Friday, March 8, 2013


Achtung! Wir wenden uns hier wieder der dunklen Seite zu und werden gleich mit ziemlich abartigen Realitäten konfrontiert sein. Wer schwache Nerven hat oder selber ein Brainwashopfer ist, sollte diese Texte mit Vorsicht geniessen, weil sie triggern können. Vorallem können sehr heftige Gefühle von Wut und Hass aufkommen. Wenn wir aber richtig verstehen wollen, wie unser tägliches Leben davon beeinflusst und gesteuert wird, müssen wir uns dieser schrecklichen Wahrheit stellen. Damit wir effiziente Bekämpfungsmassnahmen, Aufklärungswerkzeuge und wirksame Gegen-/Heilmittel entwickeln können, um diese extreme Form der Manipulationskontrolle auf individueller und kollektiver Ebene zu entlarven und eliminieren. Sich dieser grauenvollen Tatsachen bewusst zu sein, kann bereits einen befreienden und immunisierenden Effekt haben.
Ich hoffe nur, dass JJ nicht mehr in den Fängen dieser Psycho-Monstern ist. In 2 Monaten kann man mit Brainwash und Folter viel Schaden anrichten. Will gar nicht wissen, was sie in Rom mit ihm gemacht haben. Wahrscheinlich haben ihn die ganzen Papst-Kandidaten alle vergewaltigt. Dann könnte es jetzt schon zu spät und sein inneres Licht vielleicht bereits erloschen sein. Wenn das der Fall sein sollte, kann ich jeder daran beteiligten und dafür verantwortlichen Person/Organisation versprechen, dass sie den höchsten Preis dafür zahlen werden. Und zwar jeder einzelne. Versuche vorläufig mal noch positiv zu bleiben und auf seine emotionale Stärke zu vertrauen aber schon nur beim Gedanken, dass man all diese Dinge mit ihm gemacht hat, fällt es mir schwer ruhig und neutral zu bleiben. Noch viel länger hier rumzusitzen und darauf zu warten, dass unser schwerfälliges und ineffizientes Bürokratiesystem diesen Totalhorror ENDLICH mal beendet. Meine Geduld wurde sowas von überstrapaziert, dass fast jeder Tag zuviel ist, an dem er nicht auftaucht. Ich kann mich hin und wieder eine Zeit lang davon ablenken aber es holt mich spätesten bei der nächsten erfolglosen Befreiungsaktion wieder ein und macht mir mittlerweile echt zu schaffen. Und das will, was heissen. Bin ja sonst sehr hart im Nehmen und war jetzt wirklich ziemlich lange stark aber irgendwann kann selbst ich diesen Schmerz nicht mehr ertragen. Es ist eine richtige Qualtortur. Es soll einfach mal aufhören alles. Sonst werde ich wohl doch noch zum Äussersten gehen müssen und ein paar Leute umbringen. So leid es mir tut aber weiss mir langsam nicht mehr anders zu helfen. Schon nur die Tatsache, dass mich kein Mensch anruft und mal sagt, was los ist oder vielleicht mal fragt, wies mir geht, lässt mich leider das Schlimmste befürchten. Unser System ist offensichtlich völlig unbrauchbar. Überfordert. Bietet keine Opferbetreuung nichts. Nada. Wird seit Wochen einfach von allen ignoriert und angeschwiegen. Als würde es mich gar nicht geben. Immer noch schön isoliert und ausgeschlossen. Keine Ansprechsperson. Keine Information. Damit ich nicht noch mehr Schaden in diesem entarteten System anrichten kann. Das Internet können sie mir ja schlecht abstellen. Mein einziges Tor zur Welt. Um meine Selbstgespräche zu dokumentieren. Gefangen im Zürichknast meiner eigenen Wohnung. Alle sozialen Kontakte hat man mir genommen oder haben sich als Manipulationslügen entpuppt. Das ist also der Dank dafür, dass man sein Leben für andere gibt. Was für eine kranke Welt. Bin ich froh, wenn ich hier fertig bin und endlich wieder nach Hause gehen kann. Wo es schön ist.
Ich denke, dass ich mich schon sehr bald auf den Weg zum Kloster machen werde. Will das Gesicht dieses Schweins sehen, wenn er verreckt. Nachdem ich ihn ein paar Tage lang gefoltert habe. Von seinen Klosterbrüdern vergewaltigen lasse bis er nur noch ein Häufchen Haut und Knochen ist. Und ihn dann ins Höllen-Jenseits befördere, wo er auf ewig weiter leiden muss. Ja in etwa so habe ich mir das vorgestellt. Wer sich anschliessen will, ist herzlich eingeladen.

Und los geht die Höllenrundfahrt in die schwärzesten Tiefenlöcher der Hirnwäsche-Kontrollfinsternis...

"Since man began, he has tried to influence other men or women to his way of thinking. There have always been these forms of pressure to change attitudes. We discovered in the past thirty years, a technique to influence, by clinical, hospital procedures, the thinking processes of human beings. Brainwashing is formed out of a set of different elements ... hunger, fatigue, tenseness, threats, violence, and in more intense cases...drugs and hypnotism. No one of these elements alone can be regarded as brain washing, any more than an apple can be called apple pie. Other ingredients have to be added, and a cooking process gone through. So it is with brainwashing..."

While we have no fellowship with evil, the mind-control programmers are counting on us being so ignorant of their devices that they can hide their control devices behind perversion & filth that many people shy away from. We must be strong enough to face evil and not shy away from it. The victims of mind-control must look evil in the face & not look away to gain their freedom. We, who want to help them, must be courageous & strong enough to do this too.

One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.
The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control.

Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or non-hierarchy purposes. The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will usually have their genealogies hidden, and will be created to have excellent cover lives to insure that they are not detected. They will be given multifunctional programming, and will usually be used to help program other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will be on the bodies of slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati elite.

The Illuminati and other organizations have also programmed individuals who are simply expendable. These are sex slaves who are used up and killed very early in life, one-time use saboteurs, breeders, soldiers, drug couriers and so forth. The bodies of these people will often show visible torture scars. The expendable are the children of parents who were blackmailed into turning their children over to the CIA. This is all hidden by the power of the National Security Act. These are children, who have been sold by pedophile fathers, or pornographic parents. The programmers/masters program them with the expectation that they will be "thrown from the freedom train" when they get to age 30. (Freedom Train is the code word for the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. To be thrown from the Freedom Train means to be killed.)

The CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing parents to give up their children. They would watch the mail for porn. Pedophile and murderers who abuse their children are warned that they will go to prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by selling their children into mind-controlled slavery. In return for the parent’s cooperation, they provide rich financial rewards to the parent(s). It’s clearly a case of "if you don’t cooperate you lose in life big time, if you do cooperate you win big time."

The type of father who is most preferred by the Programmers to offer up their children for programming is the pedophile. If a father will abuse his own little baby girl, then the Programmers know that the man has no conscience. This father’s involvement in criminal activity (and thereby his vulnerability) can be continually increased. They want men who they believe will not develop any qualms later on in life about what they have done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers.

When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. He had become skilled in music, in Kabbalistic Magic, in dancing, in abortions, and in torture (by the way, Mengele had a sadistic mother) and programming children. Many of the concentration camp children that Mengele programmed still survive and still love him to this day as "Daddy".

Hierarchy slaves will in turn be used to program and train other hierarchy children, while CIA slaves and Mafia slaves and KKK slaves etc. will be discarded. This is why a Presidential Model is "thrown from the Freedom Train [the name of the Monarch Program in the Underworld]". Women and men in the Illuminati will continue to help with the programming their entire lives.

The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind-control.

Some children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in orphanages, or with caretakers and guardians. Because these children are at the mercy of the non-related adults, these types of children frequently are sold to become mind-controlled slaves of the intelligence agencies.
In review, remember that because many of these organizations are controlled by the Illuminati; an Illuminati slave may often work for one of these front groups, while the Illuminati maintain control over the base-program. The intelligence networks were started by and run by the Illuminati. They are Illuminati fronts.

If they are to operate as a Beta model (sexual slave), they will be chosen if they can master technique. Occassionaly they might in some circumstances be selected for how pretty the programmers expect the child to become. Some parents have produced good looking children and are actually sought-after to bear children to sell into the Mind Controlled Slavery "Freedom Train" System.
However, vastly more important for Beta Sex Slaves are their ability to be programmed to have charm, seductive skills, charisma, and creativity. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the programmers can put almost any kind of body to use as a sex slave.

The head programmers have their own little mottos about building solid structures which they like to express to new trainees. These include, "An unstructured house [mind of the slave] is like unto a house without walls", "A house undisciplined is like unto a house without walls, it will crumble within itself’, and "A house divided against itself will not stand."

