Friday, September 27, 2013


Humanity has to know..the truth..and awake..sometimes a soft shock can heal..stop the blind madness of self-destruction..the road to hell..there is no other way out..than facing reality..and solving the order to break free from the invisible chains..and ascend into a brighter future..all unity and harmony..


Diese höheren Dimensionen sind schwer zu verstehen, aber es ist wie bei einem Radio: Im einen Augenblick sind Sie auf die dreidimensionale Welt oder dritte Dimension eingestellt, so daß Sie diese als Ihre Wirklichkeit wahrnehmen. Aber, wie bei Rundfunk und Fernsehen, senden alle anderen Stationen zur gleichen Zeit und, wenn Sie einen anderen Sender wählen, werden Sie mit ihm verbunden. Wenn Sie dies tun, verschwindet nicht der vorher eingestellte Sender, er sendet weiter, nur Sie können ihn nicht mehr empfangen, weil Sie nicht mehr auf seiner Wellenlänge sind. So ist es mit menschlichem Bewußtsein. Einige Leute können ihr Bewußtsein auf andere Wellenlängen einstellen und das wahrnehmen, was auf anderen Frequenzen geschieht.

Von einer dieser anderen Stationen oder Dimensionen, kontrollieren die Schlange-Rasse, (die Anunnaki), diese Welt durch Besetzung bestimmter Blutlinien. Die 'Station', von der die Reptilien operieren, ist das tiefere Niveau der vierten Dimension, die nächsthöhere nach dieser physischen Welt.
Andere Leute nennen diese die astrale Dimension, das legendäre Heim von Dämonen und böswilligen Entitäten, die auf das Altertum zurückgehen. Von hier aus rufen die Satanisten in ihren schwarzmagischen Ritualen diese dämonischen Entitäten an.

Wenn man nun annimmt, Satanisten und Außerirdische wären zwei ganz verschiedene Themen, und Politiker hätten mit beiden nur in Ausnahmefällen zu tun, erfährt durch dieses Buch von den  schrecklichen Verbindungen. Laut Icke sind viele Top-Politiker, die Spitzen von Wirtschaft und Kirche mit den Draco verbunden und vollziehen satanische Rituale grausamster Art. Methoden der Gedankenkontrolle werden angewandt und einige Menschen werden von klein auf speziell für solche Rituale herangezüchtet.

Die Meister der Gedankenkontrolle wissen genau, wie die menschliche Psyche funktioniert und wie traumatische Ereignisse gezielt angewendet werden können. Ein Opfer eines Autounfalls kann sich oft nicht an den Unfall erinnern, und auch Soldaten nicht an die Grausamkeiten des Krieges, da das menschliche Gehirn diese Erinnerungen einkapselt, da es sonst kaum möglich wäre, weiter damit zu leben. Die Gedankenkontrolleure nutzen das aus und setzen oft schon Kindern Grausamkeiten aus. Bei den Opfern bildet sich eine Blockade, und ein Teil der Persönlichkeit spaltet sich ab, wodurch es dann möglich ist, einem verdrängten Teil der Persönlichkeit Befehle einzugeben, die dem anderen Teil nicht bewußt sind. So können solcherart manipulierte Menschen also durchaus jahrelang ein "normales" Leben führen und irgendwann durch ein Stichwort oder Schlüsselerlebnis in den anderen Zustand versetzt werden, in dem sie jeglichen Befehlen gehorchen, ja sogar in der Lage sind, zu töten, ohne sich dessen bewußt zu sein. Den Begriff des "Schläfers" gibt es nicht nur in Agentenfilmen. Attentäter, die oftmals angeblich vorher ein völlig gutbürgerliches und unauffälliges Leben führten, sind in vielen Fällen Opfer solcher Manipulationen und kaum für ihre Taten verantwortlich zu machen. Man kann sie benutzen, um Präsidenten umzubringen und dann einen Sündenbock zu haben oder auch Massaker an Schulen oder anderswo zu begehen, um Angst und Schrecken zu erzeugen und den Ruf nach mehr "Sicherheit" zu fördern. Diese Sicherheit bedeutet natürlich mehr Kontrolle und kann letztlich zu Polizeistaat und Versklavung führen. Drogen spielen ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle bei Gedankenmanipulationen.

