of ignorance and path of evils and to collectively inspire the masses towards morality and knowledge. It is possible to revive these higher-level altruist endeavors of telepathy. What is needed is the zeal and dedication towards spiritual refinement and evolution of the inner self.

The key of the ascent or devolution of one’s life lies in his thoughts. The frequency-range and cosmic expansion of the thought waves is said to be much higher than that of the electromagnetic waves.

People with greater strength of the inner self and elevated levels of prana can attract and influence many others by the aura of their vital energy and the enthralling force of their thoughts. This is how they can effectively lead and shape the mass movements. This influence could be positive and constructive or it could be untoward and damaging. History has witnessed how the righteous thoughts of great personalities have saved the human dignity and made the destiny of the masses by altruist movements. There also exist historical examples of dictators like Hitler, Mussolini,  etc whose cruel and negative thinking had misguided many and blown the society in the dreadful fire of hatred, discrimination and wars.

The color of the aura reflected by the thought waves of pure love and affection is recorded to be bright red, whereas that of sexually charged love and attraction is brownish red. The thought waves driven by self-esteem and ambition constitute bright orange, those of intellectual trenchancy coupled with inner piety emit yellow color in the aura. The thought waves emerging from spiritual illumination reflect brilliant light blue color in the aura. The vision and analysis of the subliminal aura of thoughts or the ideosphere is possible only by the yogis who are endowed with extrasensory powers and whose acumen has a reach in the deeper depths of human mind.

The magnetic power of ones thoughts and tendencies might have been well experienced by most of us. Thoughts of similar kinds form compatible clusters and intensify their collective effects. The cruel or immoral characters attract people of corresponding nature and like to be in their company. This is how gangsters or criminals form strong groups. The serene, humble and virtuous ones prefer working with people of like mentality; such people jointly create a soothing and inspiring ambiance.

The radiance of righteous thinking sparks mental strength too and helps suppression and elimination of the weaknesses and malice of the mental domain. On the contrary, abrupt thinking or expression of evil instincts and excitement of mind because of negative or immoral thoughts and untoward passions gradually blunt the intellectual trenchancy, wane out the memory, and retard the process of continuous evolution of mental powers. Lack of mental concentration, amnesia, psychological complications and disorders of varied degrees are immediate outcomes of the mental imbalance  caused thereby.

If the naturally aroused power of normal mind is restrained from sheer dissipation, misuse and negative effects, it paves the way of successive developments in different dimensions of life. The journey from the Stone Age to the Atomic and Information Age has excelled by constructive and collective dedication of the intellectual potentials and  determination of mind. The more it is engaged in difficult or challenging (as per its earlier training) tasks, the sharper and brighter become its abilities in the corresponding domains… Its potentials evolve with greater and nobler use. With enhanced mental concentration and strives, the deeper layers of mind could also be activated…This may, result in stimulation of the extrasensory centers in the brain and, depending upon the purity and enlightened state of the mind, the transmutation of mental strength into spiritual force.

A small seed contains the blueprint of a huge tree. Its germination and successive growth bring the unknown, the invisible, into a visible and perceivable form. The sperm holds a complete man with its inherited nature and biological history of several generations alive in its micro-subtler folds. Time brings into apparent existence the  grand system encoded in the tiny units of the genes.  The subtle structure of an atom contains a solar system of subatomic particles in its core. The blow of energy generated by the fission of its nucleus expresses the immense power hidden in its tiny, negligible existence. The same is true of a human being too. In general, a human being lives an insignificant life of an evolved animal. His aspirations and activities revolve around stomach and sex in one way or the other. Even his intelligence remains engaged in generating comforts and pleasure for the body and its offspring. However, a little awareness and refinement in his attitude begins to show that his life is indeed precious and endowed with enormous potentials.
Reflection of the unknown or the latent power often appears astonishing or miraculous. But, there is nothing like a miracle in this world. Every event, every power, every possibility is hidden in the inner cores of Nature. Its existence is eternal. Nothing diminishes or generates here from the empty or nonexistent. It is only a transformation  of the expression of existence that reflects such effects and impressions. Whatever we know or often deal with becomes ordinary for us. If something unknown or unheard of occurs it surprises us.

It is the soil of mind where the crop of future creations and accomplishments is cultivated. The trenchancy of vision, creativity of imagination, acumen, and foresightedness account for the fertility of mind. Intellectual brilliance, maturity and wisdom too are judged with respect to these qualities. Precognition and clairvoyance are reflections of spiritual refinement and evolutions of these potentials of human  mind. The seed of these supernormal faculties exists in our minds too. We should inculcate righteous thinking and endeavor its further enlightenment every day to realize that the key to our unknown future lies in our own hands.

