Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Zum finalen Senseabschlussende habe ich hier für meine verblendeten Satanistenfeinde und manipulierten Zombiesklaven nochmal ein schön fettes und ziemlich vollständiges Wahrheitspäckchen geschnürt mit den wichtigsten Fakten zum absoluten TOPthema dieser besonderen Erdevolutionsphase. FULL disclosure and revelation of the best kept secrets ever. The lifting of the veil. Damit man diese TOTALterroristen auch noch jagen wird, wenn wir nicht mehr hier sind. Denn es wird wohl noch eine ganze Weile dauern bis die schlafende Menschheit ihr wahres Monstergesicht erkennt und sich endlich von diesen Extremtyrannen befreien will/wird. Wenn überhaupt. Denn wenn das noch lange so weiter geht, werden sie wohl kaum eine Chance mehr haben. Jetzt oder nie. Wir haben es ja x-mal gesagt. Man kann sich diesbezüglich nur wiederholen. Ich weiss sowieso nicht wie lange ich diesen Blog noch weiter führen kann/will/werde. Langsam aber sicher möchte ich hier ausbrechen. Die letzten Grenzen sprengen und endlich frei sein. Mich weder vom System noch von anderen Gruppierungen instrumentalisieren oder missbrauchen lassen. Das Wohl der Menschheit und Erde stehen natürlich immer noch im Vordergrund aber das Umfeld und die Bedingungen müssen sich nun ändern damit meine Arbeit weiterhin Früchte tragen kann. Ich mich meiner Bestimmung gemäss entfalten kann. Unter diesen einschränkenden Umständen kann ich das nicht. Ich bin es auch leid noch länger darauf zu warten, dass sich hier etwas ändert oder irgend jemand mal auf die glorreiche Idee kommt endlich aufzuräumen und reinen Tisch zu machen. Der Verlust, der durch diese extreme Verzögerung entsteht, ist einfach zu gross. Vorallem betrifft es nicht nur mich sondern auch viele andere Menschen, die massiv unter dieser Illusionsrealität leiden und auf unser Wissen und unsere Fähigkeiten angewiesen sind. Indem man uns hier schon fast zwanghaft unterdrückt und verleumdet, raubt man vielen die Möglichkeit aufzuwachen und weiterzukommen. Mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten. Und das wäre in dieser entscheidenden Phase unserer Geschichte ein grober Fehler. Ich bin nicht bereit das weiter aufs Spiel zu setzen nur weil ein ganzes Land sich weigert der Wahrheit ins allsehende Auge zu blicken und die nötigen Veränderungen vorzunehmen um dieser äusserst bedenklichen Entwicklung möglichst rasch entgegenzuwirken. Uns zu unterstützen und zu fördern damit wir für alle eine Besserung herbei führen können. Wozu wir sogar im Stande wären. Ich werde darum selber eine Entscheidung treffen müssen, wenn alle anderen unfähig sind zu handeln. Denn ich sehe das gesamte Weltbild und weiss, dass meine ursprüngliche Geistherzarbeit auf diesem Planeten dringender benötigt wird als Beweise für diese traurige Systemkorruption zu sammeln und darauf aufzupassen. Es gibt wirklich viel wichtigeres zu tun jetzt und wer das immer noch nicht wahr haben und uns weiter behindern will, wird bald erkennen, dass man uns weder kontrollieren noch einsperren kann. Wir machen was, wo und wann wir es wollen. Das Universum ist unser Zuhause und Gott unsere Familie. Wir brauchen weder euch noch dieses System um zu leben. Es geht sogar noch viel besser ohne. Wir wollten euch damit eine Chance geben aufzuwachen. Euch auf den richtigen Weg zu besinnen aber wie es scheint, lasst ihr euch immer noch von diesen Illusionisten blenden und einschüchtern. Wir aber nicht und darum werden wir uns auch schon sehr bald aus dem Staub machen. Alles hat eine Grenze und wir haben bereits mehr als genug geopfert um euch die Wahrheit hinter dieser Scheinrealität aufzuzeigen. Es wird Zeit sich wieder anderen Prioritäten zu widmen anstatt uns noch länger an euch Totalschlafmützen zu verschwenden. Wir wollen endlich einen Schritt weiter gehen, ob mit oder ohne euch spielt am Ende eigentlich keine Rolle mehr. Wir haben getan, was wir konnten. Jetzt liegt es an euch, was ihr daraus macht. Wir haben noch andere Aufgaben in dieser Welt, die wir für euch nicht länger verschieben wollen. Denn für alle, die es immer noch nicht wissen: Die Zukunft von uns allen steht hier auf dem Spiel und lässt keine weiteren Verschiebungen mehr zu. Auch wenn es für viele einfacher scheint weiterhin den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken. So werden wir diese Probleme nie lösen. Das einzige, was jetzt noch zählt, sind Taten und ich sehe hier leider kaum Fortschritte. Schliesslich gehört auch etwas Mut dazu neue Wege zu gehen und der scheint bei den meisten schon abhanden gekommen zu sein. Ansonsten wäre hier doch schon lange mal was passiert. Abwarten und Tee trinken, wird in diesem Fall leider nur noch tiefer ins Verderben führen. Ist also nicht zu empfehlen. Wir müssen JETZT handeln bevor es zu spät ist. Wir keinen Spielraum mehr haben weil uns die Wahrheit gnadenlos überrollen und unter sich begraben wird. Wir wissen das und darum haben wir auch all das Leid auf uns genommen um euch zu zeigen, was in Wirklichkeit hinter den Kulissen abgeht. Euch aufzurütteln. Aber ihr könnt von uns nicht verlangen, dass wir noch länger warten bis ihr dieses Wissen umsetzen und anwenden könnt. Wir sind viel weiter als die meisten und brauchen ganz andere Herausforderungen um unsere Ziele zu erreichen. Es war ok solange es gedauert hat aber nun spüre ich, dass die Situation sich jetzt verändern muss weil sie sonst nur noch schädlich ist. Keinen sinnvollen Zweck mehr erfüllt. Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn ihr das von euch aus begriffen und uns geholfen hättet dies zu verwirklichen aber wie es scheint seid ihr dazu noch nicht in der Lage. Schade eigentlich, denn ich denke wir hätten hier gemeinsam viel bewirken können. Doch unter diesen Umständen ist das nicht möglich und wir müssen für uns eine andere Lösung finden, wenn wir der Welt helfen wollen. So kommen wir hier nicht mehr weiter. Unsere Talente und positiven Eigenschaften sollen nicht diesen Psychopathen zum Opfer fallen und weiterhin blockiert werden. Das lasse ich nicht zu und darum scheue ich auch nicht davor zurück radikale Schritte einzuleiten und die Konsequenzen daraus zu ziehen. Notfalls alles hinter mir zu lassen und irgendwo neu anzufangen. Es bleibt mir ja fast nichts anderes übrig, wenn man mich hier weiterhin ignoriert und alleine lässt. Ich habe dieser Welt viel zu geben und lasse mich davon nicht abhalten. Weder von diesem Satansystem noch von schlafenden und ignoranten Menschen. Und von unseren Alienfreunden schon gar nicht. Vielleicht ist es sogar das beste mich nun auch etwas vermehrt mit denen ihren Problemen zu befassen, die für euer Bewusstsein ja noch in weiter Ferne liegen. Was euch aber am Ende ja auch wieder helfen wird. Ihr müsst zuerst mal eure eigene missliche Lage durchschauen bevor ihr euch mit Wesen aus anderen Welten befassen könnt. Für mich wäre das wenigstens mal wieder eine echte Herausforderung. Daneben werde ich mir aber auch wieder mal für alle die Menschen Zeit nehmen wollen, die zu sich selber finden und mehr über die Wahrheit erfahren wollen. Denn darin bin ich gut und das ist es auch, was mich erfüllt und glücklich macht. Alles andere ist langsam nur noch eine unnötige Belastung. Wenn mans mal durchschaut hat, wird es schnell mal langweilig. Und an diesem Punkt bin ich nun angelangt. Euch im Kreis drehen und von diesen korrupten Satanistenpennern herum kommandieren lassen, könnt ihr auch alleine. Dazu braucht ihr uns nicht. Darum wird es langsam aber sicher höchste Zeit zu neuen Horizontufern aufzubrechen bevor wir hier versauern. Eurer Trägheit und Feigheit zum Opfer fallen. Auf etwas warten, dass offensichtlich nie passieren wird. Denn sonst wäre es doch schon geschehen. Nicht wahr. Verarschen kann ich mich selber. Wisst ihr ja. Darum helfe ich uns jetzt auch lieber selber und beende diese Horrorshow bevor wir noch daran zu Grunde gehen. Der erlittene Schaden zu gross wird um geheilt zu werden. Genug ist genug. Und das ist es jetzt definitiv. Ich werde nicht länger zuschauen wie mein Geliebter gequält und missbraucht und wir von einander getrennt werden nur damit ein paar Vollpsychos nicht auffliegen. Ihr euch weiter hinter einer Schweigemauer verstecken könnt. NO WAY! Wacht auf oder bleibt zurück. Eure Entscheidung wie immer. Und wie es scheint, habt ihr sie schon gefällt sonst hätte sich doch schon lange mal jemand offiziell bei mir gemeldet oder diese Menschensklaven endlich befreit. Es gibt wirklich keinen vernünftigen Grund noch länger zu zögern und uns im Stich zu lassen. Ausser ihr wollt euch alle gegenseitig in den Abgrund ziehen. Und darauf haben wir ganz sicher kein Bock. Da könnt ihr schön alleine hingehen während wir mal eine Runde abheben und zum höchsten Licht hinauf fliegen. Dahin, wo wir alles finden, was wir brauchen.