Das, was die Menschen normalerweise davon abhält, Grausamkeiten zu begehen, nämlich die Verbindung in ihrem Herzen zu den höheren, göttlichen Ebenen, muß erst zerstört werden, damit jemand dazu gebracht werden kann, unvorstellbare Verbrechen gegen das Leben zu begehen. Drogen können diese Herzensqualität zerstören, und auch traumatische Erlebnisse führen dazu, daß sich die Seele zurückzieht. Eine Kombination aus Drogen und Schmerzen ist also äußerst wirkungsvoll und wird in den Projekten MK-Ultra und Monarch erforscht und angewendet.

Personen aus den Mind-Control-Programmen haben oft schon Eltern, die selber konditioniert wurden. Das heißt, die Täter haben oft selber in der Kindheit Vergewaltigungen oder andere traumatische Momente erlebt und seien so schon psychisch gestört. Satanisten würden selbst ihre eigenen Kinder an Pädophile und für bestimmte Rituale vermieten. Von klein auf wird den Kindern jedes Vertrauen in die Welt grundlegend zerstört.

Jene Draco, die auf der Erde ihre finsteren Spielchen treiben, hätten sich danach diejenigen Exemplare unserer Gesellschaft ausgesucht, denen Erfolg und Profit über moralische Bedenken gehen. Und da es ja auch genügend Menschen gibt, die Anrufungen an die satanischen Kräfte machen, ist es kein Wunder, daß diese Einladungen auch angenommen wurden. So hätten sich die Skrupellosen beider Welten zusammengetan, um diesen Planeten zu einem Spielball ihrer Gelüste zu machen. Auch wenn wir es den Prominenten, die wir im Fernsehen sehen, nicht zutrauen würden, daß sie mit magischen Ritualen die finstersten Kräfte des Universums anrufen und mit ihnen in Verbindung stehen, so sind diese Kräfte demnach durchaus real. Vielleicht sollten wir darum beten, daß diese Dinge aufhören.
Da uns ständig durch die Massenmedien Angst gemacht wird, Sex und Horror verkauft wird, ohne daß wir es verlangt haben, ist es schwierig, eine höhere Schwingung der Liebe zu erzeugen, in denen es diese Satanisten nicht lange aushalten würden. Diese haben natürlich genaue Kenntnisse spiritueller Vorgänge und nutzen ganz gezielt die Energien für ihre Zwecke.
Doch in den Geheimdiensten und verschiedenen Organisationen scheint es schon interne Kämpfe zu geben, da viele schon lange nicht mehr bereit sind, diese Schandtaten zu decken. Auch, wenn die finsteren Kräfte alles versuchen würden, uns auf einer niedrigen Schwingung zu halten, könnten sie letztlich doch nicht verhindern, daß irgendwann die Schwingung auf diesem Planeten zu hoch für sie sein wird.

Die Annunaki sind vom Geist her so wie ein Kind das mit Ameisen spielt - und doch sind sie um Äonen weiter als der Mensch aber nur Technologisch, Geistig und Körperlich, nicht aber Spirituell! Sie sind ein kluges, aber nicht weises Kind, das mit einer Pistole herumfuchtelt. Sie kommen alle 3600 bzw. alle 6000 (hier gibt es verschiedene Meinungen) Jahre wieder um ihre Aussaat von neuem zu begutachten und sich einmal mehr als Götter feiern zu lassen.

Die Reps, die jetzt noch unter uns leben sind abgrundtief Böse. Sie sind nicht sehr viele hier auf der Erde, nur wenige hundert, aber sie leben sehr lange im Vergleich zum Menschen. Mindestens mehrere hundert, vielleicht aber auch tausend Jahre oder länger. Weshalb sie auch soviel Zeit beim Erreichen "ihrer" Ziele haben. Sie haben sich in die gesamte Politik und Wirtschaft infiltriert. Sie sind die sogenannten Illuminati.
Sie beherrschen nicht nur das Shape-Shifting, welches es ihnen erlaubt jede Körperform für eine gewisse Zeit lang anzunehmen, sondern auch das Gedankenlesen und die Gedankenmanipulation. Auf diese Weise, klinken sie sich immer in die verschiedensten Politiker, Päpste, Wirtschaftsbosse usw....ein! Sie haben auch die Bibel komplett zerhackt, Dinge zugefügt, Dinge vertuscht... Aus verschiedenen Gründen. Zum einen, um uns dumm zu halten (es standen Tipps von guten Propheten und von Jesus in den Originalen, wie man Kontakt zum Jenseits und somit zu Lichtwesen aufbauen konnte) und zum anderen um die Annunaki zu verheimlichen.

