Tuesday, October 15, 2013


In the balanced and unified mind of now there is no high or low. Good or evil. Time and space. It remains in the endless oceans of the divine source. The ultimate God-spirit behind all creation. A dimensional frequency of perfect love and wisdom. Reached thru the gates of a pure heart. Our multi-dimensional eye. Where everything is seen as interconnected unity. Essences of the Absolute. Nothing can interfere with that consciousness. In this high place you are one with the all. Always and eternal. A family of light. Playing the games of life. To experience the joy of remembering our true nature. The royal kingdom we descended from. How blessed and beautiful we truly are. As children of heaven. The God of all gods. The one and only. Infinite and unlimited truth. Our home sweet home. Which is everywhere in and around us. As we are parts of the whole. The first force behind all that is. Which is also the sum of it. The only real and lasting existence that ever was and will be. This is what we have to understand in order to savely reach the other side of the great lake. Pass thru this open gates. Not beeing influenced by the changes and turmoils of the havoc. When all illusions and lies get washed away. Also revealing the cruelty of black darkness. Facing it is our chance to wake up and break free from the chains. Leave the road of self-destruction and survive. Because thats what this process is all about. The final maturity-test. The last choice. The ultimate challenge for humankind. In order to prevent its fall and continue with the evolution into a integrated and advanced civilization. This special moment in our history is a wonderful gift that we should be very grateful for. And use it. Now. Dont wait any longer. Freedom and Happiness have never been so near. Just do it and jump. Before the blackness drags it all down. This experience will be so enlightening and intense that it will change your lives forever. And the face of earth too. Where finally our dreams can really come true. Far more than you´ve ever known or expected. These extraordinary opportunity-windows dont come around very often and its highly recommended to participate in the mission of human ascension as it will extremly benefit your souls and bring you much closer to the ultimate goal. The one we all share. The decision is yours. You are invited to be part of the greatest transformation ever accomplished by a race of this galaxy. This is big. A huge honour. Lets make our cosmic family proud in performing the first global-collective miracle of united love and will-power for the sake of all living beeings. Freedom and world-peace. For an evolved humanity in harmony with the universe and the diversity of life in it. 


Rise up!
Like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in your sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many – and they are few

During the next 10 years, the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny. As part of this discovery, we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of Earth’s human inhabitants. This is a question that should be on the mind of every living man and woman. It has been with us for millennia and it will be with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now. We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake for, as the casualty statistics clearly testify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality, we can no longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important conundrum of evil.

Atlantis was not a center of advanced human civilization, but was, rather, the creation of and home to alien beings that colonized the Earth. There are over 30,000 texts from all over the world that speak of this visitation, and these are only those texts that have remained intact throughout the millennia.

Those ever so “lucky” persons who were chosen for hybridization by the Nephilim inherited the alien DNA and became morally corrupt. Some of these persons were sent back into their tribes as kings possessed of powerful magic and wealth. Henceforth, bloodline would be extremely important to the monarchs of the Earth. Records were kept in Atlantis of all their engineered slaves, and from then onwards, the progeny of those persons would be favored and protected. Some writers contend that after hybridization the genetically manipulated individuals had very extended lifetimes and could maintain the same form for many hundreds of years.

After hybridization, certain “chosen ones” from the Earth men were also brought into the “inner circles” of the visitors. This would have been done for purely pragmatic reasons. Some of those genetically modified were sent back to their societies and exalted as priests, elders, or even kings. They were lackeys of the malign warlocks of Atlantis who really ruled from “behind the thrones,” keeping in touch with their minions through the use of powerful crystal “seeing stones.”

These false envoys and overlords imposed taxation, enforced slavery and sacrifice, and generally lived off the labor of the hybrid Earth people. The indigenous people of Earth did not rebel immediately against these foreign oppressors. Strong assertive leaders, it seems, were needed after the destruction of Tiamat and the subsequent terrestrial calamities. The false ones promised consolidation, order, safety, and privilege. They instigated hierarchic control, the division of labor, merit-oriented advance, and induced conditions that inevitably lead to man’s disconnection from nature. Necessity fostered the worst of tyrannies to descend on prehistoric humanity.

