Friday, July 5, 2013


Just for you my stupid UK-Spycunt. Who is out of control. Now its all exposed what you did. And still do. While everyone is watching you. All the dirty secrets that you tried to hide. Busted. Read and learn. Before you die. Take your last breath. I will spit and dance on your grave. You damn Nazicocksucker. Secretservicehore. Militarytwat. Insane Massmurderpsycho. Total corrupt Brainfuckerasshole. Tortureterrormonster. Evol Satanhellslave. They will shoot you in the head. Dont you know. Thats what people like you will get. How your end will look like. Only one shut. One second. And you will never ever terrorize or hurt anybody again. Just wait and see. Justice will be served. To ALL of you. Very soon.

And your super-sickkk kILLerSPYgame will be out and over!

Und du ekelhafte Drecksfotze, die JJ als Sexsklave missbraucht, kannst dich auch auf was gefasst machen. Dich werden wir öffentlich an den Pranger stellen damit man dich bespucken und beschimpfen kann. Du hässliche Nazihure kannst froh sein, wenn du es überlebst. Ich würde mit dir Dinge anstellen, die nicht mal du dir vorstellen kannst. Für alles, was du meinem Liebsten und mir angetan hast, sollte man dir den ganzen Tag lang in deine Hackfresse kotzen und scheissen bis du dran erstickst. Euch allen. Ihr seid die primitivsten und kränksten Arschlöcher, denen ich je begenet bin. Verrecket in schmerzvoller Schande.

P.S. Ich spüre übrigens die Microerschütterungen in meiner Wohnung und weiss, dass ihr mich immer noch mit euren illegalen Distanzwaffen beschiesst. Ich werde den Ort schon finden, wo ihr euch versteckt. Ihr niederträchtigen Männer, die in der Gruppe alleinstehende Frauen terrorisieren. Wie arm muss man eigentlich sein. Euch sollte man alle kastrieren.

Liebe Nachbarn
Auf Grund der haarsträubenden Ereignisse diesen Frühling als der Geheimdienst unser Quartier in den Ausnahmezustand versetze und alle verrückt gemacht hat weil ich einen ihrer Hirnsklavenknäste aufgedeckt habe, brauche ich eure Zeugenaussagen. Ich weiss, dass einige von euch in den Folterterror gegen mich involviert waren/sind und möchte euch darum hiermit die Möglichkeit geben selber dazu Stellung zu nehmen. Insbesondere in Bezug auf die Methoden und Mittel mit denen man euch erpresst und zu diesen Verbrechen gezwungen hat. Falls ihr euch nicht dazu äussern wollt, ist das in Ordnung aber ihr müsst euch bewusst sein, dass ich euch wohl oder übel als Mittäter angeben werde. Vorallem weil aus irgendwelchen umliegenden Wohnungen (über mir?) offenbar immer noch elektronische Distanzwaffen auf mich abgeschossen werden. Welche übrigens für die Microerschütterungen verantwortlich sind, die ihr sicher auch spürt. Bitte helft mir gegen diese hochkorrupten Beamten vorzugehen, die unschuldige Bürger auf dermassen extreme und perfide Weise manipulieren und unterdrücken.
Vielen Dank.

Opening  your  soul  will  open  your  spiritual eyes  and  lead  you  to  see  the  truth  and obtain  enlightenment.  In  addition,  you  will discover  many  so‐called  "supernatural" powers  within  yourself  when  you  empower your chakras. When the chakras are correctly aligned  and  empowered,  healing  of  both physical,  and  mental  ailments  will  often occur miraculously.

With hypnosis, the operator is in control. The extent  of  this  control  with  a  professional  is equal  to  the  subject  turning  his/her  entire life over to the operator who can command him/her  to  do  anything.  There  have  been numerous  reports  of  psychiatrists  putting their  patients  under  and  having  sex  with them.  The  patient  was  told  during  the session  she  would  not  remember  the incident  upon  awakening.  This  is  a  common example. When you allow another person to hypnotize  you,  you  are  literally  putting  your entire  life  in  their  hands  and  with  each session,  you  become  more  and  more  under that person’s control.

