Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Nothing and no one will be forgotten..when the great judgment comes to bring justice..may all the evil and wicked the depths of their own created torture-terror-hell..


The "serpent" is related to the nagas who were the originators of the worship of the "creature" and the worshiper did not and probably was not interested in finding God in their heart. They still worship serpents and cows: holy cow's urine is still used by mothers to wash the face of their child.

It was by his subtle but powerful charms that the Naga Apalala was able to keep the wicked dragons in check. He prevented them from scourging the countryside with violent rainstorms. Asian dragons are quite often associated with the life-giving waters. Thanks to the Naga Apalala this countryside prospered and the grain grew thickly. In gratitude each family offered him a bit of grain as tribute. After some time several of the inhabitants of the place began to forego the yearly offering. The Naga became angry and prayed that he might become a poisonous dragon so that he could drench the countryside in rain and wind. So it is that at the end of his life he became the dragon of that country. To this day Rajas (local princes) in the Hindu Kush are said to be able to control the elements as their influence over local dragons provides.

Sanskrit NAGA ("serpent"), in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, a member of a class of semi-divine beings, half human and half serpentine.

They are considered to be a strong, handsome race who can assume either human or wholly serpentine form.

They are regarded as being potentially dangerous but in some ways are superior to humans. They live in an underground kingdom called Naga-loka, or Patalaloka, which is filled with resplendent palaces, beautifully ornamented with precious gems.

Nagas are said to take various forms. Often described as giant serpents with multiple heads or creatures with the upper bodies of humans and lower bodies of vast snakes, they were extremely gifted shape-shifters, able to assume any appearance that suited their needs.

Like humans, Nagas show wisdom and concern for others but also cowardice and injustice. Nagas are immortal and potentially dangerous when they have been mistreated. They are susceptible to mankind's disrespectful actions in relation to the environment. The expression of the Nagas' discontent and agitation can be felt as skin diseases, various calamities and so forth.

The nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality. One story mentions that when the gods were rationing out the elixir of immortality, the nāgas grabbed a cup. The gods were able to retrieve the cup, but in doing so, spilled a few drops on the ground. The nāgas quickly licked up the drops, but in doing so, cut their tongues on the grass, and since then their tongues have been forked. It was also believed by the Burmese that the precious gem-stones embedded in the throats or fore-heads of the Nagas, that contained their amazing powers, would be given freely to any human that the Naga had developed a great fondness for.

Additionally, Nagas can bestow various types of wealth, assure fertility of crops and the environment as well as decline these blessings. Nagas also serve as protectors and guardians of treasure—both material riches and spiritual wealth.

Though the Nagas were often dangerous to men if attacked or insulted when their waters were polluted and in some less common cases, when forced to see their friends subject to great humiliation , they were peaceable enough, using their deadly venom to only slay those found guilty of grave sins as well as others pre-destined to die an untimely death, in keeping with the dictate imposed on them by Brahma. True danger lay in incurring their wrath by refusing to offer them the proper obeisances owed to these granters of the vital rain. A king that once declared an end to Naga worship in his kingdom, was quickly forced to rescind his decree when a great drought befell his land, an obvious sign of the wrath of the Nagas.

More often than not, the Nagas were not portrayed as malevolent monsters. On the contrary, they were renown for their wisdom, with some of them imparting great wisdom to mankind. They were also devoted friends to men of exemplary virtue. When the Buddha entered a trance for several days, a great prince among the Nagas sheltered him from the ravages of the elements by raising his vast hood to raise a protective halo over the Boddhisvatta. Other great teachers that followed in the Buddha's footsteps, were given a similar honor.

The Nagas were also known to develop feelings of great intensity for certain humans that inspired tender feelings. The beautiful females of their race, the Naginis, are known to seduce men into accompanying them to the watery depths of Patalas. Such liasons were not uncommon with the most famous example, being the seduction of the great Vedic hero Arjuna by the beguiling Nagini princess Uulopi. The ancient Cambodians for their part, claim a king among the Nagas as their primeavel patriach, for it was he who wedded the mother of their people.

The Nāgas dance when music is played, but it is said ( that they never dance if any Garuda is near (through fear) or in the presence of human dancers (through shame).