Humankind would not just create or accept such structures as a matter of course. It takes extraordinary circumstances for the millennia old, symbiotic “umbilical” connection to the planet of origin and to the universal order to be occluded and for humankind’s chthonic sensibility and natural love to become sublimated and directed away from its prime source and object into purely pragmatic power-relations. It is logical to assume that these incongruent and deviant patterns have not arisen merely as a matter of course, as a consequence of the erstwhile organic evolution of our species, as modern intellectuals advocate. We feel that it is more consistent with the facts to posit some external interference. And there are many myths, legends, and sagas that conceal, behind the wide and complex panoply of euphemisms and allegories, allusions to this very predicament.

It is extremely unlikely that such a pernicious philosophy could originate from within humankind. For reasons that should now be apparent, historians have suppressed most of the evidence of the pre-diluvian matriarchies. All the various tenets of post-diluvian religion have their roots in the lexicons of those bent on mind control and the enslavement of humankind. The utter perversity of their natures could not be better revealed than by the philosophical perusal of these so-called religious credos.

Unluckily for the “Serpent Masters,” this first-born progeny eventually began to chafe against their imposed servitude. Their human qualities and sensibilities were such that they were not only lofty of intellect, but were possessed of a moral and spiritual dimension utterly lacking in their extraterrestrial masters. As a result of this, they openly began to resist their creators whom they disliked and came to physically outnumber. It is written that these “Sons of the Serpent” would not recognize the superiority of their masters, since they lacked the exalted qualities.

The Serpent Masters deduced that the first time round they had made a fundamental mistake. They had given their progeny the same intellectual capacities that they themselves possessed, which meant their creations also understood all about genetic science. This time, it was decided that such invaluable knowledge would be completely withheld and that the biological and cerebral centers of higher intelligence would be blocked. This would entail genetic modification. And the euphemism that has come down to us connoting this state of ignorance concerning the high sciences is “naked.”

This is an appropriate place to point out the reason why the term “Serpent” was and is used as a moniker for the Nephilim and their offspring. It refers to knowledge, especially of the arcane kind. It refers to the technological mastery that they possessed. Even in Hebrew, for instance, the root NHSH, that is, “serpent” means “to decipher,” to “find out,” implying that the Nephilim were scientists. The opposing sides both used and continue to use the serpent symbol, but with certain differences. The “Sons of the Serpent,” with the human DNA and human sensibilities, use the serpent usually in a winged form, or with a crown, or even as multicolored. Often referred to as the Uraeus, the Agatho Daimon, the Feathered Serpent, or even the Phoenix, it is a positive symbol, and like the dragon with five toes is connected to wisdom, white magic, and mystical practice. The plain non-winged, non-crowned, generally plain appearing snake, like the dragon with three claws, is a negative symbol used by the original aliens and by underworld criminal syndicates.

Woman have always been marginalized and degraded in post-diluvian times, because of their allegiance to the “First Born.” The Book of Genesis reveals the intense hatred that the Bent Ones have toward the female. The tyrannies which have been perpetrated against womankind through all the centuries, though disguised as a male versus female problem, are certainly not at all confined to this, which is why very little is changing. The gender problem and dichotomy are but a carefully crafted manifestation of a greater malevolence, an all pervasive ancient loathing for Earth’s original inhabitants. Once we approach the problem from its root, we will see progress.

The Hindu Srimad Bhagavatam tells of a demon race which invaded the three planetary systems. Opposing the demons was the god Shiva, who, it is recorded, possessed a powerful weapon that he fired at the enemy airships from his own. In the ancient Ramayana, there is mention of an iron thunderbolt capable of killing hundreds of thousands of humans. It was also said to be so powerful that it could have destroyed the Earth. These weapons could only be used by royal decree. There are even passages where it mentions the fact that the weapon was used as retaliation for the other side using it first. In another Vedic tome called Samarangana Sutradhara, there is mention of manned space rockets, as well as their means of propulsion. In the Samara Sudradhara, we find mention of the use of biological weapons, each of which produced its own specific effect.

The “Reptilians” did indeed serve their masters well. They were part alien, part reptile, with no human DNA at all. Some, like their creators, looked entirely humanoid. Others were distinctly reptoid. They operated from the limbic mode of consciousness and possessed the physical endurance and strength, not to mention the guile, of the humble Earth reptile. From these beings, we inherit the term “cold-blooded evil.”

