Saturday, December 6, 2014


"To heal a situation it must first be exposed
Once exposed it must be healed.
This is the purpose of this document.
As a contribution to heal the exposed.
Not by the means of a violent confrontation,
but by the means of a peaceful reconciliation."

This Awareness indicates that it has been given that the rebellion in heaven as relayed by mystics and legends, whereby Lucifer took a portion of the angels from heaven and set out in rebellion against the laws of the Divine. This Awareness indicates that this action as referred to as the Fall of Man, or the Fall of the Angels; and whereby through this action, the concept of darkness was created and the results of evil as a position in consciousness for entities to wrestle with.

This Awareness indicates that in the Christian doctrines, the concept of the virgin birth, the concept of resurrection, the concept of an entity having all power of a god living a life of love and sacrifice: these were designed as koans in consciousness, in the brain of humanity, whereby the logic would be fractured, would not hold up, could not be answered, could not be satisfied; but the effects of these stories, of these wavings, of these religions affects the right side of the brain of humanity and the followers of these religions, so that a new being emerges and acts and lives a life based upon these stories, as though these were to be emulated and followed as truth, even though they may not appear to be rational.

This Awareness wishes to remind entities again, that clinging to the black serpent of materialism, with all its promises of security, clinging to the tree of knowledge, holding steadfast to the bank which is being washed away by the Sea of Consciousness, is but the fool's journey. This Awareness indicates the entity who attunes to the spirit, the eternal "now", the eternal consciousness, the realization of being, and in that being, knowing what one is; this is the true security,--security based on the Divine Being, rather than on the material body.

This Awareness indicates the first thing is to take away the arms of the people so that they are unarmed.
Next is to take away any means of organizing and communicating so that they cannot form groups, or large armies. The next thing is to make them vulnerable. If they are homeless, or if they are without food, they are subject to mass control and manipulation. The next thing is to get rid of the opinion makers, the leaders, the Christians; the Christians because they have certain principles and beliefs and values that they do not wish to compromise; and patriots, and by getting rid of patriots, they will have eliminated any major resistance to the New World Order and they will be able to tell the remaining people what to do and they will do it.

This Awareness wishes you to know that these masters of economics are not operating without a map; that these entities have a precise, almost mathematical formula for enslaving the masses. Those experiences of the past, such as sugar rationing, the gasoline shortage, the cafe shortage, other similar crisis in commodities and in the political and military events that have happened over the past two decades,-these things were not haphazard. This did not simply happen because someone overestimated something or because bad weather affected the crops or because some event happened.

These were manufactured in order to get a computer readout of how the masses would respond to such crises, and from these readouts, in a kind of linear programming, they could take this information, put it in a formula and make predictions as to how the masses will behave, and as to what degree they can influence the masses without the masses turning against them, and this kind of computerized programming perfected to such a degree that it is almost mathematical, almost as any mathematical formula in its predictive outcome. They know exactly what kind of crisis to create in order to get the public to do this or that.

This may not take immediately, but gradually, moving in that direction by manipulating of the economies and nations. This Awareness indicates that the tightening of the medical controls, controls on business, controls on individuals, controls that prevent entities for being able to sue or claim rights and privileges that have been available for entities as recourses for needs and broken promises or violations, are gradually being eroded. Individuals who can no longer get the support needed to confront the amalgamations of powerful organizations and government agencies, are finding it more and more difficult to claim their rights.

The value of humanity is not in what humanity has done, but in its potential, yet unknown, for humanity's potential is on the brink of expressing itself, and, if surviving, will soon reach a state of expression that will be as the expression of divinity. It will be associated with angelic powers. It is only a matter of time. The difference between humanity and the Reptilian or Reptoid types is that humanity is accompanied by the evolutionary growth and development of compassion, while the Reptoids have stripped away compassion from their being and have become technologically cold, efficient, powerful.

They have great power. They have great technology. They are extremely efficient in what they do, but they lack compassion. They do not care for others, even among their own rank in the way that humans care. This Awareness indicates that they are spiritually bankrupt, whereas humans are on the brink of spiritual abundance. It is so close, and when it comes, human powers will excel and exceed the technologies available to those Reptoids, for the spiritual powers will allow humans with their mentality and consciousness to have domination over those technological powers of the Reptoids.

