Friday, March 8, 2013

Light-Wisdom-Will-Control of the divine Love-Slave-Truth-Addict

Sola und jetzt hängt mir dieser berechenbare Dämonenaffenzirkus zum Hals raus. Wenn mans durchschaut hat, ist es irgendwann nur noch langweilig. Immer der selbe Mist. Tag ein Tag aus. Habe nun schon mehr als genug Zeit, Raum und Energie an diese Bastarde vergeudet. Den verschiedenen Geräuschzeichen zu folge, tut sich was in diesem Land. Kommt langsam aber sicher Bewegung ins kollektive Befreiungsspiel. Wurde auch Zeit. Kümmern sich nun endlich andere Kräfte um diese ekelhafte Nazicopbande. Und ich werde offenbar zum 1.mal sogar beschützend be- oder überwacht und kann wieder getrost meiner eigentlichen Geistfokus-Arbeitsmission nachgehen. Anstatt mich mit solch kriminellen Dämonenabschaum rumärgern zu müssen und von einem korrupten Staat ignoriert, behindert und verfolgt zu werden. Wieder zurück zu den wichtigen Dingen und Themen des Lebens. Wissen und Wahrheit, um das Verständnis und die Erkenntnis des Liebeslichts in den schlafenden und blinden Menschenherzen zu fördern, auslösen und erweitern. Jetzt, wo mehr Zuschauer hinzugekommen sind erst recht.
Und JJ hat sich vielleicht sogar absichtlich erwischen und rausschmeissen lassen, um endlich aus diesem Psycho-Horror-Haus zu entfliehen. Habe ihm nämlich über ein anderes Folterknastopfer eine Liebesnachricht zukommen lassen, die ihn dazu veranlasst haben könnte. Ein indirekter Heiratsantrag sozusagen. Und dafür braucht man einen Pass. ;) Oder er ist den Terrorbullen auch lästig und zu gefährlich geworden. Aber unser Superdämon hat ja nun ganz grosse Karrierepläne und keine Zeit mehr für ungehorsame Hirnsklaven. Who knows. Aber jetzt gerade scheint keiner zu wissen, wo er sich genau befindet und das ist wahrscheinlich auch besser so. Er wird es schon schaffen und zu mir zurück kommen. Da bin ich sicher. Frei und allein. Stärker und schöner als je zuvor. Das wollte er mir bestimmt sagen als er vor ein paar Tagen da war. Damit ich auf ihn warte und mir keine Sorgen mehr mache. Alles wird gut. Schon ganz bald. Wahre Liebe siegt immer und vergeht nie. Kann es kaum erwarten bis wir uns endlich wieder sehen. Aber Vorfreude ist ja bekanntlich die schönste.

Das wird ein Liebesfeuerwerk der extra-super-spezial Megavulkan-Sonnenherz-Lichtklasse!

The Dharma of the “Eye” is the embodiment of the external, and the nonexisting. The Dharma of the “Heart” is the embodiment of Bodhi (True, divine Wisdom), the Permanent and Everlasting.

May I be a protector for those who are without protectors, a guide for travelers, and a boat, a bridge, and a ship for those who wish to cross over. May I be a lamp for those who seek light, a bed for those who seek rest, and may I be a servant for all beings who desire a servant.

Come now therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people; for they are too mighty for me: peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite them, and that I may drive them out of the land: for I wot that he whom thou blessest is blessed, and he whom thou cursest is cursed.

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

In his Key to Alchemy, Samuel Norton divides into 14 points the processes or states through which the alchemical substances pass from the time they are first placed in the test tube until ready as medicines for plants, minerals, or men!
1. Solution - the act of passing a gaseous or solid condition into one of liquidity.
2. Filtration - the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles suspended in it.
3. Evaporation - the changing or converting from a liquid or solid state into a vaporous state with the aid of heat.
4. Distillation - an operation by which a volatile liquid may be separated from substances which it holds in solution.
5. Separation - the operation of disuniting or decomposing substances.
6. Rectification - the process of refining or purifying any substance by repeated distillation.
7. Calcination - the conversion into a powder or calx by the action of heat; expulsion of the volatile substance from a matter.
8. Commixtion - the blending of different ingredients into one compound or mass.
9. Purification (through putrefaction), disintegration by spontaneous decomposition; decay by artificial means.
10. Inhibition - the process of holding back or restraining.
11. Permentation - the conversion of organic substances into new compounds in the presence of a ferment.
12. Fixation - the act or process of ceasing to be a fluid and becoming firm; state of being fixed.
13. Multiplication - the act or process of multiplying or increasing in number, the state of being multiplied.
14. Projection - the process of transmuting the base metals into gold.

He must realize that all metals -- like all stones plants, animals, and universes -- grow from seeds. And that these seeds are already in the body of substance, for the seed of man is in the Universe before he is born (or grown). And as the seed of the plant exists for all time through the plant but the plant live but part of that time, so the seeds of spiritual gold and material gold are ever present in all things. The metals grow through out the ages because life is imparted to them from the Sun. They grow imperceptibly in form like tiny shrubs, for everything grows in some way.

The Main Purpose and Finis Ultimus of the Hermetic Art is not to produce Gold, as it is the belief of the ill-informed lovers of Gold, but instead the study of God's beautiful Miracles, which lie hidden in the abstruse rerum centro, and to contemplate the Sacrarium Naturae benedictae, ejusque Majestatem occultum remoto velo.

The unworthy Lovers and Seekers, with their perverse or unnatural Subiectis and Laboribus, cannot bring the philosophical Sun and Moonchild into the World. They seek this divine natural Art without recognition of God and Nature; they do not even know what kind of thing Nature is, and they know not the inner workings of Nature. Their minds go constantly around the circumference, and they speak of the many effects of Nature, but they do not find the Centre of Nature, which causes all of the effects of Nature.

"It is impossible, that any Mortal understands this Art, unless he has been previously enlightened by the Divine Light."

That is why the Hermetic Philosophers say that their Materia is being born like the thunder and leaves behind similar signs.