We are now in 3rd and 4th generations of people who are programmed multiples. (And even into deeper generations in some Illuminati bloodlines.) What can’t be covered here is the enormous secret drama involved in Moriah finding and implementing control over parents via prescribed or illegal drugs, fear, blackmail etc. so that they will assist them in getting the children programmed. If the motherly instinct is too strong, the mom may be prescribed tranquilizers, so that there is a stable house for the child’s front alters to grow up in. Unreliable non-multiple fathers are "debriefed" by Ilium, multiples who debrief & then erase their memories of what is happening to their children. Parents may have only a limited view.

The preparation for someone to be programmed also concerns the ability of a person to be demonized. Generational satanic families are sold out to Satan, and their children belong to Satan in a way that non-generational children do not. Because of the generational curses, because of the genetic bent toward the occult, because of the generational demonic forces, the Illuminati children are very good candidates for Monarch programming. Part of the programming includes the layering in of demonic forces, and the participation in blood rituals in order to draw in the most powerful of demons.

One of the biggest secrets kept from most of the slave’s alters is that their System was demonized while a fetus. First, this would give religious front alters the information they need to get them on the right track towards healing, and it could also adversely affect the programming lies of some of the front alters who don’t realize how premeditated all the trauma and torture is. The front alters of victims themselves remember the cover story that the moon children were produced via torture in the cages as little children. The Illuminati have also planned that every one of the ten commandments of God will be violated in their favor with the child. They prefer the child to be born out of wedlock so that it is a bastard. This breaks God’s commandment on adultery, and also gives them more leverage to destroy the child’s self-esteem. This entire plan involves generational curses which are spoken and unspoken. During Illuminati ceremonies, Ceremonial pacts which concern having the child out of wedlock to mock God are made.

Families who wanted dissociative children learned that dissociative babies could be born if the child in the womb is tortured. Thin needles are inserted through the mother into the fetus to prick the preborn child. Mothers, who are pregnant with children to be programmed, are also severely traumatized during their pregnancy with a whole assortment of traumas, which simultaneously traumatizes the babies which they carry.

The Satanic groups which are organized into hubs, and some of the lesser occult groups like the KKK., have women which are kept under lock and key to serve as breeders. Breeders are kept from having outside talents that would help them function in the outside world. Some are not allowed to have driver’s licenses and other basics.

The love is given so that it can be taken away in the fourth stage. Unless love is given so that it can be taken away, there is no trauma. Illuminati children are never spanked in the first year and a half. They are very lovingly controlled. (This pattern of smothering new converts in love called "love bombing" in preparation for removing that love and acceptance to get obedience is done by some cults to new member too.)
The Illuminati child learns about their body. Their bowels are allowed to function properly and they are kept meticulously clean. They must be taught to appreciate their body, before the trauma of stripping them of everything they value. Dissociation does not have to be taught to the child, because they have a genetic leaning toward it, and the premature birth has taught them to dissociate. All in all, the child has been allowed only to build a relationship with its programmer(s).

Everything imaginable can be used to overwhelm the caged little child’s senses and create dissociation. Rotten faul odors of the child’s excrement, of amnonia, and rotten food while it huddles in its cage will overwhelm the child’s sense of smell. Being fed blood overwhelms the sense of taste. The chanting of the Programmers dressed in Satanic garb, banging noises, rock music and the electric hum, and ultrasonic stimulation overwhelms the child’s sense of hearing. The child’s natural developing sense of shapes is taken advantage of by spinning the child and making it feel like it is going to fall. The child will also be deprived of sleep and drugged. Together all this will provide the dissociative base for splitting the core.

The fourth stage is to strip the child of everything nice and lovely in the world. The child is caged and tormented by electric shock. The child’s senses will be overloaded and they will become numb.
Eyewitnesses have described these hundreds of numbed children as "zombies".

In the fourth step, the child is starved, cold and naked. When they finally see their beloved master or beloved adult caretaker appear after suffering from 42 to 72 hours, they are excited and they dissociate the pain of the previous hours of deprivation. Help appears to be on the scene. At that point the programmer/beloved adult shows his/her most vicious side, and the child in order to deal with how this loving caretaker has not only rejected them but is now hurting them dissociates along the same fractures of dissociation created by the trauma of the premature birth.

Implicit in each of the studies of childhood trauma is the pervasive nature of paradoxical communication.
Frequently, this double bind communication style appears during the formative, preverbal stages of childhood in which the interpretation of these messages is confused. This results in insufficient experimental learning which would allow translation of the confused appropriate messages... "

Each person’s original mind is like an open computer. The original computerlike mind in order to continue working, when confronted with overwhelming trauma, splits a part of the mind off and walls it up with amnesia barriers. From this area further splits can be made. One of the major technical feats to make computers useable was to figure out how to be able to wall off and protect memory in the computer from being accessed and used. When they succeeded in engineering isolated memory the other problems were minor.

The Catholic Church has long said give me a child by the age of 5 and they will be Catholic. The Catholic Church is one of the largest parts of the network that carries out Monarch Mind Control. It is a fact, that if the Jesuits can place in their programming--what they call the "Keys to the Kingdom" Monarch Mind Control within a child, they will control his destiny. One Jesuit priest is on record as stating that there is nothing he can’t make anyone do with torture. The Jesuits developed torture to a fine art in the inquisition.

The intelligence agencies often begin mind-control on adult individuals when an individual joins their organization. If an intelligence or military group can exercise a high level of external control over an individual, they may not need the level of programming that some of the occult cults and the Illuminati need. The Illuminati place their membership among the world at large, and with the requirement that centuries of secrecy be maintained. This secrecy can only be maintained by insuring that strong early programming is done to create fail safe systems with large number of dark alters and heavy layers of demonic forces. (Many will scoff at the concept of demons being layered in, but whatever name one wants to call these forces, they are being layered in, and exert a powerful force behind the programming.)

The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used.

The shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around other people and remain totally undetected. The front alters can be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst type of Satanic monster imaginable--a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect. A great deal is at stake in maintaining the secrecy of the intelligence agency or the occult group which is controlling the slave. The success rate of this type of programming is high but when it fails, the failures are discarded through death.
Each trauma and torture serves a purpose. A great deal of experimentation and research went into finding out what can and can’t be done. Charts were made showing how much torture a given body weight at a given age can handle without death. Now this is why the Nazis did all those strange concentration camp experiments, where they tested how quickly people would freeze or die from various traumas. It was for mind control!

When one thinks about how many corrupt people there are and how many towns and cities are on the West Coast, and how many children are produced by Satanic breeders, illegal aliens and other parents who’d rather have the money than children and the reader begins to realize how procuring batches of 1,000 or 2,000 children was no problem for the Illuminati working through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, DIA, FBI, and FEMA.

Secret NWO order business is conducted in the small, dark lounge with a wooden sign naming it U.N.DERGROUND. Slaves are hunted in the woods for sport, and occult rituals, including infant sacrifice, are held outdoors in the Grove. These airfields are described in detail so that the reader can begin to catch on to the network of small planes and airfields the Monarch system uses to transport children.

Traumas to split the mind are not just high voltage, or natural phobias, but encompass the full range of the emotional and spiritual being of the victim. The victim is eventually stripped of every spiritual or emotional resource by a variety of traumas, such as "blood orgies" where male and female genitals are cut, torture sessions on all types of medieval torture machines, staged events where actors imitating God, Jesus Christ, police, and therapists curse the victim, reject the victim, and even "kill" the victim in simulated drug deaths.

Children are placed in hospitals in captive abusive conditions. Children are tied to innocent children which are systematically and brutally killed while the children are made to believe that they are guilty for the child’s punishment. Near death experiences such as drowning have become an art with these abusers. Trained dogs, monkeys and other animals are used to further traumatize the victims.

Sadists enjoy gaining total control over a person. In order to do this, they take charge over the little child’s basic body functions, such as sleep, eating, and pooping. They enjoy terrorizing the little child, so Monarch slaves end up watching hours of sadistic behavior done to others before they are even 5 years old. The worse the trauma, the more the sadistic programmers enjoy it. Sensory deprivation, forced labor, poisoning, and rape of every orifice of the child are popular tortures by the programmers. The child soon learns that he is at the mercy of crazy people who can only be satisfied by total submission, and the willingness to allow someone else to think for you. The child will be made to eat feces, blood, other disgusting things, while the programmer eats good meals.
Some of this sadistic behavior is toward a goal. Cutting a person’s tongue and putting salt on it reinforces the no-talk programming. Making someone throw up to cause eating disorder programming. Dislocating shoulders to cause dissociation. When the child victim’s crying is heard, they immediately apply torture so the child thinks it will suffocate.

There are many traumas which can be carried out, which leave no physical scars, but do leave the child with the deepest emotional and spiritual scars. This is often necessary when programming young children who the outside world will see soon after their programming session. Holding one’s arms out is a simple torture. Tickling and sensory deprivation are two tortures that leave no marks. Burial caskets, some outside and some at inside locations are often used on slaves. That is why many slaves fear being buried alive. The Programmers place all types of creepy insects in the caskets when they bury the person alive.
Another type of sensory deprivation is done by placing the victim in salt water (for buoyancy and weightlessness). Then the victim is fitted with sensitive sensors that shock the person if the victim moves. The shock puts the person back into unconsciousness. The brain is trained to stop all external body movement from the conscious mind. This type of sensory deprivation is used to place in the posthypnotic commands to do something at some future date far into the future.

