Monday, March 17, 2014


Very grateful for the amazing support and protection..the great progress in this special challenge..but still a little confused and separated by the dividing walls..the truth about my role..the importance of these historical events and transformations..we are all heroes..sharing this precious moment of collective awakening..even if the path is rough and painful is worth it..never surrender..up and down..push and pull..until the balance is perfect again..please forgive me my temporary harshness and was part of the game..i love you all..and this will never change..because every single one of you is part of this divine miracle..


There are at the present moment impending over us three revolutions, the least of which would dwarf the ordinary historic upheaval called by that name into absolute insignificance. They are: (1) The material, economic and social revolution which will depend upon and result from the establishment of aerial navigation. (2) The economic and social revolution which will abolish individual ownership and rid the earth at once of two immense evils--riches and poverty. And (3) The psychical revolution.
Either of the first two would (and will) radically change the conditions of, and greatly uplift, humanlife; but the third will do more for humanity than both of the former, were their importance multiplied by hundreds or even thousands. The three operating (as they will) together will literally create a new heaven and a new earth. Old things will be done away and all will become new.

Before aerial navigation national boundaries, tariffs, and perhaps distinctions of language will fade out. Great cities will no longer have reason for being and will melt away. The men who now dwell in cities will inhabit in summer the mountains and the sea shores; building often in airy and beautiful spots, now almost or quite inaccessible, commanding the most extensive and magnificent views. In the winter they will probably dwell in communities of moderate size. As the herding together, as now, in great cities, so the isolation of the worker of the soil will become a thing of the past. Space will be practically annihilated, there will be no crowding together and no enforced solitude. Before Socialism crushing toil, cruel anxiety, insulting and demoralizing riches, poverty and its ills will become subjects for historical novels.

In contact with the flux of cosmic consciousness all religions known and named today will be melted down. The human soul will be revolutionized. Religion will absolutely dominate the race. It will not depend on tradition. It will not be believed and disbelieved. It will not be a part of life, belonging to certain hours, times, occasions. It will not be in sacred books nor in the mouths of priests. It will not dwell in churches and meetings and forms and days. Its life will not be in prayers, hymns nor discourses. It will not depend on special revelations, on the words of gods who came down to teach, nor on any bible or bibles. It will have no mission to save men from their sins or to secure them entrance to heaven. It will not teach a future immortality nor future glories, for immortality and all glory will exist in the here and now. The evidence of immortality will live in every heart as sight in every eye. Doubt of God and of eternal life will be as impossible as is now doubt of existence; the evidence of each will be the same. Religion will govern every minute of every day of all life. Churches, priests, forms, creeds, prayers, all agents, all intermediaries between the individual man and God will be permanently replaced by direct unmistakable intercourse. Sin will no longer exist nor will salvation be desired. Men will not worry about death or a future, about the kingdom of heaven, about what may come with and after the cessation of the life of the present body. Each soul will feel and know itself to be immortal, will feel and know that the entire universe with all its good and with all its beauty is for it and belongs to it forever. The world peopled by men possessing cosmic consciousness will be as far removed from the world of today as this is from the world as it was before the advent of self consciousness.

The universal scheme is woven in one piece and is permeable to consciousness or (and especially) to sub-consciousness throughout and in every direction. The universe is a vast, grandiose, terrible, multiform yet uniform evolution. The section which especially concerns us is that which extends from brute to man, from man to demigod, and constitutes the imposing drama of humanity--its scene the surface of the planet--its time a million years.

As on self consciousness is based the human world as we see it with all its works and ways, so on cosmic consciousness is based the higher religions and the higher philosophies and what comes from them, and on it will be based, when it becomes more general, a new world of which it would be idle to try to speak today.

The philosophy of the birth of cosmic consciousness in the individual is very similar to that of the birth of self consciousness. The mind becomes overcrowded (as it were) with concepts and these are constantly becoming larger, more numerous and more and more complex; some day (the conditions being all favorable) the fusion, or what might be called the chemical union, of several of them and of certain moral elements takes place; the result is an intuition and the establishment of the intuitional mind, or, in other words, cosmic consciousness.

