Monday, August 4, 2014



No further comment needed..

Pope Francis:

Alien Agenda:

Secret Underground Bases: 

“There is an ancient legend among the Hindus of India that tells of a civilization of immense beauty beneath central Asia. Several underground cities are said to be located north of the Himalayan mountains, possibly in Afghanistan, or under the Hindu Kush. This subterranean Shangri-la is inhabited by a race of golden people who seldom communicate with the surface world. From time to time, they travel into our land through tunnels that stretch in many directions. Entrances to the tunnels are believed to be hidden in several of the ancient cities of the Orient. Tunnel entrances are said to be in Ellora and the Ajanta caverns in the Chandore Mountain range of India."

These "homes of the gods", are not always found deep within the earth, but are sometimes described as being within a mountain or deep beneath the waters of the earth. Access to their domain, regardless of locality, is often described as located through the mouth of a cave.
The entrance may appear open at one time and then disappear from view completely and instantaneously. The inhabitants of these underground realms did not desire to be visited by unwanted nor unexpected company, yet access was granted to select individuals. 

These bases are connected to each other via a series of channels which connect one base to another. There are even assertions that one of these tunnels leads to an active base beneath the Vatican which has been exerting control over western civilization for centuries.

The Grey and reptoid species are highly analytical and technologically oriented. They have had ancient conflicts with the Nordic humans from other space societies, and may be staging here for a future conflict. Intensely into computing and bio- engineering sciences, they are led to doing reckless experiments without regard for what we consider to be ethical and empathetic conduct toward other living creatures.

Row after row of thousands of humans, human-mixture remains, and embryos of humanoids were kept in cold storage. He says, "I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high-risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told to never speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. That began the Dulce wars."

Thomas also says the aliens don't want the land, the gold, the minerals, or water that we posses, nor even the human or animal life. What they do want is magnetic power that surges on and through the Earth. The aliens harvest this magic power in a way unknown to us. Thomas says the aliens recognize this power as more valuable than any other commodity on our globe.


The Greys want to take over the planet and impose a slave society to ultimately serve their empire, but they need the Illuminati's international economic connections to do so;and the Illuminati wants the same thing but they realize that they need the alien mind-control and abduction technology to accomplish their goals.

It's a love-hate relationship. They collaborate in order to set up a planetary government, however both the humanoids and the reptiloids are constantly plotting for the time when the world government arrives so that once it is established they can move in and take full control and expel the necessary collaboraters--the humans doing away with the Greys or the Greys doing away with the humans.

For instance, while the Illuminati negotiates with the Greys for technology they are at the same time developing such weapons as the SDI to potentially use against them. On the other hand while the Greys are negotiating with the humans  they are implanting micro-chips in those whom they negotiate with to ensure that they remain under ALIEN control once earth succumbs to the New World Order.

And yet both of these, the humans and Greys both being controlled by the Luciferian "poltergeists" who are of a quasi-physical etheric or energy beings who have been seen overseeing and directing the actions of the human and alien collaborators.

The backroom agreed upon plan is that the Nazi/Bavarian/Illuminati have agreed to sell out 75% of earth to the aliens in exchange for control of 25% for themselves and mind control abduction technology.

The only way to save our country is to get it out of the hands of the NWO and Secret Societies and back into the hands of a Government that will Protect the Constitution instead of committing HIGH TREASON against it and us!


Ich werde nun auch alle meine Berichte und Hilferufe (auch den folgenden) in die ganze Welt versenden und alle Alienresearcher über die Invasion in der Schweiz informieren. Die Doku über die Schwägalp stelle ich dann auch ins Internet. Vom Dreckloch. Dort wird ja jetzt höchst wahrscheinlich mit selbst hergestellten Hybridmutanten schon ein neues Hotelgebäude gebaut. Wohl um noch etwas extra Geld für die unterirdischen Alienlabors zu verdienen. Ich komme dann gern mal einen Vortrag halten dort. Unfassbar. Den Engebunker umringt von Holznestern habe ich dann heute auch noch angezündet und die Hängematte gleich mitgenommen. Ein Kondom habe ich in der Nähe auch noch gefunden. Will gar nicht wissen, wen oder was ihr diesmal missbraucht habt. Schwänze abschneiden oder kastrieren, ist da offenbar die einzige Lösung. Da ihr meine eigentlich lächerlichen Forderungen für alles, was ich bisher geleistet habe, bis heute nicht erfüllt habt, ist mein Hauptfokus von nun an eure komplette Zerstörung. Und damit sind in erster Linie nicht nur die Aliens gemeint (die ich übrigens ab sofort auf dieser inoffiziellen/missbrauchenden Gratissklavenbasis nicht mehr für euch ignorante Arschlöcher bekämpfen werde) sondern vorallem unsere Regierung und die reichen Geldsäcke, die dafür verantwortlich sind. Und dazu muss ich nicht mal gross zaubern. Das krieg ich auch ganz ohne Magie hin. Wenn ich nämlich mal richtig anfange euch Dampf zu machen, hörts hier bald mal mit allem auf. Wahrlich ich sage euch. Da kommt keiner mehr ungeschoren davon. Und für die viele Arbeit, die ich geleistet habe, stelle ich euch dann auch noch eine fette Rechnung zu. Ich bin nämlich nicht gratis und ab sofort ein offizieller Teufelsaustreiber mit saftigen Preisen. Vorallem für reiche Schweizerkantone kostets besonders viel und die schulden mir ja schon einiges mittlerweile. Was ich ja sogar beweisen kann. Genau wie alles andere auch. Nicht wahr. Shame on YOU. Dont take life too serious you will never get out of it alive. Access..



