Friday, January 31, 2014


Two areas related to political and economic change are the media and what we laughingly call justice. The media, or most of it, is the propaganda machine of the present system. Nowhere do the mainstream newspapers, magazines, radio and television programmes question the obsession with growth and free trade, except in the rarest of circumstances. The only questions they ask are how best to stimulate both. They never ask why these things are so desirable and what the consequences of them are. The media depends on the system to survive and offers all the support it can. It is also Brotherhood-controlled. The media has allowed itself to become the vehicle for selling the American (Brotherhood) culture to the world. In its raw state, the media is like knowledge. It is neither negative or positive. It is how it is used that is negative and positive. Some individuals in the media already do some outstanding work, exposing exploitation and hypocrisy and highlighting injustices that need to be addressed - but they are a depressing few. Local radio stations can be wonderful sources of information close to the people and they are going to be crucial in times of turmoil and change. The media could be used to communicate understanding and information that would free humanity. Instead, its overwhelming contribution is to imprison our thinking because its own thinking is imprisoned.

The changing consciousness will reject the present methods of justice. Crime will plummet when new values and measurements of human success are accepted and personal achievement is not measured by possessions. The move towards local decision making and the involvement of all people in the life and direction of communities will reduce negative behaviour still further. The relinking with our higher levels and all that understanding, love, and wisdom, will have the biggest impact on the reduction of crime and negative behaviour. Before that time arrives, we need to look at why people act in the negative ways they do. Why have people been so de-humanised that they can mug and maim frail old ladies. The way to change that is not to use the fear of incarceration in some grotesque prison that will further de-humanise them. It is to treat them in ways that re-humanise their values and spirit. If someone attacks an old lady, the way to stop them doing it again is to put them, under supervision initially, into situations where they meet and work with old people. This will allow them to see that those they mug are not meaningless, worthless, victims for those of greater physical strength. They are human beings with feelings.

There will be tensions, sometimes severe, between those serving the status quo and those moving with the frequencies. The way they see life and what they wish to do will be in conflict. It is up to awakening people to avoid violence in these circumstances. The last thing we need is more negative energy adding to the extremes we already have. In contrast to these negative aspects of the transition, we will see the expansion in positive behaviour from those following the frequencies. These people will be healing divisions wherever they can. Old barriers between those of different colours, creeds, and ways of life, will be no more among those tuning in. This will be the new consciousness emerging from the death throes of the old.

The story of science has mirrored that of religion in many ways. Both decided on a creed and belief which they then imposed upon the world and both have sought to block all efforts to present information and evidence which exposes their misunderstandings. But then both are controlled by the same masters which have ensured that both can survive only by suppression. Once they painted their colours to the mast and proclaimed one unyielding dogma, their empires, funding, power, and influence have been dependent on the survival of that dogma in the minds of enough people. Suppression of information and understanding becomes essential to their continued existence. If you are a scientist who depends for his living on the current scientific dogma, the desire to block alternative explanations which would shatter that dogma, can be very compelling. The System, no doubt with considerable Brotherhood influence, has ensured that these key areas like science, politics, economics, the media, and religion must suppress truth if they are to survive. In suppressing that truth, they must also promote a destructive illusion for the robots to focus on. The media slavishly support them by communicating the myth that establishment science is at the cutting edge of human understanding.

Even illness is used to serve the system. The Brotherhood-owned or -controlled drug companies fund scientific research, and insist that the scientists they are funding look only for ways of treating disease through drugs or technology that can be bought and sold. The world is awash with tablets and potions, and the drug companies measure their profits in billions. Some of their gross markups are as high as 90%. But the disease-care services are submerged by people who are ill! When I was younger I had a doctor who hardly lifted his head long enough to look at me before he was writing a prescription for some drug or other. Representatives from the drug companies have many ways to doctors to use their products. So many people are ill, physically or emotionally, that the disease-care services are little more than conveyor belts cutting open and administering drugs to the never-ending stream of system-created disease that is passing by. The doctors and nurses are as much the victims as the patients. For doctors and nurses, see economists, politicians, scientists and journalists. They are programmed to think the System unions. Refuse to be used as system fodder programmed to turn out more fodder to replace you. Stop cooperating, Say No. The same applies to parents. Insist on real education. Stop cooperating with the programming of your children. The circle must be broken.