Each  of  us  has  an  electro‐magnetic  field around our bodies. This is what we know as the  aura.  Our  thoughts  and  the  activity  of our  brain  form  a  circuit  within  that  aura. Since  thoughts  and  brain  activity  are electrical impulses, they can be decoded and read.  The  world  powers  are  well  aware  of this  and  with  advanced  computer technology,  are  able  to  decipher  a  person's thoughts,  where  they  can  be  received  by  a special  device  and  the  out  put  is  much  like when  satellite  signals  are  formed  into  a picture on our TV sets.

There  are  also  microchips  that  can  be  used as implants along certain neural pathways to send  electrical  impulses  to  the  brain, stimulating certain thoughts, feelings, beliefs or  implanting  certain  memories.  Although this  technology  has  a  way  to  go,  there  are now  actual  thought  reading  machines, which,  like  everything  else  in  time,  will  be perfected.  A  device  is  placed  upon  a subject’s skin at certain points that reads the bioelectrical  output  and  decodes  these impulses  to  where  they  can  easily  be  read with a special computer.

In the black arts of hypnotism, the hypnotist and subject form a master/slave relationship. The  subject  must  be  isolated  from  friends and family and spend much time alone with the operator, where a rapport is established, as in government experiments or sometimes as  one  does  with  a  cellmate  in  prison.  An emotional  rapport  is  very  important  in establishing  trust  and  obedience.  The operator  must  come  across  as  a  good listener and show supposed genuine interest in  the  subject.  The  subject  is  made  to  feel comfortable around the operator and can be open with him/her.

During  the  initial  conditioning  phase  of  the session,  the  operator  regresses  the  subject into  childhood.  Regression  plays  a  very important  part  in  establishing  control  over the  subject.  An operator  who  works  for  the government  as  in  producing  spies,  will  look for  the  most  aggressive  of  the  imaginary friends,  in  attempting  to  artificially  split  the personality.  The  most  aggressive  aspects  of the personality are the ideal in destroying all inhibitions.

Artificial  splitting  of  the  personality  occurs where the imaginary playmate is brought out in  the  subject  and  the  subject  becomes  the playmate  on  cue.  The  playmate  usually emerges  through  one  of  the  subject's chakras.  The  operator  informs  the  subject that  "playmate's  name"  will  come  through subject's stomach, third eye, throat, etc. The subject  is  further  told  again  that  he/she  will not remember anything of the session or the emerging  personality.  In  actual  cases,  the emerging stronger personality is conditioned through  programming  and  suggestion  to  be hostile to the root personality of the subject. This aggressive personality in nearly all cases is  stronger  and  can  take  more  abuse.  The world  powers  use  the  subject  as  robotic spies.  Extensive  programming  is  instilled  in the  aggressive  personality,  so  that  they  will never  divulge  certain  information,  even under  torture.  The  root  personality,  who  is amnesiac  of  the  entire  experience  is  often the  one  who  endures  systematic  torture, with no memory or recall of the information the interrogator is attempting to force them to reveal.

Through repeated sessions the personality is brought  out  more  and  more  and  becomes much stronger, completely splitting off of the root. The subject, due to being programmed not  to  remember,  has  no  knowledge,  only gaps  in  time  and  missing  pieces  in  the memory.  Much  time  slips  by  unnoticed  and is unaccounted for.

Further  conditioning  sessions,  while  under, include  talking  the  subject  through  an experience  completely  abhorrent  to  their nature, where the subject is made in his/her mind  to  do  something  he/she  would  never consciously  do.  The  subject  actually experiences what the operator says. Through repeated  sessions,  all  inhibitions  are overcome and the personality is shaped into whatever the operator wishes. This is where the  subject,  for  example,  can  murder ANYONE  without  hesitation  or  do  anything else  the  operator  commands.  Like  anything else,  repeated  programming  is  instilled  and maintained in subsequent sessions.

Barbiturates can be injected into a stubborn subject that will render his/her mind open to whatever suggestions the operator wishes to instill. This is known as "Military Psychology."

Electric  Shock  Treatment  works  to  destroy memories and can be used to wipe the mind clean  by  agencies  within  the  world  powers. The  mind  is then  reprogrammed,  beliefs, ideas,  thinking  patterns,  and  habits  are instilled, usually through trance induction by drugs,  until  the  new  personality  takes  hold and  the  drugs  are  no  longer  needed.  This  is known  as  "brainwashing"  and  can  be  done for all purposes.

