Thursday, August 8, 2013


WAKE UP already you damn human ignorants! Oder ich mache Alienhackfleisch aus euch Zombiebiestern. Die brauchen ja schliesslich auch Nahrung und da bietet sich der überflüssige Naziabschaum hier geradezu an. Nichts wird verschwendet. A nice and decent satanistbloodmeatdinner for our extraterrestrial friends from outer space. En guete Appetit! Darum extra für euch EXTREM-7-Schläfer heute auf meiner TOP.SECRET-Menükarte das SUPER-TRUTH-LAST.SUPPER-SPECIAL. For everyone who does DARE and not just STARE. Es ist euer Leben und eure Zukunft, die hier auf dem Spiel steht. Und die der Erde. Wäre vielleicht noch sinnvoll sich zu informieren und organisieren. Anfangen zu intervenieren und aufzuräumen. Bevor es zu spät ist. Die Realität wie eine geballte Faust in euren Brainwashalbtraum crasht und ihn gnadenlos unter sich begräbt.
The 2012-Starshipexpress is now reaching lightspeed and the outer limits of our solar system. The ultimate and definite point of no return in our collective ascension-journey comes closer. Everyone who isnt ready and prepared to face and express/support the purest essence of TRUTH, LOVE and LIGHT should immediatley jump off deck. The huge cosmic waves interacting with the concious members of our partyfestivalboat will create extreme turbulences and fast reality changes. Taking us to new and more complex heights of uncontrolled exctacy and wild Full awareness and contacts with parallel world-dimensions and its various entities. Nothing will stop the evolutionary light.rebel-arch from its course to God´s heaven. Final vibrational FREAK.uence-destiny. With or without you. We will not hesitate to leave the ones behind who still refuse to participate in the divine mission for enlightenment. Who corrupt or hinder our holy goals and souls. We want complete spiritual and individual freedom. A transformation into a supernatural and advanced civilisation. Cut off all dark motives, lies and systems of abuse and control.

United love-force and will-power in supreme truth-ACTion for the well-beeing of ALL existing creatures!


Heute kontrollieren die Rothschilds ein weit verzweigtes Finanzimperium, zu dem Mehrheitsanteile an den meisten Zentralbanken gehören. Die Familie Edmond de Rothschilds besitzt die Banque Privee SA im schweizerischen Lugano und die Rothschild Bank AG in Zürich (Die Schweiz ist eine der Illuminaten-Freimaurer-Satanisten Hochburgen – auch die Protokolle von Zion wurden in der Schweiz aus der Taufe gehoben). Die Familie Jacob Lord Rothschilds besitzt die einflussreiche Rothschild Italia in Mailand. Sie gehören zu den Gründungsmitgliedern des exklusiven, zehn Billionen Dollar schweren Club of the Isles, der Großkonzerne wie Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Loyds of London, Unilever, Barklays, Lonhro, Rio Tinto Zinc, BHP Billiton und das angloamerikanische Unternehmen De Beers miteinander verbindet. Und der verbindende Faktor dieser globalen Verbrecher-Mafia sind die Bilderberger. Bilderberger wie der Österreicher Faymann sind aber zu dumm und ungebildet um dieses satanische Netzwerk zu durchschauen. Die deutsche Merkel oder Ackermann hingegen, die kennen das Ausmass dieser Hydra. Sie beherrschen die weltweite Versorgung mit Erdöl, Gold, Diamanten und vielen anderen lebenswichtigen Nahrungsmittel und Rohstoffe. Unter anderen auch die Basis für die weltweite Energieversorgung und atomare Aufrüstung: Uran und Atomwaffen.

