Saturday, September 26, 2015


Thats what I call CLIMAX OF SHIT..on your knees you unworthy bastards..worship the new QUINGs of real-time truthness!

Wenn man den Vorhang lüftet, der allen Illusionen zugrunde liegt, was man dann entdeckt, ist ziemlich grotesk. Es ist sogar so absurd, sehr weit entfernt von unserer Wahrnehmung der Realität. Es entspricht schlichtweg nicht dem, was wir denken. Wir sind in eine Falle geraten, für tausende von Jahren in Sklaverei, ohne dass wir es selber erkannt hätten. Wir befinden uns in einem Labyrinth von Illusionen, mit Sicherheitspersonal (Wächtern) auf Schritt und Tritt. Vor langer Zeit, noch zu prähistorischen Zeiten, kamen interdimensionale Halbgötter zur Erde, um sie zu plündern. Sie versklavten die Menschheit und verkündeten, dass sie selbst allmächtiger Gott waren, der Schöpfer. Die Gnostiker nannten sie die Archons.
Sie sind die Schuldigen, die uns als ihre Herde halten, so wie wir Viehzucht betreiben. Wir sind deren Nahrung. Seit tausenden von Jahren sind wir unter ihrer Kontrolle. Es sind die gleichen Götter, an die wir uns um Hoffnung und Erlösung wenden, die uns ausbeuten. 
Innerhalb der kosmischen Matrix gibt es viele Konstrukte aus falschem Licht, jedes von einem Demiurgen (Halbgott) erschaffen, von einem Gott der Verblendung. Jedes dieser Konstrukte aus falschem Licht kann sich über 8 Dimensionen erstrecken, welche mehr als groß sind, denn sie können so groß erscheinen wie ein ganzes Universum; und doch sind sie nur ein kleiner Teil des Universums. Doch wenn man sich darin befindet sind sie allumfassend. Ein weiterer illusionärer Trick. Viele dieser Regionen aus falschem Licht dehnen sich bis auf unseren Planeten aus durch das programmierte Bewusstsein der Menschen.
Jehova, beispielsweise, ist ein Blender-Gott, der seine eigene Matrix aus falschem Licht erschaffen hat. Sein Reich erstreckt sich durch alle kosmischen Dimensionen und ist gewaltig in seiner Reichweite. Auf unserem Planeten wirkt sein Einfluss in dem Bewusstsein der Jehova-Anhänger, denn sie sind darauf programmiert an seine Doktrin zu glauben, demzufolge glauben sie an eine Welt, welche von derartigen Glaubensvorstellungen geprägt ist.

Reptilians are intelligent sentient beings that are often encountered by humans who are abducted by aliens. Some Reptilians say they come from the star Alpha Draconis, in the Draco constellation, others claim to be old Earth dinosaurs dating back millions of years from prehistoric Earth and native to this planet. 

Reptilians are carnivores, and I have met no exception to that. Most of them talk about consuming blood, others are fond of soft internal organs. It appears they do not eat muscle, which is what we humans eat when we eat "meat". Some Reptilians accept the offer of eating fish guts and fish trimmings from the Japanese fishing industry. Reptilians eat from human and alien-human hybrids, but they also eat other aliens such as the ones that are called Dinosaurs or Frogs.

Being predatory creatures is highly integrated in the thinking, behavior, and culture and civilization that Reptilians lead. If a creature is suffering or afraid, it excites and enhances the Reptilian hunting instincts. Reptilians derive sensory pleasure from the act of hunting and eating. We humans experience sexual pleasure and orgasms from the act of sexual reproduction which is our body's way of encouraging us to multiply and have babies so that our human species can survive. Reptilians on the other hand experience sensual pleasure which I rate to be at least 1,000 times more enjoyable than human sex, but for Reptilians it comes from activities of hunting or torturing, which is of course their body's way of encouraging them to eat and survive. The Reptilians call these feelings, "feeling the lust", or "drinking coffee" and "drinking juice". Many humans who think that they were sexually raped by a Reptilian were in fact only being used as a prey in a hunting game, which the Reptilian derived great pleasure from.