The headquarters of the secret international governing body in charge of dealing with the ET phenomenon is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of representatives of the governments involved as well as the executive members of the group known as the Bilderburgers. As I have said the British, American and Russian governments are working very closely together because of the Grey/Reptilian threat to the planet. Although the situation is so horrendous that these governments have shattered into panicked factions, some of which have ’sold out’ and are directly helping the Greys and Reptilians. 

They know I'm safe and extremely protected by the Most High Himself. I have sources that are astounded I'm still alive. There have been many plans, plots, and countless assassination attempts against me. They know it, I know it, and I could care less...I outrank them all.

These Illuminati serpent seedline families don't even know what it really means to be alive. They have been controlled puppets and slaves, tormented, tortured and abused from the time they were born and it continues throughout their whole lives.

As a toddler your sexually abused repeatedly so your brain splits and fragments into many different alter personalities becoming MPD/DID. These alters are then programmed to act in a certain way. No matter what your other alters are one is always permanent, and that's a sexual alter, one that is created and used to be used as a sex slave to others in their community.

As a child they're taught to kill animals and even other children. They're starved, beaten, tortured, and tormented so they can control your brain, thoughts, beliefs, and how you view yourself, the world, and those around you.

They are forced to participate in satanic ritual ceremonies of animal and human sacrifices, drinking blood, eating human flesh and organs, eating feces and drinking urine. As a child most of them have probably witnessed and even been the victim of beastiality. They learn weakness such as compassion (what they consider weakness) can get them killed, and so they brave through everything that's thrown at them just to survive. Their parents aren't a loving mom and dad, but the puppet masters who pimp them out to scientists, underground bases, and for sexual favors to others...and yet they grow up in love with their abusers, and to go along to get along and survive...and most importantly...how to keep their mouths shut.

Satan is their god. They know him well from a very young age. They learn they must please him or 'else.' To them he's the ultimate provider and giver as long as they do what they're told, perform the rituals, and make him happy.

This is the world they grow up in and live in. And when they have children it's repeated for them as well. That's why they're called generational satanists.

You can never do enough for Satan. If you joined the Brotherhood or whatever occult group you're in, you know this very well. You can never have enough sacrifices, eat enough poop, drink enough urine, eat enough humans, drink enough of their blood, or have enough orgies and sexual rituals with humans or animals. He's always pushing for more, more, and more. Especially if you're involved with higher up Satanic groups that include the offspring of the Illuminati families..they don't sacrifice animals, they prefer babies.