This Awareness indicates it is not such a matter of good or evil, it is a matter of returning to the source, to the original consciousness from whence all came, and the Reptoids are at the extreme opposite end and have no direction to go except to return, and the humans are now close to Cosmic Consciousness. It will be but a matter of time before humans, in collective consciousness, can have greater power without touching the Reptoids have with all of their technologies.

The plan by these Draconian and Orion masters is eventually to get rid of all governments and simply have everything under corporation controls. This Awareness indicates that this gives them a complete hierarchical system for the ultimate type of dictatorial control. As long as there are governments, they see the governments as being wasteful and inefficient, but they see corporations as having a built-in hierarchy which allows the employees of all these corporations, which includes all of the masses on Earth, to be well-controlled by the corporations.

This Awareness indicates that force known as Lucifer is now being drawn out of consciousness and moving into Essence. The Head of the Beast, the original separateness, has already returned to Essence. Only the organs and body of this remains upon your plain, and must, in time, follow also into the return to Essence.

This Awareness indicates all present attempts to pursue and maintain power and control over others are but creating structures that will inevitable be converted into systems designed to serve the people rather than to enslave them; yet, it is a matter of when this will occur, rather than whether it will occur. It is for this reason that this Awareness communicates with entities at this time, and it is for this purpose that entities need to look closely at that which is occurring on their plane, for these energies are a potential force that may be used for good or ill at this time, even as a wind may be harnessed for service, or may wreak havoc.

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that it is not necessary to continue this drama; that this drama, the entire scene, the entire final act is unnecessary and inappropriate and need not climax on human life upon this Earth. This Awareness indicates that entities need only look totally once at that which is happening upon this plane, and when this is done completely, wherein there is no fear or flinching, wherein enough of consciousness sees clearly what is happening, then entities may look away and never again to look at this unworthy scene. Wherein this is seen clearly enough, that entities never again will be trapped and seduced by the money-changers, the old drama may be transcended, and a new drama may begin, which will free entities from the economic bondage to the money-changers, and will free the money-changers from fear and terror of the masses that force them to deceive and to seek greater power to avoid confrontation with the masses.

This Awareness does wish to comment further at this time on the Global Elite. It is suggested that many of these entities as being from an underground society, that influenced Adolf Hitler and other entities who have contributed to the New World Order in various ways, and these entities from this underground society were related to blond Nordic types who have also been seen and described by entities who have claimed to have been abducted by UFO's.

Adolf Hitler spoke of having seen the "Superman and that his eyes were frightening, and I was afraid"--these were his words in describing this entity. This Awareness suggests that these are extraterrestrial entities who have long lived underground in this area. These are the entities who have the ultimate control, the ultimate power over the various leaders of the world.

This Awareness indicates there are many entities who enjoy the media version of reality. Indeed it is much more fun to believe in the media version of reality. It is more pleasant to believe in a friendly government. It is more pleasant to believe there are no conspiracies and that everything is exactly the way it is portrayed on television, and these entities will look at those who believe in conspiracies as though they are lunatics, and those who understand the conspiracies look at these entities as though they are naive, wishful-thinking people who live in La-La Land.

Wherein entities begin looking at what could happen to their children if this is allowed to continue, wherein entities join together as one voice, wherein the scream that begin as a whisper and reverberates into that thunderous trumpet which says: "ENOUGH!" Wherein this occurs: soon enough with enough intensity, and wherein the energy is focused to where it belongs--toward the Beast,--not toward the left, nor toward the right, nor toward the races, nor toward the Communist, nor toward the Capitalist, but toward the BEAST, toward the moneychanger; wherein this occurs soon, then there is that possibility for entities to have an everlasting freedom never before known upon this plane.

This Awareness indicates that the Beast is likened unto a dark shadow that covers this plane, and the tongue of the Beast attempts lull entities into believing in him and into falling asleep and giving up all rights to individual freedoms. This Awareness indicates its strongest argument is its promise to give security. This Awareness wishes to remind entities: maximum security is found in the most unpleasant places in prison control systems...