The Reptilians preferred to live beneath the ground or in dark caverns, their needs being seen to by other genetic mutants or even by compliant Adams who still remained in the ignorant state. They periodically demanded live sacrifices to be made to them and would go in search of the enemies of their masters. Some of these genetic creations had wings, others were polymorphic. So, we have it contained and recited in most of the myths that the archetypal “hero” comes into conflict with a beast, a great serpent, or hybrid demon. Their combat is the staple method of proving prowess. It became a custom that when a prospective hero did overcome one of the dragons, that they would wear the symbol of the serpent on their heraldic shield or banner, in the same manner as the native Indians collected and wore human scalps. The hero was then also considered “blooded.” Many of the demeaning “hazing” rituals of so-called
upper-classmen are throwbacks to this concept.

When the moral “Sons of the Serpents” in their diasporas came upon a welcoming tribe or a suitable place to reside they set up their base. It is from these regions that we find traces of great advancement, amid later primitivism. At these new locations, the “Sons of the Serpent” would also continue their genetic studies and work. They had “fixed” the Adamic peoples so that they would be intelligent and creative. They also made it possible for the Eves to reproduce sexually. This was primarily to pacify the normal urges of the now freed male Adams. And it is known that members of the “Sons of the Serpent” would “mate” with the Eves, producing exceptional progeny.

The phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of humankind via genetic manipulation. From that moment, every human being had to deal with an inner dichotomy, had to decide which proclivity to choose, the human or the alien. This is the choice we are each still making. The “good” feel disturbed by the negativity in their natures and have striven to curb it. The “evil” feel as disturbed by their conscience and seek to suppress it in a variety of ways. And what goes on within the individual manifests collectively. The inner predicament has its environmental concomitant. The post-diluvian empires, nations, and states are designed from the Atlantean pattern. All the abhorrent phenomena that plagues Earthly life today have their origins in these times.

In their creations they continually emphasize that they and their forefathers have been engaging in a veritable “Battle of Armageddon.” This battle is going on every second of every day. It is not yet won by the light bearers because we, the children of Earth, against the very coding of our DNA are as yet resistant to taking up arms against our deadliest enemies who have kept and will continue to keep us in utter servitude. It is time to draw Excalibur from the stone again. But do not wait for any King Arthur to return from the physical grave. Arthur is us, Arthur is you!

Upon investigation, we find that there is much evidence to indicate that the alien visitors and their dark progeny have been and still are with us, that they are, in fact, at the very helm of the echelons of society, making use of powerful secret societies, such as the Masonic and Rosicrucian fraternities as their cover for centuries. It has been uncovered that the members of such bodies permeate and influence all areas of government, politics, education, religion, and business. This has been the case certainly since the Renaissance.

It is commonly known that many persons involved in the sciences are overwhelmingly cold blooded and inhuman. But such persons are also found in the political, sociological, and psychological sciences. They are found involved in the medical professions and they are behind many other industries. They appear to be the paradigm authors in modern times, leading mankind to destruction with every new diversion.

Secret Societies are a presence not only behind industry, but governments also. The symbol for the present European Union, for instance, was first suggested for the flag of the United States of Europe by the super-secret Priory de Sion, which is said to be headquartered in France. The grand masters and illustrious members of this order are descended from the medieval Merovingian kings who dated their ancestry back to the Israelite, King David. The word Merovingian comes from Merovee, meaning “born from the sea.” This does not, however, refer to the physical sea, but to the greater abyss, the night sky. The word and image of the sea have long been used as a cryptic simulacra for the heavens. So that, what is said to be born in it is really born extraterrestrially.

The oversouls wanted something and that something was “blood.” Blood has occult properties, especially when it is taken from an innocent, murdered in a ritual setting. Blood is a form of energy and vampires live on it. Blood is very important to occultists. Hence, the emphasis that ancient societies and priestarchies placed, and now modern criminal syndicates, place on it. It is not a coincidence that the word “Blood” is the second most common word in the Bible, after “God.” No blood, no deal! So Meister Dee with his colleagues and underlings saw to it that his Dark Guardians would get all the blood they required. In his great pact, he put the whole of mankind up as the sacrifice to his masters’ cause. This is the reason for the endless wars and conflicts that beset world history. Wars are precisely planned blood rituals, with all seemingly opposing sides being financed by the same unseen echelons.

The Government of this country has not only to deal with governments, kings, and ministers but also with secret societies, elements which must be taken into account, which at the last moment can bring our plans to nought, which have agents everywhere, who incite assassinations and can if necessary lead a massacre.