"You call the Human Being Microcosmum, and this is the proper name, but you never fully understood this. You should therefore understand us and we interpret the Microcosmum. In the same way as the Heaven is constellated by itself, with all his Firmament, so is the Human Being constellated and ruled by itself. As little as the Firmament in Heaven is ruled by a Creature, is the Firmament in Human Beings being ruled by other Creatures, but it is instead, by itself a might, a free Firmament, without any commitment."

"In all three Kingdoms, no creature can be without this Sulphur; he is not the Life-Balsam, but virtually the glue with which the body is being kept together, and also the magnet which attracts the heavenly Sulphur or the Life-Balsam for the maintenance of the Creatures."

The Earth or the Outer World is the Kingdom of the physical senses and of the common intelligence. The dark Underworld is the sphere of feelings and the chaotic pictureworld of dreams. The illuminated ultraworld, on the other hand, is the Kingdom of the Divine Spirit and the eternal primordial pictures, which are formed out of the purest Light, and reveal only infallible Truth and Wisdom.
Thus, to some extent, the Earth is an in-between Kingdom (Interregnum) between the Upper and the Lower, between the World of the Angels and the dark Kingdom of the infernal demons. The Egyptians possessed the ability of profound thinking and no one examined Nature more meticulously than they did. They depicted this in a Hieroglyph which showed the Human Being as a heavenly Creature and at the same time as an animal. This is illustrated by the form of a sphinx, which is a Lion with a human head, with a small upright human figure standing between the paws. Between the Animal-Kingdom and the inhabitants of the Lightworld beyond, stands the Human Being, half Animal and half Angel. When the Human Being turns towards the animal, it then devours the Angel. Should the Human Being nourish (sustain) himself with the nourishment of the heavenly Spirit, the Angel conquers the Animal, and the Human Being enters into the Temple of the eternal Light.
There is probably not one picture in the whole of Nature, which depicts the position of the Human Being more clearly, shows the origin from which all Human errings are derived, or describes what Human Beings have deteriorated to and are regressing to daily.

The Spirit cannot be coagulated, other than with the solution of the body; the body cannot be dissolved without the simultaneous Coagulation of the Spirit! This is how both have an effect upon each other, and into one another; the fiery Spirit dissolves the Corpus, and this in turn binds the Spirit. Out of this emerges a kind of middle substance between the Spirit and the Body; a physical Spirit and a spiritual Body. This is the Art-Chaos of the Philosophers, the much sought after materia prima, our Mercurius duplicatus.

This divine Prime-Light descends out of the regions of the Ultra-Heavenly into the Heaven, that means into the Kingdom of the Constellations, where it turns into the Light of Nature (Astral-Light), into the World-Soul. This Light preferably makes use of the Air as a carrier, through which it maintains the Life of all Creatures. While the Air condenses itself into a rain or dew, the living Fire steps secretly with the Water into the Earth, where it takes on a Salt-Body, which is a physical Water or a fixed Fire that has with the living volatile Fire the greatest inclination, because it requires the same as nourishment.

The lower Water is the rootmoisture of all things, the Central-Water of the Earth, a dissolving leafy Earth. Before the fall, this Water was pure, transparent and luminous like a crystal. But, after the fall, it became impure, dark, coagulated Water, wherein only the uppermost, immortal energies (Spirit and Soul) are imprisoned. Through this, this terra damnata of the corruption has become subject to death, and in spite of it, it does contain pure Water invisibly within itself.
Whosoever knows how to separate the Immortal from the Mortal, the blessing from the curse, to bring the indestructible back into the original Being (as it was in the beginning) and into its original dignity, is the one, who imitates GOD'S Work of Creation in a small way, and he is a true Alchemist.

"You must make this Water first, before you can find it."

The Son of Sun deserves to be drawn out of the Darkness; to purify him and to bring him to a more mature position, for which this Gabritius still requires the help and co-operation of his Sister Beja or Diana (that is, the inner Central-Moon or Water).
Because, the Central-Water, which is hidden in the Earth is lunarian in attribute, yet not as luminous, as the heavenly moon. The inner Central-Fire takes on four degrees of heat, when performing the alchemistical Work, and in accordance to how his effective attribute overcomes the other attributes (Elements) of the Materia. These four degrees are being indicated (shown) through four main colours: black, green, white and red. All the colours which appear in the Magnum Opus come from the inner Sulphur, as the Originator and the Bringing-Forth of all colours.

Black is the colour of the Earth or the Body; green is the colour of the Rootmoisture; white is the colour of the Spirit (or Air); and red is the colour of the Soul or the Fire. In addition, the colour black is saturnine, green belongs to Venus, white is mercurial-lunarian and red is martian-solar.

Only this Fire-Water is capable of dissolving the Gold radically, to expose it out of its nature and to reduce it to an oily lime (calcium), or to a vitriolic Guhr, that is, to lead it back into its materia prima. Because our Son of the Sun is too deeply entangled in the Earth and bound so much so, with the Superfluity of the same, that he must be liberated from this bondage through the heavenly Vulcan, that is, through the descent to Hell of our red fiery Eagle, to deliver this our Phoenix, to redeem this imprisoned Soul out of the darkness.

"Whosoever, has no knowledge of the rightful beginning, will never find the desired ending; and whosoever, does not know, what he seeks, does also not know, what he will find."

It could also be said, that everything was created through the LIGHT, and that the whole of Nature in all its graduations, represents only a colourful scale of the Primordial-Light. Without Light, there is no Life! It does not matter if (it is) WORD, NUMBER, LIGHT or the geometrical Principle; basically, all of this is One, namely an expression of the activity of the eternal divine Wisdom. We must not mistake the eternal WORD of GOD with the temporary words of Human Beings, and we should not mistake the divine PRIMORDIAL-NUMBER with the numbers of the Nations' Shopkeepers, and the world-creating PRIMORDIAL-LIGHT, with the Colour-Hallucinations of the hypnotizing Illusionists!