This Awareness indicates that those who remain true are those who shall experience the freedom of movement and shall assist in overthrowing those forces of the so-called Anti-Christ. This Awareness wishes entities to understand that the negative, or Alien Force, is playing the role or the reaper, who separates the pure from the impure, and assists in determining and allowing entities to judge themselves by determining whether they wish to seek physical security at the expense of spiritual realities, or whether they wish to cling to the spiritual wisdom and understanding and let go the physical securities.

This Awareness indicates this is the big picture. This Awareness indicates on the more global level, it is an effort to create a One World Government that is capable of controlling all levels of society through the manipulations of individuals through their ability to buy and sell, and also through the control of health care and through the education and mind controls available to them through various electronic devices and media, and also through the microscopic chips that will eventually be implanted, into every person's hand or forehead as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. 

This Awareness indicates that it is always there, like the song says: "Magic is afoot!" Wise men try to block it, try to stop it, try to dam it up, but it seeps out, out of the cracks, coming from the smile of a child, coming out of the efforts of oppression. It continues to move out like water that cannot be contained, and the magic is that love of freedom that entities, regardless of how high or how low in their social status, always have.

The spiritual energies that uplift humanity will continue, regardless of the New World Order, a totalitarian world order, or whatever other kind of order any human on Earth or any negative power on earth can conceive of to prevent this spiritual evolution from occurring. This awareness suggests that entities reading this material should not be excessively frightened. It is one thing to be aware; it is quite another to be frightened of what you have become aware of. It is important that entities recognize the dangers in the plans of those who would harm you, but it is equally important that entities realize the power they have to prevent those few who would harm you from carrying out their plans, for it is really, at this stage a matter of information.

The war is a war not of guns and bullets, but of ideas at this stage. And as these ideas are presented into consciousness, the shooting war may be put on the back-burner or pushed off the back of the stove altogether, for if the ideas become broadcast to enough people, those few entities who are promoting this globalist agenda will realize they haven't a chance and that they may only end up hurting themselves if they move too far too fast, and that they had better sit back and if they have to think of world domination, they may wish to to consider this as fantasizing and enjoy their own personal fantasies like some demented person who can never have all of his sexual fantasies fulfilled, but can still enjoy his fantasies anyway, for this is the situation that is connected to the globalists who plan and fantasize in having world domination.

They are nothing more than people indulging in false fantasies. This Awareness indicates they have a certain amount of personal power which does not satisfy their full greed for lust and power. They want more, and although they have a million times more personal power than most entities would dream of, they are not satisfied. For one thing, personal power over others is not something that ever satisfies entities. They want absolute control of all of life. They want to be gods, and have absolute control over everyone and everything, and also, they want personal immortality, and without all of that they are still incomplete, and because they have the feeling of some incompleteness, some insecurity, they keep struggling to gain more power, so they never have any insecurity left.

This Awareness indicates if there are enough people who awaken to this diabolic activity that is now progressing, it may not be possible for these entities to continue their program. They are really a relatively small group when compared to the billions of people in the world. It is just that they have control over the media, and because they have control over the media and over money, they are able to keep others quiet and to intimidate the masses. This Awareness indicates once the masses awaken like a giant mob or a giant army of citizens, these entities would have absolutely no chance of ruling a New World Government to subject the masses to slavery.

This Awareness indicates It wishes entities to understand that the elected officials of your government are not the ones who run the country. They follow orders from above. This Awareness indicates that they are essentially approximately the third level down, and the entities who actually run the country are behind the scenes, operating invisibly.

This Awareness indicates with this understanding or this realization, It also wishes you to understand that those who are behind the scenes have information and knowledge that never be presented to the elected officials so that the elected officials are essentially kept in the dark about many things.

This Awareness indicates it is in this way that the elected officials are able to be used for various purposes because they do not always know what is going on. This Awareness indicates the technology available to those who are behind the scenes, the invisible government, is that which is far, far advanced, far beyond anything most people can imagine.

This Awareness wishes entities to be aware of this arrangement so that they do not perceive or believe that the elected officials have some kind of knowledge about what's going on, or that they are being willingly in control of the masses against the interest of the people. Most elected officials have no more information than do the people who have investigated to find what they can find in regard to things that are behind the scenes,

Occasionally, of course, elected officials, because of their position, will receive information from disgruntled employees of various agencies or from various scientific groups or otherwise from various sources who give them inside information on things, and in this way, many of these elected officials do get information that this not necessarily available to the public in general, but very little of the truly hidden information is given tot the elected officials.