The extrasensory potentials and exceptional acumen of spiritually enlightened personalities also appear to be astonishing or esoteric to many people. But these
supernormal talents are natural consequences of the aroused powers of the usually unknown layers of mind and the vital force; and work well within the disciplines of Nature. Some of us may regard them as supramental and some as sheer fraud, depending upon our scientific thinking. But in either case, our  nterpretations are wrong. In each case such affirmations imply our ignorance, lack of deep comprehension, or incomplete knowledge of the macrocosmic system of Nature and the limitless web of consciousness…

Only those, who are endowed with true knowledge and have sincerely adopted religion in every aspect of life, can enter the subliminal realms of existence. The sages, whose minds have reached and enlightened the innermost core of sentiments, they alone can contact and grasp the messages of the great souls that have realized ultimate  siddhis and are residing in the divine world. Those who recognize themselves in terms of the physical body are ignorant, living in illusions.

Human being is said to be the most evolved manifestation of the supreme consciousness in Nature. The structure, function and physical potentials of his body are indeed marvelous as compared to those of any other creature. His wonderful brain and intellect have made him distinct from the other members of the animal kingdom. Most remarkable is the majestic treasure of sentimental and spiritual powers hidden in his inner self that reflect his origin in the divine realms of eternal consciousness.
The triumph of man over Nature and the culmination of scientific and technological progress in every walk of worldly life evince the superior expression of consciousness in human beings. His excellent contributions in literature and art also illustrate the amazing creativity of his mental domains.

The amount of knowledge that is and can be stored in the human brain (mind) is so much that the knowledge or information available in world’s largest library would be negligible in its comparison. No treasure of the world could be enriched like this astonishing organ in human beings. However, how and what use of it would someone  make depends upon the evolution of his consciousness and the enlightened state of his inner self. At a gross level we may say that the optimal use of the enormous powers of the brain depends upon how balanced, focused and illuminated ones mind is.
Even the most evolved intellectual brain today hardly uses about 8% of its real potentials. Rest 92% remains dormant or unrecognized. Most of us remain unaware of this fact. The instances of exceptional sagacity, wisdom, acumen, perfect decision making, courage, foresight, etc achieved so far in the human society are indeed adorable. In view of such excellent talents demonstrated by otherwise ordinary human beings, it should not be difficult for us to imagine the supernormal faculties one could attain by arousing even half of the yet unused and hidden potentials of the brain  and its subliminal counterpart - the mind. No wonder, the individual self could indeed be transmuted as a divine self, a manifestation of the omnipotent thee.

We all, despite being independent in a democratic society, are not disassociated with it. The same way, the functioning of our mind, in spite of its independent thinking and individualistic nature, is never isolated from the cosmic mind. The force of consciousness active in its core is generated by the eternal impulse of cosmic consciousness. Leave aside the visionaries, trend setters and sagacious personalities, in general, we find that most people do not even possess independent thinking. Their convictions, liking and modes of living too are driven by the trends in their social circle. The ambiance created by the flow of peoples thinking in a common direction is most effectively seen at the times of war, general elections, social events, or festivals, etc. The same tendency of being with the society or the majority or following the widely accepted trends enforces expansion and propagation of religious practices too.

This courage to face the drama that you have created is your first real step towards awakening of the Love Presence that you are. You have yourself (and others) of your false belief in the limitation you had previously imposed on yourself. Jou have thus
awakened the courage to allow yourself to be who you really areL without hoping for some myth or idea of enlightenment explosion. You just want to be YOU!!!

This unconscious guilt is the reason for most relationships breaking up because it brings, in its wake, a need for self-sabotage. In other words, we find ourselves hurting the very people we love the most as an unconscious need to punish ourselves.