The program is placed into the mind at the same primal level that the mind uses to tell the heart to beat. One of the "appropriate" tortures is to place a bar between a little girl’s legs which spreads the girl’s loins for rape. Then the bent spread legs are flapped, while the victim is specifically told she is a "Monarch butterfly". Many victims have created butterflies in their minds while being raped. The programmers may tell some of their victims that out of caterpillar-worms come beautiful butterflies. While raping the child, the Programmers will describe their sperm fluid as "honey comb", and will cry out "hallelujah" when they come. It doesn’t take long for the child to realize it has no ability to resist what is being done to it. The will of the child victim is destroyed, and in its place remains a pliable slave.

The mind of the victim is not only divided from itself, but the very process of torture, makes the victim distrustful of humans in general. On top of this distrust, the programmers will layer in programming to isolate the person from healthy relationships, which in turn increases the victim’s feeling of helplessness. They are divided from their own parts (their own self) and the world in general. For instance, the water, cave and sand tortures make the survivor fearful of oceans. The victim may be traumatized by being lowered on ropes or a cage on ropes into the water from a cliff, or may end up being buried alive in sand and watching the tide come in, or simply being totally buried alive in sand and abandoned. For a while, the Illuminati was big on water torture because they had built into their systems a weakness that water would destroy the clone armies that protected programming, and they needed their slave systems to be fearful of water. Slaves are frequently lowered into black holes, or pits containing the most scariest things possible.

This is a frequent trauma, because the victim when left in a dark hole for hours or days without any contact with the world or water & food will develop deep emotional scars & dissociation rather than tale-telling signs of physical abuse. This torture is used essentially on all Monarch slaves.

The mind will begin to dissociate, and will begin to reverse the primordial brain functions such as pain is pleasure. The person’s mind rearranges. This is often done with Beta alters or Beta models to get them to think that the pain of sadistic rape is a pleasure. After this reversal in the mind that "PAIN IS LOVE", the S&M kitten alters will beg their handler to slap them, tie them up, hurt them, etc. They will tease their handler, and tell him he is not a real man if he shows any mercy in how the pain is inflicted.

Sexual abuse of a child is more powerful when it is put into the context of demonic magic. The abuser’s semen is magic and seals the programming. The ritual aspect of it, and the repetitive nature of the abuse creates several dynamics that accompany the abuse that wouldn’t occur in non-ritual abuse. The lie that accompanies such abuse is that this institutionalized abuse is an obligation for both the abuser and the victim. For instance, the mind-control of the Beast Barracks experience at West Point, USMA is an institutionalized abuse that allows the abuser to side step responsibility for sadistic behavior, and sets the stage for the abuse to be continued under the disguise of tradition.

Magic, drugs and demonology have always gone hand in hand. Drugs remove the part of the will that prevents demonic possession. Drugs are considered powerful demonizing substances by the those skilled in Demonology. If demonic possession is seen as part of mind-control, then cocaine, hashish, crack, and some of the other drugs are part of the effort to enslave people.

Cocaine has been frequently given to Monarch slaves to get them addicted and give their handlers more control over them. There is spray cocaine, and powdered cocaine etc. Because the Monarch slaves are used to haul drugs and to launder the drug money, they are right in the middle of large supplies of drugs. If you hear the expression "The snow is falling" it is the Network’s lingo for cocaine. Cocaine is reported to give people a feeling of power and to act as an aphrodisiac.

As the reader can see, the use of drugs in the Monarch Trauma-based Mind Control is extensive and requires skilled technicians, nurses, and doctors. Because of the long-held control by the Illuminati families over narcotics and drug manufacture/sales, there is no difficulty for the programmers to get
large quantities of secret designer drugs. The minor occult cults have to get by with a more limited supply of mind altering drugs, unless they directly connect in with the bigger picture. The power of drugs to control a person’s life is not absolute--although someone who lives with a cocaine addict or alcoholic might disagree--but when coupled with all the other methods in a sophisticated system of mind-control, drugs just further reinforce the absolute power of the Illuminati over an individual.

Hypnotic cues can be given to cause the body to go into various dissociative states. This could be a post-hypnotic suggestion that causes hyperventilation and an accompanying trance state. Hypnotic cues that are tied to every day objects enhance the programming. Everything in life becomes a cue to reinforce the programming. That may seem on the surface to be an exaggeration, but it is only slightly enlarged from the truth. The programmers do in fact examine a person’s life, and then tailor their cues to what the person will be around. For instance, the programmer may force the child to smoke and then tell it that every time they blow out smoke they will think about their master. The programmed alters don’t dare not to smoke on fear that they will be punished. The smoking in turn reinforces the power of the hypnotist/master.

The fantastic abilities of the mind to control what happens to it are very remarkable (such as its natural healing abilities), but most of this is being kept a National Secret so that it can be used against humanity to enslave us to demonic-empowered power hungry monsters, rather than to benefit humanity. Several people in intelligence agencies quietly bemoan the fact that secret research could be helping humanity instead of controlling it. The human mind has been found to be like an immense symphony orchestra, each part doing what it does best under the guidance of a director part similar to the conductor of an orchestra. A non-multiple’s brain delegates responsibility to parts of his brain yet retains control over the process. His mind will shift from one ego state to another, & still retain its identity. In contrast, the multiple’s brain also delegates responsibility and shifts from one ego state to another, BUT doesn’t retain a "cohesive selfhood or self-identity. The mental mechanisms are similar, but the experience is vastly different. Rather than an orchestra playing together, the multiple’s brain is full of competing isolated parts (instruments so to speak) that are playing in isolation.

Various kinds of stimuli will enter the brain through its various methods of sensing and learning. With total sensory deprivation (done by placing the victim in a salt water tank with electrodes that shock the body until it stops all movement) the reticular formation will place the mind into a primitive state of consciousness where the programmers can place in post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level.

Programmers will adopt either an authoritarian voice, which is commanding and direct or a permissive soft tone. Bear in mind the slave who has the authoritarian voice used on it, sees the programmer as God with the authority of life or death over its (his or her) body and soul. The heightened expectation from the commanding tone, will increase the suggestions chance for success. However a softer tone, will relax the victim, and the hypnotist and the programming victim become partners in the hypnotic process. The advantage of the softer tone, is that the creativity of the victim is enhanced and participates more in the process. The hypnotic induction becomes more real when the victim participates more in the process.

The programmers will begin their programming by extreme torture. After a certain amount of torture the victim is willing to say or believe anything to stop the torture. At this point a thought will be planted into the victim’s mind. This thought will be linked to a false memory put in via hypnosis or movies, or other method, and it will be linked to a command put in by hypnosis etc. and the original thought, the command, the false memory will be linked by a single emotion which will link them all together.

It is very out of fashion to believe in demons. It is in fashion to believe in aliens, in ghosts, in the internal psychological wizard that guides you, and other things which to those high in demonology secretly know are simply covers for what used to be called demons.

The myth that the United States is a democracy is probably a far stronger "reality" in the minds of Americans than the actual reality that it is a tightly controlled secret oligarchy with a republican front. But in this case, which is the greater real reality? The American believes his myth enough that he dies for it. He fights the "war to end all wars" and then the "war to save the world FOR DEMOCRACY" (to quote some popular world war slogans). In the American mind, he achieves victory even though he has fought and died for a myth. And even when the mythical goals he fought for aren't even achieved, he believes he has achieved a victory.

Both ministers and psychologists have contempt for each other's excesses. We must bear in mind that the victims of this total mind-control have their bodies, minds, and spirits enslaved. The body, mind and spirit need to be simultaneously liberated. A great deal of the success of the Programmers is that ministers have rejected the study of the mind (psychology) and therapists have rejected spiritual things. The victim is left without a way to heal both spirit and mind. Partial freedom is still slavery. And not only that but both therapists and ministers seem to feel the actual physical threats to the slave's body to be outside of their jurisdiction, and by default it is left up to the victim to provide. Which again without the body safe and healed, the mind and spirit are not fully free.

There are therapists and others who pontificate about how evil Christian ministers are for trying to deliver mind-controlled slaves from their demonic possession. This is not the problem. The problem is that the Illuminati have skillfully separated the various therapeutic elements both functionally and legally.

There seems to be no end to the lies that are involved with the Monarch programming. The old adage that nothing is as it appears, is generally the rule. However, once one catches on to the common tactics of deceptions, the tactics themselves become red flags which can alert a thinking person to what is hidden.