Die Reps sind Schuld an fast allen Krankheiten und an der Unterdrückung von dessen Heilungen, da sie die Erde auf eine neue Weltordnung vorbereiten (Weltbevölkerung max. 300-500 Millionen), welche aber nicht von ihnen, sondern von zwei anderen Rassen ausgeführt werden wird.
Die Reps machen mit der NSA (National Security Agency) der USA schreckliche Tests mit vielen zig Tausenden von Menschen. Sie holen die Menschen einfach von den Straßen in den USA. Seit den 70er Jahren passiert das schon und hört einfach nicht auf. Die Staaten sind das Land mit den meisten vermissten Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Ja, es gibt viele Psychos in diesem Land. Aber nicht so viele, dass diese in 10 Jahren über eine Millionen Kinder und Teenager verschleppen! Spurlos wohlgemerkt! Das heißt ohne Spuren von Gewalt, ohne Spuren von Blut, keine Patronen aus einer möglichen Waffe, keine Zeugen! Einfach weg. Vom Staat verschleppt, im Auftrag der Illuminati, im Auftrag der Reps. Das sind 1.000.000 UNGELÖSTER Vermisstenfälle! Das sind 273 Kinder pro Tag! Und ca. 5 Kinder pro Bundesstaat täglich. Das ist zu viel für Psychos die so gut arbeiten, dass sie keine Spuren hinterlassen. Gerade weil es bei Kindern selten Kampfspuren gibt wurden sie zum Ziel. Und für Jugendliche bei denen es wohl manches mal zu Spuren kommt, gibt in den USA sogenannte "Cleaner", die von der Regierung immer dann gerufen werden, wenn es mal wieder gilt, etwas zu Vertuschen (Kampfspuren, Blut, Zeugen bestechen oder beseitigen usw.)! Die Cleaner arbeiten auch für privat, die meisten sind Regierungsmitarbeiter ohne Identität. Also von der NSA, dem Militär oder der Polizei. Das sind Menschen die sich haben kaufen lassen. Doomsday-Bunkerplatz gefällig? So viele Kinder ohne Spuren verschwinden zu lassen MUSS professionell durchgezogen worden sein.

Die Reptiloiden sind in ihrer Bosheit die zweit schlimmsten. Sie überwachen und koordinieren außerdem die kleinen und großen Grauen. Ihre Intelligenz und ihre körperlichen, wie geistigen Fähigkeiten sind extrem weit fortgeschritten und uns Menschen weit überlegen. Sie manipulieren die Medien, Wirtschaft, Politik uvm....Zur Zeit arbeiten sie fieberhaft an einer Technologie, welche die Gedaken der Menschen beeinflussen kann. Chemtrails, entwickelt in Dulce, spielen hier ein große Rolle.

Die gefürchtetste und böseste Rasse in unsere Galaxie ist eine Reptilienrasse die sich die Dracos, Draconier oder Dracs nennen. Sie sind, ihrer Meinung nach, die wahren Herrscher der Galaxie, weil sie die ersten intelligenten Wesen in unserer Galaxie waren. Daher beanspruchen sie alles und jeden als ihr Eigentum. Es gibt sie mit und ohne Flügel. Die (körperlich) kämpfenden Soldaten dieser Rasse sind ohne Flügel und nur zwischen 2,10 Meter und 2,40 Groß. Sie sind in einem Nahkampf fast unbesiegbar und töten schneller als jedes andere Lebewesen in der Galaxie. Sie sind die perfekten Killermaschinen.

Alles in allem können wir zurecht behaupten, dass sie den Opfern schlimmes Leid antun und somit Böses tun. Die Zetas sind in unserer Galaxie weit verbreitet und überfallen regelmäßig andere Rassen. Sie sind wegen ihrer emotionalen Kälte und ihrer hohen Intelligenz sehr gefürchtet. Angst, dass sie die Erde übernehmen, brauchen wir keine zu haben. Falls sie der mächtigen und starken Rasse helfen sollten, die Erde zu übernehmen, dann sind die Zetas sicherlich nur die Gehilfen dabei. Im Vordergrund würde hier vielmehr die Hybriden-Mischrasse stehen.

Das Gute kann niemals, ausserhalb von Gott, stärker sein als das Böse, denn dann wäre es keine Dualität mehr. Doch je näher wir der Kerze kommen, desto stärker wird das Gute. Nur leider befindet sich die Erde sehr, sehr weit weg von dieser Kerze. So dass ein Erkennen von stärker oder schwächer zwischen Gut und Böse kaum noch möglich ist. Das Böse hat sich, wie auch das Gute, zu einer Gruppe zusammengeschlossen um noch stärker und Mächtiger bzw. Liebevoller und Weiser zu sein. Beide Gruppen beherrschen eine Art des Informationsaustausches der uns gänzlich versagt und unbekannt ist. Der Geist eines jeden Gruppenmitglieds kann sich - wie ein Computer ans Internet – an ein höheres Selbst anschliessen und so an Informationen gelangen welche ihm sonst nie zur Verfügung gestanden hätten. Genaueres über diese höheren Bewusstsein ist mir nicht bekannt, jedoch schein es so, dass sie wie eine Art Wächter, Berater und „Denkmaschine“ funktionieren. Sie habe verschiedene Namen, meinen aber im Grunde dasselbe. Wir Menschen nennen sie das Christus- und das Luziferbewusstsein.