THEY reprisals against a human race which does not behave as he says, (i.e. what the religious dogmatists say). This will succeed with a few people and there will be a temporary turning to these religions by those who fear what is happening. This is achieved by:
1. disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics, and discouraging technical creativity.
2. engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities by: (a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the TV and newspapers. (b) giving them what they desire - in excess - - and depriving them of what they really need. (c) Re-writing history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities. These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social automation technology. The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore the best approach is to create problems and then offer the solutions.
Thinking for yourself and having the confidence and courage to live what you believe - that Rebellion cannot be stopped. It is not for me to tell people what to do. I have no desire or stomach for that. But I support the campaign of non-cooperation and peaceful resistance which is gathering across the world. I believe it will continue to grow and that some of its manifestations could be:
* A boycott of all banks which create money out of nothing and charge interest on it. I hope people will withdraw their money from these banks and even refuse to pay interest on their loans. The latter decision needs to be well coordinated so that millions do it at the same time.
* Support for community banks and ethical banking which invest in projects designed to benefit people and the planet.
* A refusal to cooperate with and in schools, universities and government departments in every country, until we have the free flow of information about what is really going on in secret and all the knowledge available.
* Constant sit-ins, peaceful occupation and mass protests at government headquarters in every country, particularly the key players like the United States, Russia, Britain, Australia, Japan, the European Community and the United Nations.
* The peaceful disruption of all occasions of state in every country until we are told the truth and the closing down, by mass sit-ins, of roads and entrances to parliamentary buildings.
* Mass peaceful resistance to projects that harm the environment. If they face such protests everywhere, the authorities will soon have to re-think and listen.
* The boycotting of all court proceedings that may arise from such actions and mass sit-ins at the court buildings to disrupt them, also.
* The bombardment of phone-in programmes and audience participation programmes with questions and information about the secret government and what people can do to stop its manipulation.
* Protests and sit-ins at the headquarters of media organisations until they refuse to be Brotherhood poodles and start to report the truth to people. Boycotts of system-serving newspapers.
* The same at the headquarters and branches of the Freemasons in each country and district and the immediate resignation by all members of the Freemasons and other secret organisations who no longer wish to be used as a front for the manipulation of the world.
* A refusal to vote for or support any politician who refuses to disclose whether he or she is a member of a secret society or closely-connected to anyone who is. A refusal to support any politician who is a member of any Brotherhood front organisation, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission or, in London, connected to the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
The three most important words here are peaceful, determined and constant. Those who serve either knowingly or, more often, unknowingly, the forces who control us do not deserve our hatred. They need our love and we should protest with laughter and joy. They know not what they do and they are in prison as well. I always find it sad that some who protest against the activities of far right groups, do so with aggression and hatred in their hearts - the very same emotions that motivate the far right. We need to protest with love because that is the energy we wish to spread across the world. But our love must not be blind, it must be streetwise. We must remember that in the world of the Brotherhood black is white and white is black. Remember this also: Silence is convenience. It is time to think, to take responsibility, and to speak and act against the silent, secret, tyranny. The Brotherhood acknowledge the threat to their ambitions of individuals thinking for themselves and responding with action.

One individual can make a difference. We are not helpless, and the manipulation is not invincible, nor the ills of the world insurmountable. It depends on your state of mind. Problems can become solutions. If we are going to return freedom to the Earth, we have seriously to harass the system into realising that the robots are not cooperating any more. We will not be lied to and manipulated. There are billions of us and only a relative handful who operate the secret world government. They cannot impose their will on us unless we allow them to.

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