Reptilians are both physically and mentally strong creatures. Many Reptilians have quick and agile movements, and their responses are swift. A Reptilian can feel into another being mentally, which is how they can read someone's mind and also put their own thoughts and thought images into its mind for communication, but they can also use this mental awareness of another being to hijack its motor functions. They can then physically push and maneuver a body of a creature whose mind is weaker. 

Reptilians are arrogant and aggressive, they have frequent sudden outbursts. Draconians can be snappy and irritable and easily angered by things. Sometimes they raise their voice and yell without warning, it can come as a surprise. If a human is easily provoked I can imagine humans getting into arguments with the Draconians. Stay calm and listen to what they say and not as much how they say it that is how to get along fine.
They are completely incapable of feeling any of the sensations of fear or pain. And when another creature is feeling pain or fear it produces a huge energy which the Draconians love to bask in and ingest, also known as energy vampirism. The Draconians refer to this as "drinking juice". It can leave a human drained and weak and even feeling sick.
Draconians do not understand love and compassion and rather think of those as a weaknesses. Reptilians who show signs of weakness are beaten or even killed. Draconians are abusive toward other races.
Reptilians regard their own races as very high and superior to others, but there is one race which they regard as even more dignified. It is the Bird race, also referred to by them as the Master race. They seem to be feathered reptilians and were the ones who genetically created the Reptilians. Reptilians seem to fear as well as despise this supreme race.

Reptilians and the Agenda have entered into "agreements" with human militaries. The Agenda places demands on humanity to provide them with resources such as food and the rights to mine for minerals, and the militaries find themselves more or less having to make some sort of deals with these aliens to avoid war and conflict. In return, of course, militaries also get rewards from the aliens, such as military technologies including spaceships and psychic agents. The Agenda have dealings with the NATO, the militaries of the US and Russia, Japan, US politicians, British Royals, North Korean leadership, just to list the ones that were mentioned.

According to Reptilians, there are humans on Earth who contain some Reptilian DNA. These humans are referred to as the Iroquois. Such Reptilian-human hybrids are able to embody Reptilian ruthlessness, ideals, and actions and so being the Reptilian presence here in humanity, in place of Reptilians who would be here in person.
It seems also that Reptilians are able to activate these Reptilian genetics in a bloodline human, at which the human suddenly changes and becomes more like a Reptilian person, awakening qualities such as fearlessness, stamina, power, ambition, and focus. Bloodline humans would also be easier for the Reptilians to mind steer, to have an active role through that person here on Earth.

Reptilians can see well in the dark. In fact in Reptilian bases, they do not decorate with any indoor lighting. You will find Reptilians in perfectly pitch black dark hallways and rooms, and they can see fine. They like it that way.
Reptilians are surprisingly cleanly creatures. They notice if there is any trash in a human home, and they will feel very bothered by it and ask for it to be removed and taken care of. 

The Crocodile Men are extensively employed in the Draconian Agenda to work as guardians. They are cherished for their strong instincts in guarding nests, something which they are said to have inherited from their crocodile ancestry. Earth crocodiles are notorious for their skills and determination in guarding their nests of eggs. Crocodile Men work in alien bases tending to rooms filled with eggs, embryos, and fetuses. That is where you often find them.

White Dragons have pale gray or almost white skin. The skin is covered in tiny little dots giving it an amphibian look. There is faint pink in various areas, such as the ears. White Dragons can establish telepathic mental contact with a person which conveys not only thoughts and words but also the bodily sensations that the Dragon has. This conveys that the skin has a very soft leathery feel like a baby.
Another thing that is conveyed is its scent. The White Dragon smells of baby powder, lavender, and puppy dogs.
White Dragons eat blood. They have been given goats and cats or kittens to eat. They also show some interest in consuming blood from humans.