Within the intelligence world Monarch slaves will function as Agent Provocateurs, which are people who join groups with the purpose of leading the group to do things that will cause it harm. The neo-Nazis are full of Agent Provocateurs as are some of the Patriot groups. Some Monarch slaves are what is called "clean agents"--that is they have never been used in intelligence work, so they have no record of use. Monarchs are great for being used by this or that group on a limited basis without anyone suspecting any

The net effect is to destroy the entire cause. At least half of the therapists helping Monarch slaves in the authors' area are programmed multiples themselves! The therapeutic community is heavily infiltrated. The help lines for women in crisis are all dirty. Some of the Christian groups that claim to help SRA victims are really fronts.

The intelligence agencies which are using mind-control are hiding their drug trafficking and criminal activities. One of the ways they do this is the so-called War on Drugs. The situation is so bad and widespread that even the controlled media has had news where they reported CIA agents smuggling drugs seized in South America into the U.S. using government channels.

When a slave is being programmed, the abusers will use schools, churches, Big Brothers, Boy Scouts and other activities to carry out the abuse and programming. Children pulled from classes will be given back-up amnesia so that they forget that they forgot. In other words, they are totally unaware that they have lost time when they were pulled out of the classroom.

Alter boys and boys at catholic orphanages have a record of being used by dirty priests. Recently, numerous priests have been discovered molesting children, and hundreds of lawsuits are underway, but it is still not coming out that this abuse is connected to trauma-based mind-control. In the past, if the parents who were part of the Illuminati elite, but were not religious wanted their boy programmed, they could send him off to a military school run under the cooperation of the Catholic church and units such as the 6th U.S. Army, which became one of the primary infiltrated units. The 6th army uses the magical hexagram as its logo. This would provide the programmed child with a religious front.

The establishment media have worked propaganda wonders for the abusers of the Monarch Mind-control. Britain is extremely repressive in their information control. If any news medium tries to leak the most simplist of information a secret document called a notice" will be sent at any time of day to them from a D-notice committee, and the media will have to stop whatever reference is deemed a secret. In the U.S. it in effect works as tight, it just is not officially as tight.

A great deal of Monarch programming and slave abuse, (as well as the drug trade) is done under three major covers or fronts: Religious Fronts, the Front of National Security and the Military, and the Entertainment fields, especially the Country Western Industry, the Rock Music Industry and Hollywood. The religious fronts were popular for centuries, especially when groups like the Jesuits, the Assassins, and other groups held immense power.

Religious fronts are an important part of the Illuminati program for making slaves. In fact, due to their gnostic philosophy of balancing their good deeds with their bad deeds, it is almost essential to have a religious front through which one can do good deeds. Even though adding this section to the book will spur some to blindly lash out at the book, still the whole story needs to come out. When we, the authors of this book, write that the Monarch-type total mind-control threatens everything this nation stands for, we are not exaggerating. The Monarch Mind-control program has not been used just to program slaves--but it has been part of a much bigger deception.
When this deception is realized by this nation, it will shatter the very fabric of trust that Americans have in their institutions. If Americans will begin to understand the power structure behind their institutions, and who controls this structure, they will begin to see the lies in the scripts that they have been fed since infancy. And YOU, if you love the truth, can help begin the healing process to overcome some of the devastation that is going to rock this nation when the truth comes out.

When men who worship the god of this world place "In God We Trust" on the Federal Reserve bank notes, we who know the truth must step out of our dream world and realize that they mean Lucifer. (By the way, the Federal Reserve is not a government agency, but a private banking institution of the Illuminati. This has
been documented in a number of writings.) The issue at hand in this next section is to show how the institution called "the Christian church", and the world in general has been deceived by a programmed multiple and this trauma-based mind-control.

The infiltration and control of the Christian religion has been one of the easiest tasks of the Illuminati. The Christian churches are what the intelligence agencies called "SOFT TARGETS."

Allow us to introduce you just briefly into the world of the Illuminati, All top hierarchy Satanists are required to have covers, The Illuminatus will have multiple personalities, and he or she will have one personality that is particularly shown to the outside world. They (the Programmers, handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best covers that they can. They like to be clergymen, but they are also mayors of big cities, lawyers, doctors, etc. A Christian psychiatrist who has worked with numerous victims of Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder wrote this observation after having worked with a large number of ex-multi-generational programmed Satanic multiples, "Some satanists have invaded the church as it is the perfect cover for them. They masquerade as angels of light and gravitate towards positions of leadership in order to have more influence. Because much of what they say is sound doctrinally, they are rarely detected. Most survivors whom I have worked with had satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors."

Some of their "perfect sermons" are full of slides, such as "the Christian people need to get involved in the voting process. Christians love to hear such things, it tickles their ears, but the truth is that the entire voting process has been captured and corrupted. Voting machines have repeatedly been exposed to have been rigged, and the controlled media and public denial have prevented Americans from giving up their myth that the common man's votes run this nation.

Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many areas, but Satanism is avoided. When an SRA case involving multiplicity in Olympia, WA recently happened, the police who investigated the case found that they were treated as international experts in satanism by other policemen. They themselves knew that they knew very little.

Too many people are considered guilty unless proven innocent--which means that a legitimate search for truth has NOT taken place. On the flip side, we must bear in mind that hidden information that has laid dormant for years may totally reverse our understanding of something. Exceptional circumstances may
surprise us. If some item does not lend itself to totally irrefutable, totally unqualified claims, then knowing this, the proper investigator uses words like "almost certainly" and most likely". If the investigator feels strongly that everything is totally clear, he may declare that something is correct "without qualification." This is the nature of proof. We need to understand the qualifications and reservations that often are attached to evidence or conclusions. But we certainly do want to press our investigations as far as possible to get as many "unqualified" conclusions as possible. Of course, by the time we write this, we have already done our investigating, and have one conclusion without any qualification: Billy Graham is working for the Satanic Hierarchy.

In dealing with the Illuminati and high levels of the occult world -- unless the investigator is willing to listen to eye-witness testimony, he or she will get nowhere. There is rarely any written record of their secret activities.

In court, the written records can be introduced along with the person who recorded them. In other words, the personal witness is still important even with written documents. The testimony of our eyewitnesses expose the mind-control activities. Still, we want to bear in mind that witnesses have varying degrees of
credibility and knowledge. The qualifications of witness in relation to what they are testifying is important. But to simply dismiss all these witnesses because they are not paper is simply to cut ourselves off from many valuable sources of information.

Before we get into the details, we'll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and told Christ that he'd have a "crusade" and bring every one to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused.



"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock."

However, several of these anti-Catholic ministries are rejecting the bigger picture. They have strongly resisted learning about mind-control and the exposure of the conspiracy in Be Wise As Serpents. Because of this, several of these Christian ministries to Catholics have lots of information about Billy Graham and his close workings with the Catholic Church, but little comprehension of how the Catholic Church fits into the bigger picture, and how the New World Order is actually coming about.

There will be a real evaluation done on judgment day and when that day comes Christ said, "MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND
DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"

Slides are truth that has been warped just slightly to take an investigative person into a dead end. An example of a slide, is that the New World Order is satanic, but that only Nazis and stupid people think that Jews are involved. This is a slide, because then the Rothschilds who hide behind their jewishness, can not be mentioned as suspects without people yelling "Antisemitism." In reality exposing these abusers has nothing to do with Anti-semitism, it's simply that all abusers no matter what good front they have, need to be correctly identified as dangerous.

In Capitalism the antithesis is Communism. The conflict between the two produces a synthesis. By controlling both ends of the conflict, one controls the end product, the synthesis. More than not, the One-World-Power can be seen working behind both sides of many conflicts. Indeed, the Secret Societies have been historically shown to be behind all the revolutions and wars in Modern Europe since the
American Revolution. In religious conflict, both sides are often being manipulated. Some of the various groups openly admit their strategy is designed to create a synthesis.

Indirect interference with truthful information getting out. This is done by stealing the impact of the truth, by printing a parallel story with disinformation at the same time, or "leaking" an opposite story with disinformation at the same approximate time. Disinformation leaks can be done through the mass media, or an individual alter. g. deniability. When orders are given and language is used, it is on purpose vague so that the guilty can deny their guilt.

Internally, the Programmer will begin making the System with the core related alters and then the front alters. The front alters will be rearranged in a fashion that the structure of the System is confused.
The front alters will be given heavy programming, to convince them that nothing ever happened to them, they had a wonderful life. They will be given fictitious stories about the programming, so that almost every item in a System has a cover story to mislead an alter about what is going on.

Common everyday items that surround the slave will be given special meanings. The songs the slave hears on the radio, will for instance have code words. The Programmers due to the corruption of the music industry knows what hit songs are coming out, and they will haul their slaves in and program them according to the lyrics of the soon-to-be hits. The lyrics will be written so that programmed meanings can be attached to certain words and lines. Something as innocent as watching T.V., listening to the T.V. or to a sermon may actually be programming a special message into the victim. Hand signals will even be done over the news or other shows.