Die Reptos und vor allem die Dracos haben sich einmal mehr als kaltblütige Monster bewiesen. Es gibt zwar ein paar wenige positive Reptos welche von den guten Rassen im Kosmos „bekehrt“ wurden, diese kann man Galaktisch gesehen jedoch an einer Hand abzählen und sie werden sehr streng überwacht nicht „rückfällig“ zu werden!

Seit diesem Missbrauch vertreten sehr viele Rassen der positiven Aliens eine Art von „Null-Toleranz-Politik“ den Reptos und Dracos gegenüber. Sie kommunizieren kaum bis gar nicht mehr mit ihnen, stellen meist nur kurz ein Ultimatum und eröffnen bei Nichteinhaltung sofort das Feuer! Vor allem wenn es um das göttliche Recht der Selbstverteidigung geht, schiessen viele der
positiven Rassen ohne zu zögern und stellen die Fragen erst hinterher. Das zumindest wenn es um Reptos und Darcos geht.

So imagine this creature, refusing in his insatiable and egotistical self-conceit to humble himself before an Almighty Creator and seek forgiveness, but rather he/it instead tries to save face by enticing the rest of creation into joining in the rebellion. Of course, being a creature of darkness -- once dis-connecting himself/itself from the LIGHT/LIFE of the Creator -- Satan ["the adversary", formerly "Lucifer"] would use DECEPTION to try and down-play the importance of the Creator and thus deceive others into believing that he himself had almighty power and thus deserved to rule the universe. And in fact Lucifer DID acquire great power when other angels joined him, but only the type of power that a black hole might acquire by devouring everything around it, in this case Lucifer/Satan like a spiritual black hole began to assimilate, consume, absorb, and integrate the consciousness and energy of all those who gave their WILL over to him. We should realize that the more a black hole devours, the more insatiable its appetite becomes.

Since the humans were composed both of spirit AND earth-dust, humans would become the flood-gates who could either choose to open the endless heavenly reservoirs of "living water" out into the earth [straight from the side of Christ as they accessed the "timeless" grace of the final Passover Lamb] OR to quench the spirit of life and allow the world to continue to die like a spiritual desert-planet void of life-giving waters. The renewed spirit of humankind would take dominion over the material forces of chaos within themselves and in turn without, OR they would allow the forces of death, darkness, and destruction to continue as they had done since Edenic times.

They also learned from others extraterrestrial sources that this game of manipulation and conquest had been played-out by the Dracos and Greys in various other forms in their efforts to infiltrate-invade several other worlds in this sector of the galaxy. And just as in the case of those other worlds, the aliens were able to find willing human allies within both the surface and subsurface nations who were willing to sell out their own kind for "promises" of personal material gain. The irony was that most of these collaborators payed a horrible price once their usefulness had expired, many of them being "replaced" and their "originals" sent to "the vats". Poetic justice you might say. There is apparently no honor among thieves!

Some have suggested that with all of the temporal causality violations taking place in our time or world-line, linear 'reality' as we know it will eventually begin to dissolve into a multi-linear reality somewhat in-between a reality-scape and a dream-scape, or rather the very foundations of the linear third dimension as we percieve it will begin to fluxuate. So genetic, psychological, fraternal, political, and economic manipulation is apparently not the only form of "intervention" that the Dracos have been involved with. It is said that earth's unique electromagnetic grid allows for the possibility of strange temporal manipulations, and even alternate "time branches". The clincher is that there is only so much energy to go around in that -- like a tree -- all "time branches" feed off of the same BASE or TRUNK... so the more "branches" that exist the less energy there is to go around.

The larger Grays apparently have some vestigial reproductive capability, and some of the hybrid species that have been cross-bred with the [taller] reptilian species have full reproductive capability. The brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human. Due to the cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain matter, and the Grays have known technology that enables them to insert memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any manner or pattern that they wish.
The Greys consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have witnessed it, involved spreading a biological slurry mixture that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide [which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria] onto their
skin. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin.