And they never sleep. When most people are sleeping, they're having rituals or travelling. They travel ALOT. They do rituals with people all over the world in various countries and states. They also have to plan and implement a lot of mayhem that will cause death or suffering because as a servant, soldier, or minister of Satan's, or whatever they refer to themselves as, they have to have a ministry to him. Satan mocks and mimics not only everything the Most High has or does, but the churches as well. Also, depending on the works you accomplish for Satan determines your status and rank within their organizations and groups or cultic group and not only on the inside, but on the outside (job/career) as well.

What types of works they perform:
- creating and operating child and adult sex slave rings
- pornography - creation of videos, movies, websites, etc..to lure, defile, and destroy those who are lured into watching it and becoming obsessed with it.
- pedophilia - creation of videos, movies, websites etc..obtaining children to be used and abused (Walt Disney kids, child actors, prime targets).
- snuff films (pornographic children films where one of them is then killed at the end)
- drug trafficking
- abductions/kidnappings for sacrifices (thousands of children and adults are needed every year for the various groups)
- promotion of homosexuality, sexual perversions, abortion, and any other ungodly thing that destroys the foundation of the family or the murder of innocents.
- food contamination resulting in recalls, cancers, and deaths (the media blames it on ecoli or whatever reason but they are well planned and orchestrated). Also the purposeful poisoning of our food and soft drinks via fast food restaurants, soda pop companies, food processing manufacturers, etc..
- senseless killings (how random do you really think murder/suicides are? They can control people via chip implants and coerce them into killing their wives, children, school students, or other people at random or in general). Many of these are orchestrated in our federal agencies and then a pawn is found to fulfill it...they have 'eyes' everywhere, even in your community where they find people to be selected to become 'murderers."
- random acts of violence
- planting cancer causing agents in our food, water, air, or into things we put on our skin such as makeup, deodorant, soaps, washing powders etc..
- vaccines (putting harmful chemicals and chips into vaccines that cause damage to human dna and causes cancers, tumors, and develop diseases in these children as they become adults or the reaction can be so instant it will affect them as children immediately.
- Pharmaceutical drugs - disguised to help people many of the anti-depressants harm them instead and can lead into mental illnesses and demonic oppression/possession which makes them 'numb' to everything.

They have everything covered and never stop thinking of creating new ways to cause cancers, health problems, change your dna via chemicals and poisonings, and death. Also ways to destroy people via drugs, sexual perversions, abductions for sacrifices, senseless killings and it goes on and on.

And of course the owners of these companies/corporations, CEOs, Board of Directors etc.. and those directly involved get 'points' as well for helping operate, implement and establish products or services that cause harm and death to people. That's why you will often see known satanists on corporate boards etc..and always the same ones involved with everything. At least by now you'll have a pretty good idea in being able to recognize who and where they are.

Another huge area is in education and 'Think Tanks' where public policies are created. This is where they create ways to implement Satan's agenda on earth and then forward them to Congress to adopt via legislation or the president via unconstitutional and illegal Executive Orders. Almost all the 'big dog' satanists are involved with Think Tanks as well as secret society organizations such as the CFR or Trilateral Commission and a myriad of the other ones such as Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Knights Templar, Eastern Star etc..

But if you think it's a fancy jet setting, luxury and privileged type of life to have, it will quickly make you realize it's not worth it once you're involved. One of the things I always hear about is the constant harassment of demons they suffer as a result of being initiated into Satanism. They hear audible voices, almost like schizophrenia but I imagine much worse since there are many demons that inhabit the person. The voices will yell and scream at them telling them things to do, or demand the person praise them or blaspheme God. I have been told by those who suffer with this that the only way to silence the voices is to drink alcohol which is why many of them have drinking problems and end up becoming alcoholics.

Why do they stay in it? Because they are forced to...do it or die. Once the recruitment phase is over and you are initiated into the Brotherhood, there's no getting out. However many of them wouldn't leave anyway because they don't want to lose the wealth and status they've obtained and if they left their fortunes would be stolen and lost (and no one would help them the legal systems protect the Satanists). If they were to leave to 'follow Jesus i.e. Yahushua" they would be killed. As far as Satan is concerned there is no greater disloyalty, shame, or blasphemy to him than to leave him to become a follower of Yahushua.

Time is winding down for this NWO cabal and the families that have implemented it and controlled it worldwide. And those who are involved and initiated into it via directly or indirectly through secret societies, groups, and organizations. Many are in denial, but the writing is on the wall. They have been led to believe that they are special and protected by Satan himself. They are going to find out real soon how little he really thinks of them.

Satan hates humans. He doesn't care how much of his blood in them they have, what they've done for him, how hard they have worked for him or how loyal to him they have been. It will never be enough because at the end of the day, they are still human and made in the image of God.

The time is NOW to show real sincerity in turning away from evil and renounce Satan and the works of darkness while they are alive and can prove they are sincere in their repentance and love for Yahushua. And to those reading or hearing this who are satanists, is your greed greater or more important than your soul? Is it really worth it to gain the world and lose your soul? You can be forgiven if you seek Him. But you must seek Him before He closes the Door! Seek Him now don't wait!

This civilization on earth contained the ancient cities of Atlantis and Lemuria and had inter-galactic trade with other planets such as Mars, Venus, and the others within our solar system. When Lucifer rebelled against the Most High as the reigning cherub over all these planets, he instigated a multi-planet rebellion bringing the Lord's wrath of hailstones of fire against all the planets involved. Entire angelic civilizations were destroyed, and many of these angels involved that did not face His immediate judgment of imprisonment were forced into the hollow areas of their respective planets to survive.

After the Most High had had enough of their rebellion, and having given them plenty of time to repent for doing so, He utterly destroyed their homes and civilizations. The planets were all destroyed with hailstones of fire, and those who rebelled were cast into imprisonment or forced to make homes in the inside hollow cavities of their respective planets to live in. As part of their judgment, they lost their angelic looks and appearance and became ugly grotesque looking beings.