Mind-control and manipulation is nothing new. It began when Satan induced one third of the angelic host to rebel against a benevolent God. With the superhuman wisdom, understanding and power that the angels have, only an extraordinary blinding of their intelligence could have achieved this feat. Satan did that successfully. With one success at hand, it was a minor job for Satan to control and manipulate human minds that are no match for angelic intelligence. Yet the checks and balances created by God are so powerful that in spite of six millennia of Satanic distortion, persuasion, and inducement, the humans are not yet fully on his side.

Fear is a paralyzing force, and it can effectively force many people to cross boundaries. Another technique used to create fear is Social Pressure. As said before, every person needs the benefits of social relations. If not, such a person becomes a social outcast. Using this need, the degenerate human society puts considerable pressure upon all people to conform to the norms and standards promoted by that society. These can often be contrary to the will of God, and exist outside the proper boundaries; however, the fear of isolation and rejection forces even adult people to conform.

Now the Bishops have given their stamp of approval to a sex series that fosters the acceptance of sodomite lifestyles.  Growing In Love not so subtly leads children into an early familiarity and experimentation with sex and acceptance of perverted acts that should not even be discussed among adults. When Bishops endorse teaching a kindergarten curriculum with body parts, from nipples to vulvas to scrotums, and urination and defecation are taught to innocent children, it is blatantly evident that children are being courted by the homosexual/ pedophile cartel!

STOP MASONIC CHILD ABUSE NOW! Certain Clandestine Networks within our Government authorities who have created and are running our social structure, are psychologically, emotionally and sexually abusing our children. These authorities are presently being exposed and FULL public awareness of ALL those involved in this horrendous atrocity by our Worldwide Masonic Secret Society-run social system, is only a matter of time. From the top of the web, of this Black-Occult-Ritual Child Abuse & Murder Network all the way down to the bottom, they will be held accountable. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

The 'CORE OF RAPE' within our Secret Society run Government Intelligence agencies' structure, has clandestinely engineered, to Psychologically and Emotionally abuse children within the family court system. The 'core of rape' also engineer the sexual abuse of our children within their own paedophile rings. In some cases, this abuse is orchestrated within the hierarchy of the secret societies Satanic-Black-Occult-Rituals. The fact that these abusers are in, or directed connected to, the major positions of power, within the police, justice, political, social services and medical industries, they can constantly cover up their actions. This same network also brainwash Society via the Masonic Intelligence-run mass-media, that the 'Paedophile Problem' is "out there". By diverting our attention onto the 'Stranger Danger' scam, etc, we are intentionally misled into ignorance and fear. However, the root of the real Paedophile Problem in the world is in fact the 'Core of Rape' within the Secret Society's Intelligence structure. These are the main perpetrators who are sexually abusing and murdering our children. These are also the people who run our lives.

We, each and every one of us, have a responsibility not only to our own children but to all the children of the world. I strongly suggest to anyone who can 'see' the truth of what is happening within our corruptly run social structure to 'view' any mass media propaganda regards child abuse - with a very critical eye. Please keep any press cuttings and videotape TV presentations that cover child abuse reports. As the Masonic-run social care, police and justice systems are well engineered to whitewash any cases of their own involvement in child abuse, we can NEVER expect any true 'justice', via these corrupt interconnecting structures. Also, as the Masonic-run mass media is the mouthpiece for those directly and indirectly involved in the Governments 'Core of Rape' - we can NEVER expect the WHOLE truth of these barbaric atrocities to be expressed throughout the public domain in this way.

Truth by word of mouth is the way the sexual abuse and murder upon our children by our authorities will finally be stopped. The responsibility starts with each and every one of us. First, to thoroughly research and investigate, so we may fully understand "the big picture", of what exactly, is going on. Then to do our own networking – by word of mouth – mail – email – internet - posters and flyers etc.

Torture is the deliberate infliction of physical or psychological pain. In the context of human rights law (and the mandate of the Medical Foundation) to be torture, the infliction of pain must in the custody of, or under the control of, a state agent, or by a non-state agent acting in an organised group (such as a rebel group in control of territory), including organised violence which the state is either unwilling or unable to control.