Term used by the government to describe the Greys in terms of being a malevolent life form. The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different to ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms [the "body terror" mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber]. The field around them is in direct opposition to ours. It is an ANTI-LIFE field, as these specific species are on a devolutionary spiral.

They are akin to soldiers of fortune, and 'offer' their advanced technology in trade for things they require. They are experts at manipulation of both the human body [through manipulation of the fields] and the human mind. They require blood and other biological fluids to survive. They abduct humans and animals in order to acquire these fluids. They implant small devices near the brain which potentially gives them total control and monitoring capability. These devices are very difficult to detect. The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human. Information is entrained on the brain waves.

Socially and culturally, Greys and humans are VERY different. [They] fear us because they know we are potentially powerful beings. However, they insist that they 'own' us: They say they created us (LIE! - Branton) and therefore have the right to do what they will with us. Beyond this original 'right' to interfere with us, they say they have additionally earned the right through their control. Because they can control us on an individual and cultural basis both physically and mentally, they say they "own us".
These attitudes are PROPAGANDA. Their control over us in any capacity is ultimately very frail due to its very nature (depends on us NOT KNOWING that we are being controlled. - Branton). Their control is based on intimidation and advanced technology. As we become more aware, we are harder to control, harder to lie to, harder to confuse. Our technology would definitely be competitive to theirs if we had access to it. Much of the technology we would need to effectively overcome this situation exists now (within the alien-manipulated military-industrial establishment which is part of the 'secret' or 'corporate' government technocracy - Branton). It just isn't made available to the PUBLIC, for economic reasons, as well as "national security."

There are indications that the ritual of the Eucharist is a reflection of earlier rituals where aliens were eating off the bodies of humans or feeding off their energies. The phrase "food of the gods" takes on new meaning when these factors are understood. The true "nectar of the gods" which the aliens involved seem to prize most is a substance that is taken from freshly killed humans. This substance is generated at the moment of death by the strong surge of adrenaline. This surge of adrenaline through the body accumulates at the base of the brain [the brain stem] and some aliens thrive on this substance as though it were some kind of ultimate drug for their particular species. This substance is most potent in HUMAN CHILDREN.

Satanic rituals generally take place at night because that is when the magnetic field is most stable. During the day the electrically charged particles of the solar wind cause turbulence in the field and make interdimensional connection more difficult. It is most stable during total eclipses and this is when native peoples held their most important ceremonies to contact and manifest other-dimensional entities. The tribal shamans know this. Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially of children, are performed on a vast scale and involve some of the most famous politicians, business people, media owners and entertainers on the planet. Of course they do. It would be amazing if they did not, given the background.
These rituals and human sacrifice have always been the foundation of the Brotherhood 'religion' since ancient times. And the Brotherhood manipulates its Satanic initiates and 'gofers' into the positions of political, economic, business, military, medical and media power, and into influential positions in the world of entertainment. Therefore the ratio of Satanists and child sacrifices at the top of these professions and institutions is staggeringly high compared with the general population.

What is called Satanism is the ruling hierarchy of the Brotherhood pyramid under the command of the reptilians. Like all the other parts of the network, it is strictly compartmentalised. The highest levels of the Satanic network lock into the highest levels of the Brotherhood, but the lower degrees are not allowed to know the true nature of the organisations they are involved in. Some of the levels of Satanism are known as the Sisters of Light, the Five Star Generals, Master Counsellors, Keeper of the Books, Keeper of the Seals, and there is one position called an Asmodeus.

We should of course hope for the best, but prepare for the possibility of the worst, i.e. the worst being that we are now "on our own"... GOD help us if we are, and HE WILL help if we believe, since the ONLY abductees who have apparently been able to repel or kill potential reptilian/alien abductors -- at least those "empowered" would-be-abductees that I have heard of -- in spite of vastly superior alien technological and psychological advantages, are "blood-bought" Reborn Christians who have claimed the SUPERNATURAL POWER and AUTHORITY resident within the "divine blood transfusion" that IS offered to us as a result of Jesus' sacrfice at Calvary: "Behold, I GIVE unto you POWER to TREAD ON SERPENTS and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy: and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you."

Some people, as strange as it may sound, believe that there is a conspiracy in effect upon and beneath planet earth, one that is designed to slowly and subtly enslave us through a constant barrage of subliminal programming, economic manipulation, and preconditioning. This plan is one involving a scenario that is designed to set all countries, nations or republics against each other [eventually doing away with all sovereignties altogether and replacing them with a global religio-eco-political control system], using infiltrators who operate within the leadership ranks of all countries, especially the USA, Europe, Russia, Red China, Australia and so on.