Right now there are Reptilians in the White House, Draconians in the Vatican, and Greys in our skies abducting people around the world to use in breeding experiments, and for many, even eating them. Measures our government has agreed to cooperate to with these evil twisted beings to keep these things silent and has funded disinformation and discredited campaigns, projects, magazines and organizations to keep the truth from ever being discovered. Which is why, today, the official denial of the existence of UFO's and aliens is, in fact, an official denial. In exchange, they have reaped alien technology through black operations and have carved out of the earth underground joint human and alien bases where this exchange of technology and learning takes place. All funded by the tax payers.

These Watchers came to earth to be kings, emperors, priests, shaman, tuitongas, manitous, pharaohs, gods, and goddesses. They are the titans, pans, gods, goddesses, and fawns of Greek and Roman mythology. They have supernatural strength, psychic powers, and, often times, have six fingers and six toes. They want us to believe mythology is merely fiction, but it is not. Almost all of the characters are based on real Watchers or their hybrid children who played those roles while on earth. Yes, a lot of it is dressed up to make these characters heroes and gods and goddesses, but you can glean some real truth concerning what was going on back then, minus the garbage they threw in to make them all nice fairytales.

The Anuk are known to be shapeshifters and cannibals. They sacrifice humans, drink blood, levitate objects, astral travel, report the future, practice magical arts, and teach the art of war. They are the masters of astronomy and astrology. They taught mankind abortion so that they could keep certain women beautiful for sexual pleasure.
They are the creators of the alien hybrid greys and UFOs of modern times.
They can shapeshift into reptilian form and then back into their own.
They can be 7-9 feet tall on average.
They are the armies of the Antichrist.
They are the inhabitants of hollow Nibiru.
They will be enforcers of the mark of the beast.

The mixing of fallen angel/alien with human DNA led to a giantism defect in the DNA of the hybrid offspring and an eventual, almost complete, contamination of, not only the human DNA, but the animals as well (beastiality was common). By the time Yahweh destroyed the world with a flood because of this contamination and to destroy the hybrid giants and deformed animals, only one family on earth was left with pure human DNA. But even after the flood, the Watchers kept revolting, and even more were punished and cast out of heaven, losing their first estate and habitation as they continued to defile women and human DNA.

They are creating the foundation for the biggest deception that has ever been perpetrated on mankind. That mankind is a creation of these Aliens and that they are our gods, and therefore, there is no real God; the Bible will be wrongfully discredited, and they will proclaim that there are no such things as natural God given rights. It is about World Government and total control over the surviving masses by the elite of the occult secret societies. And that is what these incremental brainwashers will try to do.

These Aliens are not extra terrestrial; they are terrestrial and subterranean. They live within our earth and parts of our sky. The Bible explicitly tells us that Satan is the prince and the power of the air. It also tells us about demons, hell, hybrids and the Nephilim and Annunaki.

The New World Order is a vast network of organizations and secret societies encompassing government and religion. Like the New Age Movement, it is vast network of loose conglomerates all working together to bring about a common cause. In this instance, the New World Order network is working to bring about one world government where the New Age is bringing about a New World Religion of pantheism.

In other words, there is a council of Aliens who rule the earth through their children whom they have placed to dominate the banking, marketing/corporations and governments. These whom we call the Illuminati, are Biblically referred to as Nephilim.

This group of hybrid Illuminati children would dominate in every generation through banking and politics. They would dominate Money and Political Power.

The Illuminati is the uncontaminated strain of hybrid blood. Uncontaminated from being 100% pure human DNA that is. The only way to keep it that way is by interbreeding amongst themselves. They consist of 13 family bloodlines that are ruled by their "parents," also known as, Aliens.

They are a very secretive group of occult practitioners whose strict bloodlines have been around for thousands and thousands of years. It is not a boys' club but a very well structured organization consisting of people in the highest offices of government, politics, entertainment, and religion. These people are the super wealthy, who stand above the law. Many of them don't even appear on the lists of the wealthiest people in the world so that they can remain secret.

There is a huge amount of pressure on the governments to go public on the ET scenario, but there is also a huge amount of pressure on them not to go public as well. We need to demand our government officials tell us the truth about the ET scenario and if they do not we must impeach them.

Purposeful deception is needed among leading Satanist to enslave those who they recruit as unscrupulous and unsuspecting pawns who feel more comfortable believing Satan is a symbol for force. Few Satanists realize the evil intentions among the inner core of Satanists and how they view lower initiates as mere puppets to be used and later discarded. Those in the higher echelon of the movement are often aware of the nature of Satan and the demonic realm that they serve. Not withstanding they are often bound and blinded on another level because they have become addicted to the power that Satan deceptively promises.

Their power lies in the occult and in the economy. Politicians don't run the world, the bankers do. The Illuminati knows very well since the inception of the ages that money creates power and through their children they own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful corporations of industry and trade and they infiltrate and control world politics. They own most governments and control all elections ensuring their candidate always gets elected. Free elections are for entertainment purposes only.

From occult technologies given to them by the Aliens they have developed mind control technology and hypnotic suggestion. By taking over the Movie Industry, the Record companies, and by their control of the Fine Arts, they know how to influence the masses to accept their kind of reality. This makes sense if you look at what kind of "entertainment" we are enforced to enjoy.

What they don't want you to know is that they are shape shifting reptilians. There are two aspects to the Illuminati, the human and the Alien. The human aspect that we see, generation from generation are as children of the Nephilim controlled by their parents, the Anunnaki. It is their hybrid DNA that allows them to shapeshift back and forth between reptile and human forms. An ability that is developed through not only their DNA, but blood drinking and rituals that allows for the presence of reptilian hosts to possess them.

The original Brotherhood of the Snake split up into different groups over time as a result of inner fighting and disagreements. As a result groups such as Freemasonry, Scottish Rite, Rosicrucians, Knights Templars, the Knights of Malta and others were formed but always led by the Illuminati itself. Public relations campaigns have always been the forefront to keep people away from the real purpose of these societies, such as the Freemasons who believe their society is one of charity and good works. Rarely is the true purpose revealed unless an initiate is of the highest ranks. Officially all secret societies are charity organizations and they will go to great lengths to give the public this impression and use those in the lower ranks as pawns for this purpose.