“Rape, nonetheless, has long been mischaracterized and dismissed by military and political leaders – those in a position to stop it – as a private crime, a sexual act, the ignoble act of a private soldier; worse still, it has been widely accepted precisely because it is so commonplace.”

Trafficking is when people are moved from place to place against their will. In international law, this means internationally, but people can be trafficked within a country. It is distinguished from people-smuggling, in which the person has agreed to be helped to cross borders illegally. The issues of consent and coercion are not dissimilar to those discussed below. One key point is whether the person gets what they have agreed. If someone agrees with an agent to pay to be helped to enter the UK in the belief that he or she will get legitimate paid work in good conditions, only to find him or herself working illegally and often in virtual slavery, then both the illegal entry and subsequent work have been coerced, and the person has been trafficked rather than smuggled.

Male rape is rarely disclosed. Neither victims nor perpetrators want to talk about it. In the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, male victims of rape never used the term. They sometimes said that they had been “sodomised”, but more commonly described the experience as having a metal rod pushed through their anus. No society wants to admit to being party to male rape, but this quiescence leaves victims isolated and rape seen as a sexual act rather than one of the exercise of power and the infliction of humiliation.

The direct and personal experience of being raped in psychological pre-adolescence or early adolescence is an experience that has several aspects to it, some physical and some psychological. Pre- and early adolescence are times of great physical and psychological change and are important developmental phases for young people from any culture. In fact many cultures mark this time of transition and transformation from childhood into adulthood with a community ritual.

When the targeted person is in a phase of inactivity, she is more vulnerable to torture because it is the ideal time, for the torturers, to perform the most active abuses. The latters require a manipulation of the operators. For example, when a person is sitting for a while or lying in bed, the fact that he is hypnotized keeps him immobilized, despite of the stimulus. This allows the perpetrators to commit a kind of torture of a high accuracy without the subject moves. Thus they can perform very delicate operations that can serve them as a prelude to a subsequent torture of a more passive or automated style.

Gang Stalking is pollution in all its forms is used to destroy the targeted individual’s lives. It deteriorates throughout their lives: health, body, relationships, material possessions, thinking, work, finances, recreation, environment, etc. The Perpetrators want to eliminate them as quickly as possible by inflicting maximum pain while leaving the least possible traces. It become a psychological Warefare with a lot of waste and destruction of everything. So they destroy everything they have, whatever they are, what they were and even what they might become. An it is done very gradually. Before they realize it is too late.

Many sorts of tactics are used against targeted individuals to destroy them and destroy their lives. These tactics are often the same that were used in Germany by the Nazis. But technology has changed and the techniques were refined over time. Elements of folk psychology have been included since this information is popularized among the general public. But, needless to say they are not experts in psychology, far from it. Gang Stalking criminals manipulate these concepts interpreted very broadly by the use they make of it. This information is only used to hurt innocent people.

Often the words harassment and intimidation are used interchangeably so that bullying can be an isolated act while harassment is experienced with continuity over time. Several tactics of harassment can be used for the sole purpose of intimidating. In the context of Gang Stalking, bullying is far more than what one might think. It represents an important tactic linked to a major and very perverse goal of complete destruction of a HUMAN BEING. This is very insidious. These tactics are hidden under the guise of seemingly harmless actions. The false seems true and the real seems to be the fake. And the person is denied in its reality. It is perceived as an object: a single target to destroy.

We all know negative people, when you get in touch with them, completely drain our energy or will pass their negativity. These are vampires of the psychic energy. Imagine that you meet dozens daily. How would you feel? That's what a lot of victims of Gang Stalking experiment daily. These bad people are not good to you. On the contrary, they even want to hurt you even though they are unknown. Even if you're armed psychologically, mentally and spiritually to face such situations in normal life, being constantly reinforced on a daily basis can succeed in your defenses weaken over time. You become sensitive to this drain of energy and therefore are more susceptible. When your energy is drained this way, you end up down your guard and these predators take advantage of this to enter more deeply into our lives. Thus, they will cause more harm and add other forms of destruction such as electronic harassment.

These are discussions or telephone conversation hold about you or your personal situation by complete strangers in public. They repeat, in front of everybody, things that you say in your privacy. They leave and escape intentionally set very personal details during a conversation. This has the effect of creating discomfort or discord between you and your family and friends. This raises the gossip and rumors.