It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe – the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries – is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superfices of the earth are now being covered with railroads.

The medical professionals have been one of the most effective agents in the bloody rituals, and it will shake the world to its very foundations if the full story of their malevolence ever becomes known. And there are other kinds of malign individuals operating at the behest of the “Brotherhood of the Snake.” These vampiristic criminals are still operating in the streets of all major cities, torturing their victims and offering them as sacrifices to the Dark Macrobes. Mind Control is a method which has long been refined by the Hidden Masters, and they use it constantly and in many permutations. Many of today’s so-called “serial killers” are performing, consciously or unconsciously, acts that have their roots in the darkest of rituals.

The deaths have to be conducted in a ritualistic fashion. This means that the method of killing is important, but so is the place of execution. And this last point is very important. If a victim is not slain ritually, their energies cannot be absorbed by the Macrobes. For instance, soldiers (one of the best kind of sacrificial victims) are adorned with ancient occult symbols (like pentagrams and acorns, etc.,) to wear, not so they can appear handsome, but that they are correctly “marked” when they enter the place of the black mass.

It has rarely been revealed that the Vatican (one of the most truly Satanic edifices in mankind’s history) has spent literally billions of dollars to give mankind a false notion of Magic and the Black Arts. Their efforts and expenditure go into the making and purveying of popular music and movies which are exploitative and gratuitous and which generate deviant messages about the nature of Satanism.

Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside-down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality.

The youth are especially vulnerable. Drugs and perversions of every kind, are made attractive and chic. The hard drugs that are taken by teens are also made available by the elites and the modern Dionysian Cults they fund. Every decade they provide some other bromide or toy to distract and befuddle the masses. And the masters have even created designer diseases to thin the herd.

They have polluted the oceans and the atmosphere, reduced the oxygen and the electron count, burned holes in the ozone, devastated the forests, relentlessly annihilated the flora and fauna, caused havoc within the food chain, demineralized human food, poisoned the lakes, slaughtered the best of the human gene pool in wars for profit, eradicated entire nations and indigenous peoples, enslaved the ancient races, divided the lands, incarcerated the innocent, martyred the meek and the sensitive, dug caverns deep into the tissues of the Earth, altered the electromagnetic frequency of the human body through the misuse of electricity, torn through the veil of the subatomic realms, massacred millions with their “nuclear” and “atomic” assaults, messed with mind control, perverted the subject of history, lead millions down the path of mania and self destruction through devastating psychedelic drugs, peddled all kinds of pharmaceutical poisons, incubated every vice and addiction that one can imagine, imposed debt slavery, and basically industrialized the entire world.

There is a premise or a clause in the lexicons of the black sorcerers that they do in fact obey. It is obligatory for them to tell us in one way or another what their machinations and designs are, and what is happening or ever going to happen to their prospective victims. And they are letting us know right now, often by way of the media, but the so-called “good” are persistently unable to read the signs, being symbolically illiterate and recalcitrant. Therefore, we collude in our own fleecing. Evil always exists by the indulgence of the good. In the game of chess, if one does not occupy a square, then by rights the opponent can.

The word PENTIUM is a perfect example of what we are saying. Like most corporate logos and words, it does not mean anything in English. This is because it is designed to work as an icon, a hierogram, mantically on a subliminal level of mentation. But all is revealed if we merely add the prefix ‘ser’ to the beginning of the word. One may also take note of the “Intel” logo which has a distinct serpentine motif. But these are only two examples of thousands.

The Atlanteans’ bloodkin do not like the human traits within themselves, nor do they relish human beings. They have always preferred to be served by robots of a mechanical or cybernetic kind and would have done away with humans long ago had that been feasible. They keep us alive because the Macrobes need their sacrifices, and also because they think that they can have the “robots” they prefer by dumbing down humans to the level of the automaton. In this way, they have the best servants. And this is exactly what has been happening since the sixteenth century, or the time when the “Regents of Darkness” discovered that they may have to remain here on Earth permanently.