UNILEVER ist eine der bekanntesten Mitglieder einer Reihe von menschheitsvernichtenden Organisationen um die vom Club of Rom, den reptiloiden Windsors, Bill Gates (Microsoft) und zahlreichen weiteren Globalverbrechern geforderte Reduktion der Weltbevölkerung aktiv zu unterstützen. Und Lebensmittel sind bekanntlich neben Geld und Gesundheit (auch die geistige) eine dieser heimtückischsten Waffen - neben Impfungen, künstlich verursachte Pandemien, Klimalüge, Nahrungsmittel-Knappheit, Gen-vergiftete Nahrungs- und Saatmittel usw. usw. Sie alle liegen auf der gleichen Linie mit dem gleichen Zweck (siehe Guidestone). Dazu gehört als Bilderberger-Mitglied auch die Schweizer (!) Firma Nestle - mit dem Motto „man kann nicht früh genug (vorzugsweise schon als Baby) beginnen, die Menschheit auszurotten.“

The families that control Switzerland go back to Venice. Some of the Phnariot families of the Byzantine have had enduring powerful lineages. The Venetian and Genoese banker/international commerce families have produced some enduring powerful lineages. Families from these groups have tended toward Satanism (Gnosticism) or cults that are not Christian. In this category, we can mention Darius Socinus of Venice. Note also that the Warburgs, who work so closely with the Rothschilds, are descendents of Abraham del Banco, an old banker in Venice. The Warburgs in turn are related to the Rosenbergs of Kiev, Russia. Some of your old aristocratic Russian occult bloodlines were the first to financially help Hitler’s fledgling Nazi Party.

Because what has been called Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is the primary vehicle for maintaining the shroud of secrecy. The primary part of Satanic Ritual Abuse is to use a series of sophisticated and sadistic mind control strategies which use the combined effects of physical pain and threat of pain, double-bind coercion, split brain stimulation, drugs, hypnotism, and other methods to program and brainwash the candidates for membership in the llluminati. In order for the lower level covens and the Satanic hierarchy to maintain its secrecy, intense effort is expended to program all the members of the Satanic hierarchy to commit suicide if they betray the Satanic covens. There is no easy way for such people to talk or break lose from the llluminati.

Satanists are also programmed with Scrambling programs to confuse and block their alter system, emerging memories, thought processes and incoming data. Other programs forced into the SRA victims are Flooding programs to interfere with any therapeutic process, Recycle programs to cause the SRA victim to re-dissociate memories if any do get revealed, Cover programs to discredit the SRA victims stories with unbelievable content, Verbal Response programs which have been extensively and painfully rehearsed by the SRA victim and his programmer to ward off questions about Satanism and the victim's alters with acceptable answers. Some other programs are the Silence-Shutdown Programs which cause the victim to stop talking, another type is called Nightmare-Night Terror Programs which cause their minds to terrify them with horrible images. These programs can be tripped automatically if the victim tries to talk about forbidden material.

"Most victims are children under the age of six who suffer the most severe and longstanding emotional damage from the abuse. These young victims are particularly susceptible to being terrorized and indoctrinated into the abusers belief system. During and even long after the abuse victims live in a state of terror and dissociation and suffer from the impact of mind control techniques. All this makes the initial disclosures of abuse exceedingly difficult, and can make each subsequent disclosure a terrifying and painful experience. Mind control is the cornerstone of ritual abuse, the key element in the subjugation and silencing of its victims. Victims of ritual abuse are subjected to a rigorously applied system of mind control designed to rob them of their sense of free will and to impose upon them the will of the cult and its leaders. Most often these ritually abusive cults are motivated by a satanic belief system. The mind control is achieved through an elaborate system of brainwashing, programming, indoctrination, hypnosis, and the use of various mind-altering drugs. The purpose of the mind control is to compel ritual abuse victims to keep the secret of their abuse, to conform to the beliefs and behaviors of the cult and to become functioning members who serve the cult by carrying out the directives of its
leaders without being detected within society at large."

There is increasingly convincing evidence that Satanist groups victimize people, especially children. They are abused and tortured by their fathers, raped, and made to participate in many forms of Satan worship which mock the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus by killing animals, innocent humans, especially babies or children. As a result of these experiences, many times in order for children to survive psychologically, their personality splits off into one or many other personalities enabling children to survive an intolerable emotional experience. Treating these “alters” (the technical term for multiple personalities) as if they were spirits to be cast out by exorcism is an awful mistake and can cause lasting damage. For example, if a child is forced to torture or kill someone, it is too painful for the child to believe they are the kind of person who could commit such acts. So the “murderer” part of them might split off as an “alter” a personality cruel enough to perform such a vicious action. These are called Multiple Personality Disorders or MPD’s or Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID). Space does not allow a discussion of what to do or how to pray for individuals with this type problem. Extreme caution is required.