A language is not only a communication to the outside, not only an utterance, but the language can also become a speaking to the inside; it can become an inherent awareness. The Human Being is internally divided into a conscious I-PERSON and into an unconscious DEPTH-PERSON, that means Spirit and Soul. The Soul becomes a little clearer in a dream, when the conscious "I" has to suffer without being able to resist, may these thoughts or activities be beautiful or ugly, true or false. The Soul is the mirror of the Human Beings, that means = the conscious "I", in which the Human Being sees his thoughts and the Life of the Senses personified and taking place. In Truth, the Soul is the immortal Spark of God in a Human Being, his given-higher "I" from God. However, this spark is enveloped with the darkness of the earthly materia and lies powerless in the prison of the body. It is now up to the Human Beings to awake his Inner-Life, and to bring this, his divine Soul to speak.

Having received such a spiritual name represents a high and holy obligation, because through this name, the Human Being should be reminded of his true intended purpose and his higher mission. This name should be his ally, his energy in opposing his cravings for doubt. This Name should raise the Human Being out of the animalistic and material world and should give him the consciousness that he is carrying God's
Power within him.

When the Soul and the Spirit remain in our Flesh and Blood, and they do not become alive to a free "I", then they are still buried in the Earth, and when the corruption occurs, they must out of necessity, dissolve into atoms. However, as soon as we deliver them from their imprisonment, and we get them to speak, they incorporate the outer "I", then they also become Lord and Ruler over the earthly life, and they will lead us, since we became one with them, in Triumph to Immortality. It is therefore imperative and our duty to have our Soul speak, so that we can have a dialogue with her and receive from her the infallible Laws for our real reason for being."

I do not know how you will get out of the labyrinth, into which I led you.

The Spirit is the Judgement and the Will-Principle within us; the Soul is the Feeling and the Conception- Principle; and the Body is the implementing or the acting- principle, the Executive Organ. One without the other is powerless.
The Soul, being the inner sensorium, lives in her own picture world. These pictures are collected by the Spirit through abstraction into concepts, to draw judgements out of the conclusion; that means, to comprehend the sense and meaning of the spiritual ideas and primordial images of the pictures seen.
When the Spirit reaches an agreeable judgement, he then brings, through the Power of his Will, that particular idea, through the physical action into realization. The Spirit being the Will-Principle, he alone has control over the motor Nerve System of the body, upon which the Soul under normal circumstances, has no influence.

All ideas that the Human Being accepts are spiritual Seeds and pro-creative energies. The spiritual idea is the seed, the Soul is the soil, and the body (the astral body or astral form) the fruit. Whatever the Human Being sows is what he will harvest. The Sage produces a heavenly rebirth, the fool and the villain produce a hellish rebirth within themselves. Whenever the physical body falls apart, then the inner Life stands there, in the form of the Astral body as a product of the imagination; may it be in the form of a pure light angel or in the form of a dark, angry, fiery demon. The righteous will then be illuminated like the sun in GOD'S Kingdom. However, should the Soul be darkened, the whole Astral-body will be dark.

A Human Being does not have to speak to GOD with external Words; GOD already knows what he wants. Instead, Human Beings should let GOD speak within them, they should accept within them the Word or the Name of GOD, firstly through the thought, as spiritual recognition, then through the Soul, as a feeling and finally through deeds, we should attempt to act from the inside to the outside, and not from the outside to the inside!

Here I give you my key and My seal; one opens, one locks: Use both with understanding.

Should the Human Being be successful in strengthening the pure original human nature and elevate it to its true dignity, then little by little, "the devils" will flee from him. At this point the Human Being, who has been previously plagued by demons, emerges as a "Born Again Human Being" from this inner quarrel, and paradise opens itself up to such a person with its divine wonders. This is actually the true Process of the Magnum Opus of the true Alchemists, which for centuries, was completely wrapped up in a mysterious darkness.

In a Human Being, we basically have to, upon closer examination, differentiate between seven Principles:
1. According to the substance; the coarse external physical body belongs to the Mineral Kingdom.
2. The vegetative life; the Vital Principle, is that which is plant-like in the Human Being.
3. Instinct or the instinctive life; the unconscious Depth-of-the-Soul, the animality, synonymous with the animal in Human Beings.
4. The emotional and perceptional life; the picture-world of dreams and fantasy, the inner sensorium, the conscious soul is: the child in us.
5. The thought and judgement principle; the Spirit (intellect), the "I-Consciousness" and the personal will is: the Human Being in us.
6. The Principle of the higher intelligence and understanding; the geniality (Intuition) and wisdom, the higher SELF, the divine Spirit-Soul is: the Angel in us.
7. Above all, on a throne, God's Eternal Primary Light; the highest principle of Human Beings, usually overshadows Human Beings more or less and pours only its rays into the higher Spirit-Soul, without totally penetrating into the Human Being.

The Higher Part in us never sins, never consents to evil, always resists error and only gives counsel for the best. In this manner, the lower part submerges itself, the animalistic Soul, always into evil, sin and carnal desires. This is the Law of the Limbs, of which Paul said, it imprisons us in the Law of Sin. The Upper Part in us will never be damned, but instead returns to its origin, untouched by the
punishments of its companions. The Spirit, which is called the reasonable Soul by Plotinus; however, according to its nature is free, can in its own discretion attach itself to both parts, but will, when he consistently attaches himself to the Upper Part, unite with the Upper Part and is transfigured into a blissful life, until he is accepted by God. However, should he attach himself to the lower Soul, he then becomes subject to sin, and becomes worse and worse, until eventually he becomes an evil Demon.

Since eternity, Light and Darkness were in God, and both those things came out of God.

This Darkness is the desired and blessed philosophical Blackness which has concealed within itself a delicate Light. It is a virgin, a totally uninhibited Earth that has never before bore anything, but from her heart desires the Light. This new Earth upon which the whole Heaven has his eyes, is the true Gold-Magnet who draws towards itself the Seed of Light of the heavenly Sun and the Moon, and within itself solidifies into a Corpus. This Earth is only a subtile shell of the Light, and a matrix wherein the upper heavenly Light clothes itself and becomes visible.
But, in this Phase of Dissolution, is that in the Chaos by the Matrix conceived heavenly Light is not visible yet, instead it is still veiled by the black Darkness of Death.