Even though they do not slacken in their work to vacate, they have in the back of their minds the thought that they may be interned here permanently. And this is what is keeping humans alive, even if it is in the state we now find ourselves, controlled, circumvented at every turn, diseased and barely able to survive, with degradation and criminality all around. We are to be kept alive but are no longer allowed to move toward our spiritual destinies like before, or to be as naturally creative and intelligent as before, or to in any way empower ourselves to the level we knew when on Lemuria or later Lemurian influenced colonies. We are not permitted to live with our respective races, are not permitted to live close to nature, not able to travel relatively freely to all parts of the globe, and not permitted to correctly administer to our own physical health. We are given “Liberty” which is not the same thing as “Freedom,” as researchers like Jordan Maxwell have pointed out. They have begrudgingly and only relatively recently extended the privilege of education and the vote, only so that we can be useful, productive, monitored, and controlled.

To play those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge – all this whether in high capacities or in humble, is a big and endless game of chess, of ever extraordinary excitement.

Those of us who have great difficulty accepting that there is a “Big Brother” exercising unlimited control, do so because they have forgotten the manner in which Plutocrats exercise control and the comparative freedom and wealth they have enjoyed for millennia. Naturally, when one looks at the complexity of urban life, it does seem improbable that some “secret society” can just “move in,” as it were and take over. But we forget that the very cities and nations are their creations, that ordinary man was impinged upon by crown and gown for centuries, living in villages from which he never strayed, except in the service of his feudal lords. The life of rural and agricultural man was certainly not his own. We forget that due to the suppression of historical data the pedestal of the present centuries does not provide a very good vantage point for reviewing the past. Given the structure of pre-Industrial society, nothing could have been easier for the Masters than the total takeover of empires, resources, and minds. Just because one does not have an actual “mark” on their forehead or a physical gun to their head does not mean they are free. Today, we are free only to do what we are told. We need to be reminded that there are two main methods of affecting changes and imposing control on any animal. The first method is by direct training. This is accomplished by schools, universities, recalcitrant parents, and peer groups. The second method is by the instigation of changes to the environment of the animal. Though these are almost always beyond the awareness of the creature, they are extremely impactive. By exercising both methods, the Hidden Masters accomplish all the behavioral changes they require. The results are apparent for anyone who cares to see them.

To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, a condition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical slavery. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body; the mind also must be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the keepers of his destiny.

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country ... We are governed, our mind’s are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of ... we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons ... It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind and who harness social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

Every resource on this planet is expendable because the controllers have a change of address in mind. Mankind is an endangered species, but is, unfortunately, not intelligent or informed enough to realize that it is on the brink of forced extinction. Evil is in evidence everywhere, yet few there are who take proactive measures against it, programmed as we have been to think that evil is an innate part of human nature. For generations, man has believed nature capable of creating a species with such existential dysfunction that its own inviolate order would be undermined.

The Earth has its own geomantic grid, its own biospheric energy which is not conducive to the alien presence on this planet. For this reason, forests have been eradicated, oceans polluted, and the air filled with dioxides and monoxides. In the same way as we would feel ill at ease in a prison cell, those with a strong alien biology are negatively affected by the ultraviolet rays, the Schumann waves, and other cosmic and geospheric forces surrounding them. The very things we find indescribably pleasing about the planet, they experience as discordant. This planet’s size is also not the same as what they were used to, and things became worse after the war that they instigated against their “First Born.”

The progeny of the Nephilim, like their alien fathers, have been making use of deep underground caverns, some of which are hundreds of miles wide. They do not find it suitable on the surface of the planet and prefer the underworld. This is one reason why their monopolies are so adroit at leveling the forests and polluting the atmosphere. It is the ordinary Adamic human that suffers, while they remain impervious in their underground cities.

The crop-circles are designed by them via satellite for some of the same reasons. They cause changes in the frequency of the Earth-Grid in favor of the alien presence. And the humans that gather on site and who watch on TV are part of the ritual. The energy of curiosity that they expend is very valuable. For any event that utilizes mass consciousness serves the aliens and the Macrobes, whether that event appears to be sacred or not. The average human’s entire psychology changes when viewing anything like an eclipse, a comet, a solstice, or other anomalies. This release of collective telekinetic psychic force is really like an emission of power from a giant organic battery or computer. The “Serpent Masters” are expert in creating theaters for just these kinds of events. They are the gladiatorial arenas of the modern age.