The whole of Buddhism is simply this: There is a mental state so happy, so glorious, that all the rest of life is worthless compared to it, a pearl of great price to buy which a wise man willingly sells all that he has; this state can be achieved. The object of all Buddhist literature is to convey some idea of this state and to guide aspirants into this glorious country, which is literally the Kingdom of God.

This sense of equality, of freedom from regulations and confinements, of inclusiveness, and of the life that "rests everywhere," belongs, of course, more to the Cosmic or universal part of a man than to the individual part. To the latter it is always a stumbling-block and an offense. It is easy to show that men are not equal, that they cannot be free, and to point the absurdity of a life that is indifferent and at rest under all conditions. Nevertheless to the larger consciousness these are basic facts, which underlie the common life of humanity, and feed the very individual that denies them.

If we think of the oncoming of the Cosmic Sense as the rising of a sun in the individual life it becomes clear, carrying out the analogy as we may probably do without fear of material error, that between the comparative darkness of the night of mere self consciousness and the light of the day which is Cosmic Consciousness there must exist an interval of what may fairly be called twilight--a region in which the sun of the Cosmic Sense will give more or less light, although not yet risen and perhaps never to rise in the life of that person. This twilight is often distinctly traceable in lives that later become fully illumined. After momentary illumination, too, in the lesser cases a glow is left lasting for years, as if the sun, after appearing for a few moments above the horizon, remained immediately below it, very slowly descending, like the physical sun in northern latitudes about the time of the summer solstice. In another class of cases the individual spiritual life may be compared to a winter day within the arctic circle. The sun slowly approaches the horizon, its path slanting gradually upward until the fiery ball nearly touches the earth's rim, passes slowly along the southeast, south, southwest, lighting the landscape but never showing its dazzling face--effecting a genuine illumination but without rising--yielding a glow which is in strong contrast to the darkness of night but which is yet infinitely short (in splendor and especially in fructifying power) of that of the direct solar rays.

In the true sense, there is no such thing as disembodied spirit. Spirit must embody itself for manifestation and expression. Jesus, having attained to spiritual self consciousness, deliberately and consciously chose and chooses his embodiment, molding it from day to day, into greater and greater responsiveness to his will--in his case the Cosmic will, the will of the Father. He is able to pass through closed doors and stone walls in this body, because of his power to change its vibrations. That is to say, he passes through stone walls, as ethers or gases pass through substances of lower vibrations or greater density. The component elements of his body, while governed to some extent by normal human anatomical structure and organization, is in what might be called a state of flux.

The simple truth is, that there has lived on the earth, "appearing at intervals," for thousands of years among ordinary men, the first faint beginnings of another race; walking the earth and breathing the air with us, but at the same time walking another earth and breathing another air of which we know little or nothing, but which is, all the same, our spiritual life, as its absence would be our spiritual death. This new race is in act of being born from us, and in the near future it will occupy and possess the earth.

Cosmic mind always speaks the truth. This is the same truth for everyone and everything. So, it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, fat or thin, smart or dumb, cosmic mind will treat all things equally.

Fear not. The mind is no doubt extremely turbulent. Through repeated attempts you can perfectly subdue it.

Happiness has for ever been the prime aim of every human being. All activities of man are directed towards acquiring the maximum happiness in life. But, through the wrong deluded notion that objects will give happiness, man searches for it outside. The result is that in spite of all his lifelong efforts, he gets disappointment only. Vexation and misery alone are to be seen everywhere. The real lasting happiness lies within man. Such happiness or Ananda is the Inner Self, the Antaratman. The very nature of Atman is pure Joy. This is never perceived because the mind is completely externalised. As long as the mind is restlessly wandering about amidst objects, ever fluctuating, excited, agitated and uncontrolled, this true joy cannot be realised and enjoyed. To control the restless mind and perfectly still all thoughts and cravings is the greatest problem of man. If he has subjugated the mind, he is the Emperor of emperors.