Most  people  are  unaware  of  what  can  be done to their minds by those who have more knowledge  and  control.  Self‐hypnosis  is useful  in  where  we,  ourselves,  program  our own minds. We can program our minds to be
resistant  to  all  unwanted  influences.  In addition, others will not be able to influence our minds or establish control over us in any way.

Masons  claim  that  Masonry  is  open  to  any one of any faith and that it is a brotherhood to help other Masons.  This is a trap to entice new victims.  All Masons take a deadly oath for each degree up to the 33rd degree. They swear allegiance to Masonry above God and country  and  under  pain  of  death,  swear never to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry ‐ not even to their wives. Therefore no matter what  a  Mason  claims  about  their  supposed good  works  or  good  intentions,  they  cannot be  believed.    Their  real  purpose  is  to undermine  the  teachings  of  Christianity. They  are  the  true  masters  of  deceit.  Specifically  anti‐Christian,  Masonry  is working  for  a  secular‐humanist  new  world order ‐ a Masonic Republic.

There is supposed by many to be a smattering at least, a network at most, of black magicians who work at great cost to society at large and to the safety and health of those individuals who cross their path. Their way consists of an egocentric accumulation of power (say many) at the expense of others, for the sake of power itself or in order to feed the ego of the mage.

Given serious investigation, no extensive organization formed for the purposes of malevolence has yet been discovered. At times small groups of people have banded together with an intent to harm. Yet this has been done under many proffered labels, including those of major movements ostensively dedicated to health and balance (witness the Christianity taught by Christ as compared to the Inquisition). What can be established at most is that some individuals and small groups do experience popular antisocial images (e.g. Satan) as personally meaningful in their psychosis when they manifest their destructive desires. This does not mean that all who appreciate or use these images are involved with the same sociopathic activities.

The sequence of cause and effect has not been established. With respect to Satanism, it is not known that devotion to Satan necessarily leads to dementia or violence. Popular media publicizes antisocial acts, but fails to investigate or make known any socially uplifting results of this activity (by 'Satanic' organizations for example).

Typically, magick is said to be a focus of psychic power, perhaps through formulae, in order to affect an environment. At times this may involve an interaction with noncorporeal or other-worldly entities (the dead, nature spirits, or powerful 'deities'). The relationships vary from a humble appeal to a powerful being to a concerted enslavement of a demon or spirit by the mage. Regardless of power source, often magick is divided into two or three categories: black, white, and somtimes gray. Recent occult practitioners have further divided it, classifying it by color in accordance with its intent, source energy and style.

Darkness is often associated with the unconscious mind. Light, as the symbol of conscious illumination, is often contrasted with this directly. Rather than the traditionally popular black = negative = bad perspective of fear, it seems both wise and instructive to associate Blackness and Darkness with magick that originates in the unconscious.

"Blindness is the world's true essence, and not knowledge prompts its movements, but merely a headlong impulse, a blind impetus of unique weight and violence, which procures itself just so much light and knowledge as will suffice to still the pressing need experienced at the moment."

Before considering the nature of any ‘occult’ powers, let alone any ultimate ‘Occult Power within All That Is’ we must first of all ask ourselves what ‘power’ itself essentially is. More than that, we must come to inwardly know power directly. Knowledge is a source of power. But there is outer knowledge and inner knowledge – gnosis. Similarly, there is outer power and inner power. Outer knowledge is knowledge about things and about other beings. Outer power is power over things and over other beings. Outer power is a poor substitute for inner power. In this sense it is not power that corrupts but impotence – lack of inner power. Similarly, it is not knowledge that corrupts but ignorance. Inner knowing is itself power in the purest sense, potent because it is a knowing awareness of a hidden or ‘occult’ realm – the dark realm of pure potentiality that is the very essence of ‘potency’ or ‘power’ as potentia and the creative source of all actual things and beings. Inner power is the power to create that derives from this source, released through inner knowing or gnosis. Those who fear ‘occult’ knowledge and ‘occult’ power do so because they fear inner knowledge and inner power. Those who seek occult knowledge and power however, are often all-too-easily seduced into satisfaction with mere symbols of such knowledge and power. As a result they invest their own inner knowing and project their own inner power into such symbols – whether a nation and its wise leader, or a religion and its wise prophet or saviour.