In the programming, colors and directions are used. Be prepared to find out that sometime programmers use their creative imaginations such as using the color "octarine," or the direction "TURNWISE" or perhaps "WIDDERSHINS". During the most fundament programming which is done via LSD trips in sensory deprivation tank to lay in foundations of the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega and Theta programs, each programming memory will be given a code. Where one popular  programming deception takes place that the programmer knows ahead of time how to sequence his memory codes so that instance, the fifth memory is coded as trip, and strenuous methods are used to up the memories of the first four trips. Victim’s mind will be told to forget the four trips. The memory codes are deceptively designed to fool the deprogrammer and the victim alike. Part of the reason the programmer does this, is that they know that IF a therapist should stumble onto these first memories, the backup programming to protect these memories is so severe that the therapist will shatter the victim’s mind. Backup programs such as Atom bombs and vegetable programming are locked into place to protect the fundamental programs.

The use of masks in the occult world is ancient. For centuries, the gypsies have used them for their hypnotic powers. Special healing masks for their people are kept secret and never shown to the public. Masks have a shock value & fascination value. Gypsy and other occult groups have special rituals to create the masks, including using hair clippings from the person who will wear the mask. Gypsy healing masks are destroyed after the patient gets well. Illuminati programming masks may or may not be destroyed after their use. The Illuminati’s mask-making abilities (according to deprogrammed victims of their mind-control) are very high quality. Sometimes the programmers simply wear halloween cartoon character masks that anyone can obtain, to fulfill their role in the programming script that they are involved in during the time.

According to a witness, the Illuminati Programmers got a big laugh out of using Disneyland as a major Illuminati base for criminal activity. Under the disguise of entertaining the world, they carried out money laundering, child slavery laundering, and mind-control. They nick-named Disneyland "the little syndicate of mind-control." When a child of 3 or 4 was kidnapped, they could torture the child and then put him on a ride such as a ferris wheel or carousel that created dissociation from the pain, while also going along with some fairy tale programming script. An abducted child while waiting to be picked up from one Illuminati non-parent caretaker by another, could be kept happy and distracted while waiting for the pickup. For years, Disneyland was an Illuminati center for many of their world-wide activities.

From the time of the Roman Empire (at least, if not before) the oligarchical leadership, who have been in control of both the Mystery Religions and European aristocracy, have known about BREAD&CIRCUS. Bread and Circus refers to the concept that IF the masses of people are given entertainment and food staples, THEN they are easy to control.

The Cave dwellers have used their Ray technology to manipulate surface society throughout history, especially to obtain food and other supplies without the majority of people on Earth being aware of it. A few surface people were in on the plot and acted as agents of the Cave dwellers; these included members of such diverse groups as political rulers, religious leaders, wealthy merchants and traders, smugglers, and pirates.

The actual religious mind-control process, the technique that provides telepathic emotional reinforcement to help program people’s minds, is a sort of “psychic chain-reaction” that occurs while a group of people are in the religious trance together. In other words, the telepathic messages sent out by every member of the congregation influence the emotions and thinking of every other member, like a box of matches catching fire or an atomic chain reaction. This process creates a “religious group mind”: the telepathic transmissions of the entire congregation mutually reinforce one another until everyone present is thinking and feeling the same thing very, very strongly. People in such a state can feel extremely strong emotions, as strong as those that accompany the most powerful physical sensations such as sexual orgasm or extreme pain. But this is done without much sensory stimulation – usually just preaching, hymn singing, or praying – because the reinforcement is coming from the psychic chain-reaction.

A religious elite composed of shamans is much harder for the Theocrats to control than one composed of clerical or secular rulers who submit to religious mind control. A shaman is much more likely to put his or her own psychic development above the telepathic commands of the Theocrats. Also, shamanic mythologies often contain major elements of the truth about Theocracy, and so teach people an instinctive aversion for mind control and enslavement by spirits.