When aliens begin to interact with a given individual, he or she may be overwhelmed by the breadth and character of the experience. For abductees, the experience may be traumatic. To be immobilized and used like a guinea pig for unknown genetic purposes can be terrifying, which is why abductors like “gray” aliens try to soothe abductees with ambiguous explanations. During the course of abductions, grays have spoken about a larger universal purpose and impending ecological dangers on earth, even as they remove sperm or egg samples, sometimes a fetus, from an abductee. Some gray aliens evince urgency mixed with subtle pleas for human sympathy, possibly due to fateful ironies in previous gray history and their current role within a large, impersonal off-world hierarchy.

Contacts of the sort can disorient a human. In basic legal terms, they are a violation, a use of humans for an off-world agenda that may not be entirely well-intended. Abductees report that "screen memories" are technologically effected in order to hide the abduction event. Other means are used to gain abductee sympathy. As a result, abductees feel confused but deeply impressed by the technology and communications skills of the abductors. An abductee who remembers an abduction is often made to feel special, as though granted unique insights that may be important to all of humankind. This is important because such persons gain a more cosmic awareness that can be held over their heads, later, in order to stifle criticism and unwanted exposure of the abductors.

The fact that we affect every act of observation also implies that long-term solutions to Earth’s problems are being defeated by the displacement of the economically disadvantaged from public awareness and political involvement, i.e. through the destruction of long-term common resources for short-term elite indulgence. In other words, the schlump who thinks he can simply leech onto the underside of anonymous investments irrespective of their ecological implications can't hide from the ultimate consequences. Negative energy dynamics loop all such doings back in upon the offender, in some cases almost immediately. Those who might think otherwise simply suffer a (consequently) diminished kind of awareness.

Different alien populations have reportedly experimented with hybridization of the human gene structure. Hundreds, if not thousands of humans have reported an aggressive gray (and affiliated alien) program of the sort. For example, instead of a thin, large-headed gray with big almond-shaped eyes, a human-gray hybrid may have bigger muscles and joints. When such hybrids are bred to a second or third generation with normal humans, the “late-stage hybrid” can often pass for a normal human (yet still have gray capabilities).

The aliens intervening on your planet “consider you to be a biological resource, part of a network of resources that exists in this world. In this, they view you much the same way that you view domesticated animals that you use as a resource.... What you do not understand is that each year thousands of people are taken and not returned to the world. These people are not simply conditioned. They are kept. Some of them perish in captivity. Some of them do not survive the process of their capturing.

Now that terrorism, the most ambiguous of enemies, has replaced communism as the prototypical enemy, we see one, most fateful irony. There is no terrorist government to fight, hence such a “war” can never be won. Instead, a perpetual crisis regime is propagated, resulting in medieval-like secrecy and rule by corporations, not the people. As long as such crises drag on, rich nations are afraid to make the compromises necessary to secure a competent, ecological resource strategy. They’re afraid to even begin on long-term corrections because that’s the work of public government, which requires transparency and accountability.

Initiation of a new (or extended) universe cycle would be awe-inspiring and beautiful but would be fraught with contradictions and the need for all advanced “hyperversal” aliens to coordinate according to standard conventions. Peaceful coordination on such a scale doesn’t just happen by itself. It would have to be accomplished. It would require humility, a shared vision of all participating aliens in the universe. All such aliens would have to reduce their numbers in order to continue into an extended universe cycle. Greed and violence would have to be overcome.

To date, there have been specific -X3 statements about universe cycle distinctions to be made regarding the distant future. The -X3’s have asserted that they, and other hyperversals, are the populations who can best make necessary distinctions to prepare for (or simply conserve) an extended universe cycle. They seem to assume that recently evolved aliens may not know how to plan correctly. The -X3’s argue that populations must be reduced and must be able to merge and cohabit in order to extend a universe cycle.

When Verdants and their cohorts dunder in, disastrously overpopulated and aggressive, if not destructive of entire planets, humans need to step back to study the phenomenon carefully and not succumb to the bully temptation to leap in and trade away human sovereignty, nearby planets, and more (especially when this galaxy needs to reduce population because it will merge in the future). Instead, we need to remember that part of the human elite is already corrupted and disposed to waste the lives of billions, to squander the planet’s ecology in exchange for a parrot’s perch on some puny IFSP starship. Their first strategy is to say that “we” can cut a deal with the IFSP, that, in fact, they already have! A tiny human elite will say that certain technologies can be “ours” if we just play along (even though the deal is bought with the blood of innocents and funded through narcotics trafficking by government shadow agencies).

