Monday, August 18, 2014


Diese Gegend wird von korrupten und kriminellen Schwerverbrechern besetzt, die sich als Polizisten, Sanitäter, Staatsschützer, Bauarbeiter und Militärangehörige oder gar "Engel" ausgeben und tarnen. Glauben Sie ihnen KEIN WORT. Sie sind nicht da um uns zu helfen sondern um schwerste Verbrechen zu vertuschen und unschuldige Zeugen zu terrorisieren. Sie sperren Menschen und Kinder ein um sie zu foltern, isolieren, verkaufen und missbrauchen (mich und meinen Freund bereits seit 20 Monaten!), haben eine ganze Stadt vergast, unzählige Menschen ermordet und mit Bomben als Geiseln genommen. In geheimen unterirdischen Labors erschaffen sie genetische Mutanten und Klone in Zusammenarbeit mit ausserirdischen Lebensformen. Sie sind auch für die Holznester in den Wäldern und dem damit verbundenen Astralterror verantwortlich, den übrigens auch wir unter Kontrolle gebracht haben und nicht sie. Als Dank dafür werden wir immer noch verleumdet und unterdrückt. Auch von Privatpersonen, die sich offensichtlich an dieser Menschenquälerei beteiligen. Diese höchst entarteten Subjekte stellen eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Bevölkerung dar und sollten umgehend an ihren schweren Straftaten gehindert, bestraft oder gleich entsorgt werden.
Vielen Dank für Ihre wertvolle Mitarbeit zum Schutz unserer Zukunft!

Neugrüthalde und Gellertstrasse: alle Neubauten
Oberer Teil von Beringen bis zum Waldrand und gesamte Industriezone
Neuhausen: unten ganze Rheinstrasse + Industriequartier und oben bis Galgenbuck - alle Bunker besetzt
Osterfingen und Segelflugplatz

KN WE 888

Centro Sociale e Ricreativo Italiano Neuhausen
Rheinstrasse 82 
8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall

Pontoniere Schaffhausen und Bern

SH-Power und ewz

Militär- und Polizeidepartement der Schweiz auf Anordnung unserer "Regierung"
ASTRA Amt für Strassen- und Tunnelbau + alle anderen Baulöwenzombies inkl. Hoch- und Tiefbauämter

Nazionalbank + andere Zionisteninstitute

Diverse Gärtnerei- und Handwerksbetriebe

Diverse Ärzte und Kliniken, die Zeugen einsperren, verleumden und mit Giften ruhig stellen oder krank machen

Bischof Haas (Kanton Graubünden) und Martin Werlen (Kanton Schwyz) + Freimaurerkatholikenvatikanmafia (Hardcoresatanisten und Templernazis) 

Billy Eduard Meier und Zürcheroberlandufosekte

Familien Monti und Augustin (Schweiz)

Pfiffner und Pfurrer (inkl. alle anderen Bewohner der Hortensienstrasse 5 + Livermores aus GB/UK)

Bettina und Paul Roth (Kanton Argau)

Gabriela und Daniel Weibel (Kanton Zürich)

Ulrich Bollinger und Fabian Pfeiffer (Kanton Schaffhausen)

Weil wir ein Handy, ein Auto und ein Templerkirchenkreuz haben, können wir uns eben alles erlauben. Auch Menschen mit Bomben einsperren, vergiften und ermorden. Unser Satangott vergibt uns alles. Darum lieben wir ihn und beten jeden Tag seine Götzen an. Juhui. Darum verkaufen wir ihm auch für einen 5 Liber, etwas Gratissex oder 5 minutes of "fakefame" unsere "Freunde/Familie" und Seelen. Ist ja normal. Wir atmen ja nicht die gleiche Luft, trinken das gleiche Wasser und kaufen das gleiche Essen wie alle anderen. Wenn es euch das wert ist bitte. Komplizen im grössten Terrorgeiseldramafall der Geschichte. Selber wissen. In diesem Blog zu stehen, ist vergleichbar mit einer Zielscheibe auf dem Kopf. Nicht wahr. Hätte man sich halt vorher überlegen müssen. United we stand, divided we crumble. Herzlichen Glückwunsch ihr seid alle Gewinner eines 1. class ticket to hell. Der Himmel war gestern wieder dicht mit Chemtrails übersäht. Darum viel Spass in der Hölle allerseits. Da wirds dann richtig lustig. Hui ui hihi haha. Und falls hier jemand noch ein Zauberfeuerchen braucht, darf er gerne mit JJ und dem ganz grossen Portemonnaie vorbei kommen und dann mach ich evt. eins aber gratis gibts hier nix mehr.

Die ganze Schweiz und besonders Schaffhausen gehören in sofortige Terrorquarantäne. Alle Konten sperren. Alle Flüge streichen und gesamten Luftraum abriegeln. Oder einfach dem ganzen Land den Saft abdrehen. Lichter aus meine irrwahnsinnigen Damen und Herren.

Ich glaube wir rufen, schreiben und senden hier ab sofort täglich und so viel und oft wie möglich S.O.S.! Gründe und Beweise haben wir ja mehr als genug.