"This Stone's Genus is everywhere.
His Conception occurs in Hell.
His Birth he has on Earth.
His Life he leads in Heaven."

"Christ, for once you must be in the Abyss of Hell. If you do not go when you are alive, then you must enter when you are dead."

"Forthwith after several severe Storms, my Spirit broke through the Gates of Hell into the Innermost of the Deity, and was there embraced by Love, like a Groom embraces his Bride."

"This firstborn Son of Nature, even though in his centro his substance is pure, must be renewed and be born again through Water and Fire; through the separation of the Earthly from the Fiery, the Coarse from the Subtile, with one Word: The Impure from the Pure. The cold moisture, which is mixed with earthly heavy things, must be withdrawn in order for the dry warmth to enter. That is how it ascends from the Earth towards Heaven, from Imperfection to Perfection. Nothing can attain heavenly Perfection unless firstly, the imperfect coarse mortal crust has been shed, which is of cold characteristics and the cause of death, whereas warmth produces Life. It is therefore, Nature's Rule that subiectum has to endure and go through a dark Blackness of Death, and through this must expect the clear white Immortality, the renewal of Life."

 ... and the darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water."

When your Electrum is broken, then take the Electrum which was made broken and fleeting and set it into a philosophical egg and seal it well, so that it cannot evaporate. Let it remain in an Athanor long enough, until it begins to dissolve by itself without any addition and until an island can be seen in the middle of this ocean, which reduces daily and eventually turns into a cobbler's blackness. This Blackness is the bird, which flies by night without wings, which also has inverted the first Heaven's dew through constant cooking and ascension and descension into a Blackness of the Ravenshead, and afterwards becomes a Peacock's tail, and then acquires Swan feathers, and eventually accepts the most Redness of the whole World, which is a sign of his fiery nature. This production occurs, in accordance with the opinion of the Philosophers in a utensil, in an oven, in a fire, without cessation of the vaporific fire. Thereupon, such medicine is heavenly and complete. Therefore, be serious about this; nobody can comprehend or understand this Arcanum divinum without divine Will. That is why, its virtue is infinite, so that God can be recognized therein. It is forbidden to write more about this secret and it is reserved for the divine Might. Because, this Art is actually a Gift from God, and that is why not everybody can understand it. Therefore, God gives it to whom He wishes, and He will not let anybody extort it from Him with force, but instead, God alone wants to have the Honour; His name be praised eternally. Amen!"

Paracelsus calls the Raven of the Alchemists, a Bird, which flies at night without wings! This is the up-to-now unaware, dream-like Depth-soul, the transcendental Subject of a Human Being, which now no longer is separated, but instead, it is being exalted to the consciousness of the Spirit and entered into a gentle communication (coagulation) with the Spirit.
This unification with the Divine Spirit is, however, for the animalistic Principle, that is for the lower Astral Soul, the old Adam within us, to a certain degree deadly, he is suffering through a condition of death, where he looses his up-to-now demonic Astral-form and enters again into the antenatal Limbus, that is, into his first creative indifference, into his materia prima! Now he became Earth again, from which he was taken, that is, APHAR min ha-ADAMAH, a red tinctorial Gold-dust, united with the Dew of Heaven.

According to the old Egyptian Mysteries, the Adept must pass through 12 Kingdoms of the dark Underworld, whereby he has to change garments twelve times, so that eventually by morning, adorned with the white raiment of the God Osiris, he can be shown to the crowd, as the "Son of the Sun. In the Persian Mysteries, the lowest degree, was that of the "Raven," the fourth degree, that of the "Lion," and the seventh and the highest, that of the "Eagle."

The colorful rainbow, that appears above the new Earth, is a sign that the flood has reached its end, and there is peace between Water and Fire. It is the mystical Jacob's Ladder, which stands between Heaven and Earth, and on which God's Angels ascend and descend.
All colours ascend and descend in the glass approximately 7 times. Every colour is the symbol of a certain new energy and virtue of the developing Sun-Child. The colour changes originate with the inner sulphur, as the Originator and the Producer of all colours. They come into being out of the fixed half, however, still to a certain degree volatile Spirits, which are on their way to becoming fixed.

With the multi-coloured and the magnificent green colour of Venus, the inner sulphur attains new energy to grow and become more and more alive. Eventually it wins, after the green colour changes into a wonderful Azure-Blue, the dazzling white colour of the full Moon, the Light-Raiment of the resurrected OSIRIS.
This dazzling whiter colour signifies the Union of the Male (Sulphur) with the Female (Mercury), so that they form one Body, the Hermaphrodite.

Since the Eagle is the symbol of the secending Spirit, so is the Dove a symbol of that descending divine Spirit from up above. That from now on, like an illuminated Aura or a fiery tongue, remains suspended above the head of our Subjecti, which was baptized 7 times in the mystical Jordan.

"This is a noble step from Hell to Heaven, from the bottom of the glass to the top of splendour and power, from the darkness in the blackness to the dazzling whiteness, from the highest of poisons to the highest of remedies."

The same as the Souls soon after their transitory pains reach paradise, where there is eternal Life of Joy, that is how our Stone, after its darkness is being purified in the purgatory of putrefaction, and the elements are being joined together to a Quintessence, that means, to the white Elixir of great Virtue, without antagonism.

Spirit-Body is mixed with the Soul and the Spirit and raised seven times into the Air, through which the Spirit-Body is truly exalted and is impregnated with the heavenly influences until the materia sublimates itself totally clearly, like a star. This is the true exaltation of our Stone, our in the Air born-child, which as soon as it returns again into its seed containing water, coagulates with the Soul and the Spirit into a red-gold sap which is our Elixir.

"O! above the mercy of Jesus Christ towards us ungrateful and life's unworthy, we who do not want to acknowledge God's gift and grace. O! about my ingratitude, when I, O my Creator, through my pen and true, sincere and fatherly proposal, cause, that this our Queen would come into the hands of an unfaithful."

"O, you holy Phoenix in my hands, you King of all Heavens, you Problem-Child of all Philosophers, you coagulated Heavens-Fire, now you are finally mine!"