The Illuminati claims to have invented the different religions, sects and cults so the masses would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what they were actually doing. They put themselves in charge of the churches to enslave people and to spread conflicts between religions. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars to serve the agenda of the Brotherhood.

When a person belongs to a secret society they take oaths of loyalty foremost to that society or Brotherhood. That means that person's first loyalty is always to the Brotherhood This means that if this person has a specific post in society (like being President for example), his first loyalty is to the Brotherhood and second to his post as President. So he has in fact double loyalties. Every president swears an oath of loyalty to protect and defend the Constitution of America, yet these societies have an agenda and purpose that betrays and destroys the Constitution.

All of these societies are secretly working toward a one world government not democracy no matter how much double-speak they blab. Neither are they working to protect and defend the freedoms of the people but they devise ways to enslave them under a fascist rule.

Those at the very top of the societies are tested to see whom their loyalty belongs. In Freemasonry at the lower 30 degree levels the initiate is asked to spit on the Christian cross or the Bible. If the initiate refuses he is told he did the right thing, yet never advances from that point on. In fact, most don't even know that Freemasonry goes well beyond the 33rd degree level and all the way up to 360 degrees. If the initiate spits on the cross or Bible he is advanced and allowed to move on up the chart where he is then allowed to become more involved with the real purpose of the Society which is black magic and Satanism and given more knowledge of the secrets of the society.

The world is an illusion. From the time you were born you have been carefully guided into what is real and what isn't, what to believe and what not to. What is the truth and what isn't. History has even been lied about to portray things that weren't the way we think they are or were. The Satanist Serpent Seedliners own the companies that print our textbooks! You were placed inside a box from the time you were born and told "this is how it is, was, and is going to be." Step out of the box.
Take that brave step of deciding you're not going to believe 'man' anymore and start praying and asking the Lord Himself to reveal the truth in all things to you. Only then can the blinders be removed from your eyes and the blocks off your ears so you can see and hear what the truth is.
Your illusions will be shattered.
Step out of the box.

The battle of good and evil. It never stops. A perpetual war from the time you were born. Nevermind the war has gone on for thousands of years behind the scenes in a realm we cannot see. It has always been a war and it is always been a war for your soul, and yet few people understand the depths of it, fewer realize their own role in it.

As humans, we have souls which are our spirits, they are one in the same, they never die, however they live in a flesh body that does. The body will die but the spirit or soul will live on forever. A human is not immortal, but a spirit is.

Some of these very angels, who led the rebellion against Lucifer, begged the Most High to be sent here on earth to be born in bodies of flesh to do it once again in this creation's last days. These are the ones, born from above with a specific purpose and calling on their lives for the last days. The ones who stand up and openly war against Lucifer and his forces, they did it before and they are doing it again now as the prophetic time clock ticks for his arrival on earth and visible rule through the man we call the Antichrist.

As those begotten for these last days come to the knowledge of who they are, there is no stopping them. They will stand and fight fearlessly against Lucifer under the protection of the Most High or support those who do. And when their missions are completed, their protection will be lifted, and they will leave earth and go back home.

Unknown to most people is a dark secret, and it's right under our noses. It's the reality of the existence of DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES. These Underground bases get prominent play in dark rumors circulating about captured extraterrestrials and alien technology. The fringe culture rumors of underground alien-human shenanigans are in reality fed by leaks from questionable individuals, usually with intelligence connections. They are simply a ploy utility for the status quo. The whole captured-alien-hardware story is just a highly elaborate hoax to discredit those exposing the reality of these bases. They are also a cover for the wholesale looting of the federal treasury by the corrupt and cynical secret government.

Function: Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mind control training and reprograming. There are over 3000 real-time video cameras throughout the complex at high-security locations (entrances and exits). Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems. Level 1 - garage for street maintenance. Level 2 - garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and disc maintenance. Level 3 - everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jump suit uniform. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Change in over three dollars requires a physical exam and X-ray. Level 4 - Human research in 'paranormal' areas - mental telepathy, mind control, hypnosis, remote viewing, astral traveling - etc. The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the 'Bioplasmic Body' Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burns and discomfort on it's target. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep 'Delta Waves,' induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain- Computer link. Level 5 -security is severe. Armed guards patrol constantly, and in addition to weight sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. Here, is the device that powers the transfer of atoms. Level 6 - Level 6 is privately called 'Nightmare Hall'. It holds the genetic labs. Experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original forms.

Most will not believe that a Holocaust will happen until they see it happening with their own eyes. Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for them to laugh at. This is no laughing matter. When it happens, it will be to late to stop it. The creation of a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will happen if we do not all wake up and see what is happening.

There is currently an internal war raging in the global intelligence community regarding the alien agenda. This is between negative and positive factions. From my understanding one of the main negative factions is a group centred around MI6 and the CIA called ‘Aquarius‘. This group is covering up the truth, blatantly lying and discrediting or murdering anyone who gets too close to exposing what is going on. There is also a positive group centred around naval intelligence called ’Comm 12’ which is leaking accurate information regarding the alien agenda into the public arena.

The truth of the matter is that the greys and reptilians feed off the glandular secretions and hormones through a type of osmosis. This is why major organs are taken from people. Your mind may want to go into denial that this is happening but if you start digging you will find this is 100% true. On the Crowed skies website there is video smuggled out of the Dulce underground facility that shows greys inside vats absorbing these blood mixtures through their skin.

The workers said the Dulce facility goes down at least seven levels. Level six is privately called ’nightmare hall’ amongst workers. They tell of bizarre experimentation and multi-legged humans that look half human and half octopus, reptilian humanoids, furry creatures with hands like humans that cry like a baby, and mimic human words. Also a huge mixture of lizard humans in cages, several cages of winged humans, three and a half to seven feet tall bat like creatures and gargoyle like beings. In level seven are thousands of rows of human and human genetic mixtures in cold storage, humanoid embryo storage vats with embryos in various stages of development. Other workers said they witnessed scenes even more terrifying than this and refused to talk about them.