These “false gods” are controlled through astral-matter machines belonging to Theocratic spirits. Some of these machines can generate immense quantities of psychic powers and allow magicians to do spectacular acts of magic, which convince them that they are truly on the way to becoming gods; but this is just another deception. They are merely on the way to becoming Theocrats by imitating their methods and morals. The Theocrats treat the embryonic gods as domestic animals and use them for their own selfish purposes just as they use other human spirits, living people, and psychic machines.
The Theocrats are able to deceive many people who study the higher levels of Western occultism, because many famous magicians of the past are now Theocrats. The best example of this deception is in the medieval alchemical mythology about the Homunculus, which was later picked up by the Golden Dawn and Crowleyites as the Magical Child theory. One element in this theory is the idea that properly trained human magicians can control gods or other spiritual beings much more powerful than they are if they know the proper spells and secret names.

Occultists have known throughout history that women find it much easier to gain a certain amount of control over their psychic powers than men do, and the fluctuations of the estrogen level during the menstrual cycle are one of two physiological factors responsible for this. The other is that the majority of women have to learn conscious control over their sexual responses in order to have a full orgasm. Since the Kundalini energy generated during sexual activity simultaneously generates psychic energy, when women learn to control their sexual responses consciously, they are automatically learning to control their psychic senses and powers as well. This is why women have traditionally been regarded as naturally more psychic and magically gifted than men: they actually are, and for physiological reasons. Of course, men can deliberately study sex magic, and also learn to control both their sexual responses and the accompanying psychic responses; but the process is less likely to happen to them spontaneously. And because learning the basic skills of sex magic is extremely important to psychic and spiritual development, such studies have traditionally been an important part of advanced occult training in both the East and the West.
Of course, the Theocrats don’t like people to gain conscious control over their psychic powers, because this makes them harder to manipulate by subconscious telepathy; so when the Theocrats invented more sophisticated religions to replace primitive shamanism, they included the concepts of patriarchy and male dominance in the doctrines of almost every one of them. Most of the third-stage Theocratic religions excluded women from social and political power, but not from being priestesses or magicians. One very common theme in ancient Greek and Roman literature was women’s use of their psychic powers to combat sexism on both the personal and political level. The Theocrats felt that if women were using their psychic abilities to fight against men, it would distract them from discovering and fighting Theocratic mind control. Even more important, these negative uses of magic would eventually give conscious psychic training and practice a bad reputation, so the Theocrats would find it easier to discourage them completely.

The significance grows when we ourselves learn how to decode the bar codes into numbers and prove to ourselves that the numbers 666 are the universally hidden numbers. It grows some more when we learn about the great secrecy that surrounds the creation of the Universal Product Code.

The center of power geographically recides in Great Britian. That does not mean New York, Zurich, Rome, Paris and Moscow, etc. aren't important. These cities also are centers of their power. Through a vast number of organizations the world has been brought under their control.

Under new names and, to a measure, with new interpretation, the old wisdom which guided the destinies of ancient peoples is being reconsidered and restored. It becomes increasingly more evident that wisdom and understanding alone can can bestow the security and happiness which all men still seek as the foundation of a useful life. The shadowy forms of the venerated sages and prophets of the Golden Age rise again, inviting our appreciation. Though long exiled from the sphere of mortal purposes, these noblest of men are being re-established as the great teachers of the human race. The mystery religions of antiquity, which flourished long before the rise of the modern way of life, have been brought into clear focus by progressive leaders in the fields of psychology and comparitive religion.

If man chooses not to obey, and insists on seeking truth on his own, he invariably must discard logic and reason and turns to mysticism, the occult and the mystery religions including Hinduism. In order to achieve his delusion of godhead, the initiate is encouraged to leave reality by using drugs, self-hypnosis, ectastic activity such as rigorous physical and sexual activity, psycotic states of the mind and trances.

Many criminal cases showing clues of Masonic involvement have the Masonic clues ignored by the police and the press.