"Now, this Son of the Sun, this living, fixed and magnificent Gold, can bring the dead or metallic Gold to life, if this highly noble King is attired with his purple coat and again placed in his steam-bath, and remains there until he takes his coat off, then puts on a black coat, then a white coat and eventually, again a much more magnificent red or scarlet-coloured coat and by those means attains such strength, power and might, that from that point on, he rules over Death and Life, and he can give his subordinates that same might, magnificence and splendour, then he can also multiply his Kingdom without End."

"An also-renewed Spirit-Body comes into the Order of the Spirits or the exalted Bodies; they are no longer subject to the Laws of the coarse corporeity."

The Soul substantially exists for everybody who does not conspicuously ignore it or, through sophism, allows it to be artificially disputed away. The Kingdom of the Soul is the inner World, which reveals itself through pictures and moods, which at first appear to be relatively unclear and chaotic. The reason for this is that the dream, or astral-body of a normal Human Being is not yet developed. Many are of the opinion that this inner life, this astral organism, would form by itself. But, nothing in Nature grows and takes shape by itself, if it is not given its nourishment and a corresponding model. Whosoever does not cultivate the Garden of the Soul wisely, but instead, allows it to grow wild, will never come out of the chaos.

"Blessed of the mortal earthly dwellers are only those, who have seen this; those however, who died without this initiation and if they were strangers to this holiness, they do not have part of this share, instead they are dead in the moist mess of the Kingdom of the Night."

"They shall build the old wastes: they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations."

"There is a threefold division in a Human Being: the Body, or the flesh, the lowest part of our nature upon which the old serpent has buried, through the original sin, the laws of sin, and through which we are tempted to do lustful things; and as many times, as we are conquered by temptation, that is how many times we associated with the devil. The Spirit, in or through which we express the resemblance with divine nature, in which the best of all, the Creator, in accordance with the example of His own Nature, engraved with His finger (that means In His Spirit), the external Law of Righteousness; through this, we will be united (merge) with God and be made "One with God."

"If the Soul is immortal, then she requires loving care, not only for the present time which we call Life, but also for the entire time, and that is why the danger appears to be very great when someone neglects his Soul. If death would be a separation from everything, then it would be a gain for the evil ones who, when they die, dispose their body and would, at the same time, dispose of the wickedness of their Soul. The soul has proven itself to be immortal, and there is no other protection from evil and no other deliverance than the endeavour to be as good and reasonable as is possible.

"The Light of the body is the eye. When this light is pure, your whole body shall be full of light."

"The Earth is in its own nature, a beautiful crystalline body, as light as the Heaven ... Consequently, it is clear, so that the darkness comes to the fire."

"Yet for a little while is the LIGHT in you. Walk as if you have already obtained the LIGHT, so that the darkness will not overcome you. Whosoever walks in darkness, cannot see whither he goes. Believe in the LIGHT, while you have it in you, so that you become "Sons of the Light."

"And above the heaven that was over their heads, was a likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it."

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth.

That is why we say, that in this World there are four lights, two heavenly and two central; the heavenly, Sun and Moon, everybody can see, the central lights however, are covered - one with the earth, the other with the water. That is why it is not believed that they exist. That the fire concealed in the earth is of a solar nature, a little coarser than the Sun.
In the water however, is a thick air of a lunar character, but not as light as the Moon. The central Sun throws a heated male Salt (Adamah) into the water; the water accepts it and adds to it its female mucous semen (Aphar), both of which rise with the air. That is how the semen of the body is prepared. The semen of the body also receives from heaven its life, from the Moon the Spirit, and from the Sun the Soul. In this manner the four lights come together, since the heavenly give Spirit and Life, and the earthly give the body. This semen is carried by the wind (Air) in a concealed manner and revealed in the water, namely in the light crystalline water, out of which it is drawn, because there is nothing else under the Sun wherein it could be found.

This dark region of the interregnum, which is inhabited by countless roaming Spirit-Beings, represents a great shock for the Souls travelling through this region. However, the pious are protected through their pure holy garments and through their psychic Signature that they wear, so that no dark Being can be in their proximity or come close to them.

A Human Being cannot only, but must, to be born again, be led back into his prima materia, out of which he came forth according to his astral nature. Before the "Son of Man" can be exalted, he must be humbled, and before he can ascend to heaven, he must walk for three days, through hell.

"Therefore, you must go through the Gate of Darkness if you want to win the Light of Paradise in the White."

"In the preparatory work, you must separate Body, Soul and Spirit from each other, purify and reunite them. Be only concerned about our water and the foliated earth, the Spirit cannot be seen; he moves all the time above the water. The foliated earth is like a little island in a philosophical ocean. You must crush and close up this earth, then it will, because of being thirsty in prison, shatter by itself and it will, like a thick water, mix with oil. You must know how you unite this, as terra foliata, in proper proportion with the water. Pondus aquae esto plurale, terrae vero foliatae singulare."

That is how a Human Being, that is perfection, of what we dealt with, yes and much more, because his internal living Spirit is immediately a spark of the living Divinity. Therefore, a Human Being should learn to recognize himself, then he will be able to judge everything out of his nature; even the four separated principia or qualities secundariae, on the whole they are called the Elements, all the creatures which are invisible to us, will be on the whole, totally discovered and revealed; yes Heaven and Earth, Light and Darkness, he will totally restore even the most dead corpus and make it eternally permanent. Yes, he will recognize, how once all earthly creatures will return again from the darkness and be transferred into a spiritual mercurial Life. Therefore, oh Human Being, learn to know thyself well, then nothing will be hidden from you, whatever it may be, the Philosopher's Mercurius, Moses but Fire, that is, what is called Salt and Water, you will understand, what is written: "He maketh lightning into rain." And because we are ourselves what we seek, it is therefore only righteous, that we make the beginning in us and on ourselves, to reach the recognition of the original state, of the whole creation and for the recognition of the Creator Himself, to Whom we give Praise and Glory in Eternity."