In January 2013 started a massive alien invasion in Switzerland. Since then the country is in a state of emergency, war, terror and revolution. It began with a "harmless" story about young people and teenagers from the street in Zurich who seemed to be mind controlled and sold as sexslaves to rich and powerful people from the government. After a while it became clear that there was a bigger story behind as there was no one not even from our law enforcement who could free these innocent people from their jailers. Instead they came after the witnesses, locked them up and tried to deny the reality of these crimes. Meanwhile these group of street kids traveled to the vatican in rome as they seem to be part of a huge satanic/masonic pedophile, cannibal and white slavery ring which the catholic church is involved with more than they would ever admit. As i would not accept the way that case was dealt with by the police ive started to inform the population about what was going on. Thats where the whole thing completley went out of control. Suddenly there appeared thousands of people from nowhere invading the whole city. They must have come from the underground or other places we dont know. They took the whole city hostage with bombs and started to gas the population with a strange poison which lets you forget (we think it was BZ). As we kept on fighting and surviving in the middle of this chaotic scene where we have been constantly attacked, terrorized and tortured by whole armies of state agents, occult masons and alien lifeforms weve found a certain bunker (in Glanzenberg) with strange little creatures living and working in it. It seemed that they created sort of hybrids/clones/androids/mindslaves in there in cooperation with people and army staff living close by. Thats where the story really began to unfold. Not long after weve found a whole underground base in the mountains (Schwägalp/Säntis) where big colonies seem to live and work together with the government. Its not even well hidden as you can see the creatures living in sort of rocks, holes and wood hills. Meanwhile they have spread everywhere around the places we live. As we found a way to defeat them with kind of shamanic/magic fires and other techniques we could kill a lot of them and drive them away but there are still whole cities and places occupied by this alien-government-army (also disguised as construction workers and other citizens) and a lot of hostages have been taken and are still missing to that day. Also my boyfriend Martin Thurau aka JJ/Sattel who has been sexually abused as part of these vatican streetpunks. They also have my mother who has been held hostage with bombs since years and became insane because of this and my brother which i didnt know i have until this story began. My father died when i was a child i guess they killed him because we all seem to be part of some bigger history or sort of gods from the serpent race. They divide us because love is the ultimate weapon against them and together we would be too powerful. Most of these government "soldiers" responsible for all this arent even human but clones and hybrids who have been created in these underground labs and are used by the government and rich private investors for various "jobs". They also used us to defeat the aliens because they could not do it themselves but they still isolate us and deny our success and abilities even if we could help a lot of other countries with the same problem. They keep us jailed with bombs also atomic ones to keep everyone silent so that no one would help us. Which they actually really tried to use twice already always in march around easter (last year also on the 6th of december - cheers from satansanta) and escape underground or with their ships to safe places - thats what 2012 actually was or is about and they will probably try again next year as we dont know where all these bombs are located now and if there are more - weve prevented this from happening and actually saved the world for another round. There are a few groups who seem to engage in this war and united a citizen front against our alien-government who still keeps our country hostage. This is very real and serious and should be taken as an official statement as our government is completley out of control. It is only "all fine" on the surface but in reality it is not at all. They keep all these crimes a secret with extreme cover up measures which is the reason why this is not made public to the world until today but it concerns us all. Ive written a lot of different texts about what is going on here and reported everything that happened in real time on my blog also with fotos and names of involved people ( which serves as my personal testimony. A lot is written in german but there are many english contents aswell. Im also going to make a film about the underground base in the mountain and will release it in the internet. The real wonder is that we are still alive because they tried to kill us since the whole thing started. It must have something to do with our conciousness and something they have put inside our body/brain (next to many other stuff like chips, bombs etc.) which protects us from them. Could also be atomic material as the aliens seem to keep distance from that. However the invasion, holocaust and new world order already started in our country and their insane plans have been fully revealed to us. Its more real than anyone could ever imagine and we are all called to wake up right now and stand up for the future of earth and mankind.

Genetic engineering, manipulation and experimentation is highly illegal. No matter if done by humans on other humans/aliens or by aliens (reptiles/insectoids/greys) on humans/animals/hybrids/clones/other metaphysical entities etc. This includes the forced abductions, "medical/scientific" examinations and the caging/enslaving/killing of innocent and involuntary captives/clones/hybrids for whatever strange "reasons" (like food for aliens/mutants or as workers for construction companies for example). It is also a heavy crime to poison and mind control the population to the extent it has been done in the past and especially in the present case here in Switzerland. Not to mention the horrific plans about the supposed atomic holocaust to decimate the population "en masse". Which explains the extreme secrecy and cover up measures (murder, bombs and terror) involving these underground facilities and "factory farms" (appearing worldwide) for dark human-alien military-industry-enterprises lead by some sort of "shadow government" and rich "elite" who wants to enslave humanity under a fascist police-state-dictatorship. It must be expected that these so called "black operations" are in possession of very advanced and hidden technologies/materials engineered and produced by or with alien lifeforms (various paranormal activities have been observed - balls/ships of light, invisible and flying entities using sticks and living in rocks or sort of wood hills, occult phenomenas, chemtrails, weather modifications, black helicopters etc.) which they seem to use very frequently against the population and purposely suppress from the public to keep humanity in the chains of the capitalistic slave-system which only a few insane people profit from and finance exactly such unethical and highly illegal projects with. This is what i have experienced and witnessed first hand. So far i can completely confirm all the stories told by other people about this kind of activity going on under the surface. I am targeted and abused by my own alien-government because of my powerful actions and investigations about the subject also concerning the secret satanic/catholic pedophile and white slavery rings which seem to be closely linked to the underground base scene (mainly for mind control reasons - use their on slaves for the sexual abuse by staff members which consist of military, police, secret service, national security and other state/hybrid/alien personnel involved in the cover up conspiracy). My whole life is affected by it and became almost a living hell. Torture, stalking and isolation became my daily life. There is not much left after their destruction campaign but i know my work will last even if i wont. They wont either and their "work" will crumble into pieces. My body is weakening but my spirit is fine. It was worth it after all and i will keep going on as long and far as i can. Especially now that they have almost ruined themselves with their own over-reactions causing this huge invasion and hostage-case out in the open which showed a lot of people and even a few "gods" the true reality behind the matrix-illusion and united them in the fight against the evil dreamland-alien-society and its masonic illuminati-puppet-masters. The worst nazis ever.


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