For the past several years our physical bodies have been undergoing a genetic alteration. This is happening in order to prepare us for our ascension which will occur in just a few years’ time. The energies driving these changes are emanating from the Photon Belt (Manasic Radiation), the Supernova of 1987a and a new band of high frequency energies called, The Eye of Isis. Our spiritual guides, guardians and many members of the angelic hierarchy are also assisting with this work.
These changes generally occur during our sleep state but we may also experience physical ailments during our waking hours. These symptoms are the result of simple alterations to our brain cell patterning, disruptions to our nervous system circuitry, changes to the heart and genetic modifications to our cellular structure. Many of us from time to time will experience some or all of the following ascension symptoms:
- fatigue
- dizziness
- muscle pain
- nausea
- insomnia
- short memory lapses
We may also notice diseases or illnesses that occur suddenly, and then leave us as quickly as they arrived. But if a strong symptom of illness persists and worsens by all means see your doctor. If your symptoms are irritating but not threatening they can also be alleviated through relaxing individual or group meditation, good moderate exercise, light healthy nutrition and drinking large quantities of water. All these practices will help to flush toxins from your system. This activity is providing a release from our old 3rd dimensional patterning before we can freely enter into a higher dimensional reality.
Regarding ageing we must all, particularly the senior citizens among us, cease thinking about old age or getting old and think instead in terms of longevity and seniority. When we surrender to feeling and experiencing, our lives grow longer. When we close down through rejection, being in fear and making judgements we create a speed-up in the aging process. Through releasing blocked energies, while allowing our consciousness to experience the movements of these energies, the blocked energies will move on allowing the body to repair itself. Many blocked energies can be released by simply stretching our muscles as we stand, lie or sit. Do this gently without straining, a little each day.

In our near future we will inhabit a body of light that will look youthful and beautiful and will not deteriorate or die. The light body can be regenerated so that injuries and scars are changed through the consciousness that controls and inhabits these bodies. When we can conceive of living in a body halfway between the physical realm and light, where it does not decay but instead becomes a shimmering mass that is the blueprint for the immortal physical body that will come into being. This light body is the reconciliation between the soul and the dense physical body, between the physical and the spiritual. It is the fully energetic, perfect container for our evolving souls as it allows for the total use of all our spiritual skills and abilities. This light body is our true destiny.

To control the path of oppositions, that they not control you, you must allow them their natural course.

In many cultures, especially in western culture, Owl is a symbol of witchcraft and evil. In sharp contradiction, the Mayan point of view of owl is a positive one. It is a sacred and creature full of supernatural abilities. The owl is deeply respected for its wisdom and navigation power through the darkness of night. It is believed that an owl person is blessed with some of the magical aspects of the owl. You are intuitive, accurate and a knowledgeable person. Your sense of timing is perfect. You know exactly what to do and when to do. You never waver from doing what your heart instructs to you. You have exceptional ability to see the truth hidden beneath surface. You may find problem in expressing your love for others.

Vulture folks possess tremendous energy, strength, perseverance and tolerance.

Great wisdom and mystic capabilities are connected to 'Yellow Human' persons. You are very sensitive and gifted with a strong intuition that can be used for good reasons. Possessing unusual psychic power, you are likely to grow a deep interest in occult knowledge. However, you must make use of your psychic powers for the benefit of people. Do not let your imaginative nature wander on the wrong path. Share your wisdom. Otherwise, without any creative or innovative outlet, your psychic powers can cause insanity or other mental problems.

Highly flexible, you are good at adapting to all kinds of situations. While others may face problems during changing times, you know how to go with the flow.

When it comes to communicating others in a successful way, you are surely to be regarded as a consummate performer. Armed with excellent conversational skill, you know very well how to use the gift of the gab to your advantage. You do not use your skill only for the sake of your own benefit. During a lifetime, you feel it as your duty to spread the message of peace, harmony and love. If guided properly, you can make an excellent teacher, writer or orator.

'Blue Monkey' persons are very energetic and restless type of people. The image of monkey is associated to magical power and illusion in Mayan culture. Full of enthusiasm, you tend to leap from one activity to another without paying proper attention to any of them. You must learn to control your restless nature and direct all your efforts to one thing at a time. Otherwise, you may leave half done projects in the midway and frustrate yourself. You are a powerful person. But in order to put this power in proper use, you must exercise discipline. As a monkey person, indulge in playful activities sometimes to make life exciting.

You always want to sow the seeds of enlightenment, humanitarian ideas and benevolence so that everyone can reap a reach harvest eventually. From the projects you undertake, others would derive sustenance and nourishment. You are endowed with great teaching abilities and you may even be a pioneer in this field by incorporating new and useful concepts. Coming in touch with you can be a spiritually enriching experience for your disciples. Yellow Seeds are teachers and nurturers. Tend your seeds well today and pay proper attention so that you can enjoy beautiful blooms tomorrow.

The most important characteristic of your personality is your foresight, killer instinct and resolution. Just like an eagle gyrating above the ground in the search of food, you can spot every possibility for growth much before than others. You never lose sight of the big picture. No detail can escape from an eagle's sharp eye. However, do not be so engrossed in the pursuit of your desired goal that you forget about those around you. Blessed with exceptional imagination and creative energy, you must find an artistic outlet.