Awakening and Enlightenment, in truth, are the conception, the development and the unification of your three Alchemical Bodies, Body, Soul and Spirit, into a single Consciousness. Along the Path, it implies a large measure of Self-Realization, of actualizing your potential in all your dimensions. Your own Spirit must ultimately be your Guide and Master. You must grasp that although a true Master can show you the Path, no one but yourself can follow it. Your Guide might even be willing and able to give you a helping hand, but he or she cannot climb it for you.

One of the very first lessons a true teacher learns on their own Path is, “Wait until you’re asked!”

In our modern age it seems to be difficult to assign any precise age for the transition from the automated life process to the conscious life process, because of the transformative energy of the Age of Aquarius and the powerful effect that that has on human consciousness, which seems to have accelerated these processes. And in our new civilization, the Alchemical path is open to many more people than it used to be in the past.

At this stage we do not need rituals or symbols to manifest things in our lives, we can do powerful work effortlessly just by intent. At this point it is not appropriate to show others where we’re at and we would not want to demonstrate any of these signs to others and if Powers are used it is used with discretion. At this point also, we start hiding without hiding, and lead without being leaders, or teach without necessarily being the president of a school. We partly retire from public life, we become very selective but we let ourselves be accessible to certain people when that is desirable. Even though everybody knows that we exist, nobody knows what we really do, and yet if we do or say something in public, many people will listen to us. The accomplishment of the Alchemical Great Work, the Philosopher’s Stone and being Enlightened is a mystery.

To find the Absolute in the infinite and in the finite it is the Magnus Opus, the Great Work of the Sages which Hermes called the work of the Sun. One who possesses the Stone possesses the truth, the greatest of all treasures. That person is healed from ignorance, the most loathsome of all diseases. To the mystic, it is perfect Love which transmutes all that is base and raises all that is dead.

Humanity started some 50,000 years ago (two Ages of Aquarius back). And since then every time that humanity has completed a cycle and has transitioned to another cycle, our civilization evolved and transformed depending on the nature and the qualities of that particular new era. And now that we are in the process of a new transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius and because of the nature of the Age of Aquarius and its relation to human Evolution, Consciousness and Enlightenment, we are going to change to a degree that we cannot imagine yet, because the new Age is ruled by Uranus and Aquarius; the ones who refuse to change are going to stay behind. Another important factor is that for the first time in the history of humanity the smaller cycle of the Age of Aquarius that lasts 2149.7 years and the larger cycle that lasts 25,784 years are coinciding at the same time. What this means is that when we have a double Age of Aquarius like it is happening now, it is not called a transformation anymore. It is called the mutation of the human race into a new Enlightened semi-Divine Race; it is like going into the next step of the evolution ladder.
As opposed to the previous era, the Age of Aquarius will be an age of personal consciousness as opposed to the group collective consciousness of the age Pisces. For people who get into the energy of the Age of Aquarius their life accelerates and keeps changing. Creativity and personal power become very important; they transform themselves and reach Enlightenment.
Since Uranus went into Aquarius in 1975, many Uranian souls have been born on this planet with a special consciousness. Many books have been written about them, some calling them, “Indigo Children”, others “Crystal Children”. Whatever we call them is not important; what there is to understand here is this: these children are very developed spiritually, some of them are almost at the level of Enlightenment and maybe some others are already Enlightened. These evolved children are the ones who will transmute the human race and take it on to the next step of the evolution ladder into a new Enlightened semi-Divine Race.
To make this important transition, these children will need to develop higher Divine Powers such as both parts of the Philosopher’s Stone. Some children are already born destined to manifest this Stone. That’s why there are many metaphysical movies now such as “Harry Potter” that talk about the power of the Philosopher’s Stone. These movies are meant to activate the imagination of these children and to awaken their possibilities of manifesting these powers and of using them positively in all aspects of their lives and the lives of others.

The Physical Plane is the first stage of Alchemy. It is the development of the Physical Body, as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd subtle bodies that we call Etheric, Astral and Soul respectively. The Physical plane is also called the Shiny Black Phase and the first Alchemical Body. This is when we start to be awakened; just to be aware is not enough. The Cosmic Plane is the second stage of Alchemy. It is the development of the 4th, 5th and 6th subtle bodies that we call Spirit, Atma and Cosmic. The Cosmic Plane is also called the Shiny White Phase and the Alchemical Soul. This is when we radiate spiritually and we enter the early stages of Enlightenment. The Divine Plane is the third stage of Alchemy. It is the development of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th subtle bodies that we call Light Body Yin, Light Body Yang, Divine Body Yin and Divine Body Yang. The Divine Plane is also called the Shiny Red Phase and the Alchemical Spirit. At the end of this stage, we do an Alchemical Marriage of the Body, Soul and Spirit, unifying these three consciousnesses into a single Divine consciousness. That is when we become enlightened and the creator of our own destiny.

It is also possible to have energy links between individuals and groups. Any type of group humanitarian organizations, motorcycle gangs, families, occult groups, religions, schools, cults, businesses and even cultures and civilizations can have an energy link with an individual. In the case of larger groups, you may see an extremely complex web of energy links between members of the group that generates a collective field of energy. This collective energy field is called in the old esoteric vocabulary an aggregate. Many sects, cultures and some religions rely entirely on these energy links, or implants, in order to exist and to expand their aggregate.
Any implant can be used by individuals or by groups positively or negatively. For example, it can be used positively to educate and to raise consciousness, or it can be used negatively to control, dominate, brainwash and to withdraw knowledge or energy (as in psychic or Life Force vampires). Even groups that are positive sometimes can be influenced negatively by the dark forces through their collective energy fields (aggregate) which, in turn, influences all the members who are often unaware of what is happening. Each individual has the responsibility to be aware of the energy links that they have with others.