As they begin to dismantle all of the governments and begin to take over. All of the corporations that offer jobs to the masses, they also will do away with any government programs that help the people, or make laws for assuring people's rights, and they will let the corporations take over these things as well as manage the prisons, the mail, and all of the other energy programs and utility programs, and everything that goes into making a society; all of these things will be given to corporations.

This Awareness wishes entities to stop thinking so much of the bureaucrats as official authorities and think of them more as civil servants, and remind them, if necessary, who pays their salaries. Remind them that you can petition your fellow citizens to have them removed from office if they cannot fulfill their civil duties. This Awareness indicates that it is important of course to be respectful and fair in your dealings with civil servants, particularly those who who recognize their job is to serve you and your fellow citizens.

If the criminals and the government forces should join together to enslave the people, there is little that can be done by the people to avoid this. In many people's minds the criminal organizations may be seen not so much as independent of government control, but as part of a greater conspiracy using the criminal organizations by the government. For example, down through history, there were many governments who used those forces from that group know as assassins. This Awareness indicates that the same has been suggested in regard to the government use of the Mafia, whereby if a legitimate government agency was not effective in dealing with a particular individual or group, the government might enlist the Mafia to take part in the assassination.

This Awareness indicates that as this comes closer, entities will begin to react, with greater suspicion, with more questions and eventually a great revolution will occur throughout the world to throw off those who would impose the NWO. This Awareness indicates that it may need to come very close, and its teeth may need to hurt before entities react sufficiently, but in the end, the NWO will have a very short life, perhaps not even completely being established before it is thrown off. This Awareness indicates that the process, however, can be painful for all of humanity. This Awareness indicates there are many entities in the police and military forces throughout the world who will begin to see what this NWO really is and will turn their energies into resisting and stopping the action rather than assisting in the oppression of the masses.

This Awareness indicates that each entity, by being aware, adds to the power of the masses. Entities who are not aware are simply uninvolved bodies, human meat on the hoof, as they would say, and they contribute nothing to, or nothing of value to the ending of the crisis, or to the resolution of the crisis. They are simply there, like a tree, like a bush. The bushes and the trees in battle, do not play much of a part. They may be used for entities to hide behind, or they may be slaughtered during the war, but the bush and the tree have no motivation to do anything in regard to a battle.

This Awareness indicates that entities should not despair, for there is an enormous numbers of people whose interests lie in preserving the good life for each other, and those who would enslave the masses are very few, and though they have many who work for them do so more out of fear than out of desire. They do not desire to enslave their fellow associates, but will do so because they are afraid that if they do not, they themselves will suffer greater ills.

This Awareness indicates that gradually, as the masses awaken, they begin to recognize who their true enemies and oppressors are, and as these masses awaken, those who reside in positions in between will come to recognize the power of the masses as being greater than that of the masters, and their allegiance will change, not to support the masters, but to work for the masses.

This Awareness indicates that you think not only of your freedom, but also of the freedom of your children and the future generations, for you are the founding fathers of the future generations. You are the heroes of tomorrow's generations, and if you fail these future generations, these children of your children may curse you, and rightly so. This Awareness indicates that it is very important for entities to be aware of the dangers and threats to the freedom and security of their own and future generations, and to do what is within their own power to make sure that these freedoms are passed from generation to generation; that every moment there are entities who would deny these freedoms, who would seek to gain their own power and freedom at the expense of others.

This Awareness suggests that in truth, no one is free until all are free, but these entities do not understand, and they seek to gain more freedom for themselves by denying freedom to others. Therefore, this Awareness suggests that you make sure that their excessive greed for power or personal freedom at the expense of others is not expressed in such a way as to deny your freedom and the freedom of your children and their children. This Awareness indicates that it is important for you to understand, when someone presents something that they say is good for you and your children, it is important to look at it and to question whether this is just another trick to deny your freedoms, or whether indeed it has something to offer your children and your children's children.