To survive in a decent way, we can’t wait for the worst to happen. Instead, we must act on a global scale, not merely within one nation. Change of the sort can’t be purchased in a store or made solely on the Internet. On the one hand, in order to escape being caught within that hell-like event horizon of destroyers and extreme violators, we need to be more honest and studied, more humble and sensitive. On the other hand, it’s nice to know that if we persevere and help to re-generate a more gently abiding, beautiful universe we can be part of a larger, hyper-intelligent community. The physics of the universe allow for such community, whether we recognize it within our limited physical bodies, or not. Mass destruction is a dead end, a misery that mass offenders pretend not to notice. Meanwhile, a better way is ever regenerated, yet it takes commitment and effort. No one in this universe is immune, in such regard. You won’t be accepted and integrated into higher orders of mind if you don’t behave accordingly. You simply won’t be a match. Alternate cycle hyper-dynamics can be ordered in terms of such distinctions (within certain limitations).

In order to rejuvenate themselves, older hyperversals numbed by their experiences may, at times, withdraw into isolated natural splendor or each other's company and the beauties of the cosmos---turning away from brutal, manipulated conflicts way down at our short-lived, human level. Hyperversals say that if left unresolved, such conflicts can spread, especially in galaxies stressed by merger with other galaxies.

It's as though, by exceeding their ability to sustain themselves, by going out to dominate and control other worlds, by taking too much and killing some relatively innocent planets in the process, they lapse into a lower order of mind—although they don’t discern it as such. That’s the ultimate trap, the ultimate failing within such arrogance. As is true with all severe offenders, the very first step into wrongdoing drops them into a lower order of more singular consciousness, not a “higher” community of mind (which is multiply inter-dimensioned). Instead, they tend to lapse into the sum total of their neighborhood's all-of-time offenders—a singularly inter-related prison, in a sense (which they don’t quite see). There’s an order of being that lumps the most physically offensive pretenders together in isolated corners of the universe. Of course, they all see themselves as power-connected, major manipulators.
It’s as though they seek to rule the devil without being corrupted (although they aren’t religious). It’s simple imperialism, wrought with cruel consequences. In the end, there’s a universal ecology in which the ultimate measure and test of any individual’s life is his or her regard for any other person’s life. If you or your society take another life wrongly, then you’re immediately reduced, although you may not know it (being callous or indifferent). The same is true of an offending empire. It’s a strange irony of the universal equivalency, a mathematically defining aspect of alternate-cycle hyperdynamics. No one, anywhere, is immune. In the Verdant case, however, it’s difficult to impress this on an entire empire of sexuals. They may not see the consequences clearly, but then again, they have cut themselves off. Offenders of the sort remain trapped within a kind of event horizon, both literally and figuratively. They don’t see beyond the gravity well, of sorts, that they dig for themselves.

Power and domain are hypnotic diversions for some Verdants (not all Verdants, of course). They revel in the awe of a galactic scale, singular darkness, a kind of hypersphere where butt ugly arrogations tend to rule--down within the darkness. Male Verdants seek sexual opportunity amid such diversions, and the crueler and more (psychically) unattractive they are, the more spectacular and destructive the mating dance. Some may coldly sacrifice other worlds to both look, and feel important. Their community mind (a relatively primitive, mimic stab at such) literally hovers just above the event horizon of a galaxy center black hole, only barely allowing for greater connectedness. Remember, their physics and technology center on a negative cycle that plunges directly through their galaxy’s central black hole. For some, that’s a power rush. To better minds it seems a prison. When seen from above through a basic kind of universal justice, that is their punishment. That’s where they are kept to prevent them from distorting more evolved orders of mind. Various hyperversals have cautioned me not to say too much about this (due to a larger ecology, of sorts). After all, there’s a bizarrely deep, but precise order in being---much of which has been configured by the sum total of intelligent kind.