Dark Lords are tremendously dangerous in ways that humans cannot even imagine. An average person is not qualified to have dealings with these beings safely. From the material I have gathered, it seems that they are the demons and devils that major religions and churches have battled against for centuries.
Dark Lords are impressively smart and intelligent creatures, they are highly knowledgeable and can be quite charming gentlemen to converse with. But what makes them most dangerous is that they have no concept of what pain means. After a few years dealing with the Dark Lords, I suspect that if they knew how pain feels then they would stop causing it to others. The problem is that the worse someone's pain is, the more lust they feel. The second thing that adds to that danger, is that they are on a mission to gather up that lust energy from torture and sacrifice of creatures, so that they can enjoy it and be fed by it and then pass it on to their god The Eye which by all means seems to be a black hole in space.
I know this sounds like ridiculous science-fiction, but I have physical evidence from these beings that they are real, one of them tore down books from the bookshelf one night, they can also throw a person. These beings can possess a person's mind, they are the ones who gave Satanism and the Nazi movement to humanity, they are behind many murders and crime and pedophilia. And they rule the Agenda in which the Zetas and Reptilians work, who are taking my eggs. Dark Lords are the most unpleasant thing anyone could run into, but hey they are what they are, so we might as well try to understand. But please be warned, these are not the kind of aliens you want to interact with. I should probably join the mass coverup across the world by not even writing about them.

The Agenda is an organization comprised of a large number of different alien races who are working together. Most of the alien races were forcefully enslaved, others may have joined willfully for personal gain. They all collaborate toward personal goals of individual alien races and the common goal of the Agenda. The Agenda is its whole system, they have whole ecosystems of food production, where some races eat others. The Agenda is highly hierarchial, every race is either better or worse than others.
The Agenda is not based on peace and love for all. It is not based on preservation of planets and life in the universe. It is not based on tolerance or compassion. It is based on selfishness, power, rule, greed. The Agenda results in destruction, suffering, extinction, and misery. It doesn't make the universe a better place to live in.

The Eye is a cult or religion of the Dark Lords, Dark Lords have given their religion to humanity throughout the ages. Ancient Egyptian religion was constructed by the Dark Lords, which is why you see The Eye there too. Dark Lords are incubi, they can live by sucking out the energy from other living beings, that is why sacrificial murder is central to these alien organizations. The Eye is a hideous thing. If you travel through it you find yourself in a room filled with the energy from sacrificed souls, I've been there to see it. The Dark Lords believe, religiously, that if they take out souls from victims and give the souls to The Eye then it appeases The Eye from pulling in space, and so the Dark Lords believe that this act of feeding The Eye is not only saving their own home planet which sits on the border next in line, but that they are the defenders of all of the universe by appeasing the hunger of The Eye.

Dark Lords live close to The Eye and Dark Lords say that The Eye speaks to them and tells them what to do. Dark Lords are very much influenced by their proximity and interaction with The Eye. A close encounter of a Dark Lord can and will make a human mind full of madness. Close encounter of a Dark Lord can stop a human heart from beating, will shorten the human lifespan, and will bring about disease. A human being will vomit and suffer a whole host of diseases when the Dark Lords are too near. Dark Lords also have a distinct body odor of pestilence, sewer, death, and rancid socks.
Dark Lords are very powerful. They are an ancient intelligent conscious living race. I classify them as at least pseudo-biological entities. They are not mythical or fictional, they are real people that speak, they have memories, they ask questions, they have personalities. I have a whopping five Dark Lord gentlemen that interact with me. These are Betelgeuse Maleucius Malik Jesobel Jezebel, Basmet Baphomet, Masof Manon, Sif Siph, and Rambutan.
Dark Lords are not endlessly cruel. You can actually get to know them and develop a functional relationship with them. I would personally advise not to hate and attack them. I befriended my Dark Lords before I knew what they were. They can be reasoned with and asked to leave politely and respectfully, in my experience. The danger in interaction is real and viable, but an encounter does not need to end badly.
Dark Lords are also Incubi and Succubi, reported throughout history as black figures that have sex with humans and ingest the human's life force. Dark Lords are capable of a lot of mischief and shenanigans. They often tiptoe around and their inquisitive intellects are often thinking of all kinds of mischief and trouble to get to.