Gang Stalking criminals from going to try to lure you into dangerous situations, difficult or compromising the sole purpose to trick you. In this way, they can lead you to make you arrested, interned in psychiatric institutions or endorse the false accusations of sexual predators, drug possession, possession of illegal pornographic material, etc. These situations are placed in order to provoke reactions from you. They may also use such traps to force you to become as a citizen-spy.

The false rumors and slander are common in Gang Stalking. Filing false police reports or records riddled with false evidence on your behalf, too. Your name could end up on blacklists or can be add on records of violent or potentially violent individuals. It makes you look like outcasts of society: the mentally ill, habitual criminal, sexual predator, thief, prostitute, roaming, pedophile, nymphomaniac, exhibitionist, etc..

Targeted individuals have been observed and their profile established long before they realize they are targeted. Their profile will include all the information or disinformation collected and these may be used against them by putting them in situations trap to their detriment. To collect this information, they use tactics like:
- track the target;
- track down the people around him;
- break into her home, rummaging in his business;
- listen to his telephone conversations;
- seep into his computer and steal documents;
- gather information from friends or family;
- out the places where they like to shop or eat;
- identify weaknesses;
- identify what she likes and what she hates;
- determine how to bring him to do what you want;
- determine what kind of spam to send;
- identify how to intimidate, bully him;
- identify how him can be controlled.

You can feel the effects of sensations of heat. They are used to simulate, for example, a false sense of shame. And sometimes you do experience vibrations. These are usually used to wake you up or break your sleep. These criminals use gamma ray armed with microwaves to produce these effects. A sensor that support them can be installed under your floor. They put a lot of time to hide their facilities so that nothing is visible to the naked eye. They induce in person several false sensations to fool his perceptions. This is part of electronic harassment and mind control.

These Gang Stalking criminals give themselves the right to enter your home when you're not, without breaking. Because they manage to get the keys (master key or other) to get inside. Moreover, it is a breeze for them to disable your alarm system.

For this type of harassment become success, its necessary to isolate targets of their friends, their family, their colleagues and possibly their relatives. To do this several tactics are used. Eg defamation, lies, false records, tampering, or anything that puts it in a position where they will have no support. It is important to succeed.

When someone get in a close relationship with a target, whether a bond of friendship, family or other relatives; these criminals will do everything to ruin this relationship. If this relationship is a romantic one, they will organize themselves to find what the other person likes to eventually turn wrong or let you down. If it is a friendship, for example, lies have been told on the target so that they stand against each other. It's the same thing with family. The sole purpose is to isolate you, ultimately, you are unable to get any support. This will happen before you even realize that something is wrong in your life.

In your back, they tell lies. The goal of these lies is to say that you did something illegal, you're dangerous and need to be monitored for any reason. For example, they can say you're a drug dealer, a prostiute, a terrorist, a mad or insane person, a racist, an extremist, a pedophile, etc.. Some people have reported being found on blacklists of people potentially dangerous.

Civilian spies can steal or destroy your mail. They can delay delivery or even ensure it does not happen. They handle the same way your emails. Them may be either deleted or moved. They can also block those that you send or receive.

In terms of behavior, they try to model and simulate the activities of your day by day life in the most natural way possible. Thus, they are still in your environment. This is to be able to better connect with other informants and communicate your comings and goings. Their activities are nothing special and their role is not difficult to play, either. They are indeed, complitely normal. At least that's what it seems. In fact, it is the intention behind these activities is malicious. For example, they can sip coffee while reading a good book on the same little restaurant where you just take your coffee. They stand so close to you. It is much easier to track you and let you know what’s going on.

Depriving someone of sleep is a good way to maintain a constant state of stress on him. It is also a good way to keep less alert. In this situation, nobody can give them 100%. Moreover, it is much more likely to have excessive reactions in public, or even having a car accident. Usually, sleep deprivation is achieved through technology microwave that vibrates the bed and the person at the same time. This is happening at specific times, often the same. That’s electronic harassment.

During your absence, they can poison or drugs your pet. They can make them sick to the point that they may die. This will hurt you and cause you so much pain and it will be desired by perps. That is very bad.

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