The higher, finer and more far-reaching/more comprehensive dimensions of mind are reserved for either older, more educated and humble civilizations or finer, good deed only minds. Most good, non-greedy, non-killer/non-offending humans can skip through and beyond offenders’ realms, although most don't know it. It probably only seems "real" to them when they sleep, when low order precepts are suspended, however fleetingly. However, no person in his or her right mind will jump into the hole with such offenders. It isn’t safe to do so because over time it can corrupt a mind beyond recognition. It isn’t so easy to re-order a brutal mind, no matter how good it once was. They are ever the less; they have to live with that.

The most highly advanced societies both look for, and constrain offenders in ways that aren’t always explicit because offenders tend to ignore finer cautions and guidance. Awkward situations arise in which offenders excluded from higher-order involvement rationalize ill-gotten gains in strictly material terms.
Detached from both their victims and higher order understandings, they don’t anticipate the almost tao-like re-cycling of all being and implications. Some of the ugliest consequences lie within offending mega-populations: stifling of dissent, a rigidly presumed “oneness” of group mindform (policed by psychotronics), plus any threat that such may pose to various neighbors. In other words, apathy and failure to criticize a given regime can become a singular hell-hole of a sort---trapped within a kind of event horizon that may be hard to discern, from within the offenders’ perspective. So, the message for those content to merely feather their own small nest in the United States or elsewhere on this planet is that you can’t possibly live safely, you won’t preserve your freedoms and resources unless you share with all others on this planet. Failure to do so will result in catastrophe: rising violence and sea levels, disease and depletion of resources---all of which lead to dependency on off-world manipulators. You can’t hide behind weak-minded ideas about 3-D anonymity within elite economy and then expect your children to live safely when you’re gone. Your very thoughts and observations affect all that you see, however faintly. The “new” physics now upon us leaps out of the old Cartesian box, hence you must plan for the future of ALL on this planet. If you don’t, no matter how richly you live now, your children will suffer and will condemn your generation for weak-kneed obedience, an epic failure to act when necessary. There are no excuses. There’s no escape from universal precision of the sort. Planets that don’t rise up against elite incompetency either die, or become the lesser servants of cold, sometimes ruthless alien controllers. There is no second chance if we fail. We will never again be entrusted with a biological beauty like Earth.

For the time being, however, we’re highly vulnerable. We’re on the verge of a number of early assimilation crises that stem from our interaction with aliens. Alien-related technologies are now in human hands, and as human history has shown, when advanced technologies fall into the hands of greedy, self-serving regimes, conflict tends to follow. The first and greatest risk is that “New World Order” elitists will try to use such technologies to oppress the disadvantaged then manipulate crises in order to perpetuate a failed regime and make grandiose claims to deep space terra.

In other words, we don’t need to rush to arms in order to ward off IFSP aliens trying to hustle us, at present. Instead, we must be more self-sufficient, better integrated and more humble. We must avert an over-reaction to aliens, despite any harm done to us by alien intervention, to date. It’s easy to harden and toughen people during an emergency, but if we regularly brutalize young people and abuse their sensitivities through fear, it’s difficult to rekindle those same sensitivities. They’re the best part of our lives. They form extra dimensions of intelligence. The most advanced aliens always advise that we refrain from violence and fear mongering. Otherwise, we’re unapproachable and will lose out for a long time to come. In short, the best option is to expose the facts of human-alien interactions, allow for more transparency, and then move on--for the better. Honesty is always the best policy.

Psychotronic technology is reportedly used to monitor, and if necessary, isolate alien criminals. Aliens have hinted at the limits of psychotronic conditioning to reform lawbreakers. Some criminals may be genetically defective, incapable of complete reform. In other cases, reportedly, there are mixed varieties of treatment: genetic procedures, psychotronic conditioning, lucid experience psychotronic conditioning, re-sensitization, and rehabilitative work assignments. However, there must be careful oversight because the same kind of conditioning can be used for mind control and cultivation of agent-offenders (this is reportedly now a problem among human elites, as evidenced in MKULTRA and Monarch crimes against humanity---which provide a non-registered human population that the IFSP could abduct without official detection).