Being under Agenda influence is like having a Satanic curse or witchcraft done to oneself. While that sounds occult and the more scientifically minded want to say it therefore does not exist, think of it like induction. One electrical circuit can influence another physically separate electrical circuit, one mind onto another.
I am a Crystal. Crystals are rare humans whose life force is far stronger than the average. We also have correspondingly higher awareness and consciousness, and tend to gravitate toward wanting to do good in this world. Our compassion is also greater. The Agenda considers Crystals to be a threat, but we are also juice bars. Dark Lords are Incubi and derive their meals from ingesting life force from others, so what better source of life force than the Crystals whose life force is much stronger.

So the Agenda wants to extract life force from victims and it needs to fight down their enemies that would try to stop their cause. Starseeds also come here with impressive psychic abilities and knowledge, which would serve the Agenda well. The Agenda wants to recruit Starseeds, typically not an easy task. The Agenda will employ methods of mind control and MKULTRA.
The Agenda produces a vast number of hybrids in different batches of genetic combinations of humans and Alien races. The typical hybrids are a mixture of human and Zeta or human and Thuban. Many abductees are familiar with the fact that the human abductees are harvested for eggs or sperm to make hybrid children.
Many human abductees are confused about the hybrids. Aliens will bring their most beautiful pristine hybrid children to meet with the human abductees. You only get to see the children who are healthy and well-behaving and well. Like a dysfunctional family with alcoholic parents where children don't have clean clothes and the house is a mess, when they go to church they put on their best suit and make appearances to the rest of the community as if all was well. This is what the abductees mostly see.
Truth is, and based on my observations and experiences, these children are brought up to serve in what is an extraterrestrial mind control pedophilia sect where children's life force energy is stolen by predatory beings such as the Reptilians and the Illuminati, and ultimately that life force is passed on by the Dark Lords to their Satanic god The Eye.
Children are also subject to medical experiments, they are deliberately given diseases and malformities. I will not fully describe the atrocities I have seen because it is not suitable for the internet.

When hybrid children are conditioned to the pedophilia cult that exists there, then those girls are called princesses. The girls feel so proud to be a princess and they feel as if the world adores them and loves them. These girls wear little princess dresses over there in the Alien base. They are rewarded at times by letting them sit for a few minutes in a room that has nothing but a throne chair. They earn time to sit on the throne and to feel like they are now finally accomplished and a princess.

This is by far the Agenda's most favorite to use on the children. Not only does it use the cat symbolism. The cat is a sexual creature. MKULTRA mind control makes hybrid children and human women abductees into cat personas. The cat is someone who is sexual, as well as being an animal so that it is under the will of the people who own it. The cat is someone who is petted. Cats are petted. They bring lots of kittens and cats to the hybrid children so that they can pet them and see what a cat is. They are then told that they are kittens and that is how you condition the child into accepting that it is touched by others, but sexually. Sexual touch and regular harmless petting of a cat is made out to be the same. Sexuality is not allowed to be something private, pristine, and personal as it normally is. The Agenda want the children to think of sexual touch as just harmless as when the children pet a cat. And since the children know that they pet a cat and it was a straightforward process to pet a cat, then when they are told that they are cats their mind has to accept that the sexual touch is just the same.

Thousands of years ago, there was an extraterrestrial race of Blue People who themselves live in a Paradise Kingdom, they came to Earth and wanted to share their gifts and way of life here on Earth with humans. They came to India first, and one of the things they brought with them were scrolls with their messages. Those scrolls had the symbol of an eagle with spread wings and beneath the eagle the swastika. This was a benevolent symbol of the Blue People.
The Blue People were powerful and they called themselves Kings here. Not to be impudent nor to look down on us humans, but because they truly live in a beautiful world and they had wanted to share that world with us humans, so that us humans too could be Kings and Gods. 
The Blue People also came to humans in South America and lived there as the Blue Kings at the Incan temples. Then came the jealous Draconians and drove the Blue Kings out, and took their place as Kings of the Incan people. That is when the ritualistic sacrifices of humans begun at the temples.

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