The highest ranking Satanists teach their children that the demons are aliens from other planets. Within the Satanic covens one variety of demons looks like E.T. (but also can have more hair) are common and they serve as guardians. Also a grey type of demon with almond eyes associated with UFOs is also working closely with the high ranking Satanic Illuminati.

According to occultists, Magic is merely the use of hidden laws to bring about the will. Every person has a spark of divinity—an inner God, also called an angel or Holy Guardian Angel. The Magician is to get in touch with his Angel—his divinity.

Public channeling is mass hypnosis. "Through speech cadence, orchestrated body and hand movements, voice inflections, and invisible demonic powers that fill the room, the spirit weaves a hypnotic web of rainbow-gilded infiltration. Not only do the participants take in false information but, more deeply, they absorb the permeating influences of the demon's formidable powers into the heart, mind, soul, and spirit. Often, a type of open-eyed trance-state overtakes the listeners with a sense of relaxation, pleasant tingling sensations, and rapt fascination with the goings-on.

Channeling is indeed a blending, a merging, a touching, between humans and disincarnate spirits. However, behind the oh-so-friendly and wise fascade are demons who touch to deceive, blend to invade, and merge to possess. They come with an olive branch of peace, love and universal brotherhood in one hand, and a smoking gun concealed behind their back in the other.

There may be various marks placed on the forehead, or third eye area . The significant item is the location. In recent years the Watchtower Society has been warning their people that they need a mark on the forehead to get into the New

The smokescreens put out by the Masonic Lodge are so thick they come close to choking any investigator. Masonic deception and lies are so numerous that any truth loving person should get sick to the stomach. Unfortunately, often when Christians investigate the Lodge, they swallow whatever line the Masons give them— EVEN THOUGH MASONIC LITERATURE ITSELF EXPOSES THEIR LIES.

Indeed, Satan's closest worshippers have been shrouded in the deepest secrecy. Each of the top Satanists have at least one cover. That cover is a life that they live in the public's view. They may be a mayor of a town, a business leader, or a Christian evangelist. The primary goal is that the cover makes them look good to the public, or at least too powerful for people to believe criticism of them.

The Greys are logic-based and operate on base animal survival or predatory instincts and in most cases are emotionally insensitive to humans, and like other reptilian entities they ’feed’ off of human and animal vital fluids by rubbing a ’liquid protein’ formula on their bodies, which is then absorbed through the skin. The Greys are reportedly EXTREMELY deceitful and although they act on ’logic’, to them it is ’logical’ to use extremely complex forms of deception to bring about their goals.
These Grays have no stomach and digest their food by absorption through the skin or under their tongue. They have been cloning themselves instead of the practice of reproduction we use on Earth. Each time they reclone, however, the genetic copy becomes weaker, which is part of their problem. Their attitude towards humans is tolerance towards inferiors. They are technologically superior, however, spiritually and socially backwards.

The specific aim of the Reptilians and the Greys is to take over planet Earth through covert mind control methods, much like the Illuminati and Secret Government is trying to do on Earth. These two groups are intimately connected. Most people think of world takeover only in terms of military means such as bombs and guns. They don’t need to do this if they can control the people, and world leaders through mind control, hypnosis, and brain implants. The key question is, What do we do to stop this? Our government has sold us out because of their greed for power and world domination and now they can’t stop what they have started. The first step is for the people of Earth to reclaim the world's governments.
We must force the governments to release all the knowledge they have about extraterrestrials to the world at large. Half the battle is won if the people of the world know what they are dealing with. If people knew what was happening they would not be so much on automatic pilot. The only way to protect ourselves is through the strength of our consciousness. If a person is attuned to God and the Masters, and owns their personal power, and has self mastery over their energies, they have nothing to worry
about. The world needs to wake up spiritually and psychologically, and stop being victims. It is this victim consciousness that allows them to be abducted and manipulated.