Throughout the ages both outer knowledge and outer power have been abused.
Women and nature have suffered this abuse most. Nature and woman both have ways of rebelling. Women have the right to rebel – to reject the power exercised over them by men. They may be tempted to do so by exercising a counter-power over men. In this way they fall into the historic trap of man-kind, the identification of inner power with ‘power over’. Womankind has become completely misled by the idea that their subjection is a result of living in a world ruled by powerful men, or by the ‘knowledge’ they claim. It is not. The subjection of women comes about through living in a world in which there are no longer any truly great men, any truly powerful or wise men - men with true inner power and inner knowledge.

Violence in whatever form, whether at an impersonal and technologically contrived distance or through the closest, most intimate and personal forms of direct bodily violation, is not an expression of anything but mere outer technological power or brute physical force. Neither men nor women however, should be misled by the myth that the violations perpetrated by men upon women - now and across the centuries - are an expression of ‘dominance’ or
‘strength’. Rather the opposite – they are expressions of weakness and cowardly fear in the face of woman. Rape, for example, is not an assertion of power but an expression of impotence - disguised by a power over women exerted by force.

Globalisation and ‘McValues’ are the death of all root values. Extremist nationalism, racism and religious fanaticism are their resurgence. ‘Post-modernism’ is their cultural and philosophical denial. Simplistic Marxists see all cultural values as camouflage for the exercise of ‘power over’ by the ruling classes of the day. Psychotherapy avoids all mention of the very word ‘power’ - and all but completely ignores the social-economic, military-political and medical-psychiatric abuse of power over as a source of individual psychic distress. ‘New Age’ philosophy deprives ‘old-fashioned’ occultism of its central value – power – and offers subtle healing ‘energies’ in place of true empowerment.

Love also brings happiness through a feeling of power, a happiness that stems from an intimate feeling awareness of the beauty of another person’s inner potentials - the power that is the source of their being. As this intimate feeling awareness or knowledge of another, love is itself the very unity of knowledge and power, and cannot be separated from either.

Supreme, yet
Monstrous power of
Creation and destruction.
Agonised birth pang of All That Is.
Memory of a probable universe gone mad.
Most unbearable pressure and compression.
The unconstrained pain of self-contraction
Impelling us to the bliss of self-expansion.
Explosive life against implosive death,
And the fire that freezes us between.
Who among us can stand this all?
No matter how tall we stand.
No release in life or death.
Only in breath.
Worst twilight woe.
When all wonder is undone.
And the world stands on the brink.
When we no longer know ‘who’ to be,
Who we have or might wish to become,
When there is no straight line from A to B
Only then can we body WHAT we are,
Rounding the circle of our being.
Becoming our own Black Sun.
Noble Ring of The One.

“There are possibilities in all inwardness that seek to establish conditions that will make it possible for them to come into existence. They, the possibilities inherent in inwardness, collect magnetically, so to speak, about other like possibilities, setting up coherent fields of like attractions ... In your world, they began with the psychic possibility of a world of physical matter, born in consciousness. They formed atoms and molecules, after first spreading out a positive field. There was also therefore from the beginning here a negative field, and as they weaved in and out of this psychic beginning meshwork, they formed both the world of matter and the world of negative matter ... When sufficient atoms were formed from inward energy, then more various combinations became possible, and with this an accelerated consciousness could be made apparent.”

“There have indeed been civilisations upon your planet that understood as well as you, and without your kind of technology, the workings of the planets, the positioning of stars – people who foresaw ‘later’ global changes. They used a mental physics. There were men before you who journeyed to the moon, and who brought back data quite as ‘scientific’ and pertinent. There were those who understood the ‘origin’ of your solar system far better than you. Some of these civilisations did not need spaceships. Instead, highly trained men combining the abilities of dream-art scientist and mental physicist cooperated in journeys ... through space. There are ancient maps drawn from a 200-mile-or-more vantage point – these meticulously completed on return from such journeys. There were sketches of atoms and molecules, also drawn after trained men and women learned the art of identifying with such phenomena. There are significances hidden in the archives of many archaeological stores that are not recognised by you because you have not made the proper connections – and in some cases have not advanced sufficiently to understand the information.”

“You shall not find the limits of the psyche, no matter how far you travel around it, so deep is its logos.”

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