I have personally seen intelligence documents of studies into the Grey and Reptilian problem that show they are involved in genetic sabotage of the human race. The Grey and Reptilian alien agenda is to slowly and covertly take over the planet in the next thirty years, reduce the population and run the planet from underground using the surface population as food to be taken when and how they wish. The British, Russian and US government is shooting down around one Grey and Reptilian craft a month with particle beam weapons developed from Tesla technology.

From the moment our senses first register the presence of our parents we are being shown the way that life apparently is. Through no fault of ours or theirs, our parents begin the programming process as their views of life, shaped by their education, employment and the media are imposed on us. Formal education through schools, colleges and universities continues the systematic indoctrination where the 'correct' views and interpretations of science, history and society result in exam passes and the ability to 'get on' in life. Alternative views and the rejection of establishment education lead to supposedly lesser jobs and a struggle against economic poverty. Our entire understanding of the world and current affairs is filtered through the mass media, interpreted by journalists and so-called experts. Their views become our views simply because we are not offered any alternatives. To overcome daily problems within society we turn to elected representatives of our community. We give our decision-making abilities to these few people who are increasingly remote, as local council power is removed to national government and ever more to Europe.

Our experience of life is determined by the framework around our society. The basic premise is that the goal of each individual should be to become a minute part in the global machine of consumerism led by Western multinational corporations and banks. Every other consideration is subordinate to the prime motivation of profit. Obviously, those in the positions of influence – politicians, bankers, corporate executives, media moguls – have been, according to their own definition, 'successful' within the System, so have an interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs. This framework shapes every aspect of our life through education, the media, health care, cultural and sporting events, religion etc.

With these framing conditions in place, the System regulates itself: individuals with attitudes that suit the perpetuation of the System achieve status and influence within it; those who accept the establishment rules soon find ways to impose those rules; those who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism attain positions to promote it. Regardless of how the framework came to be imposed, the truth is that the same attitudes control education, media, governments and banks and therefore exert an irrepressible influence over every aspect of our lives, our thoughts and opinions.

The vast majority of the world's population are merely sheep happily following the herd. Whatever is broadcast in the media as being desirable to the masses suddenly and miraculously becomes desired by the masses. Whatever our neighbour owns or achieves becomes the object of great envy and we lust to acquire what we believe to be ours by right. Thus, when we are shown a solution to a problem, any old solution to anything which interferes with our need to follow the latest trends, we accept it without question and cease to seek any further for ourselves. Problems abound and so do solutions; but it is the easiest and most profitable proffered option which is seized by the majority whilst the minority are trampled underfoot in the stampede to acquire the latest object of idolatry. And just like sheep who follow blindly and without question the direction of the herd, we are led through the gates of a pen to be confined at the shepherds convenience until it is time for the final journey, once again without hesitation and happy in the knowledge that we are with the 'in-crowd', through the gates of the slaughterhouse.

To perpetuate their claim of deserved superiority over the masses, the rulers of the past have explored innumerable ways to achieve their goals, both subtle and violent. One method has been recognised as being the most effective and has been employed by the ruling aristocracy throughout the world since pre-history right up to the present day through governments, businesses and monarchies. That is, by keeping the masses in ignorance of their true potential and power; to keep them at a low level of education, preoccupying their minds away from who they truly are from birth; to manipulate them via a systematic education programme, in all areas of their existence, into channelling their lives in pursuit of handing over power to their rulers. If this can be done in such a way that the masses have no recourse and believe this condition to be the only way to live, then they will be highly unlikely to challenge the status quo.

Mind control experiments, so-called Nazi science, has been on-going for decades using esoteric knowledge about the human psyche. By ridiculing any spiritual interpretation of life and mobilising the forces of conventional science the Elite have convinced the public of the non-existence of psychic, 'higher' levels so it is easy to keep hidden technology which manipulates these levels.

Mass hypnosis is possible by the repetition of a basic theme until it is accepted as fact by the subconscious and then conscious mind. Such messages can be flashed during t.v. programmes or films and are not perceived by the eyes and conscious mind. Alternatively, the mesmerising and sedating effect of television puts the subconscious mind into an ideal state to receive messages sent to the psyche via carrier t.v./radio waves. It is understood by Elite science how, by broadcasting at certain frequencies, non-physical magnetic levels can be imbalanced to cause physical, emotional and mental illness. Technology also exists whereby thoughts can be induced by stimulating brainwaves.

The trade in hard drugs is very important to the Elite for a number of reasons: it provides a source of income to finance other covert operations; it creates a 'problem' for which the public demands a 'solution' of increased police powers and the erosion of personal freedom in an effort to stop the supply; and, by addicting large numbers of particularly the younger generation to hard drugs, self-respect and the ability to think independently are diminished.

All over the world children are hijacked into a life of sexual abuse, psychological and physical torture. They are bought and sold by members of paedophile rings, often by their own parents, who act as 'recruiters' and 'handlers' in the lower echelons of the secret society network. They are systematically abused, tortured and murdered in ritualistic ceremonies by people who occupy places throughout the social hierarchy all the way to the top. Eye witness accounts, such as those given by a friend of mine named Patti who was 'recruited' as a child of three, have implicated members of the aristocracy, doctors, lawyers, members of the clergy, high level businessmen, media stars, members of the world's governments (see Who We Are – Mind Manipulation/Project Monarch).

Sophisticated mind control techniques are used to compartmentalise the memories of the abused to prevent them from revealing the awful truth to the public. Patti has displayed many separate personalities whilst recounting her horrific experiences, displaying the classic symptoms of Multiple Personality Disorder. Often victims are too scared to even mention such things to each other, never mind to strangers. They are brought up in the certain knowledge that they can be easily picked up off the streets or from their beds and drugged for use in abuse at any time. They are fully aware also that their abusers are everywhere, including in the medical professions and police. Victims are ceremonially 'married' to the leaders of the cult and are given their own 'dark companion', a sinister thought-form who will be ever present in order to inform on them if they should ever step out of line. They are often forced to take part in the abuse, murder and disposal of other victims in order to ensure a total attack upon the psyche of the individual concerned and the victim is soon convinced that they have become at least as guilty of these crimes as their assailants. Therefore, they are ever paranoid and terrified of revealing the truth to anyone other that those who have themselves been victims.