No wise person would knowingly choose to fight their opponent blind and deaf, yet that seems to be the choice which many nominal Christians are choosing. They would like to live in denial and to characterize this book as doomsdayer stuff and then dismiss and ignore this material. They want to eat, drink and be happy. If people think that by putting their heads in the sand they can escape the future, or even the present difficulties, they may be in for a rude surprise.

"When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch."

Saturnian gnostic teachings are that darkness contains the light. What this means is that darkness is necessary for light to exist. And light appears within the matrix of darkness only by the Demiurge Saturnes--the Logos. This is what they teach.

"Saturn is the gateway that must be opened. For a season God has winked that man might be illuminated. But excessive light destroys. Man must not forget his destiny is concerned with loving regeneration of the earth [Mother Gaia worship] and balance. Soon the other eye of God must open. Those who are illuminated have kept the balance point. The majority of mankind has not. Few seek the ancient seed of wisdom that springs from the brow of Lucifer. Man becomes.. .forgetful of His spiritual ancestry and destiny....They are Ellyllon. Keepers of nothing. They fill the earth with their passing and crowd the planes with nothingness. They are a waste of the energies. And so the other eye must open. Each man shall receive abundance in what he seeks. Some call it Karma..."

"Everything. This is a most secret thing. Saturn is the gateway. The point at which all thought is fixed. The point at which all feeling shall be projected as the eye opens. Much ritual and preparation has gone into the issuance through the gateway of the ancient ones. There has been a gathering of the elemental essence to clothe them. A strengthened invisible quintessence to hold them in this plane at the time of advent.

A restoring of balance. Those who do not seek wisdom shall cease. Those who are so bound to the earth that they forget the light shall cease....When the other eye opens the dawn shall come. The Golden Dawn shall be upon us and the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings....
The urge to sacrifice others is a gift. It is a liberation from the awful rigidity for at least it permits an awareness of other humans. However badly.. .treated as a result of that awareness they have served an important purpose. The balance is kept and the light dwells upon the illuminated. The energy is released into the circle and is converted into something powerful and useful....In this way you can see they do not truly die. Light increases. Wisdom grows....Death begets life. The sacred cycle of the ancients. The earth shall regenerate herself when the eye of Molech opens.

THE EXTERNALIZATION OF THE HIERARCHY The big event or operation that is being carried out is the externalization of the hierarchy. Satan's secret hierarchy with its pure Satanists have been around for thousands of years. But the Satanic conspiracy to control mankind is to become an ''open conspiracy''. The hierarchy is to be externalized. And the elimination of Christians (those who haven't sought worldly wisdom--that worldly wisdom which comes from Satan) --is to pave the way for Satan's appearance.

To summarize, the Illuminati are manipulating technology, language, ritualistic activity, subliminal awareness, fear, lust, human vulnerabilities, and conflicts. These manipulations are external deceptions, which help cover up their trauma-based mind control. They use the best covers as fronts. They use fiction, the best of religious fronts, travelling entertainment fronts, and the cover of national defense. They use deflection, blinds, slides, Hegelian dialectics, deniability, and esoteric language. They use agent provocateurs, "clean agents", "legends", and safe houses. The Illuminati have refined the art of deception far beyond what the common man has imagined. The very life & liberty of humanity requires the unmasking of their deceptions.

Another basic component of the Monarch program is lots of electro shock. Stun guns, staffs with hidden electric cattle prods, and cattle prods are frequently used on the slaves. Electroshock is used to create the dissociation from trauma during the programming, and later it is used to remove memories after the slave has carried out a mission, or to instill fear and obedience in a reluctant slave. Slaves generally carry horrible body memories of excruciating electroshock tortures to their entire bodies. As the slaves begin a therapeutic deprogramming process they will recover these horrible memories, not to mention many other painful memories. A slave often shows electroshock marks on their feet, or back, or buttock or legs after they have been used. An owner of a slave will ordinarily carry a stun gun.

A working knowledge of hypnosis is helpful to understand how to deal with the slave in certain instances. Because the slave is under the most powerful combinations of mind is a drawing that one slave made of control and is so divided against his Here the electric headband used to program an alter. However, some handlers get drunk or loan the slave to inexperienced people, etc. and problems do develop.

Of course the slaves always end up taking the blame for everything that goes wrong. If the slave gets out of hand, because the handler doesn’t know what he is doing, a stun gun comes in handy to control the mismanaged slave. In other words, a brief case with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life. Some of these stun guns are only a few inches long and look like boxes. Other stun guns are imbedded in staffs.

Another way of using electricity for torture is to use directed energy (a new technology) on men’s genitals. With skillful use of directed energy they can simulate a rape of a man or woman. Artificial sodomy via directed energy was first tested in male prisons. ELF waves will place thoughts into the men’s mind as the directed energy make them feel sodomized.

"We are beginning to link together to form one-world, minds and souls. Let go of our own beliefs - crap stuff. We stand now at the threshold of the first spiritualization of humanity. -The goal of having a single "World Mind" is being advocated by people tied to the Illuminati and the New Age Movement they have created. In the New Age book Gods of Aquarius the author advocates, "The only viable solution is to link the brains of all men into one giant super brain. It has been the entire species that have been developing and it must be linked into one super being. A synthesis of human minds in a world brain."

The satanic cults will hide their alters which make money for the cult behind the blood and gore alters. This protects their illegal money making operations. Alters must learn to function as designed by the Programmer. If they can’t work together, the Illuminati will try to get them to work together somewhat akin to a mechanic fixing a car. If the alters can’t be fixed, they and their System will have to be thrown away. The dramatic disparities of all the alters goes hand in hand with what at first seems apparent, then not apparent, and then apparent again--there is a unity beneath the multiplicity. Alter functions and abilities overlap with other alters. No alter is entirely separate from several common pools of intellect and dispositions that are attributable to the entire alter system.

The Network likes to leave many child alters, because most of them are pedophiles and they like the pseudo-pedophile experience of making it with an alter that thinks it is four years old. Or just the opposite, sometimes an adult alter will appear within a child victim, and this is a clue that this is an access/reporting alter.

They ritually/magickly implant demons to guard the mirror(s) and to guard each memory held by the shadow alters. This separates an alter from knowing itself and its own abuse. The main alter has dissociated the pain, etc. to its shadow alters of itself. The Programmers then use the memory as blackmail to keep the main alter in line. The main alter has dissociated the pain, but will recover the memory if either one of three possibilities happen: a. the Programmer or handler says the memory code 3x, or b. if an event happens that triggers the main alter to remember, c. the main alter tries to remember the abuse and the programming, and in doing so they will be stepping outside of the circle assigned to them and will "break the circle & break the mirrors.

This teaches the victim child several things: don’t step outside of boundaries, don’t break the circle, it teaches them the colors that will be used in the color programming of the internal world, and it is again traumatizing. What they see, hear and do will now be done in obedience.

The non-conscious area of the mind that hypnotic subjects dissociated to have been labeled "ego-states", "the hidden observer" and "a covert cognitive structural system". The giving away of pain, fear, and other traumas to Shadow parts is similar to what happens when researchers observe a person who is directed in hypnosis to not feel pain, unknowingly giving his pain away to a hidden ego-state. A hiding place where alters can go, a place of light which gives energy, is created in a System.
The New World Order’s One-World-Religion and their MindControl is organized on the hierarchal system with a S.P.I.N. front. The Illuminati and the occult world that they supervise has a strong hierarchial system both worldwide and within the slave. Fritz has spent a great deal of time researching and communicating to other how the hierarchy controls on a large scale, and how it is miniaturized and how this identical hierarchy is placed internally into the slave.

"This is a source of power never before tapped in history: multiple self-sufficient social movements linked for a whole array of goals whose accomplishment would transform every aspect of contemporary life. "

Because SPINs are so qualitatively different in organization and impact from bureaucracies...most people don’t see them--or think they are conspiracies. Often networks take similar action without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Although many social movements and mutual-help groups are represented in its alliances, its life does not hinge on any of them."

The programmers enjoy setting up double-binds. One of their tricks is to create alters which are given negative spiritual roles with names to match. An alter may be named unforgiveness", or "the one who doesn’t trust anyone." For such an alter to trust someone, makes the alter feel like it is giving up its name, and therefore its identity. By combining the name with an identity that the alter doesn’t want to lose, the programming intend to double bind the alter. The Satan alter within a System will see itself as Satan. The alter Satan feels that he is on the winning side in a war, due to the lies that have been told this child alter when it was created. A girl child alter will be made to think they are the evil male Satan. The point is that the identity of this alter is tied up with their negative destructive role in the system.

There are many programmed multiples leading the Christian churches today. Christian alters are coached via the modern church and their handlers to only "spiritually minded" and not to challenge evil in the natural world. Some walk around believing that God will cure everything, which is true but not in the sense that some of the churches are explaining. That doesn’t mean that all Systems will be "Pollyanish", but it can happen. The original Christian alters will be shamed and then hidden by the programmers. The "host" or "presenting" alter which holds the body will often be a Christian. This really helps hide the entire mind-control. Interestingly, a system of 20,000 alters may have oniy less than a dozen Christians
alters, but the one or two strong Christian alters will exert a disproportionate influence on the System.
The Illuminati has had a hard time controlling the Christian alters they allow. In their zeal to infiltrate, control and destroy the Christian churches, they have opened many of their top slaves up to
the love of God, which has ended in the slaves trying to break free. Unfortunately, most ministers know too little to help these people escape.