The most obvious form of programming is the media, television, radio, internet and newspapers. When you watch the television not only are you opening yourself to persuasion, and conditioning but you are being directly programmed, it is not even necessary for the television to be on, all it needs is power. It is advisable to turn the television off at the wall. The Global Elite use this form of media to control the masses and most importantly their thoughts. When I refer to the Global Elite I include not only the human Illuminati/ blood lines but also the Reptilian/ Annunaki consciousness which is pulling their strings from behind the scenes.

The Annunaki consciousness is very electrical. It is easy to see this Annunaki electrical consciousness in our world, in the landscape. All across the planet there are metal pylons carrying electrical cables. These pylons are not only there to carry the electric cables but they are designed to be an artificial matrix. If it was possible to remove all the pylons across the planet, you would be amazed. This world reality would look very different indeed. Humanity would instantly wake from a very strange dream. These pylons and the patterns that they make ,across the planet are a grid, which is designed to create an artificial matrix which is in fact a prison, to imprison humanity’s consciousness. Before the invention of electricity the Annunaki used the ley lines and the sacred sites, stone circles, quoits and sacred hills as meridian points along their grid.

This matrix is not only made up of power cables and pylons , but now in our more modern times we are seeing mobile phones masts , TV and radio transmitters , all emitting low vibrational frequencies. These masts have dual purpose, one is to simply emanate radio signals and mobile phone communications, but also they transmit subliminal messages, which are quietly yet constantly programming us. Not only do these transmissions affect the cognitive functioning of our brains and the dumping down of our thoughts, they are also inhibiting the production of serotonin which is what keeps us hopeful and happy. Without serotonin production we fall into depression, anger, hostile feelings and lethargy. The low frequencies also damage our electromagnetic bodies, and also which is probably most important, these frequencies cut off our connection with the planet. Is it any wonder that mankind is destroying the environment with no or little regard for the welfare of Gaia.

The Annunaki consciousness probably has the most influence on humanity at this time. Everyone is looking to the stars for the arrival of various ET races; they do not seem to notice that there is already an alien race here upon the planet, which has been here since the beginning of modern man’s existence. The Annunaki on the lower levels exist in reptilian form within caverns inside the earth. They are not third dimensional but 4th dimensional. They are shape shifters; they can change their appearance of form into a human. This way they can walk among us and influence us without us knowing who they are. They cannot hold this form in our reality for a long time and also our environment is harsh for them, they prefer to live in cool and shade, that is partly why they choose to live in underground bases. The Annunaki have a direct influence upon the secret governments which truly rule this planet. They also have the ability to possess human hosts, these human hosts have within their DNA reptilian codes, and this is where the Illuminati bloodline comes into the story. They can possess these human hosts for a short time to influence us directly.

If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. You have to persuade them that they are insignificant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that. This is where religion has been one of the most effective weapons of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines. It fills people with fear of a judgmental God and tells them that unless they believe that the "truth" of all that is can be found in one book or belief system, they are going to hell or will experience other extremely unpleasant consequences.
Different religions have also been wonderful vehicles for dividing and ruling the people through arrogant, self-righteous, inter-religious conflict. The reptilians created the religions for this reason and the key players within them do not even begin to believe the nonsense they parrot to their followers. They just want the population to believe it, so they will be easy to control. This is why you find so many famous "Christian" evangelists, for example, are actually Satanists. Their "Christianity" is just a smokescreen.

The suppression of the true knowledge of healing and the domination of drug and surgery-based "medicine" ensures that the human physical body operates at far less than its optimum potential. This is the reason for the blatant misrepresentation and suppression of the so-called "alternative" forms of healing which have been around for thousands of years longer than modern "medicine".
Food additives, fast food, flouride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and therefore eat in our food and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical health and vibrance, but, most crucially, our brain functions and intellect. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. Thus the reptilian bloodlines also put so much emphasis on controlling "education" and the media. This allows them to feed us a constant diet of brainless crap, like game shows, while the "news" media tells us what the controllers want us to think. Most journalists are so brain-dead themselves, so lacking in understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists.

