Saturday, December 27, 2014


After all the very difficult and exhausting challenges faced..still very grateful for the journey of experience..the open doors and new directions showing up on the horizon..bright visions of the near future keep me going..on the way back into the bliss of divine peace and harmony..beyond the separation of duality in 3D-reality..the relativity of time and space..let go of projected anger and hate..the disappointments of expecting and fighting..rather carefully observing and processing the facts and happenings..finding new channels and methods for expression and reunite mankind with other worlds..for collective healing and one cosmic nation and race of spiritual their natural and unlimited gifts and potentials..slowly overcoming the slavery of mind and body..the material jail of illusion and manipulation..defeat the egogods of madness and cruelty with truth, love, creativity, humor and intelligence..changing and interfering without hurting or destroying..rather be humble and poor..pitty and mercy for the rich and powerful..compassion and blessings for the altruistic and wise..may all find their freedom and happiness..when the time is right..and reach on top at the end of all roads..saints and and fools..friends and enemies..still all descend and belong to the same forgive each others thoughtless actions of fear and frustration..feelings of guilt and pain..only follow the true light inside..understanding the very complicated situation in this cold and empty world of boundless greed and ignorance..that certain "things" must be protected from the public eyes..cause they are not ready yet to deal with it in a proper way..and that very transparent and offensive behaviour can put such matters in danger..but every step in history has been carefully chosen by a silent voice of guidance..and a deep trust in the ultimate solution for all..driven by the energy of passion and competition one can be temporarily blinded and confused by the vastness of selfish and unpure desires..more as a half-concious decision made in a state of survival and protection..sometimes trouble and chaos is needed to have strong  impact on a world and its get rid of old and unworthy structures, systems and strategies which deny sustainable life for the be freed from external pressures and oppressive obligations..provoced reactions and artificially constructed sceneries..coming from abusive and hidden ruling alliances..leaving behind traces of bloody shadows and mysterious signs and symbols..two worlds of the same reality..came together for this special period in time to reconnect these distant spheres of paralell existing bring an end to this long war waging between the opposites of polarity..put down the useless weapons, the unsecure defences and false walls of control and lies..which keeps us all stuck in the same game of secrets and traps..avoiding the return to the absolute creator-source-power-force..the real inner god of all living creatures and manifestations..the eternal omni-present spirit-heart-awareness..waiting for his children to come back home..into the open mind of the one and infinite..whatever is needed to awaken humanity from the illusionary matrix-nightmare-dream..and grow into a independent and responsible society in harmony with universal active and influential parts of a bigger below so the cosmic dance of expanding conciousness..guided and inspiried by free and individual will..which holds the key for redemption and salvation..if not abused..all rises and waves in a ocean..of restless motions and thoughts..various frequencies and vibrations..trying to comprehend, translate and combine the extremes into one harmonic masterpiece of sense and beauty..even thru all the turbulences on the surface all still follows a invisible line or script..a unseen plan or the final destiny of souls..the ways are many but the goal is one..just as we are..


Strichcode: 9 783453 700574

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