In the Illuminati covens, each coven will secretly have a copy of The Book of Ages, which is vellum, and is basically a Who’s Who of the Illuminati, and a copy of The Book of Generations, which explains the 13 bloodlines and what belongs to what generation. A handwritten magickal Book of Shadows will also belong to the coven. Only the Keeper of the Books and the coven leader will know about these things. The coven will also have a Keeper of the Seals which pertains to vows and oaths. After Halloween, the coven leader (priest or priestess) will secretly send all the coven records to headquarters in Europe.

The early sexual trauma is designed to familiarize the child with sex, and to access the primal part of the mind. The torture and sexual abuse eventually becomes gratifying to the mind. The mind does a reversal, pain becomes pleasure. At any rate, the programmers are trying to get a type of nymphomaniac. They accomplish this on one level. The sexual alters have no feelings attached to what they do, and their masters never allow them to enjoy sex. They are not to have climaxes, although they may be coached how to fake it. (For punishment if a slave gives trouble, the programmers might even hypnotically or surgically sew up the clitoris to insure the slave receives no gratification.

The programmers must now ‘‘groom’’ these alters. Little boys begin to be orally sexually molested when they are three. That is the standard age. Females (and some males) need to learn how to appear and act seductive. The programmers understand human nature. They understand that there is a spectrum of female
sexuality, where on one end of the spectrum females guard their bodies with their minds, and on the other end they guard their emotions with their bodies. When a woman guards her emotions with her body--she is the type who craves sex for the physical pleasure of sex. There are an entire cluster of behavior traits that go with this type of personality, such as the way they walk, use their eyes, stare at men, the way they dress etc.

The Illuminati have male instructors who teach small classes of females about the power of seduction & how the male brain shutdowns when their sexual organ gets involved. Finishing schools like at Youngstown, OH teach sexuality performance based on fear of death. The male & female sexual slaves usually are highly skilled technicians who don’t have emotions attached to what they do.

"This programming involves an organization system, established by horrendous trauma, for the alter personalities involving internal mental imagery, which is driven by demons, who provide the power. Undoing it requires an understanding of the mental processes involved, the imagery or blueprint used, and the spiritual dynamics."

The Mother part of the Goddess Trinity is the high point in all cycles. Traditionally her color is red, the color of life force. The Mother is associated with adulthood and parenthood. The Mother is ripeness and balance. Mothers actively work magick. She is a nurturer. She is confident and has no indecision. The Mother knows what she is. She is the full moon.

KALI (Crone)--Kali or Kali Ma is the best known Crone goddess. She will be deep in an System. One image of her in mythology is squatting over the dead Shiva devouring his penis while physically eating his intestines. This is an actual Satanic ritual that Mothers-of-Darkness participate in. Kali has both creation-& destruction abilities. Kali’s necklace in Indian legend consists of skulls with magical sanskrit letters. Kali was and is worshipped by a great number of people, especially the Hindus. One group of worshippers has been the Thugs, who relate to the Assassins and the Knights Templars. Another group of Kali worshippers are the gypsies who left India in the middle ages and over the next following hundreds of years travelled all over the world. Originally, blood sacrifices of male animals or men were made to her. There is a reported decrease in India of such blood sacrifices from what it was a century ago. The favorite view of Kali is the black Kali named Dakshinakali. She is usually shown black and naked, full-breasted with dishevelled hair and a wild grimace.

MAAT--Maat’s name means "She whose name is Truth". Her symbol is a red ostrich feather. A ritual vow is "by the Feather of Maat." Maat’s presence might explain why a System is infatuated with feathers. Maat is the one in legend who "is the pattern" --the one who "will find a way to weave us back into our proper places in the tapestry."

The carousel must be approached from the back side. At times an internal key, which often looks like an old key is needed to enter the Carousel. Many Illuminati systems are given a key or set of keys, and at times when they enter therapy the front alters give this to their therapist not knowing what the key is, but knowing it is important. The co-authors believe that these keys are carousel keys. A false trinity will be assigned to guard this, which will consist of the False Prophet, The Beast or Dragon, and the Hoofed One. The false prophet and the Beast (dragon) come out of the book of Revelations.

The victim has their mouth restrained from screaming. The pain from this is about as excruciating as a human can stand. First, the fear part of the brain is activated. Then the logic part is activated, and the victim is told repeatedly "Be good, obey." Next, the fear is stimulated, and then the pain. The head will have excruciating pain, and so will the body to the point of nausea and sickness. An alter will be created to carry the pain, and one to carry the fear, and one to carry the anger. These will be identified and used to guard the carousel. Six alters will guard the carousel. They will be identifie and linked to the most important carousel, which guards the core. To attempt to think about the carousel, on the part of an alter, may bring up these guards, and the system will abreact in memories that are almost unbelievably painful.

In this system the body feels totally disjointed and controlled by strings. Mengele enjoyed this program. He would say, "Dance Marionette dance." In other words, to paraphrase, "dance slave for me the controller". Demons are laid in to pull the strings of the puppet. The internal controller may be a demon or a demonized alter. It can be attached to other systems such as the Pentagram system. In a previous part of the book, it was discussed how the victim’s body is paralyzed by drugs and then electroshocked in a way that the person seems to be the Programmers puppet. This is put in when the child is very young. This puppet programming is very convincing to a small child, and is a very nasty program for the slave to experience.

Mind-controlled slaves have gone to therapists for years and never gotten free of the mind-control. The therapeutic process that the establishment has schooled them in and then requires them to adhere to, prevents the therapist from doing things that might really set the victim free. Therapists are often loath to give any help in any thing that smacks of spirituality. The spiritual issues in many of these slaves are the most crucial issues facing them. If they don’t resolve these spiritual issues, the deeper alters will continue to adhere to their blood oaths of allegiance to their Satanic abusers and their oaths to serve Satan loyally.

Each cult which programs, makes sure that they place in lots of loyal alters, which therapists call persecutor alters because they torment the alters who want freedom. If therapists try to eliminate these persecutor alters, they will fight back with the full tenacity and strength that the survival instinct gives to anyone. Their persecutor role needs to be validated, and then redirected toward productive ends. Many persecutor alters see life simply as following their instructions and that they are protecting the system from greater harm by stopping therapy. During programming that was the case, but if their System has reached a good therapist and has good support team of other people, their fears no longer apply. The cult will attempt to show them that their fears do still apply. Hopefully, the support team for the system of alters will work as hard at protecting as the abusers do to reinforce the fear. Many of the programmers have been associated with the military.

The next line of defense is that the fronts of an alter System don’t have a clue about the abuse or what their system has been designed for. The front alters will have alters which are loyal to the master, and alters who are full of craziness and disinformation. If the victim keeps probing (which many don’t) they will discover an occult involvement. Even if they discover that the System is related to the occult world, the programming is still intact.

Finally, the members are warned that they will be sacrificed on a cross like Christ in what is termed "a traitor’s death." Usually, mind-controlled slaves will police their own actions and thoughts. The therapist may hear their Monarch client talk about the Dove, fire, Moriab, and water as protectors. They may talk about a little bird dove who is part of protection which flies iftto the ebony trees.

Any child if it is drugged, tortured, threatened with death if they don’t follow directions, with weakened and confused minds will get to the point where the child will create a Data alter in its mind, rather than die. Once in place, the Data alter will think of itself as the movie character. Every time the child sees Star Trek or pictures of Data, it will reinforce the programming. The transformer room technique of beaming in Star Trek is what magicians have tried to do for centuries and which has been called "bi-location-physical projection" as well as other things. This is said in magic to be mental control over the molecules of the body via demonic power. Whether magicians have ever done this, who knows, some certainly claim the power.