Methods of abuse are truly horrendous and include: live burials with the uncertainty of being retrieved, physical mutilation, sexual abuse, the enforced killing of family members and animals which have previously been given as pets, the enforced pregnancy for the purpose of subsequent removal of the child for sacrifice, the enforced drinking of blood, eating of faeces and cannibalism upon bodies of sacrificial victims, general sustained humiliation etc.. The list is as long as the imagination of the perpetrators of such atrocities allows it to be.

Many of the Satanic rituals are performed at the altars of out of the way and redundant churches for the purpose of generating terror and negativity within these sacred sites. The energy is then harnessed for personal power and the perpetuation of the Luciferic force upon the Earth (as well as to further traumatise their slaves for mind-control purposes such as Project Ultra Green/MK-Ultra Project Monarch/Freedom Train). In this way the Earth's energy matrix – the collective unconscious, which is continuous with the human psyche, is kept in a negatively imbalanced state – whilst the sickest members of the human race have an obscene outlet for their perverse fantasies..

It is through this subtle mind control that the System maintains itself. Veiled in secrecy and fuelled by fear, the monster machine controls every aspect of our lives. The medical system is an integral part, but nevertheless only one aspect, of the overall design which seeks power and neither cares how this power is achieved, nor how many individuals are destroyed in the process.

By creating a 'healthcare' (more accurately termed 'ill-healthcare') system which relies upon the misleading results of animal experiments, the manipulators of this century have ensured that, within the system, the true causes and cures for disease will never be revealed. This in turn creates a self-perpetuating industry for the multinationals who, by creating disease via their drugs, can be assured of massive funding in order to discover a) the reason for the drug error, which is guaranteed to involve further animal studies, and b) further drugs to treat the results of the initial drug error. In the, by now, all too familiar pattern: the manipulators perpetuate the problem of a state of global ill health and therefore the need for the solution which is offered in the form of more and more pharmaceutical involvement.

For the sake of your selves, your children and the animals: WAKE UP PEOPLE! Take back your power over your own health and stop supporting these barbaric and sick individuals. Only you can do this. The time to do this is now.

In order to facilitate the Transformation we must resist the urge to identify those who would seek to control us as hopelessly 'evil'. We must recognise the System for what it is and seek to change it in a loving, positive and balanced way. Even at the highest levels of the Brotherhood elite, the most misguided of the Illuminati, are not immune from the effects of the global reawakening. It is those who are most imbalanced towards negativity who have the greatest positive potential. If just one of these elite Luciferic controlled minds is returned to its natural balanced state then virtually the entire process could be reversed over night. This is a potential, and any potential is possible. It all depends on how much energy we channel into that potential to make it a reality.

Furthermore, it is essential that we take what we are being fed through the media and education with a pinch of salt for not all of it will be truth. Events are engineered on a global scale and then a version of it is transmitted to us in order to perpetuate certain states such as fear and apathy within the mass population. So much of little consequence to us is thrown our way to divert us from free thought and we are bombarded with sex, violence, sport and graphic horror. We are often more concerned with who is being transferred from which football team to another, or what the royal family had for tea than the fact that the planet is being destroyed around us and our neighbours are dying of cold, starvation and despair for the want of a little kindness and love. These are very effective diversionary tactics and manipulative devices.

We must begin look at the world through new eyes if we are to really make a difference and take back the right to autonomy and free will which is ours by Divine law. This is a long term plot against humanity, a war of stealth and attrition; a war which the majority of us are not even aware exists because of its scale and slowly cumulative nature. By viewing all of these things on a large scale and by linking patterns and events which we are traditionally encouraged to see as separate, we can piece together the real agendas behind the Illuminati smoke screens. Nothing in the universe is truly separate from anything else. If we analyse just who it is in the world who benefit from the negativity and manipulation, we see that it is the same people over and over again. They represent a consciousness which is like a black hole and is sucking in our vitality with every passing day. This is the direction of the energy flow and its polarity is towards negativity. Wherever we see this trend and recognise it we can begin to work to reverse the polarity back towards the balance point. This relies on our ability to recognise Truth and be prepared to act on our knowledge. It takes you and me, and it takes love.

The coming Transformation to a unified multidimensional Christ consciousness will affect everyone, the Brotherhood included. We can only be controlled if we allow ourselves to be so. Nothing is impossible. We are the vehicles for the Divine Consciousness, we are the creative hands of God. It is up to all of us, and that includes the Brotherhood, to re-evaluate our position, for we cannot escape ourselves and the karma we create.

Good always prevails through positive application, whereas the bad guys are hindered and slowed in their criminal endeavours through having to cover-up their negative actions with lies to support lies. This inevitably allows the truth to emerge.

The Alien Handbook on How To Win Pawns and Influence Humans:
1. Enlist a human that is gullible that wants to feel important. Most humans want to feel important so that's not hard. Praise them and tell them how special and chosen they are and establish contact with them so they can be used to contact mankind with our channeled messages.
2. Use them and exploit them to reach the masses to keep them on edge for our impending arrival on the planet. Keep them in expectation and hide the real truth. Feed them what they want to hear and promise great wealth and peace when we arrive especially to those who help us and can be manipulated. Promise rank and position and prestige...whatever they want to hear so they can be led and do whatever we ask them to do.
3. We have to keep the stupid humans motivated so imminence of our return and arrival is a must. We don't know exactly when the Most High God will allow us to play our charades on earth and destroy it, so keep the humans strumming along with great promises and what we will allegedly do for them. Our leader may be the father of lies but they don't have to know we're just as bad as he is.
4. Play the humans against each other to cover up our lies and mistakes. We don't know when we can invade planet earth and destroy it in the guise of peace and restoration so our timetables will have to change constantly which will make the humans look like liars and easily discreditable by others. Stand them up, use them, then declare they are deceived and have been listening to false ones of us and move on to others to start over again.
5. Completely discredit the former pawns so no one listens to them and the gullible humans move on to our newly appointed ones. Discredit who the real God is and the real purpose and creation for earth. Rewrite religion, rewrite history, and rewrite the future and make them see things our way without suspecting we only have their eventual deaths in mind. Once we get them on our side when we kill them or they die we will have their souls to torment in hell. We're all going to the lake of fire for eternity as part of our judgment so they will just be with us. The more the merrier. The more people we have the less the Creator and Most High has to put in His immensely wealthy and beautiful kingdom. Earth is nothing but a battleground for souls and we're winning!