If ever you sense them around, just pray, affirm, and visualize protection for yourself. Your connection with God and the Masters will bring you immediate protection. The only true hope for this planet is a mass spiritual awakening which, in truth, is beginning to occur. This spiritual awakening must also lead us into political action to remove the Secret Government and Illuminati from power. It is these beings that are controlled and manipulated, implanted, and hypnotized by the negative extraterrestrials. Part of our strength is also to think as individuals. The Greys are a group memory complex that has very little ability to think on their own. It is time now to make people aware of what is really going on. Share this information and others like it with your friends. Do more research on your own. If enough people become aware, the one hundredth monkey effect will begin to occur. It is already happening. The people reading this book are the Light bearers for the new age. It will only happen if we do it. The world will change when we change it. This change begins in consciousness, which leads to individual and group action. The Secret Government, Illuminati, and negative extraterrestrials are more vulnerable now than ever before.

Those cycles are periods in which perspectives or motions are repeated. Some of these cycles occur in time and space as you know them and some do not. All changes occur and recur within the eternal flow, now after the blindness of the last 5725 years, you on your Terra are about to regain yourselves. It is and will be such an unprecedented change that it will be, for many, very difficult to grasp their own potential. It is a turning point on your world, which none of your planets' forefathers were privileged to experience.

This drama that we all have created is evolving all selves in a very unique way. And, regardless of where one is in conscious reality, we are all participants. We are all experiencing change. For those choosing to remain unaware, they, without realizing, shall be at a loss to know how to interrupt the momentous happenings in our densities. In your times now, remember that as reconstruction advances, destruction also increases. In any drama there are tyrant characters and virtuous ones. And nearly always the virtuous ones are harassed and tormented by the tyrants. The dream or drama ends with the virtuous victorious. This is ordained in the drama taking place in our galaxy. The present changes are of at present on an inconceivable magnitude.

The mind set or consciousness of the majority of the races in this region is service to self and as such they are always subverting, invading and manipulating less advanced races using their technology for control and domination. This is a very old and ancient war with the peace that does exist always being tested by these beings that believe fear rules and love is weak, that the less fortunate are meant to be slaves.

Building an honest and healthy race of human beings, means producing a world of leaders of the true law of ONENESS. Development of faith, integrity, and character is both the starting point and the end result. This will make all people capable human beings. Being a leader is to help develop people, and to help people develop into self-responsibility; to be spiritually mature and free to cultivate voluntary introspection. Mankind can develop remarkably, even under adverse circumstances. When Earth awakens to her mission and towards her great objective, we have full faith that you all will be successful, and a source of great pride to us all.

The Dow are a small group of Greys that are responsible for many abduction/detentions. They have very little emotional development, but do possess very strong telepathic powers. These powers are often used to deceive and conceal their true motives and objectives. Their race is struggling to assure their own self-preservation but, as of yet, they have not met with any true success. Unable to attach a soul to their own hybrid bodies, they must strip off energy layers of abductee's soul bodies. This energy is then "fed" to infant hybrids in attempts to sustain their life. This same technology is also used to disembody, capture, and contain a soul for future use. They are clearly regressive in nature.

The Dow are out for their own survival and will do anything to us, without compassion or understanding of what their actions will or have done to us. The most necessary action now, for all of you who are aware, is to do what you are capable of to illuminate your degenerated societies.

One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present time. The most effective way to fight the Grays is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness. Your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, is that you are not hive-minded collective thinkers, though many of you do fall into that category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and are therefore easily controlled by the Grays. It is your INDIVIDUALITY which is your best weapon, because it is the one weapon you have that the Grays do not have. The major weakness of the Grays, their area of vulnerability, their Achilles heel, is their inability to think as individuals. They are an extremely telepathic high-tech society, but as individuals they are not creative thinkers. They take orders well, but they do not conceptualize well. They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection to the source of ALL THAT IS, which is the ineffable Godhead, no matter what name you may call it. That is your key to victory...