1. The Needs Of Individuals Are Promised To Be Met, But Are Ignored For Group Goals. The Illuminati handler (master) will promise to meet individual needs of alters, but these needs are ignored for group goals. For instance, certain Monarch alters of a person’s system may be told they have no faces and no hearts. They are programmed not to see their faces and not to hear any heart beat. If a pulse monitoring machine is hooked up to the alter, the alter will go into a trance. For instance, the handler might promise faces and hearts but will never give them to the Monarch slave when he could. The promise is a control mechanism.
2. Isolation From The World, So That the Only Reality Is The Leader's Reality. The Illuminati isolates the slave so new ideas are available or allowed except their cult leader’s ideas. "Whatever the Papa Bear [master] says is reality." Each alter will only communicate with a few other alters. What this does is divide the person from their own parts. The will and mind is broken so that there is no organized resistance, nor any access to other alters who might know something. The slave will often be denied mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunts, sisters, children, grandchildren, & friends. They will be deprived of all naturally occurring relationships via the mind control. This doesn’t they mean exist in a
vacuum, it means that the handlers will prevent natural relationships to develop. Isolation is very key and parts are made to feel like animals rather than people to isolate them from humanity. No ideas are allowed the slave to confront their programmer’s lies. They are programmed to hate Christ and the God of the Bible, so that they are isolated from the true God and His abundant spiritual resources.
3. The Person's Sense Of Identity Is Lost. The Monarch slave lose his/her sense of self to the cult and to the person’s master. No sense of where I begin & end, and where the Master begins and ends. The Monarch programming goes beyond what many cult have done, the alters are hypnotized to not see their faces, which is part of their identity.
4. Altered States and Hypnosis Is Used. The handlers/programmers use hypnotic techniques. They induce dissociation by songs, chanting, guilt inducing sessions, torture, isolation, as well as using songs, repeating triggers 3X, and lots of hypnosis.
5. A Sense Of Peace Is Induced, Especially When One Merges With Whoever Is Leading. The Head Of The Cult Will Take Credit For What The Slave Is. They induce a sense of peace leading to the fantasy of merging with leader, often suggested by leader. Then the victim has the abuser placed internally in them. For example, the master may say he was one with the slave and that he "created" the slave. The handler will claim to be God.
6. Out Of Body Experiences. Out of body experiences (O-B-E’s) are induced by the torture & Illuminati training, as well as splits.
7. Sensory Bombardment And Fatigue. Sensory bombardment used, such as prolonged sleep deprivation, environmental control, and love bombing. Cages, love bombing of certain alters, and a sterile nursery/toddler room are employed.
8. Critical Thinking And Disagreeing With The Leader Is Forbidden. The slave must suspend ability to think critically or disagree with leader. The slave must never question the Master (also called the handler), never get angry at the handler, or else the slave wants to be punished. The slave must always obey or pay with pain. The alters are splintered from others so can’t use their information for analysis.
9. The slave must reorganize reality through identification with aggressor (Illuminati master). Strong identification is created with the master. The slave is programmed to protect the master.
10. Individual sees locus (location) of control with the Master and the Illuminati rather than self. Programming overrules self.
11. Black and white thinking is created by the programming. Many of the Gnostic cults (see the Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book for an examination of what a Gnostic cult is) have employed these tactics. People in the Jehovah’s Witnesses and CUT, which are Gnostic cults, as well as members of many other groups--such as the CIA will recognize that these methods were used on them. (The CIA is in reality just another cult, and an Illuminati-controlled cult at that.)

When a person has been knocked down and degraded, traumatized by poor sleep and little food and water, he is more susceptible to suggestion. He can then be told that he himself is the cause for his own degradation. If he just behaves betters, his treatment will improve. When the person accepts his guilt for the bad situation he is in, then the programmers give a target for the blame--God, country, or whatever the person had depended upon. The programmer then aggravates these hostile feelings, and keeps nurturing them until the person is livid with anger toward the object of blame. The victim is coached to project their blame onto this target of blame. When this is accepted, the conditions for the victim improve.
Once the person has targeted their blame, then the Programmer becomes the friend to help one fight the evil target. Anything and everything is rationalized in this "All becomes fair in war." Enemies are easy to create. People readily accept them. The intelligence community has long played on people’s fears about
People might be shocked to realize that this was one of Hitler’s favorite methods to recruit loyalty from people. It is why the Nazi’s secretly burned down the Reichstag, and then blamed the communists. The Illuminati are masters at making Christianity the fault for everything from homosexual suicide to the world wars.

The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of [mind-control] to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance,’ or nobility... "

As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of each and every church, must, one way, or another, be discredited. Religion must become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through pyschopolitical indoctrination, that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal.

Demons are attracted by the "scent" of people. We are made in the image of God, and we are attractive prey to those who hate God Almighty. Cities are magnets for demons. When demons target a person or people, a common tactic is to make trouble for the person. When a person’s problems reach a crescendo, they will be in a state of mind to grab any solution that is passing by. People then make pacts with demonic forces. They sell their souls hoping for relief from their problems. All this is clear as a bell to the spiritually enlightened, but the demonic forces are able to dull the senses of their victims to the point they no longer have the slightest realization that they have sold their souls. People make a choice to accept the falsehood offered by the demons for their relief, rather than stick with the truth which seems to hurt. The demonic lies may be that colds and flues are caused by evil spirits--when in reality they are caused by viruses and bacteria. Or the opposite type of lie may be given--that demonic forces have no influence over disease, that only viruses and bacteria exist. In Africa, modern medicine is often viewed as White Man’s magic, because they fight disease with incantations which the demons have taught them to use to cure their problems. Authority to demons is transferred to them by festivals, ceremonies and pilgrimages.
Strong demonic manifestations usually occur around festivals, ceremonies, rituals and pilgrimages which are being done everyday around the world. These ceremonies and rituals are welcome mats for demonic forces giving them the right to rule. Every area of the world has them. And often demonic signs and wonders occur at these rituals and ceremonies. The power of a lie has to be preserved and fueled by tradition, which is manifested via rituals. Without tradition the power of the lie would die out. If the tradition is being rejected by a people, the demons often augment it with "new" deceptions. The first lie doesn’t stand a chance. The pre-existing bondage then is strengthened by new deceptions that seem more appropriate. If you were asked now, "HOW DOES SATAN ENSLAVE PEOPLE?" you should know the answer because it was just given it to you. The answer is Satan’s control is trauma-based. A trauma is applied to the lives of people. They reach out for some type of answer to the trauma, and the demons offer some type of answer--so many Hail Marys, or so many sacrificed cats, or pray to some idol which is a disguised
demon. The lies are turned into myths which the people believe. The myths are a blurring of reality which the people on one level may know are false, but their minds can’t break loose of the power of the lie. The power of the myths are fueled by tradition and demonic manifestations and demonic attacks.
Anyone who steps outside of the demonic lie is attacked. The people feel they are being personally attacked when their traditions are ignored. Because a people has willingly sacrificed the truth for the falsehood in their need for relief from their trauma, they have chosen to be deceived. This choice to be deceived has a great deal of spiritual power to it. They are no longer truth-lovers. It is not enough to come to these people with the truth. They have rejected the truth. They must at some point will to seek the truth again. These people can have all the proof shown to them about the truth, and they will continue to reject it. Their demonic bondage needs to be broken somehow. This bondage can be broken in a number of ways. Pointing out the inadequacies of the lies is sometimes sufficient to break the demonic spell over people. But after the lies are broken, they need to be followed by the truth--and the love of truth. The Monarch Mind Control programming is simply the sophisticated application of what has been done to humanity on a large scale being scaled down and applied to a single human body.

The heartbeat of the Body of Christ is to bring all humanity to their Creator God. This can be done by breaking down all the lies and programming that separate the parts of the Body of Christ so that those of Christ are so well integrated in love and spirit that the world believes on the power of Christ. Each of the programming acts has a spiritual, mental, and physical side to it.
The slave has his or her will stripped from them so it becomes unnecessary to think in terms of their guilt--they are slaves who no longer have the freedom of choice. If they kill, or steal, or tell an untruth (lie), they have not done it intentionally. Still the Programmers know that there are spirits involved to spiritually prepare the slave to do these acts. For instance, they implant Spirits of Greed and lust into the victim.
An Illuminati value system is drilled into the victim. Any person who is not taught to dedicate personal rights and possessions to God, will end up with all types of surface forces such as insecurity, worry, anger, envy, jealousy and tension. This goes for multiples or non-multiples. These surface forces will in turn cause all types of surface weaknesses such as lying, stealing, cheating, and arguing. If these surface weaknesses are displayed by anyone, they are evidence that a deeper spiritual problem exists.
However, the slave is not being set up to display these vulnerabilities as they will, but ONLY as they are programmed. An Illuminati Beta model can have sex only with who her master allows her to have sex with. Nor is she granted the privilege of refusing to sexually service someone.
If the slave is allowed free will, they often will reject the life style programmed into them. The reason they can reject the Spirits of Seduction & Lust that have been layered in to insure that these moral weaknesses exist, is because the will of the alter being programmed was being coerced. There was duress involved. Satan has some claim, but not the stronghold that comes from those whose active will is involved in a sin. That doesn’t mean that some slaves don’t develop a taste for their perversion. The point is that the ability to have these personality weaknesses, should the programmers want them, can be spiritually set into the slave by teaching the slave to resist the grace and love of God. It may be shocking to realize that the slaves are specifically programmed to resist God’s grace and love, and to hate Him. This is not left to chance, and is accomplished by a number of events in the slave’s life.