This Awareness suggests that as previously indicated, this is a time wherein a war is occurring over the capture and containment of the souls of humanity and the war is being fought with ideas and concepts and information. It could, at a future time, include weapons, and the weapons may be used in the future to wipe out segments of society, if the ideas of today are not used properly in this battle for control of the minds of entities, for as entities seek to understand, they may turn to the wrong sources, if your voice isn't present, if your information isn't available.

This Awareness suggests that as you spread the information, you spread opportunities for others to see a different side of the picture, for your information may be just what they need to understand the full scope of something they only suspected or wondered at and which they would otherwise ignored, had it not been for the information you provide. Think not that you have nothing to say. This Awareness suggests that all ideas are part of the collective consciousness of humanity, and if your idea are not spread, then there is a gap in collective consciousness of humanity, resulting in a degree of ignorance.

This Awareness indicates this as a symbolic reference to consciousness eating itself, that those entities who have worked in those organizations of that secret occult force for these eons of time, whereby these forces have used their secret knowledge to perpetuate their own action, whereby these forces have used the power of money, the power of communication and the networks of education to confuse and intimidate the masses, to condition, to control and regiment the masses, whereby these forces have moved for these eons to time to categorize and identify the masses into those smaller and smaller portions of experience into those more confined areas of being, into those greater and greater mechanics of regimentation, those forces have now reached that point whereby they begin to come face to face with their own excess, with their own over-specialization, and have reached that point whereby in their own over-specialization they are bursting through into the oblivion of the bottomless pit.

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that,
It loves the troubled soul
It loves the evil soul
It loves the downtrodden soul
It loves those who are good
It loves those who are bad
It loves those who hate
It loves those who love
It loves those who are merciful
It loves those who are hostile
It loves those who rebel against It
It loves those who work close with It.

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that It loves all of Its Creation and all entities within Its Creation and all of the immortal realms as well as the mortal realms.
It loves those who followed Lucifer and those who remained behind to await for Lucifer’s return.
This Awareness indicates that Lucifer was the Prodigal Son, and the purpose of the separation was to allow entities to discover their own individuality as well as to discover the workings of the creative forces for themselves. That there were those who loved to be obedient and to follow. There were those who loved to rebel and to strike out on their own.
This Awareness indicates that there has been much tragedy, sorrow and suffering, and that it is now time whereby entities begin to discover for themselves, without having to rely on authority, without having to be obedient to authority, without needing to bow and worship a Divine King outside of themselves:
It is time that entities know the Truth, that they are all ONE, and that love and mercy, kindness and sensitivity of one to another, brings about the greatest type of joy in being; and that the joy in being is the ultimate experience.
This Awareness indicates that this lesson cannot be taught, but that entities now are capable of discovering this for themselves.

We ask hereby Cosmic Awareness to send Its Healing Love energy,
to all the international bankers, to all the queens and kings,
to all the politicians, to all the so called "illuminati",
to all the heads of states, to all the military commandants,
to all the heads of the Corporations, Trans- and Multi-Corporations,
to all the head of religious institutions that manipulate the minds of people,
to all the scientists and to all the specialists working in so many different fields,
to all those promoting the atomic and weapon industry and/or creating war conditions,
to all those who do not care about our home, our Living Mother Earth,
to all those who disrespect, destroy or manipulate the beauty of creation,
to all those who undermine the love expressions of children and parents,
to all those who are trying to change their uniqueness and creative potentialities,
to all those who consider human beings as numbers to exploit,
to all those who are working towards the creation of an artificial paradise on Earth,
to all those interfering with our beautiful seas, water, flora, fauna and animal kingdom,
to all those artificially changing the elemental kingdom, atmosphere and stratosphere,
to all those working on mind control techniques, to control the living expressions,
to all those working in the field of artificial control/changes of frequencies and vibrations,
to all those within our human society who feel themselves more important than others.
We ask our Divine Creator to send Its Healing Love energy,
to ALL Its reflections, parts or cells in Its Living Body, in- on- and beyond our world,
to All those who follow the road of separation,
to ALL those who are programmed through the inner planes,
that they ALL may Awaken in time to the truth of Who in fact They Really ARE.

The Law of Mercy is that law which allows one to forgive all error;
to forgive equally those who err against you as you err against them.
This is to be merciful.
To be merciful is akin to the Law of Love,
and if one obeys the Law of Mercy,
there can be no error in the world.

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