In January 2013 started a massive alien invasion in Switzerland. Since then the country is in a state of emergency, war, terror and revolution. It began with a "harmless" story about young people and teenagers from the street in Zurich who seemed to be mind controlled and sold as sexslaves to rich and powerful people from the government. After a while it became clear that there was a bigger story behind as there was no one not even from our law enforcement who could free these innocent people from their jailers. Instead they came after the witnesses, locked them up and tried to deny the reality of these crimes. Meanwhile these group of street kids traveled to the vatican in rome as they seem to be part of a huge masonic pedophile and white slavery ring which the catholic church is involved with more than they would ever admit. As i would not accept the way that case was dealt with by the police ive started to inform the population about what was going on. Thats where the whole thing completley went out of control. Suddenly there appeared thousands of people from nowhere invading the whole city. They must have come from the underground or other places we dont know. They took the whole city hostage with bombs and started to gas the population with a strange poison which lets you forget. As we kept on fighting and surviving in the middle of this chaotic scene where we have been constantly attacked, terrorized and tortured by whole armies of state agents, occult masons and alien lifeforms weve found a certain bunker with strange little creatures living and working in it. It seemed that they created sort of hybrids/clones in there in cooperation with people and army staff living close by. Thats where the story really began to unfold. Not long after weve found a whole underground base in the mountains (Schwägalp/Säntis) where big colonies seem to live and work together with the government. Its not even well hidden as you can see the creatures living in sort of rocks, holes and wood hills. As we found a way to defeat them with kind of shamanic/magic fires and other techniques we could kill a lot of them and drive them away but there are still whole cities and places occupied by our alien-government-army (also disguised as construction workers and other citizens) and a lot of hostages have been taken and are still missing to that day. Also my boyfriend Martin Thurau aka JJ/Sattel who has been sexually abused as part of these vatican streetpunks. They also have my mother who has been held hostage with bombs since years and became insane because of this and my brother which i didnt know i have until this story began. My father died when i was a child i guess they killed him because we all seem to be part of some bigger history or sort of gods from the serpent race. They divide us because love is the ultimate weapon against them and together we would be too powerful. Most of these government "soldiers" responsible for all this arent even human but clones and hybrids who have been created in these underground labs and are used by the government and rich private investors for various "jobs". They also used us to defeat the aliens because they could not do it by themselves but they still isolate us and deny our success and abilities even if we could help a lot of other countries with the same problem. They keep us jailed with bombs also atomic ones
to keep everyone silent so that no one would help us. Which they actually really tried to use twice already always in march around easter and escape underground or with their ships to safe places - thats what 2012 actually was or is about and they will probably try again next year as we dont know where all these bombs are located now and if there are more - weve prevented this from happening and actually saved the world for another round. There are a few groups who seem to engage in this war and united a citizen front against our alien-government who still keeps our country hostage. This is very real and serious and should be taken as an official statement as our government is completley out of control. It is only "all fine" on the surface but in reality it is not at all. They keep all these crimes a secret with extreme cover up measures which is the reason why this is not made public to the world until today but it concerns us all. Ive written a lot of different texts about what is going on here and reported everything that happened in real time on my blog also with fotos and names of involved people ( which serves as my personal testimony. A lot is in german but there many englisch contents aswell. Im also going to make a film about the underground base in the mountain and will release it in the internet. The real wonder is that we are still alive because they tried to kill us since the whole thing started. It must have something to do with our conciousness and things they have put inside our body/brain (next to many other stuff like chips, bombs etc.) which protects us from them. Could also be atomic material as they seem to keep distance from that. However the invasion already started in our country and their insane new world order plans have been fully revealed to us. Its more real than anyone could ever imagine and we are all called to wake up right now and stand up for the future of earth and mankind. Life is one.


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