At the moment, we’re burdened by the illusion of perpetual growth (burgeoning population that provides cheap labor for elite enterprise, which furthers elite detachment, leading to depletion of resources, desperation, and vulnerability to a destructive intervention). Instead, we need to reduce population and replace the ruinous habits of (whole-numbered) money greed with the fractional, integrated habits of advanced societies (allotment based on sustainable resources rather than primitive impulses). Otherwise, we aren’t competent as a planet and human culture may be obliterated. In the meantime, we need to educate humans about how to contend with aliens. Should we fail to do so, we risk open intervention by the grays’ alignment, which may try to gain sway via their reported claim to have had a role in the lives of “three human prophets,” their claim to be able to correct our ecology (if given control), the influence of their pre-positioned breeding program operatives, their secret deals with black budget elites, and their offer of otherworldly technology in exchange for a presence here. Judging by outward indications, their strategy hinges on infiltration, competing tensions, and human naivete.

Remember, your mind’s awareness can be in more than one place at a given time—smeared far, far out while it also negotiates an inward, negative cycle. This allows you to do remote sensing. It also allows for the next step in human consciousness: global identity over national identity. This may not sound like much, but it’s a liberation. From the moment when you first define yourself as a citizen of the planet (more than a citizen of a given country), you’re less vulnerable to being misled or cowed into the insular scams of a single nation state. If a leader or cabal intends wrong to the planet, your larger, smeared-out global/universal consciousness (fainter yet finer and tighter) resists; it simply doesn’t recognize them. Instead, your status as a citizen of the globe takes priority. It sorts out right vs. wrong and poses the only comprehensive solution: global agreement. Nations cease to be potential weapons. Instead, they’re simply states within a larger commonality. To take this one, simple step in your mind makes the world a more pleasant, single village. It also spreads your consciousness out into a more advanced kind of mindform, a faint but more tightly fluctuating awareness.

Here are some other manipulative alien tactics that we need to be aware of. First off, if I’m not mistaken, the IFSP has deliberately seeded the Rockefeller/DuPont black budget mafia with the IFSP’s low-end psychotronic technology (mind controlled and also mind-monitoring). This was done so that they can monitor, try to control and thwart humankind in various ways—first, to maintain security and secrecy at all “joint arrangement” sites, and secondly, to protect repressive IFSP basing and other gains here. Ugly as it may sound, IFSP aliens can tip off direct operatives’ goon squads whenever big secrets are leaking, or are about to leak here. Worse yet, the IFSP can be expected to use psychotronics on a global scale (in the way that the NSA taps all phones) to protect their foothold here. The Verdants’ disproportional rake of other peoples’ environments and their desire to dominate has led them to do the same to junior partners in the IFSP.
Seeding corrupt human elements with electrogravity weapons technology and psychotronics parallels the way that Verdants have manipulated planet kills previously. They flush crude technologies in, then wait for them to be misused. Again, it’s an animal behavior that has allowed them to expand, although they may be cut off from neighboring galaxies and a more advanced majority.

The most manipulative aliens lack a sense of boundaries. They ignore basic protocols in order to gain advantage over others and their resources. When intruded upon, a human may think the aliens are more advanced and must certainly know better. However, some live under a psychotronically-policed regime that has abused its denizens for so long that basic distinctions about right vs. wrong may have withered, as have their sensitivities. Some “three ellipticals” and IFSP aliens are notorious in this regard. They intervene in human telepathic interactions to disrupt good, honest critiques. We see intrusive, often infantile assumptions about the one-ness of their regime and its inability to make mistakes.
It can seem Orwellian. They constantly try to avert criticism of their methods. They (and their minions) wrap themselves in a compulsively chatty cocoon of insular diversions and will sit and lie, misrepresent and babble on, often projecting lower-brain, physiological noise in order to dismiss contrary viewpoints. When others in their immediate environment are watching, this can be worse, due to conformist pressures among such aliens. It can degrade into a conspicuous exercise of authority. “Three ellipticals”/IFSP aliens sometimes take this to ridiculous extremes: they try to make humans think that their alignment originated important human thoughts, even when evidence indicates otherwise. They sometimes dribble trivial tidbits of info our way (after the fact) in order to prevent us from feeling responsible for a discovery or a scientific development in human thought.

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