The most common places that the implants exist are as follows :
-Vampire links are implanted mostly in the heart chakra, in the Hara area, and also in the front part of the sexual chakra, but the most dangerous ones are connected to the feet (either through the Chakras or the etheric field).
-Control and dominance links are mostly connected to the base of the spine, at the bottom of the coccyx. This is very common and nearly every human being has it. It cuts off the true Kundalini and replaces it with illusion. It tries to condition one’s perception of reality and to draw out some Life Force from there.
-The back of the head implants invade the brain and its Chakras through a multitude of “filaments”. This one comes from a cultural or religious (or combination of both) group the victim is part of and seems to create a negative variety, a controlling connection between all members and their cultural or religious groups.
Sometimes, when a person is a member of a strong extended family or when tribal energies are strong, this connection comes from the family or the tribe. When this implant is negative, it tries very hard to control the person’s values.

An Archetype can be thought of as a blueprint for everything that we experience and strive for, but don’t completely know or understand. Think of the Archetype for Love or Liberty as the blueprint of everything that Love and Liberty, can be from the lowest destructive state to the highest constructive state. For example, the Archetype for Love carries from the lower end the energy of hate, from the middle part the energy of human Love, and from the higher end the energy of Unconditional Universal Love.
The capacity for a human, or for the collective consciousness, to connect with the higher parts of an Archetype depends on their evolution, their capacity, and their readiness to activate those parts. The Archetype cannot activate its higher parts on its own.
For example, the human Archetype contains the history and the future of all humanity’s possible scenarios and potentials, from the lowest and worst to the highest and the most extraordinary consciousness, with all the know-how to transcend any of these scenarios from one state to the other.

This model is much greater than what we know or experience in our everyday lives. The Archetypes are role models that call us and push us to live and experience all that they represent. They seem to act upon us, in our societies and in ourselves, according to universal laws that govern their periods of visible activity and rest.
Think of the Archetypes as the forces that act upon and within human beings. They are the forces behind the evolution of cultures, civilizations and individuals.
Individuals can call upon the Archetypes for help, to accelerate and amplify their evolution, to learn things quickly and more completely, or to create.

Rank: “0” is the highest in the hierarchy; the higher the rank the more difficult it is to use in practical matters. This comes from the basic rule of magic: one can fully call upon energies two levels higher than one’s true development. If one calls two levels higher, only partial contact can be achieved.

HORUS: Its rank is 1 and its symbol is a white, violet or black falcon. White is used for the planetary force. Violet is used for individuals. He is the creator of cultures and civilizations. It’s the god that governs the world’s works under God the Absolute. He represents also the power of transmuting the physical into Divine and manifesting the Divine into the physical. Used for integrating higher Self to self; to develop psychic and healing talents; to contact gods and to pass from other realms to here.

VENUS/APHRODITE: Its rank is 2 and its symbol is a sexy red haired woman emerging from the ocean. Its basic meanings are creative and spiritual inspiration; passage to other realms including death; feminine magic; arts and crafts; sexuality. Used for magical powers; artistic inspiration; sexual energies and tantrism; reaching from here to the “other side”.

UR: Its rank is 1 and its symbol is a pair of thunderbolts. Its basic meaning is Primordial Yang energy; creation; consciousness; the Master of Chakras and Orgasm; to pass through other realm to here. Used for sex; consciousness; clairvoyance; male magic; internal freedom; anything relating to Chakras and Chi (prana).

GRAIL: Its rank is 2 and its symbol is a Golden Cup. Its basic meaning is the essence of life; the vessel that carries higher energies into here and now; immortality; the essence that never dies. Used to connect to one’s self; to experience the divine here and now; to heal the body through harmony; to find one’s Spirit; personal power.

TREE YNNGDRASIL: Its rank is 2 and its symbol is a tree bearing fruit or a Cosmic Tree. Its basic meaning is the energy connecting together all Planes of existence. Used for vertical integration; for shamanism; for experiencing living in 3 Planes simultaneously; for projecting consciousness in Space/Time.

EAGLE THUNDERBIRD RA: Its rank is 2 and their symbols are a Yang blue Eagle, a Yin Gold Eagle and a Black Eagle. Its basic meanings are personal Power; the vehicle of divine power manifesting here and now; direct power over matters and elements; divine authority manifesting in individual human. Used for the search for manifesting Power here and now in all realms of life; finding courage and daring; power of Healing Hands; becoming a warlock.

PHOENIX BENBEN BIRD: Its rank is 1 and its symbol is a Black bird of Prey flying off from a funeral Pyre. Its basic meanings are Resuscitation; renewal; higher god of eagle family; the axis around which turn the world or the planets; the power of the Gods manifesting through life and in the creation of matter itself. Used for personal renewal or need for regeneration whether for physical or psychological, life in general or health; could be used in any kind of emergencies, even in hospitals or clinics; could be used in case of coma; used for Mystical conscious Death.

THE PRINCE: Its rank is 0 and its basic symbol is a simple princely Crown of gold; sometimes the crown is generating energy flames and fireworks. Its basic meanings are the Planner of Evolution; the individual as a sovereign entity; the very High Priest or Priestess; the guardian of humanity, of Gaia and of the Gods. Used for self-affirmation; for personal autonomy; for protecting one’s essence; for finding a strategy for one’s development and life; for military, business or political strategies and tactics.

HATHOR: Its rank is 1 and its image is a burnt orange Cow with a Black Sun between her Horns or a Horned Woman with same Black Sun. Its basic meanings are: the feminine principle: feminine authority; the “stuff” of Creation; the female emerging from chaos; the Infinity with All the Possible; the female principle of Giving; the gift of the Gods to Humanity; the principle of Self-Creation. Used for self-realization and for actualizing any talent or potential; for all aspects of femininity that aren’t specifically sexual; for executives; administrators and CEOs; for all forms of creativity; generating and giving; educating and gardening.

THOR VOLCAN, HEPHAISTOS, and SHIVA: Its rank is 2 and its symbol is a Hammer & Anvil; likes color green; the red wine of immortality; the liquid in the Grail. Its basic meaning is The Divine Artist; magician and Warlock; creator of the male principle of immortality; the giver of shapes; the creator of all forms of life; incarnating the divine; male god of all artists; the principle of incarnation. Used for calling a child to one’s life; all forms of magic and rituals.