It is the “Fallen Ones” who seek to encourage their human slaves to think that they too have descended from the depths of space. The fact is, as the Pagans have understood, that this Earth is our one and only Garden of Eden. How is it that from this paradise one can look out to the nether and fantasize that “home” is somewhere out there? Only Satan and his hordes and those they have deluded the world would do such a bizarre thing. These ancient stories are extremely pertinent to the condition of the present. Genesis means the “Genes of Isis.” Isis is the Queen of the Earth, and we of the Earth are Her offspring, suffering from amnesia about our Earth-connection, convinced that the black void above is the real home we have lost. So our perception is in total reverse. Nothing measures the loss of reason more than the pervasiveness of this outlandish, incongruent notion. It is consistent only with the duped and controlled masses who are now psychologically identifying with the desires of the alien oppressors, instead of affirming with pride and love that they are children of this perfumed garden Earth.

The “Serpent Masters,” who visited our planet ages ago, arrived and took over without permission. They literally invaded our sovereign planet and interfered with the destiny and evolution of the native inhabitants while possessing no “legal” status, so to speak. Like many terrestrial illegal immigrants, these aliens had, and their progeny have, no love for the world they occupy. Their treatment of the Earth tells us as much. Their plundering of nations, their decimation of indigenous peoples and their violation of nature, should be taken as ample evidence for their origins. The human victims of Earth must, therefore, remedy the injustices perpetrated against them by assertively taking back their power and exercising their birthrights as “Earth Citizens.” Men and women, as their own “Immigration Officers,” so to speak, have the right to bring to justice, and even expunge, those who have violated universal law, human sovereignty, and who have themselves no rights, status, jurisdiction or authority. The so-called Controllers, or Hidden Masters, the Secret Chiefs, those descendants of the alien conquerors, whose influence and machinations have wrought untold horrors on Earth have absolutely no legal right to hold their offices, to pass their laws, to exercise command, to create wars, or to slaughter, impoverish, enslave, divide, and mislead mankind. They have no right to interfere, in any way, with the destiny and evolution of the Earth. Since they have appropriated these rights, they must be held totally accountable.

Moreover, the Nephilim have not, as some scholars ludicrously assert, left this planet in the days of old. Therefore, they are not about to return to save us all from ourselves. They have never been away and they have brought the conditions that plague us. The Earth is considered nothing more than a prison to them, a place of internment which is almost unendurable. The destruction they engage in is done to satisfy their vast cravings and mollify their “Dark Archons” from other dimensions. The decadence, debauchery, and nihilism infecting everything today is sadly a replay of the past.

A great change will come to pass, such as no mortal man will have expected. Heaven and Hell will confront each other in this struggle. Old states will perish and light and darkness will be pitted against each other with swords, but it will be swords of a different fashion. With these swords it will be possible to cut up the skies and to split the Earth. A great lament will come over all mankind and only a small batch will survive the tempest, the pestilence, and the horror.

We are still victims of tyrants and of the tyranny of our own ignorance and complicity. We are engaged in bloody Armageddon, but are mostly unconscious of who the enemy is, what weapons they are using, and what it is that they are after.

Once the galactic gate is opened, the planet Earth and its inhabitants are utterly doomed. These aliens have no love for us, no care for their host planet, and will in all likelihood incinerate the entire place and all of humanity, by way of HAARP microwave technology now mounted on satellites. They may also use chemical weapons which will leave not a person or creature standing. With all the efforts into remote viewing, nanotechnology, virtual reality, subatomic manipulation, microwaves, silicon, genetic foods, cloning, chemical and germ warfare, cybernetics, vaccines, designer diseases, and the worldwide web, a bleak picture presents itself.

Those who fear to face Reality, can never hope to change Reality.

The Nephilim's tactics were to employ and utilize an entire army of henchmen who are highly empowered and intelligent, but who are not themselves privy to the inner sanctum or to the secret agendas of their controllers. The henchman is paid well and asks few questions. He may even believe himself to be at the helm. So much the better. Some of these ambivalent creatures are forever making the unconscious decision whether to ally with the alien or the human propensities within themselves. They are people of convictions and beliefs. Some are convinced that they are on a crusade for justice or equal rights, etc. Obsessed with their “great cause,” they are convinced that their personal ambitions are moral and exalted. They exist in blissful ignorance of the fact that their causes, however noble in themselves are, more often than not, designed by their hidden masters as part of an elaborate dialectical scheme to distract attention from the real threat and plight of humanity. So deluded as to their station and vocation, these henchmen feel justified not only in condescending to their lessers, but in gratuitously satiating their carnal desires and relishing their status and the public recognition that goes with it. Thus, the privileged henchmen, together with their sycophants and countless emulators, become the mannequins dressed for the parts they are to play.