The black magic rituals we know as Satanism are the modern expression of the rituals and human sacrifice in ancient Babylon and the Brotherhood infiltrated societies of the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian, peoples, among many others across the world. It has been a seamless procession through history of the same rituals to the same deities and this remains of fundamental importance to the initiates of the Brotherhood today. My use of the term Satanism has nothing to do with the Christian version of Satan. I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it may seem; to most people, is commonplace all over the world today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive, negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries. Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, there is no end to them. Satanism perverts everything positive in the same way that the Nazis took a positive symbol, the swastika, and turned it around to symbolise the negative.This is why the Satanists invert the pentagram and why they use black to symbolise the darkness, hence their Black Mass. But they also reverse the symbolism of white and that is a powerfully negative colour to them. The Satanic networks, under the names of their various deities, were created by the Babylonian Brotherhood to serve their needs. We have seen that the accounts of the Watchers and their offspring, the Nefilim, include references to their blood drinking activities. The Brotherhood know that blood contains the life-force energy. Drinking menstrual blood has always been a feature of the reptilian bloodlines because they need blood to live in this dimension.

It was known as the Star Fire, the female lunar essence. The female menstrual cycle is governed by the cycles of the Moon and the blood contains that energy. Its ingredients are supposed to ensure a long life. In India it was called soma and in Greece it was ambrosia. This was said to be the nectar of the gods and it was the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers. The 'holy grail' chalice or cup is also symbolic of the womb and ~ drinking menstrual blood, as well as being a symbol of the reptilian 'royal' bloodline itself. Menstrual blood was provided for the Elite of the reptilian 'royal' line by virgin priestesses and this is the origin of the term 'Scarlet Woman' or, to the Greeks, 'Sacred Woman'. The Greek word for this, Hierodulai, was eventually translated into English as harlot and into German as 'hores", the origin of whore. The word ritual derives from this practice (ritu = redness) and so do the words rite and red. Menstrual blood is one reason why the colour red is so important to Satanists and it is another reason for the constant use of the colour gold by the 'royal' bloodlines. Gold is called the metal of the gods, but to the Anunnaki of the Sumerian Tablets, menstrual blood was the 'gold of the gods'. The reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they are drinking the person's life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension. They will often shape-shift into reptilians when drinking human blood and eating human flesh, I am told by those who have seen this happen. Blood drinking is in their genes and an Elite high priestess or 'Mother Goddess' in the hierarchy, who performed rituals for the Brotherhood at the highest level, told me that without human blood the reptilians cannot survive in this dimension.

Satanism is based on the manipulation of energy and consciousness. These deeply sick rituals create an energy field, a vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness of the participants to the reptilians and other consciousness of the lower fourth dimension. This is the dimensional field, also known as the lower astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, hate and so on. When a ritual focuses these emotions, as Satanism does, a powerful connection is made with the lower fourth dimension, the reptilians; These are some of the 'demons' which these rituals have been designed to summon since this whole sad story began thousands of years ago. This is when so much possession takes place and the reptilians take over the initiate's physical body. The leading Satanists are full-blood reptilians cloaked in human form. These rituals invariably take place on vortex points and so the terror, horror, and hatred, created by them enters the global energy grid, and affects the Earth's magnetic field. Thought forms of that scale of malevolence hold down the vibrational frequency and affect human thought and emotion. Go to a place where Satanic rituals take place and feel the malevolence and fear in the atmosphere. What we call 'atmosphere' is the vibrational field and how it has been affected by human thought forms.

Long ago in the dark unwritten pages of human history, powerful kings discovered how they could control other men by torture, magical practices, wars, politics, religion and interest taking. These elite families designed strategies and tactics to perpetuate their occult practices. Layers upon layers of secrecy have hidden these families from the profane masses, but many an author has touched upon their existence.

The demonic forces that have manifested themselves in National Socialism and International Socialism (aka Communism) demonized much of Europe. So much so that Europe officially portrays itself as a beast with Venus on it on a stamp commemorating the Second election of the European Parliament, and also as the same forces that tried to build the Tower of Babel on an official poster. Not only are the same demons that led communist leaders and nazi leaders operating in Europe’s leaders, but there are armies of demons trampling over anything of moral value in Europe. It can be said without a doubt that the ,,man" who rules the One-World-Government will derive his power from a demonic supernatural source. According to Revelations, God is going to have an angel open up a key to the abyss and teeming hordes of demonic spirits shall be decending upon the earth. My conclusion is that Satan has so many Anti-Christs available that Hitler’s personal occult power is not necessary for the New World Order’s success.