TIGANA: Its rank is 3 and its symbol is Black Panther; Black and blue Trillium; its basic meaning is the Healer and Witch; connected to Life Force itself. An artist and fiercely independent and sexy Goddess. Used for telepathy and intuition; for seeing auras and energies; for becoming witch, sorcerer, healer, warlock; neutralizer of black magic and voodoos; major healing power; herbalists; one of the forces of tantra.

MIN: Its rank is 3 and its symbol is the Red Rose she is the daughter of Aphrodite and Thor, other colors of the Rose indicate minor facets of the Goddess. She is the goddess of love and desire; she is creative inspiration. She should be the Goddess of all psychotherapists, psychologists etc. She could be used for any passage from darkness to light; to create the object of your inspiration or to experience the reality of your desire; it implies to talents to be developed; accessing the unconscious; healing the soul & psyche.

THE COSMIC FLOWER: Its rank is 1 and its symbol is any five-petaled flower, especially white with some yellow. Its basic meaning is Liberty and Consciousness; the Quantum Principle; necessary to all creation and invention; cousin to the Prince and to Hathor; close to the Absolute; divine free will; source of the Angels Liberty; Source of Conscious Life and Individuation. Hard to touch and use directly; use the Angel Liberty whenever possible; artists and healers can use in conjunction with other gods; for Alchemy and Self-realization; for conscious re-incarnation; High Magic and Theurgy.

THE ANGELS LIBERTY rank 3 THE GODDESS LIBERTY rank 4 Its symbol is a human figure robed, white winged, aqua colored for Her, red and purple for Him; the Goddess Liberty: a woman crowned with Light, a Torch. The God Liberty of level 4 is not awakened yet; we only know the Goddess, under the guise of the statue of Liberty. All of these are the founding principle of the Age of Aquarius; they carry Liberty and personal consciousness; but also the use of Chakras chi and prana, and the personal power necessary to the exercise of freedom. Used for freeing oneself or others from negative bonds at all levels from prisons all the way to psychological trauma, to social “prisons” and mental “jails”; to find courage and daring at being who you truly are; for learning all about Chakras, chi and prana.

THE SPACE SHIP: Its rank is 2 and its form is any form of Spaceship; can be green and gold (yin dominates) or blue and indigo (yang dominates). It is the Source of the Griffins: the Power to Travel, Find, Explore, both within any dimensions and across dimensions; the principles behind all vehicles, including the body as a vehicle of the soul and spirit; the Adventurer and Scout. Used as the source of inspiration for all creative tech and engineers; for all knowledge explorers and researchers; for traveling and exploring, even figuratively; the knowledge of the biological Body; for finding out anything.

THE GRIFFINS: Its rank is 3 and its symbol is a fusion of giant Eagle Large and Feline; the female is gold and green the male is blue and red. They are the guardians (of treasures, of anything precious, including children; Finders and Keepers; they are the KEYS to anything, both literally and figuratively, they like to work as a team. Can be used for finding any thing lost; for protecting children and other valuables; for finding the keys to knowledge, healing uncharted waters and territories and understanding the soul.

THE SPHINX (The Man-God): Its rank is 1 and its symbol is a blue or red or gold Sphinx (A Royal human head on Lion’s body). Its basic meaning is the principle behind positive thinking and the concept of thought forms; the mind as a direct creation principle: “I think, therefore it is” The Mind as The source of consciousness; the Divine Principle contained within humanity and human beings; The Maker of the philosopher’s stone. It is used for any knowledge, understanding or consciousness; for raising the self to divine states; the power of calling directly on the Divine while still incarnate; for making things happen without action; for all forms of magic and ritual.

LILITH (The incarnate angel): Its rank is 3 and its symbol is a female angel of indigo skin, gold hair and large black wings. Its basic meaning is the Keeper of the Soul and of the Spirit; the source of selfhood; a female warrior goddess; a (though no compromise) teacher of becoming oneself; a magician of great standing: passion of witches and goddesses of kundalini (hence a tie-in-with sexuality). She is used for awakening the Fire of the base of the spine; for being true to oneself; for anyone wishing to become witch or warlock; for self-realization as a true self; for any sexual therapy.

MARES rank 3 / MARS rank 4. Its symbol is a Sword; a Menhir; a Pillar, red and gold are his color. Its basic meaning is a male Archetype of Sex, War and Magic; the Eternal Warrior for the Light; god of honor, fidelity to the cause; male fertility principle; the god of writers; the healer in the incarnate; a son of the divine Scarab. He is used for manners of warriors and warlocks; for male potency; for any yang magic for protecting land and buildings; for protecting loved ones; for healing all wounds, physic and psychic; for being a healer.

THE GOLDEN SCARAB: Its rank is 2 and its symbol is an indigo scarab with the golden sun on its head and another between its front paws. Its basic meaning is The Divine Doctor, Medicine Man and Healer; the principle of self-resurrection and self-regeneration; the sum total of all knowledge relating to healing and regeneration. He is used for healing, all medicine; for the growing of medical plants; the use of crystals in healing; the use of energy and ritual in healing; for renewing any energy.

In the past, only Masters, Initiated Metaphysicians, Shamans, High Priests, Priestesses or Gurus were given the privilege to experience a (C.D.E) and benefit from its life-transforming effects. Today, this knowledge is not a privilege anymore, it is open for all people who want to experiment these kinds of metaphysical experiences. Also many ordinary people who don’t know much about metaphysics or spirituality are experiencing what are called Near Death Experiences (N.D.E) either through accidental or clinical death or through symbolic death by dying during their dream state and although their experiences are not considered as a conscious spiritual initiation and did not come through a conscious inner journey by choice, they are also realizing the beneficial impact of the experience on their lives.

The second step on this journey is to do the passage to the other side of the veil which is called the “Mystical Death” experience. In part I of this book I explained the importance of the “Mystical Death” experience and the life-transforming affect it had on my life and others. This experience is a safe gentle visualization that you do which includes symbolically passing through the tunnels of “Mystical Death”. This experience has nothing to do with the physical death that all of us go through at the end of our life. It is just a powerful spiritual experience that allows us to do quantum leaps towards our Self-Realization.

"The Light Which Breaks Through The Darkness."

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