These types are over-represented among the world's politicians, generals, lawyers, judges, priests, teachers, bankers, magnates, dictators, and technocrats. Like professional terrorists and criminals, they commit corrupt acts on cue, on a daily basis. But unlike a criminal syndicate, they are not themselves conscious of their dysfunction. Infatuated with their own importance, they feel not the tug of the strings in the hands of their manipulators. The rest of humanity, believing these henchmen to be at the helm, to be ardently seeking to redress the calamities of the world, sit back in their arm chairs and from a comfortable sanitized distance, read about, or voyeuristically watch the wars here, the famines there, the imbroglios and debacles in one place, the civil unrest and human rights abuses in another, the plagues, disasters, crime and vice, the multi-faceted architecture of the machina infernalis, without ever coming to realize that the pieces of the colossal jigsaw will never come together until the picture on the lid of the box, so to speak, is revealed.

The evil that people think they are fighting is actually a facade, part of the elaborate panoply of deceptions carefully crafted to exhaust precious energies and engender malaise and disenchantment. Their strategy has been overwhelmingly successful. While the so-called “good man” fights the good fight, struggles and endures a lifetime of relative frustration and loss, the “evil” progress and gain more power. Their power grows in proportion with our erroneous countermeasures. When witnessing their ascent, most of us become convinced that all is dark, that there is no way out ahead. We turn off, tune out, or gladly turn to the plethora of distractions made available by these same masters of deception.

Almost all Presidents who held the office have direct descendancy from European monarchs. The reason why this can be concealed, is due to the fact that all royal and aristocratic families have official and unofficial offspring, those they declare and those they do not. These latter are born in secret, sent to elite schools, told of their heritage in private, and groomed for various offices and posts. They turn up as heads of monopolies, world organizations, banks, schools, think-tanks, hospitals and even governments, posing as members of the ordinary sub-classes. It is partly due to this adroit strategy that nothing changes for the better in the world arena, despite all the well-meaning machinations and sacrifices. The cumulative changes are always in the favor of the controllers. Though the players seem from diverse backgrounds and affiliations, they all play a game of strict rules, as yet not seen by the masses. Those who come to learn the way the real “old boys network” is really run can either submit and succeed, or rebel and be made redundant.

American Freemasonry and related power elites are responsible for a number of murders and provocations to war which happened along or close to the northern 33rd degree of latitude, also known as the 33rd Parallel. Most of the world's wealth is stored north of the north 33rd Parallel. Major financial centers north of the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland. Most of this planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. Ironically, due to the power of the Masons and related power elites, the major publishers will rarely, if ever, publish books by any scholar who ventures into the forbidden issue of the Masons and power elites.

Freemasons are sworn to protect their brother Freemasons should they engage in immoral or criminal conduct. The royal arch mason swears, “I will aid and assist a companion royal arch mason, when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause, so far as to extricate him from the same, if in my power, whether he be right or wrong. . . A companion royal arch mason's secrets, given me in charge as such, and I knowing him to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable, in my breast as in his own, murder and treason not excepted.”

Through the possibilities are vast, the most commonly used wrathful method for clearing a site from negative forces, is the 'throwing of ritual cakes' which is like using a bomb to send harmful creatures to another existence. The motivation of the lama is one of compassion, and knowing that the purpose of the project is beneficial one and that the being causing the harm is accumulating negative karma, he will actually help it by transferring its consciousness to another realm where it will be of less harm to other beings. Only a person with a higher level of realization is qualified to perform such a ritual.

The Nagas are a race of serpent beings. Most often they manifest themselves with half-man, half-serpent bodies, although sometimes they assume the shape of a dragon, or appear in the guise of a cobra. They can take many different forms including snakes, humans with snake tails and normal humans, often beautiful maidens. A precious gem is embedded in their heads endowing them with supernatural powers including invisibility. Some are demoniac, some neutral or sometimes helpful. Nagas are divided into four classes: heavenly, divine, earthly or hidden, depending upon their function in guarding the heavenly palace, bringing rainfall, draining rivers or guarding treasures.