The Illuminati have refined the art of deception far beyond what the common man has imagined. The very life and liberty of humanity requires the unmasking of their deceptions. Honesty is a necessary ingredient for any society to function successfully. Deception has become a national pastime, starting with our business and political leaders and cascading down to the grass roots. The deceptions of the Illuminati's mind-control may be hidden, but in their wake they are leaving tidal waves of distrust that are destroying America. While the CIA pretend to have our nations best interest at heart, anyone who has seriously studied the consequences of deception on a society will tell you that deception will seriously damage any society until it collapses. Lies seriously damage a community, because trust and honesty are essential to communication and productivity. Trust in some form is a foundation upon which humans build relationships. When trust is shattered human institutions collapse. If a person distrusts the words of another person, he will have difficulty also trusting that the person will treat him fairly, have his best interests at heart, and refrain from harming him. With such fears, an atmosphere of death is created that will eventually work to destroy or wear down the cooperation that people need. The millions of victims of total mind-control are stripped of all trust, and they quietly spread their fears and distrust on a subconscious level throughout society. One problem about lies is that one lie will call for another and then another. It's hard to keep lies single. They seem to want to breed more of their kind to protect themselves. Soon the liar becomes a victim of his own lies, trapped in a dishonest web that demands lots of energy to protect his false fronts. This is the sad fate that the intelligence agencies have painted themselves into. They must maintain groups that oversee their double-agents' lies to insure that the lies that they have disseminated don't contradict themselves. Finally, they have put out so much disinformation, they lose track of reality themselves.

With a hair as dark as ebony, the skin as white as snow and the lips as red as blood, Snow White's appearance corresponds to the alchemical principles that constitute the foundations of the Hermetic philosophy. In the middle ages, alchemists theorized that in order to transform lead into gold, the lead should go through a process of purification which was divided into three stages: blackening, reddening and whitening. The final stage was when all imperfections were burned away and the lead finally enabled the gold, hidden inside, to emerge from the ashes.

In fact, not only was Snow White's appearance associated to alchemy, but the whole story tells the story of a purification – the brute soul that needs to burn imperfections away in order to become enlightened and reveal a golden spirit.

The seven dwarfs represent the seven planes of consciousness that ancient philosophers believed to exist in the universe as well as inside each person. These planes correspond to the physical realm (body, sensations, emotions and concrete mind) and spiritual realm (pure mind, intuition, will).

According to the ancient knowledge, when all seven planes of consciousness are aligned in perfect harmony, a person becomes enlightened and pure. But, this is no easy task as most humans struggle to overcome the traps of emotions, passions and desires, becoming very attached to the lower instincts of the physical realm, abandoning the spiritual life that should govern the soul.

When Snow White finds the house of the seven dwarfs, everything is a mess and the house is dirty, so she starts to clean the house symbolizing the process of purification in which must clean the imperfections of her soul so that the seven instances of consciousness (dwarfs) can live in harmony.

In many different philosophical traditions, the apple, because of its shape and colour, symbolizes the heart. The evil queen, disguised as an old lady, offers the apple to Snow White and tells her that specific apple could make dreams come true.

According to the ancient wisdom, all the obstacles of life, and the suffering that derive from them, are a result of a person's attachment to the material desires or worldly pleasures. Buddhist philosophy says that the physical world is an illusion, and one should not be attached to the illusory pleasures. When this happens, a person falls into a profound state of ignorance, symbolized by Snow White's death.

The Dwarf races are allegedly just as human as surface peoples but average between 3 to 4 ft. in height, although at times they have been seen as small as two feet. As with the ’giants’ or ’Els’ this diminutivity may have resulted in a genetic anomaly which ran it’s course due to the separation of their race(s) from the International ’gene pool’. They allegedly live in subterranean systems to a large extent as a ’protective’ measure.

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