There is a place for defending the truth, but it must be done in love. Christ and his disciples taught that we are justified by faith in God--not by self-justification. Self-justification can easily be related to the self-preservation bondage loop. We simply have to have an inner knowing that we are made in the image of God, and that He is working in each of our lives. Since we are His work, He will justify us. All of the Monarch slaves, are a work of God. The cult has simply refashioned what God created.
The slave needs to recapture the loving view God has of what He created. God doesn’t make mistakes. He has placed lots of beauty and value in each person. Each person is His handiwork, isn’t the human body fearfully and wonderfully made?
After someone has been made to participate in crimes against humanity, the Programmers intuitively have created a situation where the person may fall into self-justification, for example, "They deserved to die." This is a subtle, but dangerous tool of bondage. Much of the trauma-based mind-control is based on simple fundamental spiritual life-spiritual death issues. The Spirit of the Lord does not give fear. It comes from the enemy. Abductees, who claim to have met aliens, claim that the aliens feed off of human fear. Fear brings spiritual death. To show this dynamic in another way, let’s describe a common thought for alters of Monarch slaves. This thought is "If I stay with the programming I’m safe." This is the same thought that society in general is taught via fear of self-preservation. "If I stay with the crowd, if I stay with the system, then I will be safe." This is why peer pressure, which seems safe, can lead many young people into death.
All this fear of self-preservation by remaining in the programming (whether individual or societal) will be transferred to loyalty of the AntiChrist--that is the plan. The Truth shall set you free. Anytime we reject the truth for safety and peace because of our fear for self-preservation, we accept a lie. If the truth sets a person free, then by definition, slavery means to "not to have truth." All lies lead to bondage. They create strongholds. Many religious groups are built upon a collection of truths and lies. The truths are used as the enticing attractive front, the lies are used as the enslaving bondage. This is why there is almost no end to all the lies used to program Monarch-type trauma-based total
Mind-controlled slaves.

It is sad to see victims of mind-control free themselves at great cost, only to run from one controlling group to another. If we neglect to look at the spiritual dimensions of mind-control slavery, we then are neglecting to see some of the elements of total mind-control slavery.

One of the names connected with Monarch programming is Marionette Programming. The child literally becomes a Marionette. This concept appears to have been cooked up by the Germans under Hitler. An alter System as a child is physically shown that they are a marionette puppet. Their muscles are electro-shocked in such a way as to take advantage of the natural reflexes. When electro-shocked that way, the victim’s body parts jerk out of our control at the whim of the programmer to prove to the victim that they are a puppet. At this time, the rules are given and rule number 8 is that the alters are their puppet. Illuminati programmer Dr. Mengele, used puppets in a dollhouse as he programmed.

The primary vehicle for programming was the raw terror that is repeatedly instilled into the victim. To achieve total terror, the sadist programmer gains total control over every aspect of a person, their thoughts, their bowel movements, their life, even the power to commit suicide is stripped from the victim. Nothing that originally belonged to the victim is left untouched. A realistic fear of most victims, is that they will never be believed. Indeed, many therapists are serving the final insult to these severely traumatized people by denying the authenticity of things the victim experienced himself and even wishes were not true. For a victim to overcome their fear to tell, after all the years of programming not to tell and threats not to tell is an enormous feat. Very few victims, ever get to this point. And yet, when they do overcome this enormous barrier, they must face disbelief.

One of the things that the deeper alters will not be taught about is forgiveness. Because forgiveness of oneself and others is such an important spiritual dynamic, to not know about forgiveness cripples many deeper alters from healing from the deep spiritual wounds they have received. Forgiveness is an act of the will. Forgiveness of oneself is usually a major issue with deeper alters who generally don’t know how to do this. However, the handlers and abusers will be sure to heap lots of guilt--whether deserved or not onto the poor mind-controlled victim.

Sometimes this power is addictive. This addiction can be a trap that binds the slave to his source of power. The power that the Illuminati give their slaves is one of the major barriers preventing deeper alters from moving toward freedom when their systems have a chance. Slaves also turn a great deal of anger in on themselves. The self-image of most alters in a System is extremely low. The anger that alters have becomes a tool of the handler to insure that the slave never thinks highly enough of themselves to do anything about the control over them.

Within the spiritual realm the very same thing happens. The Anti-Christ is less of a Christ destroyer as he is a Christ replacement. True spiritual power is replaced within the world by the religious spirit. Within Christendom, the religious spirit has replaced much of the positions that should have gone to true faith. Therefore the power of true faith is destroyed by simply being replaced and its position usurped.
The foundation for the religious spirit are fear and pride, which are also foundational pillars for the Monarch programming. The religious spirit can be detected when someone reads an admonishment and can apply it immediately to others and not to oneself.

The will of the person also plays a role in the introduction of demons into the body. Torture attaches and layers in demons within the body. Sex and blood sacrifices are used to attach powerful demons.
According to high level demonology, certain powerful spirits can only be manipulated if there are blood sacrifices. This may seem strange, however, the record (evidence) bears out that generational victims of possession who have had demons placed in via blood sacrifices are definitely controlled by more powerful demonic forces.

"I have the capacity and therefore the duty to contribute to the development of myself, my associates, and our planet, simultaneously now! I take personal responsibility for generating evolutionary conspiracies as a regular part of my work. I will select and create conspiratorial mechanisms that are not costly in time or resources because I am aware of the five channels available to me (such as radio, television, and word of mouth.) I will organize a self-supporting high commando group that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet. I will then pass this concept on to others who are capable of generating further self-organizing commando teams.’’

If a master has to constantly spend time whipping and motivating his slave, as well as forever watching that the slave doesn’t escape or do shoddy work, or physically or verbally injure the master, then controlling the slave can end up to be a full time job. When the master gets too much involved in the control process, he ceases to be master, and becomes a slave to the control process. The intelligence agencies knew that they would have to create mind control slaves who could police themselves. If the master has to constantly guard his slave, the slave will be more trouble than he is worth.

For thousands of years, spy operations have honed their skills at controlling people. Because they work secretly, they generally have done whatever they wanted. When you combine the resources and centuries of intelligence operations of the Illuminati, along with the credibility of government intelligence agencies supposedly guarding our national security, the combination is horrific. There are no moral or financial restraints on what is being done. If the intelligence groups want to dabble in keeping a severed head alive apart from the body, (or a frozen body with an active head) which they have done, there is no one to stop them. Handlers of slaves use both natural and contrived cues to convey to the slave that they want obedience.

One of the saddest things for Monarch mind-control survivors is that the Programmers are so systematic in destroying everything of beauty and value in life. Everything conceivable that can be degraded will be. This mind control has spread like an unseen cancer to every segment of life, and threatens to destroy this nation from the inside out.

Organizations Practicing Trauma-Based Mind Control
(These groups form what insiders call "the Network." They are the backbone of what is known as the New World Order.)
● Air Force Intelligence
● Army Intelligence (such as CIC)
● Atomic Energy Commission
● Boeing
● British Intelligence, in. MI-6, MI-5, & the Tavistock Institute
● Bureau of Narcotics
● Bureau of Prisons
● Catholic Church (incl. Jesuits)
● Central Intelligence Agency, CIA (aka Agency, Company, Langley)
● Charismatic movement
● Church of Satan
● Church of Scientology
● Club 12 & Club 41
● Country Music Industry
● Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA
● Department of Justice
● Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI
● Freemasonry (esp. the Palladium Rite, 33o and above degrees,Quatuor Coronati
● Lodge, SRIA, and other Masonic affiliated organizations)
● German Intelligence (Shaback)
● Hollywood
● The House of Saud in Saudi Arabia (which has un-programmed slaves too)
● The Illuminati (also known as The Circle, Moriah, Moriah-conquering-wind, Gnostics, Luciferians etc.) at all levels is involved in trauma-based mind control as perpetrators & victims, incl. Frat. Saturni-Orden Fraternitas Saturni, THFS, FOGO, Golden Dawn, AntiC.Lucif. Dyn, etc.
● Ku Klux Klan (different KKK groups)
● Mafia
● Masons (see Freemasonry)
● Mod in
● Mossad (Mossad le Aliyah Beth)
● Mormon Church
● NASA (National Space Admin.)
● National Security Agency NSA
● National Programs Office
● National Science Foundation
● Naval Intelligence (ONI)
● Neo-nazi groups
● Oddfellows
● OTO (there are 4 groups)
● P.4 (elite MI6 section)
● Palo Mayombe
● Process Church and its offshoot Chingun etc.
● Professional Baseball, such as the L.A. Dodgers
● Russian government & intelligence groups (GRU & KGB & KGB’s successor, historically an early group known as Spets Byuro #1 called "Kamera" in Russian which means "Chamber" did drug/hypnosis mind control research. The Spetsburo was responsible for assassinations.)
● Santaria
● Satanic Hubs, Soc. of Dk. Lily, Chdrn of Lucifer (UK)
● Temple of Power (previously known as Temple of Set)
● Umbanda
● US Army--esp. the Delta Forces & the 1st Earth Batt.
● Veteren’s Administration
● Werewolf Order
● Some Witchcraft groups besides Satanism & Moriah

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