The rise of Alchemy (Magic) was not an accident or an event which happened simultaneously in Europe and elsewhere as part of the erstwhile movement of the times, as has been put before us by modern historians. Almost all of the so-called alumni of Alchemy were under royal patronage and were members of occult societies, such as the Rosicrucians and Masons. Many were instrumental in creating the educational and governmental edifices which came into existence in the post Industrial epoch. A cursory observation of some of the details in the biographies of these magi reveals suggestive information worthy of deeper investigation. Of special note is the fact that almost all of them existed and operated between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries about the time when the portal to the “Macrobes” or “Cosmocraters” was opened by the Serpent Brotherhood. We forget that most of the pre-Industrial scientists were occultists and had written on astrology, demonology, and magic. Many were metallurgists. The quaint Medieval imagery of the sorcerer in his garret, the alchemist in his test-tube filled laboratory is a romantic smoke-screen behind which lies a very interesting tale that finally needs telling.

The Universe operates by reciprocal laws. The cardinal lesson, therefore, is that one does not set out to destroy evil, for the very thought of doing so engenders cognition and action which immediately disempowers the defendant. Whatever activity is born from such mentation is eventually circumnavigated by the challenger. The universal intelligence itself permits this. This is the reason for evil and why it increases in vitality and malignity through time. Victory over the worst evil or tyranny (especially that of a spiritual kind) occurs when the defendant is so inherently strong that the challenger, for all his guile and might, cannot operate or insinuate. When your enemy cannot conquer you, you have won. This is the meta-lesson that under-girds the karmic tests besetting the human inhabitants of planet Earth.

We reproduce catastrophe because we ourselves are traumatized – both as a species and individually, beginning at birth. Because we are wounded, we have put up psychic defenses against reality and have become so cut off from direct participation in the multidimensional wilderness in which we are embedded that all we can do is to navigate our way cautiously through a humanly designed day-to-day substitute world of symbol — a world of dollars, minutes, numbers, images and words that are constantly being manipulated to wring the most possible profit from every conceivable circumstance. The body and spirit both rebel.

When the sleepers awaken and make a return to the Earth, a great circle of time closes. Men and women return to the human, as opposed to the alien, within themselves, becoming their own priests and priestesses. The separation between the microcosm and the macrocosm passes away forever, like a shadow in the architecture of a nightmare, and the true Renaissance of Humankind begins.

I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at the center within yourself and I within mine, we shall be as one.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls
There walks a Lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all is one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

I am the one – the Orgasmatron
The out-stretched grasping hand
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land.
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain
Two thousand years of misery and torture in my name.
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia of the law
My name is called Religion
Sadistic sacred whore.
I twist the truth, I rule the world
My crown is called deceit.
I am the Emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet.
I rob you and I slaughter you
Your downfall is my gain
But still you play the sycophant
And revel in your pain.
And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate
I am the Politician and I decide your fate.
I march before a martyred world
An army for the fight.
I speak of great heroic deeds, of victory and might.
I hold a banner drenched in blood
I urge you to be brave
I lead you to your destiny
I lead you to your graves.
Your bones will build my palaces
Your eyes will stud my crown
For I am Mars – the God of War
And I will cut you down.

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds - Oh Lord!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their judgement day comes
Now in darkness the world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies are burning
No more War Pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling
Begging mercies for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings - Oh Lord!

There are phantoms here on earth who take away our lives
They kill your kids and they rape your wives
They rip your flesh, tear your heart and take you down to hell
They don't give a damn on any kind of life
Phantoms bring evil, destruction and death
Night after night the same old game
They all look so harmless but deep in their hearts
Satan is lurking, and he will break out
The empire of deceivers is built upon your fear
You'll have to lose it 'cause the end is near
Warheads, armies stand to strike, I know it isn't right
I wanna get out of here, I don't wanna die
Infernal destruction of fire you'll burn
Then you'll be helpless but it's not too late
Stand up right now and you'll be the winner
Or Satan will get you, take you forever
Genocide everywhere
Where's the Saviour of this world?
Phantoms of Death!
Where is he the promised saviour the one who'll save the earth?
Perhaps he'll come to bury us but then it'll be too late
Who are they who are the phantoms who will end our lives
It's you and me, you and me
Open up your eyes!
Phantoms bring evil, destruction and death
Night after night the same old game
They all look so harmless but deep in their hearts
Satan is lurking, and he will break out
We are all parasites of this world we shall die!


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