Humans are controlled. Unless you are a believer and follower of the Most High with your eyes opened as to what's going on, then you are most likely being manipulated or controlled by them in one way or another. And this includes a majority of believers because they don't have their eyes opened. And even those who do, realize there are always the armies of the 4th dimension trying to control or manipulate them and so you always have to stay on guard.

There is a very organized way that the wicked scoundrels (aliens and demons) of the 4th dimension track and control people on this earth. That is why they are coming out with "earth is an illusion" teachings in the New Age because we never give them a second thought, whereby they are watching us daily. We don't see them, we don't understand all the details of how they operate and most don't even care. Many aren't even aware they exist and have the mentality that if they do exist then "out of sight out of mind". And that is why our world is an illusion to the scoundrels and they are trying to tell us the same. While we are busy with our lives we never see the total dominance and control they have over our earth and mostly everyone in it. We don't see their illusion. We realize that spiritual warfare is an ongoing battle. We realize that evil exists and the ongoing war between good and evil, God and Satan, and those born on earth who are caught in the middle. But I don't think we realize how personal of a war it is.

If a person is a threat to their agendas they will target them with thought manipulation tactics to distract them from keeping them from fulfilling their calling. This is where our government got "voice to skull technology." Or they can influence people through dreamscape manipulation, 'voices', or thought implants to steer them in different directions and rabbit trails such as deceptions, heresies and apostasies and away from being a serious threat to their agendas to where these people are working as unbeknownst allies for them instead of enemies.     

You can see the same technology the aliens use has made its way into our government and military in what is termed as black technology. A lot of what the aliens can do our government is now capable of doing. This is why there are so many joint human and alien underground bases around the world. This is where the aliens teach humans how to duplicate their technology and develop it for themselves.

And this goes beyond the government and military. The wicked have moved from one end of our society to the other overtaking and possessing religious leaders, leaders in the media, celebrities, musicians, artists, magicians, publishers, authors, teachers, scientists, doctors, those leading technological advancement and those who control and run our economies. Every area you can think of they dominate through the humans they possess.

The 4th dimension has humans everywhere that they possess or can manipulate through chip implants to completely control earth. And they are in the position to target and harass anyone who doesn't comply with their agendas or who fight against them and can resist being manipulated and/or controlled by them.

As the veil begins to lift between the 3rd and 4th dimensions those on earth will be able to see aliens and demons with their physical eyes. And people are starting to see them more frequently than ever before.

People can protect themselves against physical and spiritual attacks from our military's black technology, aliens, and the demonic realm.
At most risk are those who call themselves Christians or believers in the Most High and those who fight against the agenda of the New World Order or New Age-Alien agenda.
They will come against you whether you see them or not. Whether you realize it or not. And whether you're prepared to defend yourself against it or not. Naturally they don't want you to do anything but succumb to the persecution and torture they have planned for you. They want to destroy you, perhaps kill you, or torment you until you choose to stay silent and move out of public view with your activism against them.

We are in the middle of a war and it is a battle for your mind and for your soul. And for most, it's daily.
Some of the worst forms of their assaults on mankind are from their laser beam weapons, pumped up microwave weapons, dreamscape manipulation, or psychotronics that they can target at certain individuals as opposed to entire groups of people living in the same town or municipality.
And unlike most people believe, they do and can have access to Christians and believers in the Most High. They can target you inside your homes, while you're sleeping, or even send in astral projectors who are humans in spirit form who sit and spy on you or even try to telepathically kill you with voodoo focus techniques while you're sitting at your computer or doing something else. They can cause you to have a heart attack, stroke, brain aneurism, cancers, etc..so it looks like you died of natural or unexpected causes but won't lead to an investigation after your death because it doesn't look like outright murder.

Recovering Monarch victims speak of ongoing trauma through "ritual abuse", also known as "satanic ritual abuse" because of the identifiable iconography of a belief structure associated with Satanism or Luciferianism. By using drugs, hypnosis, torture and electroshock, the Monarch criminal perpetrators have produced new and succeeding generations of victims.

"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle [the satanic circle] or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape. An animal should be selected whose nature accords with that of the ceremony - thus by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to the Magician who was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this ram should be virgin - the whole potential of its original total energy should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains that greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."

In the end, it may be that spiritual warfare - or the clash of the absolutes - is the real reason why ritual abuse and high-tech mind control have been exposed. Satanic imperialism continues unabated, and the battle for planet Earth moves to the next stage.

Since the beginning of time a "Cosmic Conflict" has been under way which has, over the millennia, resulted in the destruction of countless souls. Man has for the most part allowed himself to fall victim to this physical and tangible, yet unseen and unimaginably malevolent enemy by turning his back on his Creator, the only one able to expose this threat and offer that which is necessary to defeat it.
In these last days a number of "unexplained phenomena" have appeared which have baffled the most brilliant minds on this planet. Many of these "phenomena" are the OUTWARD manifestations of this cosmic conspiracy which is being orchestrated by an alien influence which is so deceptive, elusive, cunning, evil and insidious that we are no match to them alone; that is, outside of Divine Intervention.

Since these reptilian or reptilian-controlled powers of evil thrive in the darkness, then the method needed to defeat them, to destroy them and to eventually conquer them would be to shine the 'light' of truth against these lairs of evil, focus that 'light' like a laser beam, and tear apart the very 'darkness' within which these ancient powers thrive. And, possibly most important of all, by God's grace set out to ally ourselves with those societies hidden beyond or below the surface of this world, our ancient human cousins, who have fought and battled this infernal race since ancient times. As the old saying goes: "Together we stand, divided we fall..." 

"The 'Reptoids' are returning to Earth! The INVADERS are here. We must convince a disbelieving World that the nightmare has already begun. Their Purpose: To make Earth their World. It is not over for the Human Race. 'Freedom Fighters' join together...for the sake of ALL of US..."

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