Mind control is obviously very related to religion, which is, for me, the greatest form of mass mind control yet invented. So is advertising and television. But mind control goes much deeper than that. The Illuminati-reptilian mind-control projects have produced literally millions of mind-controlled robots in endless walks of life, who are programmed to carry out the Illuminati agenda.
There are many electronic ways that this is done today, but one of the key methods is trauma-based mind control. This is where people are traumatised through sexual abuse, violence, being forced to witness and take part in human sacrifice rituals, and countless other horrors. Such experiences activate the mechanism in the mind which shuts out memories of extreme trauma.
One expression of this, which many people have experienced, is when they cannot recall the memory of a bad car crash. They can remember before and after, but not the impact. The mind puts an amnesic barrier around the memory so we do not have to keep re-living it. This is a good thing, but the Illuminati have developed methods of using this technique to traumatise a mind over and over until it fragments into a honeycomb of disconnected amnesic barriers. They then program these different fragments of mind (altars as they call them) with different tasks. The tasks are pre-programmed to be activated with a "trigger" word, colour, sound, or whatever. Once the trigger is given that programming locks in and the person will do whatever they have been programmed to do.
This can be to have sex with a famous politician, which they will not remember.

Partly these rituals and abuse networks are to do with traumatising people, especially children, but it is far more than just that. Follow the Illuminati-reptilian bloodlines from the ancient world to now and they have ALWAYS taken part in human sacrifice ceremonies and blood-drinking. The sacrifices to "the gods" in the ancient accounts were literally sacrifices to the reptilians and their hybrid bloodines.

We are on the cusp of an incredible global change. A crossroads where we make decisions which will influence life on Earth well into the future of what we call time. We can fling open the doors of the mental and emotional prisons which have confined the human race for thousands of years. Or we can allow the agents of that control to complete their agenda for the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical enslavement of every man, woman and child on the planet with a world government, army, central bank and currency, underpinned by a microchipped population.

“From their underground bases, the reptilian military ETs. . (establish).. a network of human-reptilian crossbreed infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture’s military industrial complexes, government bodies, UFO/paranormal groups, religious and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic “mind control” instructions, act out their subversive roles as “reptilian agents”, setting the stage
for a reptilian-led ET invasion.”

The common theme of all research into the reptilians is that they are emotionless and without sentiment and, at the fourth dimensional level, they feed off the energy of low vibrational human emotions like fear, guilt and aggression. When we emit such emotions their energy can’t be seen in this world because it resonates to the lower fourth dimensional frequency and there it is absorbed by the reptilians. The more of these emotions that can be stimulated, the more energy the reptilians have to work with. Thus we have the encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject.

Human sacrifice was fundamental to the religion of Babylon and wherever the Babylonian Brotherhood and their reptilian bloodlines have travelled, human sacrifice has always gone with them because the reptilians demand these rituals. The malevolent ones seem to be addicted to blood and this has been passed on to their crossbreeds. The Babylonian priests were required to eat some of their sacrificial offerings and so the word for priest, Cahna-Bal, became the term for eating human flesh, cannibal.

Today the initiates and frontmen for the Babylonian Brotherhood control world politics, banking, business, intelligence agencies, police, the military, education and the media. The most important of these, in terms of control, is banking. The creation and manipulation of money. The Brotherhood financial sting is very simple and spans the period we are documenting from the time of Sumer and Babylon to the present day. It is based on creating money that doesn’t exist and lending it to people and businesses in return for interest. This creates enormous debt for governments, businesses and the general population, and you therefore control them.

At the heart of the web, or the top of the pyramid, whichever analogy you choose, are the reptilians. These operate mostly in the background from underground bases and overwhelmingly by possessing the reptilian-human bloodstreams which resonate most closely to the reptile consciousness of the lower fourth dimension. These reptile full-bloods and reptile-possessed people hold the major positions of power in the world or work in the background controlling those in the positions of apparent power like prime ministers and presidents.

Satanic ritual abuse is a global network, another pyramid of interconnecting groups, with the high and mighty of society among their numbers, top politicians, government officials, bankers, business leaders, lawyers, judges, doctors, coroners, publishers, editors and journalists. All the people you need, in fact, to carry out and cover up your rituals and crimes against humanity. It is not that researchers see Satanists everywhere. The ratio of them in leading positions is very high because that’s the way it is meant to be. The Satanic networks control the system and so they ensure that there is a far, far, higher ratio of Satanists in positions of power than there are in the general population. The higher you go up the pyramids, the more Satanists you find. Most of the non- Satanists are filtered out before they reach those levels. The result of all this for the children involved is beyond the imagination of anyone who has not experienced the level of trauma that they must suffer.

Control of the human mind and emotions is the very foundation of the reptilian control of the human race. Control a person’s mind and you control them. The external manipulation of the mind takes many forms and the question is not how many are mind controlled, but how few are not. Every time you allow a newspaper, news programme, or manipulating advertisement to affect your perceptions and decisions, you are being mind controlled.