The Sekhmet people can be extremes. They can range from perfect justice to injustice, from order to disorder and from being the most pure being to the impurest of all. Born under this sign, a strong sense of telepathy works within you. You love to be in a position of authority and are very observant. Very rarely do you indulge yourself in unnecessary or futile activity. As individuals, you people are blessed with an intense grace and beauty. Morally, you always want to bear a clean chit.

The yearning to have complete liberty to be in control of your affairs is principal in your makeup. Happiness is essential for you to live your life. You have good verbal skills. You are very unconventional and ready to take risks. Tasting life in an unrestrained fashion is what you would love to do.

You are expected to learn to be independent. You need to have confidence in yourself and be truthful. Learn to believe in your self and try to be confident on your judgment. You may often face situations in which trial and error is the only solution. In some tough conditions you may even become tensed and aggressive. This will help you become a perfect individual to face future challenges.

You have an analytical mind. You have keen interest in art and literature. You are highly intellectual and are sure to win the support of the people. You may be more inclined towards psychism and have great intuitive powers. You may be confused at times because of your inability to keep your independence. You believe in speaking the truth at any cost. You are well read and learned. You are dexterous by nature and very witty. You are also sharp and witty. You are very sociable and good company to be with. You love life and live it to the fullest. You are restless and are always looking for some change in life. You are soft spoken and diplomatic.

You are a thinker, philosopher and an idealist. You have an even nature with a clear and sound mind. You are jolly and charming. You may not be very forthcoming with your feelings towards other people. Friendship means the world to you. You work well in groups. You have a deep interest in the psychic and occult sciences. You strive to do a lot for the mankind, given your planets favor you. You are diplomatic and can get your views across without hurting anyone. You are sociable and talkative and good company. You are quick witted with a very good sense of humor.

These people are generally kind hearted, and love to help others. They are however, talkative people and take great pride in displaying their abilities. They are also religious minded and donate generously. People born under Dhanishta are very practical minded in their business, and this helps them to accumulate a large amount of wealth. They are multi faceted personalities and have wide ranging interests. In fact, these interests also consume a large amount of their time.

You are a leader and can never take orders. You love being the center of attraction. You may be too emotional for your own good. But are forgiven, thanks to your charm and sense of humor. You can inspire people to do the impossible and always abide by your commitments. You are an extremist at heart. Your magnetic personality will attract people towards you. You are bold and adventurous. You do not take no for an answer. Your aristocratic ways are bound to make you stand apart. You may not take criticism very well. You are ambitious and will go to all extremes to fulfill your goals. You may be dominating and stubborn. You are determined and very focused about your ideals. You have strong motivational powers.

You are very focused and confident. You do not fear obstacles. You are self-independent and do not like interference. You may be stubborn and headstrong you are very impulsive and have strong inner strength. You enjoy all the good things in life. You may be very demanding from others as from yourself.

You are highly diplomatic individuals. You are charming and easy to get along with. You are romantic by nature and believe in the goodness of life. You are one of the most desirable signs. You are elegant and have good taste. You are optimistic and have the talent of making others feel better. You may have artistic inclinations. You are very objective and clear in your thinking. You are refined and poised and generally act as the peacemaker between warring parties. You are sociable and well liked. You have an impartial sense of judgment. You are moderate in your dealings and may not make it to the top of the ladder. You are more creative than intellectuals. You are cooperative and sensitive to others' needs.

You will learn to overcome your fears. You will prosper in fields of teaching, education and communication. This will give rise to a significant happening in your life. You will learn to pursue your interests in life and attain satisfaction by achieving happiness in something that you have always wanted to do but never got around to doing it.

This era gave rise to Indigo children. You will have psychic abilities which may get pronounced with age. You will able to bring about changes. You will have the ability to change the world.

You are intense and strong willed people who have a very determined nature. You are powerful and full of energy. You may seem very calm on the surface but inside, you have a lot of latent aggression. You are very thoughtful and good company, but you are more than that meets the eye. You seem to be detached from events but actually keep a careful track of what is happening. You are very sensitive, which leads you to being short tempered. You have great will power and will achieve your goals if focused. You are highly motivated individuals who are very resourceful and passionate in your dealings. You have strong powers of reasoning and if put to the right use, you will reach the top in no time.

Your Karmic Debt Number is 0. This number signifies some mistake or misuse of opportunities in your previous lifetime that reflects in the present lifetime. You can rectify the error in this lifetime by taking an additional burden known as Karmic Debt.
You Do Not Have A Karmic Debt Number.

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