Mind controlled robots, including very small children, provide bizarre sex for presidents, foreign leaders, politicians, and businessmen. Often this is done to encourage these leaders into the Brotherhood’s way of thinking or to compromise and blackmail them into doing as they are told. When I say bizarre, I mean it and I don’t find the information that follows easy to write or speak about. But it is so important that this veil is lifted, not least for those who are being subjected now, this minute, to some of this grotesque torture. For the most obvious of reasons, these human robots are rarely able to talk about what has happened to them. They are either in zombie mode and can’t remember, or, when they are past their sell by date from the Brotherhood’s perspective, they are murdered and sometimes their body parts used for black magic rituals attended by some very famous people.

The Brotherhood’s obsession with ritual and symbolism is not the bizarre behaviour it might at first seem to be. They are casting a spell on the human mind and emotions. This has been going on for thousands of years and it is so important to understand this if we are going to break free from reptilian control - as we are.
Everything that exists is an energy field, a unique vibrational pattern of energy created by thought and emotion. All that exists is the same energy, but these infinite patterns create infinite forms, just as water can manifest as liquid, clouds, steam and ice. They look and feel very different, but they are still water in different forms. Some energy patterns manifest as the human body, others the human mind, still others the birds, trees, insects, water, sky and air. At the level of pure energy everything is connected to everything else. There is no us and them, only we and ultimately ‘I’. Potentially we have the ability to access all other energy and, as energy and consciousness are the same, the ability to access all consciousness, the infinite mind we call "God". This "God" is not apart from us, it is us and we are it. We are an aspect of the infinite mind - as are the reptilians and all that exists - and therefore we have the potential to tap into all of the infinite mind because, at our highest expression, that is what we all are. Everything. We are like droplets in an infinite ocean, individual to an extent, but together we make the whole, the sum total of droplets. Without the droplets there can be no ocean.

The reptilians manipulate from the lower fourth dimension, the so-called lower astral frequency range. To control this planet they have to keep the mass of humanity at or below that level and disconnect them from anything higher. When this is understood, what has happened in the world and is still happening, again makes perfect sense. Crucial to maintaining the human psyche in disconnected ignorance is the manipulation of low vibrational emotion, fear, guilt, resentment, dislike of self and condemnation of others which, in the end, are all expressions of fear. These are the very emotions which resonate to the frequency range of the lower fourth dimension and once we succumb to domination by these emotions we succumb to the control of the reptilian consciousness.

We are now in the midst of perhaps the greatest of these transformative cycles, one which happens, it is estimated, only once every 26,000 years, and the Maya
calendar predicts that the critical changeover point is December 12th 2012. This is the real focal point of the transformation, not the manufactured Millennium. These consciousness cycles are like doorways or gateways which open for those who are ready to move through into a much higher state of consciousness. I see it as a sort of cuckoo clock in which, at certain key moments in time (or rather cycles), the door or gateway opens. When these gateways are missed, the cycle begins again until another gateway opens. But what we are facing now, it would seem, is not so much a gateway as a vast chasm of opportunity for a global transformation that will defy all current belief. Religious and mystery school texts have been openly or symbolically predicting this for thousands of years. Now the physical, spiritual and, increasingly, scientific evidence is there to confirm that the so-called ‘Great Shift of the Ages’ is upon us.

If the reptilians did not exist we would have to invent them because their current state of being represents something that human consciousness had to experience. If that was not so, the reptilians would be manipulating someone else. We would not have attracted them. They have given us a gift in our eternal evolution, a gift of experiencing the consequences of fear and of conceding our infinite power to another force, be it a parent, boss, peer pressure, or, ultimately, the reptilian-Brotherhood. The evolutionary process is about love, not punishment. It does not punish us for our actions, it gives us the consequences of them, which is very different. Without that we cannot evolve. We are loved along this journey by consciousness levels (other aspects of self) which seek to help us to become more loving and more enlightened, to be masters of ourselves. Our choice is how much of this experience we need before we learn and move on.

Hey, this is a wonderful time we’re living through here. We are tuning to the cosmic dance, the wind of change, the rhythm of reconnection with all that is, has been, or ever will be. You have come to make a difference, for yourself and for the world. You have the opportunity to do that now, now, now. Crasp it and let’s end this nonsense. A few can only control billions because the billions let it happen. We don’t have to. And we can change it just by being ourselves, allowing other people to be themselves, and enjoying the gift of life. This is not a time to fear and it’s not a time to hide. It is a time to sing and a time to dance.

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